Organization of leaning production Lean technology management. Lean production: purpose of introduction in production, principles, tools

Development 04.06.2020

Gennady Kuzin Deputy General Director
Andrey Kulikov Head of the Technology Center for Management and Leisure Production
Consulting Laboratory "Open Innovations"

LEAN-systems (which usually include the purity philosophy, its toolkit (lean technology) and trained personnel), after deafening success in the automotive industry already used in all other industries (including energy, transport, metallurgy, Oil and gas, etc.), in trade, services, housing and communal services. Moreover, the LEAN systems are now used in non-commercial areas - for example, in health care, public administration And even in the armed forces. This is not surprising, because The approach is based on common sense and a simple visual toolkit, which helps develop productive solutions even for the most launched cases. However, Lean technologies received such widespread in the West, we still have this in the infancy. As a rule, we have either tiny islets of still Soviet developments (in the USSR, they still followed new products in improving the organization of production, they tried to adopt foreign novelties and make their own developments), or localized divisions of Western companies.

Instead of Lean Systems - Separate Lean Technologies

With full-scale use of lean production approaches, a full-fledged LEAN system is created, which permeates all levels and management subsystems. As part of this system, employees of the enterprise perform working transactions with optimal methods (replication of the best practices). Linear leaders follow the loss of production daily and take operational actions to prevent them, eliminate, or decrease. Optimizers are helpful in this - employees of special services that have in-depth knowledge of approaches and tools of leaning production. Management plans and leads its activities in terms of the effects of production, which is tracked daily, and sometimes even - and hourly. Of course, all this is supported by the general LEAN-culture (which, by the way, can master and in our country are examples - there are examples), when, for example, to advance the career ladder, it is necessary to develop and implement improvements for the process in which you work.

However, there is one complexity with LEAN-systems. They are built over the years, and often their implementation costs a round sum (which later pays off, but not immediately, gradually). And what to do if there is no time and money on such a big deal, but I want to significantly improve operational efficiency?

Fortunately, in most cases to identify and implement internal reserves No need to introduce a full-scale lean system, you can use the very idea of \u200b\u200bleaning production and some simple lean technologies to get substantial results now.

Of course, the possible effect in this case will be slightly less than from the whole lean system, but also an increase in productivity of 1.5-2 times is also a very welcome result. Together with optimization of other costs it can give a significant increase in profit.

Lean Technology Approach

The general approach in the case of local application of LEAN-technologies is a cycle of 5 steps (Fig. 1). The process of optimizing the activities of the organization begins with the study of issues. Those. We first have to identify the problems that are in the process under study and which we will solve with the help of LEAN-technologies. After all, a correctly formulated task is half a solvable task. Moreover, sometimes the situation develops in such a way when as a result of the study it turns out that the initial task (or the named problem) is not, but lies completely in another area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

Fig. one. General approach to production optimization

Therefore, in the first step, we collect facts (statistics from accounting and control systems, installed standards, instrument readings, photos and videos, etc.) and information about the problem (the presence and origins / causes of incidents, the opinions of the participants in the process, previous experience, Views on the problem, etc.). Following the results of a list of problems and an array of information on them.

In the second step, an array of information is analyzed to deliver to root causes: "Why does such a problem arise?". This is very an important stepSince it is necessary to obtain a sustainable result by saying the disease, first of all the disease, and not its symptoms.

After the root reasons are defined, it is possible from studying the problems to move to the development of solutions for optimization. It begins with the third step, which is looking for possible solutions. As practice shows, an optimal weighted solution can be found always, and using certain technologies (for example, "optimization funnel", 5C, etc.) - there may be several of them.

At the fourth step, the proposed decisions are assessed from the point of view of their effectiveness to choose the most preferred, and then develop and implement an action plan for their implementation. By the way, when developing a plan of events, it is rather impossible to forget that the studied and optimized process cannot be in vacuo, i.e. Changes in one process, as a rule, entail changes in adjacent processes.

Many domestic enterprises forget about step 5, and it is very important when optimizing processes, because As part of this step, the result of implementation is enshrined. Using the standardization of activities, monitoring parameters and other technologies for fixing the solution, the situation is not allowed to roll back to the initial state. Following the fifth step should be a steadily functioning solution. After the process is improved, its contents and parameters change, you can move again to step 1. In this cycle, the iterative nature of optimization is enclosed: there is no limit to improvement!

This approach reminds scientific method. At least, it has its advantages in terms of objectivity, measurability, prozibility, etc. But at the same time it is simple enough, because In fact, it is only a streamlining of your own reflection and search for ideas that every sensible person can do. There is nothing complicated in this, we will cope in projects without Binom Newton, and even without square equations. However, it requires discipline in the use of tools, refusal to tempt the temptation to self-degenerate when a collision with real facts of the work of the organization and readiness of thinking to innovation.

"Business diagnostics" or "team for optimization"?

Using LEAN-technologies can be conditionally divided into 2 approaches:

  • Business diagnostics
  • Team for optimization

Behind the commands of our specialists there are projects implemented as own forces Consultants ("Business Diagnostics") and by the Customer Employees under the mentoring consultants ("Team for Optimization"). Each of these approaches has its advantages.

For example, business diagnostics allows you to look at the organization by an independent (expert) look. Due to the experience, the results of measurements in consultants are more accurate, and the project itself is being implemented faster.

During the project "Business Diagnostics", client staff may be involved to collect information or clarify individual nuances of problems solving. In special cases, external experts on specific issues may also be invited.

According to the results of the project, the Customer receives solutions to problems (declared by the Customer or identified during diagnostics) - for example, a set of measures to improve operating efficiency or labor productivity. In addition, if necessary, materials are being developed for replication found or developed best practices.

On the other hand, do someone know the organization's processes from the inside better than people who work there? Therefore, in the projects of the "Team to Optimization" projects, the rate is made on employees of the organization. They better understand their enterprise, so you just need to help them see the reserves. At the same time, the timing of the project is limited, so it is advisable to train their simplest optimization tools that can be mastered in the week of study.

During the project, the Client staff undergo theoretical training on the basics of leaning production, after which together with consultants study the problems of the organization and develop solutions for optimization. As optimizers are developed, protect their initiatives before managing the enterprise.

Upon completion of the project "Team to Optimization", an enterprise, in addition to solving its problems, also receives a group of specialists who can conduct similar projects already independently, without consultants.

It works if you do it right

However, the question arises - if everything is so simple, then what prevents the introduction of LEAN technologies in enterprises everywhere?

Each of the steps have tools that are appropriate for it to use (although in some cases they can be applied on other steps). There are many such tools, and the solution that it is better to use for the study depends on the specifics of the task and the level of optimizer preparation.

For example, at the fact and information collection phase, we recommend that beginner optimizers use the tools reflected in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Tools for collecting facts and information

However, all tools on any of the steps must be used correctly. Using the tools "Just in case" or "Sleeves," is not only the "dilution" of the resource of optimizers, but also errors in making decisions that can cost the organization too expensive.

In his training, the team for optimization we focus on practice, while explaining the nuances of one or another tool. For example, when conducting an interview for optimization purposes, we advise you to do the following:

  1. Decide for the purpose of interviewing and prepare.
    • The person you are going to interview will be about an hour to answer you, because it is usually at work. Next time, he may not be released at all soon. To spend this time effectively, first of all determine for yourself what you want to find out. "Learn about problems" is not a goal. About the problems of anyone or what? For this day or for this month? And if he says there is no problem, then what's next?
    • Based on the purpose of the interview, make a list of questions (questionnaire, interviews-guide). In one hour it turns out to ask no more than 10-15 questions. This list will help you control the interview stroke. But it is not necessary to hold it hard, if during the interview process you "accumulated" something similar - you can deviate to set several additional questions.
    • Consider the date and time interview with the interviewee to be convenient. Duration to make an interview for more than an hour is not recommended, because After an hour of conversation, the man gets tired, trying to answer briefly and clenched, sometimes begins to be angry.
  2. In the interview, first tell about the interview
    • All people are to some extent scares the unknown. Most likely, for your interlocutor, it will be the first interview with the optimizer, so first explain to the interviewee that you are going to do with it: tell us about the goal of the conversation that you will ask and what you are interested in first.
    • Try not to use the "dangerous" words. Unfortunately, the word "optimization" in Russia has gained negative connotation and often directly associated with mass dismissions, although this is not always the case. Use "frantic" wording: improving labor productivity, cost reduction, processes improvement, etc.
  3. Interview together (at least first time)
    • The risk of information loss is significantly reduced, especially if the interviewee likes to speak a lot and quickly.
    • The risk of emotional revenues of the interlocutor is also reduced, because There is such a thing as interpersonal incompatibility (simply because all people are different). When you go to talk together, the probability of incompatibility of the interviewed with both optimizers is sharply reduced.
    • Each of us has psychological filters of perception. Someone loves football, and someone Dubstep. What is interesting for us is we listen carefully and remember, and sometimes you sometimes miss your ears. So that the missed was less - on an interview, they are together.
  4. Purify interviews, and do not let it
    • Sometimes the interviewees love to spread "the thought of the tree" and go to the debresses that are not related to the case. Soft, tactfully, but steadily return the interlocutor to the subject of interview.
    • Sometimes, on the contrary, they answer extremely scoop and reluctantly. Do not be afraid to repeat the same question, but in other words (use CLCKKSP - cm.
    • If you heard the name of any documentation, before that unfamiliar, ask to see its sample or write down its details to find it later.
  5. Record
    • Record always. The percentage of people with phenomenal memory is very small, you are unlikely to enter their number. Therefore, the feeling that you can remember everything is most likely self-deception.
    • If there is an opportunity and interviewable does not mind, then use the voice recorder. But be sure to warn it about this (for ethics considerations).
    • After conversation, make a report on an interview in which to systematize the information received. If they were interviewed together - check with each other.
  6. Save the contact (upon completion of the interview)
    • Thank the interviewee
    • Take his contact details (especially valuable number mobile phone)
    • Ask permission to handle certain issues further
    • If there are unsynted questions or new things that have arisen, agree on another interview.

It would seem that the advice is simple and seemingly "obvious." But if you neglect at least one of them, the interview efficiency can suffer greatly. The optimizer has too little time on the study to allow itself such liberties.

Description of problems

As a result of the implementation of the first stage of optimization, facts and information about the problem will be collected. This is very important, because Developing specific solutions is possible only after detailed analysis source data. From this point of view, the concept of "problem" and its correct interpretation is important.

In everyday understanding, the problem is also called anything, and a variety of unpleasant situations, and the consequences of such situations, and general discomfort. Consequently, it is necessary to determine the problem so that there is a unambiguous understanding between optimizers (and optimized), which is meant (which is still improving).

In the framework of projects to optimize production and administrative and management processes, we believe that the problem is a quantitative estimate of the delta between the required (target, normal, normalized) and the current state of the process.

For example, we call the problem:

  • Oil production of 90 tons / day instead of planned 100 tons / day.
  • The cost of manufacturing chemical products 15 rubles / kg instead of the scheduled 12.
  • Consideration of documentation for the procurement of logistical resources on average in 10 days, although according to the standard there is no more than 5.

Why is it preferable to record problems in this form? The fact is that this approach It has several advantages that allow you to more efficiently carry out work on optimization. Among them:

Accuracy The measurable indicator allows you to accurately determine the problem area without the use of "exemplary" estimates ("bad", "good", "not enough", etc.)

Objectivity Specific measurements do not depend on the opinions of individual people, and are actually objective.

Fixation of the initial state In optimization projects, it is important to reflect the starting point of the transformations in order to further consider it to form changes and choose the best of them.

Processability of efficiency of descriptiveness The solution should be aimed at eliminating the identified problem. In this regard, the assessment of each decision is carried out on how much it eliminates the gap between the required state and the initial one. This will be proof of the correctness of the choice.

Assessment of optimization progress In the course of the implementation of the selected solution, it is possible to track its success as the problem indicator changes. As soon as it enters the desired (target, regulatory) condition - there is reason to believe that the problem is solved.

In the light of the above, each specific solution must have the most appropriate configuration under the problem area. Figuratively speaking, such a key should be chosen so that it suited to the identified problem as possible (Fig. 1). Often it is not so easy to do, which is why it is recommended to use special tools for analyzing issues.

For example, such a solution as outsourcing is at first glance a very attractive solution, but it should be remembered that it can hire underwater stones. To make sure of its effectiveness, a number of preliminary studies should be made.

Tools analysis problems

In a step of analysis of problems, a scrupulous approach plays an important role, since it is necessary to obtain a sustainable result by expressing a medical language, it is primarily a disease, and not its symptoms.

Fig. 3. Tools for analyzing issues

Among such tools:

Tree reasons - Structured graphic statement of logical relationships from the identified problem to the reasons for its occurrence. As a result, a diagram is obtained in the form of a tree. This tool helps to get to the root causes of emerging problems.

Business Process DescriptionSimplistly speaking, - a statement of the sequence of operations performed by employees, to transform input resources (raw materials, materials, components) to the expected result using the equipment in accordance with the installed technology. Depending on the specifics, the problem for building a business process can be used, for example, ARIS, IDEF0, the notation of the hylbret. The business process helps to find inconsistencies in the distribution of powers of employees, duplication, or, on the contrary, prompt responsibility for individual operations.

Scheme of production flow - Simplified description of the movement of semi-finished products in the production site and the operations performed above them. At the same time, all operations are divided into those that bring the value to the client and loss. As a result, it is possible to analyze what is the effectiveness of the flow where the main losses are and what measures can help in getting rid of them.

Theory of limited system It comes from the fact that in each work activity presented in the form of a stream, there is a bottleneck - a workplace with the lowest possible productivity. Moreover, the performance of the entire stream is determined by the performance of a bottleneck. Therefore, if a task is to increase production, then optimization should be started with the "branch" of such a workplace. The theory of system restrictions was at one time developed by E. Gradratt and recently increasingly enters the basic set of optimizer tools.

matrix risks - This is a reflection of possible risks on the coordinate plane with the axes of the "risk probability" and "risk criticality" (that is, how difficult the consequences of risk). In the absence of reliable data, the assessment of these quantities can be performed by experts. It is logical that first of all it is necessary to play risks with the greatest probability and criticality.

Compatibility matrix Allows you to analyze the qualifications of personnel. Horizontally reflected the stages of the production process (operation), vertically - employees. At the intersection is one of the signs:

  • "Knows, because participates in operation "
  • "Knows, although not participates in the operation"
  • "Does not know, but you can easily teach"
  • "Does not know, and hard to teach"

Compatibility matrix allows you to identify "overlapping" qualifications between jobs and evaluate the possibility and effectiveness of combining professions, combining jobs or specializations of workers on specific operations.

Prioritization of solving problems

There is one aspect regarding the process of improvement. The fact is that the resources of agents of changes are not limitless, so it is important to distribute priorities to solve problems and eliminate their causes. Those. Optimizers must optimize their efforts by receiving the maximum effect.

How to do it? To do this, you can use such a tool as a Pareto diagram (Fig. 4), containing two axes: the effect of eliminating the cause and ease of its elimination. Each reason for the problem can be put in the form of a point on this coordinate plane.

Fig. four. An example of assessing the priority of elimination of causes (marked) with a Pareto chart

Thus, we will get some "constellation" reasons. What of these ones should be taken first? Obviously, for those that are in the upper right quadrant, because Their elimination will bring the maximum effect at a minimum of their spent effort.

Sometimes there is a question of how you can compare the parameters of heterogeneous causes. For this you can apply two approaches:

  • Expert review
  • Translation into unified indicators (rub., Person * hour)

By eliminating a part of the reasons after the implementation of decisions, you can once again analyze the problem on Pareto and start eliminating the remaining.

Personnel costs - Key

Employees of the Consulting Laboratory "Open Innovations", based on their experience with leading domestic enterprises (Oil and gas, rail, chemical, energy, engineering, and other industries), determined the typical structure of the main elements of costs, characteristic of the average domestic industrial enterprise, as well as the potential to reduce data costs and the possibility of its implementation (Fig. 5). The most priorities in terms of effect and the possibility of implementation were the costs related to personnel (both manufacturing and administrative and administrative).

Fig. five. Typical distribution of the cost of domestic industrial enterprise

It is important that the reduction of personnel, in addition to lowering the costs of the Foundation for the remuneration and deductions for social needs, also makes it possible to reduce:

  • purchase, maintenance and repair of equipment;
  • expenses for workwear, labor protection, etc.;
  • expenditures on DMS and meals (in the case of);
  • premises maintenance costs (power supply, heating, water supply, etc.);
  • management and administrative expenses (office, fare etc.).

Also an important effect of reducing personnel is to increase the transparency of enterprise management. In addition, it is possible to get rid of the "ballast" and leave only the best employees (With proper optimization). In the light of this personnel costs become the key to solving the problem of increasing the profitability of domestic enterprises.

Lean technology is the methods used in the framework of the concept of leaning production and leaning. They are a toolkit, the use of which can be at times to increase the economic efficiency of production:

  • easy cut 5-20 times,
  • quantities of marriage decreases 5-50 times,
  • the time of the production cycle is reduced by 10-100 times and so on.

Some of these methods (for example, 5S) can be applied locally in various industries: from production and construction to the service sector and state or municipal Department. Some of the LEAN-technologies - for example, Kaizen, - generally claim the status of an independent concept. However, it is more correct to consider LEAN (Rus. Lin) as a solid system, the technological elements of which are interrelated between themselves and often depend on each other. When in the second half of the 20th century, the LEAN Production concept was created at the Toyota factories (and in the consequence was complemented by American theorists and practices), the introduction of one method required the development and implementation of the next method, without which the final performance of the previous one would be impossible.

Two Pillars of the Lean Production System

The main task is to minimize the losses and costs that arise during the preparation and conduct of production operations. But this task arises as a consequence of achieving the main goal - creating in its product or service value for the consumer.

To create this value, all processes and oriented, it is (value for consumer) - the starting point of the system:

  • first, the demand and needs of buyers are estimated,
  • then the factors that need to be considered to meet the needs are determined.
  • then it is performed exactly as much as you need to implement the task - the previous stage of the process fills as many elements as "stretched" the subsequent,
  • during the production process, losses are eliminated, and the activities of all links of the chain are optimized.

Such a scheme gives rise to the need to use two basic systems that are Taititi - one of the main authors and ideologues of the concept of lean production - called the base production system Toyota. We are talking about "pulling out" and the "exactly in time" tool.


The method in which the seizure of the subsequent stages of the production process will determine the amount and pace of production at previous stages. There is a reverse order of management, similar to the order that applies, for example, on the shelves of the supermarket. There a new product is substituted only when standing goods Was seized by the buyer. Moreover, the same product is substituted as it was taken when buying. As a result, the shelves are always filled, but not overloaded.

Something similar happening in production, and, as in the example with a supermarket, the countdown is made from consumer demand. First, the needs of the buyer is estimated, and then a stream is planned, which will ensure these needs without excess. If the next steps are pulled in a stream one unit, the previous stage produces only one unit and only at the moment when it moved to the next stage.

An ideal case here is to adjust the flow "into one product" (eng. Single Piece Flow). While the consumer on the line will extend the product, the supplier does not produce a new one. This means that it is not necessary to spend the materials, energy resources, maintain warehouses with "extra" products, solve problems with logistics, etc .. that is, losses and costs are reduced.

"Exactly in time" (JIT)

In the English literature, this material management practice is usually denoted by the Jit abbreviation - Just-In-Time. With this technology, the components of the production process from the previous stage or from the external supplier plants appear in the workplace not earlier and no later than they need.

It is clear that the backlog in providing materials and items is fraught with downtime, but also the "advance" process is also less profitable, compared with the timely delivery. The introduction of Jit practice leads to a sharp decrease in the volume of unfinished production, reducing stocks in warehouses of material and finished products. And this, in turn, reduces the cost of servicing warehouse premises and eliminates intermediate movements to the warehouse and back to the workshop.

The practice of "exactly in time" suggests the supplier's ability to provide conditions for uninterrupted and timely supply of high-quality components. And this suggests that the approach to cooperation with such suppliers requires specific selection criteria. Therefore, in the introduction of this practice, the number of external suppliers decreases more than twice, and with those who managed to pass the selection, strong economic relations are established.


Canban - a system that answers the question how to ensure a continuous material stream without doing production reserves. In fact, this is a practical algorithm for the implementation of the idea "exactly in time". To implement such a system, information cards are used - in the Japanese Kanban, - are an outfit order by a number of this or that product. Cards report where the item came from and where it should be delivered.

Thanks to this accompaniment, all units receive material resources only in the volume that is needed to fulfill the order and to the period specified in Canbane. In the reverse order of management of the order from the end user, first served on the final stage, and there is a calculation of the necessary amount of work in progress, which comes with the penultimate stage. And so on the chain from the end to the beginning. And the card (Kanban) here becomes a means of data transfer:

  • The first type of cards contains information about the number of parts or semi-finished products, which subsequent stage requests from the previous one (Kanban production order).
  • The second type of cards is the Kanban selection - shows the actual movement of material resources (quantity and timeline).

The movement of cards is not limited to one enterprise or its branches. When introducing unified system Outside the same company, Canbana is efficiently used at external deliveries. When this system is introduced, the number of daily supply of resources is an order of magnitude. For comparison: Work on the MAP system involves the full resumption of resources about 20 times a year, and the work on the Canban system is 200 times or more.


The word "Caisden" consists of two hieroglyphs meaning "good" and "changes". Movement for the better and constant good changes form a whole philosophical doctrine, which is based on the tools to encourage employees and the system of implementing their creative potential.

The system consists of five basic components:

  1. Interaction.
  2. Self-discipline.
  3. Moral state (mental balance).
  4. Quality circles.
  5. Rationalizing proposals for improving processes.

Willingness to change thinking is demonstrated not all production crops. For the adoption of the concept of Kaizsen, an employee must feel an integral part of a large team. His word must be heard, and the opinion is valuable. Under these conditions, old strategies based on the "framework of personnel" and the easy replacement of personnel are revised. American researchers for seven classical types of losses (among which were defects, excess processing, transportation and movement, expectation and overproduction with excess reserves) added eighth: ignoring the potential of employees. In the doctrine of Kaizen, this type of loss is excluded primarily that the elimination of the remaining costs leading to the exclusion.

Workplace: 5S and U-shaped cells

There are no trifles in the concept of leaning production, and even the simplest principles of the organization of the workplace are required for all employees, regardless of the position.


With the letter "S" begins the names of the five principles of determining the state of the workplace, as well as - discipline and responsibility in front of the whole labor team. Each of the following principle is based on the observance of the previous ones, and the entire chain consists of such elements:

  1. Sorting. The task of the employee, deal with the "trash", which interferes with the purity and transparency of the production process. Each employee must determine among all things in the workplace, which is really needed in everyday work, and what can be removed. Optional things are marked and moved to the sump.
  2. Compliance with order. Under the "order" here is understood here the location of instruments or materials that will allow the employee to be easily finding the necessary, get it and put it in place. It follows from this that it is incorrectly, for example, put a tool for a prominent place, but so that it will be necessary for it to extract it every time there will be a staircase. But the location at which the tool will be "at hand", but will be pulled into the far, invisible, angle, is also considered wrong. If the transference takes the place of work, he simply will not be able to quickly find "hidden". Therefore, often the introduction of the second principle involves the creation of additional racks and cells.
  3. Clean content. Simple workplace cleaning, besides the fact that it should be regular and is made according to graphics, often requires additional planning and improvement of equipment. If, for example, in advance according to plan, do not acquire the detergent and not provide them with employees, the simply there will be no place to take the "chemistry" and a rag. And if a special cabinet will not be built for storing these accessories, the place will be lit by, which contradicts the first two principles.
  4. Standardization is reduced to the compliance with previous principles and fixes their order at the level of mandatory rules. First, the written rules do not allow refusing duties (for example, by shifting responsibility for cleanliness on cleaners), and, secondly, it facilitates the rotation of the personnel - every employee of the enterprise as part of the 5S system makes the same thing, so it is easy Comply with general understandable rules.
  5. Improvement. Over time, refusal may occur even from good habits, and any transformations are rarely comprehensive. Therefore, the task of each employee of the enterprise is disciplined to improve in compliance with the established principles, without stopping at what has been achieved.

The 5S system is considered the most obvious, but this does not guarantee the ease of implementation. Inertia of thinking in some industrial cultures interferes with the adaptation of the system, starting from the first step: the employee seems that everything is lying on the table, he needs and cannot be refused to refuse.

The letter "U" in the title of the method is an ergonomic and rational form of location equipment. The worker, being inside the "horseshoe", performs operations consistently, moving from the end of one "leg" U by the end of another.

Moreover, at the last stage of processing, the operator is closest to the first stage, so the transition time to the beginning of the new cycle is reduced.

On the "Input" to the U-shaped cycle, the part is loaded for processing, then, for example, a sharpening, rolling, heat treatment, cleaning and stripping on the "output" should be loaded. After that, the cycle starts again.


The SMED abbreviation is decrypted as "Single Minute Exchange of Die" - "change of stamp per minute", and technology is known as a way of fast reference of equipment "in one touch". The introduction of technology makes it possible to reduce the time of the reference cycle in tens of times.

To fix stamps and their removal in common volume Operations take out about 5% of the time, to centering the tool and its placement - another 15%, trial processing and adjustment occupy about 50% of the time. If we consider all these processes as a set of external operations (where the preparation of stamps and fixtures is 30% of the time) and a set of internal operations that occupy 70% of the time, then the task is reduced to the maximum transformation of internal actions into external.

This is achieved by using additional technical devices: the use of automatic clamps, functional fasteners, simplifying the replacement, etc. But despite some expenses, the econcamic effect is noticeably superior to the attachment.


Total Productive Maintenance, or TPM system, is defined as the technology of universal equipment. It is implemented by prophylactic maintenance of equipment and the advance elimination of defects that can lead to a serious breakage.

Most often, control is carried out by the operator itself, but in cooperation with the service personnel and repairmen. Often, a Plenipotentiary representative of the leadership is included to evaluate the systemism of the problem and quick decision-making. The task of control simplifies the fact that the main problems arise either when running a new equipment, or with the wear of the old.

The main indicator of TPM is considered to be the overall equipment efficiency (eng. Overall Equipment Effectiveness). There is a formula for an indicator of the first indicator, which, after calculations, can be expressed as a percentage.

Visuality: mapping, visualization, "Tree of reasons", etc.

In the concept of Lean, everything should be clear at first glance and clearly. For this, illustrations, cards and graphics are widely used.

  • Mapping (drawing a map) Creating a value of value is considered a tool simple, but efficient. It is a graphic scheme with informational and material flows that bind the initial stages of production with products or services for the end user. Any operations in this scheme must create value product. Thanks to clarity, it can be seen in which "narrow places" this stream can be interrupted. When analyzing the card, losses and non-productive costs are visible, which allows you to develop a plan to eliminate them.
  • "Tree of reasons" is a structured graphical reflection of logical relationships between the consequences of the problems identified and their causes. The resulting scheme externally resembles a tree, but sometimes the correlation is presented in the form of styling - diagrams on which all reasons are grouped and belong to one of the 5 established species: people, machines, materials, methods, environment.
  • Chart Pareto is a tool that allows you to express priorities when solving problems. The Pareto principle, which stacches that 20% of the effort gives 80% of the results, is implemented as follows. Two axes are drawn, where x axis determines the ease of eliminating the cause of the problem, and the Y axis is the effect of eliminating it. The coordinate grid is divided into quadrants (4 areas). And the numbered causes of problems are set in these areas according to their correspondence on the X-Y axes. Those reasons that will be in the right upper quadrant are easiest to eliminate and it will give the greatest effect, so they are considered priority.

In addition to the listed, the practice of visualization is supported by other tools: "Compatibility Matrix", "Risk Matrix", etc.

Information collection tools

For each stage, there is a optimal set of tools, although some tools are used immediately in several processes or ensure the effectiveness of the introduction of LEAN as a whole. At the stage of information collection, novice optimizers often recommend the following toolkit.

Mastering almost every of the listed tools involves the passage of special training and, sometimes, the use of others, more simple toolsSimplifying the introduction of technology.

Practical nuances

Some, at first glance, obvious techniques often contain hidden difficulties. So, to an interview, it is advised to specially prepare, given that the interviewable may simply do not understand the vague issues, and they will not be re-interviewed due to the high employment of the worker. That is, in the hour of time (this is about 10 questions) will need to learn about the problems of personnel, but the proposal to simply tell about the problems, most likely put an employee in a dead end. Therefore, it is desirable to concretize your questions, step by step by analyzing the entire daily activities of the employee. So in a natural conversation, "bottlenecks" of processes are found, but you need to catch the balance between the controlled and relaxed conversation.

And to create trust relationships Between polling and responding is not recommended to use "frightening" words that have a negative connotation. It is believed to be, for example, that in Russia, the word "optimization" began to relate to such, because with optimization, people associate abbreviations and dismissal.

Employee answers are better to record. If it is not possible to do quickly, it is better to attract one more interviewer and / or use a voice recorder, which an employee should warn in advance. The partner will also help in an interview yet if the interviews will stall or if the asking is opposed to the psychotipu responding.

With all the diversity of methods, Lean technologies specialists note that mastering leaning tools is a necessary, but formal part of the introduction. The meaningful part involves changing thinking, restructuring it under the paradigm of the LEAN concept, understanding that all processes can be improved, if the problem is approached with the desire to correct the problem, and not with the desire to explain why this cannot be done.

Lean production is an enterprise management system that helps to get rid of losses and improve business efficiency. The article explains the essence of the system and tell about the key principles.

Lean production is ..

If we talk briefly, this is a culture of production, and not a set of tools and methods of improving and improving the efficiency of work. The system is based on a constant desire to eliminate all types of losses.

The introduction of the LEAN Production concept implies that all employees of the company are familiar with the basics of this theory, take it and are ready to build their activities in accordance with it.

How the system appeared

The concept originated in Japan after World War II, when large-scale efforts were required to restore industry, infrastructure, countries as a whole, and resources were extremely limited. In such conditions, the founder of the concept - Taititi has introduced its management system at Toyota factories.

Later, American researchers have converted Toyota Production System (TPS) to the LEAN Manufacturing system, which includes not only the developments of the Toyota concern, but also innovate experience Companies "Ford", Labor F. Taylor and E. Deming.

Four steps to careful production. Practice of implementation.

Philosophy Concept

The concept is based on the value of the final product value for the consumer. Therefore, all the processes occurring at the enterprise are considered in terms of creating additional value. The goal is to minimize processes and operations in production that do not add value to the product to eliminate losses.

Select 8 types of main losses:

  1. Overproduction, litter of the warehouse of finished products.
  2. Expectation. In the absence of a well-established production process, there are downtime, it adds product costs.
  3. Unnecessary transportation. The smaller the movements of material values \u200b\u200bin space, the lower costs.
  4. Unfurning stages of processing that do not add substantial value.
  5. Extra stocks of raw materials and materials.
  6. Marriage and defects. A significant loss that is reflected in the costs and image of the enterprise.
  7. Unrealized potential of employees. Trust and attention to people is a key element of the system.
  8. Overload and downtime due to insufficient planning.

Regardless of the position of the enterprise in the market and its financial indicators, it must constantly improve its processes. Organization of the system of leaning production is not a simultaneous action on the principle "set up and everything works", but a continuous process that lasts for years.

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What will help : To understand when it is worth abandoning unprofitable or unpromising investments to avoid major losses.

What will help : To identify the business processes of the company who bring additional losses, and calculate the perpetrators.

Primary production principles

Over time, the methods of leaning production management appeared. All of them more than thirty, but in the article consider the main - for the widest range of enterprises:

What will help : Develop an effective cost optimization plan.

What will help : Determine what expenses should be reduced completely during the crisis, which can still be saved, what measures to apply to optimize the cost of the company.

What will help : Find out the reasons for their growth and what to do to limit it.

Examples of using the concept of crumbling production in Russia

The GAZ Group has implemented the LEAN system for more than 15 years and received the following results:

  • reduction in incomplete production by 30%;
  • an increase in labor productivity by 20-25% each year;
  • reducing the time to target equipment up to 100%;
  • reducing the production cycle by 30%.

In RUSAL, since 2013, they began to connect to the system of lean manufacturing suppliers, first of all, transport companiesbecause Logistics costs make up most of the production costs. This approach gave savings of 15% for costs within five years.

The comprehensive application of leaving methods in the association of KAMAZ made it possible to obtain a significant economic effect:

  • reducing the clock by 1.5 times,
  • release of 11 thousand pieces of large-sized containers,
  • reducing reserves of 73 million rubles.,
  • reducing production space by 30%.

The path to success in the listed companies ranked from 7 to 15 years. The Council for the Introduction System has begun - do not stand in the absence of results in the coming months and years.

Leather-made technologies

1. Mapping a stream of value creation (Value Stream Mapping)

Mapping - graphic image of enterprise business processes and their further optimization (see ). The process involves creating a visual and understandable card for the formation of value for the client - a product or service. As a result, you identify bottlenecks in production and determine the path to improving the situation.

2. Pull Production (Pull Production)

The meaning is that each previous stage produces only what he orders the next one. Since the last in the chain of stages is the consumer, the mechanism of "pulling" means maximum customer focus. The final value is "flow into one product", where the goods at each stage are made under the order, that is, there is no reserves of raw materials, neither unfinished production, no stocks of finished products in the warehouse. Such a mechanism, rather, utopia, but constant attention to the management of reserves and minimize them is an effective cost reduction tool.

Canban Translated from Japanese - Card. The essence of the method is that the division - the "Customer" forms for the division - the "supplier" of the production order card and the "supplier" supplies the "customer" of the exact amount of raw materials, components or finished products, which was ordered. Canban can act not only within one enterprise, but also between several enterprises inside the holding or even with suppliers. Thus, intermediate warehouses and warehouses of finished products are reduced up to zero. But the use of the Canban tool implies the highest degree of consistency between the supply chain links. Another significant advantage of the system is the timely identification of marriage, which is sometimes hidden with mass supplies. Therefore, the purpose of Canban is not only "zero reserves", but also "zero defects".

4. Kaizen (Kaizen)

The merger of two Kai hieroglyphs and "zen" ("Changes" and "Good") is philosophy continuous improvement Business processes in general and each individual process in particular. The tool is good because it shows general method Work on processes and can be applied in any sphere, even outside work. The idea of \u200b\u200bKaizen is that every employee, from the operator to the company's head, is a certain value and seeks to improve the part of the process for which he is responsible.

5S system is one of the leakage methods. The system describes the productive organization of the workplace and strengthening the working discipline.

6. Just in Time (Exactly on time)

The tool of lean manufacturing involves the manufacture and supply of raw materials, parts and components not earlier and no later than the moment of the emergence of the need for these material values. It is associated with the "pulling production" described above and helps reduce the residues of raw materials in warehouses, storage and travel expenses, increase the cash flow.

7. Fast camelight (SMED - Single Minute Exchange Of Die)

The method is designed to reduce equipment idle time during reference by converting internal operations to external. Internal operations are those that are produced during the equipment stop, external - those that are performed while the equipment works still or already running.

8. System of overall maintenance of equipment (Total Productive Maintenance)

The system assumes that all staff is involved in the equipment maintenance, and not just technical staff. It is based on both the selection of the most high-quality and upgraded equipment for the enterprise and ensuring its maximum performance, extending the service life using graphs of preventive maintenance, lubricant, cleaning and overall verification.

9. Search for a bottle neck

Or, in a different way, the search for a weak link. The tool is based on the fact that in production there is always a narrow place that you need to find and expand. I find a weak link should be practiced periodically, this is the key to improvement.

10. Gemba. "Battleship"

This tool is intended to constantly remind that the main action ("battle") is not at the head office, but in the shops. This is planned (regular) or unplanned (for example, due to the problem) Exit managers to production, which allows you to increase the management involvement in the process, get the "first-hand" information, reduce the distance between employees and managers.

Japanese word denoting "signal" or "card". This is a method used to pull out products and materials into leaning production lines.

There are several options for Canban depending on the application: the starting previous process, two-leather (single-card), multiple, the canban of one-time use, etc.

Kanban allows you to optimize the production planning chain, starting from the forecast of demand, planning production tasks and balancing / distributing these jobs for production facilities with the optimization of their download. Under optimization it is understood "not to do anything superfluous, not to do ahead of time, to report the emerging need only when it is realistic."

The Canban system is designed and for the first time in the world implemented by Toyota.

System 5C - Technology for creating an effective workplace

Under this designation, a system for the guidance of order, purity and strengthening of discipline is known. System 5 C includes five interrelated principles of the organization of the workplace. The Japanese name of each of these principles begins with the letter "C". Translated into Russian - sorting, rational location, cleaning, standardization, improvement.

1. Sorting: Separate the necessary items - tools, details, materials, documents - from unnecessary in order to remove the latter.

2. rational location: rationally position what remains, put every item in your place.

3. Cleaning: maintain cleanliness and order.

4. Standardization: Observe accuracy due to the regular execution of the first three S.

5. Improvement: transformation into the habit of established procedures and their improvement.

Fast Coultage (SMED - Single Minute Exchange Of Die)

SMED is literally translated as "change of stamp for 1 minute." The concept was developed by the Japanese author of Siegeo Singo and produced a revolution in approaches with reference and re-equipment. As a result of the implementation of the SMED system, any tool and calm can be produced in just a few minutes or even seconds, "one touch" (the "OTED" concept - " One Touch Exchange of Dies ").

As a result of numerous statistical studies, it was found that the time for the implementation of various operations during the reference process is distributed as follows:

    preparation of materials, stamps, fixtures, etc. - 30%

    fastening and removing stamps and tools - 5%

    centering and placement of the instrument - 15%

    trial and adjustment - 50%

As a result, the following principles were formulated, allowing to reduce the time of reference to dozens and even hundreds of times:

    separation of internal and external commissioning operations,

    transformation of internal actions into external

    the use of functional clamps or the complete elimination of fasteners,

    use additional devices.

TPM system (Total Productive Maintenance) - Universal Equipment Care

TPM - "Universal Equipment Care", mainly serves as an improvement in the quality of equipment, is focused on the most efficient use due to the general system of prophylactic maintenance.

Focus on this system is done on warning and early detection of equipment defectswhich can lead to more serious problems.

Operators and repairmen are involved in the TR, which together ensure improvement of equipment reliability. The basis of the TRM is the compilation of the graph of preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general verification. This ensures an increase in such an indicator as Full equipment efficiency (from the English "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" - OEE).

JIT system (Just-in-Time - exactly in time)

JIT (Just-in-Time) / exactly on time - the management system of materials in production, in which components from the previous operation (or from the external supplier) are delivered at the moment when they are required, but not earlier. This system leads to a sharp reduction in the volume of incomplete production, materials and finished products in warehouses.

The system "exactly in time" suggests a specific approach to the choice and evaluation of suppliers, based on working with a narrow circle of suppliers, selected by their ability to ensure the delivery of "exactly in time" components high Quality. At the same time, the number of suppliers is reduced by two or more times, and long-term economic relations are established with the remaining suppliers.

Leather production, basic concepts

Lean (Lean Production) is a system of organizing and managing product development, operations, relationships with suppliers and customers, in which products are manufactured in accurately compliance with consumer requests and with a smaller number of defects compared to products made by mass production technology. This reduces the cost of labor, space, capital and time.

Leather-enterprise (Lean Enterprise) is a business system for organizing and managing product development, operations, relations with suppliers and customers using principles, practices and tools of leaning production to create a clearly defined consumer value (goods and services with higher quality and less defects. , with less labor costs, in smaller production squares, with less capital and in less time compared to the traditional mass production system).

Criminal enterprises involved in the production of a certain family of products operate on the basis of the agreement, in accordance with which they determine the value of products from the end user position, unproductive operations are eliminated from the flow of creating value and carry out operations that create value in the form of a continuous stream as "pulling" product client. Cooperating enterprises carry out these procedures continuously throughout the life cycle of this family family.

The presented determination of the system of lean production is very compressed expresses the essence of this concept. Let's try to reveal some of the provisions of this definition.

An important principle of the concept of leaning production is continuous improvement and participation in this process of the whole team.

"Creating a clearly defined consumer value" It implies an understanding of what is value for the consumer. And here it is impossible to be based on only on your own knowledge. Work should be carried out to identify all components of consumer value, sometimes directly with the final consumer of goods / services. This is the key to the fact that the requirements of the consumer will be satisfied most fully and at the lowest costs (excessive work is excluded).

If the company is engaged in leaning production, it means that it puts the interests of the customer, the buyer, the client, the partner and their own employees, and everyone wins. Therefore, the introduction of lean manufacturing is the best business card for submitting a company to partners and customers.

"With less labor costs, in smaller production areas, with less capital and in less time." - in the concept of lean production, this means an exception all types of loss (overproduction, excessive treatment, wait, losses for transportation, to move personnel, losses due to defects / alterations, etc.).

2. The concept of crumbling production is based on five principles that define landmarks for managers when moving to lean production:

Determination of value Each family of products from the point of view of the client.

Definition of all stages of value stream For each family of products and eliminate as far as possible, operations that do not create values.

Laying operations that create value in strict sequence providing smooth movement of the product in the stream, Directed to the client.

At the end of the stream formation - creating the possibility of "pulling" Customers value from the previous stage.

At the end of determining the value, identifying the streams of value creation, elimination of stages that cause losses, as well as formation of a pulling system - The repetition of the entire process is again awarded as many times as needed to achieve the state of perfection, in which absolute value is created, and there is no loss.

Must explain what pushing production and pulling production.

Pushing production - processing of products by large batches with maximum speed based on the projected demand with the subsequent movement of products to the following production stage or to the warehouse, regardless of the actual pace of work of the next process or customer needs (consumer). As part of such a system, it is almost impossible to introduce leaning tools.

Pulling production - Production management method, in which subsequent operations sign on their needs to previous operations.

There are three types of pull-out production:

Expressing supermarket system (reimbursement / reinforcement system) - a pulling system of type A.

Sequential pulling system - pulling system type B.

Mixed pulling system - pulling system type with.

Expressing supermarket system - The most popular. With it, at each production stage there is a warehouse - a supermarket in which a certain amount of products manufactured at this stage is stored. At each stage, so many products are produced as much as it was withdrawn from the supermarket. As a rule, when the products are withdrawn from the supermarket, the subsequent process is the consumer, the latter sends up the previous process information about withdrawal using a special card (Kanban) or other way.

Each process is responsible for replenishing the reserves of its supermarket, so the operational management and the search for permanent improvement facilities (Kaizen) is not much labor. At the same time, its use is complicated if large number species produced products

Sequential pulling system It is advisable to use with a large nomenclature of products produced by one process, i.e. When it is difficult or almost impossible to maintain the supply of each type of product in the supermarket. Products, in fact, are made to order, while total reserves in the system are minimized. The sequential system requires the maintenance of a short and predictable time for the execution of orders, it is necessary to understand the structure of receipt of orders from the client. The functioning of such a system requires a very strong leadership.

Mixed pulling system - involves a combination of two listed systems. It is advisable to apply when the 80/20 rule is valid, i.e. When a small proportion of product species (approximately 20%) is the largest part of the daily product produced (approximately 80%).

All types of products are divided into groups in terms of production: a large volume, average volume, low volume and rare orders. For the "Rare Orders" group, it is advisable to apply a serial pulling system. For other groups - the extracting system of the supermarket. With a mixed pulling system, it may be more difficult to manage improvement and detect deviations.

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