A study of communications using the example of the Euroset company. Analysis of the communications system Analysis of the internal communications system of a commercial organization

Business 15.07.2021

In the organization under study, a procedure has been formed for coordination that involves direct management of actions in the form of instructions, orders and proposals. All management decisions are made only at the top level. As for the norms and forms of communication, the organization under study practices predominantly the written form.

Analysis of the management process is very important, as it characterizes the dynamics of the activities of various elements in real life management systems or the progress of implementation of the management function system, i.e. composition and state of the control system over time. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the correctness of each of the four stages of the management process at Freshtail LLC.

One of the first stages is defining the goal, that is, determining the ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state of the controlled system.

The advantage is that the enterprise carries out the process of developing and justifying development goals, however, these goals are short-term in nature, and this is insufficient in a constantly changing environment. In addition, goal setting involves effective management large volume of analytical and research literature and includes many operations: analysis, information search, etc., however, in the analyzed enterprise, a full analysis of current activities is not carried out, and most importantly, an analysis of results and development prospects is not carried out.

The second stage of the management process is to assess the state of the managed system relative to the target, but since Freshretail LLC does not implement a program-targeted approach, i.e. If an action program is not drawn up, it is impossible to deviate from the program. However, the state of the managed system can never be equal to the goal (if it is, then the goal is invalid) and in a given organization this rule is followed.

At the third stage of the management process, the problem is determined, that is, the main contradiction between the goal and the situation, the resolution of which will determine the change in the situation in the direction of the accepted goal.

The difference between a situation and a goal usually includes many different contradictions. Resolving them brings the situation closer to the goal. All contradictions are interconnected. Therefore, you need to find the main contradiction, the resolution of which will ensure the resolution of all the others. This organization found the main problem, which is increasing competitive pressure.

The final stage of the management process is the resolution of contradictions between the situation and the goal, that is, practical solution Problems.

The technology for developing management decisions can be considered as a dynamic set of five interrelated management processes. These processes logically follow (or follow) one from the other. However, there is a stable Feedback and, accordingly, the reverse influence of each process on the others and on the entire set.

The first stage is to analyze the internal and external environment. Freshtail LLC produces detailed analysis only the internal environment. Research external environment partially produced. This is a huge drawback in the activities of the organization under study, since each organization, having its own development potential, its own conditions for its implementation, is subject to the laws of the cyclical development of the entire social economic system. Therefore, it is in a state of a certain relationship to the general cycles of the economy, while having its own cycles and crisis development. Any situation in which an enterprise does not have time to prepare for changes can be considered a crisis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to understand in time the reasons why the enterprise’s economy is in crisis and take action even before the outward manifestation of difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the position of a marketer at Freshtail LLC, or periodically resort to the services of a specialized agency.

At the second stage, the mission and goals of the organization are determined. As mentioned above, the organization under study clearly defines its mission, which is to make a profit and satisfy the demand of the population. The downside is that the second sub-process of this stage is not completed, namely the lack of defining long-term goals. That is, the goals in this organization are only short-term in nature. Another negative aspect of the activities of Freshtail LLC is that the process of setting goals occurs predominantly centrally, so there is a danger that non-acceptance of these goals and resistance may arise at the lower levels of the organization. To eliminate all these shortcomings, it is necessary to carry out reverse planning, which involves the creation by the head of the enterprise of an initial standard plan(preliminary), on the basis of which private plans are developed, that is, a retrograde approach. Private plans are then reviewed against their implementation and then coordinated from the lowest to the highest level of planning (progressive approach).

The third stage is to choose a strategy. The advantage of this organization is the ability to choose a development strategy thanks to the internal potential of the organization. However, due to distorted conclusions about the development of the external environment, there is a danger of making the wrong choice of strategy and, accordingly, not achieving the organization’s goals.

The next stage is to execute the strategy, the main advantage in implementation this process at Freshretail LLC is that the strategy is almost always adequate to the resources of the enterprise thanks to an accurate analysis of internal capabilities. However, part of the strategy may not be feasible due to incorrect conclusions when analyzing the external environment, or due to uncertain changes in it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of the external environment.

Assessing and monitoring the implementation of the strategy is the logical final process. Strategic control is not aimed at finding out whether the strategy is being implemented correctly or incorrectly. Its task is to understand whether the implementation of the strategy will lead to the achievement of its goals. The disadvantage in the organization under study is that strategic control is not carried out completely enough, this can lead to distorted results. It is necessary to identify those responsible for organizing control work. The management of Freshretail LLC must have a clear position regarding the role and place of the control system so that it effectively copes with the tasks that meet common tasks strategic management.

At the same time, a middle manager should understand that for a manager he is in the role of a partner, a performer, and an opponent in solving the problem that has arisen. Therefore, in the communication process, he needs to show behavioral flexibility - be able to change his style of behavior in accordance with the situation, put in the first place not his own ambitions, but the interests of the business, confidently, convincingly defend his point of view. After all, they are the unique and “cheapest” source of information about the situation in the team, on the basis of which all work is planned. Field managers implement policies and ideas that are developed by the manager and the board.

Thus, communications within the organization should be carried out in several ways, such as:

  • 1. Personal conversation with employees,
  • 2. Distribution of circulars.
  • 3. Dissemination of information using electronic communication channels.

To form a positive image in the minds of staff and convey key messages to employees, the following forms should be used within organized communications:

  • 1. News sheet.
  • 2. Quarterly, annual reports employees (analogous to the report of the entire organization).
  • 3. Notice board.
  • 4. Organization page on the Internet.
  • 5. General meetings workers.

When communicating with employees, key tasks such as delegation of authority and instilling a sense of pride in one’s organization are solved.

As previously noted, an indicator of the maturity and effectiveness of communication processes in a team is the socio-psychological climate. The favorable socio-psychological climate in the Freshretail organization is mainly characterized at the moment by the following provisions:

  • 1. Values ​​and relationships in the team correspond, mainly, to the values ​​and objectives of society, that is, they are socially approved, and at the same time correspond to the values ​​and objectives of the organization.
  • 2. There is sufficient mutual awareness on significant issues.

A favorable socio-psychological climate must be constantly maintained. Omission of this condition leads to a coarsening of thinking, in which employees gradually group together, protesting against the current situation.

To develop communications within an organization, it is also necessary to maintain a culture of communication, for which the following socio-psychological skills should be developed:

  • 1) maintain communication, stimulate the partner’s activity;
  • 2) psychologically accurately determine the “point” of completion of communication;
  • 3) make maximum use of the socio-psychological characteristics of the communicative situation within which communication takes place;
  • 4) predict partners’ reactions to their own actions and psychologically tune into the emotional tone of the interlocutor;
  • 5) seize and maintain the initiative in communication and provoke the “desirable reaction” of the communication partner;
  • 6) form and “manage” the socio-psychological mood of the partner and overcome psychological barriers in communication;

To achieve the communicative task, the manager must clearly distribute functions and responsibilities among the performers; organizational measures should be implemented that are designed to ensure the implementation of the decision made.

Let's consider the correctness and completeness of the development technology management decision within the framework of strategic management at Freshretail LLC in table 2.3.

Table 2.3

Assessment of the correctness and completeness of the implementation of the technology for developing a management solution within the framework of strategic management at Freshtail LLC

Main stages of management decision making

Positive aspects

Negative aspects

Possible problems in the activities of the enterprise


1. Analysis of the external and internal environment

Detailed study of the internal environment

Incomplete analysis of the external environment

The emergence of crisis situations and unforeseen problems

Hiring a Marketing Specialist or Agency Services

2. Development of solution options

Short-term goals are clearly defined, making it easier to choose a solution

Lack of development of long-term goals prevents the choice of a long-term solution

Protracted nature of decision-making, errors in decisions for the long term

Developing long-term perspectives, ensuring backward planning

3. Selecting the optimal solution

Possibility of choosing a development strategy

Underestimation of external influence factors

Wrong solution

External environment analysis

4. Implementation of the decision (choice of the person responsible, timing and methods of implementation)

Adequacy of solutions to the company’s potential

Inconsistency of decisions with external objective reality

Impossibility of implementing decisions

Detailed analysis of the external environment

5. Evaluation and control of the implementation of the decision

Possibility of adjusting the selected solution

Poor enforcement of controls

Distorted information

Determine the responsible persons for the organization of control work

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Communication is the exchange of information between two or more people.

A communication network is a connection of individuals participating in the communication process in a certain way using information flows.

In this analysis, it is necessary to identify communication connections within organizational structure. First, let's look at each type of communication and then identify the difficulties in developing communication relationships.

1. Vertical communication

Everything here is basically clear. Communications flow from top to bottom. That is, the management apparatus issues instructions and sends them down to the departments. From top to bottom general director to lower level employees.

2. Horizontal communications

Communications in in this case occur both in the management apparatus and at the levels below, under the management apparatus. Typically, interpersonal relationships at lower levels are conducted independently of the CEO.

If you take vertical shape communications, this primarily applies to regulatory documents, orders, oral form. In addition, control information is sent as writing, so by mail. At Bayan-Sulu JSC, orders are most often made in written form. There is also a conference call for meetings at the enterprise itself. Also used effectively Email and telephone centers. The company has created electronic database data, which stores information on various indicators.

The information and computing system of the enterprise is coordinated by the center Automatic system management responsible for the availability of quality software, eliminating system failures.

In horizontal form everything is much simpler. There are no barriers. Communications here occur according to well-known patterns. Te is a telephone by which employees can communicate with each other without leaving their workplace work time. In addition, all employees are connected to one operator cellular communication for a single corporate rate, allowing them to be contacted locally by telephone at a lower cost than usual.

Next comes e-mail, which in our time is not an innovation, since it is also one of the most convenient means of communication. The company also has the local network, and workers can exchange documents without connecting to the Internet.

Another means of transmitting/receiving information is fax; documents necessary for business management, balance sheets, accounting, etc. are sent through it.

Among the unofficial methods of communication, it is worth including the ICQ fast messaging server. Employees in free time, and during work they communicate via ICQ. This type of communication can be considered a plus.

  • 3. Communication styles
  • 1) Official. This includes mandatory wearing of formal clothing, correct behavior and communication.
  • 2) Business. In many ways similar to the official one, but more relaxed in behavior and manner of communication. This does not mean swearing, insults, or loud speech.
  • 3) Free. More suitable for loose, comfortable clothing. This does not mean dirty, torn clothes, jeans or what you are used to wearing at home.

The company in question does not have a clearly defined dress code, but they adhere to business style clothes with casual elements. Cleanliness, neatness of clothing and hairstyle are required.

As in any organization, Bayan-Sulu JSC has various obstacles and various difficulties. These include untimely delivery of information to employees and the director (more often if he is on a business trip), all of which can lead to material losses or some kind of inconsistency.

Communication is the exchange of information between two or more people. A communication network is a connection of individuals participating in the communication process in a certain way using information flows.

In this analysis, it is necessary to identify communication links within the organizational structure. First, let's look at each type of communication and then identify the difficulties in developing communication relationships.

Vertical communication

Everything here is basically clear. Communications flow from top to bottom. That is, the management apparatus issues instructions and sends them down to the departments. From top to bottom from the CEO to lower level employees.

Horizontal communications

Communications in this case occur both in the control apparatus and at the levels below, under the control apparatus. Typically, interpersonal relationships at lower levels are conducted independently of the CEO.

If we take the vertical form of communication, then this primarily applies to regulatory documents, orders, and oral form. In addition, management information is sent both in writing and by mail. At ZAO Konditerprom, orders are most often made in writing. There is also a conference call for meetings at the enterprise itself. E-mail and telephone exchanges are also effectively used. The enterprise has created an electronic database that stores information on various indicators.

The information and computing system of the enterprise is coordinated by the Automatic Control System center, which is responsible for the availability of high-quality software and elimination of system failures.

In horizontal form everything is much simpler. There are no barriers. Communications here occur according to well-known patterns. Te is a telephone by which employees can communicate with each other without leaving their workplace during working hours. In addition, all employees are connected to one cellular operator at a single corporate rate, which allows them to be contacted by telephone locally at a lower cost than usual.

Next comes e-mail, which in our time is not an innovation, since it is also one of the most convenient means of communication. The company also has a local network, and employees can exchange documents without connecting to the Internet.

Another means of transmitting/receiving information is fax; documents necessary for business management, balance sheets, accounting, etc. are sent through it.

Among the unofficial methods of communication, it is worth including the ICQ fast messaging server. Employees communicate via ICQ in their free time, and even during work. This type of communication can be considered a plus.

Communication styles

Official. This includes mandatory wearing of formal clothing, correct behavior and communication.

Business. In many ways similar to the official one, but more relaxed in behavior and manner of communication. This does not mean swearing, insults, or loud speech.

Free. More suitable for loose, comfortable clothing. This does not mean dirty, torn clothes, jeans or what you are used to wearing at home.

The company in question does not have a clearly defined dress code, but adheres to business attire with casual elements. Cleanliness, neatness of clothing and hairstyle are required.

As in any organization, JSC “Konditerprom” has various obstacles and various difficulties arise. These include untimely delivery of information to employees and the director (more often if he is on a business trip), all of which can lead to material losses or some kind of inconsistency.


Chapter 1 Communications in the organization…..……………………………………………………………..7

1.1 Communications – concept and functions………………………………………………………..….....7

1.2 Types of communications…………………………………………………………….…11

1.3 Communication process…………………………………………………….....18

1.4 Communication networks and styles…………………………………………………………...25

1.5 Interpersonal communications and barriers……………………………………..…30

1.6 Organizational communications and barriers to their path……………………….…..36

1.7 Regulation of information flows……………………………………………………39

Chapter 2 Communication systems at Dina-Service LLC……………...…………43

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise………………….……………………………….….43

2.2 Communication structure………………………....…………………………….…46

2.3 Conducting a communications analysis………………………...………………………...48

Chapter 4 Organizational – economic efficiency recommendations………..87

Chapter 5 Environmental and legal support for the project..…………………………….90


List of sources used……………………………………………………………98


One of the most important factors management integration is communication. Communication is the communication of people in the process of their joint activities; it is the exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and the exchange of information. Without communication, it is impossible for any organized group of people to exist.

Communication is the means by which organized activities are united into a single whole. It can also be seen as the means by which social and energetic contributions are introduced into social systems. Communication is the means by which behavior is modified, changes are made, information becomes effective, and goals are realized. Essentially, this is a kind of “circulatory system” of a single organism of the company. Effective leaders are considered to be those who communicate effectively. Managers must be fluent in the art of communication, since, figuratively speaking, they do the work “with someone else’s hands.”

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