General characteristics of a cleaning company using an example. Analysis of the external and internal environment of Clean World LLC

Law and law 04.11.2021
Law and law
  • Capital investments: 2,200,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 550,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 121,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 24 months.

Purpose of the business plan: Justification of the feasibility of investing in opening a cleaning company.

Project Description

Project idea

The idea is to open a cleaning company in the city of Ensk (population 380 thousand people) to provide cleaning services to the population and legal entities.

Potential customers

To attract individuals, it is planned to post advertisements at stops public transport, on residential buildings and so on.

It is planned to attract legal entities for services through a presentation of the services offered by the cleaning company. In this presentation, it is necessary to convey to the customer the undeniable advantages of outsourcing cleaning activities.

Project Implementation Plan

Calendar plan

According to calendar plan, the period for opening a company is 3 months. All stages of opening an activity will be controlled by the business owner.

General cost estimate for project implementation

To open a cleaning company, an investment of 2.2 million rubles is required. The largest share (74%) in the cost structure is occupied by the cost of purchasing equipment and transport. The estimate also included the costs of financing the company’s activities until it reaches self-sufficiency.

Planned performance indicators of the cleaning company

Planned revenue for 2012

Planned cash flow for 2012

The opening of the company is planned for July 2012, reaching self-sufficiency is planned for September 2012, reaching the projected profit is planned for December 2012

Expenditure part

The cost part of the activity includes the following expenses:

  • Cost of products sold. This line includes acquisition costs detergents, household chemicals and consumables used for cleaning premises.
  • General expenses: This group of expenses includes expenses for wages of employees, social contributions, office rent, administrative expenses, advertising, accounting expenses, as well as other expenses.

You can see the structure of distribution of funds received from customers for work performed in the following diagram:

Calculation of profitability of activities

The revenue of a cleaning company consists of funds received from customers for work performed. Individuals pay for work in cash, legal entities pay for work by transferring funds to a bank account. It is planned to reach the forecast revenue (550 thousand rubles) within 6 months from the opening date.

It is planned that 40% of funds will come from individuals, 60% from legal entities and municipalities.

To reach the forecasted revenue, it is necessary to fulfill 80-100 orders from individuals per month and serve about 15-20 legal entities.

In the structure of expenses, the largest share is occupied by expenses for wages, (66% including social contributions). The net profitability of operations, after reaching the forecasted revenue, is 22%.

Revenue 550 000
Cost price 41 250
Gross profit 508 750
Expenses 365 700
Salary 184 000
UST 55 200
Administrative expenses 20 000
Rent 30 000
fuels and lubricants 20 000
Communal expenses 5 000
Advertising 40 000
other 1 500
Accounting (outsourcing) 10 000
Profit before tax 143 050
Income tax 21 458
Net profit 121 593
Profitability 22,11%

Planned financial indicators for 2013-2015

Phased growth is planned for 2013-2015 by attracting additional legal entities for services.

By 2015, it is planned to serve 35-45 legal entities and 150 individuals monthly.

Starting from 2014, we planned to reduce net profitability, due to an increase in the expenditure side of the activity.

Project risks

The following risks can be identified that may arise during the implementation of the project.

Tax risks. The risk of increasing the tax burden on business. The activities of a cleaning company fall under the simplified taxation system (STS). Maintaining tax and accounting records using this system is not a complicated process; there are no plans for taxation of small businesses. On a 5-point scale, this risk can be assigned a value of 2.

Changes in legislation. The risk of changes in legislation that worsen business conditions. The company's activities in providing cleaning services are classified as small businesses; the development of this type of activity is a priority. On a 5-point scale, this risk can be assigned a value of 1.

Risk of increased competition. Currently, there is no competition in this area, but in the period 2013-2015 there is a significant probability of the emergence of at least 3 cleaning companies. On a 5-point scale, this risk can be assigned a value of 3. The risk is leveled by the fact that by the time competitors appear, the company’s activities will be fully streamlined, the activities will be profitable, which will allow, if necessary, to reduce the cost of providing services.

The risk of increasing the cost of services provided. The expenses of the company's activities were calculated based on maximum prices; for the period 2013-2015, an annual increase in expenses of about 5% was assumed.

The main share of monthly expenses is made up of employee wages. Since low-skilled workers are required to perform the work, there will be no problems in the labor market with hiring additional personnel. On a 5-point scale, this risk can be assigned a value of 1.

Calculation of business payback

  • Project start: May 2012
  • Launch of the company: July 2012
  • Reaching operational break-even: September 2012
  • Reaching forecast revenue: December 2013
  • Project payback date: May 2014
  • Project payback period 2 years

Dear entrepreneurs, we present to your attention an example of a business plan for opening a cleaning company with calculations. All calculations are made in Excel format and can be adapted to any other business plan sample, regardless of where it is going (to a bank, a private investor, or simply for submission to an educational institution). The document can be easily adapted to your realities in any city in Russia. In the calculation Excel file, you can substitute your numbers and get a calculation option that will help you create your own activities from scratch for your project.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the structure and calculations by email below, in the comments located at the end this project or in the VKontakte group, a link to which is on any page of our website.


The task of forming a BP is to organize a CC in the city of Orenburg.

Objective of the plan: to organize a functioning CC office in an area where office buildings are concentrated in the absence of competing firms in the area.

Initiator of the project

The project will be implemented by a merchant who has experience in the process of forming successful projects, including in the field of cleaning services.

Investment costs

To develop this line of business, you need to make minor repairs to the rented office, purchase floor polishers and industrial vacuum cleaners, furniture and equipment for the office, as well as equipment for transporting personnel along with cleaning tools. Investment costs for the implementation of BP are required in the amount of 2,745 thousand rubles.

Financial component

For financing purposes, it is planned to use the personal investments of the owner of the plan, which will amount to 25% of the total amount or 686 thousand rubles, 75% of the investment amount will be bank lending at a rate of 18% per annum. The loan amount is 2,059 thousand rubles, the loan will be repaid in differentiated payments over 5 years.


In order to check the payback of the power supply after the start of operation, the CC was calculated financial model for a period of 10 years. The following careful calculations were used to ensure the stability of this power supply:

  • Inflation - 10% per year.
  • The discount rate is 15.46%.
  • A simple payback period is 4.5 years.
  • The discounted payback period is 5.33 years.
  • NPV - 6,927 thousand rubles.

BP meets all the indicators of a stable financial structure, so it may be of interest to potential investors.

Service Providers

The repair will be carried out by a group of 2 construction workers. Payment for labor will be made after acceptance of the work.

To purchase equipment and tools for cleaning premises, a company was selected that offered competitive prices and significant discounts.


QC services include the entire list of cleaning works for premises, as well as windows, stained glass windows, and external walls of buildings:

  • office cleaning;
  • cleaning of industrial workshops;
  • washing windows, walls, glass and plastic surfaces of buildings;
  • one-time orders from private individuals for apartment cleaning, including after renovation;
  • cleaning the area.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists you will save time and increase quality finished document 4-5 times and increase your chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment payments

The BP calculations include the lease of office space for a period of 10 years with the right to extend it. The CC office is supposed to be located in an urban area where there are no other CCs nearby, but there is a fairly large number of office buildings. The main costs will be the purchase of washing equipment and equipment for transporting personnel and equipment necessary for cleaning. The maximum possible number of items removed square meters per day - approximately 5 thousand m2.

Investment costs look like this:

Investments are financed from the businessman’s available funds (25%) and a loan from the bank (75%).

Work schedule

Below is a schedule of activities for organizing the work of a cleaning company:

Floor plan

To organize the work of the CC, a promising urban area was chosen, where many office buildings are located. The rent under the contract is 20 thousand rubles. per month. A diagram of the office and the arrangement of furniture in it is attached:

The CC office is planned to be located in work time 2 people - director and accountant. The rest will arrive to be called and equipped throughout the day.

The area of ​​the CC office is 36 m2.

The office is divided into 4 parts: an entrance vestibule, an office for the director and accountant, a staff room and a storage room where consumables and cleaning equipment (floor polishers and vacuum cleaners) are stored. The office will contain tables, chairs, cabinets, shelving and Office equipment- computer, printer and telephone.

If the BP is successfully implemented, options for expanding services and offices are explored in the presence of permanent long-term orders, for example, opening a dry cleaner and laundry.

Work time

The CC operating mode corresponds to a 40-hour work week - on weekdays from 9-00 to 18-00. At the request of clients, cleaning activities can be organized around the clock.

The office renovation is planned to be carried out as standard: painting the ceiling and windows, wallpapering, laying linoleum, installing electrical equipment.

Marketing plan


In the city, CC is quite common, but each company covers one or 2 types of cleaning services. Their prices vary from 30 to 50 rubles. for 1 m2. Competitors' offers are shown below:

Proposal analysis

An analysis of possible offers of cleaning services makes it possible to conclude that in Orenburg the market for cleaning services has not been fully developed. Most companies and organizations use their own employees for cleaning. High-quality and affordable advertising will attract office owners and tenants, as well as residents of nearby areas, to provide one-time and periodic services. In addition, our QC will provide a full range of cleaning services, including one-time services.


QC will be posted in basement office building, which is located in a place in Orenburg where most of the offices are located. There is a demand for cleaning services, and they will be accepted.

List of services and cost

Several services are planned to be offered:

  1. Cleaning office premises, which includes wiping dust from furniture and lamps, washing floors and window sills, taking out garbage, for an additional fee - washing walls and windows, as well as other types of services: washing carpets, rugs, sorting papers, sorting garbage, etc.
  2. Cleaning of industrial premises: workshops, warehouses, hangars. This includes services for dusting furniture and equipment, cleaning industrial waste, and cleaning floors using an industrial floor polisher.
  3. Washing windows, glass and plastic surfaces on the outside of buildings using industrial climbers and special equipment. In addition, cleaning services will be provided for roofs, balconies and other protruding parts of buildings.
  4. Fulfillment of one-time and regular orders from individuals and legal entities, including before and after completion of repair work.
  5. Cleaning the area - sweeping, mopping and removing trash.

Prices for services depend on the complexity of the work performed and vary from 20 to 120 rubles per 1 m2 of surface to be cleaned. Regular clients will be offered individual discount programs in relation to the volume, complexity and duration of services provided.

Revenue is distributed by type of service according to the following diagram:

Volume of work

The market for cleaning services in this area is untapped, so it is expected that our cleaning service will quickly generate income. Effective advertising will help with this.

The seasonality of work does not play a noticeable role for CC; for them there is always work. In summer there is less dirt, but there is more construction and repair work, after which it is always necessary to carry out general cleaning. The seasonality chart looks like this:


An illuminated sign will be installed above the office entrance, and advertising panels and placards will be placed and hung near the entrances to office buildings. A QC website will also be created, registration will be made and data will be provided to sites where cleaning services are mentioned. Advertising campaign will be broadcast on television and radio.

But the main volume of orders is planned to be received from the work of the manager, who will mainly be involved in working with corporate clients. Its tasks will include informing potential clients about the company and the cleaning services it provides, calculating prices and the cost of services for a specific client and concluding an agreement.

The expected 100% volume level is presented in the following graph:

Company income

Based on seasonality indices, planned sales growth, annual inflation of 10% and the structure of service provision, we have drawn up an income plan for a cleaning company for 10 years in advance, which is presented in the table below by year (thousand rubles):

Article 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year
Operating income 2 008 5 134 8 269 10 098 11 108 12 218 13 440 14 784 16 263 17 889

Organizational plan

Business registration

This BP is planned for implementation as a Company with limited liability. The financial component is represented by a bank loan and personal investments. A simplified taxation system will be used - 15% of the income base minus expenses.

Staffing and organizational structure

The KK staff list includes 14 employees. It is planned to pay the salary provided that all hours are worked according to the standard at 40-hour working week, the bonus portion will be 1 - 2% of the income received.

Position/profession Qty Salary, rub. Premium, %
Director 1 40 000
Manager 1 25 000 2% of revenue
Brigadier 2 20 000 1% of revenue
Office and industrial premises cleaner 8 14 000 1% of revenue
Industrial climber 2 25 000 2% of revenue
Accountant-secretary 1 18 000 1% of revenue
Sales Manager 1 25 000 2% of revenue
TOTAL 15 285 000

The bonus portion will be paid to employees when all tasks are completed with a high level of quality.

The director is both the owner of the business and is in charge of purchasing everything necessary equipment and consumables, drawing up contracts, checking reports, organizing the work of QC and personnel, collecting and accounting for revenue, and in the absence of any of the personnel - selecting a replacement.

The manager will work with corporate clients - the main task is to find new ones and conclude cleaning contracts.

The foreman (2 people) receives the scope of work, manages subordinate workers, monitors the use of consumables and the correct handling of equipment, drives a car, delivers personnel and equipment to sites.

The cleaner of the office and production premises (8 people) performs a given amount of work to provide cleaning services; during the period of illness or vacation, the foreman can take his place.

An industrial climber (2 people) performs work on cleaning glass and plastic panels on the walls of buildings, as well as windows from the outside using specialized equipment (lifts and cradles).

The accountant-secretary answers calls and letters, prepares the necessary documentation, draws up and submits required reports.

The organizational structure of the CC is presented below:

Financial plan


The payback period is calculated at 10 years. It is assumed that inflation rates will be 10% per year, so the discount rate is planned at 15.5%.

The simplified taxation system for LLCs is expressed by the following values: the indicator is 545.7 thousand rubles.

PSU stability

Analysis of the stability of BP in relation to negative factors shows the dynamics of income when the main reagents change: the price of services, necessary expenses and salary level. The resulting data looks like this:

SWOT analysis

Risk analysis

The BP is protected at a sufficient level primarily by the cautious forecasts used to calculate the economic model. Large-scale risks relate to the situation in the country as a whole:

  • Technological - introduction of new offers of cleaning services at a lower cost.
  • Economic - a decrease in the income side of organizations will lead to a limitation of users of CC services and a reduction in prices.

Negative factors are mitigated by the following response measures:

Negative factors Negative impacts Possibility of warning
Natural disasters, fire, flood Availability of fire alarms, personnel training, conclusion of an insurance contract
Theft or damage to property Replacing furniture or equipment Conclusion of an insurance contract, involvement of law enforcement agencies
Decrease client base Falling profitability Reduced prices, new types of advertising
Deferment of payments and loans Payment of penalties Carrying out all operations on time
Competition Fall in profitability and number of customers Discount promotions, personal offers


This project has a good foundation due to cautious forecasts and calculations. The payback period of a power supply unit can be reduced if you do not buy expensive equipment, but rent or lease it.

The MAX CLEANING company consists of different divisions performing different functions and tasks; the organizational structure of the MAX CLEANING company is presented in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4.-Organization structure

The General Director and his deputy manage the MAX-CLEANING company, which consists of the following departments:

    Customer Service Department;

    Works department and others.

The scope of activity of the customer service department of the MAX-CLEANING company is extensive: its main task is long-term cooperation and service to legal entities, analyzing their needs, level and focus. Negotiations with client companies, familiarization with the terms of sale of services provided by MAX-CLEANING, control over the execution of work - all this is an integral part of the work of this department.

The client company can contact MAX-CLEANING and enter into a contract for cleaning the premises.

    The contract can be one of two types:

    maintenance - is concluded for the purpose of obtaining long-term cleaning services,

one-time – for one-time provision of cleaning services.

When concluding a contract, the company manager is obliged to find out all the necessary information about the client and his premises. If a client needs cleaning of several premises, a contract is concluded for each of them.

    Depending on the type of premises (manufacturing, retail, industrial, warehouse and others), the cleaning class is selected. The MAX-CLEANING company provides the following cleaning classes:

    General one-time;





Are different cleaning classes possible? The manager will help you agree on the class and timing of cleaning work in the event of concluding a long-term service agreement or one-time order

. When cleaning the premises, the client has the right to choose a combination of different classes provided by the MAX-CLEANING company. The cost of the contract depends on the chosen cleaning class and the size of the room.

After concluding the contract, planning and control over the cleaning will be transferred to the work department, whose function is the timely and high-quality provision (performance) of cleaning services.

senior foreman and cleaners (not so in the diagram), In my opinion, I got confused with the foreman and senior foreman and just cleaners.

Control over the quality of services provided is carried out by the senior foreman, who checks the completion of the task by each cleaner of the team and evaluates it using a five-point system. As a result, they form an assessment of the work of the entire team. The senior foreman provides a report on the performance of work and its evaluation to the customer service manager.

After which, the client accepts the work and, if desired, can also evaluate the quality of the work using a five-point system. The client's assessment is recorded by the company manager. The work is considered accepted with a rating of “5”, with a rating of “4-3” the senior foreman sends a team to correct the shortcomings, no bonus is paid, with a rating of “2 and below” the teams redo the work completely and are reorganized.

In the course of the analysis of activities to control the execution of work under contracts of the MAX-CLEANING company, a business process diagram was constructed, presented in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5.-Business process diagram of the customer service department and the work department

Numerous firms and enterprises require the services of cleaning companies. A cleaning company is a company that provides comprehensive cleaning services. A set of measures designed to clean and maintain cleanliness in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including measures for cleaning facades, washing display windows and other external surfaces of buildings - a very complex process

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for the graduation project

on the topic of: Development of an IS module for the company "MAX-CLEANING" to control the quality of contract work

MOSCOW - 2015


Numerous firms and enterprises require the services of cleaning companies. Cleaning company is a company providing comprehensive cleaning services.A set of measures designed to clean and maintain cleanliness in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including measures for cleaning facades, washing display windows and other external surfaces of buildings a very complex process, consisting of many different stages, where a large number of participants are involved. The effectiveness of a cleaning organization requires clear coordination of actions among all its employees.

The advantage of specialized companies is determined by the following factors:

  1. high quality services;
  2. the cost of services is not higher than the cost of maintaining your own cleaning service;
  3. expenses for cleaning company services are deducted from taxable profit;
  4. cleaning company specialists perform exclusive and complex specialized work (for example, crystallization of marble coatings);
  5. efficiency - cleaning is done at a time that is convenient for the Customer.

Today, cleaning is one of the most dynamically developing and stable business sectors in Russia. More and more companies are interested in purchasing high-quality and reliable cleaning services, which places great demands on competent and balanced work with clients.

All of the above advantages require the use of modern information technologies in the work of cleaning companies, such as specialized information systems, for example, CRM systems.

The “heart” of any CRM system is a database of both individuals and legal entities that interact with your company as part of the enterprise’s activities. These are not only customers, but also company branches, partners, suppliers, competitors. The customer database is a valuable asset in itself, and proper data management in a CRM system allows you to use information in your work with maximum efficiency. The client base is consolidated, the organization receives complete information about its clients and their preferences and, based on this information, builds an interaction strategy.

Single base customer data and a complete history of relationships with them, combined with powerful analytical CRM tools, allows you to retain and develop existing clients, identifying the most valuable ones, as well as attracting new customers.

The main function of a CRM system is to help managers plan sales, organize transparent transaction management and optimize sales channels. The system stores a complete history of communication with customers, which helps sales departments analyze customer behavior, create offers that suit them, and win loyalty. The remaining capabilities of CRM systems are presented below:

  1. planning and coordinating contacts with clients;
  2. collecting and typing all possible information about clients;
  3. control over long-term or complex transactions;
  4. analysis of each stage of projects or transactions;
  5. formalization of all processes focused on interaction with customers.

This variety software products most suitable for those organizations that conduct long-term and multi-stage projects that involve big number employees or several departments. Since the number of concluded contracts per unit of time is small, each transaction takes many days and even months. This means that each project requires an exclusively individual approach. In such conditions, it is necessary to take care of customer loyalty. To do this, it is necessary not only to ensure an individual approach, but also strict adherence to the designated deadlines, terms of the contract, as well as coordinated work and punctuality of all employees involved.

Analytical part

The MAX group of companies was founded in 2000. The main activity is a multi-disciplinary integrated service sector.Since the formation of the MAKS Group of Companies, the range of types of services offered has been constantly expanding. Today, GC "MAX" offers the following types of services (Fig. 1):

  1. security of objects, rapid response teams, remote security, private detective services;
  2. ensuring the most efficient and uninterrupted operation of serviced real estate;
  3. preliminary analysis of existing security systems;
  4. comprehensive cleaning of premises.

Figure 1.1. - Service areas of GC "MAX"

"MAX SECURITY" developed along with the sphere of non-state security. Security of objects, rapid response teams, remote security, private detective services, all this is included in the standard package of services. The department employs IT infrastructure specialists who provide emergency assistance foreign citizens and know all the nuances of escorting cargo and valuables.

Practice shows that security is not just security guards in uniform, but a whole range of measures aimed at preventing and preventing potential threats. These measures are part of the MAX SECURITY comprehensive security system, developed by experts with many years of experience.

For customers, an integrated approach to security means that communication with all security services occurs through a single contractor. The company relieves customers of the need to coordinate the work of several unrelated organizations. Having a single operations center allows you to instantly and effectively respond to any emergency situations.

MAX SECURITY is constantly improving and developing new security concepts. Advanced technologies are being introduced into our work foreign technologies and develop our own solutions for specific tasks. However, even the most advanced automated security systems cannot completely displace a person. Therefore, special attention is paid to improving the professionalism of MAX SECURITY employees. Specialists regularly undergo advanced training courses, and their level of training is tested for internal audits. Strict selection of personnel allows us to minimize the influence of the human factor in the services of MAX SECURITY.

The management team of MAX SECURITY is aimed at an individual approach to clients. Specialists conduct a multi-level analysis and, based on its results, offer the most effective solutions to ensure client security. At the same time, the scope of activity of MAX SECURITY is not limited to private clients. The employees are familiar with the security of government facilities and have proven themselves in this area.

The division's approach to comprehensive security services is unparalleled and ensures maximum efficiency in any situation.

The MAX EXPLUATION division has been operating on the market for more than ten years. The main task is to ensure the most efficient and uninterrupted operation of the serviced real estate. In this case, the statute of limitations for putting the facility into operation and the level of complexity of the equipment do not play a role.

The comprehensive service offered by MAX OPERATION includes technical support for equipment and engineering systems, as well as security suggestions. This list includes Maintenance and other planned and unscheduled work; design and installation of fire alarms and video surveillance systems, as well as a range of repair and construction services. MAX EXPLUATION clients receive a full package of services from one contractor, which allows them to significantly reduce costs and ease issues of interaction between services.

The specialists of this department are always ready to offer several options for working with an object, depending on its specifics and the client’s wishes. An individual approach allows the customer to count on complete mutual understanding with the contractor and, as a result, obtaining the highest quality result.

IN modern world facilities and equipment modern buildings is becoming more diverse and complex. The main goal of this unit is to provide comprehensive services for the operation of buildings. All employees understand the most modern achievements of science and technology and use them in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the manufacturers. This is the only way to guarantee support for the performance and safety of an object of any complexity at the proper level.

The MAX CONSULTING division has been engaged in consulting and auditing in the field of security for more than 10 years. The main task of the division is a comprehensive analysis of the situation, as well as calculation of development prospects, taking into account the existing problems of the company, as well as the individual characteristics of the business.

MAX CONSULTING employees carry out a preliminary analysis of existing security systems. Naturally, such work is carried out in close cooperation with the customer’s employees, who will bring you up to date and help take into account all the features.

An audit of a company’s activities is carried out by highly qualified specialists who will not only be able to identify critical points in an already used system, but will also suggest ways to eliminate them. All consultants at one time served in law enforcement agencies and have significant experience working in Russia and abroad.

Also, MAX CONSULTING specialists provide assistance in eliminating crisis situations, increase the efficiency of business processes and implement effective management information systems and IT risks of the company.

The division's consultants set themselves the task of building mutually beneficial relationships in order to continue cooperation with the client on a long-term basis. "MAX CONSULTING" offers its clients auditing services, legal services in the field of criminal, labor, tax, and other types of law.

The scope of services provided by the MAX CLEANING company is cleaning of premises. First in Russiacleaning companiesarose in 1992-1994. along with the appearance of the firstjoint ventures, which at that time were the only consumers of their services. During 2012, the increase in the volume of the cleaning services market in Russia in monetary terms amounted to about 9 billion rubles; in 2011, its volume was 45 billion rubles, and at the end of 2012, they valued the cleaning market at 54 billion rubles. Over the past year, 2014, the volume of the Russian cleaning services market has grown, according to analysts, by approximately 1011 billion rubles, and amounted to about 65 billion rubles at the end of last year.

The largest regions for the provision of cleaning services include Moscow, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tyumen Region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.Moscow accounts for $100-150 million of the domestic cleaning market.

According to experts, there are more than 300 cleaning companies operating in the capital's market. Based on the size of the business, they can be divided into 4 large categories:

  1. largest operators (employee more than 500 people) ~ 67%;
  2. large operators (staff up to 500 people) ~ 15%;
  3. medium operators (staff up to 200 people) ~ 7%;
  4. small operators (staff up to 50 people) ~ 11%.

The range of standard services provided by almost all market players, including mandatory includes daily comprehensive cleaning, as well as washing of vertical surfaces. Further, about 93% of all cleaning companies offer grinding and polishing services for granite, marble, porcelain and ceramic tiles, as well as cleaning of surrounding areas and specialized cleaning services after construction work and fires. About 87% of companies participating in the study provide Additional services and personnel, for example, packers, loaders and others, and 80% of the players in the cleaning services market also provide their clients with landscaping services for adjacent and internal areas, garbage and snow removal.

The main clients of cleaning companies are supermarkets and shopping centers, manufacturing enterprises, transport and warehouse companies, medical and sports institutions, office and business centers, large international and Russian companies, banks, government agencies, hotel complexes, entertainment facilities (cinemas, clubs, casinos), train stations and airports.

Figure 1.2.- Segmentation of cleaning service consumers

The most lagging segment of the market, as many studies show, is cleaning in healthcare institutions. This state of affairs is explained by established habits, more stringent standards that exist in such organizations and the specific requirements adopted by them for the cleaning performed by the cleaning company’s staff.

The dynamic development of cleaning services in these market sectors is due to their focus on the client: the positive image of an organization is largely determined by the condition of its office - even the most complex offices in the architectural and design sense must be impeccably and professionally cleaned.

The criteria for choosing a cleaning company are: market authority, cost and range of services provided, the level of equipment, technologies and chemicals used in the work, personnel qualifications, cleaning control system.

Cleaning is an industrial necessity in the modern business world. Daily cleaning on a contract basis is a fairly developed area of ​​this company. The ability to order both one-time cleaning and to draw up a contract for cleaning premises at a set frequency, with a convenient work schedule for the client this is a very common activity today that requires large quantity data and is perfectly suitable for an example of information system design. The company's employees pay great attention control and quality of cleaning performed. An important part of the company's work is also openness. The client has the right to know what, how and with what help he is doing this company"MAX CLEANING" All chemical products have hygienic certificates, partners and clients can visit production base and get acquainted with the technological capabilities and organization of work at the enterprise.

Cleaning is a modern and widely demanded service provided various companies specializing in cleaning services. Such cleaning is carried out by specially trained workers and assessed according to high European standards.

Cleaning appeared in Russia in the early 1990s and primarily began to be in demand among large Western companies that were accustomed to professional cleaning in their homeland. The service combines full complex activities intended for cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in residential, commercial and industrial premises, including activities for cleaning facades, washing display windows and other external surfaces of buildings. The list of services usually also includes garbage removal and snow removal from roofs and surrounding areas.

Currently, all services are carried out by qualified personnel using modern technologies cleaning, using the latest tools, specially selected for each surface separately, taking into account its physical, chemical and technical features. The Russian cleaning market has expanded significantly and has great prospects for further development. In just a couple of decades, people will forget what self-cleaning is and will turn to a company that provides these services. After all, not only the appearance itself, but also the health of the owner depends on the cleanliness of the room.

The managers of many large and small companies have already become convinced that the cleaning services offered by specialized companies are significantly superior in quality to cleaning services in the usual sense. Professional cleaning involves bringing the premises to an impeccable condition; such cleaning ultimately saves time, increases the service life of finishing materials and increases the prestige of the company.

The company's employees and managers work as a single mechanism, highly value not only the high quality of the services offered, but also analyze the ordered services, forecast the situation in the service market, and, as a result, offer constructive solutions to emergency situations and the most effective solutions to the client's needs.

In 2003, to improve the quality of customer service, it was decided to open a new division that would provide additional professional cleaning services. MAX CLEANING took its first steps in Moscow. The experience gained in the capital was used to enter the regions. And although there were enough problems at first, the company managed to cope with all the difficulties. In 2005, the company entered into a contract with the METRO supermarket chain, becoming one of the first companies to provide cleaning services to supermarkets and hypermarkets. By 2010, the company's staff numbered more than 400 people. Personnel work at sites throughout Moscow. By 2012, MAX CLEANING entered the regions of Russia. The first branches were opened in Krasnoyarsk and Kazan. The quality of professional cleaning of offices and shopping centers exceeds the expectations of regional clients. The company approached its 10th anniversary with a staff of 700 people. All further experience gave me unique knowledge in the field of cleaning.

The reputation of the MAX CLEANING company, which was created in recent years, is of great importance. It requires taking into account the attitude of each employee to their work.

Figure 1.3.- Client companies of MAX-CLEANING

Interaction and communication with clients are essential components of success. It is very important to keep records of contracts with customers, all customer orders that reflect their needs.

A flexible pricing policy, professional level of training of employees, the use of a variety of equipment and chemicals allow us to occupy a leading position in this service sector.

The cleaning company provides its services throughout the Russian Federation. The main part of the service area is the central part of the Russian Federation. The company works with many large legal entities (see Figure No. 1.3.).

Organizational structure of the company

The MAX CLEANING company consists of different divisions performing different functions and tasks; the organizational structure of the MAX CLEANING company is presented in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4.- Organization structure

CEO and his deputy exercise leadership overcompany "MAX-CLEANING", which consists of the following departments:

  • Customer Service Department;
  • Works department and others.

The scope of activity of the customer service department of the MAX-CLEANING company is extensive: its main task is long-term cooperation and service to legal entities, analyzing their needs, level and focus. Negotiations with client companies, familiarization with the terms of sale of services provided by MAX-CLEANING, control over the execution of work - all this is an integral part of the work of this department.

The client company can contact MAX-CLEANING and enter into a contract for cleaning the premises. The contract can be one of two types:

  • maintenance - is concluded for the purpose of obtaining long-term cleaning services,
  • one-time for one-time provision of cleaning services.

When concluding a contract, the company manager is obliged to find out all the necessary information about the client and his premises. If a client needs cleaning of several premises, a contract is concluded for each of them.

Depending on the type of premises (manufacturing, retail, industrial, warehouse and others), the cleaning class is selected. The MAX-CLEANING company provides the following cleaning classes:

  1. General one-time;
  2. Economy-one-time;
  3. Monthly;
  4. Weekly;
  5. Quarterly.

The manager will help you agree on the class and timing of cleaning work in the event of concluding a long-term service agreement or a one-time order. When cleaning the premises, the client has the right to choose a combination of different classes provided by the MAX-CLEANING company. The cost of the contract depends on the chosen cleaning class and the size of the room.

After concluding the contract, planning and control over the cleaning will be transferred to the work department, whose function is the timely and high-quality provision (performance) of cleaning services.

The work department includes a warehouse manager, a driver, as well as a senior foreman and cleaners forming separate work teams. Upon receipt of cleaning data, the senior foreman appoints a team and distributes workbetween the cleaners included in it, in accordance with existing standards for the selected cleaning class. Cleaning of the client’s premises is carried out within the established time limits specified in the previously executed contract.

Control over the quality of services provided is carried out by the senior foreman, who checks the completion of the task by each cleaner of the team and evaluates it using a five-point system. As a result, they form an assessment of the work of the entire team. The senior foreman provides a report on the performance of work and its evaluation to the customer service manager.

After which, the client accepts the work and, if desired, can also evaluate the quality of the work using a five-point system. The client's assessment is recorded by the company manager. The work is considered accepted with a rating of “5”, with a rating of “4-3” the senior foreman sends a team to correct the shortcomings, no bonus is paid, with a rating of “2 and below” the teams redo the work completely and are reorganized.

In the course of the analysis of activities to control the execution of work under contracts of the MAX-CLEANING company, a business process diagram was constructed, presented in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5.- Scheme of the business process of the customer service department and the work department

Analysis of software and hardware for the customer service department and operations department

The company uses a network based on the client-server concept. For modern DBMSs, the client-server architecture has become the de facto standard. The basic principle of client-server technology is to divide the functions of a standard interactive application into four groups:

  • data input and display functions;
  • application functions specific to the subject area;
  • fundamental functions of storing and managing resources (databases);
  • service functions.

Advantages of this system:

  • No duplication of server program code by client programs.
  • Since all calculations are performed on the server, the requirements for the computers on which the client is installed are reduced.

All data is stored on the server, which, as a rule, is protected much better than most clients. It is easier to implement permission control on the server to allow access to data only to clients with appropriate access rights.

Figure 1.6. Characteristics of the server of the work department and the customer service department

Interaction between remote users is not carried out via local network, but via the Internet. The customer service department and the operations department are remote users.

Figure 1.7. Characteristics of the customer service department PC

Figure 1.8.- Software and technical support company "MAX-CLEANING"

Table 1.




1. Account Manager

Activities: concluding contracts.

Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point.

There is no way to calculate the number of teams to perform cleaning;

Lack of ability to calculate the cost of the service.

2. Senior foreman

Activities: planning and monitoring the implementation of cleaning. Obtaining information on cleaning the premises.

iOS, Android kitkat 4.4.

Sending messages via e-mail about the order status.

Possibility of losing necessary data;

The problem of finding information about the client, his premises and contacts;

Lack of timely assessment of the team’s activities;

Table 1. (Continued)

Lack of control over the activities of cleaners.

3. Cleaner

Activities: timely and high-quality provision of cleaning services.

IOS, Android kitkat 4.4.

Cleaning activities are not recorded;

There is no possibility of timely transmission of progress reports;

The purpose of my final classification work is to develop an information system module for recording the quality of cleaning performed on various client premises.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

Analyze the activities of the MAX company in monitoring contracts for cleaning premises;

Analyze ways to control the quality of cleaning

Create a list of requirements for the module;

Develop a database;

Develop user interfaces for the account manager and senior foreman;



List of requirements for module development:

Storing data about clients, premises, contracts, cleaning classes, assessing the quality of work performed.

Storing data on cleaning of premises, assessments of work performed by each cleaner;

Calculate an assessment of the team’s performance for the company manager;

Calculation of the number of teams required to clean the premises, depending on the class of cleaning and the size of the premises;

Comparative analysis of existing information systems

Customer Relationship Management System (CRM, CRM-system, short for English Customer Relationship Management)application softwarefor organizations, designed to automate strategies for interaction with customers (clients), in particular, to increase sales levels, optimize marketing and improving customer service by storing information about customers and the history of relationships with them, establishing and improving business processes and subsequently analyzing the results. CRM system applicable in any business where the client is personalized, where competition is high and success depends on providing the most favorable conditions for the client.

CRM interaction model, which believes that the center of the entire business philosophy is the client, and the main areas of activity are measures to support effective marketing, sales and customer service. Supporting these business goals includes collecting, storing and analyzing information about customers, suppliers, partners, and internal processes companies. Functions to support these business goals include sales, marketing , consumer support.

Today in Russia there are many information systems customer relationship management. Notable examples are:

“NOVA CRM” is a simple and convenient system for working with clients, integrated with telephony, e-mail, and social networks.

"Megaplan" is a domestic business management system. Allows you to keep records of clients, record incoming requests, completed transactions and sales, manage all finances of the organization, set and monitor the completion of tasks, optimize and improve the work of employees, and analyze the effectiveness of the organization.

“AmoCRM” is a simple and reliable online CRM system, to use which you just need to create an account on the appropriate website. You can work online from anywhere in the world. This is an ideal solution for conducting business with regional offices and remote employees.

Table 2.

Technical requirements



"And moCRM"


1. Storage of data about clients, premises, contracts





2. Storage of data on cleaning of premises, assessments of work performed by each cleaner;





Table 2. (Continued)

3. Calculate an assessment of the team’s performance for the company manager;





4. Calculation of the number of teams required to clean the premises, depending on the class of cleaning and the size of the premises;





To solve the problems set in the final classification work, the following are used:

  • database design method ER modeling. Heis a graphical description of the subject area in terms of “object - property - relationship”. Using ER modeling provides many benefits: it makes domain analysis more focused and specific; allows you to design an AIS without being tied to a specific target DBMS and select the latter at any time; when changing the DBMS used, you do not need to carry out the design again, you only need to carry out the step of transferring the ER model to the target one (if the target DBMS you have chosen is supported by this CASE tool, then such a transition will generally be performed automatically);
  • CASE Erwin tool . The advantage is the ability to create database structure diagrams that allow you to automatically solve issues related to maintaining its integrity, as well as the independence of the logical model from the DBMS used, which allows you to use universal methods for exporting it to specific DBMSs.
  • The DBMS is selected as the target DBMS MS Access. Access is a relational database management system that includes all the necessary tools to create a local database, a shared database on a local network with a file server, or a database on SQL server, as well as for creating user applications that work with these databases. DBMS Access includes diverse and numerous relatively autonomous software tools aimed at creating database objects and user applications. Graphical design tools allow the user to create database objects and application objects using numerous graphical elements without resorting to programming.
  • As a data manipulation language language SQL . The SQL language is the basis of many DBMS , because is responsible for physically structuring and writing data to disk, as well as for reading data from disk, allows you to accept SQL requests from other components DBMS and custom applications. Thus, SQL is a powerful tool that provides users, programs and computing systems with access to information contained in relational databases. SQL independent from specific DBMS all common DBMS use SQL because relational basedata can be transferred from one DBMS to another with minimal modifications; the ability to create interactive queries SQL provides users with immediate access to data, while interactively you can get the result of a query in a very short time without writing a complex program;

Project part

Description of the subject area

The company has its own fleet in Moscow, which includes 5 VOLVO cars, as well as 6 drivers assigned to each car. Teams (3) performing comprehensive cleaning of premises, consisting of 3 people each.

Company Services:

  • Comprehensive cleaning of premises (commercial, industrial, warehouse and industrial);

A client who can only be entity, addresses an employee of the MAX company in the position of order receiving manager. The company provides its services both at the request of the client and for a long period of time (from 7 days and above).

The client discusses the following with the order acceptance manager:

The client provides data about the premises in need of service (type of premises, area, location);

The price, measured in rubles, is determined in the contract (100% prepayment):

  • At the client’s request (one-time) depends on the area of ​​the premises, type of cleaning and the number of teams involved.
  • Over a long period of time depends on the service period, frequency and area of ​​the premises.

An agreement containing:

  • Client personal data
  • Room details
  • Service period
  • Number of teams involved

The quality of service will be checked by the client and the company employee who controls the results of the team’s work. In the event of a matching, unsatisfactory assessment between the client and the employee, the work group will be reprimanded, up to and including dismissal.

The selection of vehicles available in the company's fleet will be carried out by a transport selection specialist. He will estimate the required number of teams to maintain the premises and the vehicles needed to transport the working group to its destination. The selection of cars is carried out immediately after the data provided about the premises by the client before the conclusion of the contract.

Feasibility study of development and implementation methods

For database design service center it was decided to use the ER diagram method. This method design was chosen by me based on the following factors:

The ER diagram method was taught to us in the Database discipline.

The design method using ER diagrams has a number of advantages, namely - clarity; possibility of designing a database with big amount objects and attributes;

ER diagrams make it possible to analyze the subject area more specifically;

Requirements for knowledge of the SQL language are reduced.

The ER model is based on three elements:

  • Essence
  • Attribute
  • Connection

I chose ERwin Data Modeler as a computer-aided database design system.

Microsoft Access was chosen as the DBMS. I chose this DBMS based on the following factors:

Microsoft Access was taught to me during my training;

Access makes it quick and easy to create table queries;

When processing data, Access uses the SQL query language, which was also taught to me in the Database discipline.

Database Design

Conceptual design stage

Description of entities.

Identification of entities.

Description of connections.














Need (Include)
















Draw up



















Conceptual data model in the Chen standard

ER diagram in ERwin environment

Fig.7 Logic model with redundant connections

Model Analysis

Composite attribute: - no

Multi-valued attribute: Telephone (company, representative)

Derived attribute:

Order cost = Cleaning type (cost)* Room (area)

Contract price = Contract (service period / frequency)* Premises (area)

Recursive connections: - no

1:1 Communication: Order requires Cleaning

Redundant connections: yes

The Company Representative entity appears:

  • Client consults with Employee
  • Client evaluates Cleaning
  • The Client signs the Agreement
  • Customer makes an order

The premises are maintained by employees

The premises are being cleaned

Employees execute the Order

Employees supervise cleaning

The contract obliges Cleaning

m:n connection: yes

Employees doing cleaning

Fig.8 The final model in Erwin

Physical design stage

Data schema in the environment of the selected DBMS

Fig.9 Database schema

Implementation of basic queries

Rice . 9 Implementations of basic queries

  • Displaying a list of contracts between company managers

This request will allow you to view, by the personnel number of the manager who enters the user, a list of contracts he has executed. Such a request will allow you to quickly view information about the work of a specific company manager.

SELECT Employees.Tab_Number, Employees.Full Name, Employees.Phone, Employees.Position, Employees.Department_Number, Contract.Agreement_Number FROM Employees INNER JOIN Contract ON Employees.Tab_Number = Contract.Tab_Number WHERE (((Employees.Tab_Number)=[Enter personnel number manager:]));

  • Viewing the assessment of the work of cleaners-foremen

This request will be sent to view the assessment of the work of the cleaners-foremen. Based on this assessment, the client and the company manager can put forward comments and measures to prevent further errors in the work of the cleaners.

SELECT Employees.Name, Employees.Position, Cleaning.Client_Rating, Cleaning.Manager_Rating, Employees.Crew_Number FROM Cleaning INNER JOIN (Employees INNER JOIN Clean_Employment ON Employees.Tab_Number = Clean_Cleaning_Number) ON Cleaning.Cleaning_Number = Clean_Cleaning_Number W HERE ((( Cleaning.Cleaning_number)=[Enter cleaning number]));

  • Displaying a list of orders for the entered type of cleaning

This request will allow you to view the order details made by the client.

SELECT [Cleaning Type].[Cleaning Class], [Cleaning Type].Cost, Order.Order_Number FROM [Cleaning Type] INNER JOIN Order ON [Cleaning Type].[Cleaning Class] = Order.[Cleaning Class] WHERE (([ Cleaning type].[Cleaning class])=[Enter cleaning class:]);

  • Search for a client company using the database

This request will allow the employee to enter the name of the client’s company and display a list of previously executed contracts and orders, if any. Thanks to such a request, it will be possible to avoid re-entering information about the client’s company.

SELECT Client.[Company name], Client.Legal_address, Client.Company_telephone, [Company representative].Full name, [Company representative].Email FROM Client INNER JOIN [Company representative] ON Client.NKl = [Company representative].NKl WHERE ( ((Customer.[Company Name])=[Enter Company Name:]));

  • Search for unfulfilled/unfulfilled orders

This request will allow you to display a list of completed and unfulfilled orders by user-entered status.

SELECT Order.Order_Number, Order.Status, Order.Reception_Date, Order.[Cleaning Class], Order.Complete_Date FROM Order WHERE (((Order.Status)=[Enter order status:]));

  • List of premises by type

This request will allow you to display a list of premises based on the entered

user type of room.

SELECT Premises.Address, Premises.Area, Premises.Type, Premises.NKl FROM Premises WHERE (((Premises.Type)=[Enter the type of premises:]));

  • List of contracts whose service period is more than 30 days

This request will allow you to display a list of contracts whose service period exceeds 30 days.

SELECT Contract.Contract_Number, Contract.Order_Date, Contract.Address, Contract.[Service Term (Days)]FROM Contract WHERE (((Contract.[Service Term (Days)])>30));

  • Calculating the cost of orders

This request will allow you to display the cost of the order according to the number entered by the user. Thanks to such a request, it will be possible to avoid errors when calculating the cost of orders.

SELECT Order.Order_Number, ([Cleaning Type].[Cost]+[Cleaning Type].[Number of Teams per Unit Area])*[Premises].[Area] AS Order_Cost, Order.[Cleaning Class], Order.Status FROM Premises INNER JOIN ([Cleaning Type] INNER JOIN Order ON [Cleaning Type].[Cleaning Class] = Order.[Cleaning Class]) ON Premises.Address = Order.Address WHERE (((Order.Order_Number)=[Enter order number :]));

  • Calculation of contract costs

This request will allow you to display the cost of contracts based on the contract number entered by the user. Thanks to such a request, it will be possible to avoid errors when calculating the cost of contracts.

SELECT Contract.Contract_number, ([Contract].[Service period (Days)]/[Contract].[Frequency per year])*[Premises].[Area] AS Contract_price, Premises.Address, Premises.Type FROM Premises INNER JOIN Agreement ON Premises.Address = Agreement.Address WHERE (((Agreement.Agreement number)=[Enter agreement number:]));

  • Displaying a list of contracts by entered date

This request will allow you to display a list of contracts executed during a certain period specified by the user.

PARAMETERS [Enter start date] DateTime, [Enter end date] DateTime; SELECT Agreement.Agreement_Number, Agreement.Order_Date, Agreement.Address, [Company Representative].Full Name, [Company Representative].[Contact Phone] FROM [Company Representative] INNER JOIN Agreement ON [Company Representative].Email = Agreement.Email WHERE ( ((Contract.Order_date) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date]));

  • Employee Cleaning Score Update

This request will be able to update employee cleaning assessments if they are changed by the company manager.

UPDATE Cleaning SET Cleaning.Manager_rating = DLookUp("[Manager_rating]","[Arithmetic average cleaning rating]","[Cleaning_number]=" & [Cleaning]![Cleaning_number]);


The purpose of this course project: to develop an information system module for the cleaning company “MAX”, which provides comprehensive cleaning services for various premises. This goal was achieved by me during the design of this information system module.

During the work on the final classification work, the activities of the MAKS company in cleaning premises of various types were analyzed and a list of requirements for developing a database was formed.

The database structure was developed using the ER diagram method and CASE - Erwin tools . The developed database supports all the requirements for working with data.

All requirements were implemented in the form of queries in a data manipulation language SQL:

  • Calculation of contract costs;
  • Calculating the cost of orders;
  • Calculation of cleaning assessments for each employee.

The main goal of implementation, as a rule, is to increase the degree of customer satisfaction by analyzing accumulated information about customer behavior, regulating tariff policy, and setting up marketing tools. Thanks to the use of automated centralized data processing, it becomes possible to effectively and with minimal participation of employees take into account the individual needs of customers, and due to the speed of processing, to carry out early identification of risks and potential opportunities.

As a key tool for winning and retaining customers, CRM applications minimize the human element when working with customers and increase transparency in sales, marketing and customer service.

At the same time, it is important to realize that automating the customer relationship process is important, but not the only and not the primary step in building a customer-centric company.

Unfortunately, cleaning companies are representatives of small businesses, for which specialized databases are not sufficiently developed. Existing CRM -systems are mainly designed for large companies.

The information system module I developed, which includes a database and a set of queries, allows us to fulfill all the stated requirements of a specific MAX CLEANING company.

List of information sources

  1. Surkova N.E., Ostroukh A.V. Information systems design methods: Tutorial. M.: RosNOU, 2004. 144 p.
  2. Nikolaev A.B., Rogova O.B., Stroganov V.Yu. Methodological basics organization of diploma design. Tutorial. M. MADI, 2013. -111 p.
  3. Connolly T., Begg K., Strachan A. Databases: design, implementation and maintenance. Theory and practice, 2nd edition: Translated from English: Uch.pos. M.: Williams Publishing House, 2000. 1120 p.
  4. Akchurin E.A. Human-machine interaction. Tutorial. M.: SOLON-PRESS, 2008. 96 p.

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Business plan for opening a cleaning company in a city with a population of 1,200,000 people.

Prospects for the cleaning market

Cleaning is one of the most promising areas of business in Russia. Thus, in developed countries of Europe and the USA, almost 80% of commercial real estate is serviced by cleaning companies. Whereas in Russia, only 20% of commercial real estate use the services of “professional cleaners”. As you understand, the market has room to grow. Its volume, meanwhile, is $250 million and continues to grow. By organizing a cleaning business in a large city, you can count on quite quick payback invested funds.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to business plan calculations, opening a cleaning company will require an investment of about 1.3 million rubles. Initial costs include:

Total - 1,336,000 rubles.

Description of products and services offered

Our company plans to provide a whole range of services for initial, daily and general cleaning. Initial cleaning after construction of renovations includes: cleaning inside buildings and structures, removing dust from floors, ceilings, baseboards, walls, washing windows and plumbing fixtures, cleaning radiators. Daily cleaning involves wiping dust, cleaning mirrors, cleaning door blocks and stairwells, taking out garbage, cleaning floors, etc. The company will also provide services for cleaning the surrounding area and cleaning the outside of buildings: washing windows, roofs, facades, removing efflorescence from bricks, cleaning aluminum frames, etc. The preliminary price list for the company’s services will look like this:

  • Initial cleaning (after renovation or construction) - 50 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Daily comprehensive cleaning - 5 rubles. per day per sq. m.
  • General cleaning of an office or retail space - 40 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Flooring care - 40 rubles/sq.m. m.
  • Washing plastic window- 300 rub./unit.
  • Washing chandeliers and lamps - 100 rub./piece.

According to the business plan, in the first months the volume of daily comprehensive cleaning will be 2000 square meters. m. Such an area can be provided by 2 - 3 large clients (for example, shopping mall or enterprise). Also, some work can be obtained from private homeowners (mansions, country cottages). We can also rely on income from initial cleaning after renovation or construction and cleaning the outside of buildings. The planned volume of work is about 2500 sq. m. per month. Thus, the potential monthly revenue will be:

  • Daily cleaning - RUB 300,000.
  • Initial cleaning - RUB 125,000.
  • Washing windows and facades, cleaning the outside of buildings and cleaning the surrounding area - RUB 50,000.

Total - 475,000 rubles.

Download a business plan for a cleaning company from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Which room to choose for an office

To accommodate the company's office (as well as all equipment), it is planned to rent a room of 50 square meters. m., located on the ground floor of an apartment building. High traffic and the first line of houses do not have of great importance, the main thing is big savings on rent. Monthly rental payments will be 25,000 rubles. (500 rubles per sq. m.).

Particular attention will be paid to the purchase of professional cleaning equipment. For cleaning both small and large objects We will need: vacuum cleaners for dry and wet cleaning, a carpet washer, a carpet dryer, a floor polisher, a sweeper, a steam generator, a floor scrubber, a foam generator, glass equipment, dispensers and materials, as well as chemicals. As for the manufacturer, preference will be given to equipment from Cleanfix. The total cost of purchasing equipment will be 486,000 rubles.

You will also need to purchase a spacious van-type vehicle to transport equipment to the client’s premises. This could be a Gazelle car in used. u. option. It is planned to spend about 400,000 rubles for these purposes. To ensure the normal functioning of the company, it will be necessary to create a staff responsible employees. These will include: an administrator (reception and control of orders), a driver, equipment operators (3 people) and a manager. Accountant services will be outsourced. The wage fund will be 120,000 rubles. per month.

Which tax system to choose for a cleaning company

It is planned to register a limited liability company as an organizational and legal form. Taxation system - simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Marketing and promotion of services

It is very important in the first months after opening to carry out competent advertising company. Moreover, even before purchasing equipment and other serious investments You will need to find preliminary clients. Otherwise, the purchased equipment may be idle, and the company will incur losses (especially if the funds are borrowed). Therefore, in order to prepare a client base for initial stage planned:

Financial plan for a cleaning company

The final stage of business planning is the calculation of key indicators economic efficiency cleaning company. Fixed monthly expenses:

Total - 261,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from cleaning?

Monthly net profit company will amount to 181,900 rubles. Business profitability is 69%. With such indicators, taking into account the period for promoting the company, the return on the initial investment will occur in 11 - 12 months.

We recommend download business plan for cleaning company only for (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for opening a cleaning company

  1. Market analysis, identification of target audience in the region.
  2. Registration of activities.
  3. Compiling a list of services, creating a pricing policy.
  4. Purchase of equipment, cleaning chemicals.
  5. Recruitment of personnel (if necessary).
  6. Conducting an advertising campaign.

OKVED for a cleaning company

  • 21 - cleaning of real estate;
  • 11 - collection of environmentally friendly waste;
  • 10 - comprehensive maintenance of premises;
  • 22 - cleaning and housekeeping;
  • 29 - other cleaning and tidying, including areas near a residential building, office building;
  • 30 - landscape creation;
  • 09 - other personal services;
  • 00 - activities of households with hired workers.

What documents are needed to start a business?

To open an individual entrepreneur, you must provide the tax office with:

  • Photocopy of passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • A properly completed application.

To register an LLC:

  • The decision to create an LLC, signed by all founders;
  • LLC Charter;
  • Receipt for payment of the mandatory state duty;
  • Application form P11001.

Do I need a business permit?

For small company It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. The main advantages of this legal form are simple documentation and the possibility of using a preferential tax system. If you plan to create a network, then it is better to register an LLC. This legal form allows us to provide services to large companies and firms. No special permission is required to open a cleaning company. Conducting business must comply with GOST R 51870-2002.

Technology for opening a cleaning company

With a high level of competition, the established cleaning company must find several regular customers and care about recognition. By pursuing these goals, everyone will be able to achieve significant results in a short time. You can achieve your goals by providing quality services. It is also recommended to study the activities of competitors and offer services that they do not provide. For example, cleaning curtains at home, daily cleaning of any form of real estate, etc.

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