Referral form for a medical examination from the employer. Referral for preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination): instructions for filling out, form

Lending 25.12.2019

Sometimes, in order to conclude an employment contract, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. For some professions this norm is mandatory.

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Do I need to receive a referral for a medical examination when applying for a job in 2019? To obtain access to some jobs, you must prove a proper level of health.

This rule is in effect to reduce accidents in production and prevent the development of certain diseases.

How to check your health status before employment? Do I need a referral to undergo a medical examination for employment in 2019?

Important aspects

It is important for every employer that the organization’s staff does not include people with serious illnesses.

Excellent employee health is the key to effective implementation:

  • execution job description in full;
  • professional growth of employees;
  • company concepts;
  • work without disruptions and rush jobs.

Often, when contacting the HR department, an employee is asked to undergo a medical examination and apply again after confirming good health.

Sometimes a preliminary medical examination becomes prerequisite employment.

Sending a potential employee for a medical examination is immutable in situations prescribed by law.

In this case, a preliminary medical examination must be completed before concluding a contract. That is, undergoing a medical examination as quickly as possible is in the interests of the applicant himself.

Most often, the period for undergoing a medical examination is determined by the employer and is set to last no more than a week. The period can be agreed upon with the candidate.

Sample of filling out the document

The referral for a preliminary medical examination is filled out by the employer himself or his authorized representative. All mandatory clauses of the document must be clearly stated.

What nuances might there be?

Signing an employment agreement with an employee without performing a mandatory preliminary medical examination becomes a direct violation labor law and labor safety standards.

According to clause 4 of Article 23 of Federal Law No. 196, the same requirement applies to individual entrepreneurs who plan to drive transport independently.

The purpose of the examination is to determine professional suitability and prevent occupational diseases (Part 1 of Article 213 of the Labor Code). The inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer (Article 213 of the Labor Code,).

Management activities by land transport included in the list of works requiring a preliminary medical examination. The list is approved by Order 302n.

Appendices No. 2 and No. 3 to this List contain a list of contraindications for working as a driver, as well as the composition of medical specialists and the scope of laboratory and functional studies.

When applying for a job at school

Teaching staff must undergo a preliminary medical examination upon employment in accordance with.

At the same time, according to health records, all categories of employees of educational institutions must have them.

That is, it does not matter whether the employee is employed as a teacher or a cleaner; a medical examination is required upon employment.

Video: medical examination upon entry to work

Thus, a referral for a medical examination when applying for a job at a preschool educational institution contains a list of examinations for a complete medical examination.

During the medical examination the following examinations are carried out:

  • dermatovenerologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • infectious disease specialist.

Laboratory and functional studies are also carried out:

  • chest x-ray;
  • analysis for STDs and other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • examination for the presence of helminthiasis.

Certainly identified medical contraindications regarding the presence of certain diseases and bacterial carriage.

For the seller

All trade workers involved in the sale of food, cosmetics and perfumes, water, and tobacco products are required to undergo a blood, urine, and stool examination upon hiring.

In this way, sexually transmitted diseases, dysentery, enterobiasis and other infectious diseases are detected.

In addition, examination by the following specialists will be required:

  • occupational therapist;
  • dermatologist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • dentist;
  • gynecologist.

The conclusion of the medical commission issued to the seller must indicate that he can perform duties related to constant contact with the population and his state of health does not pose a threat to the population.

It is important that the seller must always have a medical book with him at work in case of an inspection. There is an opinion that having a medical book is not necessary for sellers of manufactured goods.

However, it is not. Perhaps the list of studies for them will be smaller, but since they are also in constant contact with people, a medical examination is mandatory for them.

So examination by a therapist, general tests and fluorography are mandatory for any seller.

Referral for a medical examination from the employernecessary so that the employee can undergo mandatory or periodic medical examinations. You will learn how to fill out a referral and where to find a sample from our article.

The purpose of a referral for a medical examination when applying for a job

In accordance with Art. 212 Labor Code Russian Federation employer has the right not to allow employees to work if they have not passed mandatory medical examination. Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation to undergo a preliminary medical examination (before employment) for employees who, in the course of their activities, will be associated with:

  • hazardous production;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • traffic movement.

Read about what factors determine the harmfulness and danger of working conditions in the article “Dangerous and harmful production factors (list)” .

Periodic medical examinations (usually annual) are carried out by persons under 21 years of age, as well as other employees in order to prevent the development of occupational diseases. There are also categories of employees who must undergo periodic medical examinations before each departure to work, for example, drivers.


The obligatory medical examination for employees is established in Art. 213 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If an employee does not undergo a medical examination (or refuses to undergo it), the employer has the right not to allow him to work.

There are mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. List of harmful production factors, in the presence of which it is indicated to carry out medical examination, contained in order No. 302n.

To undergo a medical examination, an employee (including those just starting a job) is given a referral. With this referral, the employee applies to the medical institution indicated by the employer. Based on the results of the examination, he is given a medical report.

Every forward-thinking employer should ensure that its employees undergo medical examinations. Current legislation establishes a list of types of activities for which employees are required to undergo it at a certain frequency. At the same time, the organization is responsible for the timeliness of this procedure, therefore personnel service must know by heart what documents to draw up and what legal norms to follow.

In accordance with labor legislation and by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, employers are required to conduct preliminary (before hiring) and periodic medical examinations, and sometimes pre-shift and post-shift examinations. All of them are carried out at the expense of the employer, and the employee retains his average monthly salary for the period of the examination.

Periodic inspections are carried out to:

  • identify on early stages a disease that makes the employee unsuitable for this type of work;
  • track the dynamics of changes in health status;
  • recognize the development of occupational diseases and reduce their consequences to a minimum.

Who should undergo periodic medical examination

Categories of workers who must pass it in mandatory, are provided Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the above-mentioned Order. However, this does not prevent representatives of any profession from being sent for examination if an agreement has been reached on this matter between management and the team.

So, current legislature obliges people who work: to undergo regular medical examinations:

  • in harmful and dangerous production;
  • for steeplejack, high-altitude work;
  • in transport (drivers, machinists, etc.);
  • in the field of catering;
  • in the field of education and child care institutions;
  • in medical and sanitary institutions (this also includes spas, baths, saunas and laundries);
  • in hairdressing and beauty salons;
  • on pharmaceutical companies;
  • in the cleaning service;
  • in the field of water supply;
  • on livestock enterprises and poultry farms.

Employees who have not reached the age of 21 must be added to the list. This category of workers must undergo a medical examination annually, the rest - at least once every 1-2 years. The frequency depends on the working conditions and production environment and is specified in detail in Appendix No. 1 to the Order.

Before sending people for a medical examination, the employer must correctly complete the referral for each employee. It contains all the information necessary for a medical organization (working conditions, risk factors and hazardous production, etc.), according to which members of the commission will be able to select criteria for assessing the health status of workers and make a decision on their ability to continue working.

Sample: referral for periodic medical examination

The employer independently develops a direction for periodic medical checkup. The form of this document is not contained in the Order, however, there are certain recommendations (clause 8 of Appendix No. 3 to the Order), according to which it should contain the following information:

  • name of the organization, form of ownership, OKVED;
  • name of the medical institution, its details and contacts;
  • type of medical examination;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • date of his birth;
  • the department (shop) in which he works;
  • type of work/position/profession/experience;
  • previous professions and work experience in other positions;
  • harmful and dangerous production factors.

The finished direction may look like this.

The direction is drawn up and signed by an authorized person and issued to the employee against signature. From this moment on, the employee is responsible for timely completion of mandatory periodic medical examinations. During the medical examination, the medical commission takes the employee’s referral and attaches it to its documentation.

Sample order for referral for periodic medical examination

This mandatory document, which contains the basic information necessary to organize a medical examination. As a rule, the initiator of issuing an order is the employee responsible for compliance with labor protection rules at the enterprise.

The order must indicate the following information:

  • Name of the organization;
  • date and order number;
  • link to regulations;
  • a medical organization that will conduct a medical examination;
  • examination schedule;
  • the person responsible for conducting the medical examination;
  • indication of duty responsible specialist familiarize staff with the order;
  • list of employees subject to periodic medical examination.

The order might look like this:

In accordance with standard office work rules, the order is issued on the organization’s letterhead.

Which doctors should I see?

Your company can choose any medical institution - both public and private. The main thing is that it has a license to conduct medical examinations and has the necessary specialists.

So, regardless of specialty, each employee must be examined by a therapist, psychiatrist and narcologist. If labor activity If there is any specificity, then an ophthalmologist, neurologist, dermatologist, allergist can be involved in the medical commission - the list is not exhaustive.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations of enterprise employees

  1. Compiling a list of employees who must undergo a medical examination. It must be sent within 10 days by registered mail with notice in territorial body Rospotrebnadzor (in notification procedure, no approval required).
  2. Concluding an appropriate agreement with a medical institution, agreeing on a schedule and deadlines.
  3. Issuing an Order to conduct a medical examination and familiarizing staff with it.
  4. Issuing referrals for medical examinations.
  5. Collection of signed and sealed reports with the results of the medical examination. The conclusion is signed in two copies - one of them is given to the employee, the other remains in the institution that conducted the medical examination.
  6. Within a month medical Center together with representatives of the employer and the sanitary and epidemiological service, draws up the final act. After it is approved by the chairman of the medical commission, the act is drawn up in four copies, one of which remains in the medical institution, and the others are sent to the employer, to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor and to the center of occupational pathology to replenish statistical data.
  7. The results of preliminary and periodic medical examinations are recorded in the employee’s personal medical record.

A referral for a medical examination when applying for a job allows the employer to get an idea of ​​the health status of the applicant and make sure that the candidate for the vacancy physically and psychologically ready to perform the duties assigned to him.

In addition, a preliminary preventive examination allows us to identify a number of infectious and other mass diseases.

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Preliminary and scheduled preventive examinations are regulated by several legislative acts.

In Article 41 of the Constitution Russian Federation The article states that each citizen is assigned right to health, this industry is regulated Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ. Everything related to the protection of workers' health is considered in Article 34 of the Labor Code.

The implementation of preventive examinations of applicants is discussed in detail in articles 212 and 213 of the legislative act. If a potential employee refuses to undergo a medical examination or his health condition does not meet the stated requirements, then he cannot claim this position.

Where to go?

Preliminary inspection is important for both the employee and the employer. The applicant visits doctors, takes the necessary tests and receives information about the state of his health. Often it is precisely such examinations that allow identify various diseases in the early stages or occupational pathologies.

For an employer, this practice when employing a job seeker is important for two reasons. Firstly, according to the law, a person can be hired for vacancies in some professional fields only after passing a medical examination.

Secondly, most employers want to see in their company a healthy worker capable of performing job responsibilities fully.

Please note that the walk-through sheet on which doctors make notes does not indicate any diagnoses or personal information. The doctor either communicates all direct information about health, test results and nuances of identified diseases directly to the patient during the consultation, or hands it over.

The applicant is not obliged to transfer this data to the employer, and the doctor does not have the right.

Each company organizes the medical examination differently. Some companies offer the future employee to independently go to the clinic at their place of residence or to any private medical center. In this case, you need to ask the clinic checks for expenses.

Other organizations issue a referral to a specific medical institution with which they have an agreement. contract signed. This is especially true for various structures that have hospitals and outpatient clinics for employees in their department: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways, the police, etc.

When choosing a company that can conduct a preliminary (periodic) medical examination, you need to pay attention to:

  1. A medical organization has the right to conduct preliminary (periodic) examinations – a license.
  2. Possibility to conduct a professional suitability examination.
  3. The presence of an occupational pathologist and other medical workers on the staff of the organization.
  4. Time spent on analysis and preparation of a project for calculating the cost of conducting a periodic medical examination (examination).
  5. Cost of services.
  6. Duration of the medical examination.
  7. Conditions.

According to Article 212 of the Labor Code both preliminary and scheduled preventive examinations must be paid for by the employer.

If you are undergoing an examination for a fee, then keep all receipts and payment receipts. When you are hired, after presenting them, you will be required to compensate the amount spent.

When is a primary medical examination required?

Completing a preventive examination during employment is mandatory for the following groups of applicants:

  • Persons under the age of 18, which is regulated by Article 266 of the Labor Code of Russia;
  • Applicants for a vacancy that involves moving to the Far North;
  • Professional athletes, according to 348 ;
  • Representatives of all specialties subject to mandatory medical examination upon hiring. These professions are listed in Article 213 of the Labor Code and Order of the Ministry of Health No. 302n.

In addition, some organizations have internal regulations, obliging employees to undergo a preliminary and mandatory medical examination. To do this, the management of the organization issues an order to undergo an annual medical examination.

Download a sample order for undergoing a medical examination.

The employer, in accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code, must provide the applicant with the opportunity to undergo a medical examination. Otherwise, the following penalties are imposed on the employer:

  • For an official, a fine of up to 5,000 rubles;
  • For individual entrepreneur also a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or a ban on carrying out commercial activities during three months;
  • On legal entities a penalty of up to 50,000 rubles or suspension of activities for three months is imposed;
  • An official repeatedly convicted of such a violation is deprived of the right to conduct activities for 1-3 years.

This system of penalties regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 214 of the Labor Code, an employee is obliged to undergo medical examinations in a timely manner, otherwise the employer has the right to remove the specialist from performing duties or, if employment contract has not yet been concluded, refuse the vacancy.

Uniform form order of non-admission there is no employee for the job, however, the following information should be indicated in the document:

  1. Details of the employee and the name of his position;
  2. Grounds for removal from professional responsibilities with reference to Article 76 of the Labor Code;
  3. Indicate the period of inadmissibility, that is, until the specialist undergoes a medical examination;
  4. Accrual conditions wages for this period.

How to get a referral?

After approval of the applicant’s candidacy for this position, he can apply to the HR department and receive a referral for a medical examination. The form is issued to the employee against signature. The bypass sheet must contain a list of doctors who need to be visited.

Large companies cooperating with medical organizations often agree in advance that the applicant undergoes a medical examination. In this case, you will be informed of the time and place where you will need to appear for the examination.

If the company does not have an agreement with any medical institution, then you can choose any clinic licensed to provide such services.

There is no single legally approved form of forms for preventive medical examination. However, in 8 paragraph of order No. 302n Listed are the items that should be contained in the direction:

  • Company name;
  • Type of activity of the company according to the classifier of economic activity;
  • If the applicant is sent to a specific medical organization, then the form must indicate all its contact information;
  • Type of medical examination;
  • Employee personal data;
  • The name of the profession and position that the applicant will occupy;
  • List of potentially hazardous production factors.

You can download the ready-made referral form for Form 302n.

The medical examination is considered completed when the applicant receives conclusion about the examination. One copy of this document must be submitted to the company’s human resources department, and the second is stored in the employee’s personal medical record.

For useful information about medical examinations during employment, watch the video:

A medical examination is mandatory for the categories of workers prescribed in Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Medical examination can be primary and periodic. To undergo a medical examination, the employee is sent to a medical institution with which the employer’s organization has entered into an agreement for the provision of medical services.

The costs of the medical examination are borne by the employer; the time spent undergoing the medical examination is paid to the employee based on average earnings.

The employer issues the employee a referral to undergo a medical examination, with which he must come to medical institutions to undergo all the necessary specialists. The direction has standard form and its form is attached to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011. You can download the referral form for a medical examination using the link at the bottom of the article.

After the employee has been examined by all specialists, he will be issued a certificate of the established form 086/U, which will need to be handed over to the employer. It is this certificate that evaluates the employee’s health.

Sample filling

In the referral for a preliminary or periodic medical examination, you should fill in the name of the organization, its address and OGRN, you should also indicate the name of the medical institution with which the organization has an agreement for the provision of medical services. In addition to the name of this institution, you need to write its address and OGRN.

1 - full name individual fully;

2 - day, month and year of birth;

3 - select the option you need - the employee entering work or working is sent for a medical examination;

4 - department where the person works;

5 - type of work performed;

6 - length of service in the position for which a medical examination is carried out;

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