How to name the appraisal company. LLC name - good examples

Development 23.12.2019

Choosing a name for a company is a responsible event. A number of factors depend on this, from consumer acceptance of the brand to new customer acquisition. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue with all responsibility. You should not reject such areas as numerology or Feng Shui. These teachings also help focus on names that can bring good luck to the company.

Basic principles of choosing a company name

How to choose a name for a company? What criteria should be preferred? Experts recommend remembering a number of simple but effective rules.

  • Positive coloration. Consumers will not want to buy mascara and hair dye from a store called Last Joy. It is worth remembering that the client is looking for a positive attitude. No wonder that this is what most of the commercials of major brands play on. The name should set in a good mood or be neutral in color, but not negative. Even funeral agencies try to avoid such a slippery topic, without focusing on it,
  • Easy pronunciation. Combining several words into one can sometimes be great options. But if the result is a half-meter inscription, about which you can break your tongue, this is a bad sign. Consumers don't want to get confused about letter order and repeat awkward names forever. The same can be said for names with "additions". They loved to do this in the USSR, when many parks were named after some hero. However, the company for the production of windows named after the mother-in-law of Comrade Smirnov will cause bewilderment.
  • The title should be self-explanatory. However, there is an exception here, as many companies have chosen new, previously unknown expressions or word combinations as their permanent names.
  • Originality is also important. How to choose a name for a company? Of course, it's not easy. However, it is impossible to copy the existing names and it becomes the twentieth institution of the city with the poetic name "Sun". Moreover, the "namesake" may be employed in different areas... A restaurant owner may not like that the name of his establishment is the same as the name of a sports club or grocery store.

What do Feng Shui and numerology say?

As you know, the name "Feng Shui" comes from the merger of the words "water" and "wind". Taken together, this gives a sign of harmony. Accordingly, this teaching is to achieve the unity of all the surrounding person.

It is a mistake to assume that this direction only helps in arranging an apartment or office. The doctrine provides an answer to the question "how to choose a name for a company that brings good luck." The choice of a name is an important criterion. This is what affects further destiny enterprises. It is not for nothing that they say that what you call a yacht, so it will float. If a business owner wants to make a profit and gain a good reputation, he will have to turn to teachings that some do not take seriously.

How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck according to Feng Shui? You should dwell on short but sonorous words. It is also believed that the alternation of words of three and five letters is good, it is recommended that the name ends with a vowel. According to this teaching, it will be a good sign if the name was invented not by the owner, but by a person close to him. It is believed that in this case it carries a special warm energy that will help the company to stay afloat even in crisis situations.

How to choose a company name? Numerology believes that the numbers three and four are good. The first brings good luck in general. A four can mean wealth, attract it. It's worth noting that you shouldn't take these tips too literally. The name itself may not contain one or another number, but it can be written using three or four colors, words can consist of four syllables, and so on.

Company name and owners name

There are many cases where the name of the company consisted only of the name or surname of the brand owner. And truly, many of them brought good luck to their founders. We are talking, for example, about the companies "Philips", "Siemens", giants such as "Mars" or "Martini".

How to choose a name for a company if your name seems simple or not entirely appropriate? Change it. This is how the Max Factor company was founded. The creator simply shortened his passport data, which is not entirely easy to read.

Talking about domestic market, then we can recall "Tinkoff", "Kaspersky", "Korkunov". The creators made the right decision when they settled on their own surnames. The whole country knows about them and their products or services.

Using someone else's name

What name to choose for a company if your name does not fit? Stop at someone else's! This is one of simple options... Names can be simple or tricky. The latter include the names Josephine or Cleopatra.

You can dwell on the name that sounds like it. However, if you remember Feng Shui, then it is better to choose from the names of loved ones. Even the name of a beloved dog can become good option... Naturally, if you do not call the hairdresser or the pharmacy "Barbos". This may sound strange.

Use of geographical names

Not everyone is aware that Nokia got its name in honor of the river, and the brand of popular cigarettes is named after small town... You can think of the same thing now. However, when choosing the real names of the area, it is worth remembering the legal side of the issue. It is necessary to choose an unpatented company name in order not to lose a large amount of money and not to abandon the already promoted and familiar brand.

You can combine or abbreviate existing names. Periodically distort them, leaving only references to a specific, preferably pleasant area for the owner. The last factor is extremely important, since a locality that evokes unpleasant associations will not help in a good name.

Oxymorons in Names: Coup or Gimmick?

As you know, an oxymoron is a combination of what seems difficult to match. We are talking about the options "Stylish Monster" or "Red Grass". These names are pleasing because they attract attention.

Customers often pay attention to originality. Therefore, it is worth turning to such a simple move in order to attract more interested consumers.

However, do not forget that consumers are also greedy for established combinations. So, adding the phrases "royal" or "royal" to the name noticeably increase the credibility of the company. For example, women are more likely to visit the Royal Lotus hairdresser than the Modest Camomile. The same is the case with the male half of the population. Construction company Strong Concrete sounds better than Wooden Walls.

How to choose the right company name if consumers are erratic? Study options, combine different words, phrases and draw conclusions about what sounds better and more attractive. You can also conduct a survey among loved ones.

Focus on the type of activity

In the name of the company, you can use the type of activity or hint at it. So, a toy store called "Cheburashka" will not surprise you. However, faceless names such as "Rose" or "Sunbeam" can refer to different types of activities.

The name itself may indicate what the company offers. So, you can include words that guide the client. Select title construction company you can, dwelling on the words construction, house, stone, brick, drill and so on. Beauty salons often use the words scissors, hairpins, or concepts related to ladies like target audience... This is how the names "Mischievous heel", "Decollete", "Beautiful curl" appear.

Abbreviations and word mix

An abbreviation would be a good option for a company name. This has brought good luck to many companies. It is worth mentioning BMW or MTS. An interesting fact is that sometimes the abbreviation may not be deciphered in any way. Thus, the TNT TV channel claims that its name is just a combination of letters, it does not carry a definite meaning.

A combination of words or parts of them can be separated from an abbreviation. Thus, the name of the popular worldwide drink "Coca-Cola" is a combination of two main ingredients, coca leaves and cola nuts. The founders of the VkusVill company also took advantage of this trick. Here there was a synthesis of the Russian word "taste" and the English word, translated as "village". This name emphasizes the unity of the company with nature.

Associative row

You can choose a name for a company by focusing on associations. So, it is worth remembering what the company is doing, what products it plans to focus on. Then you need to draw inspiration from the world around you. So, no one will be surprised if a strip club is called "Playboy", since half-naked girls are closely connected in the minds of consumers with this particular magazine.

The same can be said about the Wild Orchid lingerie store. The association with the film of the same name will help buyers understand that this is where the lingerie for seduction is sold. Therefore, young couples and those who want to refresh their married life will come here.

Drawing parallels

You can also take examples not only from literature, cinema and other satellites of every modern person. It is worth turning to both the animal and flora... Everyone knows how beautiful flowers are. That is why I often use their names for companies that produce goods for women. By adding different epithets, you can achieve the result.

If you remember the cars of the Jaguar brand, you can understand how to choose the name of the company. The options are simple: if the car positions itself as the fastest, then it is quite logical to assign it the name of such a nimble animal. The same can be said about the high-speed Sapsan trains.

How to choose a company name? List of errors

When choosing a name for a company, you can make a number of mistakes. They often become typical. The main ones include:

  • Failure to meet consumer expectations. If a store positions itself as a supplier of fresh seafood for every taste, then it really should have a choice. If only pollock and roach are on sale, then this is an obvious deception of the consumer. The same can be said for a hotel called "Royal" if it looks more like a hostel.
  • Facelessness. A title that doesn't have a clear direction can fail. It is difficult to imagine that the Romashka company offers plastic windows... Rather it flower salon or brand of cosmetics.
  • Copying someone else's brand. Adjusting to a more successful competitor is not a good option. In addition to the fact that the company will no longer be taken seriously, it can lead to litigation.
  • Lack of registration of the name. This step is necessary if the owner wants to remain the sole owner of the brand, avoiding copying.

Title check: how to save

The name must be unique so that no one who previously registered it can challenge the choice of the owner. Therefore, it is worth carefully examining whether the invented name was not registered. How to choose a name for a company from the register? It is worth noting that there are firms that offer a service to search for free names. But it costs money. Therefore, you can try to save money.

After being held brainstorm and several names have been invented, it's worth checking them out on the internet. Moreover, you will have to study a lot of information, since it is not a fact that a company with the same name is popular and will be found on the first pages of search engines. It is also worth using the search on city maps, here you can find information about whether there is an institution with that name. If nothing is found, then you can contact the tax office. Here you can find out if someone has registered a company with that name.

A beautiful company name can attract attention and stand out favorably among competitors. Especially on initial stage entering the market. Therefore, businessmen pay great attention the name of his brainchild. After all, it is known: what you call a yacht, so it will float.

Although now there are many companies offering naming and branding services, I still think that it is quite possible to come up with effective and bright names ourselves. It is enough to turn on your imagination and connect your inner circle. Many titles famous brands happened in just such a non-prosaic way.

For example, the legendary name Apple is not the work of highly paid brand-makers, but the result of Steve Jobs's "threat." And so it happened.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and this statement is appropriate when choosing a company name. The shorter the better, and this can be seen in the example with IKEA IK are the initials of the founder of the company, EA is the abbreviated name of the Elmtarid farm in the village of Agunnarid, where Ingvar Kamprad was born and raised.

Using your hometown name in a brand is also fairly common. For example: Nokia is the name of the Finnish village where the company was founded.

Examples good names you can give a lot, but I want to suggest creating your own top list for the most beautiful company names. Perhaps someone will find this useful and give an idea when choosing a name for their company.

I made a selection of top-30 company names in Russian and English different spheres activities, focusing on your taste.


  • Commerz Pro
  • TradeTrading
  • goodzone
  • Hobia
  • MedSnab
  • AlkoSbyt
  • Region-Trading
  • TradeStandard
  • EconomyMarket
  • RollbackKontor


  • StandardIndustry
  • MonolithTechno
  • MasterArchitect
  • Foreman
  • SnabMonolith
  • BrickTechnique
  • Extrastroy
  • STIMStroy
  • Snab Brigade
  • Swift Repair


  • ProfVoyage
  • ZagranExtreme
  • Souvenir tur
  • Overseas
  • StandardTravel
  • EcoTransit
  • Voyage
  • Ticket
  • LuxVoyage
  • TourDeMir (similar to tour de france)

What is the most beautiful name for the company can you offer? What should you consider and what should you look for when choosing a name?

Reviews and opinions

Well, it seems to me. what is most important is that the name of the company is memorable, less text, long names with complex words are not needed so that a person remembers the company for a long time and the first time. That's roughly, a company for installing windows, I met in the internet when I did tasks, so the company is called OKONIKA, it's easy to remember, a pretty name.

It seems to me that the most beautiful company name in English is Google, few people know, but it is a number, one and 100 zeros. Perhaps Google predicted the successful existence of the company with such a name, soon there will be Google requests in Google all over the world 🙂. In general, I like English names more than Russian ones.

I agree with the cool name, somehow parallel to me, be it a Russian or an English name, the main thing is that it would carry a meaning behind it, and it was easy to remember. Here are the not bad names of asphalt plants, DorLider, and Basalt.

This is a funny name for the company. What kind of contract is this :)?

Varan said about Google, and I think the most beautiful name of the company, both Russian and English, is Yandex, I think it sounds beautiful and impressive, and the meaning is also laid down.

Alex, inspired by reflections on the news that the Kalashnikov plant is ready to pay 40 million rubles for the creation of a website. A large amount that is difficult to get out of your head. But in my head it is spinning like a “kickback”, “kickback” ... hence the name for the company “OtkatKontra” 🙂 A logical process, however.

I think when choosing a name for a company, you need to somehow indicate the field of activity in which this company operates.
I really liked the name "BrokCo" (brokerage company)

The name is beautiful, but in my opinion it is not suitable for a brokerage company, but for some dessert 🙂.

Give your company your first or last name. This will be the best, as your clients will immediately remember you and the attitude will be respectful. As before there were companies like Smirnoff or Ivanov and Sons.

Maybe a middle name? Nikolaich 🙂
surname is somehow very traditional: Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Meryl Lynch, Berrings, Barclays - "s" at the end of the word - plural
but the names with the name of the country sound more globally: "Bank of America", "Credit Suisse", "Royal Bank of Scotland", "People's Bank of China"

I really like it when the lexical originality is felt in the name. When I lived earlier in another area, there was a dental office called "Dentist and Me". I always paid attention and looked at this sign. I also like the name of the YouTube service (the name plays up the slang boob tube "telly", "box", and you indicates the degree of the personality factor).

Reduce to euphonious or rip out a couple of letters from the name, like Poroshenko. I AM long time and did not know that it was candy named after his last name, I thought it was some French company. My surname is all right, I got a beautiful one from my husband. I named my company "Swan"

It always pisses me off more, and this is very often manifested in the names of stores, especially grocery ones when they take names. It’s as if people’s imagination doesn’t work at all, and they came up with the name in the first two minutes. I have a very positive attitude to short names that carry a lot of meaning, this is a really professional approach.

There was also a case, by the way, I saw a kiosk with diminutive suffixes (beer, hot dogs, etc.), also funny and interesting idea... Those. use comic content to attract buyers.

I cannot but agree with Helen, the traditions of the old merchant houses were and still are…. In the proposed list, just like the selection of the most ugly names. Owners want to reflect first and foremost what their firm is doing. But I like more indirect names. where originality is combined with purpose. For example Firefox.

When I dreamed of my own cafe, moreover, a children's cafe, I wanted to name it Peter Pan. Now I think about the name of the pizzeria, I decided to name Pizza-Vera after my sister, it turned out to be already taken.

Well, this is just your opinion, in my opinion several of the company names presented in the first post are beautiful and memorable. And I don’t think that a company should have the most beautiful name, it should be original and memorable, and it doesn’t matter whether it is in Russian or in English.

For example - "Prorabych", it may not be the most beautiful for the company, but sonorous, original and memorable. It will immediately sink into the head and be remembered. When choosing names for a company, first of all, one should not think about beauty, but about simplicity, this is of course just my opinion. And if we only pay attention to beauty, then I like English brands more.

Yes. Alex, there is also Mobilich. And so on ... But why is it necessary to attack so strongly the English names? But here you are also right ... Not everyone speaks English. And these words mean nothing to them. Regarding Google, I think we need to ask the exact meaning of this word. I haven’t been interested in this yet.

As any theater begins with a coat rack, acquaintance with your company will begin with its name. How to come up with a company name to grab attention and stand out from the crowd. How to name a company to be successful. To belittle the importance of the name of a company for its competitiveness and resilience in today's harsh realities of life is at least imprudent. Therefore, one of the first steps that must be taken, keeping in mind the saying “as you name a boat, so it will float” is to come up with a name for your own, since no company can exist without it. An unnamed company will not be able to register, open a bank account, or conclude an agreement.

It is better to take care of this in advance, since the registration hassle of registering a new business, which has fallen in an avalanche, will not leave time for thinking about the name options. There are often cases when entrepreneurs in such a situation wrote down the first phrase that came to mind, which they later regretted, but it was too late to change something.

With this in mind, you should consider a number of important points that will help you with the choice. The tax authorities are ready to register any name that does not come into confrontation with the law, but only you will be responsible for the success of the business.

What is it - a good name of the company, such that customers willingly, again and again turn to its services?

    The most important points of success:
  • Undoubtedly, the name should correspond to the field of activity of the enterprise.
  • It is desirable that a minimum number of answers of the same name be given out in Internet search engines and reference books for this name request.
  • Any ambiguity should be avoided and it is important that the expression evokes a positive attitude.
  • Ideal if it is easy to pronounce, read and remember.

It is difficult to list and foresee other nuances in this matter, since they all depend on specific circumstances.

Choosing a company name is not a joke

Imagine that you once really liked the services of a good company, and after a while you have a need to go back there or introduce your friends to its service. But here's the problem - you can't remember its name. I remember only some kind of jumble of letters, similar to "Smetsbytdrovnet". Having suffered in the search, you, although with reluctance, will go to their competitors.

Let's imagine something else: you decided to gather your friends for a banquet and choose a suitable cafe for this. We found the most attractive in all respects, but its sign "Tantalum" hopelessly spoils the impression. You probably do not want your guests to associate your holiday with suffering from hunger and thirst for an ancient Greek hero, and therefore continue to search for another place.

If you, as a potential depositor, come across an advertisement for the bank "Atlantis", then, no matter what attractive interest they entice you, you will surely flicker a seditious thought born from the association with a beautiful name: "They will collect money from depositors and disappear."

It is unlikely that you will turn to the tourist company "Tour-Dom", although, at first glance, the name is quite harmless.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such incidents in the minds of your future customers, you should seriously and carefully consider the options for a corporate sign.

Why do you need to conduct marketing research

Perhaps you are that rare lucky person whose head will suddenly joyfully light up with the idea of ​​a catchy, memorable and interesting slogan, but, alas, not everyone is so lucky. Therefore, it is better not to wait for gifts from fate and to get down to business with full responsibility.

When deciding the question "How to come up with a company name" - it is recommended to start with marketing research, namely, to understand the composition of the bulk of the company's future customers, what is it?

If your activity is focused on a youth environment, then a little teenage slang or even banter will organically look in the name, but if you want to attract cautious pensioners, then the Lame Dog cafe will almost certainly fail.

It will not hurt to analyze the correspondence of the name of the company to the future assortment and prices.

The sign of the jewelry store "Cheap Jewels" will cause bewilderment, but the store "Cheap Home Goods" will certainly interest the general population.

We have selected a video for you: How to choose a company name?

The name should reflect the scope of the company's interests

If the name of your company has an abstract meaning that is not consistent with its activities, or, even worse, hints at other services that have nothing to do with those provided by the company, then there is a great risk of incurring numerous appeals from "foreign" clients, who will have a negative impression of you after your refusals.

It is fair to say that there are firms that thrive despite their irrelevant name. But there are many more opposite examples.

The most difficult thing for any company is to be able to win a clientele at the initial stage, to seriously declare itself. It is at the start of the business that the name of the company can prove itself as a catalyst for success or as a hindrance to it. The world famous Apple probably fought off various "fruit" proposals at the beginning of its career, but not only withstood, but also won worldwide fame, and now no one would think of associating this name with the apple trade.

Originality is an important factor in the popularity of the company

The name of the company should be easy to remember and sonorous. It is impossible to remember a company whose name is difficult to pronounce, and it is impossible to write it down "by ear" or from memory. An unbeatable name guarantees that your company will be in the TOP of search engines, which will help you find out about its activities a large number of people.

Conversely, a common name will lower your business to the bottom of the search results. It is unlikely that any of the customers in this case will persistently search for your service.

A good, non-repetitive combination will help the user quickly reach you. It is better to spend a few minutes in advance to test your favorite option for matches on the Internet.

By the number of dropped results, it will be possible to understand whether your page will be "lost" or not. It is often enough to successfully change just one letter to leave the competition behind.

Legal requirements

It is not enough to come up with an interesting name for the company, it is also necessary that it does not contradict our legislation. There are several important points to consider:

  • The official name must be written in Russian letters only. The foreign alphabet is allowed to be used only in the abbreviated name.
  • The full name includes the form of ownership of the company: Company with limited liability"East". For internal documents and correspondence with partners, you can use the abbreviated name: LLC "Vostok".
  • It is not allowed to include in the name of the company words denoting the participation of state bodies in their activities (federal, ministry, parliamentary).
  • You cannot include in the name the official names of states or international organizations, famous brands.
  • It is unacceptable to include obscene words, inhuman or immoral concepts that may offend anyone in the name.
  • Derivatives from the words "Russia" and "Moscow" are allowed to be included in the name only with the permission of the respective commissions.

This choice needs to be approached differently depending on what she plans to do. It is advisable to define what attracts customers in this business and use that in the name.


Customers of construction services will be attracted by the names that advertise the quality and speed of service provision: "Reliable House", "Skillful Masons". When coming up with a name, it is advisable to take into account what kind of activity the company will be engaged in. So, for a company planning to sell building materials, the names "Handyman", "MasterOk" are suitable, for a store finishing materials- "Rainbow-Stroy". The companies for the repair of apartments "Design and Comfort" or "Gnezdyshko" look interesting, and for the construction of residential buildings - "Domostroy" or "Reliable Walls".


If the company plans to manufacture any goods, then the name may reflect what exactly it will do. There are a lot of options in this case: making bed linen - "Sweet Dream", shoes - "Slipper", confectionery- "Bee".


When choosing a name for a trading company, it is necessary to take into account the market segment in which it is going to operate. Shop "Cheap fur coats" will cause distrust and a desire to pass by, but "Elite fur" will attract customers. The name "Brandissimo" is suitable for a fashion boutique, and the name "Tsenopad" or "Economy" is suitable for a store of discounted clothes.


The most important thing in a law firm is experienced professionals who fully use their knowledge to defend the interests of the client. The name of the company should convey the appropriate message, instill confidence and calmness. Customers will surely pay attention to the "Justice Guard" or "Legal Standard" firms. Probably, since the appearance of the first law firms, they are often called by the name of the founder: "Kowalski & Partners". Therefore, if the title contains, for example, the name of a lawyer known for his won cases, then this will also attract attention.


In the sphere tourist services today there is huge competition, and therefore it is necessary to find a name that attracts attention and will be remembered for a long time: "The wind of wanderings", "The world in the palm of your hand." If you limit yourself separate types tourism, you can choose names that will reflect them. For active recreation, the names "Everest", "One Hundred Roads" are suitable. Fans of comfortable hotels and comfortable rest will like the "Silk Road" or "Royal Rest" more. The names of companies that are invented with a good sense of humor, for example, "Russo Turisto", are perfectly remembered.


Passengers need to get to their destination quickly, reliably and safely, and the company name can reassure them that those expectations will be met. Taxi agency - "Troika", "Stagecoach", cargo transportation - "One hundred elephants", "Teleport". Avoid names that indicate the facts that should be the norm: "No accidents", "Sober movers".

Taxi "Rickshaw", on the one hand, reflects the specifics, but on the other hand, it evokes not too pleasant associations with a slow ride in a two-wheeled carriage. Therefore, in the search for a catchy name, know the measure.

In addition to the tips listed, there are a few more options for creating an original company name.

Use of geographic terms

In the name, you can use geographical names from the area where the company is located. This principle was used to create: Vologda oil, Ochakovsky kvass, Essentuki mineral water, Shatura furniture.

Name or surname

A simple and easy way is to use the person's first or last name. This is how brands such as the women's magazine Liza, the men's magazine Maxim, the Diana dry-cleaner chain, the Ford auto concern, Parker pens, and the Adidas clothing manufacturer were formed.


Often a plant, animal or natural phenomenon evokes associations with the properties of a product or service that the company sells: Alligator car alarms, Jaguar cars, Puma sportswear.


The mythology of different nations has become one of the most effective sources for finding company names. Many ancient gods patronize various aspects of life and fields of activity: Hermes is the god of trade, Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, Neptune is the god of the seas. Many companies bear their names.

Compound word

Quite often, a compound word is used for the name of the company, formed by adding words or their parts: Aeroflot, Beeline, Volkswagen.


The name of the company can be an abbreviation formed from the initial letters or parts of words, which is pronounced as a single word, for example: GUM or VAZ.


An excellently memorable name can be a name or a phrase from a movie, animation or literature, for example: a chain of stores "Snow Queen", milk "Prostokvashino", a chain of stores of building materials "Starik Hottabych".

Watch the video: How do you come up with a name for your company?

If, despite all your efforts, you cannot come up with anything interesting, do not despair. You can contact an advertising agency and order special service to develop a unique company name - naming. Professionals will conduct all the necessary checks for compliance with legislation, uniqueness and offer you several options to choose from.


The name for a law firm is its basis on competitive market legal entity services. Its key task is to evoke a sense of trust and professionalism in the client. The client must be sure that he can fully rely on you. Do not forget that success will be determined by the quality of the services you provide. However, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons of different naming options and choose with specific goals in mind.

What is the best name for a legal entity? company and what should be considered when choosing it? Do not think for a long time, just take as a basis the surname or surnames of the founders, partners. Good or not, but this option is the most common and successful for law firm... In this case, you need to remember the main rule: the name should be easy to remember and pronounce. You can add a specific field of activity to the main name, or use it as the name of the company itself. Often, words that directly relate to legal practice are also used, for example, “law”, “law”, “lawyer”, etc.

Below you can see examples of names and logos created by experts in your industry. Pick up several options, choose the best one.

Examples of names and logos of law firms

Keywords in this niche:

law, lawyer, law, case, legal, business, consulting, attorney, partner, court, contract, etc.

How to create a logo for a law firm?

Branding legal entities business is as important as the name itself. Business cards, letterheads, website, etc. - everything should look professional. Therefore, select, for a start, an excellent logo to the name of the company and you are guaranteed success!

The question of what is the best name for an LLC is very relevant today, because it is the most popular form of business. The commercial orientation of the company's activities predetermines that its name should be pleasant to the ear and well remembered. It is important that it does not scare away potential clients.

How and why to name your company, and will be discussed in this article.

Legislative aspect

First of all, when choosing a name for an organization, you need to take into account the legislative aspect. It has been established that any LLC must necessarily have two officially registered names: abbreviated and complete... The first is used in the internal workflow, the second is used when filling out official documents.

For example, the full name of the company might be Miss Kiss Limited Liability Company. In an abbreviated form it will turn out - Miss Kiss LLC.

The full name must be written in Russian. It always starts with the words "Limited Liability Company". In the abbreviated name, it is permissible to use foreign language, which is relevant for firms engaged in international activities. But such a name must be registered in government bodies otherwise it will have no legal effect.

What should not be called an organization?

When choosing a name, you should take into account a number of prohibitions that are established by current legislation:

  • The name may not use obscene language, as well as words that are associated with discrimination against any part of the population.
  • It is unacceptable to include in the name of an organization the names of states, either full or abbreviated. For example, you cannot give a name that includes the concepts "Russia", " Russian Federation", As well as any other words with the root" grew ". So, to name the organization Rosmontazh, you must first obtain permission from the Government of the Russian Federation. This is a long procedure and you have to pay a fee in the amount of 10,000 rubles.
  • You cannot use the names of cities and subjects of the country in the name. For example, to choose the name "Rostov-Telesystems", you must first contact the city authorities and ask them for official permission. Even if a company with this name is registered (as a result of a notary's mistake), then later local or regional officials can sue it, and the law will be on their side.
  • You cannot use the names of intergovernmental and international organizations, as well as foreign states.
  • It is forbidden to include in the name in Russian abbreviations that are used to designate foreign organizational and legal forms.
  • You cannot call LLC a word that very much resembles the name of any already existing brand. This is a violation of copyright law.

Failure to comply with the listed prohibitions can lead to serious problems. These are lawsuits and litigations that will require a lot of nerves, time and money. In addition, the use of the name may be prohibited, and entity thereby losing the already advertised brand.

These are legislative aspects that cannot be ignored when choosing a name. But there are also certain prohibitions dictated by marketing. The company should not be called complicated, discordant, or difficult to remember names. In this case, it will be very difficult for her to break into the market. It is also better not to give the company a human name, because later it will be difficult to sell it.

If you have not registered an organization yet, then easiest do it with online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reports are generated automatically, signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLC on the USN, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it became!

  • Use of your first or last name, as well as the names of loved ones. For example, the Mercedes concern was named after the daughter of its owner. This is a simple surface decision, but not the most correct one: such a company is often difficult to sell. However, if the surname is consonant with the type of activity of the organization, then this option can be considered.
  • Reflection in the name of the direction of the company. The title should contain words that will make clients associate with your activity.
  • Application of abbreviations. This is a great replacement for bulky names consisting of several words, the meaning of which is not always clear to customers.
  • Reflection in the name of the concept of the company. For example, for a company that specializes in the fast transportation of customers, the name is ideal "Taxolet".
  • Reflection of the values ​​of potential consumers. For example, the Fashion Breeze store will attract those buyers who like to follow latest trends in the fashion world.
  • The use of a regional feature in the name. So, potential buyers will immediately understand in which region the company is "Samara-windows" can install double-glazed windows.

If the direction of the organization's activities has not yet been determined, then it is best to call it one bright and sonorous word that will evoke pleasant associations among the target audience. Very often humor is appropriate, and the attention of buyers can be attracted by an unusual combination of words in the title, for example, "Blue orange".

The name of the company should be simple, one that is easy to remember and does not need to be asked over and over again.

If people do not understand the meaning of the name, then this causes them negative emotions, which is by no means into the hands of business. But a company with a pleasant ear and an easily pronounced name has every chance of becoming successful in the market.

A very interesting step is the use of puns in the name. For example, the name of the famous fast food cafe "Kroshka-kartoshka" is very cute, makes you smile, and the customers of the establishment really like it. Just do not use puns in the name - this is a risky step, because words misunderstood by the consumer can undermine the authority of the company.

Finally, do not imitate the famous trade marks... This does not lead to anything good: you may face litigation and spending on lawyers. And the saddest consequence is the loss of the company's good name.

Several useful tips can be found in the following video:

Several good examples


When choosing a name for a construction company, it is important to emphasize its reliability and stability. Speed ​​is an important point, but in this case it cannot be the main one, so the emphasis should be on high competitiveness.

Good name variations are "CityStroy", "Stroy-Alliance"... They emphasize quality and stability and make you want to turn to this particular contractor.

Transport companies

For the clients of these companies, such components as speed and safety of the cargo are especially important. They should be emphasized in the title. For example, names are ideal for a taxi service "Teleport", "Just in time".

For a company that is engaged in cargo transportation, the names will be optimal "BystroTrans" or "TransService".

Trade organizations

Today there are so many different outlets, therefore, in order to attract customers, you need to use bright, biting and catchy names. Most often when choosing words for a name trading firms are based on the following factors:

  • Assortment of goods ( Business clothes, Down jackets, Products etc.);
  • The quality of goods ( Elite, Glamor, Extra, Economy);
  • The target audience ( Madame, Fashionista, Egoist etc.);
  • Scale point of sale (Bazaar, Hyper, Floor etc.).

These words can be combined to create a unique and memorable name.

Travel companies

The names of travel agencies should evoke among clients associations with excellent pastime, joy, pleasure. Don't forget about reliability. Excellent naming options - "Sunny Island", "Paradise", "Sea Breeze" other.

Catering establishments

When choosing a name for such an organization, it is necessary to take into account its concept and menu features. For example, for a sushi bar, a simpler name is suitable. "Delicious sushi" or a name in "Japanese" style - "Oki docks"... For a coffee shop, the name will be optimal "Cappuccino", for an oriental restaurant - "1001 nights", for a sports bar - "Favorite" or "Bid".

The name of an LLC is very important aspect because it is the “face” of the organization, which forms the first impression with potential customers. Therefore, when choosing a name for a company, it is important to take into account legal requirements, market laws and psychological characteristics impact on the target audience.

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