What does a manager do? See what “Manager” is in other dictionaries

Business 23.12.2019


Profession manager

Social aspects of self-management

World experience in implementing the principles of self-management

Principles of self-management

With the emergence of trends 3 and 4 manager must be part of the system and provide rigid

15 criteria for enhancing employee activity

Methods used in personal communication

Indirect methods

The VUK - TOM system offers the following concepts to ensure effective management

In this regard, it is necessary to develop a general model of a modern manager

There are several ways to improve information exchange

Manager- this is a manager or manager responsible for a certain area of ​​activity of the enterprise (HR manager, investment manager, public relations manager, financial manager, risk manager, brand manager, account manager, sales manager), project manager (manager project) or the whole organization (top manager).

Advertising Manager - acts as a liaison between the marketing department organizations and partners providing this companies advertising services for its products. An advertising manager must be well versed in market conditions, thoroughly know competitors, their advantages and disadvantages, and, based on this, build relationships with advertising partners.

Applicants for the position of advertising manager are usually subject to the following requirements: work experience as an advertising manager or marketing specialist for at least 2 years, higher education in the specialty management and, often, evidence of specialized training in advertising.

Advertising space sales managers work in periodicals, companies engaged in outdoor advertising and advertising on transport. The tasks of the manager sale advertising space includes searching for advertisers for available advertising space, negotiating and signing agreements.

Project manager is often a temporary position. The functions of a project manager can be performed by a marketer, advertising manager, or other specialist from related fields. The project manager's responsibilities include overseeing one or more advertising projects, Job with partners, negotiations and control contractors.

Remuneration is usually determined percent from the organization's profit from a single project, in addition to the specialist's normal rate.

Often the BTL manager is also a customer service manager. His task is to formulate a brief with the client and, having processed it in accordance with internal requirements companies, set the task as clearly as possible to coordinators and supervisors, who, in turn, will provide work to the promoters.

Salary BTL manager in Russian Federation fluctuates between $400-$700, in Moscow it reaches 1200 or more.

An account manager works with clients, manages the budget and performers within one or more projects. You can often put an “exact” sign between project managers and account managers. The applicant is usually required to have knowledge of the field management, excellent business qualities and the ability to find innovative solutions.

Wage successful account managers can reach the equivalent of one and a half thousand dollars or more, but on average Russian Federation it amounts to 500-800 USD.

Profession manager

Managing a company in our dynamic times is a complex job that cannot be done successfully using simple, dry memorized formulas. A leader must combine an understanding of general truths and the significance of the many variations that make situations different from one another. A leader must understand and consider the critical factors or components of organizations (internal variables), as well as the forces affecting the company from outside (external variables), and also consider the company's impact on society.

There is a widespread view that there is a management approach that applies to any company, which consists in the implementation of functions that each manager must perform.

The strength of modern management, its core, lies on the one hand in the fact that it originates from man, his needs and goals, from the transformation of knowledge, experience and achievements into scientific technical progress into productive force. On the other hand, the driving force of modern management, both visible and invisible, lies in the creative use of information technology.

Self-management, or more correctly self-government - independence and personal management of oneself. Effective self-government is associated with both human nature and the company's social management.

Role, place in the structure, scale of participation, resource intensity of relationships, etc. each entity is determined by self-management, temporarily provided and controlled.

Social aspects of self-management.

World experience in implementing the principles of self-management:

The need for mutual solutions prepared by qualified, loyal personnel, since many of them are currently engaged only in “criticism.”

Flexibility in decisions necessary to compensate for losses in one, with gains in another.

Pace until the program is fully implemented.

You can't go too fast.

Consistency + mass trust = economic confidence.

Bringing to the attention of the masses the causes of problems, their damage, their changes, costs, etc.


Creating structures that increase choice and incentives improves the creativity of the common good.

System-wide aspects of self-management consist in substantiating, firstly, the phenomenon of self-organization as a new quality in decentralized management, and especially in self-government.

Secondly, the current situation is blurry and somewhat continuous. process uncontrollability, in other words, process, called by I. Prigogine a great disorder (chaos), weakly amenable to control and management, which characterizes the view of classical concepts as largely outliving itself. Self-management in this case becomes ambiguous and therefore most closely corresponds to its original purpose - to organize any processes, transferring implementation to functionaries.

Principles of self-management


The principle is fundamental and ensures the appearance of the effect in controlled systems. IN certain conditions This principle allows not only to take into account the enormous hidden capabilities of any socio-economic systems, but also to transfer to them most of the functions, including self-management. Taking into account this principle requires certainty in the behavior of leaders, managers and the performers of the process themselves. Parallel processes and the effect itself provide favorable opportunities for implementing the self-government function in practice.

2. “Immersion” of the system.

This principle is consistent when implementing self-management. The effect of self-organization, self-developing and arising only in the so-called “immersed” in their external environment, firstly, depends on the state necessary resources and the characteristics of the corresponding relations and in terms of access to them, secondly, it can spontaneously limit the number of states for the formation of any system formations by the following final results: a) for “oneself” (until the completion of the work);

b) for shadow market;

c) for society.

“Immersion” provides the possibility of the effect of self-organization.

The principle does not guarantee the stability of the self-forming process, it develops parallelism: for oneself (family), shadow, for society.

4. Artificial beginning.

Leaders and managers must either take into account or artificially “create” a situation in which those “immersed” in the system can for some time provide themselves with what they need to “contain” the effect of self-liquidation.

5. Resource support.

When implementing this principle, several points should be taken into account:

a) self-management by creating a specific horizontal system, must give her self-determination, that is, the manager must become an observer for a while;

b) a specific system arbitrarily solves the necessary tasks to provide itself with resources and services;

c) with the development of self-government, it is able to liquidate itself with or without obtaining results;

d) in practice, the system, having realized its internal tasks, is able to instantly finish specific work within the previous principles, without worrying about the final results.

With the advent of trends 3 and 4, the manager must become part of the system and ensure strict control .

1. A combination of spasmodic and evolutionary processes.

Self-management during structural evolutions is minimal. Jumps and systemic mutations of control channels are most often realized spontaneously, but, as a rule, after “impact”, i.e. parallel.

2. Parallelism.

It is assumed that the phenomena of self-organization and self-privatization develop simultaneously with the existing processes in the systems.

3. Concept capacity.

This principle is global and is a set of several different principles:

a) mandatory flexibility;

b) the presence of translucent boundaries between regions and specific markets;

c) associativity of compositional structure;

d) horizontal associative construction as the basis of temporary stability;

e) maintaining the hierarchical intervention of central authorities;

f) taking into account the previous principles;

g) self-control of systems.


Creation on the basis of self-organization of new objects of self-management - fuzzy sets of temporary relations of the parties.

5. The duality of self-government

This principle is manifested in the fact that in hierarchical structures the functions of the entrepreneur’s power, administrative, methodological (functional) are “mixed” in the most unusual way. authorities managers and the invisible influence of management.

6.Additionality of self-management.

In the development of democratic management, self-management actually implements self-organization.


Is the most important modern solution management tasks.

The combination of application of the listed principles in interaction ensures the effectiveness of self-management. The effectiveness of management largely depends on people and the criteria for motivating their work. Management practice has developed a number of criteria that make it possible to intensify the activities of employees in the management process.

15 criteria for enhancing employee activity:

Any actions must be meaningful.

Most people experience joy at work.

Everyone at their workplace wants to show what they are capable of.

Everyone strives to express themselves in work.

Almost everyone has their own point of view on how their work and their company can be improved.

People like to feel important.

Every person strives for success.

Success without recognition leads to disappointment.

By the way, in what form and at what speed employees receive information, they evaluate it and what its real significance is.

Employees do not like decisions about changes in work and workplaces, even if these decisions are positive, they were made without their knowledge, without taking into account their knowledge and experience.

Everyone needs information about the quality of your own work.

It's unpleasant for all of us.

Most people strive to acquire new knowledge in the process of work.

Employees react sharply if their efforts and the best results they achieve only result in them being subjected to even more workload.

Does your job allow you to be your own boss?

Everyone who is in his management activities faces difficulties, which in his opinion lie in the fact that the work itself is unattractive, he must use these 15 points to check whether the necessary condition can be created.

To ensure complex, coordinated, effective actions, competent, highly organized, persistent and courageous leaders and managers are needed. They must think globally and act based on international standards.

To provide efficient work a manager must be able to use various tools to influence performers. These are methods of personal communication and indirect.

Methods used in personal communication:

Usage authorities based on duty.

Influences behavior within an area that another considers legitimate in light of their responsibilities. This method is fast and does not require costs, however, if the request goes beyond the zone, it has no effect and, if it goes too far, it may be considered illegal.

Using power based on perceived tendency. Influences attitudes and behavior within the area of ​​perceived competence. Like the first method, it is fast and does not require expenses And negative side the same as in the first method.

Using power based on identification with the leader. The method influences attitudes and behavior that are consistent with the ideals underlying the identification. This method is fast, does not require the expenditure of limited resources, but is limited by influence that does not contradict the ideals that underlie identification.

The use of power based on the idea of ​​dependence. Influences a wide variety of behaviors that can be controlled. The method is quick, can be dual in cases where other methods fail, but repeated influence encourages the other person to gain power over the influencer.

The use of power based on coercion and the idea of ​​dependence. This method influences a wide variety of behaviors that may be controllable, but predisposes to a responsible blow; the method is very risky.

Using persuasion. This method has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. Can produce intrinsic motivation, which does not require management, does not require power or the expenditure of limited resources. The method can be time consuming and requires a good listener.

Combination various methods- depends on the accuracy of the combinations. May be more ambiguous and less risky than using any one method, but this method requires a more expensive approach than any single method.

Indirect methods

Manipulating another person's environment using one or all direct methods. Has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. Can provide results where direct methods fail, but can also be time-consuming, difficult to use, and risky if used frequently.

Changes in the forces that influence an individual - the rules of formal and informal organizations, technology, available resources, the declared goals of the company. Has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors on an ongoing basis, has ongoing influence rather than a one-time effect, can have a strong impact, but often requires the exercise of significant power to achieve goals.

In an effective management system, the most important place belongs to accounting policy, established on the basis accounting. Accounting policy represents a set of principles and rules, their totality. Only system analysis all factors can contribute to the sound development of accounting policies, which should ensure completeness of reflection in accounting all issues of the company's activities.

For these purposes, a control system must be created in the management system. It is a concept aimed at eliminating " bottlenecks", focused on the future in accordance with the goals and objectives of obtaining certain results.

Basic concepts for ensuring the quality of a company's work (according to the VUK - TOM system).

The bulk of workers work without showing interest in the VUK - TOM system. The manager's task is to achieve maximum quantitative and quality indicators from its employees to ensure that each product meets the standard. For the development of the company, it is necessary to balance the relationship between workers and managers through the selection of qualified personnel, through timely moral and financial incentives, providing timely assistance: consultations, training, personnel rotation, workers can be involved in solving problems, problems related to the wealth of production.

The VUK - TOM system offers the following concepts to ensure effective management:

Focus on the customer.

clearly define what he needs from you;

make a decision based on the circumstances (sometimes research is necessary);

Only top management sets the rules that allow employees to take initiative and make decisions.

Making joint decisions

establishing general rules(teamwork);

Work is based on trust in each other

Providing all managers with the necessary information for their work.

Any important information is communicated to the manager promptly.

Responsibility falls on the entire management of the company as a whole.

Top management does not interfere unnecessarily in the work of departments.

Top management must support the head of a department who makes a difficult decision and takes responsibility.

Information data of a manager of any rank must reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Taking into account all control factors, drawing conclusions and making decisions.

Ensure the quality of goods and services exceeds all customer expectations.

Control of results, the most important points work.

A manager, according to the VUK - TOM system, must know and be able to use quality control and management tools.

Effective has 9 main characteristics:

Reflection of market fluctuations.

The company's mission is to serve the consumer.

Vision of the future of the company.


Recognition of organizational culture.

Wise use of your resources.

Involvement in positive change and improvement.

Personnel improvement.

Appropriate company structure.

Managers' functions:

Exchange information.

Traditional management functions.

Creating a network of contacts.

Human resource management.

A manager and his personal qualities greatly influence management and its effectiveness, which is ensured primarily by combining 5 factors of production: capital, information, materials, people and the company, the most important of which is people.

IN In connection with this, it is necessary to develop a general model of a modern manager.

Manager knowledge and skills.

A modern manager is perceived all over the world as an effective, innovative leader = leader + + work style + career. The manager must have wide circle mischief and systematic non-standard thinking on issues of internal relationships, corporate factors and the interaction of the latter with the external environment.

He must have high universal qualities and psychological abilities, have the ability to make reasonable and balanced decisions, be able to carry out business design, develop, adjust and implement a business plan. Be able to implement marketing research, predict the development of the company taking into account the needs and occupying new innovative niches in it.

Personal qualities of a manager. The manager must have:

thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation and creative approach to work;

perseverance, self-confidence and dedication;

out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

psychological abilities to influence people;

communication skills and a sense of success;

emotional balance and stress resistance;

openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to changes;

situational leadership and personal energy in corporate structures;

internal need for self-development and self-organization;

energy and vitality;

propensity for successful defense and equally effective attack;

responsibility for activities and decisions made;

the need to work in a team and with a team.

Manager's ethical standards. The manager, in his activities with colleagues and partners, is guided by generally accepted moral rules and norms: follow the methods of fair competition; do not use “dirty” in your activities; "play openly" if partner also does, try to fulfill the promise given to him under any conditions, use only honest methods when trying to influence subordinates, be demanding, but not insult dignity, be attentive and helpful.

Manager's personal resources. The main resources of a manager are: information and information potential, time and people, skillfully using which the manager ensures high results, constantly increasing the competitiveness of the company he manages.

The manager's skills and abilities to manage effectively. The effectiveness of management can be influenced by:

ability to manage oneself;

reasonable personal values;

clear personal goals;

persistent, ongoing personal growth;

problem solving skills and tenacity;

ingenuity and ability to innovate;

high ability to influence others;

knowledge of modern management approaches;

ability to form and develop effective work groups;

ability to train and develop subordinates;

Limitation of manager's self-development.

These disadvantages include:

inability to manage oneself;

blurred personal values;

vague personal goals;

stopped self-development;

lack of problem solving skills;

lack of creativity;

inability to influence people and advise them;

misunderstanding of features and management processes;

weak people and resource management skills;

inability to teach and set requirements for self-development;

low ability to form a team.

On effective management operational information and communications have an effect, i.e. ability to exchange information. The manager must understand the importance of communication and constantly improve communication. There are several ways to improve information exchange:

Regulation of information flows. Managers at all levels of the company must understand the information needs of themselves, their superiors and subordinates, and must learn to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of information needs.

Management actions. Planning, implementation and control shape additional features management in improving information exchange. Discussion and clarification of new plans, strategy options, goals and assignments, monitoring the progress of work, reports on the results of such control - these are additional actions subject to the manager.

Feedback systems. Such systems form part of the company's control and management information system. One option is to move people from one part of the company to another to discuss certain issues, or to survey workers to obtain information from managers and employees.

Proposal collection systems. Designed to facilitate the flow of information to the top. Most often implemented in the form of suggestion boxes where workers can anonymously submit their suggestions or deploy a private telephone network where workers can anonymously call, ask questions or submit offers.

Company newsletters, publications and videos. They are issued and implemented to ensure that all employees receive information about events in the life of the company.

Modern information technology. Latest achievements in area information technology can help improve communication. The personal computer has a huge impact on information, Email makes it possible to reduce the inexhaustible flow telephone conversations, latest innovation in telephone communication systems, video conferences, the Internet system and many other types of communication allow the manager to receive important information promptly.


Today, a large number of people are interested in creating their own business, and it should be noted that most do it quite well. According to statistics, 95-98% open companies, close within two months after opening, this suggests that initially the business was built incorrectly, perhaps the company did not have enough employees to properly manage the affairs, perhaps the business plan was not the best, so you should think about whether it is worth opening own business, and what is needed for proper work planning? - this is one of the components of any business: newly opened, or one that has taken a certain place in the business market. What is management? We will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Literally, management is the management of socio-economic systems, in other words, management is intended for the management firm. All organizations that have good, and are also not considered “fly-by-night” companies, have good system management, i.e. they work in such companies professional managers. A manager can work in several directions, the most important of the directions is, of course, the management system, only with organization can one achieve good results in business, so the role of a manager is enterprise can be called one of the main ones. Often, in the Russian Federation, the activities of a manager are confused with the activities of sellers - these are two different professions, however, often, instead of the word “seller”, we hear “sales manager”; this is not an entirely correct definition of the manager’s profession. The manager's responsibilities include:

Strategic management;

Knowledge of production principles and functions;

Knowledge of the complexities of control systems;

Knowledge of management goals;

Ability to manage personnel.

Of course, in addition to the main activities of a manager, there are secondary responsibilities: working with clients, distributing responsibilities among employees, etc. Let's talk about the main responsibilities of a manager, what they are and what knowledge you need to have to achieve good results in business.

Strategic management is the basis of management, strategic management is an activity that is aimed at achieving goals using strategic tools. Strategic tools can be very diverse: financial resources or, assets, company policies, etc. In order for a manager to clearly understand the essence of strategic management, he must first receive education as a manager, and only after that begin his work in the organization. The profession of a manager is not simple, as it seems at first glance; a manager has a lot of responsibilities, he must know a huge amount of information about the business, and understand that the prosperity of the company depends on him. The manager must have an understanding of the principles and functions of production management. Production management in any organization is a complex process that requires professionalism and knowledge from the manager.

The manager must make every effort to achieve an increase in productivity within the company and control over the quality of the work performed; in addition, he must ensure that the organization maintains a competitive position in the market and ensures consumer confidence. Management, like any other science, requires good knowledge, as well as dedication and desire to work for companies and companies. A manager must first of all think about the prosperity of the organization in which he works; he must understand that the future prosperity of the company and its further growth in business depend on him. A good manager who understands his job and loves it is sure to achieve great success and have a quick career. Being a manager today is not just fashionable, but also profitable; professional managers have wages, which amounts to several thousand dollars, so it is simply necessary to work and improve your working qualities.

Managers who think that they do not need a manager in their team are very deeply mistaken; a manager must be present in any organization if its management wants to further promote its business, as well as profitable transactions. The manager will always work for the company, bringing it new clients, controlling all production processes and managing personnel. There are a large number of responsibilities that a manager must perform, so managers must understand that such work must be well paid, first of all, high pay labor will be the first step for the manager in the development of his working qualities; the manager will want to work for the company and bring it prosperity. An equally important person in any business can be considered a personnel manager; he will be able to do his job efficiently and bring order to the ranks of the company’s employees.

Financial Dictionary Economic Dictionary

Manager- (English Manager - manager) - professional manager: general (executive) director of an enterprise, president or member of the directorate (board), head of a department or other divisions of concerns, trusts, syndicates, etc.... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

MANAGER- manager at commercial organizationLegal dictionary

Manager- English manager manage a hired manager of a company, firm, bank, structural unit, direction, who has, within his competence, executive power. M. is involved in planning, organizing, managing and... ... Dictionary of business terms

MANAGER- (English manager), hired professional manager (head of an enterprise, firm, organization, etc.); management specialist... Modern encyclopedia

MANAGER- [ne], ah, husband. Specialist in production management and enterprise operations. School of Managers. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Manager- see Head (

Once during an interview, a candidate for a management position told me that a manager and a salesperson are one and the same. After that, I ask all candidates a question - who is a manager and what does he do? I opened a Pandora's box for myself; the funny thing is that those who graduated from a university with a degree in management cannot answer this question.

I have long wanted to write an article about who a manager is. How sad it is that a huge number of people do not understand what this word means. They are primarily to blame for the current situation. They are the ones who use the word manager to attract attention to the vacancy. This introduces confusion into the already poorly educated heads of applicants. Let's figure out who a manager is and what he does.

What types of managers are there?

If you open a website with job offers, you will find hundreds of types of vacancies with the prefix “manager”. It is believed that salespeople are most often called managers, but this is not entirely true. The fact is that the salesperson is one of the most common vacancies; high competition per applicant. At the same time, there are only a few qualified sellers. It is precisely this specificity that creates a huge number various vacancies for one position. HR simply attracts more staff by pouring more candidates into the hiring funnel.

Here is a list of vacancies with the prefix manager and description:

  • Cleanliness manager, cleaning manager - cleaner;
  • Sales Manager – seller;
  • A customer service manager is an administrator, although the salesperson and other customer service employees may also be called this;
  • Office manager - secretary;
  • HR Manager - Recruiter, ;
  • tourism manager - travel agent;
  • advertising manager - PR specialist, marketer

On the one hand, this is a deception of the candidate - the vacancy is presented in a better light. On the other hand, this is beneficial for candidates, because it is embarrassing to tell your friends that you work as a secretary. An office manager sounds much more respectable. It is worth noting that calling a vacancy a manager is not the only opportunity to hide the essence of the vacancy. There are many options to name something familiar in a new way. For example, I myself once worked as a loader, although the job description was written as assistant storekeeper and the vacancy had a similar name.

Who is a manager and what does he do?

The word manager is borrowed from the West. From English manage is translated as managing, management is management. From French manager - manager. From German manager - organizer. In short, a manager is a leader (manager, chief, boss, boss), that is, an employee who manages other people. Owners of large and medium-sized businesses cannot monitor a large staff of subordinates. Therefore, they entrust the management of their business to managers.

The main task of a manager is to make decisions that increase the efficiency of the people entrusted to him and other company resources. The working day of a linear subordinate must be clearly defined and regulated based on the needs of the business. It is the manager who is responsible for ensuring that all employees perform their work properly. And as a result, they brought profit to the company.

Manager functions

Management is a science that studies methods of effective management. On the one hand, there are a lot of types of management activities and therefore it is very difficult to formulate any uniform rules. There is only a set of manager functions that are similar regardless of the level of the manager and the company. The main functions of a manager include: planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. There are also functions that have a huge role, but they are mentioned much less often:

  1. Team building is a key function of a manager. Team building refers to the manager’s ability to find people who are ready to achieve their goals with him. A leader without a team is like a captain without a ship. A manager builds a team his entire life. The success of a leader is equal to the success of his team and vice versa;
  2. - is also the most important function of a manager. A manager can train and develop himself and his staff both personally and by organizing trainings. It is important to understand that without development, any team will quickly fall apart. Teaching and developing are not the same thing; learning is the acquisition of new or deeper study of old knowledge, skills and abilities. Personnel development is the joint work of a manager and a subordinate, allowing the subordinate to increase his competencies and areas of responsibility;
  3. Personnel rotation is sad, but it is the manager who decides who will be on his team and who will not. Personnel rotation is not the most pleasant function of a manager, but it is necessary;
  4. Resource provision for employees. To work, staff need various resources, from office and workspaces. It is the responsibility of the immediate manager to provide staff with the necessary resources;
  5. Supporting the activities of subordinates. Also very important function manager to show his subordinate that he is not alone, that his work is important, that the manager is interested in successes and achievements. A leader must be not just a boss, but first of all an ally and senior comrade;
  6. Constantly improving the quality of work. With a properly configured management system, the quality of work will constantly increase and improve. For this, things like . Constantly analyzing the results obtained and introducing changes that allow them to be changed in better side, the leader is capable of achieving excellence;
  7. Coordination of actions between related services. IN large companies Often there is a problem of coordination between departments and employees. Sometimes, due to the lack of partnerships, significant damage is caused to the business. There are always points of intersection of interests and it is important to be able to properly build communications between departments and employees. This is one of the tasks of management, since the ordinary performer will always “pull the blanket over himself.”

3 types of leaders

It is customary to divide managers into 3 types, depending on their level of management:

  1. Low-level managers are entry-level managers (senior shifts, foremen, senior salespeople, administrators), those who manage the daily activities of line personnel. Such managers are engaged in operational activities, that is, they organize and control the work of initial personnel.
  2. Middle managers are those who manage lower-level managers and coordinate the activities of lower levels. The responsibility of middle managers includes medium-term planning of the life of a department, division, workshop, site. The middle link is the spacer between the strategists at the top and the operations people at the bottom. The success of the organization depends on how effectively the strategy adopted from above is implemented.
  3. Top management (TOP management) is the level of directors and top officials of the company. This type of manager is responsible for the strategic management of the company. The activities of the company for years depend on the decisions made at the top level.

What a manager should know

To become a lower-level manager, you just need to be a responsible and executive employee, there is nothing special about it. But without knowing the basics of management, you are unlikely to achieve serious success. Or, as often happens, a young manager showed success at one place of work, but could not repeat it at another. This happens primarily due to the fact that for the first time the manager became a leader in “his” team and in a company where he knows the work well from the inside because worked at the starting position. Put such a manager in different conditions, all he can do is use old tools. Which are unlikely to have a positive effect again. So let's figure out what a leader should know.

Management cycle


A new manager is often so excited about his promotion that he tries to complete all tasks on his own. As a rule, this lasts six months, a year, and then the employee will either learn to delegate authority, or simply. – this is an inevitable stage of manager development and its study must begin as early as possible. Middle and senior managers are those who have learned to delegate authority and began to think more.

Who is a manager

Manager is a disparaging name for managers, salespeople and office workers in general. Derived from the English manager, when the Latin “a” (ey) is pronounced like the Russian “a”. The service sector is perceived by many workers and intellectuals as an unnecessary link - formed artificially for making money. From the point of view of such people, all representatives of the service industry are slackers. Many people laugh at corporate culture large firms, comparing it to a sect.

Every organization needs an active and responsible leader. Thus, the responsibilities of a development manager include developing policies that will ensure comprehensive and rapid growth of the company.

The essence of the profession

Even if on initial stage things are going well at the enterprise, sooner or later there comes a time when the existing resources are no longer enough and it is necessary to reach a new quality level. In this case, it is worth bringing a business development manager into the organization. Its main functions include maintaining contacts with customers and suppliers, as well as creating a favorable atmosphere within the organization. This is a kind of connecting link that is designed to provide effective contacts between senior management and subordinates at all levels.

It is worth noting that the development manager must have complete information not only about the enterprise itself, but also about the state of affairs in the industry as a whole. He should always have the most up-to-date statistics. In addition, the development manager is the face of the company, representing it in negotiations with both clients and suppliers.

Positive aspects of the profession

The responsibilities of a development manager include a wide range of requirements. Nevertheless this profession has many advantages, including:

  1. Demand in the labor market.
  2. High salary level.
  3. Good opportunities for self-realization and professional development.
  4. High social status, respect in society.

Negative aspects of the profession

Although the responsibilities of a development manager include many interesting responsibilities, the profession nevertheless has a number of disadvantages. So, for example, even if you have managerial talent and a lot interesting ideas, you are unlikely to be able to get a similar position without previous work experience. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that senior managers have irregular working hours. The high level of responsibility cannot be discounted.

Development Manager: Responsibilities

If an organization is aimed at success, then it certainly needs an effective leader. A business development manager can become such a leader. His job description includes the following list of responsibilities:

  • development of a global concept for enterprise development;
  • drawing up, if necessary, a restructuring plan, as well as careful monitoring of its implementation;
  • development of proposals to improve the operation of the enterprise and their coordination with management;
  • searching for new possible areas of activity for the organization;
  • security effective interaction between everyone structural divisions firms;
  • analysis of reporting information in order to adjust plans;
  • development of training programs to improve the skills of employees;
  • periodic analysis own work and providing appropriate reporting to senior management.

Rights of the development manager

Main points job description, which should guide the business development manager - responsibilities and rights. If we talk about the second component, it includes:

  • gaining access to documents that are necessary for the assessment current situation at the enterprise and making appropriate decisions;
  • timely acquaintance with decisions made by senior management;
  • putting forward proposals to improve the organizational structure;
  • the requirement from top management, as well as from subordinates, to provide all possible assistance in working to improve the situation at the enterprise;
  • delegation of responsibilities to subordinates, as well as monitoring their implementation;
  • the opportunity to take part in negotiations with counterparties on key issues that may affect the results of the enterprise;
  • signing contracts and administrative documents within the scope of competence.

Development Manager: responsibilities and requirements

Managing an enterprise requires possession of certain skills and knowledge. In order to perform the duties of a development manager at a high-quality level, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  1. Have leadership qualities (self-confidence, stress resistance, organizational skills) to motivate employees to perform.
  2. Have certain knowledge in the field of psychology of behavior and communication.
  3. Have public speaking skills to successfully deliver speeches, reports and commercial proposals.
  4. Know the features of document flow and office work.
  5. A prerequisite is a higher economic education.
  6. Knowledge of legislative norms in the field of entrepreneurship, production organization and management is required.
  7. Knowledge welcome foreign languages to establish contacts at the international level.
  8. Ownership required personal computer and other office equipment.

Employee Responsibility

The manager is personally responsible for the results of his activities. In case of improper performance of his duties, he may be subject to disciplinary action, and if his activities contradict the norms of the law, he may be subject to administrative or even criminal liability. If the company is damaged material damage due to the fault of the employee, the latter is obliged to compensate it in full.

Rules for a successful manager

In order to successfully fulfill the responsibilities of a development manager, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Plan rationally work time(reduce the amount of routine paperwork in favor of organizational activities).
  2. Create a clear daily routine that will not let you forget about important matters and eliminate wastage of time.
  3. Be able to find an individual approach to both employees and external contractors.


The job responsibilities of a business development manager outline a wide range of functions that must be performed. this employee. He is responsible for organizing external relations, creating a positive image of the company, as well as maintaining a favorable atmosphere that will contribute to the productive work of subordinates.

Not a single newly minted specialist today refuses his acquired profession and tells his parents that he wants to become a manager. Who is he and what is his type of activity? A profession without a profession - can this interpretation be attributed to the position of a manager?

Let's try to answer all these questions in this article.

In fact, there is a difference between manager and manager. There are many different managers:

  • by sales;
  • on procurement;
  • Content manager;
  • SMM manager;
  • PR manager;
  • Office Manager;
  • on advertising;
  • on work with clients;
  • by personnel.

And these are just the main ones types of this profession. It is noteworthy that the activities of even a manager of the same type can differ significantly in different companies. For example, a sales manager in one company can work exclusively on the phone, calling customers, offering them a product or service, and closing deals.

Whereas as sales manager in another company, this may include maintaining statistics, establishing relationships with clients for the purpose of further cooperation, training staff, and even maintaining the company’s social networks. In other words, each manager has different ideas about what his employee should do.

However, we can cite actions that any manager carries out in any case, regardless of the company where he works and the type of activity.

Main functions of a manager:

  1. Orientation of the direction a company needs to take to achieve its main goal. It is important for the manager correctly formulate tasks and goals so that company personnel understand them well. Then the likelihood of achieving your goals will increase significantly.
  2. Organization of the work process. The manager must analyze the activities of the company as a whole, in particular his department, his personal activities and the work of each employee under his command (if he has any). All work should be divided into classes, each of which is divided into small tasks and the most necessary ones for completion are selected. That is, a structure should be created, each of the tasks of which will be assigned to a specific employee.
  3. Formation of a well-coordinated team of company employees. To do this, the manager finds ways to motivate each employee to work. He may ask the manager for an increase in salary for one of the staff or a promotion.
  4. Making contact regarding clients, their managers, colleagues and subordinates. For this purpose, regular communication is carried out.
  5. Assessment and control of the company’s work and its results, bringing your boss and colleagues up to date regarding this.
  6. Constant development. A modern manager must regularly engage in self-development, as well as the development of his colleagues.

Do you need to study to become a manager? In fact, lower-level managers may not learn at all. It is enough for them to be sociable, responsible and hardworking. Many companies train managers as they work.

But such employees rarely achieve good results and move up the career ladder. For a manager to achieve success, he must understand management, know at least its basics, which are taught when receiving any higher education.

A successful manager can work in any company with any goods or services. In any conditions, he can establish a cycle of management activities: plan work, organize it, motivate himself and his team, and strictly control the entire work process.

A true manager must be a leader whom all employees are ready to follow and whom the head of the company will listen to.

No less important for successful manager don’t carry all the work on yourself, but delegate tasks to other employees, be able to explain how to perform them correctly and how this will benefit the company.

Thus, modern managers are key employees of companies. Don't count them lower level, since a true specialist manager is able to significantly increase the income of the company where he works and bring it to a higher level.

If you received an education, but instead of working by profession you became a manager, do not worry about this. Work with full dedication, constantly develop, and you will definitely achieve success in your career.

There are many examples when, starting from an ordinary manager, a person became average, then senior manager and then held the post of manager. Other people, having worked for several years as a manager in a certain company, gain experience in this area and successfully open their own business, which brings them high income.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

An online store manager is an administrator who advises clients and works with incoming requests.

Often such specialists work remotely.

To understand what an online store manager does, let’s look at a simple analogy. We all go to stores where we meet with consultants. They advise us, help us choose the right product, tell us about promotions and special offers. Their goal is to increase profits and increase sales, as this will affect the level of their own earnings (the higher the sales, the greater the increase in salary). Online store managers perform similar functions: look for new customers, serve them, answer questions.

What is the job of an online store manager?

An online store manager performs the following work every day:

  1. Accepts commercial and management decisions for the effective operation of an online store. At the same time, the main guideline is to satisfy the requests and needs of customers.
  2. Ensures the continuous functioning of the online store, without interruptions.
  3. Draws up a plan for the online store’s activities, identifies measures that need to be taken to improve operational efficiency.
  4. Performs its activities in accordance with the established business plan, processes incoming commercial offers, contracts and agreements.
  5. Deals with current issues, both organizational, technical and socio-psychological. This is necessary to increase the competitiveness of the products offered for further growth and increase the income of the enterprise.
  6. Interacts with clients, accepts orders, advises them, motivates them to make a purchase/order, carries out feedback with them.
  7. Communicates with partners, if necessary.
  8. Analyzes the demand for existing product items, which ones are in demand and which ones are not in demand.
  9. Coordinates the activities of other employees to solve certain tasks (for example, coordinates the work courier service for high-quality delivery of goods).

Responsibilities of an online store manager

The full range of activities of a manager, or as he is also called an online store administrator, is described above. However, the main responsibilities that a specialist faces on a daily basis are as follows:

  • Receiving orders, processing.
  • Conducting consultations and providing assistance in the selection process.
  • Interaction with the delivery service, coordination of its work.
  • Placing orders and discussing delivery.
  • Drawing up reports for various periods.

In some cases, responsibilities may be expanded depending on the specifics of the store, its internal needs, and staffing levels.

How to become an online store manager

After we have figured out what an online store manager does, the question arises: how to become one. Today, specialized training in this specialty is not provided. As a rule, managers of this profile have an economic or advertising education (marketers, economists, advertising managers, PR specialists, and so on). In principle, you can do without higher education, but you must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. You can purchase them within distance courses, online seminars, trainings, master classes.

Ideally, the employee should know the following:

  1. Active regulations and laws in the field of commercial and entrepreneurial activity in the Internet.
  2. Principles of modern market economy and business.
  3. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology of customer behavior, motives for their behavior.
  4. Etiquette for business communication.
  5. Conjuncture modern market in one area or another.
  6. Marketing basics for promoting goods and services.
  7. Fundamentals of management, microeconomics and macroeconomics, administration, internal records management.
  8. Basics of teamwork, interaction with colleagues and management.
  9. Principles and basics of advertising campaigns/promotions.
  10. Basics of working within the framework of approved plans.
  11. Legislation base in the field of labor and social protection.
  12. Labor safety rules.
  13. Rules for communication with clients.
  14. Basics of search engine promotion of goods and services.

If an employee can boast of knowledge of these categories, he will definitely achieve professional success and will be in demand in the market. As a consequence of his level of income, his salary will be one level higher.

Required skills include computer skills and various programs on Internet resource management.

Also, an online store manager must have the following personal qualities: resistance to stress, communication skills, analytical and critical skills, good organizational skills.

Online store manager salary

The amount of earnings depends on the result of the work: whether the plan has been fulfilled, how much sales have increased, how many orders have been processed, etc.

According to the resource rabota.yandex.ru, in Russia, managers of online stores receive an average of 40,000-50,000 rubles. Salary directly depends on the characteristics of the site, the specifics of the product, and the region.


In the future, the online store manager can become the head of the online store, which is accompanied by increased responsibility and expanded responsibilities, however, the earnings here are higher.

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