Clothing and its influence on the first impression. Clothing and its influence on the first impression The meaning of color in business communication

Litigation 15.05.2020

People form their impression of us by what we wear, that is, we are truly “met by our clothes.”

Well, it sounds banal, but nevertheless continues to be true. An opinion based on visual impressions may be completely wrong, but whether we like it or not, people do judge us primarily by our appearance.

So is it worth creating a bad image of yourself? Your appearance should characterize you as a person and reflect your capabilities. It is necessary that the image is in harmony with yours internal qualities, so that you are satisfied with both.

If you decide to imitate someone else's image or style - for example, the style of a movie star or other celebrity - you will invariably be disappointed because you will never be able to look the same as the original. You are a completely different person, with different internal and external qualities, and you need your own style.

If you prefer to dress “shockingly”, this is your right, but in this case you need to be prepared for the widest range of reactions from others - from grinning behind your back to open rejection.

Each of us has several types of uniform “for occasion”: classic suits, shirts and shoes for the office; rubber boots, flannel shirts and canvas windbreakers for working in the country; expensive clothes and accessories purchased in boutiques for going out into high society; leather jackets and trousers for rocking outings, etc. We wear certain types of clothing because of their practicality. You wouldn't wear an evening suit for a trip out of town, would you? In addition, clothing also performs another function, namely: it shows your belonging (in general or at the moment) to a certain social group or interlayer. If your clothing does not meet its standards and

requirements, this tells the representatives of this group around you that you are not one of them, that you are a stranger among them. I am sure that most of you can remember a situation when, after wearing something inappropriate for an official reception (too casual),

or, conversely, too elegant) clothes, you suddenly felt out of place.

Clothing also affects how we feel about ourselves, and therefore our body language.

For example, you will feel and behave completely differently in a luxurious evening dress or in gymnastics tights, in a formal business suit or in a T-shirt and jeans.

If you are wearing heavily worn or soiled clothing, then what impression will you make on others? How will they perceive you? How will you feel?

On the other hand, how do you feel if your clothes are clean and tidy? How do you feel? It is clear that not everyone can afford suits from a tailor or shirts from an expensive store, but nothing will excuse you for being sloppy in your clothes, no matter what it is. So said my late father-in-law, who lived very modestly and bought his clothes in stores social assistance

. In these stores you can dress at very modest prices and at the same time help those in need. So, in order to look decent, you don’t have to be rich. Some people work wonders with sewing machine or knitting needles, making fashionable things with your own Hands and minimum costs

. Therefore, if you wish, you can always create clothes that will look elegant and original without much damage to your budget.

If your clothes look outdated, and you can’t buy new ones, then you can slightly “update” old things at home or in the workshop. Whatever activity you engage in, make sure your clothes are always clean and well ironed. Don't wear shirts with frayed collars or cuffs unless you really care appearance

or you are confident enough that this will not interfere with your normal communication.

Different nations have their own customs and norms regarding clothing: you need to know them to avoid misunderstandings. In order to choose the right clothes, you first need to carefully think about what impression you want to make and for what purposes

strive to achieve.

Here is a quote from a local newspaper that published a letter from one woman who, wanting to meet a man (for the noble goal of starting a family), actively attended various parties and official receptions: “All the men with whom I managed to start a conversation, for some reason did not listen to me , but they were just looking at my cleavage!”

Well, it’s clear why! Should we be surprised here? If this woman really wanted to meet a man who would see her as a person and not as a sex object, she would hardly have put her bust on display. IN In the West, the following rule exists for women: the more revealing your clothes, the less they will trust you. If you come to work in disco clothes that are tight or barely cover your body, how do you think your male colleagues should react to this?

They will react, and how! Maybe you deliberately want to set some of them on fire, but still, you shouldn’t play with fire in vain. In my practice, many women

asked me the same question: “Why doesn’t anyone take me seriously?” I have always advised such women to take a better look at what they wear when going to work and think about what effect these clothes can have on the stronger sex.

But what about office clothes for men? ? Well, they have a business suit - what could be simpler? However, times have already changed and continue to change. Now styles men's clothing have become more diverse and can vary between strict, or official (smart), universal, or semi-formal (smart-casual), and everyday, or informal (casual-casual). How informal do you dress on “pre-weekend Friday”? How do you dress for a job interview? Do you find out what the dress code is for the company you are visiting? Will you look like a black sheep in a suit and tie when everyone around you is wearing open-necked shirts and summer trousers? Which shirts do you prefer - white or colored?

Executive Director

One company I once worked for told me that he would never hire someone who wore colored shirts! Before going for an interview with a company, it is better to call them and ask if they have a specific dress code, and if so, what kind. Claiming to

leadership position

, and choose clothes that are responsible. And if you want your candidacy to be noted and seriously considered, then dress for the interview like a Manager occupying the next level after the one you are applying for. This does not mean that you should necessarily dress strictly formally: it all depends on the industry in which you work and the norms accepted in it. a person's shoes were hopelessly damaged by poorly polished or badly worn shoes. Therefore, if you are careless about your appearance and it does not play in your favor, then the interview may turn out to be an unnecessary hassle and an insurmountable obstacle.

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose the right clothes for the office, sales presentation or job interviews: this problem is especially relevant for women, and all because they have a wider choice, and therefore more chances to make mistakes.

So ask yourself:

Where am I going?

Why am I going there?

How is it customary to dress for such an occasion and what is the clothing style of this social group?

What impression do I want to make?

What should I wear?

The color of your clothes affects other people's perceptions of you.

Clothes colorcan have a significant impact on how others perceive you.

When you arrive at the supermarket, look at the products on the shelves and pay attention to the color of the packaging. Why did this or that company choose blue, green or red for packaging? What does each of them contain?

Why do we, for example, use different colors to decorate our home interiors?

The psychology of color plays a huge role in clothing. It affects not only how others perceive us, but also how we feel about ourselves.

For the sake of experiment, play word association: name different colors to a group of people to find out their immediate reaction to each of them. You will see how one color in many cases evokes similar associations in different people.

However, the same colors can have different symbolism in different world cultures: keep this in mind when traveling abroad and when doing business with foreigners.

Whatever your favorite colors of clothing, they should decorate you, not spoil you: to begin to understand this, there are a few things you should know about. This knowledge will help you save a lot of money in the future, because you will stop buying clothes that you will be disappointed with immediately upon returning from the store.

Now let's look at some colors and their symbolic meaning.

In Western culture, black is primarily considered official, respectable and discreet, but these are not all the associations associated with it. Black is often worn to funerals; black clothing is a mandatory sign of movie villains and witches. Priests wear black as a sign of their humility before God, and according to some fashion experts, wearing black on a woman signifies her submission to a man! However, many women prefer black in clothes, believing that it makes the figure visually slimmer. Be that as it may, this is a very heavy color that completely absorbs rays, the effect of which for overweight people is completely opposite: black makes them even more massive and heavier, which makes those around them feel very uncomfortable in their company.

Black color is also considered sophisticated and chic. This is true, but only if it suits you. But it doesn’t suit everyone - for example, black color is simply contraindicated for me: it not only spoils my appearance, but also worsens my internal state. Men in absolute black, or black with pinstripes,

suits, combined with a white shirt, look really impressive, but such clothes give them an overly bossy look. Waiters wear black and white

uniforms as a sign that they have certain authority within the restaurant, and also so that visitors can immediately see them. Strictly and elegantly dressed waiters make the atmosphere in the restaurant sedate and aristocratic, giving the establishment solidity and respectability. However, if a woman wears a black suit and white blouse to an interview, she will have very little chance of getting the job. Why?

Because the combination of white and black seems too authoritarian, cold and hostile, and this may antagonize the interviewer. If you have nothing else from formal formal wear, then try to at least soften the harshness of this color combination by tying a colored scarf around your neck; men can use a bright colored tie for this purpose. In any case, buying accessories will cost much less than a new suit.


The color red symbolizes energy and physical strength. It is also the color of aggression and danger: it is no coincidence that fire trucks, for example, are always red. I read that red cars end up in LTP much more often than any other. However, red cars are very popular. Why? Because red is also a symbol of power. It is a very bright color, and red clothes help their owners feel more confident. I once had a red skirt that I wore with true pleasure. However, here again it’s worth making a reservation: when choosing red clothes, think about where and when to wear them. If a woman wears a red jacket to the office, this will most likely cause problems in her communication with male colleagues. Since the color red symbolizes power, wearing red will be perceived by male colleagues as a sign of that woman's desire to dominate them. If you are a leader, then everything is in order, but if not, you may fall out of the team or cause an unfriendly attitude towards yourself. Men generally do not wear red jackets unless it is part of a corporate uniform. At the same time, men may well wear red ties, which in their effect are equivalent to a red jacket on a Woman. Remember, for example, the 80s, when an elegant yuppie - one of those called “young and early” - could

see in red suspenders! For negotiating or resolving a conflict situation, red clothing is far from the most suitable: red is an aggressive color, and therefore inappropriate when you need to get cooperation from your interlocutor.


Pink is a calmer, softer and more feminine color. All pastel colors (pink, blue, lilac) symbolize tranquility and femininity. Therefore, before

than to dress in this color, again think about who you are meeting and what impression you want to make. What is the purpose of the meeting? If you need to show your solidity and energy, get promoted or hired, dress in

pastel colors are unlikely to help you with this, since in it you will not be able to give the impression of a confident and very assertive person. This also applies to men who love shirts and ties in pastel colors.


Green is the color of nature. It has a calming effect, but excessive love for the color green in clothes can mean that you are lazy and weak-willed. Green is not a good color for self-affirmation - this is especially true for dirty green (khaki), which is usually associated with death. Green can also symbolize envy, resentment and money-grubbing. Some people actually think green color unhappy and therefore do not wear green clothes and prefer not to have anything green at home. My mother is one of these people, but personally I like the color green in home interiors, although I wear green clothes because they don’t suit me. IN

In the Middle Ages, English brides wore green as a symbol of fertility and successful childbearing.


This is a bright, sunny, optimistic color. It is associated with the intellect and can be associated with a person who is sober and clear-thinking, thoughtful and capable of making decisions. However, an excess of yellow in clothes has an overwhelming effect.

Yellow color promotes self-confidence, increases composure and improves organizational skills, but avoid using dirty clothes in clothes. yellow: It may be associated with biliousness.


The color blue represents prudence and clarity of mind. It is also associated with creativity. This is the color of the sky and ocean. It conveys serenity and calm, but can also be cold and aloof. Blue clothes are good for

interviews, as this color symbolizes reliability and efficiency. Some studies show that weightlifters can lift more weight while wearing a blue suit. However, an excess of dark blue can be depressing.


Turquoise color inspires and inspires energy, refreshes and invigorates. In addition, it promotes communication, expression of feelings and creativity. For example, I often prefer to wear turquoise when I write detective stories in my spare time.


The color brown carries a sense of solidity and reliability: it is the color of the earth, and therefore the color of stability. However, it can also cause melancholy and despondency and be associated with narrow-mindedness and isolation. Brown color is preferred



Gray color can cause negative feelings because it is associated with bad weather, gray clouds, gloomy skies, heaviness and boredom. Gray - not white, not black - is the color of escape from reality, causing feelings of uncertainty and loneliness.

Now you may already be mentally going through your wardrobe, wondering what, in the end, you need to wear! So you should:

give preference to clothes of those colors that, in the opinion of others, suit you and make you more attractive;

choose colors in which you yourself feel comfortable and confident;

choose the color of clothing depending on the specific situation.

discipline: Business communication
topic: "The meaning of color in business communication"

Moscow 2013

You've most likely heard about the dress code, as well as the saying that people are greeted by their clothes. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of choosing clothes and accessories wisely. However, this usually implies style. But it turns out that the color of clothes and accessories is no less, if not more. important element technology business communication. How does the color of your clothes affect your professional and personal activities? How to “read” the personality of your interlocutors by the color of their clothes? What messages do colors send to your subconscious?
It is no coincidence that since ancient times there has been a saying “You are greeted by your clothes...”. We can understand a lot about a person by his clothes, consciously looking at his outfit and accessories. The way a person dresses reflects his character, property status, level of education, and possibly profession. Analysis of clothing and accessories is presented at trainings as part of the study of business communication techniques, in particular, when studying personality typology.
But it turns out very important information our subconscious also receives. It, regardless of our conscious efforts, reacts to the appearance of the interlocutor. Color plays a key role in this subconscious reaction.
The color scheme of the interlocutor’s clothing influences our subconscious, forming a certain attitude towards this person. This is evidenced by numerous scientific studies.
How are people's subconscious attitudes towards different colors formed? Scientists believe that such an attitude is formed by collective cultural traditions and biological associations. For example, red is associated with aggression because many people's faces turn red when they are angry. Also, red is associated with danger, because this is how nature has historically developed - red insects signal: “Don’t touch me - I’m dangerous.” That's why people started painting panic buttons and stop valves in red.
It is interesting that people subconsciously choose the color of clothing that matches their character or state of mind at the moment. A young man in black most likely will not be sociable and talkative. He subconsciously celebrates that black is the color of protection and privacy. It is no coincidence that monks wear black vestments. However, you can use the color scheme of your clothes consciously in order to position yourself in communication with other people the way you need. This is very efficient technique business communication. From the first second of communication with a stranger or acquaintance, you can send the signal you need to his subconscious.
Please note that there are active and neutral colors. Neutral colors convey the least amount of information to the subconscious. These include: beige, black and white. Beige is a “no” color. It can be used if you don't want to draw attention to yourself at all. Black, as stated earlier, is the color of protection. Its neutrality is associated with secrecy. White color carries only social associations (marriage in the West, funerals in the East), in nature it is simply a fusion of all the colors of the rainbow, purity with emptiness.
Another important point. The meaning of colors can vary somewhat for different nationalities. The list below was developed for Western European culture. So, below is a detailed table of color meanings.

Color | Causes associations: | Use to... |
Red | Love, danger, aggression, lightning speed, courage, determination | Show who is in charge, dominate, provoke a conflict or direct showdown, seduce. |
Orange | Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, creativity, positive pressure | Bring excitement and emphasize a creative approach to questions. |
Yellow | Leadership, Attention Capture, Energy | Lead, take the initiative into your own hands. |
Green | Reliability, devotion, calmness, optimism | Show that you are a reliable performer, a devoted subordinate. |
Blue |...

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Man is a part of nature. And people, like any other living beings, have certain instincts. One of these instincts is the reaction to smell. Just like animals, who, for example, can recognize “friend” and “stranger” by smell, we can also be guided in our behavior by smells and aromas.

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Did you know that in Europe there have long been trends in perfumery that are aimed at creating fragrances for shops, cafes, restaurants, and hotels? Why, you ask? Now you can answer this question for yourself. Remember how when you enter some expensive store, for example, shoes or clothing, you immediately feel a light, pleasant aroma. For some reason, you immediately associate it with wealth, luxury and prosperity. And somehow the desire to purchase something from this store involuntarily arises. Do you understand now? Smell can instantly send impulses to our brain, prompting us to take certain actions. And various people use this commercial organizations. For example, it is known that the smell of leather in salons where leather products are sold (even leatherette products) can significantly increase sales. In grocery stores, this effect can be produced by the smell of watermelon or cucumber, in clothing stores - the aroma of vanilla, lavender, basil, mint and lemon. Now you understand how luxury perfumes can affect how your interlocutor perceives you?

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The meaning of color in business communication The color of clothing and accessories is an important element of business communication techniques. The influence of the color scheme of the interlocutor’s clothing on the subconscious. Business etiquette requirements for the color scheme of a classic suit. Rules and regulations nonverbal communication in different countries.

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The clothes and shoes of a business person significantly influence the image. A business suit should be strict, without flashy colors or extravagant cut. It is very important that the clothes fit the figure, match the gender, hair color and other features of his body, are clean, ironed and tidy. The main elements of a business man's clothing are a suit, shirt and tie. Suits in dark colors are more suitable for winter, and light suits for warmer weather. Suits in dark gray and dark blue are suitable for all seasons. Three-piece suits are comfortable. Small-check jackets with plain trousers are also suitable; in a formal setting, the jacket should be buttoned. Shirts are preferably made of cotton and Polina. The most suitable colors for them are white, blue, beige, ivory, striped or barely noticeable checkered. The cuffs of the shirt should protrude 2-3 cm from under the sleeve of the jacket. Shirts in red and black colors, as well as shirts with short sleeves, are not suitable for business clothes. Low shoes and boots for services and receptions are preferable to black. Brown shoes are suitable for suits in brown and beige tones. Shoes with thick soles, sandals and sneakers are not suitable for receptions. Socks should be long, and their color should be slightly darker than the color of the suit and slightly lighter than the shoes.

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A businesswoman can wear a dress or suit in strict and modest tones for daytime receptions. For receptions organized after 20:00, it is recommended to wear more elegant and revealing evening dresses. They can be long or regular length. Her clothes in this case are complemented by evening shoes made of leather or suede with comfortable heels and a small handbag. A businesswoman's cosmetics should be discreet, and the smell of perfume should be barely perceptible. An essential piece of jewelry for a business woman is a wedding ring. This is a sign that her attitude towards others is only businesslike. At work, a woman should wear as little jewelry as possible, and those that are there should serve her purpose. business image. An integral attribute for a woman in society is a briefcase or handbag made of leather good quality, without bright decorations. Women's and men's clothing may be subject to fashion changes. However, a business suit must be subject to such requirements as convenience, rationality, elegance and correspond to intelligence, efficiency, high internal culture and good manners. A person’s career and destiny depend on appearance, clothing, intelligence, ability to communicate, and ethical education.

You've most likely heard about the dress code, as well as the saying that people are greeted by their clothes. No one needs to be convinced of the importance of choosing clothes and accessories wisely. However, this usually implies style. But it turns out that the color of clothes and accessories is no less, if not a more important element of business communication techniques. How does the color of your clothes affect your professional and personal activities? How to “read” the personality of your interlocutors by the color of their clothes? What messages do colors send to your subconscious?

It is no coincidence that since ancient times there has been a saying “You are greeted by your clothes...”. We can understand a lot about a person by his clothes, consciously looking at his outfit and accessories. The way a person dresses reflects his character, financial status, level of education, and possibly profession. Analysis of clothing and accessories is presented at trainings as part of the study of business communication techniques, in particular, when studying personality typology.

But it turns out that our subconscious also receives very important information. It, regardless of our conscious efforts, reacts to the appearance of the interlocutor. And color plays a key role in this subconscious reaction.

The color scheme of the interlocutor’s clothing influences our subconscious, forming a certain attitude towards this person. This is evidenced by numerous scientific studies.

How are people's subconscious attitudes towards different colors formed? Scientists believe that this attitude is formed by collective cultural traditions and biological associations. For example, red is associated with aggression because many people's faces turn red when they are angry. Also, red is associated with danger, because this is how nature has historically developed - red insects signal: “Don’t touch me - I’m dangerous.” That's why people started painting panic buttons and stop valves red.

It is interesting that people subconsciously choose the color of clothing that matches their character or state of mind at the moment. A young man in black most likely will not be sociable and talkative. He subconsciously celebrates that black is the color of protection and privacy. It is no coincidence that monks wear black vestments. However, you can use the color scheme of your clothes consciously in order to position yourself in communication with other people the way you need. This is a very effective business communication technique. From the first second of communication with a stranger or acquaintance, you can send the signal you need to his subconscious.

Please note that there are active and neutral colors. Neutral colors convey the least amount of information to the subconscious. These include: beige, black and white. Beige is a “no” color. It can be used if you don't want to draw attention to yourself at all. Black, as stated earlier, is the color of protection. Its neutrality is associated with secrecy. White color carries only social associations (marriage in the West, funerals in the East), in nature it is simply a fusion of all the colors of the rainbow, purity with emptiness.

Another important point. The meaning of colors can vary somewhat for different nationalities. The list below was developed for Western European culture. So, below is a detailed table of color meanings.

Causes associations:

Use to...

Love, danger, aggression, lightning speed, courage, determination

Show who is in charge, dominate, provoke a conflict or direct showdown, seduce.


Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, creativity, positive pressure

Bring excitement and emphasize a creative approach to questions.

Leadership, attention capture, energy

Lead, take the initiative into your own hands.

Reliability, devotion, calmness, optimism

Show that you are a reliable performer, a devoted subordinate.

Balance, professionalism, stability

Show that you are a professional in your field, an expert, and are ready to negotiate on serious topics.


Detachment, coldness, self-confidence

Show that you know your worth, keep your distance, and be analytical.

Conservative, intellectual, serious

Show your neutrality, restraint and good taste.


Reliability, trust, informal, friendly attitude

Show that you can be trusted, that you are not eager to become leaders, and that you are ready to play by the rules.

Formality, strength, isolation

He hides his “I” and his attitude to the issue as much as possible, to avoid familiarity.

Purity, peace, innocence

To show your openness and sincerity, you will present yourself as a naive idealist.

The color of clothing and accessories as a technique of business communication is used quite rarely, but marketers very widely use the peculiarities of the influence of colors on the human subconscious. In marketing, to attract customers it is often used as follows:

  • o red - a symbol of urgency, stimulates impulsive purchases.
  • o orange - a symbol of energy, also stimulates impulsive purchases.
  • o yellow - to attract attention (the color of advertising displays).
  • o green - to reassure clients (for example, in medical institutions.
  • o blue, light blue - used in banking to convince oneself of one’s reliability.
  • o pink - to create a romantic mood (products for girls and women).
  • o black - a symbol of strength, for the sale of luxury expensive goods.

The color scheme is simple and useful tool personal effectiveness.

The issue of color and its influence on a person can be viewed from different points of view. Thus, the choice of a certain color scheme, the preference for this (and not another) color in clothing, accessories, the emphasis on certain tones in the design of a home is quite diagnostic. It is no coincidence that the Luscher color test is considered one of the most effective in diagnosing a person’s psychological state.

Based on the analysis of the choice of colors, Luscher assessed the individual’s performance, his prospects in this direction, found out indicators of anxiety, the causes of anxiety, and much more. Numerous international studies showed that the use of Luscher's technique and his interpretations make it possible to identify many personality traits. However, one should not trust simplified statements that only physically healthy people prefer red, and those who choose green strive for self-affirmation, and blue is the lot of phlegmatic people. Of course, the choice of clothing color can tell a specialist a lot about a person’s character, but a layman and layperson often allows himself to make an unfounded conclusion about the nature of this choice.

We should not forget about the requirements of business etiquette for the color scheme of a classic suit, as well as the color types into which we are all divided, depending on our appearance. Thus, there is no doubt that color influences people and plays a significant role in a wide variety of areas of our lives.

A person’s clothing (its color and style) can be one of the ways of non-verbal communication, since it conveys information about the level of well-being, status and mood of its owner. Thus, a person in red is able to give the impression of a strong, active and impulsive personality, a leader and a fighter in life. In yellow - a sociable, intelligent person who is ready for change. In green - a sensible professional with an inexhaustible supply of energy and will. In blue - a wise politician capable of solving the problem facing him. In purple - a person with good intuition and creative abilities.

Each country has its own attitude towards color and its perception, and there are even national and cultural specifics, which also need to be taken into account in business communication.

The favorite colors of a country are usually reflected in the national flag.

In America, red is associated with love, yellow with prosperity, green with reliability, blue with loyalty, white represents purity, tranquility, peace, and black is a symbol of complexity and emergency. In Austria, the most popular color is green; in Bulgaria - dark green and brown; Pakistan - emerald green; in Italy - red, yellow and green, and in Holland - orange and blue.

In general, the closer to the East, the higher value attached to the symbolism of color. So, in China, red means kindness and courage, black means honesty, and white, in contrast to the symbol of purity and holiness generally accepted by Europeans! associated with meanness and deceit.

It’s interesting that the requirements for business clothing for men in almost all countries are the same - a black or gray suit, a white or blue shirt, a matching tie, highly polished shoes, an expensive watch... However, these rules do not apply to a business woman, and in Each country has its own idea of ​​what a real businesswoman should look like.

Americans consider a fashionable, well-tailored pantsuit to be appropriate clothing for a business woman. Highly visible and carefully applied makeup is required. The hairstyle can be any, but preference is given to a business short haircut.

Business Englishwomen, in contrast to the prevailing opinion about them, are not prim, but adhere to strict rules of etiquette. For a business meeting, they will choose a classic suit in subtle colors. As less as possible jewelry, carefully applied makeup.

German women, as a rule, are somewhat conservative in their clothing. They prefer calm, slightly boring classics, calm color scheme. Strict business hairstyle. Minimum decorations.

French women have a great eye for clothing. And although stick classic style, but without dryness, “with a kind of charm”: a light scarf for an elegant suit, a fashionable, tasteful brooch...

Italian women prefer expressive and extravagant business clothes High Quality and exquisite taste. Expensive jewelry, bright and warm color palette.

Business Spanish women most often wear a combination of black and white or black and red with gold trim. And Greek women are close to the business silhouette made of flowing fabric in pastel colors....

Thus, as we see, each country has its own idea of ​​the norms and rules of nonverbal communication. Knowing these features will only help you avoid perception errors, but also make a favorable impression on your interlocutor and establish long-term partnerships with him.

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