Surveys for colleagues. Conducting a survey to identify the motivational profile of employees

Lending 21.06.2020

Too many companies consider employee surveys not a priority and therefore lose true professionals who could bring the business millions.

If your employees feel undervalued and their ideas, opinions and desires are not taken into account, then they are more likely to look for another job opportunity. Think about it, perhaps you are losing first-class specialists who simply “were not considered.” They can go to your competitors and bring invaluable benefits to their company.

Employee satisfaction survey

This is why it is important to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys. From lighting and office equipment to lunches and social packages, from loyalty to the company/management and level wages to opportunities for self-realization - the results of a survey using a questionnaire for the team will provide you with information that will help you avoid staff turnover, as well as create comfortable working conditions for specialists.

On the website you will find samples of questionnaires dedicated to employee surveys. They will help you easily create your own profile and get valuable information needed to retain existing staff and attract new ones, as well as suggestions from employees.

A survey of employees will provide an opportunity to make sure that you are making the right decisions and open your eyes to new management horizons. Here are some ideas for a questionnaire that will help establish a dialogue with your team.

  • Survey to determine the atmosphere within the team. The questionnaire will help assess the mood of employees, their emotional state in the workplace, employee relationships, find out their assessment of the effectiveness of teamwork and identify the reasons that impede it. By better understanding your employees, you can create more comfortable working conditions for them, and, accordingly, increase their productivity and desire to stay in your company.
  • Survey of employees upon their dismissal. Finding out why employees leave an organization can help prevent other highly qualified employees from leaving.
  • Planning corporate event . Any of your employees, using such a survey, will be able to easily plan and organize a corporate party that will satisfy everyone, without being distracted from their direct responsibilities.
  • Financial security and self-realization. This employee survey will allow you to find out whether the employee has enough opportunities for self-realization in your company and whether there are any obstacles to this, as well as how much his salary and social package satisfy his needs, what he is willing and able to do for the company in order to increase his assessment in the eyes of management and receive greater financial rewards or career advancement.
  • Collection of ideas and suggestions. A questionnaire distributed among the team will help collect ideas for the development of the company that many employees might be afraid to express out loud. You can perceive employees as executors of instructions, but it is better to see them as specialists who can not only make valuable suggestions, but also implement them. You need to use this!

How to use employee surveys?

First of all, develop criteria that are important to you. The results of an employee satisfaction survey will show you which areas of your company's operations need improvement, which will improve productivity. The criteria will help you, when conducting repeated surveys, to observe changes occurring in comparison with the situation in other departments or competitors.

Our sample employee surveys (company employee questionnaire) will provide ideas for questions and answer options. Templates will save a lot of your time and will bring undoubted benefits when interviewing employees.

Finally, follow these simple rules:

  1. Get closer to your employees. Keep the survey casual and conversational.
  2. Enter gifts for completing the survey.
  3. Make the survey anonymous. Employees must be confident that their responses will not have a negative impact on them.
  4. Let employees know that their opinions will be heard and their suggestions will be considered. At the end of the survey, inform employees about what actions you plan to take based on the results of the survey.

The natural desire of every owner is to get the maximum possible result from your business. Funds are invested in equipment, modern technologies and materials, but very often the expected effect does not occur. To improve efficiency, consultants, analysts, and trainers are brought in, but there is no result.

In most cases, the reason for failures lies in people - in the company's employees, or more precisely, in their attitude to tasks and to the company itself. And if with employees occupying top positions everything is more or less transparent - they are visible, their tasks are digitized and controlled, then with the rest of the staff - workers, engineers, office staff - everything is much more complicated. Especially in large companies, where the owner’s ideas are distorted on the way to the performers, and the aspirations and needs of ordinary workers and specialists simply do not reach the top level, getting stuck in the labyrinths of information channels of middle management.

There are two magical concepts that can give an employer confidence that the tasks facing a business will be more or less completed. These are satisfaction and engagement. Why are these two criteria important?

Engagement is the willingness of employees to do more than is expected of them, to invest in the company’s results as in their own personal results.

Satisfaction is an employee’s emotional response to the conditions in which he works.

Satisfied employees are more likely to relax at some point. Everything is fine with them, they don’t want to change anything, any attempt to shake their status quo is met with hostility. Therefore, it is important to monitor both employee satisfaction and engagement levels.

Factors influencing job satisfaction

Since staff satisfaction is a reaction to working conditions, it is necessary to take into account the entire range of factors that directly or indirectly affect the employee. Every company is unique, but I believe there are job satisfaction factors that no company should ignore:

  1. Economic factor - includes everything related to remuneration: the level of wages, the regularity and timeliness of its payment, the presence of indexation and all additional payments required by law.
  2. Social factor - the presence, composition, size, conditionality and accessibility of a social package.
  3. Physical factor - here they take into account the convenience of the workplace, its equipment and compliance with labor protection requirements, the provision of high-quality and convenient tools, means of individual and collective protection from the effects of harmful factors.
  4. Communication factor - determines the microclimate in the team, the level vocational training colleagues, interaction with colleagues.
  5. Leadership style - this factor includes communication with management, methods of setting tasks, the level of delegation and trust, the presence of management’s interest in specific employees, management’s execution of agreements.
  6. Discipline - takes into account the accuracy of following the rules and requirements established in the company, the attitude towards the assigned tasks and the quality of the work performed by both the employees themselves and their colleagues.
  7. Career and development - having the opportunity to learn, grow professionally, and climb the career ladder.
  8. Loyalty is the willingness of employees to work in the company for a long time, to recommend the company to friends, employees’ awareness of the need for themselves and their work.
  9. Awareness - sufficiency and timeliness of information about the enterprise and events, reliability of information, possibility of feedback.

Algorithm for assessing the condition of employees

To determine the staff satisfaction index, you need to divide all the work into 3 stages:

  1. Understand what an employee satisfaction questionnaire is and compose it taking into account the specifics internal processes in company.
  2. Conduct a staff satisfaction survey - distribute questionnaires and collect responses.
  3. Calculate specific indicators.

Step 1. Job satisfaction questionnaire

To make a good questionnaire, for each factor it is necessary to develop from 3 to 5 questions that will be used regularly in surveys over a long period of time. It is important to assess employee satisfaction and engagement over time, that is, an annual assessment is needed. By changing the content of the questions by more than 10% with each subsequent survey, you will get a distortion of the results, and their comparison with previous period will be irrelevant.

A one-time measurement of satisfaction is also not indicative. In the first year, employees surveyed tend to over-report out of fear of the unknown, so the results of the second survey usually show a sharp drop in satisfaction levels. This fact usually upsets the employer, but in fact, such dynamics of job satisfaction are an indicator of growing employee confidence and should be perceived positively.

The staff satisfaction questionnaire is unique for each company. We offer one of the options that can be taken as a basis.

Step 2. Collecting employee opinions

Once the employee questionnaire (job satisfaction) has been developed and approved, the next difficult step is collecting employee opinions.

By default, people are wary of any innovations from the employer, so it is important to choose exactly the method of collecting information that is suitable for a particular company.

We actively used 5 methods, which are presented in the table indicating the pros and cons of each.

Communication channel


Regular meetings with small groups of employees (individual departments).

Thematic meetings at which management informs employees about trends, news, tasks on a stated topic-factor (for example, on PPE, on wages, on training opportunities, etc.) and receives feedback through direct communication. At the next meeting, the manager gives feedback on what was done on the issues raised.

the opportunity to build trust between management and employees;

no distortion of information;

maximum coverage of employees.

requires a lot of time and distraction from the work process of both employees and managers;

is possible only if managers have highly developed communication competencies.

Polls are open.

Collecting employee opinions through questionnaires, in which, in addition to answers, the employee indicates the name and place of work

the ability to observe the dynamics of satisfaction during periodic surveys;

possibility of targeted response based on survey results.

there is a risk of unreliable answers if the company has not developed a culture of openness and trust;

difficulty in processing the results.

Surveys are anonymous.

Collecting employee opinions through anonymous questionnaires, including electronic ones.

reliability of information;

the opportunity to observe the dynamics of satisfaction during periodic surveys.

difficulties in processing the results.

Feedback sheets.

Sheets (A1 format) placed at production sites, directly next to workplaces, where any employee can indicate a problem (anonymously or not - at the employee’s choice). Managers responsible for the area within which the problem is identified are required to provide feedback within 3 days.

promptly informing management about problems;

prompt response to requests;

preventing a decrease in satisfaction levels.

involvement and control from senior management is required.

Feedback boxes.

Sealed boxes for collecting suggestions, comments and questions from employees.

the employee can choose the mode of openness or anonymity;

promptly informing management about problems.

difficulty in providing feedback;

difficulty in assessing dynamics;

risk of information concealment.

There are also formats such as general meeting collective, meetings with trade unions (or representatives of collectives), but they are less effective for an objective assessment of satisfaction.

Each enterprise can determine its optimal communication option with employees. Based on my experience, I prefer to combine thematic meetings with small groups of employees, anonymous surveys and feedback sheets. Meetings allow you to create an atmosphere of trust, surveys help measure the dynamics of the level of satisfaction and involvement, as well as provide a basis for building an HR strategy in the long term, feedback sheets relieve tension that can arise in operational work due to production failures or lack of communication. Also, feedback sheets are actually a litmus test for measuring the growth of negativity in a team. A sample feedback sheet is provided in the table.

Recording date

Description of the problem

Area of ​​responsibility

Description of the solution

Date of decision

Protective gloves tear after 4 hours of use

Head of Health and Safety Department

The quality of purchases was checked. A batch of gloves dated November 20, 2018 was seized

The roof above workplace No. 6 is leaking

Chief Engineer

Roof repair is included in the action plan for June 2019

Pay slips for February were not issued

Head of Health and Safety

The quality, reliability and coverage of the survey directly depends on the systematic approach to organizing the survey. It is important to conduct an information campaign to prepare employees for the upcoming survey, create and test a questionnaire processing system, and verify the accuracy of the questions in the questionnaire.

It is also important to choose the survey method: on paper or in in electronic format. Automation is very attractive, especially for office-based companies, but anonymous surveys pose the challenge of monitoring participation. When using paper questionnaires, it is necessary to think through questionnaire processing systems in advance. These can be pivot tables in Excel or specially designed software products. In any case, additional human resources to enter data from questionnaires into the system.

Step 3. Calculate indicators

There are several ways to calculate satisfaction. If the employer wants to take a more conservative approach to the assessment, then the “satisfied” category includes answers that fully agree with the question, and the “not satisfied” category includes the remaining options, that is, denial and answers that imply doubt. IN classic version The options “completely agree” and “not sure” are considered satisfactory.

The algorithm for converting the number of responses into percentage and satisfaction index is as follows:

Index = ((agree + not sure) - (disagree)) / (all answers).

Percent = (index + 1) / 2.

What to do with the results obtained

First bring them to the attention of the manager and employees. Below is a version of the survey report for a virtual company. This is a complete report that may be of interest to the manager. For employees, it is enough to create one slide with graphs demonstrating the overall level of satisfaction in the company and the level of satisfaction of employees in a specific department.

Option for a full survey report

After this, it is necessary to give employees the opportunity to express what exactly influenced this or that assessment, listen and write down all comments.

The last step is to create a plan to increase (or maintain) the level of satisfaction for the year, publish it in the enterprise and... work on it.

Dear Colleagues!

We ask you to answer a number of questions in our anonymous questionnaire regarding your work.

Comparing your answers with the opinions of other employees will allow you to draw the right conclusions about the organization of your work and its payment. But this, of course, depends on the sincerity, accuracy and completeness of your answers.

Please read the questions and choose the answer that you think is most correct and mark it with some mark. We ask you to answer all questions in the questionnaire.

1 Please determine to what extent you are satisfied with various aspects of your work?


More satisfied than not

I find it difficult to answer

Not satisfied

Earnings amount

Operating mode

The need to solve new problems

Independence at work

Matching the job to personal abilities


We'd rather satisfy than not

I find it difficult to answer

Rather dissatisfied than satisfied

Not satisfied

Sanitary conditions

Level of labor organization

Relationships with colleagues

Relationships with your immediate supervisor

Level of technical equipment

2 Please mark on the scale to what extent you are satisfied with your work (in percentage).

3 To what extent and how do the following factors affect your work activity?

Doesn't work at all


Works significantly

Works very significantly




Financial incentives

Doesn't work at all


Works significantly

Works very significantly




Moral stimulation

Administrative measures

Work spirit of the team

Economic innovations in the company

General socio-economic situation in the country

Fear of losing your job

Elements of competition

4.What motivates you to work now?:

 Salary

 Career opportunity

 Training opportunity

Fear of the unknown when leaving work

 Corporate culture and company image

Social guarantee system

Working conditions

 The desire to “not let down” the immediate supervisor

 The desire to “not let down” comrades/colleagues

5 What are your plans for the next 1-2 years?

Continue to work in the same position;

Move to the next position;

Move to work in another structural unit;

Move to another organization without changing your specialty

Move to another organization with a change of specialty


6 Does the current socio-economic situation force you to look for additional sources of income?

Difficult to answer

7 Please select the 10 most important job characteristics for you from the job characteristics listed below?

Place the number 1 next to the most important one, 2 for the less important one, then 3,4,5.

Characteristics of work

Opportunity professional growth

Opportunity promotion

Variety of work

Difficulty of work

High profit payment

Independence in performing work

Prestige of the profession

Favorable working conditions

Low labor intensity

Favorable psychological climate

Opportunity to communicate while working

Opportunity to improve your living conditions

Participation in company management

8 Please write what could help increase your work activity

9 Do you feel anxious about the prospect of losing your job?

Difficult to answer

10 Do you feel that wages depend on:

Complete specified volumes

On your skill level

From initiative and creativity in work

On the level of compliance with disciplinary requirements

From “Personal devotion” to the leader

Other _________________________________________________

11 If you or your work colleagues have misunderstandings or conflicts with managers, then for what reasons?

Management style, rudeness with subordinates

Incompetence of management

Inattention to the needs of employees, to improving their social and living conditions of work and rest

Unreasonable change in the functional responsibilities of employees and the assignment of additional

Overtime, frequent overtime

Frequent changes in department composition

Unfair distribution of wages and bonuses

Unsatisfactory distribution of vacations

Unsatisfactory provision of equipment and materials

Impossibility of career growth

12 Do you think there are any people in your team? internal reserves to improve labor efficiency?

There are certainly significant ________________

There may be minor ________________

All reserves are used _______________________

Difficult to answer _______________________

13.What exactly do you see as unused reserves?

In the organization of personnel work

Not using the initiative and creative potential of employees

In the absence of creative initiative among employees

As insurance services

In the style and methods of personnel management

Other _____________________________________________________

14 Try to assess your level of qualifications as objectively as possible?


Sufficient to work in current position

Not yet sufficient

15 Do you have any other specialty besides your main one?

16 How much does the effectiveness and quality of your work depend on interaction with other departments of the company?



Doesn’t depend

Difficult to answer

17 What would you suggest to do for more effective cooperation



18 Are you satisfied with your job?


Not satisfied

Difficult to answer

19 Additional offers!

I like working for the Company because


I don’t like working for the Company because


20 Your gender



21 Your age

20-30  31-40

41-50  51-60

22 Your education

Secondary special

Incomplete higher education


Two higher educations

23 Work experience:

General ________________________________________

By specialty ________________________________

At our enterprise ___________________________________

People are the main capital of any modern company. That is why the personnel management strategy should be aimed at developing their loyalty and establishing a high quality level of relations between employees and the company. Assess the level of these relationships, determine their strengths and weak sides An opinion poll allows for the development of improvement measures. During the survey, employees have the opportunity to express their attitude towards work and towards the employer, which, in turn, can influence the formation of personnel management policies and the development strategy of the company as a whole...

It is known that most HR managers consider employee opinion surveys to be an effective tool for collecting information that is important to the employer. However, not all of them conduct such surveys in their companies, since management is not yet ready to spend either money or time on this. Some believe that the reason lies in the Ukrainian mentality, but our experience shows that the distrust of the heads of domestic companies in employee opinion surveys is caused by the same reasons as the distrust of their Western colleagues who have already gone down this path.

What concerns do employers face when they want to conduct an employee opinion survey? Most often, company managers believe that employees:

    will not want to participate in the survey;

    they will not tell the truth;

    they will tell the truth, but there will be no way to adequately respond to it;

    they won't say anything new.

Indeed, all of the above concerns are justified and may well become a reality if the survey is conducted incorrectly.

Among the main mistakes that HR managers make when conducting surveys are the following:

    incorrect goal setting;

    incorrect definition of the subject of research;

    distortion of the essence of the study;

    flaws in the collection of information;

    errors in analyzing the results;

    lack of feedback;

    ineffective communications.

However, all these mistakes can be avoided if you clearly understand why an employee opinion survey is being conducted, what stages it consists of, and what are the main prerequisites for success in its implementation. At the same time, one should remember the main misconceptions regarding such a survey.

Misconception 1. Surveying employee opinions is a ready-made solution to existing problems.

This statement is incorrect; a survey is not a solution to the problem. It is only a tool for collecting management information that needs to be carefully analyzed. Then, based on the results of the analysis, you need to draw up an action plan aimed at solving the identified problems.

Misconception 2: Employee opinion surveys can be used to evaluate the performance of individual employees.

This misconception is dangerous because using the results of an opinion survey to evaluate individual employees can lead to distrust of the employer and all subsequent surveys initiated by the company. However, the survey allows us to determine general trends in employee perception of processes occurring in the company.

Misconception 3. A survey of employee opinions is the only and sufficient source of management information.

Unfortunately, the results of the employee opinion survey are not the ultimate truth. However, through a survey, it is possible to identify “undercurrents” and problems, as well as identify areas that require more in-depth research (through sample interviews, group discussions, focus groups, etc.).

Taking into account and realizing all the above-mentioned features of this tool, you can begin planning the main stages of the survey through questionnaires (see diagram). At each stage, surprises await the researcher and, if everything is not planned and foreseen in advance, errors are possible that can lead to the “failure” of the survey.

So, let’s consider separately each of the stages of conducting a survey of employee opinions.

Stage 1. Setting goals and defining the subject of the survey

First, you need to create a working group, which usually includes company executives (including the HR manager), an HR specialist responsible for conducting the survey, and a consultant conducting the survey (if it was decided to use an internal or external consultant for this task) . Such working group will be able to most effectively set the goals of the survey and determine the areas of research that interest the company (the subject of the survey), while taking into account the business goals of the company and the stage of organizational development at which it is located. The main thing is that the goals set are not too diverse, as this will make the research “indigestible.” It should be remembered that a properly conducted survey in itself is an excellent way to increase employee satisfaction and their loyalty to the company.

All further stages surveys should be aimed at achieving goals and researching a specific subject of the survey.

Stage 2. Identification of target groups

This stage is directly related to the previous one, and its tasks are often carried out simultaneously with setting goals and defining the subject of research. Dividing the total number of employees into target groups allows you to obtain quantitative results for each of the groups and compare them with each other. As a rule, when determining target groups, three characteristics are taken into account:

    functional - target groups are formed by divisions or departments;

    regional - target groups are formed according to the location of employees.

However, when forming target groups, you do not have to limit yourself to these three characteristics. You can divide employees by their length of service in your company, by age, or by some other criteria that will allow you to get as close as possible to achieving your research goals. However, it must be remembered that if you conduct a survey in a too narrow target group (up to 20 people), you risk encountering a certain degree of distrust in it, as employees may begin to doubt the anonymity of their answers. Target groups can also be formed according to several criteria, for example, dividing employees into a certain number of regional and category groups, but in this case you must be prepared to process and analyze a larger amount of data.

Stage 3. Development and testing of the questionnaire

At the stage of compiling the questionnaire, you should not deviate from the goals and subject of the survey. Although the temptation to ask additional questions is very great, it must be remembered that “related” topics and questions “just in case” lead to unnecessary administrative and time costs when processing and analyzing completed questionnaires. In addition, it often turns out that it is almost impossible to draw any clear conclusions from the answers to such questions, since the additional topic is only partially covered. But the most unpleasant consequence of including unnecessary questions in the questionnaire is the irritation and distrust of employees who may not understand why this or that question is being asked. Therefore, if possible, try to keep the number of questions in the questionnaire no more than 50, and write clear instructions for filling it out.

IN Application An example of a questionnaire designed to conduct a survey of employee opinions is given. IN in this case the company's management was interested in assessing the overall level of development of individual components organizational culture company, and also determine how effective, in the opinion of employees, the existing communications in the company are. Since cultural values ​​and communication methods vary from company to company, it is especially important to involve management in conducting such a study, and not only at the stage of determining the goals and subject of the employee survey, but also when approving an already prepared questionnaire. It is important that the researcher correctly understands the company’s declared values ​​and, accordingly, asks the right questions. We encountered the fact that different employees of the company put different concepts into one value. For example, “Growth through quality” was perceived by some as the need to monitor the quality of goods produced and services provided, while others perceived it as the need to strive for professional growth.

In order to make sure that the questionnaire you developed is understandable and easy to fill out, you should definitely test it. For this purpose, a fairly representative pilot group is usually selected, whose members fill out a questionnaire and give their comments on the accessibility of the terms and scales used, the general logic of the questions asked, etc. Testing the questionnaire will help you take into account the nuances of the corporate culture that has developed in the company, and this This point is very important, since surveying employee opinions, in addition to all the above advantages, also contributes to the development of corporate culture.

Stage 4. Distribution and collection of questionnaires

While distributing and collecting questionnaires may seem like the simplest part of a survey, it's actually the most critical part to ensuring employee participation and earning their trust. The key to trust is properly constructed communications. Be sure to inform employees in advance of the purpose of the survey, explain the importance of participation, and tell them about the opportunities the survey provides. In addition, through communications it is necessary to create an atmosphere of openness in which employees will not be afraid to answer questions frankly. This is only possible if the confidentiality of individual information is ensured and guaranteed at all stages of the survey. Typically, to achieve a higher level of trust among survey participants and, accordingly, to obtain more reliable and quality results Research involves an external consultant to conduct the survey.

Stage 5. Data processing

Solving problems arising at the data processing stage depends mainly on the availability of technical resources and expertise. From the point of view of optimizing the processing of survey results, it is best to use electronic versions questionnaires by placing them in local network companies. However, this option, unfortunately, is not always available due to the fact that not all company employees may have access to a computer or the company does not have a special program that allows conducting an electronic survey. In addition, it is sometimes preferable to use paper questionnaires, as this gives employees greater confidence in the anonymity of individual responses. However, it is desirable that data processing be automated as much as possible and constant monitoring of the quality of information input and processing is carried out, then the reliability of the data will not be questioned.

At the same time, at this stage it is very important to calculate all the necessary quantitative indicators (for example, an index of overall satisfaction, level of loyalty, etc.), which will allow us to draw certain conclusions and carry out further analysis.

Stage 6. Analysis of the results obtained

This stage is one of the most interesting and significant in conducting a survey of employee opinions. It is at this stage that conclusions are formulated on the basis of which you can determine what further actions to improve this or that area of ​​personnel management will need to be taken. If an external consultant is involved in the project, then at this stage he will be able to develop recommendations based on the results of the survey and taking into account his previous experience of working on similar projects in other companies.

In principle, there are quite a lot of options for analyzing survey results, but in this article I would like to pay special attention comparative analysis results, as the most frequently used and, in our opinion, the most effective. The fact is that many managers, having received the quantitative results of the survey after processing, begin to ask specific questions: “If 72% of employees are 80% satisfied with their work in the company, is this good or bad? What to focus on? What to compare with?

Most often, managers express a desire compare your company with other companies on a regional or industry basis. This is a fairly useful exercise, as it allows you to determine the capabilities of your company in comparison with similar companies operating in the market. However, it should be remembered that by using only this method of analysis, you risk coming to erroneous conclusions. Thus, a company that finds that it is at an adequate level compared to other companies may decide that there is no reason to worry. However, in any company there will be an area that needs to be supported and developed, and what is good for one company may not necessarily be good for another. In addition, when comparing the results of your company with the results of other companies, the interrelationships of factors are often not analyzed, and therefore the causes of the identified problem may be incorrectly identified.

Very helpful comparison of the actual state of affairs in the company with the desired one: This analysis allows us to identify the steps that are necessary to reduce the gap between reality and ideal. And don’t be scared by the fact that such a gap will always exist. Employees are well aware that the ideal is unattainable, but they will appreciate every step the company takes towards it.

It is also quite useful comparison of results obtained for different target groups(departments, management levels, etc.). Thanks to this comparison, it becomes possible to identify leading groups that problem groups can follow, as well as to discover different approaches to solving problems in individual target groups.

And perhaps the most common method of comparison is tracking changes over time. By comparing the results of the current year with the results of last year, you can see whether the right steps have been taken to improve a particular situation, what trends are emerging in a particular area, which activities should be continued and which should be abandoned.

Step 7: Survey feedback and action plan

Whatever the results of the survey, whatever conclusions you come to, do not withhold information from employees. Your employees are smart enough to remember questions that interest them, and may lose trust in an employer who is unwilling to show negative results. It is better to diplomatically present the results and try to explore their nature, as well as explain what the company can do to change the situation. In this case, it is best to hold a meeting with employees where you can not only present the survey results, but also discuss them in detail. If such a meeting is held by the head of the company (department) together with the HR manager, then employees will have a feeling of the importance of their own opinion and personal involvement in further development companies. During such a meeting, analyze the results obtained, discuss with employees possible ways to solve existing problems, ask them to express their suggestions, and involve them in drawing up an action plan and in its implementation.

For achievement maximum effect the connection between your further actions and the survey results should be obvious. To do this, after a certain period of time (usually no less than a year), you will need to conduct another series of communications with employees in order to provide them with a report on the work done. In this case, you can use any means of communication that seems appropriate to you - letters, information on bulletin boards, presentations, meetings, etc. In this way, you will maintain not only the trust of employees, but also their interest in the next survey.

As you can see, the process of conducting an employee opinion survey is actually cyclical and lasts from developing the survey goals to reporting to employees on the steps taken by the company, which were developed based on the analysis of the results obtained. Moreover, the cycle does not end there, but involves conducting subsequent rounds of the survey, reminiscent of development in a spiral. By properly putting this spiral into action, despite all the difficulties that await you, you can give a tremendous impetus to the development of your company by building employee loyalty.


Employee Opinion Survey



Please determine the degree of your agreement with this or that statement using a five-point scale, where: 1 - completely disagree; 2 - rather disagree; 3 - I take a neutral position; 4 - rather agree; 5 - completely agree.



Your comments

Information about events taking place in the Company is provided regularly

It is important for me to learn information about the development of the Company from management

I can trust what management says

I understand the tasks and priorities of my colleagues from other departments

The communication system between the Company’s departments is effective

The Company treats all employees with respect

The team has developed an atmosphere of trust and goodwill towards each other

I respect and trust my colleagues

I have been granted real opportunity development and growth within the Company

Effective operation of a company is impossible without satisfaction from the work of its employees. This parameter is influenced by the culture of the enterprise, the leadership style, the degree of involvement in work, and the freedom to make decisions. A staff satisfaction questionnaire will help you evaluate these and other factors.

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Personnel satisfaction research: why and how to conduct it

A loyal employee who is satisfied with his job is motivated to work efficiently and strives for self-development. Personnel satisfaction reflects the employee’s attitude towards various aspects of work:

  • safety and working conditions;
  • workload;
  • ;
  • status and prestige of work;
  • relationships with colleagues;
  • adequacy of management’s assessment of labor results;
  • relations between management and subordinates;
  • degree of possible autonomy and area of ​​responsibility;
  • opportunities for growth and development.

It makes sense to conduct a staff satisfaction survey every six months. It is advisable to choose periods of “low” seasons in business, so that the assessment procedure does not become an additional irritating factor for employees and does not negatively affect their work.

The study must be carried out if the following factors are observed:

  • high performance staff turnover- here it is important to determine the true reasons for the dismissal of employees, to reduce production costs due to layoffs;
  • carry out organizational changes at the enterprise - it is necessary to improve change management processes;
  • low work performance - clarify the reasons and find solutions to optimize the organization of the labor process.

Before analyzing satisfaction, enterprise management needs to identify the basic needs of a particular employee that encourage him to professional activity. To conduct such studies, you can invite external consultants, but with a small staff you can cope on our own. However, in this case, you need to have confidence in the honesty of the employees’ answers.

Pulse survey questionnaire to determine satisfaction with the motivation system

Stages of employee job satisfaction research:

  1. Specify the purpose of the study. Any survey should not be conducted for show. Before including this or that question in the questionnaire, management needs to clearly determine what to do with all this information and how ready the employer is to respond to the information received from the staff.
  2. Prepare questions and draw up questionnaires.
  3. Conduct a survey among employees and ask them to fill out questionnaires.
  4. Analyze the research results. Assess the performance of the current motivation system.
  5. Inform management and staff about the results of the study.

How to write a job satisfaction survey

Each manager must draw up questionnaires, taking into account the objectives of the study and the characteristics of the structure and activities of the enterprise. In general, you can rely on several general rules. In a staff job satisfaction survey, you need to find out:

  • categories of working conditions;
  • the degree of importance of these categories for employees;
  • to what extent, from the employees’ point of view, these categories are satisfied;
  • which categories are the least satisfied, from the employees' point of view.


Working conditions

Comfortable working conditions

Convenient work schedule

Convenient office location (easy to get to work)

Material incentive system

Adequate and understandable remuneration system from the personnel point of view

Stable wages

The opportunity for an employee to influence the remuneration received due to the availability of material benefits

Challenging and interesting work that requires a creative approach

Having autonomy at work

Difficult job with a high degree of responsibility

Stability in work, absence of frequent personnel and organizational changes

Confidence in the future

Fulfillment of employer obligations to staff

Clear goal setting

Well-established Feedback from the manager

Open discussion of problems and difficulties


Psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the team

Good relationship with managers

Common interests and worldview with the manager and colleagues

Recognition, respect for the work and merits put in

Recognition of the importance of work by both colleagues and management

Showing approval and respect from your manager

Interest in employee ideas and suggestions

Development opportunities

Opportunity for career growth

Prospects for professional development

Opportunity to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities

Corporate culture of the company

Availability in the company developed system corporate values, rituals and traditions supported by the vast majority of employees

Communication with colleagues outside the enterprise

Regular holding of corporate events at the enterprise, joint celebration of anniversaries and holidays

In accordance with the specified goal, management needs to select from the above categories those for which you will conduct research.

The main reasons why employees are unhappy at work and ways to cope with negativity

Sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys

As examples of questions for staff satisfaction surveys for the group " Interaction with management"The following can be cited:

  • Question on the significance of the category:“On a scale of one to ten, determine how important it is for you to clearly set tasks on the part of your manager.”
  • Satisfaction question:“Determine the degree of validity of the statement “I am given specific tasks.”
  • For the category " Factor of stability and security»:
  • Significance question:“How often do you save for a rainy day?”
  • Satisfaction question:“What percentage of you are currently worried about losing your job?”

Each employee is individual and can give the most unexpected answers. Therefore, for each question, you need to offer several possible options, one of which the employee must choose. This will allow you to calculate the results of the survey, bringing the average values ​​to a common denominator. Answer options can be offered in the form of a percentage, numerical or verbal scale (excellent, good, bad, very bad).

Questions in the questionnaire should be placed in random order, alternating them from different categories. This will allow you to get the most frank and reliable answers. At the end of each block of mandatory questions with answers, it is advisable to leave space for comments at the initiative of employees, their expression of personal opinions without given options. So, after the survey, you will develop an action plan to correct the situation.

Action plan based on the results of the satisfaction survey

The following sample can be used as a basis for drawing up a questionnaire at a specific enterprise.

Personnel satisfaction questionnaire: standard sample

Download the full sample

Each employee must independently fill out the questionnaire within the specified time and return it for calculation of the results. If possible, research should be conducted anonymously, as this significantly increases the chances of obtaining reliable results.

How to and should not guarantee the anonymity of a survey

The data obtained during the survey can be used by management to improve the working conditions of staff. As a result of such a survey, it is possible not only to clarify weaknesses in communications, but also to identify other factors that interfere with coordinated work in the company.

In conclusion, it must be added that it is important for employees to see that their participation in the survey was not a formality, but had an impact on the work of the company. Management should really try to solve the identified problems and take appropriate steps to do so.

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