Who is looking for profession models. Model's profession: the real price of beauty and fame

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40,000–100,000 rub. (spb.barahla.net)

Place of work


The tasks of a fashion model vary depending on the field in which she works. If we are talking about the fashion industry, then the main goal is to demonstrate clothes at shows or photo shoots. The model participates in fitting, in preparing for filming, and then in demonstrating clothes or accessories. The main task is to favorably emphasize the advantages of the product so that the manufacturer can sell it faster.

Models often take part in staged videos and filming, advertising household items. They star in TV series, TV shows, and participate in advertising campaigns.

A fashion model is always obliged to look great, for this it is necessary to visit gyms, swimming pools and beauty salons, and also monitor the diet.

Important qualities

In the profession of a fashion model, the following qualities are important: attractive appearance, athletic figure, physical endurance, resistance to stress, discipline, hard work, sociability and good mood.

Reviews about the profession

“First of all, I realized that the work of a fashion model is hellish work. Worn feet, tears, pain and need constant self-development. This profession is somewhat similar to acting, but even less rewarding. It would seem that what’s so difficult about it is to walk along the catwalk in beautiful dresses, take pictures and pose? In fact, the model must present the dress so that it sparkles and people want to buy it. Without sticking out yourself. And hours-long photo sessions where you have to stand, sit, lie in uncomfortable positions without showing that you are uncomfortable or tired!”

Karina Andolenko,
actress who played the Soviet fashion model Katya Panova in the TV series “Beauty Queen”.

Stereotypes, humor

Fashion Week. Showcase of Yudashkin's collection. Backstage at the catwalk, one model whispers to Yudashkin, pointing her finger at another model:
- And Ivanova ate the cake...
- What?! Ivanova, two outfits are out of turn!

The inscription on the catwalk: “Do not feed the fashion models.”

Feet feed not only the wolf, but also fashion models.


To work as a fashion model, you must undergo training at a specialized school.

Strictly speaking, fashion model is an unofficial, popular name associated with neglect and relegation to the level of a living mannequin. Officially, the profession was called “clothing demonstrator” and was equated to the lowest categories of blue-collar professions. In the 60-70s, the salary was about 76 rubles per month, at the level of a cleaner (in production she received 80 rubles, in administrative premises from 60 to 70 rubles). The profession did not enjoy prestige; the magazine “Rabotnitsa”, for example, wrote materials condemning the moral character of fashion models. Nikita Mikhalkov, having married a fashion model, said for a long time that his wife was a translator.

In the USSR, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev dates the emergence of the profession to the 40s, but it flourished in the 60s-80s. I wonder what for a long time illustrations in Soviet fashion magazines were hand-drawn and the services of models were not required. In fact, demonstrating clothes on the catwalk was almost the only activity of Soviet fashion models. In the USSR there were fashion houses and fashion houses. The former are privileged tailoring ateliers, the latter are the place of work for fashion designers and fashion models, and their task was to create and display, in modern ready-to-wear language, things that will be mass produced. Model sizes range from 44 to 48, no “90-60-90”. As well as beauty contests or tempting contracts with foreign couturiers and magazines. A fashion model’s working day could last 8–10 hours, without overtime pay. Were work books, there was an internship. But there was no trade union or creative union. Models and underwear were shown at closed shows for workers of clothing factories.

At the same time, the average person, who saw only the bright external side of the work of fashion models, got the impression of their easy life and no less easy behavior. Nevertheless, many Soviet women secretly envied the fashion models - they wear beautiful clothes, move in high circles, and even get paid for it!

Despite the fact that fashion, although a lofty concept, is somewhat ephemeral, it has a huge impact on our lives and our sense of self-worth. As a result, everything large quantity people want to become a part of the fashion industry, choosing professions related to it in one way or another. However, the most popular profession among young people is that of a model, which attracts with its external brilliance and enormous opportunities for self-realization.

Despite the fact that fashion, although a lofty concept, is somewhat ephemeral, it has a huge impact on our lives and our sense of self-worth. As a result, an increasing number of people want to become a part of the fashion industry, choosing professions related to it in one way or another. However, it is most popular among young people model's profession, which attracts with external brilliance and enormous opportunities for self-realization.

Sociological surveys show that every second girl under 19 has tried on the image of a successful top model at least once in her life: stylish, rich and famous. But what is most surprising is that in recent years this profession has become popular among the stronger half of humanity. True, with one amendment, most often young people do not consider it as permanent place work, and prefer to combine modeling with study. However, for whatever reason, boys and girls strive to go on the podium, behind the glitter of the spotlights, the colorful covers of glossy magazines and the expectation of huge fees, they do not always notice all the pitfalls, difficulties and risks that can be encountered on the path to fame and wealth.

Who is this model?

(mannequin, fashion model) - a person who demonstrates clothes and shoes at shows, creating a certain image on the catwalk and trying to demonstrate all its advantages. Models are also participants in the process of making products in working fittings.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin modulus (model, norm), which fully reflects the essence of the model’s work - demonstrating the image. The first mention of models, who were previously called “mannequins,” dates back to the time of the creation of the first fashion houses in America. In Europe, the modeling profession appeared a little later, when Charles Worth picked up the idea of ​​American fashion designers and decided to show his collection on live mannequins, and Paul Poiret even went on tour with his models and team fashion models across European countries. Perhaps this is why, until the 20th century, girls showing ready-made items were perceived more as living hangers than as full-fledged participants in the creation of fashion collections.

Today, models are an integral part fashion industry, and they are subject to fairly stringent requirements based on the characteristics of their specialization. And this profession has quite a lot of specializations. This is a fashion model (work on the catwalk), a fashion model, a promotion model, a sitter, a web model, etc. One of the main requirements is compliance with external parameters.

Note that the most popular type today is delfa model, which is suitable for filming and photography, as well as for work on the catwalk, in advertising and promotions. The most difficult part is the part model, which can represent highly specialized products. And only a few representatives of the modeling profession fall into the category of the most exclusive models - high fashion models.

The professional responsibilities of a model depend on the specialization of the profession. However, in any case, the model must:

  • present clothing collections and create images that match them;
  • fulfill the director’s plan and convey to the viewer the general idea of ​​the show;
  • participate in staged filming, advertising and presentation events.

IN Lately companies are increasingly inviting promotion models for advertising brands, services or individual products. The choice of applicants in this case does not always depend only on external qualities, since the model who has become the “face of the company” must also be able to communicate with consumers and the press.

What personal qualities should/should a model have?

Tight and busy schedule model work, as well as constant competition requires endurance, perseverance, determination and willpower from a fashion model. The need to communicate with consumers during promotions expands the list necessary qualities such as communication skills, intuitiveness. And working in front of a photo and film camera requires the model to have such personal qualities such as emotionality and expressiveness.

But still the main thing professional requirement– this is the compliance of the external, psychological and physical data of a girl/boy with the requirements of the fashion industry:

  • a figure that meets the standards;
  • good health and coordination of movements;
  • photogenic;
  • mental stability, speed of reaction;
  • ability to adapt to rapidly changing activities.

Let us note that at the dawn of the formation of the fashion industry, the fashion designers themselves, their immediate relatives, and everyone who agreed to show the appearance of the clothes acted as models. That's why special requirements they did not put forward models, the main thing was that they matched the size of the suit. Working as a model in the 21st century requires knowledge of the basics of acting, various makeup techniques, catwalk skills, and even dancing skills.

Advantages of being a model

For any girl whose appearance meets the requirements of the modeling business, advantages of being a model are obvious:

  • firstly, flexible work hours;
  • secondly, fairly high earnings (though provided that this is not a beginner model);
  • thirdly, the possibility of acquiring wide range dating (and not only in the fashion world);
  • fourthly, raising your own self-esteem, which can be useful in the future in any field of activity;
  • fifthly, the fiercest competition, as well as many hours of filming and showings develop character and will;
  • sixthly, the ability to maintain excellent physical shape and always look impeccable, regardless of external factors.

Disadvantages of being a model

However, you should not think that the profession of a model is one continuous holiday, filled with unforgettable emotions and pleasant acquaintances. If you take a closer look at the lives of the most prominent representatives of the fashion industry, then disadvantages of being a model become as obvious as its advantages. In particular:

  • absence official employment(even top models have a contract with modeling agencies, but do not have an entry in their work book);
  • constant search for orders and completion large quantity castings, that is, maintaining a high level of demand;
  • the need to maintain a certain weight and external data over a long period of time;
  • high competition;
  • great physical activity;
  • short period active work(there are models with about 30 years of experience, but this is very rare).

Where can you get a modeling profession?

Get a modeling profession on the one hand it is very easy, but on the other hand it is quite difficult. The fact is that despite the fact that today in Russia there are a huge number of commercial modeling schools that invite everyone to study, vocational education they don't give. But specialized universities or technical schools on the basis of which one can obtain this profession do not yet exist.

Of course, in Model Schools you will be offered training in catwalk, makeup, makeup, acting and plastic arts skills, which can help in mastering the profession of a model. However, in general, building a career in the modeling business will entirely depend solely on your perseverance and faith in your own strengths.

Note that since all models begin their job search by creating a portfolio, many Model Schools are willing to help their graduates with this. As a rule, these are Schools operating on the basis of prestigious Modeling Agencies that have close ties with large companies and fashion houses. Therefore, if you are sure that the modeling profession is your chance to break into the world of high fashion, to obtain primary professional skills, we recommend that you choose one of these best schools Russian models, How:

  • School of the international modeling agency Select Deluxe (St. Petersburg);
  • Model school VERONA (Moscow);
  • Russian Academy of Models (Moscow);
  • School of professional commercial models MEGA MODELS (Moscow);
  • First modeling agency (Moscow).

Boys and girls once dreamed of becoming astronauts - now they dream of modeling. As before, young people strive to conquer the stars, but now these stars do not twinkle in the depths of galaxies, but sit around the podium. Each era has its own prestigious professions. And I think I won’t be wrong if I call the modeling profession one of the most desirable.

But-oh... Of course, there are “buts” here - and quite a few. No matter how bright, attractive, highly paid and interesting this job is, it has its own skeletons hidden in it. And those who work in the modeling field understand perfectly well how far-fetched the image of a dim-witted beauty (primitive handsome man) is, who only know how to walk up and down the catwalk.

Are you still sure that all models are beautiful and stupid, and that they do not need anything other than innate external data? Then we go to you.

What models are there and where can they work?

First of all, both statements are false. Not all models are beautiful, and certainly not stupid. Some will be smarter than you and me. But before debunking the myths, let's create some kind of classification. So what are the models?

  • Catwalk model
  • Fashion model
  • Model

The most popular are the first two specialties. To work in these areas there are different criteria appearance, although many models work simultaneously in both directions.

Here are the classic modeling professions - these professions require full involvement and dedication. There is one more profession that is worth mentioning. It borders on a hobby and is not so demanding of applicants - this work as a webcam model. To communicate in video chats, it is enough to have a charming appearance, a good attitude, and be a sociable person. In some ways, this work is similar to the profession of a psychologist - after a hard day at work, representatives of the stronger sex need to get pleasant emotions, talk about something not related to business, and meet an interesting young lady.

But let’s return to our usual, traditional modeling professions.

For a catwalk model, body parameters are most important. This is height, waist, chest and hips. By the way, you can often come across the question on the Internet: how much should a model weigh? There is no answer to this because it doesn't really matter.

Models for the collection are recruited shortly before the show itself. However, the preparation of the collection takes several months. All copies are sewn in the same size. We are used to choosing clothes to suit ourselves, but here it’s the other way around - girls and boys are selected according to their clothing size.

Therefore, you can be as beautiful as you want, but if you are not the right size, the catwalk is a closed topic. That’s why weight is not important - different people with the same parameters can weigh differently.

Those who are not satisfied with their height or waist-to-hip ratio can try themselves as a fashion model. There are no longer any restrictions - the main thing is to have a characteristic image, photogenicity and artistry.

To work as a model, you need to have a beautiful body and not be embarrassed to sit naked for several hours in front of the artist. By the way, this profession is the least popular among those named because it pays worse.

Does a model need a pretty face? For work on the podium, this does not matter at all - they will draw whatever they want (or cover it with a rag). The art of makeup has advanced so far that makeup artists are able to make beauties out of monsters, women out of men, European women out of Chinese women, and basically anything else.

Beautiful appearance is also not necessary for a fashion model - now the so-called “freaks” are at the peak of popularity. The viewer is tired of the same type of beauties - so photographers are looking for unusual types, where beauty borders on ugliness.

Gillian Mercado suffers from muscular dystrophy and can only move in a wheelchair. Works as the face of the Diesel Fashion House. The model with the pseudonym Moffie has squint. Daphne Self, who advertises underwear, has already celebrated her 85th birthday. Winnie Harlow received the nickname "Dalmatian model". A dark-skinned girl suffers from vitiligo, which is why her entire body is covered with light spots. Kelly Mittendorf is far from a beauty, but she has been working as a fashion model since she was 11 years old.

Melanie Gaydos has been named the ugliest model in the world. The girl has a rare disease - ectodermal dysplasia. People who see her on the street shy away and send curses after her. However, she is rich and famous, Melanie has a huge number of friends.

As you can see, beauty in the modeling business is far from the most important thing. But then what is important?

What personal qualities are needed to work as a model?

And here we return to the topic of the internal filling of people looking for themselves in this business. Firstly, for such work you really need to have an extraordinary mind. The stupidest ones don't even make it to the podium.

There are a huge number of scammers in the modeling business who use castings as a cover for finding escort girls and even banal prostitution. In order to see through the adventure in time, you need to have ingenuity.

What money men come up with to get a beauty into their bed. For example, fictitious beauty contests. The girls parade around the stage in a rented hall, then the organizer chooses the best and... The fun begins. She can only collect her prize if she has sexual intercourse with the sponsor. If she refuses, at a minimum she will be left with nothing, and at a maximum she will get herself into serious problems.

When a girl or guy still has enough insight to bypass the traps, they climb to the next floor - into the world professional business. There is fierce competition, envy, gossip, intrigues, showdowns, throwing mud at each other. Girls continue to be haunted by the topic of sponsored sex, for refusing which they always risk being left without work or even being found in jail. Yes, this happens too.

And only top-class models who earn a lot of money can breathe out a little. But there are very few of them.

From all of the above, we can conclude that to work as a model you need to have enormous resistance to stress, willpower, endurance, cunning and wisdom.

Models have a very busy and busy schedule, so their ability to work and the ability to work hard in any conditions are important. Filming naked in the snow and wearing a fur coat under palm trees. Be able to abstract yourself from scandals in the press and at rehearsals. Do not pay attention to the rude shouts of photographers and fashion show directors - among them there are characters who do not even consider models to be people.

And the most important thing that a model should have is charisma, a strong and vibrant spirit that allows you to invest energy in photos and performances on the catwalk. After all, in the photo we see not only facial features and eye color - we see the internal state, mood, content. A tired, broken, embittered person will not be able to convey the feeling of inner strength that touches the most.

In the previous sections of the article, we examined almost all the advantages and disadvantages of the model, but not all. So let's talk about them and summarize.

Pros of being a model:

  • High pay
  • Fame
  • Opportunity to work abroad
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Interesting acquaintances
  • Opportunity to work in related professions (film actors, TV presenters)

Disadvantages of being a model:

  • High workload
  • Short working life (most models “retire” at the age of 25-30 years)
  • Nervous situation
  • Competition

Where to study to be a model?

The only institutions through which you can get into the world of modeling are private agencies and schools. There are no universities teaching this profession yet.

In schools, models are taught fashion shows, makeup, the basics of acting, plastic arts, and dancing. If the model shows promise, then she may be sent from the school to a fashion show or photo shoot.

But here you also need to be careful - as already mentioned, sometimes “schools” and “agencies” are actually involved in selecting escorts.

The profession of a model is difficult and thorny. Not every parent who soberly assesses the situation will give their child permission to do such work. And the point is not even that “all models sleep with photographers,” but that this is a psychologically difficult path that breaks people. Many models, due to overload, begin to take alcohol and drugs, contact crime bosses in search of easy money, and find themselves involved in shameful scandals.

If you are confident that you can overcome all this, then a spotlight-lit life awaits you. But think carefully.

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