2.1 duties of the head of the tourist group of the tour guide. Lecturer (tour guide) Job description

Law and law 25.03.2020

I. General provisions

1. A tourist guide belongs to the category of professional technical performers.

2. A person with a completed or incomplete higher education, permits confirming the Guide's qualifications and admission to work with excursion groups is appointed to the position of a Tourist Guide.

3. Appointment to the position of a Tourist Guide and dismissal from office is carried out by order of the head of the organization.

4. The tourist guide reports directly to the director and chief accountant of the enterprise. Additionally reports to the Active Tourism Manager.

5. The guide begins his work with a group of tourists from the moment they meet from the train on the day of arrival and finishes working with the group until they board the train on the day of departure.

II. Job Responsibilities

The main task of the Tourism Guide is to ensure the implementation of the entire complex of the company's sold tourist product in the field of active tourism.

Tourism guide:

6. Must know comprehensive literary local history information in the direction of his route.

7. Must be able to use a geographical map, visual materials on the route (photos, reproductions, etc.).

8. Must have the skills to lead a tour team. Take measures to eliminate and prevent conflict situations. In the event of a conflict or non-standard situation in the group, informs the tourism manager.

9. Must know the basics of safety and medical training, be able to provide first aid medical care on the route.

10. Must before the arrival of the group: get an active tourism manager full list groups, data on the arrival and meeting of each of the tourists of the group, data on the resettlement of tourists at camp sites, souvenir products for each of the tourists, information sheets from the insurance company, questionnaires.

11. Must meet tourists on the day of arrival and form a group before the start of the tour. When gathering a group near the train car and before boarding the bus, he must conduct a roll call of tourists. In the absence of any of the tourists, immediately inform the manager or director of the enterprise. When staying in the same place (railway station, etc.) of the groups arriving on the tour and departing from the tour, the guide's priority attention belongs to the group arriving on the tour.

12. Before the group leaves for the route on the first day of the tour, it is obligatory to conduct a safety briefing in the mountain-forest zone. Every day, before going on the route, to accept, against signature from each tourist, his familiarization with the safety precautions on the route in the “Safety Journal”.

13. It is obliged to monitor the state of the group first-aid kit, inform the manager about the need to supplement the first-aid kit for the route.

14.Is obliged to control the accommodation of the group in accommodation facilities according to the list, control the time of meals, menu and quality of food at the accommodation bases. In case of dry use soldering on the route, get food in advance, distribute them among the group. Control the work of transport services on the route, track the timely supply of transport.

15. Obyazan (permanently and around the clock if possible) be in touch with the office via mobile communications.

16. Must be insured on the route. The guide must be insured by the insurance company personally, or transfer the insurance functions to the manager.

17. Obyazan to observe official and commercial secrets, labor discipline.

18. Must have high moral personal qualities, be guided by the principles of universal morality, have a culture of behavior.

III. Rights

The tourist guide has the right to:

1. Submit proposals to improve the work for consideration by the management.

2. Require management to ensure organizational and technical conditions and execution of established documents necessary for execution official duties.

3. Require partners to comply with the rules for the sale of travel services in accordance with contractual relations.

IV. A responsibility

The tour guide is responsible for:

1. For non-fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine. The tourist guide bears full personal responsibility for the life and health of the tourists subordinate to him on the route.

3. For causing material damage, including tourists of their group, organization (accommodation facilities on the route, vehicles) - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

  • 1. General provisions
  • 1. The guide is a promoter of achievements Russian Federation in economics, science, culture and other areas, introduces sightseers and tourists to places associated with the names of prominent public and statesmen, with monuments of history, culture and other sights of the country, museums and nature of the native land.
  • 2. The guide is allowed to conduct excursions to each hema by order of the tourist and excursion organization with a positive conclusion of the head of the section - methodologist on the submitted individual text and listened to the trial tour.
  • 3. The amount of work of the guide is determined personal plan and tour schedule.
  • 4. Tour guides can be paid as per official salaries as well as hourly rates.

For an excursion that has not taken place through no fault of the guide, he is paid 50% of the payment due for it, but not more than two hourly rates of the guide per day. If an excursion lasting beyond the scheduled scheduled time of its holding was conducted by this guide during the same day, payment for downtime is not made.

If instead of an excursion lasting 4 hours or more that did not take place through no fault of the guide, he is instructed to conduct a sin- or two-hour excursion during the same day, then he is additionally paid, in addition to the payment for this excursion, half the hourly rate or the full hourly rate, respectively.

5. Tour guides work on a six-day basis working week with one day off according to the schedule. An annual leave is granted, an official certificate and a service badge are issued.

The guide, at his request, can be released once a week, with the exception of days of mass arrivals of tourists and sightseers, as well as pre-holiday and holiday days, from excursions so that he can use this day to work on himself to improve his skills (classes seminars, work in libraries, museums, archives, etc.).

II. Duties of a guide

  • 6. The guide must have a good knowledge of the content of the excursions (travel information), be familiar with the methodology for their preparation and conduct, know the routes and topics of excursions, the procedure for conducting them and servicing sightseers and tourists.
  • 7. Guide:
    • conducts excursions and travel information, providing their scientific content, in accordance with the control text of the excursion (travel information) and the technological map;
    • preparing texts, technological maps excursions and others teaching materials;
    • promptly updates the data used during the excursion, changes, additions made to the control text of the excursions;
    • participates in the development of new topics and routes of excursions, masters new topics and options for excursions for various groups of the population;
    • constantly working to improve his theoretical, cultural and professional excellence;
    • participates in the work of methodological sections and creative groups of guides, conferences, production meetings;
    • participates in listening to guides on the route, reviews the texts of excursions;
    • participates in the preparation of new guides, in the generalization and dissemination of the experience of excursion work;
    • advertises excursions, makes reports about them at enterprises, institutions, educational institutions and other organizations;
    • studies the requests and interests of the participants of excursions, differentiates approaches to conducting excursions with different groups of the population;
    • observes the approved route of the excursion, informs the excursionists (tourists) about the rules of conduct during the excursion, takes measures to ensure the safety of excursionists and tourists during the excursion;
    • draws up in in due course documents for excursion services, transport, meals and accommodation during excursions and escort of tourist groups.
  • 8. Having received a tour ticket, the guide carefully examines all its points and conditions of excursion service: he understands the date and time of the beginning and end of the excursion, the time of the bus delivery to another guide, the exact address and meeting place with a group of sightseers (tourists), the route to the meeting point, what means of transportation he can quickly and without delay arrive at his destination, the address and telephone number of the customer of the excursions, what type of transport, its number and other services.
  • 9. The guide must arrive at the meeting point with a group of sightseers (tourists) no later than 10 minutes before the start of the tour. If the tour group fails to appear at the meeting point within 30 minutes after the deadline, the guide is obliged to immediately notify the excursion and dispatch department, which are obliged to urgently take measures to ensure that the guide has the opportunity to conduct an excursion with the same or with another group.
  • 10. The guide under any circumstances must be a model and example of behavior: tactful, restrained, reasonable, fair, cultured and polite worker. Always in uniform and neatly dressed (suit, hairstyle, headdress, shoes, etc.).
  • 11. The guide is prohibited from:
    • a) organize and carry out additional trips with sightseers (tourists) not related to thematic development;
    • b) transfer the tour ticket without the permission of the administration for the tour to another guide or an outsider.

For violation of the established procedure, the guide bears material and disciplinary responsibility.

III. Reporting

  • 12. Set the time of delivery to the tourist-excursion organization of excursion vouchers and registers for the excursions conducted in the current month.
  • 13. All excursion documents that are presented for payment must be filled out without blots and corrections, vouchers are selected according to numbers and fastened together with the register.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job duties, rights and responsibilities of the tour guide of the "New Technologies" unit (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) educational institution higher professional education "Moscow State University culture and arts” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following requirements for education and training is appointed to the position of a tour guide:

  • Higher education- bachelor's degree or in some cases - secondary professional education- training programs for mid-level specialists;
  • with practical experience:

  • Practical experience of at least three years;
  • Special conditions for admission to the work of a guide:

    2. Labor functions

    3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.9. Definition of methodological techniques.
  • 4. Rights

    The guide has the right:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of the guide.

    4.2. Improve qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the guide.

    4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues that are part of his functional duties.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on the improvement of activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant authorities local government or to the court to resolve disputes arising in the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. enjoy information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The tour guide is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of their functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with orders and instructions. about. rector of the institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the execution of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Establishment.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that became known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the guide may be held in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the offense, to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard"Tour guide (guide)" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2014 No. 539n and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

  • Task number 32. Instruction: "Rate yourself and your skills on a scale from 1 to 10 points."
  • « » 20____ No.


    There are a number of requirements for being a tour guide. Among them: a tendency to participate in cultural and educational work; understanding the meaning of excursions and their role in the process of education; consciousness of one's duty; the presence of good diction, certain knowledge on one or more excursion topics; intolerance to shortcomings, lack of culture, remnants of the past in the minds and behavior of people;

    continuous replenishment and improvement of their knowledge; feeling new; initiative and creative search in work; deep study of interests and requests of tourists;

    a differentiated approach to servicing various groups of the population; good manners, high culture in work and behavior, courtesy, tact in dealing with sightseers; possession of the method of conducting excursions; love for your profession.

    The guide must have knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to analyze their work, be able to give an objective assessment of the tour, be principled and demanding of themselves. The tour guide must be able to:

    Pick up the necessary factual material, study it;

    Apply methodological techniques in practice;

    Use visual materials of the "guide's portfolio";

    Listen to guides in their field of knowledge, assist them;

    Participate in the promotion of excursion possibilities of the region.

    Practical knowledge and skills serve as the basis for the participation of the guide in methodical work, allow you to manage the methodological section, methodical office, to conduct classes in training and advanced training courses for guides, leaders of tourist groups, to provide assistance to novice guides.


    2.1 The guide must know the content of the excursions he conducts (travel information), own the methodology for their preparation and conduct and service for sightseers and tourists.

    2.2 Tour guide:

    Conducts excursions and travel information, providing their ideological and scientific content, in accordance with the control text of the excursion (travel information) and methodological development;

    Prepares texts methodological developments excursions and other teaching materials;

    Timely updates the data used in the conduct of excursions (travel information), introduces changes and additions to the control text of the excursion (travel information);

    Participates in the development of new topics and routes of excursions, masters new topics and options for excursions for various groups of the population;

    Constantly working to improve his theoretical, cultural level and professional skills;

    Participates in the work of methodological sections and creative groups of guides, conferences;

    Participates in listening to guides on the route, reviews the texts of excursions (travel information);

    Participates in the preparation of new guides, in the generalization and dissemination of the experience of excursion work;

    Conducts propaganda of excursions and travels, makes reports about them at enterprises, institutions, educational institutions and other organizations;

    Examines the requests and interests of the participants of the excursions, differentiation approaches the conduct of excursions with various groups population;

    Complies with the approved route of the excursion (travel), informs the excursionists (tourists) about the rules of conduct during the excursion (travel), takes measures to ensure the safety of sightseers and tourists during travel and excursions;

    Prepares in the prescribed manner documents for excursion services, transport, meals and accommodation during excursions and accompaniment of tourist groups.

    2.3 If the tour group fails to appear at the collection point within 30 minutes after the deadline, the guide is obliged to notify the administration of the tourist and excursion institution about this.


    3.1 During excursions or stay with a tourist group on transport route The guide has the right to give the necessary instructions to the bus driver. These instructions must not lead to a violation of the rules. traffic and entail changes in the approved route of the excursion (travel).

    3.2 The guide has the right to remove from the tour or remove from the route excursionists or tourists who violate public order and rules of conduct on the route.

    Supervisor structural unit _________

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    AGREED: Lawyer_______

    Acquainted with ________________________

    3 Contract for excursion service

    Under the contract for excursion services, one party (tour agency) undertakes to provide tourist services on the instructions of the other party (tourist) for the fee established by the contract. An essential part of this service is the services of a guide (guide, guide-interpreter), with a total duration of not more than 24 hours and or not including accommodation (temporary accommodation).

    The conclusion of a contract for excursion services is certified by a tour ticket, the form of which is determined in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    If the excursion service is provided under the contract for tourist services, then the confirmation of the contract for excursion services is a tourist voucher or other document prescribed by law or the contract for tourist services. It should be borne in mind that the contract for excursion services is a public contract, unless otherwise follows from the essence of the contract.

    Before concluding a contract for excursion services, the tour agency is obliged to provide the excursionist with the necessary and reliable information about the services for excursion services, their types and features, the qualifications of the guide, the procedure and terms of payment for the services of the tour bureau, and also inform the excursionist, at his request, of others related to the contract and information relevant to the tour service. In addition, the excursion bureau is obliged, at the request of the excursionist, to provide him with the text of the excursion, or audio (video) information on the topic of the excursion, on a reimbursable basis, if this does not contradict the peculiarities of this type of excursion service.

    The excursionist has the right to demand termination of the concluded contract for excursion services without payment for the services rendered in cases where, due to the incompleteness or inaccuracy of the information received, an agreement for excursion services was concluded that does not have the properties that the excursionist had in mind.

    The contract for excursion services specifies the following conditions:

    Types of services provided (excursion accompaniment, standard sightseeing tour, tour of a museum or other object of tourist display, excursion according to a special program, etc.);

    Name and location of the tour agency;

    Surname, name, patronymic of the guide;

    Information about entering the guide into State Register(registration number, date of entry and name of the state body that included the guide in the register);

    Topic of the excursion;

    The number of tourists in the group;

    The procedure for paying for the services of a tour desk;

    The timing of the tour;

    Conditions for ensuring the safety of tourists on the route;

    1. The guide belongs to the category of specialists.
    2. The guide must know:
      1. 2.1. federal laws, regulatory legal documents that establish requirements for the organization of travel, tourism activities.
      2. 2.2. Legal and social foundations tourism industry.
      3. 2.3. Excursion business in the tourism industry.
      4. 2.4. History, culture and geography of the region.
      5. 2.5. Landmarks in the context of history, geography and culture.
      6. 2.6. Guidelines for organizing excursions.
      7. 2.7. Excursion methods
      8. 2.8. Exposition material of museums, cultural centers.
      9. 2.9. protocol and etiquette.
      10. 2.10. The theory of interpersonal communication.
      11. 2.11. Technique public speaking.
      12. 2.12. Fundamentals of psychology.
      13. 2.13. Rules of service on foot, transport and combined routes.
      14. 2.14. Rules of work on urban and suburban, near and far routes.
      15. 2.15. Instructions on the rules of conduct for tourists on a vehicle.
      16. 2.16. First aid rules.
      17. 2.17. Action plan in case of emergency.
      18. 2.18. Rules for the preparation of documents and the preparation of reports.
    3. Appointment to the position of a guide and dismissal from office is carried out by order of the head of the excursion bureau on the proposal of ____________________________________.
    4. The tour guide reports directly to ____________________________________.

    II. Job Responsibilities


    1. Collects and studies historical materials and documents, studies materials from archives, statistical data, other documents and materials containing information about the objects of excursions.
    2. Develops the technique of excursion stories, public speaking, answering questions.
    3. Receives information about the place and time of arrival of tourists, organizes a meeting of tourists at a designated place, identifies (sets the number of the group, certifies that the tourists belong to the group), and conducts protocol events.
    4. Selects the optimal location of the tour group for the tour.
    5. He reads excursion lectures on culture and history, talks about the traditions and customs of the region, acquaints tourists with sights; uses microphones, amplifying means in public readings and speeches.
    6. Conducts a tour of a museum or cultural center, accompanies tour explanations and stories of inspection and display of museum expositions.
    7. Conducts briefings on the observance of precautionary measures when sightseeing, expositions, etc.
    8. Responds to general and professional questions of tourists on the topic of the tour.
    9. Conducts a conversation with tourists and, if necessary, performs the duties of an interpreter.
    10. Fills out excursion vouchers and other excursion documentation.
    11. In case of diseases of tourists, injuries, the onset of other medical cases, it provides first aid, organizes the call of the relevant ambulance services, rescuers.
    12. Coordinates the behavior of the group in the event of an attack emergency, provides first aid, applies measures to eliminate panic, informs the appropriate authorities about the occurrence of emergencies.
    13. Organizes the departure of the tour group from the place of the excursion (checks the availability required documents; Group members).

    III. Rights

    The guide has the right:

    1. Require the management of the tour desk to provide the documents and reference materials necessary to fulfill the duties stipulated by this job description.
    2. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
    3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the bureau and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
    4. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

    IV. A responsibility

    The tour guide is responsible for:

    1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. For causing material damage to the tour desk - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

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