How to find the job you want. Practical recommendations for quickly finding a job

Chercher 23.12.2019
1 479 0 Hello, in this article we will tell you about how to look for a job, what methods of employment are the most relevant and effective. You will receive advice from the best HR managers. This knowledge will help not only those who are left without work, but also those who, for whatever reason, are planning to change jobs with suitable conditions.

How to look for a job correctly

  • Search through the Job Center

Officially, job search in Russia is carried out through state center employment of the population. Anyone can apply here. By registering as unemployed, you will also receive a monthly benefit, the amount of which depends on your salary previous place work. If you have no work experience, the benefit amount will be minimal.

The employment center selects vacancies based on specialty and education. For the proposed vacancy, you must visit the employer and make a note; this will allow you to maintain your right to receive benefits if for some reason the vacancy is not suitable. You will also be required to visit the employment center regularly, at least once every two weeks.

As practice shows, searching for a job through an employment center is not the most effective method. Mostly in demand here are blue-collar workers in low-paid occupations requiring heavy physical labor.

Periodically, the Center holds free courses Obtaining a new qualification is a chance to change your occupation and find a new place of work. Self-employment of the population is also supported. You can register as individual entrepreneur, develop your business plan and get cash subsidy from the state.

  • Recruitment agencies

Another way to find a job is to contact a staffing or recruiting agency. The main problem in this case is finding a truly reliable and professional agency with real vacancies. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers on the market for this type of service.

For services provided, either a one-time fee or a percentage of future wages is charged if the job is found through an agency.

A really good agency should cooperate with companies of different levels, for which they recruit personnel, so their database contains interesting and profitable offer, and it is more likely to find a job you like and with suitable conditions.

  • Direct contact with the employer

In order to get a job in a certain organization, you can try your luck and contact the employer directly. Often, information about open vacancies and requirements for applicants is posted on the official website.

Don’t rule out directly contacting the organization’s HR department, where they will provide you with the most up-to-date information about open vacancies. For those who are particularly self-confident in their professional qualities and values ​​as a potential employee of this organization, you can contact your boss directly. To do this, you should stock up on a resume and strong arguments why you should be hired.

The result of such treatment is unpredictable. If you have produced good impression, but at the moment there are no available vacancies, then perhaps you will be offered to post your portfolio in personnel reserve. In this case, all that remains is to wait.

  • Printed publications (newspapers, magazines)

Printed publications continue to lose their relevance due to their accessibility, so do not exclude this method of searching for work.

Flaws: information quickly becomes irrelevant; most advertisements are for blue-collar jobs that do not require special skills and knowledge and, accordingly, with low wages. However, there are interesting proposals here too.

  • Word of mouth

You can often find out information about open vacancies through acquaintances, friends, and relatives. In this case, it is advisable to seek help from former classmates who work in the same field as you.

Post a job search ad on your social media page - someone will certainly respond.

This method of searching for work and subsequent employment imposes certain moral and ethical obligations. If you were hired on someone’s recommendation, then you definitely shouldn’t let that person down.

How to look for work on the Internet

The Internet is a treasure trove useful information. This modern information tool is indispensable for finding a job, and here you can find a variety of vacancies in all professional areas in the public domain.

Where to start searching online?

  • Specialized sites

First of all, pay attention to the leading resources where you can both post your resume and get acquainted with the vacancies presented.

  1. HeadHunter – one of the leaders in employment matters, the resource provides information posted by direct employers in all professional fields and in any region of the Russian Federation;
  2. SuperJob – here you can find vacancies for companies of various profiles, both largest international companies and small organizations;
  3. Salary – the advantage of the resource is that it provides information about vacancies in the Russian Federation and the CIS.
  4. Avito - free resource, which has a separate section with vacancies and resumes. On Avito you can find various job options, but these are mainly blue-collar jobs.

Searching through a specialized website has a great advantage, since the selection of vacancies is wide enough to find Good work. You can leave a response or contact the employer directly if his direct contacts are indicated.

Communication on professional forums also makes it possible to find a job, and they can also tell you where and how to find a job in your specialty. But this may take too much time, which will be spent not usefully, but on empty communication.

  • Official websites of companies

If you have not found a vacancy that meets your requirements and wishes, then it makes sense to contact the official website of the organization, where advertisements for open rates are posted.

  • Business card website

You don’t have to look for a job, but offer your services through your website or landing page. Clients will appreciate this approach, especially if the website or one-page website is made with high quality and style.

Today you can easily find free templates on the Internet, which you just need to fill in with your information and leave your contacts. Of course for best result you can start promoting your website - this way you will find your customers faster.

This method is relevant mainly for: designers, confectioners, photographers, hand-makers, fashion designers, stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, lawyers and other specialties whose results can be demonstrated in the form of photos and videos.

Freelancing or how to find work from home

Searching for a job at home is carried out in the same ways as a regular office job. But find remote work more likely on the Internet.

You can inquire about the possibility of working from home at your current place of work.

We wrote more about working from home in previous articles:

Remote work has a number of advantages. You work based on your schedule in convenient and comfortable conditions, and the extra bustle of the office does not distract you from completing your tasks. You must agree with this work option if you are truly confident in your abilities of self-organization and discipline. Often the home environment is relaxing and does not allow you to fully concentrate.

Work on the principles of freelancing can be carried out connected to the office or be completely virtual. In the first case, there is an employer whom you will periodically visit and communicate in person. The advantage is that, in this way, it is more likely to find employment officially in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and receive a guaranteed social package (contributions to funds, sick leave, vacation pay). In the second case, employment is carried out unofficially.

Possible execution piecework remote work. In this form, cooperation with the employer is temporary, since you complete a one-time project and receive a reward for it.

If you have lost your job or decided to find your dream job, then you should pay attention to some points:

  1. Beware of scammers. This type of fraud is common when you are offered to deposit a certain amount of money to guarantee your serious intentions, for registration, the wording can be very different. This is a method of extortion; you will definitely not be able to find a job this way, and money and time will be lost. Only recruitment agencies charge for their services and this happens in contractually. Also under the guise of employers are fictitious organizations engaged in the provision of dubious services, network pyramids. You should ignore advertisements that do not indicate the name of the employer and what kind of vacancy is open and with what responsibilities. Popular offers such as: assistant manager, manager, recruitment manager, administrator.
  2. Use all possible resources in your search.
  3. Engage in self-development and acquiring new skills during a period of forced unemployment.
  4. Write your resume wisely- it's yours business card.

As a rule, a woman as a potential employee is in a less advantageous position than a man. Often, the employer assumes in advance that the woman will either go on maternity leave or will often be on sick leave with the child. How can a woman find a job? Job search methods do not depend on gender: take advantage of all opportunities. If you have a good resume and work experience, good recommendations, then there is a high probability of successful employment in a short time.

It is somewhat easier for a man to find a job, since there are much more vacancies for jobs with a “masculine character”: construction specialties, service in law enforcement and departmental structures, etc. In addition, it is no secret that leadership positions Many employers prefer to see males rather than females.

Candidates have difficulty in searching no work experience. First of all, this applies to students and yesterday’s graduates educational institutions. Assess your potential adequately: excessive requirements for wages and working conditions will not give a positive result in employment. You'll have to start small. Young specialist are distinguished by beneficial advantages: a fresh look, a willingness to master their profession in practical terms, the opportunity for the employer to train him in accordance with his requirements.

It's not easy for candidates to find without education. However, the job market is large enough to find something suitable. Decide which conditions are preferable for you: schedule, social package, income level, field of activity, degree of workload. Honest, hardworking and responsible employees are needed everywhere, consider options where there is training opportunity.

How to find a job as a pensioner

Search suitable job for a pensioner is quite complicated, since the age limit for employment plays an important role.

But, nevertheless, there are options, this is proven by the fact that the number of working pensioners in Russia is not decreasing, since, if you look at it objectively, the size of pensions does not allow you to give up work and calmly meet old age. Often, early retirement is granted, earlier than the due date, and as a result, a fully able-bodied and energetic person appears in the ranks of pensioners, who at the age of 50 wants to continue his professional activity.

How and where to look for work?

  1. In addition to the methods listed, of course, the wisest thing to do is to return to your previous place of work. If you have proven yourself as good specialist And responsible worker, then the employer will not mind your return. Moreover, the presence of rich experience - competitive advantage to younger professionals.
  2. If you have a sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge base, you can try yourself as a teacher or tutor.
  3. Do not underestimate the services of the employment center. Perhaps obtaining a new qualification through the center will allow you to find work in another field, despite your age.

If you have sufficient physical capabilities and strength:

  • courier (if you have a car, since working on foot is very exhausting);
  • housekeeper;
  • cleaning woman;
  • postman;
  • salesman;
  • cloakroom attendant;
  • watchman;
  • concierge;
  • nanny.

How to find work abroad

If for some reason you are not interested in working in your city, or even more so, in your country, then finding a job abroad is quite possible, although quite difficult. This process may take much longer than you expect.

  1. Work in international company, where there are projects to transfer employees to foreign units. Such transfers are carried out on a temporary basis to gain new experience, knowledge and skills.
  2. Posting your resume on foreign websites.
  3. Contacting an intermediary - recruiting agencies.
  4. Work under the Work and Travel, Intership, Au Pair, etc. programs - this option is designed for students and graduates, and is more suitable for gaining language knowledge and practice.

You will need the following documents:

  1. International passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Diploma of education.
  5. Extract from work book or certificate from last place work.
  6. Medical insurance.
  7. Medical certificate in form 082/U.
  8. Certificate of no criminal record.

Finding a job in your specialty abroad is very difficult: you will need a high level of language knowledge, as well as compliance of your qualifications with the local one labor legislation, Russian diplomas are not quoted everywhere, so there are often cases when you need to go back to school. This option is relevant for those who plan to leave for permanent place residence in another country.

The best times to look for a job

How successful and effective the job search will be depends on the time of year when the search is conducted.

In Russia, the working year can be divided into four periods:

  1. The first period lasts from January to May holidays. The labor market is highly active, with layoffs on the rise and job openings on the rise.
  2. Second period begins from May and continues until mid-late July. In this short, dynamic period of time, many interesting vacancies appear that need to be filled urgently, before all the responsible persons are in place and go on vacation. The likelihood of finding your dream job increases significantly.
  3. From late July to September there is a lull, personnel issues are postponed until management returns from vacation.
  4. In September active efforts to find suitable candidates begin, but competition among the latter increases noticeably. This period is characterized by the protracted multi-stage nature of interviews, the lack of guarantees of real employment, and therefore is not the best time to look for a job.

The fear of staying idle and the desire to adequately provide for our family forces us to look for a new place as soon as possible. What course of action should you choose to really quickly find a job?

Here are some really useful tips.

You have to hurry slowly

The recruitment process should not be turned into stressful situation. It may seem to you that excitement is pushing you, helping you not to waste a minute, but in reality everything is more complicated.

Stress mobilizes the body only at first, and then the resources are depleted, leaving only unhealthy anxiety.

If you want to find a job quickly, do not rush into battle immediately after receiving your work book. Give yourself a chance to switch gears. Rest for at least a week, completely throwing thoughts about business out of your head.

AND - don't overwork yourself, running around for interviews. It is better to prepare well for one promising interview and come to it fully prepared than to appear for three conversations in one day.

A positive attitude is required

Don't see your job search as a problem and don't feel like a damaged slave. Consider this stage as a step towards new activities, achievements, and acquaintances.

Your sense of selfimportant point. People are hired by other people, and they are guided by more than just rational considerations.

You should give the employer the impression of a confident, successful person, and not a confused loser.

There must be a system in everything

Keep a file on your computer “How to quickly find a job.” Make a plan for yourself.

Treat your job search how to the project, on which you will work daily from such and such a time to such and such (taking into account legal breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Identify for yourself the main points of the plan with specific and visible indicators of their implementation, for example:

  1. Write a good universal resume and post it on everyone major services searching for jobs/employees.
  2. View the “Work” section in the city advertisement newspaper “Everything for everyone”.
  3. Check out the vacancies available on the major websites HeadHunter, (as well as on our resource).
  4. Post a job search ad on your social network page and ask your friends to repost it.
  5. Register with the employment center in order to receive benefits (at least one month in advance, the money is not extra) and study electronic database vacancies of the central control center.
  6. Choose 5 organizations in the city that you would like to work for and contact them directly to offer your services.

You need to think broadly

When considering options, don't try to find only what you already know. Many professions allow you to complete your education on the go. Think about related areas of activity.

If, for example, you worked as a Russian language teacher, try to get a job as a journalist or proofreader.

Go through all your hobbies in your mind. You have a great chance to combine business with pleasure.

Maybe, after thinking about it, you will even decide to organize a small business of your own - producing wooden souvenirs, sewing dresses, making interior toys...

Small own enterprise does not always require large initial investments.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Finding a job is an ongoing process. Even if you are employed. Because a person is always looking for “where is better.” More attractive options and offers are considered involuntarily. And in the absence of work, all means are used to find one’s “place in the sun.”

How and where can you find a job today?

Not everyone knows that to find a job there are not only the right “tools”, but also seasons, in connection with the change of which a lot changes in the labor market:

  • From January to May – a period of high activity in the job market with numerous layoffs and many vacant jobs. Winter “hibernation” promotes a leisurely and adequate assessment of candidates, salaries, etc.
  • From May to mid-July - it's time to make decisions. Dynamic but short period. As in the case of last-minute tours, many “hot” vacancies appear during this period. And even a poorly qualified candidate can be lucky with a job if he is promising. Adaptation to a new team at this time is almost painless - you have time until the fall to integrate into the work, understand the intricacies and find a common language with everyone.
  • From July to mid-September – not the best time to look for a job. Although competition among candidates is lower, management’s attitude towards them is more loyal.
  • From mid-September The most active period in the labor market begins. There are a lot of opportunities, but the screening limits are more stringent.

Where to start looking for a job?

  • First, decide on the type of future work and the relationship between the desired vacancy and qualifications. That is, ask yourself questions: “What can I even do?” and “What would I really like?”
  • If you want to radically change your profession, it might make sense think about advanced training, additional courses or second education.
  • Carry out an analysis - what is the average salary.
  • Decide on your salary requirements, distance of work from home. And also - what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of good work.
  • Go to a professional/consultation, where, as a result of serious testing, you can get information about which professions it makes sense to choose your permanent one.
  • Having decided, use all the "tools" to find a job.
  • Don't jump at the first offer– explore all the options and highlight the ones that really interest you. But don’t forget that delaying your response to a vacancy means giving away your potential job to another candidate.

Where to look for work: revealing the secrets of where people look for work

First of all, you should remember where you shouldn't look for a job. We exclude it right away.

This article is the final one in a trilogy of publications devoted to the search for new, high paying job. In previous articles we talked about, as well as achieving the desired result.

And today we will talk about what is needed do it right now in order to count on a new, good job in the near future, as well as fateful changes in your life and overcoming internal barriers.

So here you go 10 things you need to do right now to find a good job:

1) Ask yourself questions:

– How will the job you have now help you achieve your goals?
– How can you increase your income by current work?
– How much do you like what you do?
– Where would you like to work?
– What can you do to advance in your career?

The answers to these questions will help you bring some clarity to your situation and provide guidelines for further action.

2) Improve your resume

- this is a business card that most directly influences whether they will take you to work where you want or not. Therefore, it is very important that your resume contains distinctive features and specific facts that demonstrate your competence and professionalism.

In addition, add a few facts that characterize you from positive side. For example, I added to my resume a list of books read over the past few years, trainings completed, audiobooks listened to related to my professional activity.

3) Monitor the labor market

Start studying the labor market right now, tracking vacancies and analyzing the situation. See which vacancies are most prevalent. The abundance of vacancies in a particular area indicates a shortage of personnel and enormous opportunities for candidates. Fix the options that suit you and work on each of them.

For example, sales specialists are now in great demand. The crisis is not over yet and it is important for companies to increase profits through increased sales. If you good seller, then now is the best time to show your talents and take a good position in the future. Also in demand are marketing specialists, IT specialists, and development specialists.

4) Think about where else you can apply your knowledge and experience

If you have not been able to find a job in your profession for a long time, or the salaries in this area do not suit you, then think about what else you could do, what vacancies to work for? Perhaps it’s worth taking retraining courses or self-education in a related, more popular and profitable field?

Once upon a time, in this way, I found myself in marketing, where to this day I feel great!

5) Buy yourself things that you won’t be embarrassed to wear to an interview

Right now, you can take care of your appearance, which is responsible for the initial impression that the employer will have about you. If you still don't have the appropriate clothes, but you really want to find new job, then take care of your appearance corresponded to the image of a professional, responsible and hardworking person.

6) Show initiative at work and suggest new methods to improve productivity and increase sales

People usually blame everything around them for their failures. Although often, the problem lies in ourselves, in our laziness, stupidity and lack of education (not to be confused with having a diploma, which in itself is not a fact of education).

Analyze your current activities, how can they be improved? What new things can you bring to the business you are doing? How, specifically, can you influence the improvement of productivity or increase the level of income of your enterprise?

Feel free to approach management with your thoughts and ideas. Even if your ideas don’t come to fruition, you will at least be noticed and appreciated for your initiative. Believe me, when the need arises to appoint a new manager, they will first look at those who could become managers from among ordinary employees.

Make it a rule to read at least 30-50 pages every day. It will be better if it is not the yellow press or detective stories, but literature dedicated to personal growth, development, stories successful people etc.

Daily self-improvement is something you need to do right now if you're not already doing it. This also includes the actions from the previous paragraph - reading. But reading is about obtaining theoretical actions, and at this point the emphasis is on actions. If you read something interesting for yourself, then don’t put it off until tomorrow and start doing it right now.

For example, as a cool tool that will help you become more effective at work, I recommend reading literature on time management and immediately starting to put the acquired knowledge into practice. If you manage to increase your productivity by at least 10 percent, then you can safely write about it in your resume. Just try not to make your statement unfounded and provide some facts and examples.

9) Go through several interviews

Do a few interviews as a warm-up. Let's say, if you have some interesting place of work in mind where you would like to go, then before going there for an interview, go through it somewhere else, as a warm-up. Find several job advertisements, prepare for the interview as if you were invited to where you dream of going and test yourself. If, as a result, you are offered a job where you went as a training, then you have passed the preliminary exam with an A.

10) Study the training “How to find a good job”

This is a course during which you will be able to develop all the necessary skills for a successful job search and confident career growth.

Good afternoon, dear friend!

We have said more than once that sending a resume through HR departments can turn into such a hassle that it’s time to stock up on liters of validol.How to quickly find a job? Actimmediatelyand directly. Without intermediaries.

If everything goes well, you can arrange an interview with a decision maker(decision maker) in one call.

If it's bad, it will take some time. But compared to the traditional method of sending a resume to HR departments or through a work website, it is still many times faster.

When searching directly, the following options are possible:

  1. You have found out the direct number of the decision maker and call him.
  2. You don’t have a decision maker’s phone number and you call the secretary, assistant or call center.

Today we will analyze the second option in detail and consider several legend scenarios.

The sequence of your actions might be something like this:

  • You find a posted vacancy on a job site that interests you. Submit your resume and cover letter.
  • Click on the company name and go to the company website.
  • There you see a phone number.

Call? Wait... first, take a sheet of paper or open a file on your computer. We write it down on a tablet. Here we will write the results of our calls and company numbers. Otherwise, you will simply get confused, because most likely the matter will not be limited to one call.

Before you start a calling campaign, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself mentally.

1. Firstly, have a positive attitude towards the person you are talking to . If you think that the secretary or call center employee is an overdressed dropout, your attitude will have to change. Your attitude, God knows in what ways, is transmitted to your interlocutor. Even on the phone.

2 . Second - readiness for unexpected and sometimes unpleasant turns . No one can predict what direction your conversation may take, so you need to be prepared for anything.

In essence, you are using the same methods as sales managers, who are as boring as a bitter radish. They will “send” you often. And that's okay. Yes, yes, it is important to understand that the direct calling method brings success according to the principle “the more fishing rods, the more fish.”

3. Calm and confident . First of all, confidence in the correctness of your actions. A calm and confident tone works flawlessly.


So, dial the company number.Your task is to find out the name of the manager of the vacancy and get someone to connect with him. Or they gave me a contact phone number.

The result of your communication largely depends on the characteristics of the interlocutor and his instructions. Sometimes they will immediately connect you with the manager you are interested in, sometimes they will immediately firmly refuse.

However, most often the result depends on your communication style and the legends you use.Be energetic and persistent. Many people simply give in to such things.


No, not the Karakalpak legends of Ukum Bukiev :) Legends in our case, - short stories, which will help you overcome the “secretary barrier” and reach the leader you need.

1. “I forgot my name”

“The manager from your company called me, a man... It seems the head of the department... the marketing department, he introduced himself, but I forgot - I think Ivan, I didn’t remember exactly... please remind me of his first name and middle name.”

“And if you don’t mind, how to contact him, we haven’t agreed...”

2. “I want to write a letter”

You ask for the geographical address of the company, then the zip code, then the middle name of the person you need and to whom you supposedly want to write. Then specify your last name.

3. "Magazine employee." Pretend to be a journalist. You are writing an article on a specialized topic and want to receive expert opinion. The opinion of the leader you need.

4. “Continuing contacts”. Say that you have already collaborated with this person, but subsequently lost contact. You would like to resume the dialogue and ask for the manager’s contacts or to connect with him.

5. “Interruption of communication”. Say that you communicated with the person on the phone, but as luck would have it, the connection was interrupted in the middle of the conversation. You didn’t have time to say the main thing and even write down his phone number.

“On a crooked goat”

This general name combines several more ways to get to the head of the vacancy. They are even simpler, because legends may not be required at all.

a) Through company departments

They usually connect you with the personnel or selection department without any special questions. Ask the secretary to connect with the HR department. For example, for some vacancy. They connect you, then say that you just made a mistake or that you were connected by mistake. You need such and such a person.

Department employees, unlike secretaries, are not used to “fighting back” and will easily share contacts.

b) Through another employee of the company

Find the contact of any employee of this company. Call and ask: “Is this the marketing department?” They tell you “No”. You apologize and ask for the number of the marketing department. Along the way, you will find out the name of the manager you need (if you don’t know) and his phone number.

c) Calling after hours . For example at 8.00 or 21.00. Some managers are already in place or still in place, while Mitka was “spinning” the secretary.

Use your brains andyou can easily come up with your own legends and ways to find out the name of the person you need and get to the “body”.

The next stage is communication with the decision maker himself (the head of the vacancy). We discussed how to communicate with him in this article . Let's return to this issue. Follow the news.

In conclusion:

The ability to call anywhere and confidently communicate with anyone cannot be overestimated. The people I consulted who used the direct calling method said that they completely got rid of various complexes associated with telephone communication. And not only by telephone.

Uncertainty and tightness are a thing of the past. A skill has appeared. The skill of opening those doors that most people timidly knock on, or even avoid altogether. And they continue to “chew cacti.”

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