Blau Alexander Yurievich born in 1965. I

Development  30.03.2020
ON THE COMPETITION "CUSTOMS OLYMPUS - 2006" ORDER FEDERAL CUSTOMS SERVICE August 16, 2006 N 777 (D) In ​​order to carry out activities to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the 10th anniversary of the Union of Customs Service Veterans in 2006, I order: 1. To carry out leadership competition foreign economic activity"Customs Olympus - 2006" within the framework of VII international exhibition "Customs Service- 2006". 2. To form the organizing committee of the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006" (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee) in the following composition: Andrey Yuryevich Belyaninov, head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, - chairman of the Organizing Committee; Vladimir Mikhailovich Malinin, deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, - deputy chairman of the Organizing Committee ; Blau Alexander Yurievich, acting general director FSUE "ROSTEK"; Voronin Alexander Borisovich, head of the Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenues; Galaktionov Anatoly Valentinovich, head of the Main Directorate of the organization customs control;

Chigak Alexander Vladimirovich, head of the Central Customs Administration.
3. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for holding annual competitions “Customs Olympus” (Appendix No. 1).
4. The heads of regional customs departments shall select applicants for participation in the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006" from among participants in foreign economic activity and organizations operating in the field of customs in the region, and submit lists of winners to the Federal Customs Service of Russia by September 25, 2006 in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Order.

5. The Department of Interaction with the Media (Press Service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) of the Main Organizational Inspectorate Directorate (the Office of the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) (A.V. Smelyakov) to carry out organizational measures to cover the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006" in the media .

6. FSUE "ROSTEK" (A.Yu. Blau) to provide organizational, material and technical conditions for holding the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006".

I reserve control over the implementation of this Order. Head, Colonel General of the Customs Service A.Yu. BELYANINOV August 16, 2006 N 777 Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 16, 2006 N 777


ORDER dated August 16, 2006 N 777


In order to carry out activities to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the 10th anniversary of the Union of Customs Service Veterans in 2006, I order:

1. Conduct a competition for leaders of foreign economic activity "Customs Olympus - 2006" within the framework of the VII international exhibition "Customs Service - 2006".

2. To form an organizing committee of the competition “Customs Olympus - 2006” (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) in the following composition:

Belyaninov Andrey Yurievich, Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, - Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

Smelyakov Alexander Valentinovich, head of the department of interaction with the media (Press service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) of the Main Organizational Inspection Directorate (office of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia);

Shashaev Alexey Evgenievich, head of the Main Directorate of Information Technologies;

Chigak Alexander Vladimirovich, head of the Central Customs Administration.

3. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for holding annual competitions “Customs Olympus” (Appendix No. 1).

4. The heads of regional customs departments shall select applicants for participation in the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006" from among participants in foreign economic activity and organizations operating in the field of customs in the region, and submit lists of winners to the Federal Customs Service of Russia by September 25, 2006 in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Order.

5. The Department of Interaction with the Media (Press Service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) of the Main Organizational Inspectorate Directorate (the Office of the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia) (A.V. Smelyakov) to carry out organizational measures to cover the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006" in the media .

6. FSUE "ROSTEK" (A.Yu. Blau) to provide organizational, material and technical conditions for holding the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006".

I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.


Colonel General

customs service


Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia


I. General provisions

1. The public competition "Customs Olympus" is held in order to recognize achievements in the field foreign trade and customs affairs of participants in foreign economic activity, as well as other organizations operating in the field of customs affairs.

2. The organizer of the competition is the Federal Customs Service. The functions of the competition organizer and the competition commission are assigned to the organizing committee of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), the composition of which is approved by order of the Federal Customs Service.

3. The official award ceremony for the laureates of the “Customs Olympus” competition (hereinafter referred to as the Laureates) has been held annually since 2005 as part of the annual international exhibition “Customs Service” with the participation of representatives of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, customs authorities, contestants, representatives of business, political and scientific circles, as well as the media and other public organizations and associations.

II. Objectives of the competition

The objectives of the competition "Customs Olympus" are:

4. Stimulating activities aimed at development international trade, introduction of advanced information technologies and standards in the field of customs, ensuring transparency of transactions and compliance with legislation Russian Federation.

5. Public recognition of the Laureates’ merits, confirmation of their positive experience and achievements in the field of foreign economic activity and activities in the field of customs affairs.

6. Ensuring that it is publicly accessible and obvious to potential clients choosing reliable partners in the field of customs.

III. Nominations and awards

7. Awarding of Laureates is carried out in the following categories:

"Leader of Russian foreign trade" (1, 2, 3 places).

Special nominations:

"The best customs terminal in Russia."

"The best customs broker in Russia."

"The best customs carrier in Russia."

8. The laureates are awarded diplomas of the corresponding title of the “Customs Olympus” competition and valuable prizes.

9. Competition laureates have the right to use laureate regalia in their advertising campaigns.

IV. Competition participants, evaluation criteria for participants

10. Contenders for the awards of the “Customs Olympus” competition may be organizations whose main activity is foreign trade activities, as well as activities in the field of customs (hereinafter referred to as the Contenders).

11. The criteria for assessing the activities of Applicants are the following indicators:

Export growth rate of the Applicant to previous period(volumes, cost, quantity of goods, number of cargo customs declarations (CCD), etc.);

Growth rate of the Applicant's imports compared to the previous period (volumes, value, quantity of goods, number of customs declarations, etc.);

Period (duration) of the Applicant’s participation in foreign economic activity;

Use of electronic declaration by the Applicant;

The amount of customs payments and fees transferred to the federal budget for the year as of January 1 of the year in which the competition is held;

Growth rate of paid customs duties and fees compared to the previous period;

There are no cases of prosecution for violation of customs legislation this year.

12. The winners of the competition are the Applicants who have the best performance indicators in accordance with the criteria specified in clause 11 of these Regulations.

V. The procedure for selecting applicants and holding the competition

The competition is held in two stages.

13. The first stage is holding regional competitive selections.

14. At the first stage, the selection of Applicants is carried out by regional customs departments in the relevant region based on applications from Applicants and information provided by customs authorities.

15. The procedure for conducting regional competitive selections (place, date, form and procedure for submitting applications by participants, the procedure and timing for announcing the results of regional competitive selections) is provided for in the relevant regional provisions on holding a competition, approved by the heads of regional customs departments, while the criteria for evaluating Applicants and nominations for regional competitive selections must comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

16. The winners of regional competitive selections become participants in the federal competition “Customs Olympus” and applicants for awards in the relevant nominations provided for in Section III of these Regulations.

17. The second stage is holding a federal competition.

18. After regional competitive selections, lists of winners for each region are submitted by regional customs departments to the Organizing Committee.

19. Based on the submitted lists, the Organizing Committee forms a list of nominees for participation in the federal competition “Customs Olympus”.

20. The selection of winners in each category is made at a meeting of the Organizing Committee by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee is decisive. The decision of the Organizing Committee is formalized in a protocol on determining the winners of the “Customs Olympus” competition, signed by the chairman of the Organizing Committee and the secretary of the meeting.

21. The announcement and awarding of the winners is carried out by holding a solemn award ceremony on one of the days during the next annual exhibition "Customs Service". The time and place of the said ceremony is announced publicly by the Organizing Committee, including by posting relevant information in the media.

VI. Financing of the competition

22. The costs of preparing and holding the “Customs Olympus” competition are financed from the funds of the competition organizer, sponsors and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Main Department

information technologies


Appendix No. 2

to the Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia


participants of the competition "Customs Olympus - 2006",

from ______________________ federal district



turnover per
2005 year)

listed in
federal budget
payments and fees
as of
January 1, 2006

Mark about
absence in
2005 cases
involvement in
for violation

In the category "Leader of Russian Foreign Trade"

In the nomination "Best Customs Terminal in Russia"

In the nomination "Best Customs Broker of Russia"

In the nomination "Best Customs Carrier of Russia"

Additional information: ______________________________________

Head of Department ______________________

(signature, full name)

"__" __________________ 2006

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.



In connection with the implementation of organizational and staffing measures, as well as the approval of the new structure of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation

I order:

Amend the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2007 N 424 “On the Coordination Council for managing the implementation of activities of the Federal Target Program “Prevention and Control of Socially Significant Diseases for 2007-2011”, according to the appendix.

T. Golikova

Application. Changes made to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2007 N 424 “On the Coordination Council for managing the implementation of federal target program activities...

to the order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated June 22, 2011 N 605

1. In the title and text of the Order, replace the words “for 2007-2011” in the appropriate case with the words “(2007-2012)” in the appropriate case.

2. In the name of the federal target program “Prevention and Control of Socially Significant Diseases for 2007-2011”, replace the words “for 2007-2011” with the words “(2007-2012)”;

3. Point 3

"3. Department of organization of medical prevention, medical care and healthcare development (Krivonos O.V.), Department of health protection and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of people (Shevyreva M.P.), Department of innovation policy and science (Semyonov N.S.), Department of development of medical care for children and obstetric services ( Shirokova V.I.) together with the Financial Department (Shipileva E.M.) to carry out in the prescribed manner preparation of quarterly and annual reports, statistical, reference and analytical information on the progress of implementation of the activities of the Federal Target Program "Prevention and Control of Socially Significant Diseases (2007-2012)" and the effectiveness of the use of relevant financial resources."

4. In Appendix No. 1 “Regulations on the Coordination Council for managing the implementation of activities of the federal target program “Prevention and control of socially significant diseases (2007-2012)” of the order:

in paragraph two of paragraph 2, after the words “on the subject”, add the word “nomenclature”;

clause 3.3 should be stated as follows:

"3.3 Meetings of the Coordination Council are held at least once a year.";

clause 3.5 shall be deleted;

in paragraph 3.6, the words “Department for the Development of Medical Care and Resort Business” should be replaced with the words “Department for the Organization of Medical Prevention, Medical Care and Health Development”.

5. Appendix No. 2 to the order should be stated as follows:

"Appendix No. 2
to the order
Ministry of Health
and social development
Russian Federation
dated June 18, 2007 N 424

Composition of the Coordination Council for managing the implementation of activities of the federal target program "Prevention and Combating Socially Significant Diseases (2007-2012)"

Vladimir Sergeevich

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Chairman)

Veronica Igorevna

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (co-chairman)


Director of the Department of Organization of Medical Prevention, Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman)

Nikolay Sergeevich

Director of the Department of Innovation Policy and Science of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman)

Marina Pavlovna

Director of the Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare of People of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman)

Elena Mikhailovna

Director of the Financial Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman)

Sergey Nikolaevich

Head of the Department of Health Care Organization Federal service execution of punishments (by agreement)

Alexey Mikhailovich

director of the federal government agency"Research Institute of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Alexander Yurievich

Deputy President of the Russian Academy medical sciences By general issues(by agreement)

Leonid Danilovich

Head of the Department of the Organization of Medical and Sanitary Support of the Federal Penitentiary Service (as agreed)

Sergey Anatolyevich

Director of the federal state institution "State Research Center for Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Alexander Leonidovich

Director of the state institution "Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (as agreed)

Igor Vladimirovich

Head of the Department of Capital Construction of the Federal Penitentiary Service (as agreed)

Ivan Ivanovich

Director of the Federal State Institution "Endocrinological science Center" Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Petr Grigorievich

Deputy Director of the Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (as agreed)

Teresa Chermenovna

Deputy Head of Department innovative projects in healthcare and social and labor sphere of the Department of Innovation Policy and Science of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Zurab Ilyich

Acting Director of the federal state institution "State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Oleg Ivanovich

director of the federal state budgetary institution"Influenza Research Institute" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (as agreed)

Konstantin Grigorievich

Igor Viktorovich

Head of Science Department and innovative development federal state unitary enterprise"Research and production association for medical immunobiological preparations "Microgen" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Valery Nikolaevich

Director of the federal state institution "Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Anna Alekseevna

Director of the federal state institution "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenerology" Federal agency on high-tech medical care" (as agreed)

Natalya Alexandrovna

Advisor to the Department of Special Development Programs of the Department of Organization of Medical Prevention, Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Konstantinovich

Director of the Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (as agreed)

Alexey Izrailevich

Head of the Moscow City Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS of the Moscow Department of Health (as agreed)

Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Advisor to the Department of Financial Support for Long-Term (Federal) targeted programs And investment projects Financial Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Diana Olegovna

Director of the Development Department pharmaceutical market and the medical equipment market

Boris Savelievich

Deputy Director for scientific work State institution "Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (as agreed)

Vitaly Evgenievich

Chief phthisiatrist of the Directorate for Organization of Medical and Sanitary Provision of the Federal Penitentiary Service (as agreed)

Sergey Viktorovich

Director of the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the State educational institution higher vocational education"First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Valentina Nikolaevna

Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Treatment of Children and Adolescents of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and Obstetrics Services of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Oleg Olegovich

Deputy Director of the Department of Innovation Policy and Science of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Elena Igorevna

Deputy Director of the Department of Organization of Medical Prevention, Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Vyacheslavovich

chief freelance specialist therapist of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, head of the department of the Federal State Healthcare Institution "Clinical Hospital No. 83 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" (as agreed)

Svetlana Leonidovna

chief specialist-expert of the department of special development programs of the Department of organization of medical prevention, medical care and healthcare development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (secretary)

Lyudmila Stepanovna

Deputy Head of the Directorate for Organization of Medical Care of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (as agreed)

Evgenia Olegovna

Deputy Head of the Department for Biological Safety and Prevention infectious diseases Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare of People of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Evgeniy Ivanovich

Director of the Federal State Institution "Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation" (as agreed)

Valery Ivanovich

Director of the federal state institution "Moscow Research Oncology Institute named after P.A. Herzen of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Anna Andreevna

Head of the Department of Specialized Medical Care for Children of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and Obstetrics Services of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Valentina Ivanovna

Director of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and Obstetrics Services of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Shlyakhto Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Director of the federal state institution "Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology named after V.A. Almazov" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

Elena Alexandrovna

Head of the Department of Special Development Programs of the Department of Organization of Medical Prevention, Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Sergey Nikolaevich

chief freelance specialist dermatovenerologist of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, chief physician Federal State Healthcare Institution "Clinical Hospital No. 84 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" (as agreed)

Petr Kazimirovich

Director of the federal state institution "St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (as agreed)

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