1C 8 2 Trade Management 11. Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - Training and Opportunities

Accounting and taxes 13.06.2020
Accounting and taxes

The software product is a modern tool for increasing the efficiency of the business of the trading enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management 8" Allows you to automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trading operations, thereby ensuring the effective management of the modern trade enterprise.

Subject area automated with "1C: Trade 8" control can be represented as the following scheme.

Configuration "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" Automates the following directions of economic activity:

  • customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management, also known as CRM or Customer Relationship Management, is an integral functional area of \u200b\u200bmodern complex information system Enterprises.

CRM is the concept of management relationships with customers in conditions of active competition, aimed at maximizing the potential of each client and partner in the interests of the enterprise.

The CRM concept suggests a regular collection and analysis of information about each client, real and potential: how the client responded to business offerIs he satisfied with the quality of service, whether his preferences are changing over time, how neatly it fulfills its obligations, and ultimately how much income client brings (or could bring) to the enterprise.

All stages of customer relationship are tracked. Carefully capture signs of dangerous deterioration of relations, because, as you know, on competitive market The costs of attracting a new client an order exceed the cost of holding the existing client.

The concept of CRM provides a harmonious combination of a formal approach and an individual relationship to each client. But if the number of active clients of the enterprise is measured in dozens or hundreds, and the number of potential customers - accordingly in hundreds or thousands, then the complete implementation of the CRM concept will lead to the accumulation of huge information arrays, to work with which without attracting special automation tools will simply be possible.

Configuration Contains CRM Concept Automation Tools. The functionality of the configuration allows the enterprise to successfully manage relations with buyers, suppliers, adjustments and any other counterparties.

It is envisaged to check in all actions to conclude and execute transactions, the registration of all contacts with customers both are real and potential.

The configuration allows you to do the following:

  1. use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  2. store full contact information on counterparties and their employees, the history of interaction with them;
  3. manage sales process using the business processes mechanism (transactions with the client);
  4. analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions with buyers and potential customers;
  5. register each appeal potential customer and further analyze the percentage of customer attracting, as well as to analyze the satisfaction of primary demand;
  6. promptly monitor the state of planned contacts and transactions;
  7. conduct an integrated BCG analysis of customer relationships;
  8. register and promptly work out customer claims;
  9. analyze and evaluate the efficiency of managers with clients.
Automated customer relationship control mechanisms can be used not only as an effective tool in competitive struggle For profitable customers. A storage of information about the clients of the enterprise is provided. An employee who took the call of an unfamiliar client may right in the process telephone conversation Enter the course of the case, quickly spill information about the client and about the latest contacts with it on the screen of your computer (client file).

The possibilities of configuration of customer relationship management can be in demand by the commercial director, director of marketing, employees of marketing, sales and supply units of the enterprise.

  • management of sales rules

Rules for Sales
The program allows you to specify the sales rules, customized for customers or type for customer segments.

These include different conditions for payment, price conditions, conditions for discounts.

The sharing of typical agreements and segments allows you to quickly change the sales rules and the conditions under which they are provided:
  1. To change the sales rules, a specific partner is enough to move it to another segment, and this can be done automatically, according to the specified rules.
  2. To change sales rules for all customers from a specific segment, it is enough to change the typical agreement that is used for the clients of this segment.
The program controls compliance with the rules of sales: the sale with a deviation from the established rules can be performed only after additional agreement with the head or other responsible persons.

Individual sales arrangements may be issued for important clients.

Terms of payment
All possible payment options that are used in the trading enterprise are recorded using the payment schedule.
The terms of payment that are applied during the sale are recorded in the Agreement.
If necessary, after coordination with a responsible person, a payment schedule can be specified in a separate order, different from the typical one.
  • management of sales processes
The program fully monitors sales processes. At the same time, sales can be accompanied by both the full production cycle of the sale (starting from the moment of coordination of the commercial proposal on the basis of the data on the primary interest of the client in the transaction decorated with it) and without previously executed commercial offers and customer orders for the so-called "simplified scheme". Possible scheduling schemes for sales are presented in the figure.

The program has implemented functionality to manage sales representatives (trade agents): consolidation of customers for agents, appointment of a schedule for visiting, planning to visit customers, forming detailed tasks for collecting orders and solve other arbitrary issues. According to the results of spent tasks in information base Customer orders can be automatically created. Information about the expenditures of the sales representative (advance reports) and the collected customer information are recorded.

It is also possible independent work sales representatives without preparing preliminary tasks. Trade representatives transfer information about goods and customers of the commercial enterprise. After working with clients, the sales representative records the orders, clarifies customer information or introduces data on new clients, records data on costs.

Analysis of the activities of sales representatives is made through various reports: you can compare the activities of trading representatives in terms of the effectiveness of their work, as well as to conduct a plan-other analysis of the activities of sales representatives.

Based "Extensions for pocket computers" The application is implemented, automating the work of the sales representative on the PDA. The application shall exchange data with the information base of the Command Management configuration and allows you to view the assigned tasks on the PDA, to mark them through, view the remnants of the goods, to receive orders from customers, fill out advance reports.

  • inventory Management
Inventory management features allows you to solve the following tasks:
  1. Providing goods under current orders and to replenish warehouse reserves according to the specified rules, incl. Taking into account sales statistics.
  2. Long-term procurement planning and formation of orders for procurement plans.
  • procurement management

The possibilities of the procurement management program make it possible to solve the tasks of controlling the delivery time of goods, expenses money and timeliness of payment to suppliers.
The program allows you to register discrepancies when receiving goods, analyze the causes of supply failure (refusal of suppliers from the supply of goods), take into account additional services and additional costs for the supply of goods.

  • warehouse management
In the applied decision, a detailed operational accounting of goods in warehouses was implemented. Provided full control of stocks of goods at the enterprise.

The applied solution allows you to:

  1. control the remnants of goods in various units of measurement on a set of warehouses;
  2. lead separate accounting of its own goods, goods adopted and transferred to implementation;
  3. detail the location of the goods in the warehouse in storage places, which allows you to optimize the assembly of goods in stock;
  4. taking into account the series of goods (serial numbers, expiration time, etc.);
  5. set arbitrary characteristics of goods (color, size, etc.);
  6. take into account the GTD and the country of origin;
  7. draw up operations assembly / disassembling goods;
  8. reserve products.
The organization of warehousing can be different, the structure can be both simple and sufficiently hierarchically complex. Warehouses or storage sites can be both on the territory of the enterprise, and are located remotely.

Information about warehouse reserves can be administered to the information system with a high degree of detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), to the level of serial numbers and the expiration of goods.

To speed up the proceeds, shipment and inventory of goods in warehouses, you can use various types trade equipment: barcode scanners, data acquisition terminals.

The program implemented a scheme of order warehouse accounting. It can be independently included for shipping and receipt operations. Warehouse orders are issued on the basis of documents of orders, which may be orders or invoices. Accounting to the received, but unfulfilled orders; The work technology of the warehouse can be built entirely "from electronic orders".

The program has implemented address storage of goods, i.e., conducting remnants of goods in the context of storage sites (cells, shelves, racks), and packaging of goods.

It is possible as cell reference locationwhen indicated only in which cells the goods in principle can be and control balances for cellsWhen accurate accounting is carried out by the number of goods in each cell.

When using the control of residues in warehouse cells: the system allows you to control the layout of the goods in storage places upon admission, assembly from the storage sites when shipping, moving and spilling goods. Algorithms embedded in the system automatically select the optimal storage locations in the placement of goods. For goods that are stored and shipped in packages of different sizes - it is possible to automatically generate refuplication tasks, with a smaller packaging deficit.

At any time, you can control the process of assembling goods in stock in accordance with the "electronic" orders or the process of placing the received goods.

A multi-step process inventory inventory is implemented, including the formation of orders for inventory, issuing orders for recalculation of residues in places of storage, separate reflection of surplus and shortages in operational and financial accounting.

  • delivery Management of Goods
The program allows you to automate the process of delivering goods to customers, as well as the process of delivery of goods when moving goods between storage rooms. Delivery of goods can be carried out both by their own transport, and with the help of external transport company (carrier). A two-stage delivery scheme is provided, in which the goods are delivered to the carrier and then the carrier delivers it to the client.

All tasks for transportation are formed taking into account the delivery zone, the order of the delivery of delivery addresses, as well as taking into account the carrying capacity of the vehicle.

Print is provided route sheet and a set of documents that must be transferred to the client or carrier.

When forming tasks for transportation vehicles Loading in accordance with their capacity and loading capacity.

  • financial management
  • control and analysis of enterprise targets
The applied solution allows you to set up a "dashboard" of the head, withdrawing a variety of performance indicators of the enterprise.

The composition of the indicators, their formation algorithms, the form of representation can be flexibly tuned.

The indication of target values \u200b\u200band permissible deviations, comparison with the last period, is supported, the forecast for the future period (monitoring targets).

It is possible to show only important indicators.
Each indicator can be decrypted using detailed reports.

It is possible to form a consolidated report in print form to provide a manager for all or at the most critical indicators.

The program provides a variety of visual reports that allow you to analyze information and make decisions on various sections of accounting.

The program can register both already perfect and only planned economic operations. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the execution of almost all primary documents shopping and warehouse accounting, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is calculated for any types of trading operations. The accounting functions are implemented - from the management of reference books and enter primary documents before receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to conduct management accounting trade enterprise generally. For the enterprise of the holding structure, documents may be issued on behalf of several organizations included in the holding.

The solution functionality can be flexibly adapted by incorporating / disable various functional options. For example, in this way, the program can be significantly simplified for a small organization, disabling many possibilities of necessary only large companies (Disabled functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with the operation of users). Next will be a description of the solution functionality with the inclusion of all options.

"1C: Trade 8" control provides automatic selection of data required for reference accounting, and the transfer of this data in "1C: Accounting 8".

Using the Trade Management program together with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The "Trade Management" program can be used as a management system for solving "1C: Retail 8".

Program "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" Produced in the following versions:

  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management, Basic Version
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Trade management, professional version

Director and head of the enterprise

Program "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management"allows:

  • increase productivity of all merchant services;
  • work with operational information reflecting the current state of the enterprise at the moment of time;
  • quickly and in a convenient form to receive reports for making decisions at different levels.

IN "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" There is a special report "Report to the head"which includes information about:

  • remnants and revs on cash;
  • receivables and payables;
  • availability of goods;
  • working capital and working capital;
  • planned receipts and payment;
  • costs commodity reserves;
  • efficiency of managers;
  • advertising efficiency;
  • etc.

"Report to the head" You can configure to automatically form, set it to start on schedule and send to e-mail. Thus, the director and head of the trading enterprise gets the opportunity to make operational and weighted solutions anywhere in the globe.

Managers and specialists of trading units

"1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" helps to manage:

  • shipping and pricing;
  • receiving orders and control their execution;
  • optimization of warehouse stocks;
  • analysis of turnover;
  • procurement and supplies.

Employees of accounting services

"1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" - Effective tool that allows you to get rid of routine work and closer account for needs real business. Information and methodological support allows you to record in accordance with applicable law.

Software "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" Provides automatic selection of data required for accounting, and transmitting this data to "1C: Accounting 8". In addition, data transfer to the accounting configurations of the program system "1C: Enterprise 7.7" is provided.

IT specialists of enterprises

"1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management"includes complex tools and technologies for the development, modification, administration and maintenance of the corporate information system. The openness of the system and the ease of its adaptation, the wide possibilities of scaling and integration, simplicity and ease of administration and support will allow IT to spend minimum efforts to support and configure in accordance with the needs of a trading organization.

Attention! You can purchase additional licenses for scaling and expanding the number of jobs.

Table of comparing versions of the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" .data-table TR TD (Color: # A2A2A2; font-size: 7.2pt; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 6px 6px; font-weight: 700; font-family: "verdana", "Geneva", "Arial" , Helvetica, Sans-Serif;) .data-table TD (Border Right: 1px Solid # A2A2A2; Border-Image: None; Border-Bottom: 1px Solid # A2A2A2; Border-Top: 1px Solid # A2A2A2;) .data-table TD: Last-Child (Border Right: none;) .Data-Table TD U (text-decoration: none;) .Data-table TD UA (Color: # 676767; Text-Decoration: None;) .data-table TD UA: Hover (Color: # FF6600;) .data-table TD UA: Active (Color: # FF6600;) .Data-Table TD B (Color: # FF6600;) .Data-Table .table_top ( font-size: 7.2pt; background-color: # FF6600; margin: 0; padding: 6px; padding-top: 4px; border: 1px Solid #FFFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF;) .Data-Table TR: Hover (Background -Color: # Ffeed5;) .Table_top TD B (Color: #FFF;) .Data-Table TR: First-Child (background-color: # FF6600)
1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management
Basic version
Ready decision to keep track of trading operations
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Drawing up a refined and generalized procurement plan. Comparison of the planned procurement with the actual receipts of goods.
Purpose of prices, taking into account the quality characteristics of goods. Control of shares and discounted activities. Purpose of discounts on discount cards.
Accounting for selling sales during planning. Creating sales plans for various scenarios.
Accounting for serial numbers and shelf life. Accounting of the architect packaging.
Accounting for several organizations in separate information bases
Accounting for several organizations in the Unified Information Base
Work of territorially distributed information bases
Ability to change (configuration) applied solution

Alexey Anatolyevich Gladky

1C Trade Management 8.2. Clear tutorial for beginners


Trade (both wholesale and retail) is one of the most common types of economic activity. All trades: novice entrepreneurs and businessmen, state shops and private supermarkets, small speculators and large trade and industrial groups. The popularity of this type of activity is primarily due to relative simplicity, especially in comparison with such industries as production, construction or agriculture: expensive equipment is not required, attachments are minimal (especially if we take the goods to implement or under the terms of deferring payment), special education is not necessary, etc. Therefore, by the way, trading as a genus of classes for many entrepreneurs is a kind of "starting platform": the practical whole major modern business At one time began with commercial kiosks, shopping tents and small shops.

Modern trading enterprises offer their customers a wide range of goods, which is calculated by thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many positions can be implemented on different conditions: prepayment, delay payments, discount, markdown, batch volume, etc. Customers are often divided into categories - VIP client, a regular client, regular customer, small-pool client, etc. Commodity positions can be completed and uncompared, many products are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic studies, substariable positions must be written off, inventory should be held in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc., in general, the modern trade enterprise represents a living organism, permanent movement.

Obviously, all this kipping activity requires automation. To solve this task, there are special software, and in this book we will introduce you to you with the most popular product designed to automate the activities of the trading enterprise - "1C Trade Management", which is implemented on the latest technological platform Versions 1C 8.2.

Chapter 1. First acquaintance with "1C Trade Management 8.2"

The first chapter of the book contains basic information about the program "1C Trade Management 8.2". You will learn what the functionality of this typical solution is what the features of the program compared to previous versions, how to launch the program, create and select information bases, as well as a lot of other.

Functional features of a typical solution

One of the key advantages of the configuration under consideration is the flexibility of the platform, which makes it possible to widely apply the program in a wide variety of areas. Implemented wholesale and control mechanisms retail sales, marketing events, wholesale purchases, warehouse and finance of the enterprise, other assets and liabilities are opened by extensive opportunities for keeping accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting and management standards.

Tasks solved using the program "1C: Trade Management 8.2" program can be formulated as follows.

♦ Management of stocks and purchases of commodity values.

♦ Keeping primary documentation With reflection of data in accounting and output of printing documents.

♦ Registration and accounting of warehouse operations, warehouse documentation, carrying out inventory of valuables stored in stock.

♦ Accounting for internal movement of commodity values.

♦ Planning and control financial resources Companies.

♦ Calculation financial results Company activities.

♦ Accounting and adjustment of debt, carrying out arrears, debt write-off.

♦ Maintaining multiplinary accounting.

♦ Conducting and accounting marketing events Companies, with a variety of analyzes and the formation of a variety of reporting.

♦ Formation of pricing policies and control of its execution.

♦ Automation of work with sales representatives of the company.

♦ Extensive management client base With the possibility of storing the most varied information for each counterparty.

♦ Managing wholesale and retail Taking into account all transactions, formation of orders, registration of revenues, sales and return of commodity and material values.

♦ Automation and accounting service customers.

♦ Accounting for cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise, keeping cash bookAccounting accountable funds.

♦ Setup, formation and output to print a variety of reporting on operations.

♦ Using a built-in organizer to improve the convenience and efficiency of work.

♦ Setup and use of the desktop in relation to your needs.

In addition to those listed, with the help of the configuration under consideration, a number of other tasks can be solved, the presence of which can be due to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Starting the configuration and selection of operation mode

Everyone software The 1C family can work in two modes: "1C: Enterprise" (Applied Solution) and "Configurator". The selection of the mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in the program startup window (Fig. 1.1).

Mode "1C: Enterprise" is an applied solution of the program in accordance with its destination. In other words, it is in this mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other end users of the program work.

As for the configurator mode, it is intended to configure and administer the program. Configuration objects are created and edited here, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the type and contents are determined. printed form documents, as well as a number of other such actions are performed. Usually the system administrator or another authorized specialist works with the configurator, as it requires specific knowledge (administration skills, etc.).

Here we will not consider the issues of configuration 1C in detail, since it is intended for acquaintance with this topic. special literature. Note that an ordinary user without the most serious foundations is not recommended to independently edit the configurator: it may disrupt the integrity of the data, and in general lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, some program settings are submitted to the applied solution. You can edit them yourself, and how it is done will be discussed below, in the appropriate section.

Program "1C 8.2 Trade Management 11.1" is an advanced version of the well-known applied decision "Trade Management 8.1" and 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7, and intended for maximum increase financial efficiency trade enterprise.

With the full implementation of the capabilities of the "Managed Appendix" mode in version 1C 8.2, to deal with the program, keep records, making planning, manage customer relations, rules and sales processes, as well as analyze financial indicators Activities became possible at an intuitive level. The functionality of the warehouse management, logistics, sales representatives for managers expanded. All these and many other features of the program brought control processes simply to a new level.

Operating area 1C: Enterprise Trade management can be schematically submitted as follows:

Opportunities 1C Trade Management

The platform allows you to automate most of the types of economic activities of the trading enterprise:

  • Accounting of finance of the trade enterprise
  • Procurement management
  • Cash Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Control then (sales representatives)
  • Sales management
  • Relationship with counterparties (clients) (CRM)
  • Marketing, sales rules and pre-sale activities


Editorial 11 Configuration 1C: Trade Management is designed for all kinds of trade operations. It contains accounting functions - from the possibility of conducting reference books and introducing primary documents to the withdrawal of all sorts of reports on any analysts. Your employees will be able to register both the economic operations planned in the future.

It became a very flexible functionality of solutions that can be changed under its own need to enable / disconnect individual functions. What, in turn, can significantly simplify the program complex for the needs of small organizations and ordinary users, or to expand, to double the needs of any holding organizations with different names and the maintenance of all documentation in the same database.

The obvious advantage of 1C: Trade Management 8.2 version has become an automated search for the necessary accounting data and overload them to the 1C database: Accounting 8.2.

The use of 1C programs in a complex with other solutions can automate wholesale and retail enterprises of any shape and sizes, for example, "Trade Management" can be the control program of the solution "1C: Retail 8".

Benefits for the head of the enterprise

Since the implementation of the Systems of 1C Trade Management is intended for a general increase in the efficiency of the trade enterprise, the leaders of the TP need to know about improving productivity. This can only say the possibility of fast and convenient training Reporting documentation, which makes it easy to simplify decision-making by the company's management. The software package is easily started into use and begins to quickly bring returns. In the event of an increase and expansion of the enterprise, the solution is easily rebuilt and the reorganization of the work does not require too much costs.

Thus, this system is designed to help manage all levels for a comprehensive analysis of the work of the enterprise and, accordingly, improving the productivity of the enterprise as a whole. Having tried new tools for interactive analysis of the situation and tools for the formation of detailed decodents of indicators in the System "Trade Management 8.2" system, the management companies you can hardly return to the old methods of work.

Advantages in comparison with "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7" and
"1C: Trade Management 10.3"

There are a number of advantages that the user receives after the transition from the version "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7" and "1C: Trade Management 10.3" to the new platform "Commerce Management 11". The main advantages are high power and more modern management tools configured to modern realities of doing business in general.

In addition, the new platform will provide several significant innovations to improve the efficiency of work:

  • The possibility of planning procurement, sales and cash payments in one environment
  • Ability to optimize stocks in stock, taking into account the planned supplies from suppliers
  • The possibility of full control over the execution of plans, graphics of payments and supplies, as well as cash availability
  • The ability to analyze the effectiveness of managers
  • Ability to automatically form comprehensive reports for manual
  • The possibility of flexible management of the pricing system, as well as a discount installation system for better attraction Buyers
  • The presence of a modern software package to compile reports with the ability to customize the user grouping and filtering data.

In the new complex is present modern system Customer Relationship Management (CRM), allowing you to provide the most individual approach to each client, as well as the promotion of the manager's work. The following components are available:

  • Custom calendar
  • Desk office manager
  • Registration of actions with a client, as well as the preservation of the history of relationships
  • Reminder system
  • Built-in email
  • ABC Analysis Tool and Customer Classification for Relationship Stages
  • Tools for marketing actions in order to attract new customers
  • Polls.

The new platform provides tools to improve scaling and working in a distributed information base, including the Internet. The general focus of the new software package 1C 8.2 "Trade Management" is in the sphere of interests of major trading enterprises with territorial division of offices and units.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of the trading enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management 8" allows you to automate the tasks of operational and managerial accounting, analysis and planning of trading operations in the Complex, thereby ensuring the effective management of the modern trade enterprise.

Subject area automated with "1C: Trade 8" control can be represented as the following scheme.

"1C: Managing Trade 8" automates the following directions of economic activity:

  • control and analysis of enterprise targets.

The program can register both already perfect and only planned economic operations. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the design of almost all primary trade and warehouse documents, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is calculated for any types of trading operations. The accounting functions are implemented - from the management of reference books and enter primary documents before receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to conduct management accounts for the trading enterprise as a whole. For the enterprise of the holding structure, documents may be issued on behalf of several organizations included in the holding.

The following taxation systems are supported in the applied solution:

  • The total tax system is based on the accounting of entrepreneurs operating on the individual scheme (IP)).
  • Simplified taxation system - USN.
  • Unified tax on imputed income - UTII.

The solution functionality can be flexibly adapted by incorporating / disable various functional options. For example, in this way, the program can be significantly simplified for a small organization, disabling many capabilities of the necessary only to large companies (the disconnected functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with the operation of users). Next will be a description of the solution functionality with the inclusion of all options.

"1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of data required for accounting, and transmitting this data to.

Using the Trade Management program together with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The "Trade Management" program can be used as a management system for solving.

Title: 1c enterprise

Platform: PC

Developer: 1C.

Interface language: Russian


1C Enterprise is the most common, affordable and universal program for automation and relief. functional duties For you and your employees. Warehousing, trade and accounting, planning and sales management - list of features and fields of program 1c enterprise 8.2 free downloadyou can continue to infinity. Its comfortable and simple interface will easily starve even those entrepreneurs who previously did not have to deal with electronic accounting utilities and planning.

Opportunities 1C Enterprise 8.2 free download

The program provides for the ability to integrate third-party applications, as well as creating autonomous web services. At the same time, an individual system of rights and access restrictions is enshrined for each of the users, which makes the program even more universal and convenient for the enterprise with any number of employees.

Unicode system is used to encrypt texts and databases, which allows the program to use the program in different languages, for example, for foreign language employees of your company.

How can I install a new version of 1c enterprise 8.2?

  • Press 1C Enterprise 8.2 free download.
  • Select a bit (x64 or x32).
  • Run the installation file.
  • Spend the installation of the program.
  • The program "1c enterprise 8.2" is ready for use!

Recently, the 1C developer has replaced in the program configuration: Trade Management, Management manufacturing enterprise, accounting company Basic, company accounting, salary and personnel management, money. So today you have a unique opportunity to increase your income and make new productive methods for solving problems, 1C Trade 8.2. Having downloaded for free!

1C trade 8.2 free download

By installing a new functional version of this application, you will save time and money by rearming part of your functional responsibilities with a reliable and accurate electronic utility. This is what the developers suggested in the updated version of 1C trade and stock:

  • New opportunities in sales management, in particular, control of shipments and payments, applications from customers, analysis of overdue debts.
  • Pricing Management: Creation and Control of Volume, Sales Terms, Marketing Shares and bonus programs, Set prices and discounts.
  • Management of commercial agents: customer rotation and performance control.
  • Reporting Management: Automatic Expensive Credit amounts, as well as tax liabilities, taking into account income and expenses for VAT, unified tax payers.
  • Ordering orders, creating a payment schedule and earnings.
  • Management of money and reserves, planning of residues and monetary monitoring.

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