Etiquette of the appearance of a business woman. Business woman etiquette

Chercher 13.04.2020
Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Tax Code of the Russian Federation Etiquette. A complete set of rules of secular and. How to behave in familiar and non-standard situations Belousova Tatyana

Etiquette requirements for women's business clothing

I. Thin stockings or tights in flesh-colored colors are a must. And leave all the insinuations of fashion stylists aside, they are NOT about business etiquette! Only in cold weather are colored thick tights (at least 80 den) possible to match the suit ensemble.

II. Closed shoes are a must in cold weather; closed toe shoes (with an open heel) - possible for the warm season and only for informal events.

These two conditions are mandatory for shoes that go with a formal suit.

! All kinds of sandals, clogs, sandals and pantalettes are everyday utilitarian shoes, they do not apply to business clothes!

III. In the wardrobe of a female employee there should be a business suit (possibly more than one) with a skirt of not “extreme” length.

IV. In modern business etiquette, trousers are acceptable when mandatory condition that the upper part of the suit covers the buttocks, but these are absolutely not leather or denim trousers.

V. At the same time, there are old, strict traditions that exclude trousers for women’s business suits, but then this condition is specifically declared - in the official invitation or company charter.

VI. Etiquette allows the use of knitwear in business clothing, but it should be calm - without a neckline, cover the waist, opaque, without excessive decorations, sequins, bugles, lurex and glitter.

At the same time, knitwear does not belong to official (protocol) clothing!

VII. In summer, the suit can be light and bright colors, but it must have long sleeves.

VIII. The same condition is mandatory for independent blouses.

IX. In cold weather, it is preferable to choose accessories of soft and calm shades, and dark leather bags and briefcases, matched to shoes and the suit as a whole. (It’s a sign of bad taste, let’s just say it’s stupid, to use white shoes outside in our climate in slushy weather!)

X. In official events, gloves are acceptable - small sizes (low), as an element of a suit.

XI. For decorations for a business suit, costume jewelry is used, but in small volumes, in small quantities, making up an ensemble with the suit and appearance as a whole.

XII. I would like to especially note that they are not worn during the daytime. jewelry from precious metals and stones. Good jewelry though High Quality quoted all over the world. Thin, delicate gold jewelry (ring chains) are classified as costume jewelry (!) and are acceptable in the protocol, because we are talking about restrictions only on pompous, deliberate options.

XIII. Business office attire never includes:

Clothes made of denim, or shiny, or transparent fabric;

Skirts are folklore, with flounces, with large patterns, with deep slits;

Straw hats, canvas panama hats, etc.

XIV. Street shoes (boots, ankle boots, street shoes with thick micropores) are not suitable for the office; parquet shoes with thin leather soles are accepted.

XV. It is also illogical to use parquet shoes with leather soles for walking on the streets.

Please note, dear ladies: the rules governing your costume are meaningful, like all the rules of etiquette. Any manifestations that emphasize sexuality are considered romantic style and for smart clothes, they are not used in a business suit.

Sometimes the reaction of men to their female colleagues is very amusing: representatives of the stronger sex immediately catch the erotic impulse sent by overly revealing clothes, but the male inclinations are dashed by the bewilderment of the young ladies: “I didn’t mean THAT!”


At the entrance to the UN building, where representatives of various countries and cultures gather, there is a special protocol officer on duty who will not allow a lady to look unworthy (to be without stockings or in too revealing a neckline, etc.) - in a word, she will make sure that the visitor’s appearance meets the dress requirements -code, that is, European decency.

These are the world rules: noblesse oblige - “position obliges.”

! There is one subtle point in the evening protocol theme for women that many do not know about! When choosing an outfit, you should take into account that in a cocktail dress (or in another elegant costume of a democratic nature), a lady is free in regulations: she can come and go alone or with a partner, or change him during the event. But a floor-length evening dress implies the obligatory presence of a companion - you must admit, there is something defenseless in a woman dressed in an open dress, which also prevents her from moving freely. In this case, guardianship from a man is simply physically necessary.

Ladies and gentlemen! Do not be afraid, following a set of generally accepted norms and rules, to lose your individuality. The requirements of etiquette do not negate charm and elegance, but at the same time they give us the opportunity to look appropriate and correspond to the logic of the situation.

Dress-code is a basic scheme, using which we can easily “juggle” wardrobe items. And ensure optimal filling of your closet.

Everyone should be a work of art - or wear a work of art.

Oscar Wilde

! For both men and women, absolutely all accessories (including perfume, hairstyles and underwear!) are selected in accordance with the address of the suit - for what event it is worn. The costume and “little things” should form an ensemble.

Perfection comes from the little things.


This text is an introductory fragment.

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In the office, business etiquette is extremely important. It is the observance of its rules that allows women to win back own place under the sun for men. Feeling close attention, constantly being under tension and not even showing it is the ability to keep a face. And the first thing that comes under scrutiny is appearance.

Style – business

Its inconsistency with the recognized rules of the office dress code is already a reason for discussion and, possibly, condemnation. But for a lady who is striving to make a career, such a mistake is unacceptable: this means an uncomfortable environment at work and a long wait for something so close, it would seem. appointment to a higher position. Therefore, the image of a business woman requires compliance with the rules of etiquette business relations.

The minimum requirements for clothing are good quality and solidity. Famous brand and an expensive brand - the conditions are not at all mandatory. After all, it’s the quality that’s important, not the number of items or the display of a fashionable logo. Screaming about stable financial situation and possibilities.

Revealing attire is unacceptable for a business meeting. For successful completion, you do not need to wear a provocative outfit with a deep neckline, leather or denim clothes and too tight knitwear.

But every lady striving for success has a must-have in her wardrobe. This is a fitted jacket, straight skirt, pencil skirt or classic trousers. But the length of the skirts is neither maxi nor mini, and slits on the sides or front are unacceptable. The best option- just above the knee.

The role of a jacket will be perfectly fulfilled by a vest; it will be complemented by a blouse without a voluminous collar and an abundance of decorative trim. Fabric x opaque, good quality– a must, just like sleeves. Even in the warm season they should be there, albeit shortened. Pastel and calm colors are preferable.

Designers offer a lot of office dresses of suitable length. A well-chosen one item will save time when choosing an image, since it is much more difficult to successfully combine a blouse and a skirt. We must not forget that regardless of the season, wearing flesh-colored tights is mandatory. Perhaps this requirement is no longer strictly observed, but restraint is much more beneficial than diversity, even if it is super fashionable.

In the warm season, tights can be replaced with stockings. The expansion of the color palette has led to the introduction of acidic, bright and saturated colors into office colors. Among business ones there are fabrics with stripes, checkered patterns and with dim small patterns.

A lot has been said about shoes in the business world. The clogs received a resounding “no.” They should not be worn in the office. This business etiquette speaks clearly. The best option is classic beige, brown, black or gray shoes with a medium heel no higher than five centimeters. Summer allows for more open shoes and in this case it is imperative to have a perfect pedicure. The beauty of a properly dressed business lady is more noticeable.

Generally business style and the image of a businesswoman consists not only of a suit. It is done by both hair and makeup. A neat and moderately strict hairstyle means not loose hair, especially long hair. There are many variations of simple and effective hairstyles, and you don’t have to go to the hairdresser every time. Hair dyed in a bright, provocative tone would look completely out of place in the office.

It shouldn't be conspicuous. This is also business etiquette. Faint lipstick, natural skin color, blush and mascara are the basis of daytime make-up. Pastel shades of shadow are also acceptable. But in a reasonable amount and in a thin layer.

Manicure – calm French. This option is recognized as the best: it will allow you to demonstrate well-groomed nails and will not look flashy and tasteless. This image of a business woman is most acceptable.

Well-chosen jewelry will harmoniously fit into the image of a business woman. It is important to observe moderation when choosing: earrings or a ring, a ring or a pendant. Natural stones, high-quality jewelry or precious metals are acceptable.

Accessories always complete the look. A phone, a handbag and even a keychain cannot be left without attention. And here it is worth remembering the quality of such things. At first glance, they should give the impression of being the accessories of a serious business woman who expertly selects only high-quality items from a wide variety.

But the style of a business woman is not limited to just a business-like appearance. Business communication cannot be ignored. Proper behavior at work, the ability to negotiate, on the phone and at meetings - this requirement applies to all office employees, regardless of gender.

Clarity and literacy of speech, confidence in voice and intonation, confidence in every gesture, in gait, demeanor and the presence of a slight smile - this is the image of a competent specialist who knows how to defend his own point of view and is aware of his value.

Workplace of a business woman

Proper organization of the workplace is very important. All kinds of frames with photographs of dear people, pets and flowers are, of course, very cute, but they greatly distract from the work mood. And, creating coziness, cute trinkets take up free space on the table, preventing convenience when working. Result? The impression of the owner of such a workplace is that she is a frivolous person and not at all businesslike.

Therefore, in the workplace there should only be required attributes. There is a bedside table for personal belongings. Only a notebook and a phone can remain on the table. Leaving a mug or glass for tea or coffee within sight during a break is also unacceptable. This is business etiquette.

Punctuality is the leading trait of a business lady. Being late is already a signal of frivolity. Therefore, the main rule is always on time, correctly and the first time. This is the attitude that will help you build a successful career.

Business partners greet each other with a handshake; here a manicure will provide an important service. The ability to greet correctly - creating an impression business man. When receiving guests in her own office, the owner of this office extends her hand first, demonstrating hospitality.

It doesn't hurt to smile and say warm words to create a friendly atmosphere and start a successful business conversation. The image of a business woman will be successfully confirmed.

With frequent negotiations, you will have to pay attention to habits that can ruin all successful moments. For example, you should not straighten your hair often. This gives the impression of frivolity, as does tugging at clothes too often.

Be sure to demonstrate public speaking skills. Clarity and persuasiveness of speech are very important. It is equally important to be able to listen to your opponents’ arguments without excessive emotions.

A real businesswoman always conducts negotiations with dignity, strengthening the reputation of a business person by respecting other people's opinions. This is the etiquette of business relations that comes first. Following the recommendations will help not only to begin successful self-affirmation, but also to quickly climb the career ladder to its top.

If the above goals are not the main ones, then compliance with such rules will definitely allow you to look in a more favorable light among office employees, remaining a charming woman even in the world of business and always busy people. And the image of a business woman will not suffer at all.

Ethics is understood as a set of norms of human behavior, and if we extend this definition to the professional field, then business etiquette will consist of the principles of behavior of people engaged in business activities.

What is business etiquette?

How a person follows rules and conventions business etiquette, depends on his image as a businessman. Thanks to this, a positive image develops in the eyes of partners, acquiring the color of personal charm. Principles of business etiquette include:

  1. Honesty and integrity. A businessman who has cheated once will no longer be trusted, and his reputation will be ruined forever.
  2. Freedom. It is not customary to interfere in the affairs of your competitors and partners.
  3. Tolerance. In relationships with partners, rough edges and conflicts cannot be avoided, but if you behave tactfully and delicately, you can smooth out rough edges and come to a consensus.
  4. Justice. This principle of business etiquette is based on recognition of a person’s individuality, an objective assessment of his personal and.
  5. Business culture. That is, every businessman must be a cultured person.

Rules of business etiquette

The norms of behavior and relationships between people in the workplace are given great importance, because business etiquette is the same as secular, but with military elements. Here, subordination comes to the fore, while age is given less importance. Here are some of the immutable rules:

  1. “Time is money” – this is what experienced businessmen like to say, who most value punctuality in their partners. If a person cannot organize his own time, then how can you build cooperation with him?
  2. Maintaining trade secrets. An employee applying for a position in a new company and disclosing confidential information received at your old place of work will simply be turned away.
  3. Do the job. Those who work while others go about their business advance their careers.
  4. Basic rules of business etiquette include the reception of delegations according to protocol. You need to know how to properly meet, introduce and accommodate people, taking into account the peculiarities of national traditions.

Business workplace etiquette

A person can be sloppy in everyday life and even see his own organization in chaos, but at work he cannot afford this. Business etiquette in professional activity is built on order in the workplace, because it is a reflection of order in the head. It is not forbidden to have some of your personal belongings, for example, a framed photo of your family, but each item should have its own specific place, and in general they should all be kept in order and clean, because this is the key to productivity and personal comfort.

Business correspondence etiquette

Business telephone etiquette

Talking on the phone is an art, and sometimes one phone call can solve something that could not be achieved during preliminary meetings or negotiations. Telephone etiquette requires picking up the phone after the second or third ring. In this case, the caller begins the conversation with a greeting, introduces himself and introduces the interlocutor to the problem, devoting 45 seconds to this. Discussion of the situation itself may take from 1 to 2 minutes, and 20–25 seconds are allotted for the conclusion. If no final decision has been made, then it is worth agreeing to call again at a certain time.

Gift etiquette in business

Every person has birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions and is congratulated not only by relatives, but also by colleagues. The etiquette of a business person imposes its own restrictions on this process, but you still need to be able to choose a gift for business partners that will demonstrate attention and respect, gratitude and interest in cooperation. Business etiquette provides for the division of corporate gifts into the following categories:

  1. Corporate souvenirs are things with a company slogan or logo.
  2. Printing products – notepads, organizers, pens, posters, etc.
  3. VIP gifts. Such products are made to order, taking into account the character, hobbies and other preferences of a particular person.

Business etiquette for women

Gender differences, although not coming to the fore, are also taken into account. The basics of business etiquette are such that a man is the first to greet a woman, but if she is walking in a company of men, then he is the first to greet a colleague walking alone or in the company of another woman. A representative of the fairer sex offers a hand to a man first, and you should not expect that someone will open the door for her, letting her go forward - this is always done by the one who is closer to her, and she pulls up a chair for herself.

Etiquette in clothing for women

A woman’s appearance is identified with her abilities, therefore untidiness and unkemptness are unacceptable. A bright, flashy image as a challenge to society is also not welcome. The ideal choice is a laconic color. Business etiquette imposes its own restrictions on many things; the length of the skirt must reach the knees, and a woman must wear tights or stockings even in extreme heat. Shoes with heels at least with a closed toe and heel are welcome. Hair should be tied up in a neat hairstyle, accessories should be used to a minimum and selected in harmony with clothing.

Hat etiquette for women

Initially, it was used to show respect and veneration, and later the functions of the hat were revised. Etiquette rules for women are less strict than for men. At work, a lady can carry out her direct duties without taking off her headdress, if this is part of a professional job. Business communication etiquette requires wearing a hat at public events - tea parties, lunch, during the singing of the anthem and raising the flag. But if the headdress is intended for the cold season, then it is removed indoors.

Business etiquette - manicure

Well-groomed hands are part of the image, which cannot be ignored. Women's etiquette includes regular visits to a manicurist. Peeling varnish can ruin the entire impression, so if it is not possible to renew it, then the coating must be wiped off. Nail design should be chosen in simple, discreet colors. All kinds of decor in the form of rhinestones, stucco, etc. are excluded. The ideal option is, which can also be the opposite. Mixing no more than three discreet shades is allowed.

Etiquette - a woman in a car

A car is no longer a means of luxury, and transportation is a good help even in the 21st century with its fast pace of life. Etiquette for women has not ignored this aspect. The car must comply social status. Being an ordinary employee and driving a luxury convertible to work is not accepted, nor is using an inexpensive car for a successful business woman. It is not customary to get into an elite car while wearing sportswear, and driving an SUV in an evening dress is also inappropriate.

For woman great importance has a way to get into the car. First, you need to lower your pelvis into the chair, and only then move both legs into the car. You should get out of the car in the reverse order: put your feet on the asphalt first. If a woman plans to go to company car with the driver, it is recommended to take a place in the back seat diagonally with him. If she is not traveling alone, then you cannot sort things out, swear and quarrel, or raise “difficult” topics, and this also applies to conversations on the phone. It is also impossible to distract the driver from driving the car.

Image translated from English means image or reflection. For a business person, this means his own special style in clothing, hairstyle, and demeanor, which gives others an idea of ​​this person and supports his reputation as a reliable partner.

Image of a modern business woman

The ability to earn a lot of money, knowledge of how to behave in different situations, and match them and create the style of a business woman. At the same time, one must keep in mind that the image of a business woman is completely different from the image of a nanny in kindergarten. A woman who has successfully built her career can be noticed in a crowd not only because of her clothes and hairstyle. With her posture and strong character, the modern business woman is different from the rest.

Qualities of a business woman

A self-confident person, distinguished by her femininity, who is not cruel or icy, capable of making independent decisions, paying attention to her intellectual and physical improvement, able to adequately respond to other people’s negative emotions and even direct insults - this is a modern business woman . Ideally, a modern business woman calmly and easily moves from the role of “boss” to the role of “mother, wife, daughter,” without experiencing any internal discomfort.

In reality, everything is much more complicated. It’s not so easy to immediately switch to family, home and children, leaving all work problems outside the door. Many representatives of the fairer sex continue to work at home, resolve some important urgent issues, and peace and mutual understanding in the family depend on the patience and tact of the household members. A business woman perceives her family not as another source of problems and worries, but as a place where she can hide from all the hardships, troubles and frustrations, relax, restore her strength, and simply be with her family and friends.

Appearance of a business woman

The dress code of a business woman is not necessarily dark, gray, black and faded tones, as you might imagine. It all depends on personal preferences and tastes, on how comfortable a woman feels in a particular look (look). However, there are a couple of rules that are common to any business woman, and which it is advisable to follow in any situation:

  1. No matter what the proverb says, colleagues, partners and other people around them will always initially evaluate a business woman “by her clothes”, and not by how outstanding her business and intellectual abilities are.
  2. Creating the image of a stylish lady, a business woman should stand out a little from her environment, attracting favorable and respectful attention to herself, achieving greater and greater success in her chosen field.

Business woman's wardrobe

An ensemble thought out to the smallest detail, in which every accessory is in its place - this is what a business woman’s clothes are like. A business image suggests that she will not come to a business meeting in slippers or a mini-dress. The stereotype is the opinion that business suits, trousers and skirts are dull and faceless. Even if the assortment of boutiques does not satisfy the discerning tastes of a business woman, suits can be made to order, making the fit ideal, without puffy folds, long sleeves and other signs of typical standard models sewn in production.

  1. A business woman, as a rule, has a lot of blouses and shirts in her wardrobe, which will enliven a formal suit and give a fresh appearance.
  2. Of course, you need to try to avoid lace, ruffles, folds and transparent and translucent material when choosing such blouses.
  3. Business style presupposes a lack of emphasis on the lady’s sexy appearance, but welcomes elegant femininity.

Business woman's shoes

There are certain rules regarding the shoes of a business woman. The business style of a woman doing business involves an active lifestyle and the fact that she will walk a lot and sometimes run. It is good practice to wear closed shoes without exposing the toe and heel. No sports or beach shoes are appropriate in a business suit. This does not mean that a woman should suffer from morning to evening, running in high and thin heels.

The sole should have a stable low heel; even a platform or wedge is possible, if this option does not stand out from the overall business image. The color should be in harmony with the suit, but, as a rule, black pumps are universally suitable for different options. Patent leather shoes are best reserved for evening events.

Business woman makeup

Business women often do not have the opportunity to sit in front of a mirror for a long time, applying makeup, but a woman’s modern business style is impossible without careful selection of makeup, but subject to certain rules, you can look great without putting a lot of effort into makeup:

  1. The type of lighting in the office plays a big role - if halogen or fluorescent lamps are used, you need to choose the right type of foundation, otherwise your face will look exhausted and tired.
  2. A cold and restrained palette of shadows should in no case be shiny or provocative - it is better to use matte shades.
  3. Do not overuse the amount of mascara on your eyelashes - huge flakes can ruin the entire impression of a business woman’s appearance.
  4. Try to avoid lumps and use only high-quality cosmetics from leading manufacturers.

Business woman hairstyle

For all its apparent monotony, business haircuts for women can be very different. A business lady will not dye her hair in a provocative pink or lilac shade, but there can be many options for a business hairstyle. Natural colors are welcome. The choice of a hairdresser is of great importance, who must bring the head into ideal condition, and due to lack of time, the haircut must be quickly styled.

Many business women prefer to wear short hair, but you can go overboard here - with hair cut too short, especially of a slender build, you can look not like a business lady, but like a teenager who accidentally got into a serious meeting. It is best to choose a hairstyle with short, shoulder-length hair - in this case, a whole range of styling options is possible, from a working ponytail to an evening hairstyle with curls.

Business woman etiquette

A modern business woman manifests herself in a certain manner of behaving both with superior management and subordinates:

  1. Restrained articulation, straight back, confident and attentive gaze - without all this, the image of a business woman cannot be called successful.
  2. It is unacceptable to sit in an office chair, lounging, or on the very edge of the chair, betraying your uncertainty about what is happening.
  3. The timbre of the voice is also very important - hysterical high-pitched shrill notes under any circumstances should be eliminated, focusing on a calm chest voice.
  4. A fast manner of speaking can prevent the interlocutor from understanding what is being said, so it is optimal to speak slowly and clearly so that the participant in the conversation does not experience inconvenience and awkward situations arise due to misunderstanding.

Business woman behavior

Behavior, like nothing else, most emphasizes the status of a business woman. Regardless of whether she communicates with a boss or a subordinate, a business woman is always punctual, polite, restrained and calm, because she sets an example with her behavior to the people around her, this should not be forgotten, and, for example, demand order in the workplace subordinates in the case when perfect cleanliness reigns on their own table.

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