JSC Scientific Production Enterprise Istok. Exclusive rights

Lending 27.12.2019

Alexander Anatolyevich Borisov

General Director of JSC Scientific and Production Enterprise Istok named after A.I. Shokin"

JSC "Scientific manufacturing enterprise"Source" named after A.I. Shokin"

In 2013, FSUE NPP Istok, Russia's largest research and production enterprise for the creation of microwave instruments and devices, celebrated its 70th anniversary.

Over the years, the company has created a scientific school in the field of radiophysics, electrodynamics, mathematical modeling and computer-aided design of microwave technology products. The company's achievements in the field of cathode technology have been recognized by all enterprises in the country's radio-electronic industry.

The scientific school of NPP "Istok" has world priority in the discovery of the effect of generating microwave radiation during an avalanche breakdown in a semiconductor diode, the creation of new classes electronic devices Microwave: multibeam klystrons and traveling wave tubes, parametric and electrostatic amplifiers, generators based on avalanche diodes and backward wave tubes in the millimeter wavelength range. The development of electrovacuum and solid-state microwave electronics at the enterprise made it possible to create due to functional integration new class devices - integrated microwave products, and with the development of digital signal processing, take the next step - into the field of development and mass production of complete radio-electronic systems.

Over the years of its development, the enterprise has developed and put into production more than 2.2 thousand types of electrovacuum and semiconductor microwave devices and devices, of which 370 types of devices were transferred for serial development to 28 enterprises in the electronics industry in Moscow, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don. Don, Ordzhonikidze, Kyiv, Poltava, Novosibirsk, Ryazan, Lvov, etc.

Electronic devices created at Istok occupy the entire microwave range from decimeter to millimeter waves, their power ranges from several milliwatts to tens of megawatts. These devices are intended for use in radar systems, radio navigation, electronic and electronic reconnaissance equipment, electronic warfare systems, ground, tropospheric, and space communication systems, etc.

Sergey Arkadyevich Vekshinsky

director of NII-160


Vladimir Ivanovich Egiazarov

director of NII-160


Andrey Andreevich Zakharov

director of NII-160


Valentin Aleksandrovich Goltsov
director of NII-160

Mstislav Mikhailovich Fedorov
director of NII-160

Sergey Ivanovich Rebrov
Director of Research and Production Enterprise "ISTOK"

Alexander Nikolaevich Korolev
Director of Research and Production Enterprise "ISTOK"

Istok instruments were used in control and measuring equipment during the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, in the first manned flight into space, in the control system for the soft landing of descent vehicles on the surface of the Moon, in radar sounding of the surface of Venus and Mars, in the creation of domestic satellite television broadcasting, in docking of manned spacecraft under the Soyuz-Apollo program.

Powerful pulsed magnetrons were used in noise-immune radars of the S-25, S-75, S-125 and other anti-aircraft missile systems.

Ultra-powerful maximum-wave magnetrons were used in Moscow air defense equipment and in the country's first missile defense system. With their help, for the first time in the world in 1962, the warhead of an intercontinental ballistic missile was intercepted and destroyed.

Single-beam klystrons created at Istok were used in powerful transmitters of the Gorizont communication systems, radar systems of the S-200, S-225, and Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, the Vega trajectory measurement system, and Sapphire radar sighting systems. 23M" MiG-23M aircraft.

Electron beam amplifiers, multibeam klystrons and backward wave tubes, which have no analogues in the world, along with a number of semiconductor modules and integrated devices of varying functional and structural complexity, have found application in multifunctional air defense systems and complexes "Tor", S-300, S- 400, onboard equipment of the A-50 long-range radar detection and control aircraft, aircraft side-view radar "Bayonet", shipborne radars "Kinzhal", "Kortik", etc.

Based on the results of the activities of NPP Istok in creating promising systems and complexes of on-board aviation and ground military equipment, air, ground and sea-based radars, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1985, the enterprise was entrusted with the functions of the parent organization to ensure a unified technical policy in the creation of microwave equipment for radio-electronic weapons systems.

Currently, NPP Istok produces more than 1.5 thousand types of microwave devices and devices to support more than 200 radio-electronic weapons systems in service with the Russian Army, being developed and modernized. The volume of export supplies is constantly increasing.

The contribution of Istok and its members to the development of the city’s infrastructure and the formation of its modern appearance is invaluable.

The enormous scientific and technical potential of Istok has crystallized new scientific and technological directions in the development of electronics, which have received further development at the scientific and scientific-production enterprises established in Fryazino (OJSC "Research Institute "Platan" with a plant at the research institute", OJSC "NPP "Cyclone - Test", CJSC " NPP "Istok - Sistema"", CJSC NPP Istok - Audio International, CJSC NPP Magratep, etc.), which are currently together with OJSC FZMT, LLC NTO IRE - Polyus, Fryazino branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V. .A. Kotelnikov RAS and the branch of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, located on the territory of Istok, form the educational, scientific, technical and production-technological base of the science city of Fryazino.

Distinctive feature The enterprise throughout all the years of its history has had a balanced development of scientific and production parts. The unity of science and technology has made it possible, on the one hand, to quickly use the latest theoretical achievements in instrument making practice, and on the other hand, to create a powerful production and experimental base for testing and implementing the most daring theoretical ideas.

It is especially necessary to note the role of the outstanding leaders of Istok, each of whom was responsible for a certain historical era, who were entrusted with certain tasks of a national scale, which always found a solution.

With the names of academician S.A. Vekshinsky, V.I. Egiazarova, A.A. Zakharov is associated with the formation of the institute, organization industrial production receiving-amplifier and generator tubes in the period 1943-1947.

With the names V.A. Goltsova and M.M. Fedorov is associated with the creation of the material and technical base of Istok, the construction of the main buildings of the enterprise and urban planning, the deployment of work on low-noise TWTs and amplifying klystrons, and the creation of the foundations of a scientific school in the period 1947-1961.

The most dynamic stage of development of the enterprise from 1962 to 1988 is associated with the name of S.I. Rebrova. Domestic electronics is being separated into a separate industry, increasing production capacity, the city grows, scientific schools are developed and the main range of microwave instruments and devices is created, Istok becomes the leading enterprise in the industry.

The share of A.N. Korolev experienced a change in the social system and the collapse of the USSR, which caused an unprecedented crisis in the history of civilized states, and primarily in all high-tech industries. However, during his leadership from 1988 to 2009, it was possible to maintain the organizational and technological integrity of the enterprise, withstand the destructive pressure of external and internal forces, and ensure the functioning of all services of the enterprise. "Istok" managed to declare itself on international markets, develop and organize the production of export-oriented products, mainly create pilot lines for the production of monolithic integrated microwave circuits and APAA submodules for airborne and ground-based radars of the new generation.

Speaking about Istok, one cannot help but note the close attention paid to it by the leaders of our state, ministries and departments in its different periods, starting from the very idea of ​​​​creating an enterprise in 1943, when a bloody war was in full swing, there were not enough planes, tanks, and shells and cartridges, and workshops were already being built and equipment was imported for the production of electric vacuum devices and scientific research in the field of electronics; in heavy post-war years, when the country was reborn from the ashes - and along with it, the “Istok” stronghold rose to its feet; during the years of rapid development of all industry in the USSR, when “Istok” developed just as rapidly and dynamically; in post-Soviet times, rapid economic transformations; during the crisis years and at present.

Thanks to the dedicated work of managers, scientists, researchers, engineers, technologists and workers, over the years of its formation and development, Istok has rightfully become the flagship of domestic microwave electronics, a center for coordinating developments carried out by organizations and enterprises of the electronic and radio-electronic industry in creating unique their technical and operational characteristics of radio-electronic weapons, which currently form the basis of Russia's military power.

At the end of 2013, the enterprise was transformed into an open Joint-Stock Company“Research and Production Enterprise “Istok” named after A.I. Shokin."

The history of the creation, formation and development of Istok, as in a mirror, reflects the history of our state, the history of the development of domestic electronics and is inseparable from it.

In accordance with the resolution of the Labor and Defense Council of the USSR dated February 15, 1933 in the village. In Fryazino, construction began on the largest plant in the USSR for the production of radio tubes. The Radiolamp plant (first plant No. 191, and then No. 747) went into operation on November 5, 1934 on the territory and in the buildings of the former silk weaving factory of the Kondrashev-Kaptsov merchants. The equipment came from the Leningrad Svetlana plant and the Moscow lamp plant.

In 1941, the plant was evacuated to Tashkent. By 1942, a difficult situation had developed at the front and in the country; the troops experienced a shortage of radio communications and radar equipment, since not a single radio tube plant in the country produced electric vacuum products after the evacuation. By Decree of the State Defense Committee, Plant No. 191a was obliged to supply the front with the following types of lamps: SO-243 for mine detectors, UB-107, UB-110, SB-112, SB-147 and 6P3 for receiving stations and medium-power generator lamps of the GU-4 and GKE type. 100 for transmitting radio stations. In a short time, under incredibly difficult conditions, the plant team coped with the task and began producing the devices needed by the front.

In order to provide new developments and serial production of radars with modern high-quality electrovacuum products, by Decree of the State Defense Committee of July 4, 1943 No. 3686ss “On Radar”, an Electrovacuum Institute with a pilot plant was created on the premises of plant No. 747, the former Radiolamp plant, with a pilot plant in which scientific, technical, engineering personnel and laboratory equipment of the industrial electrovacuum laboratory, the electrovacuum laboratory of plant No. 465, the electrovacuum laboratory of Professor A.G. Alexandrov at plant No. 632, special electrovacuum laboratory S.A. Vekshinsky, electrovacuum laboratory of the Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, electrovacuum plant No. 747.

Sergei Arkadyevich Vekshinsky is appointed head of the Electrovacuum Institute.

The date of publication of this historic decree for the country is not only the official starting point of the chronicle of Istok as the center of domestic microwave electronics, but also the birthday of the country's radio-electronic industry.

By order of the People's Commissariat of the Electrical Industry of the USSR dated July 9, 1943, the institute received the name NII-160. Among the first employees to arrive in Fryazino are specialists from the industrial electrovacuum laboratory of the Leningrad Svetlana plant, A.P., which was evacuated to Novosibirsk. Fedoseev, A.V. Krasilov, K.P. Shakhov, M.V. Grigoriev, who, under the leadership of S.A. Zusmanovsky organize the scientific part of the newly created institute.

Monitoring of electrical parameters of MIS microwave

During 1943, the scientific part of the institute included Leningrad scientists N.D. Devyatkov, B.M. Tsarev, V.F. Kovalenko, engineering and technical workers of the Svetlana plant V.S. are pouring in from the evacuation. Lukoshkov, A.M. Andriyanov, T.B. Fogelson, V.A. Astrin, E.S. Evtifeeva, E.A. Krakau, L.D. Orabinskaya, Yu.A. Young man, M.V. Andreeva, F.N. Kharaja, G.A. Shustin, A.M. Shustina, I.A. Belousov, K.V. Belousova, A.F. Luzyanina, L.K. Cheremkhina, R.I. Schieper et al.

It is with these people that the formation of a unique domestic enterprise electronic instrument making in Fryazino, with their active creative participation, the foundations of a scientific school for the development of microwave electrovacuum equipment and technology were laid.

In a short time, the institute will organize the production of 37 types of receiving and amplifying tubes, cathode ray tubes, magnetrons and gas-discharge devices for the SON-2 gun-guided radar station, which is supplied to the front.

Among the first stages of Istok’s scientific and production history was the development and industrial production of a highly reliable series of receiving and amplifying tubes (RPLs), designed to work in the on-board equipment of the first ballistic missiles, as well as in broadcasting, receiving, television and communications equipment. In the mid-1950s, a series of broadband lamps was developed for telecontrol equipment for the first domestic Earth satellites and radio relay communication systems. For these developments and their implementation in the practice of domestic cosmonautics, Istok employees were awarded medals from the USSR Academy of Sciences: in 1957, the head of the development of the PUL, the head of the department, N.V. Cherepnin was awarded the medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences “In honor of the launch in the Soviet Union of the world’s first artificial Earth satellite,” and in 1961, the head of the laboratory L.A. Paryshkuro - medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences "In honor of the first manned flight into outer space."

The radio industry's need for PULs developed at Istok turned out to be so great that their production was organized simultaneously at six electric vacuum plants, three of which were specially built for this purpose (in Saratov, Kaluga and Vinnitsa).

For more than 20 years, Istok played a leading role in the development of PULs for various purposes. In the early 1960s, due to the development of semiconductor technology, the need to master increasingly higher frequency ranges and the use of new classes of electrovacuum devices in radio equipment, new developments and production of PULs at Istok were discontinued.

In the late 1940s, Istok was tasked with providing cathode ray tubes to the rapidly developing radar and television systems. The company has developed and put into production a wide range of cathode-ray devices: picture tubes, iconoscopes, indicator tubes, storage tubes - potentialoscopes, vidicons, functional tubes. The first Soviet TV of the KVN-49 brand worked on a kinescope developed and produced at Istok.

In almost all radio systems where there was a need for image visualization, Istok transmitting and receiving electron beam devices were used.

To solve the problems of switching radar antenna-feeder paths with receiver protection and creating radar pulse modulators, the institute began developing pulse thyratrons for HF and microwave transmitters and antenna switches for radars for various purposes. The high level of these works made it possible to create methods for the engineering calculation of spark gaps, study the physical processes in high-frequency discharges in various gases, and determine the conditions for restoring discharge gaps.

Design area for GMIS microwave devices

During the development of magnetron production at the enterprise, not only an original basic design was created, but also the physical and theoretical foundations were laid for the creation of powerful tunable magnetrons with ultra-high frequency stability. During these same years, the development of ultra-powerful magnetrons (with a power of 5 and 30 MW) was carried out, the design of which was based on original idea waveguide-transcendental magnetron. The parameters of these magnetrons, on the basis of which the first radars of missile defense systems in the USSR were created, have no equal to this day.

Since 1954, the company began work on creating powerful klystrons. A number of devices with unique parameters were created: the first domestic high-power klystron with a power of 20 MW per pulse for the Kharkov linear electron accelerator (50 simultaneously operating klystrons), a basic high-power (30 MW) broadband klystron for radar, a high-power klystron for the Fakel linear accelerator of the Institute atomic energy named after I.V. Kurchatova and others.

The company's staff made an outstanding contribution to the development of low-power (up to 100 mW) and high-power (up to 1 W) electrovacuum microwave generators. Devices in this area have found application in a wide variety of areas of military and civil radar and communications technology. By the mid-1960s, numerous designs of reflective, transient, transient-reflective klystrons, BWOs with magnetic and electrostatic focusing, parametric and electrostatic amplifiers, and a number of other devices with high electrical parameters had been developed. Many of these devices can rightfully be attributed to determining the world scientific and technical level of that time.

Generators of low and high power have become the basis for numerous radar systems, navigation equipment for aircraft and sea vessels of various classes, radio-electronic equipment for satellites and spaceships, including communication stations and soft landing systems, search locators, various measuring equipment, etc.

In the early 1960s, the first domestic low-noise TWT in the 10-centimeter wavelength range was created at Istok. In terms of sensitivity (noise figure - about 10 dB), this TWT was superior to foreign analogues. On its basis, a series of low-noise TWTs was developed, covering the entire centimeter and part of the decimeter wavelength range.

At the same time, dozens of types of stacked TWTs were created with power levels from tens of milliwatts to 20 W, covering the entire centimeter wavelength range.

In the 1960s, the development of low-noise TWTs with magnetic periodic focusing systems (MPFS) for satellite communications systems began. These TWTs successfully operated on the first domestic communications satellite, Horizon, which broadcast the Olympic Games from Moscow to the whole world in 1980.

Subsequently, multi-beam, so-called transparent, TWTs were developed for communication systems and multifunctional radars, providing an extremely wide range of transmitter operating modes from pulsed to continuous with supply voltages reduced by 1.5-2 times, as well as low noise levels.

In the mid-1960s, the first domestic high-power TWTs in the 3-centimeter wavelength range with an output power of 1 kW in continuous mode were created at Istok. Such TWTs were intended for ground-based stationary equipment for communication lines via Earth satellites, tropospheric communication stations, land-based and sea-based shipboard broadband jamming stations.

Since 1960, Istok has been working on the creation and production of original electrovacuum devices - electrostatic amplifiers (ESA) using cyclotron resonance, which are used as a low-noise input stage for radar receivers. In recent years, based on the ECS, electrostatic combined amplifiers (ESCA) have been created, in which a transistor amplifier is switched on at the output of the ECS, which makes it possible to expand the operating frequency band and raise the gain to 30 dB, and cyclotron-protected combined amplifiers (CPCA), which provide protection for the input radar receiver circuits from the radiation of its own transmitter.

Istok was the first in the creation of millimeter wavelength devices, which provide such important advantages as the ability to transmit a large amount of information, communication secrecy, small dimensions, etc.

In the 1950s, the company developed theory, design methods, and measuring equipment - the basis for creating the first samples of millimeter-wave VOCs.

To date, backward wave lamps have covered the range up to 1.5 THz and the possibility of reaching 3 THz has been experimentally proven. Terahertz range BWs are used in radio astronomy.

In the early 1960s, the first work began at Istok to develop a new class of quantum devices at that time - lasers, and within a few years the enterprise organized mass production of the country's first helium-neon lasers. Over the 50-year period of development of this direction, a large range of gas lasers and emitting elements was mastered - on He-Ne, Ar, CO 2, CO, N 2, metal vapors Cd, Cu, A u.

Currently, the company is developing and producing a new class of quantum electronics products - cesium atomic beam tubes for quantum frequency standards, used in ground-based equipment of control and measuring complexes and on-board satellite equipment of spacecraft of systems of uniform time and reference frequencies of the domestic global navigation satellite system GLONASS. The created devices have achieved a level of frequency stability of (1-2) × 10 -14.

NPP Istok is the founder of not only electrovacuum, but also semiconductor microwave electronics in our country.

Already in the mid-1940s, the first domestic microwave semiconductor devices - germanium detector and mixing diodes for radar - were created and put into production at the enterprise.

The high scientific and technological level of these works allowed the company's engineers to create the first domestic transistors in 1950.

Intensive research carried out at the enterprise to study the interaction of electromagnetic fields with electrons in condensed media (solids, semiconductors), aimed at searching for new generation mechanisms, led to the discovery of the effect of microwave radiation during impact ionization in semiconductors, when large values reverse voltage exceeding the breakdown voltage, the semiconductor diode begins to generate microwave oscillations. This discovery formed the basis of a new type of microwave devices - avalanche transit diodes (ALDs), operating as low-power generators and amplifiers in radio equipment for various purposes. For the discovery of the effect of microwave generation in semiconductors, the team of authors was awarded the Lenin Prize.

Noise generators and power amplifiers on LPDs have been found wide application in radars, measuring equipment, built-in control equipment, medical equipment, and also as master oscillators in broadband interference sources.

At the turn of the 1960-1970s, truly revolutionary changes took place in the field of active semiconductor devices and their production technology. Firstly, new semiconductor materials have come into practice - gallium arsenide, indium phosphide and other compounds of the A3B5 group, with much greater electron mobility, frequency properties, operating temperature range and a number of other advantages over traditional germanium and silicon. Secondly, diffusion technology has been replaced by new methods for the formation of semiconductor structures - epitaxial growth.

The high level of development of technology for the production of ceramic and magnetic materials, metal-ceramic and ferrite products, on which vacuum microwave instrument making was based, led in the late 1960s to the early 1970s to a new qualitative leap in the field of miniaturization of microwave electronic devices and devices - the transition to hybrid-integrated technology for the development of microwave devices based on microstrip technology.

The rapid formation and development of the solid-state direction at NPP Istok led to the organization of serial production of many types of microwave semiconductor devices and hybrid-integrated, hybrid-monolithic (HMIS) and monolithic integrated circuits (MIS) based on them. Currently, the company is successfully developing modern crystal production. Wafers with рHEMT structures with a diameter of 76 and 100 mm have been mastered and put into mass production for the manufacture of transistors and microwave MICs with a productivity of up to 200 wafers per month. The technology for the production of microwave MIS with technological standards of 0.13 microns has been mastered.

In 2006, based on this technology and modern system design, for the first time in Russia, a basic set of microwave MIS and functional devices for transmitting and receiving channels of x-band active phased array antennas (APAA) was created. Designs and technology for manufacturing multi-chip transceiver beamforming X-band APAA submodules for airborne and ground-based radar systems based on multilayer ceramic LTCC boards (MCPs), technology for automated assembly and welding of crystals on MCPs and measurements are being created full complex electrical parameters of submodules. This opened up something new for Istok. promising direction in development and mass production of products.

The company is actively working on the technology of manufacturing diamond heat sinks, creating A3B5 quasi-substrates on CVD diamond, diamond semiconductor structures and technology for producing microwave transistors and MMICs based on them.

In the early 1970s, efforts to reduce the weight and size characteristics and supply voltages of electrovacuum microwave devices ceased to lead to their significant reduction in radio-electronic systems. This began to hinder the development of multifunctional ground-based and especially airborne equipment. An important step on the way to solving this problem was the development of the theory and practice of creating powerful multi-beam klystrons, which require supply voltages reduced by several times compared to single-beam devices to achieve the necessary power characteristics.

The next step, which radically improved the situation, was the creation of a new class of electronic equipment products - integrated products (IP), in which the application of the principles of functional and structural integration in the design of microwave transceivers made it possible to significantly (5-10 times) reduce the weight and dimensions of the microwave part Radars while simultaneously improving their operational characteristics. This direction subsequently found its development at almost all enterprises in the industry.

The most important step on this path was the development of the 4-frequency transmitting monoblock “Alternative” for the MiG-23ML aircraft.

The next major development at the turn of the 1970s-1980s in the field of integrated devices was the creation of a set of monoblocks for the transceiver complex of the Zaslon radar system of the MiG-31 aircraft, which, according to experts, is the best in the world for interceptor fighters.

The successes of NPP "Istok" in the field of engineering and technology of electrovacuum and semiconductor electronics, the experience of developing complex integrated radio-electronic devices made it possible in the early 1980s to carry out a unique research and experimental development "Synthesis - Soyuz", as a result of which experimental samples of the most complex radio-electronic systems - an onboard radar sighting system and an active radar homing head for an air-to-air missile. For the first time in the USSR, an airborne radar with programmable digital signal processing was developed entirely on a domestic element base, on which a target detection range with an EPR of 5 square meters was confirmed during flight tests in a flying laboratory. m more than 200 km, and real-time mapping of the earth's surface was carried out at ranges of 10-20 km with a resolution of 7 m.

The successfully completed work on creating an active radar homing head (ARGS) was continued in the Sintez-20 design and development work, resulting in the creation of ARGS-50, which was adopted by the Russian army in the early 1990s. Since that time, the development and production of ARGS has become one of the main activities of NPP Istok in the field of radio electronics, in which the enterprise’s achievements in miniaturization and multifunctionality have become the basis for obtaining a successful result.

The most important areas of activity of the enterprise, connecting science, technology and production, are special mechanical engineering and special materials science. The development of new types and types of microwave devices and devices required the development of special technological processes, the creation of specialized technological and bench equipment, the development and production of new functional and structural materials, absorbers, solders, sealants, adhesives, compounds, etc. For this purpose, specialized divisions were created on the development and implementation of special technological equipment and materials.

In 1946, a special mechanical engineering design bureau (OKBM) was formed at the enterprise, main goal which was the provision of serial production of electrovacuum devices with special technological equipment.

Over the years, OKBM has developed and manufactured hundreds of types of various equipment and machines: vacuum pumping stations, furnaces for annealing metals, equipment for soldering and welding. Many of the research and developments carried out at OKBM in such areas of metal processing as electric spark and electrochemical, laser, electron and ion beam, ion plasma and plasma arc had a priority nature and laid the methodological foundations for the creation of modern special technological equipment for the production of products electronic equipment (IET) in the domestic electronics industry. Of particular note are the achievements of OKBM engineers in the development of electric spark machines for precision metal processing, which have found wide application not only in electronics, but also in other industries (aviation, watchmaking, jewelry).

In 1955, at Istok, for the first time in the country, a specialized unit was created to study the properties of emissive materials and develop engineering methods for calculating and designing cathode-heating units for electric vacuum devices. Currently, a range of oxide, metal-porous, volumetric osmium, scandium, lanthanum boride and other types of cathodes has been created for microwave electronics for various purposes.

The production technology of microwave devices and devices requires a large range of ceramic materials for various functional purposes. At the same time, the company developed the first vacuum-dense ceramics, then aluminum oxide ceramics 22xC, ceramic absorption corundum-titanate material, ceramic materials based on aluminum nitride, etc. Special multi-temperature solders, a whole range of special alloys, pseudo-alloys, multilayer materials and structural parts made from them for vacuum and semiconductor microwave electronics products have been developed and manufactured.

In recent years, the company has mastered the technology of manufacturing low-temperature fired ceramics (LTCC) and products made from it (multilayer boards, filters, etc.), on the basis of which microwave modules with a high packaging density are created, including three-dimensional structures that allow the production of promising radio-electronic equipment with reduced weight and dimensions.

Since the 1960s, Istok has been working on the use of ultra-high-frequency and quantum devices in various sectors of the national economy. The first domestic laser levels and zenith-centers were made using helium-neon lasers produced at the enterprise. They were used in the construction of the Ostankino TV tower, laying tunnels, and marking rice paddies.

Based on the magnetrons produced at the enterprise, a number of industrial installations were created using microwave heating. The advantage of this heating method is the release of heat directly inside the volume of the material being processed, and not through convection from its boundaries inward. This allows you to speed up the processes of drying, polymerization, heating with a higher degree of uniformity inside the processed materials. The non-contact method of transferring energy to heated objects also has a number of advantages over traditional methods of heating and drying moisture-containing materials.

Based on microwave devices of the 8-mm wavelength range, a series of short-range radar sensors, type RIS-V2, has been developed for measuring the speed of cuts on railway humps, type RDS-L1 for measuring the speed of locomotives, and type RDU-x2 for contactless automatic measurement of liquid levels. and bulk materials in storage bins in metallurgy, chemical industry and in the production of building materials.

To search for ship crews in distress on the high seas, the Sigma radar transponder beacon was created, which gives a mark on the radar screen of the search aircraft, allowing them to determine their coordinates.

Based on the use of technology developed at the enterprise in the field of glass melting and the creation of vacuum-tight glass structures, a number of household thermoses with a glass flask were designed and put into production in volumes of over 700 thousand units per year. Over the past years, more than 20 million thermoses have been produced, which have a steady demand among the population.

Since the early 1960s, the enterprise under the leadership of Academician N.D. Devyatkov began work on the use of electronics in medicine.

Thus, on the basis of a helium-neon laser, a number of therapeutic installations and a series of surgical installations for bloodless operations based on CO 2, CO and copper vapor lasers were created. Installations for local electromagnetic hyperthermia of the “Yacht” type, which have found application in treatment oncological diseases, use magnetrons developed at the enterprise.

A number of medical diagnostic devices have been developed and produced for intragastric pH-metry (Gastroscans). Hearing aids are in steady demand, due to the conversion of the defense industry in the 1990s.

The founders also made a huge contribution to the development of the infrastructure of Fryazino, turning it from a small workers’ village with a population of just over 2 thousand people into one of the largest domestic science cities. Already in 1951, slave. village Fryazino, which solves the most important state tasks of creating high-tech defense products, receives city status by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. At this time, 12 thousand people already live in it. In 1968, Fryazino became a city of regional subordination - its status increased.

During the Soviet years, 318 residential buildings with a total living area of ​​331 thousand square meters were built in the city using funds from the USSR Ministry of Electronic Industry. m, 12 children preschool institutions, 3 schools, a cinema, a stadium, a sports club "Olympus", the Palace of Culture "Istok", 2 canteens, a club, a hospital, a clinic, 3 boiler houses, a number of other cultural and community facilities. The company's employees illuminated all the main streets of the city, laid 12 thousand linear lines. m of asphalt roads, 7.8 thousand linear m of sidewalks, 3.1 thousand linear m of sewer networks, 8.6 thousand linear m of water lines, more than 50 thousand green spaces were planted.

A huge role in creating decent living, working and rest conditions for Fryazinsk residents belongs to the management of the enterprise. A decisive contribution to the construction of schools and kindergartens, a stadium and the Sports Palace, the Palace of Culture, a health (pioneer) camp and the Priozerny sanatorium, the Elektron recreation center on the Volga and the Samshit boarding house on the Black Sea was made by K.A. Amosov, Deputy General Director of NPP Istok from 1959 to 1990. Paying tribute to this man, in the name of K.A. Amosov was named after a river ship plying on the Volga between Dubna and the Elektron recreation center. Under the leadership of Konstantin Alekseevich, the city was improved, roads were paved, streets were landscaped, and playgrounds were built. For him, the problems associated with these objects were deeply personal; he took them to heart and experienced them as his own. Our city was home to him, and for many years he did everything possible for its prosperity.

Today the science city of Fryazino has 56.4 thousand inhabitants. 20 thousand people are employed in enterprises and organizations of the city, more than half of which (12 thousand) are in the research and production complex. NPP Istok currently employs 4.5 thousand people.

The last years of the enterprise's development are characterized by strengthening economic stability, the formation and implementation of long-term technological re-equipment programs, improvement of the enterprise management system based on modern automated software and hardware systems, updating staffing, strengthening Istok’s leading position in domestic microwave electronics. The main thing in the new scientific and technological policy is the skillful combination of the energy and creativity of the younger generation with the experience and wisdom of mature specialists and veterans of the enterprise. Under the leadership of General Director A.A. Borisov, with the support of OJSC Russian Electronics, State Corporation Russian Technologies, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, projects for the technical re-equipment of the main production and technological complexes of the FSUE NPP Istok were prepared, submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation, approved and accepted for implementation:

  • crystal production of microwave transistors and monolithic integrated circuits (MIS microwave);
  • Microwave modules of varying functional complexity, including submodules for active phased array antennas (APAA);
  • vacuum microwave instrument making and integrated devices based on them;
  • production of completed radio-electronic devices and their components, primarily active radar homing heads for missiles.

The implementation of these projects will make it possible to carry out a large-scale technological re-equipment of the enterprise, ensure the development and production of popular microwave devices and devices in the required volumes, and radically change economic situation, significantly increase wages, solve the personnel problem, and attract young talented specialists.

Through the efforts of management in recent years, it was possible to stabilize the economic situation at the enterprise and ensure a dynamic increase in sales volumes commercial products, volumes of R&D performed and wages employees.

The active participation of the management and employees of NPP Istok in the program scientific and technical councils of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia made it possible to form a package of technological and instrument R&D, as a result of which, in recent years, promising world-class results have been obtained.

Thus, for the first time in the practice of domestic semiconductor microwave instrument making, basic technologies have been developed for the design and manufacture of powerful and low-noise monolithic amplifiers, instrument rows of control and converter microwave mics, as well as multifunctional microwave mics, combining analog, digital and key circuits on one chip. The introduction of these technologies into development and production practice will significantly improve the functional, tactical, technical, weight and size characteristics and reliability indicators of promising electronic equipment.

A number of technological and instrumental R&D in the field of electrovacuum microwave instrument making made it possible to modernize technological processes manufacturing the main range of electrovacuum microwave devices, as well as creating a number of products with unique sets of electrical parameters and operational characteristics, including multi-beam pulsed klystrons of low, medium and high power and traveling wave lamps for radar and broadband communications.

The scientific potential of Istok, as in previous years, is growing through close interaction with organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and higher education in the field of creating a scientific and technical foundation for the future in the field of semiconductor and vacuum microwave electronics. Work is actively underway in the field of creating microwave and millimeter-wave devices, high-power microwave transistors and microwave MICs, MEMS and NEMS technology, devices based on A3B5 and diamond materials.

For 70 years, full of major scientific and technical achievements and discoveries, development and mastery of a wide range of products in production, the scientific, technical and production-technological school of NPP Istok has brought domestic microwave electronics to the forefront in the world and enriched it with new ideas, modern design and technological solutions, unique equipment and microwave products of the world technical level.

For outstanding achievements in the development of domestic microwave electronics and for the creation new technology The company's staff was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1966, and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1981. In 1967, NPP "Istok" was awarded a commemorative Red Banner in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, in 1972 - an anniversary badge of honor in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the USSR.

Scientific director“Istok” academician N.D. Devyatkov, toolmaker V.I. Volk, head of laboratory L.A. Paryshkuro and CEO enterprises S.I. Rebrov were awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor. 118 employees of the enterprise became laureates of the Stalin, Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Government Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, over 2 thousand employees were awarded orders and medals of the USSR and Russia.

Today JSC NPP Istok named after A.I. Shokin” stands firmly on its feet, is developing systematically and dynamically, and can rightfully be called the leader of domestic microwave electronics. The company produces about 30% of the entire range of microwave instruments and devices in Russia, and annually increases production volumes high-tech products, in demand in domestic and foreign markets.

Such dynamic development became possible only due to the fact that Istok employs outstanding scientists, engineers and workers, specialists of the highest class, patriots of their enterprise and the city, who, with their daily work, have created and continue to develop a huge intellectual, scientific, technical, production and technological potential of domestic microwave electronics.

NPP "Istok" was created on the basis of a resolution State Committee USSR Defense No. GOKO-3686ss dated July 4, 1943, which states:

"...In order to provide new developments and serial production of radars with modern high-quality electrovacuum products, create an Electrovacuum Institute with a pilot plant. Place the Electrovacuum Institute on the premises of plant No. 747 NKEP in the village of Fryazino, Moscow region".

The Electrovacuum Institute was founded in September 1943 and was given the name State Research Institute-160. Currently, the enterprise is called FSUE NPP Istok, subordinate to the Department of Radioelectronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Since July 2009, the enterprise has been part of the Russian Electronics holding. State Corporation"Russian technologies".

Over the past decades, NPP Istok has become the leader of domestic microwave electronics and brought it into an independent field of radio electronics, intended primarily to solve the country's national security problems in terms of creating modern radio-electronic weapons. Research and Production Enterprise Istok remains the industry's leading enterprise in the development of solid-state and electrovacuum devices and microwave devices for military and civilian use.

The enterprise develops and produces microwave electronic devices for all types of communications and radar, a complex of unified microwave technologies has been created, more than 600 types of electrovacuum and 500 types of solid-state microwave instruments and devices for 200 various systems radio-electronic weapons, including detection, target designation and patrol radars, missile attack warning systems, precision weapons, anti-aircraft missile systems and all types of microwave communications. The indicated microwave devices and devices are included in the systems and complexes S-23ML, S-200, S-300P, S-300V, "Zaslon", "TOR", "Pantsir", ground complexes reconnaissance means "Fara", "Credo", "Zoo", etc. Are being developed and produced Various types ceramics, vacuum-tight metal-ceramic and metal-glass assemblies, cathodes, ferromagnetic and magnetic materials for non-reciprocal devices, magnets for electronic devices and devices, alloys with specified characteristics.

NPP "Istok" became the founder of a number of large enterprises in other cities of Russia and the CIS countries: Moscow, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Vladikavkaz, Kyiv, Poltava, etc., where serial production of products developed at the enterprise was organized.

For outstanding achievements in the development of domestic microwave electronics, the company's staff was awarded the Order of Lenin (1966) and the Red Banner of Labor (1981), many of the company's employees were awarded high government awards.

The company employs 17 doctors and 89 candidates of science. The company's specialists have written 65 monographs, received over 2,500 copyright certificates for inventions, 280 patents, 1 discovery certificate, 11 medals from the International Salons of Discoveries and Inventions.

License agreement for the right to use the computer program "LIK:EXPERT" for 1 (one) workplace for a period of 1 (one) year at the tariff LIK:EXPERT LE1

This licensed agreement is the OF CJSC LIK CJSC OGRN: 1137746308039, TIN/GROWTH: 7719841799/771901001, Address: 105679, Moscow Highway, D. 44, named after the Licensor, user of the educational program "LIK: Expert" , hereinafter referred to as the Licensee.

For the purposes of this License Agreement, acceptance is recognized as the fact of payment of remuneration under this agreement, or the fact of beginning to use (acceptance of the License Agreement upon launch) of the LIK computer program, depending on which event occurs first.

    1. Definition of terms

    1.1. The computer program "LIK:EXPERT" is the result of intellectual activity - a software and information complex developed to obtain open and publicly available data on legal entities ah and individual entrepreneurs. Next - ON "LIK".
    1.2. License Agreement – ​​rules for using the LIK software, accepted by the Licensee when launching the LIK software.
    1.3. Identification data: Login and Password – allow you to identify the Licensee.
    1.4. Workplace– a set that includes software and identification data.

    2. Subject of the agreement

    2.1. The subject of this License Agreement is the transfer by the Licensor of non-exclusive rights to use the result of intellectual activity - LIK software - to the Licensee on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license by opening access to the Licensor's database server in accordance with the Tariff selected by the user.
    2.2. The owner of the exclusive right to the LIK software and information complex is JSC "LIK" OGRN: 1137746308039, INN/KPP: 7719841799/771901001, address: 105679, Moscow, Izmailovskoye Shosse, 44.
    2.3 The Licensor may transfer its rights to distribute a simple (non-exclusive) license for the LIK software to the Partner, in accordance with an additionally concluded agreement.
    2.4. The licensor reserves the right to the content, name, any commercial and non-commercial use of the LIK software and any documents related to it, including copyright and other rights.
    2.5. Access to the LIK software is provided within 1 (one) business day from the date of payment of the fee.
    2.6. The Licensor has the right to release new releases and versions of the LIK software, set conditions for their provision to the Licensee, conditions technical support and accompaniment.

    3. Exclusive rights. Terms of Use.

    3.1. LIK software is the result of the intellectual activity of the Licensor and is protected by the copyright legislation of the Russian Federation. LIK software does not use any elements in violation of the rights of third parties.
    3.2. The right to use the LIK software is granted only to the Licensee, without the right to transfer to third parties, solely to the extent specified in this License Agreement, unless there is a written consent of the Copyright Holder to the contrary. The licensee is prohibited from receiving income from the resale of information obtained through the use of LIK software.
    3.3. The Licensor guarantees that all information that the Licensee can obtain using the LIK software was obtained legally on the basis of Article 6 Federal Law from 08.08.2001 129-FZ "On state registration legal entities", according to which information contained in the unified state register of legal entities and the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs (with the exception of passport data individuals, information about accounts and place of residence individual entrepreneur), are open and publicly available. Changes in information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are accumulated by the system as newer data is received. Its volume is determined by the sources of information, as well as the capabilities for obtaining and processing this information.
    3.4. In cases of violation by the Licensee of the terms of this agreement or detection of robotic requests to the LIK software, the Licensor may block the Licensee's access to the LIK software or may introduce a limit on the number of calls to the LIK software in terms of searching and obtaining information.
    3.5. The licensor has the right to set technical restrictions on the number of requests to the system. Basic restrictions on the number of objects issued by LIK software included in tariff plan LIC:EXPERT LE1: total – 600,000 during the entire validity period of the license, for extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Entities with digital signature – up to 100 per day, for extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities – up to 5 per day.
    3.6. "LIK" software is provided to the Licensee "as is" ("AS IS"). The licensor does not guarantee that LIK software will work on any equipment, on any workstation, together with any other applications without errors.

    4. Rights and obligations of the Parties.

    4.1. Responsibilities of the Licensor:
    4.1.1. Ensuring round-the-clock operation of the LIK software, with the exception of the time of maintenance;
    4.1.2. Timely software updates.
    4.2. Licensor Rights:
    4.2.1. Making changes to LIK software
    4.2.2. Blocking access to the database server in the event of a violation by the Licensee of the terms of this agreement or a violation of the License Agreement, followed, no later than three working days after blocking, by notifying the Licensee of the facts of violation and possible ways elimination of violations.
    4.3. Responsibilities of the Licensee:
    4.3.1. Do not attempt to copy, modify, decompile, or disassemble the LIK software.
    4.3.2. Do not use data obtained from LIK software for resale to third parties.
    4.3.3. Do not use your LIK software login credentials for transfer or resale to third parties.
    4.3.4. Comply with the terms of the License Agreement.
    4.4. Licensee Rights:
    4.4.1. Obtaining round-the-clock access to the database server using the LIK software, with the exception of the time of maintenance.
    4.4.2. Receiving qualified technical support.
    4.5. Without conflicting with the terms of the offer, the Licensor and the Licensee have the right at any time to draw up a License Agreement in the form of a written bilateral document.

    5. Duration of the contract.

    5.1. This agreement comes into force upon acceptance of the terms of this agreement and is valid for the period established by the license. The Agreement may be extended by the Parties for a new period.
    5.2. If the Licensee violates the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor has the right to terminate the agreement early and immediately block access to the server.
    5.3. In case of violation of the terms of this License Agreement, with the exception of clauses 3.4, 4.3.1-4.3.3, any of the Parties has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill this License Agreement, without material or other claims against each other, notifying the other Party by sending 30 (thirty) days notice by electronic means. Email address The licensee is indicated during registration. Licensor's email address − [email protected] If the Licensee violates the terms of clauses 3.4, 4.3.1-4.3.3 of this License Agreement, the Licensor has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill this License Agreement.
    5.4. In the event of the Licensee's unilateral refusal of this License Agreement (under the terms specified in clause 5.3), the right to use the LIK software is granted to the Licensee until the end of the access period in accordance with the Tariff chosen by the Licensor; the Licensor's remuneration is non-refundable.

    6. Payment procedure.

    6.1. The Licensee pays the Licensor a license fee for the right to use the LIK software in the amount established in the invoice issued by the Licensor in accordance with the selected Tariff.
    6.2. The Licensee pays the invoice by bank transfer to the Licensor's account.

    7. Responsibility of the parties.

    7.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this License Agreement, the Licensor and the Licensee are liable in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.
    7.2. The licensor is not responsible for the completeness and volume of data provided through open sources used by LIK software.
    7.3. The Licensor is not responsible for the inability to use the LIK software for reasons beyond the control of the Licensor.
    7.4. The Licensor is not responsible for the actions and decisions of the Licensee made on the basis of information obtained when using the LIK software, their consequences, as well as direct and indirect losses, including lost profits as a result of the use of the LIK software information complex.

    8. Details of the parties.

    JSC "LIK"

    Legal/actual address:
    105679, Moscow, Izmailovskoe highway, 44

    OGRN: 1137746308039

    INN/KPP: 7719841799/771901001

    User (data provided when making payment)

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