What carp eats at home. Carp farming as a business

Litigation 16.03.2020

On the shelves of fish shops, trout is much more expensive than carp. However, it is much more capricious and demanding of growing conditions. It's easier to grow carp. This fish is unpretentious, tenacious, most bodies of water will suit it. In order to grow carp, you do not need to graduate from the academy, it is enough to read textbooks and articles.

The choice of carp, for small business obvious:

  • Carp are able to survive in the harshest conditions. In winter, in severe cold, this fish is able to survive by simply hibernating.
  • Differs in rapid growth. Within two years, you can get a herd for sale. The weight can be 1.4 - 2 kg.
  • Carp is unpretentious in food. It feeds on molluscs, larvae and plant seeds.
Climate for fish

The most important factors for fish growth are water temperature and oxygen content. Comfortable temperature for carp is about 22-26 degrees. The depth of the pond should not be great - 1.4-1.9 meters. The location of the reservoir is also important. A good option it is considered if some part of the pond is in the shade. If the weather is too hot, the fish will have somewhere to hide in the cooler water. Carp are not so picky about the quality of water, it is important to prevent pollution of the reservoir with manure, organic matter and oil products.

Ponds for carp breeding can be atmospheric filling and with closed water supply. When the reservoir is located under open air has its advantages. The food base develops faster, the water warms up naturally in warm weather. Minimal human intervention makes the fish habitat more familiar. However, despite the minimal costly part of such a reservoir, it requires constant monitoring of water quality. If harmful atmospheric impurities enter the pond with precipitation, it can have a very negative effect on the growth of fish.

A pond with a closed water supply requires financial investments. It is necessary to install filters, pumps, an ultraviolet sterilizer. In addition, a small fountain or waterfall is needed to aerate the water. But the health and safety of fish in such a pond is guaranteed.

Enhanced nutrition

Approximately 60% of all financial costs of growing are spent on feed. Of course, you can just run the fish into the pond and wait for it to grow up, feeding on natural food. However, this is a very long process and has nothing to do with business.

For good, fast growth, feeds with a high protein and protein content are needed. Such feed is more expensive than conventional compound feed, but the result is much better - the fish grows faster. It is important to remember that these foods may not be given all year round... The main food for carp is natural zooplankton. The rapid growth and reproduction of this food base is observed from the beginning of summer until mid-August. During this period, there is no need for feeding.

Fight for health

The main enemy of the fish farmer is fish disease. The reasons for their occurrence are different. Some of them:

  • improper nutrition;
  • violation of the regime of detention (for example, temperature);
  • overestimated number of individuals per unit area;
  • the introduction of pathogens during the relocation of fish from other reservoirs.

Diseases of fish can cause irreparable harm to the entire population. If you do not know how to identify the onset of the disease in time and do not take urgent measures, you can lose the entire herd.

Preventive sanitary measures, as well as water quality control, should be the main points of carp care. It is recommended to make a control catch and inspection every 10 days. Depending on the condition, therapeutic measures are taken. It is also allowed to add various additives to the feed that increase immunity.

Size matters

Large fish are always in high demand among buyers. The ideal carp weight is 1.3-1.6 kg. To achieve this weight, you need to raise the fish for three years. It is optimal to end the cultivation in the fall, which is why this fish appears on the shelves at this time of year. The abundance of fish leads to a drop in prices and the business may be on the verge of profitability.

In this situation, it is advisable to overexpose a little more carp, at least for the New Year, when the price stabilizes, or as a rule grows.

Fish economy

One of the disadvantages of fisheries is the long payback period. But there is still an opportunity to accelerate the payback period. One of the options is the purchase of two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. The cost of such planting material is naturally more expensive, but in just a season you can fatten carp to marketable size.

An important point in organizing a carp growing business should be its versatility. The organization and policy of trade in chain stores and supermarkets is such that they do not really want to deal with live fish, due to the complexity of keeping it on the counter. This requires at least an aquarium. They are not cheap and mess with them, clean and change the water retail chains do not want. Based on the above, the business could be in jeopardy if it is aimed only at the fish trade.

A way out of this situation can be the organization of paid fishing. Big plus here is the fact that you can sell fish directly from the water. Let it cost less than in a store, but there is no need to spend money on transport. Depending on the species composition of the reservoir, the price of fishing can reach 1500 rubles.

The conclusions are obvious - there is no need to count on stable sales through retail outlets, the business must be built on several ways of selling fish.

Video: carp breeding in a pond in the country. Carp pond

And the cultivation of carp means stocking of carp with yearlings in the spring and catching them. By this time, the commodity mass has been reached. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase yearlings, then stock the pond with fry. But this is much more difficult, as separate categories of ponds will be required for breeding, rearing and wintering.

The optimum temperature for breeding is 20-28 degrees, while the water should be standing with a moderate amount of vegetation. The oxygen content in water should be 5-7 mg / l per summer period, in winter - not less than 4 mg / l. With such and good feeding, the fish will gain 5-7 grams daily. If the water temperature is less than 14 degrees, carp begin to consume less food and lose weight.

Carp feeds on almost everyone. If you do not have a special feed available, then it can be replaced with pork or chicken. Such food must be pre-kneaded and added to the water in the form of a dough. Legumes and grains are also suitable for feeding carp and must be applied swollen. It is recommended to feed the fish twice a day in a specific place designated specifically for feeding. The carp will remember the time and place of feeding, the food will not have time to sour. Many owners of carp anglers even ring the bell, so the fish goes better to the feeding place.

Worms, small crustaceans and insect larvae are considered natural food for carp. Maintain a constant water level, the desired depth is one meter. The most breeds of carp for breeding: mirror, scaly, naked, linear, Ukrainian and frame.

Most entrepreneurs are men. Most men love fishing. It turns out that your fish farm is a dream business. Is this so in reality? What kind of fish is better to breed in Russian conditions and what are the secrets of this case?

The director of the largest in the Moscow region Biserovskiy fish processing plant Andrey Semenov tells

Which is more profitable - carp or trout?

Anyone who decides to start his own "fish" business, first of all, it is necessary to decide what kind of fish he will breed. You will have to choose one thing - either carp or trout. Only these two types of fish grow well and are in constant demand from buyers. Actually, the technology of the farm will depend on this choice.

Of course, if opportunities permit, you can do carp, trout, and much more - for example, like us. Every year our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, of which only 500-600 tons we grow directly in the Moscow region - the rest is imported for overexposure and subsequent sale from other fish farms. In addition, we breed fish on rented reservoirs in the southern regions, arrange paid fishing, fish processing - smoking, canning, etc. But such a scale is, of course, not available to a novice fish farmer.

The easiest way to grow carp. He is tenacious, unpretentious, most reservoirs suit him. To understand the technology of carp breeding, you do not need to graduate from the Timiryazev Academy with a degree in Fish Farming, it is enough to read textbooks. But on the market, at almost the same cost, the capricious and sensitive trout is almost three times more expensive. True, in this case, it is no longer possible to do without hiring a qualified fish breeder: both experience and education are needed here.

This season, the Moscow market has developed very low wholesale prices for live fish. Trout has fallen in price since last year from 175 to 140 rubles per kilogram, a kilogram of carp costs 50-63 rubles. However, the business continues to be profitable. The profitability of our plant is 8-9% today. However, the average farmer, who does not have to pay for the maintenance of such a huge infrastructure like ours, may have even higher profit margins. This business is also attractive because this year agricultural enterprises, which include all fish farms, have switched to a single agricultural tax. Now we pay the state only 6% of income, reduced by expenses, exempt from VAT, income tax, unified social tax and property tax.

Where is the "climate" for fish?

The health and growth of fish are determined by two main factors - the temperature of the water and its saturation with oxygen. In addition, the state of the entire biological system of the reservoir, acidity (pH) and much more are important. Only specialists can determine whether the pond you have rented is suitable for fish farming. Therefore, before stocking a reservoir, I advise you to make the so-called "fish-biological justification". It is advisable to carry out this survey several times a year - in summer, winter, spring, autumn. In the Moscow region, it is best to involve specialists from the Research Institute of Fish Farming from the city of Dmitrov, Moscow Region. You can also contact us for advice. Those wishing to do fish farming regularly come to the Biserovsky Combine, and our specialists give qualified advice.

For trout, the optimal water temperature is 16-19 degrees Celsius, but if the pond warms up to 24, the fish will be on the verge of death and will certainly stop feeding. For example, we keep trout in a quarry 15 meters deep, because even at a depth of four meters, the water temperature never rises above 16 degrees even in the summer heat. That is why many trout farms are set up on cold flowing rivers or draw water from rivers or artesian wells.

When breeding carp, everything is much easier. The main thing is that the pond is not contaminated with oil products, manure runoff and decomposing organic matter, and it is desirable that it warms up well (the optimum temperature for it is 24-25 degrees). Its depth can be small - up to 1.5-1.8 meters. At this depth, the natural food base develops most actively.

All of Russia is divided into fish farming zones. The Moscow region belongs to the first and second zones. Southern regions - for example, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories - by the fifth or sixth. It is much more profitable to breed fish in them, since the vegetative period, during which it actively feeds and grows, is longer. That is why for some time now we have begun to rent ponds in the Rostov region. Although, if all the technology is built correctly, and also a suitable reservoir is selected, then the business can be made quite profitable in the middle lane.

A pond with an area of ​​5 hectares is enough for the production of 10 tons of carp. Interestingly, the larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish in it. A small reservoir is difficult to exploit, because it cools quickly and quickly warms up, and it has a tense hydrochemical regime. In a large reservoir, the temperature regime is more even, which is favorable for all fish.

It is desirable that the carp pond be a drainage pond: this will greatly facilitate the process of catching in the fall. For this, a dam can be built if, for example, a reservoir is formed by damming a river.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough to run the fish into the reservoir, it will grow by itself, after that it only needs to be caught and sold. Nothing like this! Fish farming is a complex and risky business. After all, you are dealing with a "living product" with which anything can happen at any moment.

Enhanced nutrition

The main expense of every fish farm is feed. They account for 50-60% of all costs. Of course, you can put the carp into the pond and wait for it to grow up, feeding on its natural base. But the wait will take too long. At the same time, no more than 120 kg of fish can be obtained from 1 hectare of water surface. We manage to get 22 centners of carp from one hectare, because we grow fish using a high-intensity method. Its main components are a high stocking density plus the use of high-protein nutritious feeds from Reflex feeders with a protein content of at least 26-28% and a fat content of 5-7%. They are the most effective, although they are 20% more expensive than conventional feed. And the average price of carp feed is 7-8 rubles per kilogram.

It is more difficult to feed trout: you have to buy high-quality German feed, which costs 0.7-1 euros per kilogram. We have extruded feeds of this level produced only by one plant in Sergiev Posad. But we still prefer proven imported ones. If you buy cheap mixed feed for trout, then it will have white meat. The consumer is used to red. And it can only be obtained using special feed additives - kartinoids obtained from krill.

A significant difference in the price of carp and trout feeds is leveled by the amount of feed that is required for their fattening, and the final selling price. Spending only 1 kg of feed for trout, you can get an increase in fish weight by almost the same kilogram. In a kilogram of carp weight gain, almost 3.5-4 kg of feed will have to be added. Therefore, in the end, the cost of feed for growing one kilogram of carp is 26 rubles, and for trout - only slightly more.

When feeding fish, the main thing is to know when to stop. If you add too much feed, the fish will not eat everything, but the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir may change. And as a result, the fish will stop growing. On average, carp should be fed daily in the amount of 1.5-3% of the estimated weight of all fish in the reservoir, depending on the water temperature. The colder it is, the less feed is required, since the carp's body temperature depends on the water temperature. V cold water his metabolism slows down.

If the carp is kept in the reservoir itself, then the trout spends their whole life in special cages three by three meters, made of nylon mesh, and 5 meters deep. They are installed in cage lines - long welded structures. Similar lines are produced by the Stavropol Experimental Mechanical Plant. But they are quite expensive - the price of the line is per 1000 sq. m - about 3-3.5 million rubles. Therefore, we prefer to make similar, in general, uncomplicated constructions on our own.

Fight for health

Size matters

The larger the fish, the more demanded it is on the market. For carp, the optimal weight is 1.2-1.7 kg, for trout - from 800 g to 1 kg. To reach this weight, carp grows for three years. For the first summer, he gains up to 25 grams, for the second - up to 200 grams, and for the third - up to a kilogram.

Trout rearing cycle is 2.5 years. True, trout can be sold in a year and a half, when it reaches 300 grams. But such fish is in demand only among restaurateurs - it is a 300-gram fish with a length of 30-35 cm that neatly and beautifully lies across the plate.

The carp rearing cycle ends in autumn, when all farms lower (or harvest) their ponds. That is why in the fall, carp appears in all stores and markets, and prices for it fall. At this point, the business is on the brink of profitability. But you can do smarter if you have the right opportunities. For example, overexpose the carp until the New Year and even until March, gradually putting it on sale when prices stabilize. Thus, we overexpose up to 200 tons of fish. True, in this case, it is necessary to lay 20% on losses: 10% - due to the fact that the fish is losing weight, and 10% - on the pestilence. We process surplus fish: we smoke, make jellied dishes and produce other food products.

Fish economy

Trout stocking material can be purchased at a price of 250-400 rubles per kilogram, depending on the weight of the fry - from 1 to 50 grams. The smaller the trout, the more expensive it is, because as a result, more adult fish will be obtained from a kilogram of low-weight fry. About 10% should be set aside for losses. The rest of the fry will turn into 800-gram fish in 2.5 years, which can be sold at 140-160 rubles per kilogram. It is most profitable to buy already fertilized eggs by independently incubating them. We order caviar in Adler, where 100 thousand fertilized eggs cost about 20 thousand rubles. True, if the farm is a beginner and there is no relevant experience, it is better not to risk it and buy ready-made fry.

Annual planting material carp is much cheaper - from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The mass of the fish is from 14 to 25-40 grams.

The biggest disadvantage of fisheries is the long return on investment. But there is an opportunity to make money start to “fight back” much earlier. To do this, you can buy two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. It will cost more. But in one season, carp can be fattened to a marketable kilogram.

And trout is very profitable to grow in winter time at the state district power station, where the most optimal temperature regime is in the cooling ponds. It is brought there in the fall, and caught in March-April. During this time, the mass of the fish increases two to three times.

When fishing for carp ponds, another, "weedy" fish comes across with him. For example, we catch 30 tons of crucian carp alone every year. It is not profitable to breed it: it grows too slowly. But when fishing on an industrial scale, crucian carp can be sold at 15-20 rubles per kilogram or transplanted into ponds for paid fishing. For example, Moscow Vietnamese take crucian carp from us in whole barrels to prepare their national dishes.

If there are opportunities - cage lines, trade links, as well as fish trucks - fish (trout, carp, sturgeon) can be purchased for overexposure. For example, last year alone we imported and sold 500 tons of fish from other regions where it is cheaper. True, for this it is necessary to have our own machines for transporting fish, which can cost 100 thousand euros. Although you can equip the car on your own: for this you need to install a tank or barrels with an oxygen supply system on the trailer.

Another good opportunity to replenish the budget of the economy is to arrange paid fishing. It gives us 5-6% of the turnover (through it we annually sell 30-40 tons of fish). A small farms in general, they can sell most of their products in this way. This eliminates the cost of logistics, fishing pond. That is, you are actually selling fish “right in the water”, only at a price slightly below the market price.

Depending on the pond, the availability and species composition of fish, the cost of fishing ranges from 120 to 1500 rubles. But now the fisherman has become demanding, and for him it is necessary to specially purchase some types of fish that cannot be raised in our zone, for example, sturgeon or silver carp.



USD, wed. per cycle *

%, on Wednesday. per cycle

Gross proceeds



For the purchase of fry

For staff salaries

To feed

other expenses

Profit (excluding taxes)

A farm that has grown 50 tons of carp and sold it at a price of 60 rubles per kilogram can count on such a result.

The carp rearing cycle is three years.


The market will not eat a lot of fish

Sales problems are now experienced by all fish farms near Moscow, including the Biserovskiy fish processing plant. There are two reasons for this. First, the competition is strong enough. Secondly, compared to the past, the demand for live fish in Russia has dropped significantly. This product has not become available to all buyers, which is clearly seen in the example of the richest city in the country - Moscow. If in the early 1990s the capital consumed almost 10 thousand tons of fish in just three months (August-October), now all the fish farms near Moscow sell only 3.5 thousand tons for a whole year. Another three thousand tons are brought to the capital from the southern regions. This is more than enough for Moscow.

Another problem for fish farmers is the complicated relationship with trade, especially with chain supermarkets. As you know, almost all of them ask for money for placing goods on their shelves. Plus, many retailers just don't want to mess with live fish. To maintain it, you need to arrange an aquarium: clean it, change the water. And the volume of sales of live fish is not that great. For example, in one large mall, such as "Auchan" or "Metro", you can sell no more than 30-70 kilograms of trout or 200-300 kilograms of carp per day.

Moreover, live fish is a delicate product. Anything can happen to him on the way to the store: for example, if the oxygen supply suddenly stops or the temperature in the car body rises. Then the traders will return the entire "defective" batch to the fish farmers.

Not surprisingly, live fish wholesalers are not involved. Stores do not want to take on such a burden either. And all the goods are delivered to retail outlets the fish farms themselves. To do this, they have to maintain a fleet of their own cars. For example, the Biserovskiy Combine converted 12 GAZelles into "fish carriers", installing welded tanks on them, making thermal insulation from foam plastic, placing a pair of oxygen cylinders and equipment for spraying it in water.

Sales are complicated by the fact that, for example, in Moscow, for example, there are aquariums for selling fish in no more than 10% of grocery stores. And fish farms cannot take over their construction: it is too expensive. A good aquarium with an oxygen supply system, water purification, and an accompanying refrigerator (the latter is especially necessary for trout) costs about $ 6-10 thousand. The most primitive plastic tank with a water treatment system costs 17-18 thousand rubles.

Plus, now all shops, without exception, pay for live fish only upon sale. The deferred payment is on average 7 to 30 days. As a result, fish farms always have accounts payable. For example, at the Biserovsky farm, it ranges from 3 to 6 million rubles per month.

Conclusions for a novice fish farmer suggest themselves: building a business with the expectation of a stable sale of caught fish is too risky. It is better to start with the organization of paid fishing.

Breeding crucian carp

Often carp are raised as an additional fish in carp ponds, but sometimes they are also bred in monoculture. For this, relatively fast-growing silver is most suitable, although it is found somewhat less often than gold. Breed crucian carp it is possible in such ponds where carp and other fish breeding is impossible, since it is not hot and is not susceptible to such carp diseases as rubella and branchiomycosis (Branchiomycosis , infection pond fish caused by a microscopic fungus). causing great damage to carp farms. In addition, the carp is not inferior to carp in terms of the quality of its meat.

The farms engaged in breeding crucian carp have two and three years' turnover. This requires the same pond categories as in carp farming.

The production processes for the breeding of the silver carp begin with the selection of producers. To do this, use female goldfish and male goldfish, carp or carp (as noted earlier, only females are often found among goldfish). In size, males of carp, saz-on or goldfish should not differ much from female goldfish.

Goldfish females are selected with the highest body. Observations have shown that the number of gill rakers on the first branchial arch is greater than in the more chased ones, and the fry of the goldfish with big amount gill stamens grows better

Before spawning, males and females are kept separately. Although female goldfish become sexually mature in most cases in the second year of life, it is better to use fish of 3-6 years of age for breeding. The number of female goldfish is determined on the basis of obtaining 10-15 thousand fry from one female.

Spawning of goldfish is carried out in the middle or end of June; in very warm weather in early June. Carp spawning grounds are used as non-resting ponds (considering that the goldfish spawns later than carp) carp spawning grounds after transplanting carp fry into nursery ponds or wintering grounds, in which the carp willingly spawns. The ponds intended for the spawning of goldfish are poured in 1-2 days before the broodstock planting in them. At 100 m 2 In the area of ​​the spawning pond, five female goldfish and five male goldfish, carp or carp are planted for spawning. At the same time, male carp, carp or golden carp are chosen with flowing milk.

If in spawning ponds there is little natural substrate in the form of green meadow vegetation, then artificial spawning grounds are established - the same as for carp or tench.

Goldfish larvae hatch 3-6 days after spawning (depending on temperature). In spawning ponds, hatched fry of goldfish are left for 15-20 days. To improve the growth of young, as in carp breeding, spawning ponds are fertilized by introducing a mixture of peat, humus, slaked lime, superphosphate and slurry before flooding. 1000 m the pond is brought in about 100 Kg peat, 300 Kg humus, 20 each Kg lime and superphosphate and 10-15 buckets of slurry.

After 16-20 days, the fry are transplanted into nursery ponds. Methods of transplanting and counting goldfish fry are fundamentally the same as those indicated for carp. It should only be noted that the spawning ponds are lowered slowly. With the rapid descent of the ponds, a significant part of the fry are clogged into the grass and remain uncaught. The calculation of planting goldfish fry in nursery ponds is carried out according to the formula that was given for carp. In this case, the yield of underyearlings of silver carp is taken equal to 70-75% of the number of planted fry, the average weight of underyearlings is 15-25 G, and the natural fish productivity - according to the actual data obtained during the rearing of young of the year silver carp. If the rearing of goldfish underyearlings is carried out for the first time, then approximately it is assumed to be equal to the natural fish productivity of carp underyearlings or even slightly higher. Control over the cultivation of underyearlings of silver carp in nursery ponds is no different from what was indicated for carp.

If the goldfish hibernates in special wintering ponds (the same as carp), then other fish are not planted there. In such cases, 1 ha The wintering pond can be planted up to 1 million underyearlings or up to 500 thousand two-year-old goldfish. In terms of time, the transfer of goldfish for wintering coincides with the transfer of carp. Methods and techniques for counting goldfish underyearlings when transplanted into wintering ponds do not differ in any way from those described for carp.

The output of yearlings of goldfish after wintering is 80-90% of the number of planted underyearlings.

Goldfish can also winter in stagnant growing ponds with a frost-free layer of water of at least 70 cm with well-organized mechanical aeration of water in winter. In such cases, 1 ha In the non-freezing part of the pond, it is permissible to set up to 500 thousand underyearlings or 200 thousand two-year-olds.

Taking care of ponds and fish wintering in them is no different from those described for carp.

Further cultivation of table goldfish is carried out with a two-year or three-year turnover. At the same time, production processes are no different from those in carp farming.

The calculation of planting goldfish in feeding ponds in monoculture conditions is carried out according to the same formula as for carp, but with the only difference that the final mass of a two-year-old goldfish is taken with a raina of 200-250 G, and three years old - 300-400 G. The output of two-year-olds from feeding ponds is 85-90%, three-year-olds - 90-95%. The fish productivity of the feeding ponds in which the table goldfish is grown is taken equal to 70-80% of the fish productivity of carp. According to some reports, it can be taken equal to the fish productivity of carp. But this cannot be recommended, since in such cases the crucian carp turns out to be too small (two-year-olds no more than 150 e, and three-year-olds about 200 G).


How to breed carp? Today this interesting question will become a new article on our site.

We decided to understand all the ins and outs of breeding and keeping this fish both at home and in the pond.

The situation on the fish market is such that it is worth seriously thinking about organizing this business at home and with competent and timely actions home carp farming business idea can become very successful.

We tried to put together all the pros and cons of breeding. I hope the information below will be useful to you and will answer all your questions.

Carp farming business

Carp is a very tenacious and essentially unpretentious fish. Below you will be convinced that breeding carp, even in the country, is not a difficult task that can be implemented in just a few days.

In addition, the requests of this fish are not only striking in their minimal content, but also make you simply become a fan of carp.

So why did so many people go to the question of carp breeding with such persistence? ... Let me write down the main points.

The meaning of carp breeding or who needs it

As I said above, the market situation is such that it pushes people to grow fish even at their dacha. So why is this happening.

Here are the main reasons for breeding carp:

  • The request is not great... This fish has become the object of our attention for a reason. The fact is that, in comparison, even with breeding, our hero is distinguished by truly tenacious characters. I will tell you about the care and maintenance of carp below.
  • Carp price... Unfortunately, the situation is such that a kilogram of carp at the moment can reach from 200-400 rubles, and this figure is only increasing every year. Therefore, there are more and more people who want to start breeding carp in the pond every day.

As you hopefully managed to notice, this business has a number of advantages that put this business at a decent level in terms of prospects for development and increasing the volume of profits.

Therefore, let's talk about the idea of ​​growing carp at home in more detail.

How to start a carp farming business

Before you start breeding carp, you need to make at least approximate ones.

In order to breed carp, it is necessary to take into account a number of features without which your fish cannot coexist:

Water temperature for carp breeding

Carp, although it is considered an unpretentious fish, still requires a certain range of water temperatures for normal existence.

For this kind of fish, the critical temperature will be +30 C. The fact is that such a temperature lowers the percentage of oxygen in the water and your pets may suffocate from this.

Unfortunately, when breeding carp in a pond, the death of one fish can lead to the death of the rest due to the rotting of the first.

Actually, because of the temperature, carp for the most part live the lion's share of life at depth, in muddy pits, and are looking for food in the same place.

There were cases when a carp accidentally caught in a puddle quietly coexisted in it until the water completely dried out.

This fish can live in extremely extreme conditions, even in the presence of wet soil, as in the case of a puddle.

Features of feeding carp

To the question of how to breed carp, we would like to tell you, first of all, about feeding this fish.

If you breed carp at home, then do not forget about one important thing. You should do complementary foods in one place.

This method is taken from fishermen and allows you to influence the movement of fish.

In this way, you will always know where to catch adults. They will come to this place during the feeding hours.

This is often morning and evening. In terms of diet, we can say that carp is omnivorous and many people compare it to pigs.

This comparison did not come from appearance, but rather by the way of eating. Just like a pig, carp eats everything that is given to it, the main thing is that this content does not contain various chemical additives.

And so you may well throw him plant food or, in the end, when breeding carp in the country - dig worms.

Here is a list of the main stages in carp breeding both at home, for example, in the country, and in the pond, with mass breeding:

Preparing a carp breeding site

You must choose a place where it will be convenient to organize a reservoir. It doesn't matter whether it is big or not.

The main thing is the quality of the soil and its professional suitability for the organization of the reservoir.

One of my good acquaintances decided to organize a pond in his country: he hired an excavator, chose a place and got down to work. By the way, the place was really good. There were earthen ramparts all around and a small stream flowed in the center. In fact, it was only necessary to build a normal dam at the end and that's it. However, the ground was heavily dug up by moles and the water was constantly leaving through the wormholes. There were cases when in the morning there was a full body of water, and in the evening a small puddle remained from it. Thus, the venture failed miserably.

We build a reservoir and fill it with water

If you are completely and completely sure that the soil will allow you to make a reservoir, then you should turn your eyes to construction.

When raising carp at home, you must use common sense and understand that you need a constant source of water for proper breeding.

If this is not the case, then you cannot create a normal pond a priori. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors from the soil to the permanent source of water.

After all, if the water is stagnant and does not at least partially renew, then soon it will turn green and the fish will definitely not like this state of affairs.

In addition, we note that after filling your reservoir, you should not start the fish immediately.

It is necessary to wait a few hours, or preferably a day, so that the water warms up and is not a cold shower for carp.

As you can see, carp breeding both at home and when breeding in a pond requires not small conditions, first of all, in the organization of the reservoir and its constant maintenance.

Features of carp breeding

Spawning carp in your pond is the first call to the fact that everything is done correctly.

It should be borne in mind that in small reservoirs, with a large number of fish, spawning can continue until late summer. It's all about the small area of ​​the reservoir.

It is not worth fussing about this, but still a spacious reservoir will create more conditions and advantages for you to breed carp.

Therefore, the increase in the area of ​​the reservoir should be in the forefront when looking at the future of your business.

Actually, carp are taken for sale after spawning. I advise you not to select the largest individuals, but to find medium-sized fish.

The fact is that, like many fish, carp loses its taste characteristics with age and should be left for breeding.

I hope we answered the question of how to breed carp and proved to you the prospects of this business. You can look at other ideas for starting your own business on ours, also do not forget to subscribe to our group

The basis of this type of business is the presence of a natural (or artificial) reservoir - a pond, a lake. There are two ways here: 1) rent an existing pond 2) create your own. Let's look at both of these options and compare the pros and cons.

Rent of natural reservoirs

All natural reservoirs are federal property. They are disposed by the responsible authority - in each region it has its own, but in most cases it is the regional Ministry of Natural Resources.

It is impossible by law to get a natural body of water, but it can be rented at a certain period... Since there are many people who want to receive income from lakes and ponds, the department periodically holds tenders. Participants in such tenders, offering the best (higher) price, can rent a pond or lake for a period of up to 20 years - this is the deadline for the provision of water bodies for use on the basis of a water use agreement.

Such contests are held in each region, most of them can be found on the website public procurement and bidding. A single information system in procurement can be found at www.zakupki.gov.ru. However, if you want to participate in the auction, you will need to connect to large specialized resources, the subscription to which is paid and costs an average of 30,000 to 100,000 rubles per year.

If you do not have that kind of money and you intend to work in a certain area, then you can independently follow the publications in the media, because the regional environmental authority is obliged to inform the population about the planned tenders. Otherwise, the prosecutor's office deals with such violations.

Fish farming refers to the type of water use without the intake (withdrawal) of water resources. Along with the fishery of inland water bodies, the following types of activity belong to the same type of water use:

  • hydropower;
  • water transport and recreation;
  • aquatic and semi-aquatic ecosystems;
  • healthcare;
  • floodplain meadow growing.

The procedure and purposes of providing objects for use are determined by the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Using water resource you must strictly comply with the requirements of this regulation, otherwise you will face a rather big fine.

The main requirements of the Water Code for businessmen renting natural ponds and lakes include prohibitions:

  • on the negative impact on the environment;
  • a ban on changing the water regime, etc.;

The water use contract concluded as a result of the bidding must contain the following data:

  1. graphic materials and an explanatory note to them;
  2. information about the water body;
  3. purposes and conditions for the use of the reservoir;
  4. the term of the contract, the amount of rent, etc.

Artificial fish pond

If you decide to make a body of water on land plot owned by you, then the automatic pond also becomes your property. To create a pond for carp breeding, select a quiet and open space, preferably with trees on one side. The depth of the reservoir should be from 2 meters, with an area of ​​9 sq.m.

When choosing a place for a future pond, give preference to areas with natural depressions and a flat bottom with natural vegetation on the banks. The future pond must be supplied with clean water from a stream or well. If water enters the pond from a large river, then a fence from predators is placed at the entrance, the drain is also equipped with a grate.

Growing carp in a pond as a business

Carp farming is a popular livelihood. Carp is unpretentious in its content, it grows rapidly (in 2 years it gains 2 kg of live weight).

This fish is easy to sell, everyone knows and loves it.

The following breeds are most commonly bred:

  • scaly and mirror carp;
  • linear;
  • naked carp.

A big plus is that carp can be cultivated together with other species (pike, tench, catfish, pike perch). When rearing carp, an extensive and intensive breeding system is often used. In the first case, the fish are fed with natural natural food, in the second - with complex ones. Extensive system characterized by low production costs and a small increase in individuals.

At intensive system fish are raised in cages using complex feeds with a high protein content (compound feed). It is characterized by high productivity (5-20 tons per hectare of area) and high planting density. The disadvantage of such a system is the high risk of spreading diseases.

Living conditions of carp

Features of the content. The life expectancy of this freshwater fish is about 20 years, while it begins to reproduce from 2 years. It grows quite quickly, especially in small, well-warmed water bodies. The optimum temperature for carp breeding in the pond is +24 - + 26 ° С. If the temperature is above + 30 ° C or significantly below the optimum, the fish begins to die. In winter, ice holes must be made in the pond to supply a sufficient amount of oxygen. If carps begin to gather at the ice hole in winter, this is a sign that the living conditions of the fish are deteriorating.

Food... Carp is an omnivorous fish, it feeds on larvae, worms, grain and compound feed. You need to feed the fish in the same place in the morning and in the evening. Thanks to this, you can control the living conditions and growth of individuals and fish.

The place for feeding should be prepared - you can use several tables with sides in different places for these purposes, which, if necessary, can be easily removed from the water.

Pond care. It is necessary to clean the pond or lake in a timely manner, remove animals, birds, frogs and insects.

Diseases of carp. One of the most common diseases that individuals are susceptible to is carp pox. It is not dangerous for humans, but it can significantly reduce the fish population. To reduce the risks, the coast and the reservoir itself are watered with diluted lime in the fall.

Branchial necrosis is an infectious disease caused most often by a violation of the hydrochemical regime. Often leads to mass death of fish.

Saprolegniosis is the second most common disease in freshwater fish. Preventive measures involve the use of formalin, malachite green, purple "K", etc.

Settling fish in a natural body of water and catching it

The full cycle of carp rearing is difficult, so most businessmen buy fry from the fishery and release them into a pond or lake. It is best to buy carp at the age of 1 year and in the spring to populate them in a heated reservoir, and in the fall to catch all the fish (), provided that the carp farm is one-year). If the economy is perennial, then medium-sized carps are caught after spawning, and the old individuals are left for breeding. The annual weight gain of carp is about 1000 grams.

Spawning occurs in shallow areas in summer. Caviar ripens for 4-5 days, fry begin to eat almost immediately after emergence.

Paid eco ponds with hotel business

This is a very popular business line, which involves providing clients with fishing and related services, in particular, hotel houses, for a fee. This business will bring good practically passive income subject to the popularity of the reservoir among locals and guests. Therefore, for rent, you should choose those lakes and ponds that have been visited for a long time a large number of amateur and professional fishermen. Once you enter into a water use agreement with the regional government, you simply start charging a fee on the previously free water body.

The cost of paid fishing in your place should not differ much from similar offers on the market in order for your business to be competitive. On average, fishermen pay 250-600 rubles for using the pond, taking all the catch they catch with them.

Holiday houses and gazebos - additional income for the owner of a paid pond.

As the owner of the pond, you are replanting fry, feeding and raising healthy fish, keeping the territory clean, and equipping the pond. As related services, visitors to a paid pond can be offered holiday houses, barbecues, tents, boats, catamarans. Hotel houses, as a rule, are made frame-panel - firstly, the construction of capital buildings is prohibited federal laws and the rules governing the use of recreational areas, and, secondly, it is cheap and fast.

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