The meaning of the word curry favor. Toadying at work, or How to win the love of your superiors A foreman curries favor with his superiors

Codes of the Russian Federation 27.10.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

50 years ago, in 1958, American secretary Patricia Haroski proposed celebrating this holiday. In 1962, it was officially approved by the Governor of Illinois. Later, the secretary's proposal received recognition in England, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and many European countries - and eventually the holiday spread throughout the world.

“To find a common language with your boss, you need to become his boss” - Veselin Georgiev.

On this day, one must remember that a leader is a profession, that it is work without rest, responsibility for every step, for every word, for the well-being of the people subordinate to him, and also that the boss is, first of all, a person. A person with his own weaknesses and shortcomings, which, by the way, psychologists advise you to take advantage of in order to live with your boss in peace and harmony for the benefit of yourself and your career.

For example, psychologists advise, you should not convey bad news to your boss, so as not to spoil your reputation with unfavorable associations. After all, over time, the boss may develop a reflex not to expect anything good from a particular employee. It is better to convey bad news through a secretary, but it is better to convey good news to him personally.

Also, psychologists say, you need to be in sight of your boss all the time - actively participate in office life, work planning, speak at meetings, insert remarks, ask questions. In general, work together with him, expressing your own opinion. Of course, this opinion must be competent, and the data must be verified.

In addition, experts advise making friends with the boss’s “right hand” - his secretary, in order to know when it is better not to disturb the boss, and what moment is optimal for visits. In addition, in large teams, bosses often see their subordinates through the eyes of the secretary, so her opinion can affect the reputation of any employee.

If there is a rush situation in the company, then there is absolutely no need to tell your boss about your problems - against the backdrop of the difficulties of the entire enterprise, they can only anger the boss. At such moments, it is better to save the common cause, and not your own skin.

Should not be abused sick leave, because the ideal subordinate, according to most managers, should not be sick. Endless sick leave do not contribute to creating the image of a reliable employee. Of course, we are not talking about necessity - only about abuse.

It is important to be able to present to your superiors own ideas, experts say. Of course, they must be worthwhile. Offering your boss anything just to offer something means putting an end to career growth in advance. You should express your thoughts clearly and intelligibly.

By the way, when communicating with superiors, you need to be able to observe and draw conclusions. For example, if you notice any habits in your boss, you need to act in accordance with them. For example, does he not like to be disturbed in the morning? This means you shouldn’t disturb him until lunchtime. And under no circumstances should you use the phrase: “I don’t understand what you want from me.” The boss may doubt either the professionalism of his subordinate or his own ability to competently set tasks.

Bosses value those who take on the most complex projects. Well-performed tasks, which were previously considered failures, only add advantages to the employee’s reputation. Therefore, it is important to realistically assess the situation and, if necessary, refuse a difficult assignment.

Of course, you need to carry out all the boss’s instructions, eliminating the word “impossible” and the phrase “this is not my responsibility” from the vocabulary. If the task is actually impossible to complete, you need to calmly, naming specific reasons and appealing with convincing facts, explain your decision to your manager.

You must value your manager’s time and try to be brief at every meeting with him, formulating your questions very clearly.

Criticism from superiors should be taken calmly. If it is constructive, you should not make excuses, defend yourself and be offended; it is better to admit your mistakes and be more attentive in the future.

You should not ask your manager to evaluate your work and ask for praise: firstly, this is immodest, and secondly, not every boss likes to praise his subordinates, believing that this can relax them.

To please your boss, you don’t have to flatter and please him. There is a risk of going beyond without noticing it. The falsehood will not go unnoticed.

“The director is a person like everyone else, only he doesn’t know it” - Raymond Chandler

According to statistics, 70% of dismissals occur due to poor relations with the boss. And those who did successful career, have one thing in common - they are well versed in human psychology in general and the psychology of their boss in particular. Experts identify five types of bosses: perfectionists, retrogrades, locomotives, don’t care, and workaholics.

"Mr. Perfect" likes the work to be done to the highest standard. Deviation from his standards even one iota guarantees wrath perfectionist boss. Often the problem with such chefs is that his standards are clearly too high. Even if, in the opinion of the subordinate, the work was done perfectly, the perfectionist boss will find something to complain about. Waiting for praise from him is like receiving a prize from the hands of Alfred Nobel himself. The only thing you can count on for Good work from such a boss - the words “it could have been better.”

Psychologists say that perfectionism, that is, the desire to do everything perfectly, is often caused by self-doubt. Therefore, you should not take the criticism of such a boss to heart, believing that in fact the job was done well. Besides: the one who does nothing makes no mistakes. In any case, it is recommended to draw up an action plan in advance and get the boss's approval - in addition, in this way, part of the responsibility for getting the job done will be shifted to him.

Retrograde boss strives for consistency in everything and is hostile to any innovations. If you change the existing state of affairs, he will immediately go into opposition, and will act on the sly. Therefore, an employee who wants to bring new ideas or technologies to work is advised to involve the retrograde boss in the process of change. If he participates in them, he will be more lenient towards innovations. It is better if the changes occur gradually and imperceptibly, so that the retrograde has time to get used to them.

Chief locomotive likes to take out his negative emotions on other people; his subordinates get all the credit for failures. Of course, he is always in the vanguard and drags the entire office with him, but at the same time he acts like a real tyrant. His motto is “either my way or not at all.” Employees who do not intend to endure constant nagging for mistakes that they did not make should not let such a boss go down. The boss must understand that his behavior will not work towards some subordinates. You can also bring information about his behavior to the attention of higher authorities and unite with other colleagues in the fight against the tyrant. If subordinates tolerate the antics of such a boss in silence, then he will simply “crush” them one day, like a real locomotive.

It seems like getting along with boss who doesn't care much easier: he is never at his workplace or he is constantly “busy”. At the same time, employees feel that the boss understands work issues much worse than they do. His motto is “Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest.” Employees usually like being “on their own” at first, but later, when the office becomes chaotic, this instability begins to irritate them. Therefore, psychologists recommend that with a boss who doesn’t give a damn, you can prove yourself as an irreplaceable employee, take on part of his responsibilities and accompany him as a shadow at important meetings. It may happen that soon his chair will go to a “more worthy one.”

Workaholic boss comes to the office at dawn and leaves after midnight. There can be no talk about personal life - only work. The worst thing is that he demands the same attitude from his subordinates. The best worker in his eyes is himself, but at the same time he feels that no one is able to appreciate his sacrifices. Flattery helps you get along with a workaholic who feels underappreciated. Constantly emphasizing his indispensability and the importance of his work for the company, constantly consulting with him, you can be considered a good employee.

The material was prepared by the online editors of based on information from open sources

In every organization, enterprise or institution - regardless of ownership and location - there are people who irritate, “enrage” and cause contempt from others. No, these are not lazy people or boors, not those whose mood changes several times a day, and not even irresponsible slobs, because of whom all work is disrupted. These are... sycophants. There are so many ways to suck up to your boss!

Method 1. Look at the mouth
You can recognize a real sycophant by the way he looks at his friend. And he does it reverently, with trepidation, attention, breathing every once in a while. A suck-up never argues with his boss; he pretends that his boss is the Tsar of All Rus'.

Method 2. Give compliments
never misses an opportunity to do something to the manager. He praises absolutely everything: the management method, appearance, talented and beautiful children, the car he bought... At the same time, the sycophant is very attentive and, unlike most employees (who are busy with business or with themselves), notices the slightest changes in appearance boss or boss: dyed hair, manicure, new jacket or. A sycophant will never miss the opportunity to shout before everyone else: “Fathers! How does it suit you!” The sycophant will ask the boss about all the details of the purchase that took place or spent as if he did not sleep for several nights because of worry about his boss.

Method 3. Congratulate you on the holidays
As experience shows, even the director large company, who seems to have everything, it’s nice to receive a small birthday present from a subordinate. The sycophant knows this and skillfully uses it.
- What a suck-up! – my accountant friend Ulyana is indignant, talking about her colleague. – Just imagine, for Economist’s Day I gave a present to the director and chief accountant.
And here is another example. When Katka, who had been hired two weeks before, congratulated her boss on her birthday on the radio and ordered a song (and she looked so quiet!), our indignation knew no bounds. Firstly, she had just got a job and could not sincerely fall in love with her boss during this time. Secondly, congratulations on the radio are more of a friendly gesture. If it is used in business relations, then exclusively in a certain way - the team congratulates the boss (how inappropriate is a personal congratulation from Katya Violetta Kirillovna!). Thirdly, the team always congratulates any employee. Therefore, Violetta Kirillovna, in any case, could not be forgotten by her subordinates.

Method 4. Show readiness for any work
A sycophant agrees to any job. In the end, it doesn’t matter to the boss whether he does it himself or delegates it to another employee. The main thing here is to create the general impression that you agree to everything.

Method 5. Take on social work
In the modern situation, this is called “organizing corporate events.” There is always a person in the team who helps the secretary go grocery shopping every day corporate party(if the holiday takes place in), brings hodgepodge from home or simply gives “valuable” instructions. Active participation in public work is valued by superiors and is even awarded with certificates and prizes when summing up the results of the year.

Method 6. “Six”
The best way to prove yourself is to denigrate others. Especially when you are transferred to a new position. The sycophant constantly tells the boss about how this or that idea of ​​the leader was distorted by his (the sycophant) predecessor, criticizing everything that was in the department before he (the sycophant) appeared in this position. This method works flawlessly.

Method 7. Conduct with superiors free time
The process of sucking up to your boss does not stop with the end of the working day. The sycophant continues to please his superiors in every possible way even after work. So, Irina Vasilievna goes to Natalya Nikolaevna (her boss) at the dacha to weed the beds. Igor Konstantinovich, having got a job at the “L” company, suddenly began to get involved in fishing, something that had not been noticed in him for the previous 39 years of his life. School teacher Natasha, in her free time, takes head teacher Tamara Sergeevna to the capital in her car with her husband. The effect is obvious - Natalya’s schedule is without any “windows”, the class management is in the best class, she does not appear at school during the holidays (unlike other teachers). And also... Tamara Sergeevna constantly praises Natasha in front of the school director. Therefore, everyone knows who will take Tamara Sergeevna’s place after she retires in a year and a half...

Method 8. Emphasize your importance
Galina Ivanovna tells her superiors in detail about everything she does. Just recently she printed out an advertisement (instead of one that was written by hand), and then walked around the office with it and showed it to everyone, asking:
- The ad looks completely different, doesn’t it?

Method 9. Pretend that the company’s interests are higher than your personal interests
No sane person would believe that the interests of the enterprise are higher than their own. After all, it is known that only its owner can have the highest level of loyalty to a company (i.e., complete identification with the company). But the sycophant, with enviable persistence, pretends that he cares about the company’s income more than about his own.

Method 10. Quit skillfully
If a sycophant is offered a good job, he will leave. But he will do it so skillfully! Even as he prepares to slam the reception door, the sycophant will sing praises to his (now former) boss about how much he enjoyed working under him. Finally, out of habit, he will give his boss a couple of compliments and complain that circumstances are forcing him to leave, otherwise he would have worked here until his retirement and even into retirement. And only death could separate him from his beloved boss!

You will inevitably have a question: why is he doing this, because he’s leaving anyway. And then! First of all, habit is second nature. Secondly, at a new place of work, out of the blue, a reference may be needed (and believe me, a sycophant is always given the most best recommendations!). Thirdly, even if something doesn’t work out for the sycophant new job, he can always return (even if his previous position is occupied). Sycophants are always welcomed with open arms. After all, the toady scheme works!

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our website provides data from different sources– encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word curry favor

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

curry favor

curry favor, curry favor, owls. (to curry favor), from someone or in front of someone (colloquial). Buy someone's disposition, to achieve something. in service through servility and flattery. Curry favor with your superiors.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

curry favor

I'm living, I'm living; owls (colloquial). By pleasing, to acquire someone's. location. V. before the authorities.

nesov. to curry favor, -I think, -I think.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word curry favor in literature.

And he was interrogated twice daily by the senior gendarmerie sergeant Bruckner or his deputy sergeant Balder, who hoped to reveal through him the Bolshevik organization in Krasnodon and curry favor before the chief field commander of the region, Major General Kler.

The attention of the entire Federation will be focused on the Council Assembly - and you can be sure that Lund will try curry favor before the Governors, even if it means punishing the rebels!

Putting the text aside and expressing himself energetically, the not-yet-resigned president called the head of his security, who was trying curry favor before the new management.

There were some even from among the teachers and female teachers to curry favor and curry favor.

And a subtle calculation that the illustrators, now knowing their doom, are probably ready curry favor before the Great,” the Great waved his hand, so that, supposedly, the illustrators would show the true degree of similarity.

An administration that wants curry favor and receive a reward, achieves overfulfillment of the plan.

He got up before dawn and only thought about how to flatter the palace servants, how to give gifts to whomever should be given, how to please Caesar’s friend, how to harm one person in order to curry favor from another.

A young lieutenant who smelled of soap and cologne and wanted to curry favor, somewhere I dug up some rich Pomerantsev, ardent supporters of Jabotinsky, who donated not to the MOPR, but to the creation of Jewish self-defense units.

Yavnut, Narimunt also galloped up - a Horde henchman, Kalita's henchman, in this unfortunate battle he conceived curry favor in front of his brothers and, as if drunk, without understanding the matter, he broke into the very middle with his cavalry, completely destroying the formation of the Volyn army.

And if he, Ramos da Cunha, strives, according to his opponents, to win the favor of the people, then those who are in the majority are trying curry favor before domestic and foreign magnates.

This handsome fellow, this crazy Saxon, was only thinking about how to curry favor before their king.

What if the headman decides to come here to curry favor in front of the authorities, or something like that will happen.

I have no doubt that if the Germans capture Tallinn, you, if only curry favor, you will begin to betray all honest workers.

In large companies there are several departments and divisions that perform their functions. People who work side by side every day form a close-knit team, and each of them is focused on the same result. If agreement cannot be reached, the heroes of Krylov’s famous fable appear before us in a modern interpretation.

This is why office friendships are a good idea. An ideal colleague is someone you respect, someone you can trust. Otherwise, being in a confined space together turns into emotional torture. Here are the signs that indicate a breakdown in trust.

He cares more about personal success

We are all concerned about personal and career growth, we all want an increase in salary, recognition from colleagues and a good assessment from our superiors. It is these qualities that create healthy competition within the team, which ensures the overall result. But when one of the employees pulls the blanket too much on himself, an imbalance is observed. And although democracy was built on the principles of individualism, no one will deny that the lone ranger will not survive in the conditions of a large metropolis in the long term. This condition can also be applied to business. Without good partners who are ready to back up at any time, you can’t count on results. If your coworker is too isolated from the team and focused only on his own problems, everyone on your team will ultimately suffer.

He takes credit for all the ideas when participating in joint projects.

Trust in a colleague can be undermined as soon as you realize that he is taking credit for most of the joint ideas. You discussed this together, and he, wanting to appear before his superiors as a leader, shows you complete disrespect. Such an employee believes that “man is a wolf to man,” and “in war, all means are good.” The pinnacle of hypocrisy would be a completely stolen idea. He did not participate in brainstorming, has not had a development plan in mind for a long time. He just got ahead of you and is now going to rest on his laurels.

He spreads gossip around the office

Gossip comes out of this person's mouth with intent. As an ardent individualist, he will not do anything just to please his own pride. His every action is filled with secret meaning. By spreading gossip, he easily quarrels among his employees and gets the opportunity to manipulate them. Think about this when one of your colleagues starts telling you about the boss's new mistress. Tomorrow he will air your dirty laundry in front of other team members. We do not advise you to trust him, much less tell him about what is happening in your home. If you want to speak out, there are trusted friends who have eaten more than a pound of salt with you.

He's trying to curry favor with his boss.

They say about such people: “they can crawl into any crack without soap.” They can be easily noticed when it comes to small signs of attention shown to superiors. If it were their will, they would carry a fan in front of the boss and sing sweet songs to him. However, everything changes when it comes to people equal to them in status. It’s as if this person is being replaced. He is trying his best to outshine you and your team. Be careful: one wrong move on your part and you will be thrown to the bottom of the corporate ladder. Some people call this phenomenon "social ascension" and consider the suck-up as the first contender for a vacant position. It is not surprising if “heads roll” due to the fault of this person. Don’t even think about trusting him, because if the opportunity arises, he will betray his own mother!

He already has experience of betrayal

If your colleague has the title of slanderer and traitor, do not think that he will be an angel with you. Undoubtedly, every person has the right to make mistakes. But a miscalculation that led to the failure of the project and slander are things that belong to different weight categories. You can expect improved performance from an inexperienced employee, but you will never expect honesty from a colleague who is silently looking over your shoulder. He knows how to wreak havoc around himself and create an uncomfortable work environment. He misleads you, deceives you, schemes, but never puts 100 percent into his work.

He doesn't take criticism

People who have already achieved success talk about the importance of accepting criticism. Sometimes critical arrows can be constructive. Time does not stand still, and with it technologies change and adjustments are made to the work process. What you were taught at university 10 years ago may be hopelessly outdated today. When working in a large company, it is important to always be open to dialogue. This increases the productivity of the department as a whole. Now look at your colleague. He takes any of your comments with hostility, and, worse than that, ready to blame you for your mistakes? Apparently, he is an extra link in your team, systematically undermining the atmosphere in the team from the inside.

It makes you feel isolated

Sometimes an employee who succeeds in corporate intrigue creates a select group around himself. Of course, there was no place for you in this pile. You have been chosen as the target of endless ridicule, and now you feel deeply unhappy at work. This type of people is formed in high school. They always strive to form groups around themselves, which include only a select few. Everyone else becomes an outcast for them. Remember that they will continue to assert themselves at your expense. In this case, there is no question of productivity on your part.

You caught a colleague in a lie

Almost every office has employees who are regularly late for work. They allow themselves not to show up for a business meeting, while at the same time dealing with personal problems. If a colleague often asks you to fill in for him or help with a project, this person has probably chosen the role of an opportunist. There is no need to work when kind colleagues take on part of your responsibilities. Well, in order to quickly get consent, you urgently need to come up with a sick relative, a traffic accident, an impending divorce and a lot of other excuses. They know that the more improbable a lie is, the more likely you are to believe it.

And while you are “lending a helping hand” during your lunch break, your colleague will be chatting with her friend on the phone and posting another photo on Instagram. While most of us tend to think of honesty as the best policy, unfortunately, hypocrisy and cynicism are rampant in offices. If you once caught a colleague in a lie, know that you should expect new troubles later. Liars also destroy camaraderie in the team, making you suspicious of other employees.

He is ready to do anything to become the best

As we have already said, healthy competition helps employees reach new levels of productivity. But when your colleague goes way beyond moral principles, that's a good reason to keep your ears open. A person who is ready to do anything to become the best will go over his head, using all known and unknown tricks and tricks. If someone changes the rules of interaction within the team, adapting them to suit themselves, such a person is not worthy of your trust.

He's jealous of you

No wonder envy was placed on the list of the seven deadly sins. Therefore, if someone in your team has this feeling, stay away from this person. Sooner or later this will lead to problems. Envious people only wish bad things for their more successful colleagues, and they can be identified by their constant dissatisfaction and sidelong glances.

“Serving to your superiors? No, no, excuse me." And he was fired.
Emil Krotky

One of the favorite methods of finding effective solutions in companies is brainstorming. It is really useful both from the point of view of strengthening the corporate spirit and from the position of search best idea. But when a leader takes part in a brainstorming session, for some reason many ideas remain behind the stern, and the side of the ship is crowned with a flag with the boss’s idea, even if this idea is far from the best. Not everyone likes to curry favor with their superiors, but many are ready to take this step in order to work calmly and not tempt fate. Employees of many companies try not to compete with the ideas of even the most loyal managers. Submission requires submission.
Unfortunately, in 70% of cases, it is disagreements with management that lead to the dismissal of employees. But is it worth currying favor with your superiors for the sake of your career? May be. Since the late 60s of the last century, “Chief’s Day” (October 16) has been celebrated annually in the United States, and now throughout the world. This holiday was suggested by one of the ordinary American employees. Perhaps such an initiative brought some benefit to her, or her boss was truly a wonderful person and deserved such an honor. But in most cases, management does not favor sycophants.
Psychologists recommend establishing contact with your superiors gradually, without unnecessary posturing. Experienced managers We are confident that it is quite possible to achieve the manager’s favor based on professionalism, dedication and positive personal qualities.
During debates in negotiations, in business conversations, and at meetings, employees are afraid to express their opinions for several reasons.

  1. Fear of losing your position or job. This is the most popular form of refusal to participate in discussions, discussions and speeches. There are plenty of examples where one phrase influenced a career. In one of the London companies, a telephone operator was fired immediately after a meeting at which he mentioned that he was not satisfied with wage. But working in constant fear of being fired is still more difficult than being fired once. What's the point of currying favor with superiors if at any moment an employee may find himself out of favor after a simple remark or suggestion?
  2. Uncertainty about being right. La Rochefoucauld believed that it is better for those who are not confident in themselves to remain silent. But guided by this logic, you can remain silent all your life, not understanding whether your proposals and decisions were correct. If you are unable to test your thought or idea yourself, share it with someone you trust before making it public. If the team in which you work is quite loyal and correct, you may well voice your thought to find out how it will be assessed. Being unsure of your rightness is not a reason to accept other people's bad ideas, even if they are the ideas of your manager.
  3. Lack of initiative, lack of sincere interest in finding a solution. In companies where subordinates are accustomed only to curry favor with their superiors and are not accustomed to think for themselves, the time of stagnation and crisis comes. The “Naked King” is a laughing stock not only for his own subjects, but also for his competitors and partners. An important factor, affecting the effectiveness of any commercial organization, is the initiative of its employees, their responsibility for their decisions, personal interest in the results of the company. Management using the cartoon method “whoever praises me best will receive a delicious candy” is the lot weak leaders. To a good specialist Instead of currying favor with a weak boss, it is better to find a job where you can disagree with a strong boss.

Which style of cooperation to choose is a personal matter for everyone. Those who choose the option of toadying should understand that the role of a “favorite” is associated with certain sacrifices. If you are ready for them, then here are a few techniques that will definitely help you curry favor with your superiors, but may cost you your own nerves, energy and time.

  • Compliments and gifts. True sycophants notice every little detail in their boss’s wardrobe and hairstyle, remember all the dates, and celebrate every special day in their boss’s life. This method of currying favor is suitable for both men and women. Innocent compliments about the director's new tie or a gallant remark about the color of the chef's hair - everything becomes a weapon for a skilled sycophant. Such people remember the birthday dates of not only their boss, but also his wife (husband), children, sisters and brothers, etc. When choosing the path of a sycophant, be attentive to the details of your boss’s personal life.
  • Additional tasks. To curry favor with your superiors, it is not enough to simply shower them with compliments. Love, as they say, must be proven by actions. Sycophants are willing to stay late after work, take on additional responsibilities, and bear the burden social work, carry out minor assignments from superiors. In general, get ready to waste your personal time to save your boss’s time.
  • Spying. If your boss is suspicious, then there is a chance that you will act as a double agent. “Friendship” with management often involves spying on colleagues, reporting on the personal lives of subordinates to superiors, and other not-so-pleasant assignments.

Is it worth currying favor with your boss just out of fear of losing your job or lack of self-confidence? Perhaps this career option is suitable for someone. The main thing is to adequately evaluate all the pros and cons.

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