Job description of a computer operator general provisions. Functional duties of a computer operator

Lending 12.04.2020

The computer operator must know:

Orders, instructions, orders, instructions and other normative and administrative
documents regulating the work of the computer operator;

Rules for the operation of computers and the maintenance of a copier;

Rules for processing documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

Rules of spelling and punctuation;

Rules for conducting office work;

Software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office, etc.)

Facilities computer science, communications and communications;

Work culture and ethics of business communication;

Fundamentals of legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

The company's charter, staffing, internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and
fire protection.

The staff computer operator is subject to

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement to management
related to the duties of this job description.

3.3. Communicate with employees of all departments.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees
other divisions of the company information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its
duties and rights.

"Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers", purpose and content of ETKS

Single tariff- qualification guide jobs and professions of workers consists of tariff and qualification characteristics containing the characteristics of the main types of work by professions of workers, depending on their complexity, and corresponding to them tariff categories, as well as the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers.

Characteristics of the profession "Operator of electronic computers": according to ETKS.

Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers
machine (computer) from technical media and communication channels and its output from the machine. Transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations. Preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices.

Recording, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another. Control of technical data carriers. Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with the work programs. Computer monitoring. Establishing the causes of failures in the process of processing information. A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in the operation of machines in the machine time log. Registration of the results of the work performed.

Must know: the device of the computer control panel and its rules technical operation; the basics of programming in the volume of secondary specialized or general education and coursework; work instructions and other information processing guidance; technical information carriers, codes used on computers, the structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation.

Responsibilities of the computer operator, according to " All-Russian classifier occupations”, give examples of professions included in this basic group.

Computer maintenance technicians and operators carry out standard software Computers, maintenance and control over the operation of computer technology, means of receiving and transmitting information, participate in the improvement of data processing systems.

Their responsibilities include:

Operation and control over the work of electronic computers;

Organization and efficient execution of computational operations;

Preparation of computer equipment for work, drawing up information processing schemes, programs and algorithms for solving problems;

Holding Maintenance, test checks, routine inspections, adjustment, adjustment and maintenance of equipment;

Keeping records of the volume of work performed, the use of machine time, noticed defects in the operation of machines;

Fulfillment of related duties;

Management of other employees.

Examples of professions included in this basic group:

Technician (computer maintenance) Computer operator

Profession Operator of computers and electronic computers, characteristics of work and duties, in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation "On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers."

Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers (computers) from technical media and communication channels and outputting it from machines. Transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations. Treatment primary documents on computers various types by summing up the indicators of reports with hem and lining tables, calculations according to engineering and design calculations.

Issuing invoices and compiling statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with the output of information on punched tape. Control of calculations, reconciliation of discrepancies according to the primary document. Preparing the machine for work, installing a control bus or flowchart for this job. Introduction of punching, verification, duplication, reproduction and tabulation of punched cards. Reading and punching holes in the encoded information contained in punched cards, based on graphic marks.

Checking the correctness of the transfer of information from primary documents to punched cards "to light" and counting control and the correctness of the transfer of incorrectly punched punched cards with the correction of the corresponding indicators and results in the tabulagram.

Control of tabulagrams compiled in a mechanized way, by comparing their final data with control numbers; carrying out selective balancing with a mark on the margins of tabulagrams; recording the verified results of tabulagrams in a journal check numbers; design and release of verified tabulagrams. Machine setup according to simple circuits switching and independent implementation of simple re-switching. Installation of a throughput ruler, stops and tabulation plates for multiple passes of punched cards. Work with mathematical reference books, tables. Registration of the accompanying document and work order for the work performed.

Must know:

Technical and operational characteristics of computers;

The device of the control panel and the rules for the technical operation of the computer;

Guidance materials that determine the sequence and content of the operations of the technological process;

Valid ciphers and codes;

Methods for carrying out calculations and computational work, control of technical information carriers;

Switching basics and simple block diagrams for setting up machines;

Forms of source and issued documents;

Fundamentals of programming in the volume of secondary specialized or general education and course preparation.

The impact of PC on human health;

- Headache and pain in the eyes;

Fatigue, dizziness;

Violation of night sleep;

Sleepiness during the day;

Mood change;

Increased irritability;


Decreased intellectual abilities, memory impairment;

Tension of the skin of the forehead and head;

Hair loss;

Muscle pain;

Pain in the heart, uneven heartbeat, shortness of breath;

Decreased sexual activity.

Safety instructions, basic provisions, purpose;

1.1. This instruction applies to the following employees of the gymnasium:

1.2. While working with a PC, the operator may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:

a) physical:

Low frequency electric and magnetic fields;

elevated temperature;

Air ionization;

Dangerous voltage in the electrical network;

b) chemical:

Harmful chemicals released during the operation of printers and copiers;

c) psychophysiological:

Strain of vision and attention;

Intellectual and emotional stress;

Long-term static loads and monotony of labor.

1.3. Persons allowed to work with a PC:

At least 18 years of age who have passed the mandatory pre-employment and annual medical examinations in the manner and terms established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia and the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, and not having medical contraindications to work with PC and VDT;

Trained in the principles of working with computer technology and special training to work on a PC using specific software;

Past induction training on electrical safety with the assignment of the 1st qualification group;

Familiarized with the operating instructions for office equipment used at the workplace (PC itself, printers, scanners, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.). 1.4. Women are not allowed to work with the PC from the time of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding.

Scope and procedure for applying the safety instructions;

This instruction applies to the following employees of the gymnasium:

Programmers engaged in the development, testing and debugging of programs on a PC;

PC users (employees who combine the work of a PC operator with their main job).
The workers listed above are referred to as operators.

Read the instructions in your computer lab. What points could be added to the instructions, what points do you consider superfluous;

I believe that in our instructions there are no extra items and there is no need to add.

Requirements for personnel operating computer facilities and peripheral equipment;

Only specially trained personnel not younger than 18 years of age, fit for health reasons and qualifications to perform the specified work, are allowed to independently operate electrical equipment.

Electrical safety requirement;

1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the good condition of the electrical wiring, switches, socket outlets at your workplace, with the help of which the equipment is connected to the network. If a malfunction is detected, immediately turn off the power to the electrical equipment, notify the administration. Continuation of work is possible only after the malfunction has been eliminated.

2.In order to avoid damage to the insulation of wires and the occurrence of short circuits, it is not allowed:

a) hang something on the wires;

b) paint over and whitewash cords and wires;

c) lay wires and cords behind the batteries of the heating system;

d) pull the plug out of the socket by the cord, force must be applied to the body of the plug.

3. To avoid electric shock, do not:

a) often turn on and off the computer unnecessarily;

b) touch the screen and the back side of the computer blocks;

c) work with the equipment with wet hands;

d) work with the equipment in case of violation of the integrity of the case, insulation of wires, faulty indication of power on, with signs of electrical voltage on the case.

e) place foreign objects on the equipment.

5. To avoid electric shock, when using electrical appliances, do not simultaneously touch any pipelines, radiators, metal structures connected to the ground.

6. If a broken wire is found, it is necessary to immediately inform the administration about this, take measures to exclude people from contact with it. Touching the wire is life-threatening.

7. Rescue of the victim in case of electric shock mainly depends on the speed of his release from the action of the current.

In the event of a fire hazard or fire, the personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Features of the power supply of the system unit;

All components of the system unit receive electricity from the power supply. The PC power supply is a self-contained node located at the top of the system unit. Safety regulations do not prohibit opening the system unit, for example, when installing additional internal devices or upgrades, but this does not apply to the power supply. The computer power supply is a source of increased fire hazard, so it can only be opened and repaired in specialized workshops.

The power supply has a built-in fan and ventilation holes. In this regard, dust will inevitably accumulate in it, which can cause a short circuit. It is recommended to periodically (once or twice a year) use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the power supply through the ventilation holes without opening the system unit. It is especially important to perform this operation before each transportation or tilting of the system unit.

video system requirements;

In the past, the monitor was considered mainly as a source of harmful radiation, primarily affecting the eyes. Today, this approach is considered insufficient. In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation (which is reduced to a relatively safe level on modern monitors), image quality parameters must be taken into account, and they are determined not only by the monitor, but also by the video adapter, that is, the entire video system as a whole.

job requirements;

The requirements for the workplace include requirements for the desktop, seat (chair, armchair), Rests for arms and legs. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is extremely difficult to ensure the correct placement of the elements of a computer system and the correct fit of the user. A complete solution to the problem requires additional costs, comparable in value to the cost of individual components of a computer system, therefore, both in the bit and in production, these requirements are often neglected.

Despite the fact that schoolchildren spend relatively little time in a computer lab, teaching them proper occupational hygiene by a worthy example is very important so that useful skills are fixed for life.

This is not just a hygiene requirement, but a methodology requirement:

1. The monitor should be installed directly in front of the user and not require head or body rotation.

2. Desktop and seat should be of such height that the user's eye level is slightly above the center of the monitor. The monitor screen should be viewed from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Even short-term work with a monitor set too high leads to fatigue of the cervical spine.

3. If the monitor is properly positioned at eye level and the user's feet cannot rest freely on the floor, a footrest, preferably an inclined one, should be installed. If the legs do not have reliable support, this will certainly lead to a violation of posture and fatigue of the spine. It is convenient when computer furniture (desk and office chair) have means for height adjustment. In this case, it is easier to achieve the optimal position.

4. The keyboard should be located at such a height that the fingers are located on it freely, without tension, and the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 100 ° - 110 °. When using ordinary school desks, it is almost impossible to achieve the correct "position of both the monitor and the keyboard at the same time. For work, it is recommended to use special computer tables with retractable shelves for the keyboard. If there is no such shelf and the keyboard is located on the same table as the monitor, the use of a footrest becomes almost inevitable, especially when children work with a computer.

5. When working with the keyboard for a long time, fatigue of the tendons of the wrist joint is possible. known to be severe Occupational Illness- carpal tunnel syndrome associated with the wrong position of the hands on the keyboard. In order to avoid excessive stress on the hand, it is desirable to provide a work chair with armrests, the height of which, measured from the floor, coincides with the height of the keyboard.

6. When working with the mouse, the hand should not be in weight. The elbow of the hand, or at least the wrist, must be firmly supported. If it is difficult to foresee the necessary arrangement of the desktop and chair, it is recommended to use a mouse pad with a special support roller. It is not uncommon when, in search of support for the hand (usually the right one), the monitor is placed to the side of the user (respectively, to the left), so that it works half-turn, resting the elbow or wrist of the right hand on the table. This approach is not allowed. The monitor must be directly in front of the user.

Fire safety requirement;

It is forbidden to have flammable substances in the workplace.

In the premises it is prohibited:

a) light a fire

b) turn on electrical equipment if the room smells of gas;

c) smoke;

d) dry something on heaters;

e) close the ventilation openings in electrical equipment

Sources of ignition are:

a) a spark when discharging static electricity

b) sparks from electrical equipment

c) sparks from impact and friction

d) open flame

In the event of a fire hazard or fire, the personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Premises with electrical equipment must be equipped with fire extinguishers of the OU-2 or OUB-3 type.

Labor protection requirements when working on a PC;

The maximum working time at the computer should not exceed 6 hours per shift.

It is necessary to take a break from working at the computer for 10 minutes every 45 minutes.

The duration of continuous work at the computer without a regulated break should not exceed 1 hour.

In addition to practice, the position of a PC operator in large companies, requiring special knowledge, may be the first job of a newly minted specialist. Having received an engineering degree in information security and some theoretical knowledge in the field of technical security and alarms, and then getting a job in an installation and sales firm security systems, you will get to know the market, popular models and equipment configurations. This will make young specialist first step up the career ladder. In some cases, even employers confuse a PC operator with a database operator. Then the applicant is required to know PHP or 1C. In this case, it is not necessary to graduate from universities. It is enough to attend special courses and receive a diploma of their completion. But here the prestige and quality of education already play a role.

Computer operator job description


However, in order to work as a PC operator, it is not enough to be experienced user computer technology. This position requires the ability to use a variety of operating systems, programs and databases. In addition, the specified specialist must know the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the available knowledge, the PC operator enters information, controls the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out journals, statements, etc. The specific job responsibilities of the computer operator are established by the employer in job description, which each organization develops independently, taking into account the characteristics of its work and activities.

Job Descriptions


Job responsibilities The computer operator performs the following job responsibilities: 2.1. Implementation of work with email, accepting incoming e-mails and monitoring the timely sending of outgoing ones. 2.2. Printing and organizing the necessary documents. 2.3.

Control over the state of the computer and copy equipment. 2.4. Timely informing management of the need to purchase materials directly related to the production process. 2.5. Implementation of technical preparation of documentation required in the course of the company's work.
2.6. Making copies of documents on a copier. 2.7. Entering various information into computer databases that is important and necessary for the operation of the company. 2.8. Performing a set of various texts in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation, as well as standards for the design of organizational and administrative documentation. 2.9.

Job description of a computer operator of a medical institution


They will check the speed of working at a computer and mastering programs, skills in handling office products, and that’s all. Most enterprises use unique applications developed by programmers, which you still have to learn to work with on the spot. In order to get a job in this vacancy, even just a five in computer science at school will do.

A good bonus will be a vocational school graduate in any computer specialty. Additional education A computer operator is a specialty that is quite in demand on the labor market, but low-paid. In essence, this work can become a starting point for future specialists. For example, to work as a PC operator in a pharmacy, pharmaceutical knowledge can be useful. Such work can be a good practice for 3rd year students of medical faculties at universities.

Computer operator: job description. computer operator - specialty

In most cases, a general secondary or secondary specialized education with the ability to work with certain programs and databases is sufficient. True, at the same time, depending on the scope of the organization, a candidate for the position of a computer operator may be required to have any additional professional skills (for example, knowledge foreign language, basics accounting or HR administration). The requirements for the work experience of a specialist are determined by the employer based on specific circumstances.

So, if it is supposed to perform simple work or work in a program specially developed at the enterprise, the applicant may not be required to have any work experience at all. If the work of the PC operator will be associated with any additional labor functions(formation of documents, data analysis, etc.), work experience from 1 to 3 years may be required.

Computer operator - the nuances of job responsibilities

computers, there are some general provisions and requirements specific to organizations operating in absolutely any sphere of production. They can be separated into a separate group.

  • monitoring the state of computer and copy equipment;
  • timely execution of assignments and tasks;
  • informing the authorities about the need to purchase consumables;
  • assisting colleagues at work with the tasks assigned to them;
  • monitoring the safety of trusted property;
  • keeping commercial and official secrets;
  • knowledge of and adherence to safety procedures when working with computer technology;
  • compliance with the internal work schedule.

Of course, such requirements can be applied to any vacancy, but in any case, the job description should also include them.

Computer operator job description (pc)

Monthly submit to the accounting and medical statistics office information on the volume of medical and preventive care provided for the formation of invoices for payment medical services in the organization of obligatory medical insurance (CHI). 2.5. To carry out the preparation of electronic elements of equipment in order to timely detect a malfunction. 2.6. Immediately bring to the attention of the electronics engineer about all detected malfunctions in order to take measures for the timely and high-quality implementation of repair work.

2.7. follow technical condition electronic technology, take part in the development of newly commissioned equipment in accordance with current instruction. 2.8. print and organize required documents. 2.9. Enter into computer databases various information that is important and necessary for the work of the Institution.


Job responsibilities of a computer operator

Other responsibilities And finally, let's look at what other items a job description may contain. Computer's operator:

  • prepares the documentation necessary for the operation of the company;
  • performs copying of documents;
  • observes spelling and punctuation;
  • reprint documents electronically.

And this is not all that a computer operator should do. Responsibilities vary depending on the imagination of the employer.
If, in his opinion, the employee works too little or too fast, some of the duties or tasks of other employees of the company or enterprise may be shifted to you. A striking example is the Russian army. Chiefs of staff or unit commanders often take on as assistants the so-called "staff" - conscripts with higher education.

Job responsibilities of the operator of the computer rb

Comply with labor discipline, safety precautions and comply with the internal regulations established by the company. 3. RESPONSIBILITY The operator is responsible for: 3.1. For the proper performance of their official duties, provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise. 3.2. For committing an offense in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.3.3.
For causing material damage(including fines imposed on the organization by regulatory authorities regarding the improper performance of their labor duties) - within the limits of the agreement concluded with the enterprise on liability. 4. RIGHTS The operator has the right to: 4.1.

Job responsibilities of a computer operator in a clinic

The main job rights of this specialist include:

  • right to receive working information associated with the performance of official duties;
  • the right to interact with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a place of work that meets safety and legal requirements.

In conclusion, it remains to say that a reasonably defined circle official rights and duties of the operator of the computer (PC) will allow the employee to effectively and efficiently carry out labor activity, therefore, the section requires the most careful study, taking into account all the features of the enterprise.

Job responsibilities of a computer operator, programmer technician, programmer engineer

Rights The computer operator has the right to: 3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities. 3.2. Submit proposals to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by the management. 3.3. Communicate with employees of all departments.

The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers) of the 5th category is instructed to: 2.1. Information processing on a computer (PC). 2.2. Entering information into a computer (PC) from information carriers and communication channels. 2.3. Media control. 2.4. Work with the spreadsheets. 2.5. Performing work on testing anti-virus programs and all PC files. The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers) of the 6th category is instructed to: 2.1. Performing work on the installation of application software. 2.2. Performing work on updating the database of anti-virus programs. 2.3. Establishing the causes of failures in the processing of information. 2.4. Ensuring the functioning of the computer system. 2.5. Ensuring information security. 2.6. Work in local networks and the Internet. 2.7.

Job description of a computer operator of a medical institution

Organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;

  • Compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety;
  • Maintenance of medical and other documentation provided for official duties; compliance with the rules for working with confidential information;
  • Timely provision of reliable statistical information and information on the status of the performance of their official duties, received tasks and instructions, compliance with the deadlines for their implementation;
  • Prompt action, including timely informing management, to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the clinic, its employees and patients.

Computer operator job description

The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers) of the 8th category must know: types of operating systems, the principle of their operation, the purpose of the parameters of the basic input-output system and the possibility of upgrading the computer; methods of installing, updating and restoring operating systems, software tools, driver programs.) 1.6. The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers) is obliged to perform work related to the acceptance and delivery of a shift, timely preparation for work of equipment and a workplace, tools, fixtures, as well as keeping them in proper condition, cleaning their workplace, maintaining established documentation. 1.7.

Job Descriptions

Acceptance of applications for the supply of products from customers and managers of the enterprise. 2.3. Timely issuance of invoices and invoices, as well as relevant accompanying documents. 2.4. Before the release of goods from the warehouse, strictly check the correctness and compliance of the execution of accompanying documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal rules of the enterprise.


Systematization, archiving and storage of shipped, correctly executed and corrected waybills and invoices in accordance with established order at the enterprise. 2.6. Follow all instructions of the management that are directly related to the production process in general, and to their direct duties. 2.7. Strict control of timely shipment of goods to customers.

Maintaining the necessary logs, reports and other documentation (incl.

Computer operator: job description. computer operator - specialty

MUZ " City Polyclinic No. 00 "" U E R ZH D A YU "Chief Physician I. I. Ivanov "" 2009 JOB INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS of the organizational and methodological office 1. General provisions 1. This job description defines the job responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the operator of electronic computers of the organizational and methodological cabinet (OMK).
2. Persons with completed secondary education with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with personal electronic computers are appointed to the position of an operator of electronic computers. 3.
In its activities, the operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers) is guided by: technical regulatory legal acts, other guidance materials regulating the performance of work entrusted to the operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers); Orders, orders of the head of the organization, instructions of the immediate supervisor; · instructions on labor protection for the operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers), approved by the head of the organization; real work instruction. 1.5.
State state-financed organization health care of the city of Moscow "City Polyclinic No. _ of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow" Agreed by the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" "" 20 I approve the Chief Physician of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" "" 20. Job description of the operator 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the operator of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is an annex to the employment contract.

The operator belongs to the category of technical workers. 1.3. The main functional responsibility of the operator is the timely and high-quality entry of information on the volume of medical and preventive care to patients and visitors into the register of medical services on a computer. 1.4. The Operator reports directly to the Head of the Information Department.


Other responsibilities And finally, let's look at what other items a job description may contain. Computer's operator:

  • prepares the documentation necessary for the operation of the company;
  • performs copying of documents;
  • observes spelling and punctuation;
  • reprint documents electronically.

And this is not all that a computer operator should do. Responsibilities vary depending on the imagination of the employer.

If, in his opinion, the employee works too little or too fast, some of the duties or tasks of other employees of the company or enterprise may be shifted to you. A striking example is the Russian army. Chiefs of staff or unit commanders often take on as assistants the so-called "staff" - conscripts with higher education.
Rights The computer operator has the right to: 3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities. 3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description. 3.3. Communicate with employees of all departments.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees of other departments of the company information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties. 3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. 4. Responsibility The computer operator is responsible for: 4.1.

Respond in a timely manner to the inquiries of other employees in the direction professional activity provide the required information in full. 2.12. Comply with deadlines for completing assignments and assignments. 2.13. Keep the property in use safe and sound.

2.14. Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 2.15. Regularly undergo training (instructions, trainings) in safety, industrial sanitation, occupational health, fire protection, activities of a medical institution in extreme conditions, organized by the administration of the Institution in accordance with approved plans and with the obligatory recording of this fact by signature in the relevant journals. 3. Rights The operator has the right: 3.1.
A person who has a secondary specialized education without presenting requirements for work experience, secondary education and special training in accordance with an established program or with at least 1 year of work experience in the relevant specialty is appointed to the position of an operator. 1.3. The operator reports to the head of the department, the deputy director and directly to the director of the enterprise. 1.4. In its activities, the operator is guided by: Regulatory documents And teaching materials on issues of work performed; the Charter of the enterprise; Internal labor regulations; Orders and instructions of the director; This job description. 1.5 The operator is guided by the established working hours. Break in work for rest according to the established schedule of breaks in work. OBLIGATIONS OF THE OPERATOR 2.1 Control of the work of the paperwork department (senior operator) 2.2.

Today, specialists who are fluent in a personal computer are in demand in almost all areas of activity. Many applicants are wondering who a computer operator is. Today, people with such a position work in computer centers, almost every enterprise, clinics and other organizations have their own specialist in this profile. But not everyone understands what duties are assigned to this professional.

In general, this is a profession that does not have clear concepts, and the boundaries of job responsibilities are blurred. Activity primarily involves the performance of certain tasks related to

Otherwise, the manager can come up with various options for his subordinate, which will need to be performed throughout the working day.

Very often, such employees in the enterprise maintain databases. In addition, their duties include printing and organizing documents, communicating with client base in the form of information exchange and e-mail. It turns out that the activity is limited to the technical part. A person who aspires to take such a position must be proficient in a computer, know its components and basic principles of functioning.

One of the features of this profession is its versatility. It is worth starting a conversation with this when the question arises of who a computer operator is. There is a list of job responsibilities that must be performed, regardless of the specifics of the enterprise for which the person is employed.

To understand what kind of profession this is, you need to know the main points that an employee must perform:

  • monitoring the status of computers and peripherals;
  • fulfillment of instructions and tasks of superiors;
  • informing management that consumables are running out and it is necessary to purchase them;
  • helping colleagues;
  • maintaining the entrusted property in working order and monitoring its safety;
  • keeping commercial and official secrets;
  • compliance with safety regulations and internal regulations.

In general, such requirements can be applied to any position and vacancy in the enterprise, but the job description of an employee working with a computer will contain them one hundred percent.

Responsibilities of the computer operator

It is worth understanding the specifics of this specialty before going to study or choosing a vacancy. This is a specialist who is engaged in entering information into databases or other programs, processing them, and is also responsible for their safety. Differently this vacancy may sound like a PC (personal computer) operator. There is no fundamental difference.

But do not think that in order to qualify for such a vacancy, it is enough to simply be an experienced user of personal computers. It also requires knowledge of the principles of functioning of some operating systems, specialized programs, and it is also necessary to master the basics of accounting, document management and personnel activities.

Thanks to such skills, an employee can not only enter information, but also control its correctness, draw up various reports, make tables and presentations, fill out statements and journals. Now it has become a little clear who a computer operator is.

Important! The exact duties are prescribed by the employer when compiling the job description. For each organization, the document may be different to reflect the specifics of the enterprise.

Features of the job description

The legislation does not establish a clear structure of such a document as a job description of a computer operator, but it is still customary to be guided by the generally accepted option in its preparation. personnel office work.

In total, the job description consists of three main sections:

  • General provisions. In that section, the employer indicates the basic requirements for the employee: professional skills; education; existing experience. It also describes a list of regulatory and local documents that should be followed. The order of acceptance to a position, dismissal is determined, the place of a staff unit in the overall structure is determined.
  • Duties and rights. This section is the main one, as it defines in detail all the duties of the person who will occupy specified position. If you approach the development of this part correctly, you can take into account all the moments in the work of an employee.
  • Responsibility. This section will outline a list of violations that a person can commit, as well as possible punishment options. But it is worth remembering that modern legislation prohibits imposing harsher penalties than those established by law. The salary of the operator is also stipulated here.

Courses for computer operators

It may seem to many that teaching computer skills is not relevant in our time, but in fact, in the classroom for mastering this specialty, they are taught not to turn on the computer or type text. These skills are taught in computer literacy courses. The training program offered by the computer operator courses covers much more. Here one will learn:

  • work with databases;
  • fill out statements, tables and other accounting documents;
  • work with personal data;
  • know the basic ways to protect information on a computer;
  • proficient in text editors and e-mail;
  • exchange data with clients with complete safety of entrusted information.

Such training is suitable for calm and diligent people, since the profession requires maximum care and concentration from a person.

There is a lot of responsibility here. Sometimes it is moral if you just make a typo in the text, and sometimes it is very sad if you make a mistake in filling out the statements, the numbers of which affect the calculations for enterprises.

Computer operator: digits

According to ETKS there is a division of this specialty into categories. The assignment of a certain category obliges the employee to possess skills and knowledge that differ from each other in some points:

  • 4th grade. The specialist must monitor the functioning of the equipment, perform with the help of text editors a set of texts, tables and other data entry. Write, read information from one medium to another, print the necessary data. Engage in the replacement and refilling of cartridges, be able to use modern office equipment in work.
  • 5 rank. A specialist with such a category is engaged in the processing of information using a computer, and also enters information from any media and communication channels. Work with editors of tables, texts, as well as the ability to conduct testing software products such as antivirus programs. Naturally, the operator's salary in this case should be higher.
  • 6 rank. The duties of a specialist of this level will already include not only the use of programs installed on the PC, but also their installation. He will be required to ensure the functionality of the computer system, identify errors that occur during operation.
  • 7 rank. In this case, the requirements for the employee are even higher, he must install the software, monitor its performance and perform certain actions.
  • 8 rank. The duties of a computer operator with such qualifications include installing and configuring the operating system, using the possibilities of upgrading the PC, restoring the operation of the operating system, software products, and drivers.

Important! An employee who is assigned ranks must fully comply with a specific list of duties.

The income of specialists in this area differs greatly from each other. At some enterprises, the operator's salary is minimal, while other specialists receive decent fees for their work. A lot depends on what the employee is doing. work time. Wages primarily depend on the company where the person works.

Most often, a specialist of this level with a standard list of duties will receive the minimum wage, especially in budgetary organizations.

Often, managers, realizing the meager amount of pay for work, try to attract employees with bonuses and additional clauses in contracts. There are also situations when their duties include additional work that brings a higher income.

Where can a computer operator work

Today it is very difficult to find an organization where there are no computers and office equipment. Most of the production processes are automated and mechanized. A qualified employee who is fluent in working on a computer will always be able to find a profession. A specialist with such a profession can work:

  1. In accounting. Not a single accounting department is complete without an employee working with a PC. Here it is necessary to constantly generate statements, enter data, fill out directories and databases.
  2. Service staff. Many service points, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, gyms need people who have such skills.
  3. MEDIA. There is probably much more work for such specialists on television and in editorial offices than in other organizations. It is necessary to form program and on-air grids, type articles, draw up schedules and much more.
  4. Secretary. It is very difficult in this world to imagine the work of a receptionist without a secretary, and such an employee without computer skills. Drafting letters, registers, other correspondence - all this is the responsibility of the secretary, and they cannot be performed without modern office equipment.
  5. Health care institutions. No less important is the importance of such employees in polyclinics, especially after the introduction of various software systems for recording patients, admissions and other issues related to the work of a medical institution. Before going to such a job, it is worth finding out what a particular specialist of this profile does in the chosen organization.

Important! Wherever there is a computer, a professional in this field can work.

The duties of a computer operator who works in a polyclinic will not fundamentally differ from the cases handled by a similar specialist in other organizations. His duties may include:

  • monitoring the working condition of office equipment;
  • entering patient data;
  • registration of coupons;
  • filling out statements;
  • a set of paperwork documents;
  • assistance in entering information in accounting and much more.

Previously, the "Unified Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers" contained such a position, and not only the duties of various categories of this profession were described in detail, but also indicated tariff rate and salary.

Today, the salary of the operator is calculated in different ways. This issue is resolved exclusively at the enterprise where the specialist works. But the establishment of ranks remained practically the same, as the qualification guide suggests.

Today, a specialist can have a rank from the first to the eighth. Each of them implies a different level of training and knowledge. Depending on the assigned category, and wage, it will be different for each employee.

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Summing up

As can be seen, for modern world this profession does not lose its relevance. On the contrary, it would be more correct to say that not a single enterprise can operate without specialists of this class. Moreover, most organizations require not just operators, but employees who additionally have such knowledge.

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Computer operator and his duties

A computer operator is a specialist who enters information into a computer, saves data and processes it. The vacancy itself is usually called "computer operator" (computer - electronic computer) or "PC operator" (PC - personal computer). These names describe the activities of the same specialist.

However, in order to work as a PC operator, it is not enough to be an experienced computer user. This position requires skills in the use of various operating systems, programs and databases. In addition, the specified specialist must know the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the available knowledge, the PC operator enters information, controls the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out logs, statements, etc. The specific job responsibilities of the computer operator are established by the employer in the job description, which each organization develops independently, taking into account the characteristics of its work and direction activities.

The structure of the job description of the PC operator

The legislation does not establish a unified form of job description for a computer equipment operator, however, when developing this document, employers usually try to use the structure generally accepted in personnel records management. This structure allows you to take into account all the main points that determine the labor activity of the PC operator.

Traditionally, the job description consists of the following sections:

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  1. General provisions. This part of the document establishes the basic requirements for a PC operator, such as:
    • education;
    • work experience;
    • professional skills.

    In addition, this section lists the regulatory and local documents with which the specialist should be familiarized before starting work, the procedure for his acceptance, dismissal and replacement is determined, the place of the staff unit in the general organizational and staff structure and the immediate supervisor of the employee are indicated.

  2. Duties and rights. This part of the job description is the main one, since with a careful approach in the process of developing a document, it allows you to take into account the entire scope of authority of a specialist.
  3. Responsibility. This section establishes a list labor violations for which the employee can be punished, and can directly determine the punishment. However, it must be remembered that labor legislation prohibits at the same time toughening the responsibility of an employee in comparison with the norms of the law. However, in many cases, the entire content of the section comes down to general phrases that the employee can be held liable in accordance with applicable law.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

To the education of a PC operator, high demands usually not presented. In most cases, a general secondary or secondary specialized education with the ability to work with certain programs and databases is sufficient. True, at the same time, depending on the scope of the organization, a candidate for the position of a computer operator may be required to have any additional professional skills (for example, knowledge of a foreign language, basic accounting or personnel records management).

The requirements for the work experience of a specialist are determined by the employer based on specific circumstances. So, if it is supposed to perform simple work or work in a program specially developed at the enterprise, the applicant may not be required to have any work experience at all. If the work of a PC operator will be associated with any additional labor functions (formation of documents, data analysis, etc.), work experience from 1 to 3 years may be required.

Typical job duties and rights of a computer operator

Determining the terms of reference of a computer equipment operator, each employer proceeds from its own realities, however, there are a number of characteristics that are characteristic of almost any organization.

In most cases labor obligations computer operator include:

  • technical preparation of documentation for current work organizations;
  • making copies of documents using copiers;
  • a set of textual information in compliance with the rules of spelling and punctuation;
  • entering into various databases the information necessary for the work of the organization;
  • work with e-mail;
  • printing and organizing documentation;
  • monitoring the condition of the equipment used and timely informing the management about the need for its repair or replacement.

The labor rights of the computer operator are inextricably linked with his duties, since their purpose is to facilitate the employee's performance of his functions. The main job rights of this specialist include:

  • the right to receive work information related to the performance of job duties;
  • the right to interact with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a place of work that meets safety and legal requirements.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that a reasonably defined range of official rights and duties of a computer (PC) operator will allow an employee to effectively and efficiently carry out labor activities, therefore, the section requires the most careful study, taking into account all the features of the enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to this section during development also because the employee has the right not to perform any other assignments, except for those determined by his official duties in employment contract and job description.

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