Life motivation. The role of motivation for life in achieving goals

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In this article, I will try, together with you, to learn to understand the difference between motivated people and those who, for some reason, have lost the sense of acting, moving, developing - Living. First of all, let's define motivation in the simplest words:

Motivation is a certain psychological process, a state of a person that encourages him to act, to move, to create or destroy.

From the above, we should highlight the most key components of human motivation: activity and movement.

I will tell you what motivates me in this life, in other words, what motivates me to live on, to wake up every morning at 7 o’clock, say a short prayer in front of the icon, cook breakfast for the whole family when they are still sleeping so sweetly, stretch my muscles with light morning stretching, and get ready to complete the tasks and achieve the goals of the coming day...

So, the best motivator is the process itself.

Let me give you a trivial example: I set a goal to lose 20 kg, started working out, and a week later I saw the first results, which only strengthened my goal to move on.

Motivation is a kind of mystery that is comprehended by strong people. With experience, I realized that setting a goal and going towards it is important, but the most interesting and unique thing is the process, the very path to achieving the goal. And absolutely every person can overcome this path. We are born on equal rights, and no matter what genetic line is embedded in us, absolutely each of us can and should be strong man achieving all their intended goals. It's simple - you either do it or you just blow the air.

The best motivation is self-motivation.

No one will ever guide me or tell me what to do if I don’t want it. This is how I am structured, I am used to listening to myself, to my thoughts, to the thoughts of people who are authoritative for me - as a rule, these are those people who have achieved in this life everything they wanted on their own and without the orders of others. I repeat, until you yourself want to move forward, until you create an action plan, analyze the mistakes of the past, until you have the fear of not having time to realize yourself in this life - you are doomed to be called a loser, a weak, weak-willed vegetable...

The worst thing is when I see the likeness of men - whining, with their hands down, that everything is bad for them, while everything is fine for others... I have never seen a stupider and sadder situation.

Why does one person go for a run despite the fact that it is raining or strong wind outside, and another will see this as an unkind sign that they can skip and run tomorrow? The question is probably how strongly you are motivated in life, how often do you look for excuses for your inaction, releasing the worst enemy of 90% of people - laziness. And I don’t know anything more dangerous in my life.

A lazy person is a large-scale disease.

We are so used to focusing on convenience, on our own comfort, we sleep more than our body needs. It's so convenient for us. As for me, lazy man- this is a person falling from a great height, who has only one decision - timely - to have time to pull the ring and open the parachute, land safely, staying alive... We are designed like this - as long as everything is fine with us, as long as we are comfortable, we will float along with everyone else, citing the fact that this is how the majority live... It is impossible to justify laziness.

Indeed, no matter how many times and no matter how hard they kick you, until you have an inner desire to do something and achieve something, there will be no result. So remember that best motivation– this is self-motivation. And it has many sub-components.

For me personally, the most important component in motivation is it's fear.

Don't be surprised, I'm a very timid man. I am constantly driven by fear and for me it is the only, best motivator.

I'm afraid of everything - little things and big things. For example, I’m afraid I won’t have time to make my life the way I planned, I’m terribly afraid if my family will deny themselves or need something, and I’m also afraid that someday in the future I’ll admit that I’m an old, senile person... It’s fear that makes me lead healthy image life, work not physically, but with your head. We have no confrontation with him, and in our simple relationship “His Majesty” constantly dominates - he scares, but I’m afraid)

“People who are unable to motivate themselves must settle for the status of mediocrity, no matter how outstanding their talents.”

If you want to succeed in life, self-motivation is essential. You must know how to motivate yourself. You must maintain fortitude no matter how discouraging the situation is. This is the only way to gain the strength needed to overcome difficulties. Anyone who has lost confidence in their abilities and faith in themselves will lose, will be broken and will find it even more difficult to rise. It is very important to find the strength to stand up and fight for life, not for your own, but for the lives of loved ones, for their future.

Living for yourself is selfish. I tried - I lived in luxury, bathed in it, lived beautifully, but uselessly, lived brightly, but shallowly... It is very important to live for the benefit of others, your loved ones and relatives, to be a role model and not to be mediocre, as the old man once said Andrew.

Important components of motivation

1. Desire.

Some desires motivate you a short time, and a truly important desire will stimulate you no matter what. It is a source of motivation that never runs dry. You may feel like your motivation is gone, then you should turn to your desire to get a fresh dose of motivation.

2. Dream.

Just imagine basketball players. Will they be motivated to play if there is no goal in the form of a basket? Don't think. They need a purpose. You need a goal. This is what your dream is expressed in.

But just having a dream is not enough.

Your dream should be meaningful enough to inspire you. It should be realistic and challenging at the same time. It should stretch your capabilities beyond your comfort zone. It is very important to protect your dream, try not to share - cherish it, treat it as a kind of sacrament - your personal one.

3. Be “hungry”

To be truly motivated, you need to crave, not just desire. Having a simple desire will not allow you to go through those difficulties that you do not yet know about.

In many cases, it is thirst that draws the line between the best and the mediocre.

4. Run your own race

“I'm not trying to dance better than anyone else. I'm just trying to dance the best I can." (Mikhail Baryshnikov)

Comparing yourself to others is an effective way to demotivate yourself. Even if you start with enthusiasm, you will soon waste your energy when you compare yourself to others.

Don't let this happen to you. You have your own “track” where other people’s achievements will be useless.

Comparing yourself to others is like comparing the performance of a swimmer to a runner using the same time standards. They are different, how can you compare them to each other?

The only person you need to compete with is yourself. The only thing you need to do is conquer yourself.

5. Let the past go

“End each day and say goodbye to it. You did what you could." (Ralph W. Emerson)

Believe it or not, one of the best demotivators is your past. Your past can drag you down before you realize it. Your past may weigh heavily on your shoulders.

But the good news is that you don't have to bear this burden. Take it off your shoulders and leave it. You may have made mistakes in the past. You may have disappointed others with your actions. But it's over. It's already in the past and you don't need to do anything about it.

Today is a new day and you have a chance to start over. No matter how bad you may have been in the past, you still have a bright future ahead of you waiting for you. Just don't let the weight of your past stop you.

Apply these rules and motivate yourself. Don't settle for mediocrity. Let your self-motivation lead you to excellence.

Motivation or motivation for life is a topic that never loses its relevance: first we motivate ourselves to start or change something, then we look for incentives to finish what we started. But what if “to the end” never comes?

A series of short-term goals realized thanks to successfully found motives is good, big goals brought to life are even better, but after achieving important goals, life does not end, and, therefore, motivation must continue. - writes the site

Lucky is the one who methodically moves from one goal to another, and the larger the previous one, the greater the goal he sets for himself further. But it often happens the other way around: they achieved and achieved, then they stopped, looked around and asked themselves: “So what? What is this all for?". Here's about this “why” and also about how to save motivation for life during a long and eventful period called life, I propose to talk today.

Crisis 25-27 years

I don’t know if this is just a coincidence or a new trend, but in Lately many of my close friends and acquaintances began to ask questions: “Who needs all this?”, “Why try?” and similar dilemmas leading to depression and apathy. Let me make a reservation right away: these are not some anecdotal characters vegetating on the couch, these are young, talented, promising people, full of ideas, who work hard and have enormous potential. Age range: 23-27 years. Similar thoughts have been visiting me from time to time, probably for the last 2-3 years, and no matter how hard I tried to find an effective “antidote” for them, from time to time they arise again and I have to again muster up my willpower and motivation so as not to fall into the abyss of depression .

In one study, I read that psychologists, in addition to the midlife crisis and the “empty nest” crisis (50-55 years old, when children start their own family and leave the parental home), “felt” in a person another crisis period - 25-27 years. Its main reasons are related to self-realization in professional and social life, search and awareness of one’s place in the world. Many doubts swarm in the head of a young man when he is looking for his path, plus a feeling of independence and adulthood appears, which, of course, entails a sense of responsibility for his own life.

As for my friends, some of them have already chosen a path, and have succeeded in it, and are financially very well equipped thanks to their hard work, and depressive thoughts like “what then?”, “why am I doing all this?” they still roll with terrible force. We thought, we thought, we analyzed and analyzed, and this is how I decided to formulate our thoughts about motivation for life:

Motivation formula for life

  1. Enjoying the process.
    When choosing your life’s work, you can experiment, make a choice with your heart or head, but the activity that you choose for yourself (even if not forever, but only for a few years) must definitely bring you pleasure in the process. In other words, you should like the work itself, and not just the moment you receive your salary. Then depression will have little chance to enter your consciousness.
  2. Enjoying the result.
    If you enjoy the process, but cannot use the fruits of your labor to gain recognition, financial success, fame and other “goodies”, you will permanently experience dissatisfaction with life. Enjoying the results of your work is an integral part of a harmonious life. The fruits of your activity are not only a well-deserved reward, but also additional motivation for action. I used to think that by combining these two points in my activities, I could live happily and carefree, being protected from apathy and highly motivated. It turned out that this was not so, that something was missing. So in the formula motivation for life the third ingredient appeared.
  3. Highest goal.
    If your life's goal is to make a million dollars by, say, age 35, what will you do next? If you sometimes feel like your activities are pointless, how do you push those thoughts away? How to answer your pressing questions and how to convince yourself that your life is filled with meaning? Think about what is your highest goal? One way or another, it is connected with changing the world: someone brings knowledge to people, someone provides quality services that people deserve, someone changes the appearance of the city so that residents feel comfortable in it, someone shows people the aesthetics of everyday phenomena and etc. Determine in what area you want to change the world for the better (and I believe we all want to) and always remember that you are not just working, not just expressing yourself, not just getting paid for your work - you are changing the world, getting out of bed day after day and doing what you love for the greater good of all.

Each person has his own goals that he wants to achieve over time. One wants to go in for sports and get his body in order, the other sees the point in successful business, which will ensure prosperity, the third seeks to obtain a driving license…. Everyone has different dreams, but not everyone manages to change their life for the better. So what's the deal?

Some believe that the obstacle is a lack of time or lack of willpower. These factors are only a small part of the true reason why many are unable to take matters into their own hands. They simply lack motivation for life, for something new. But it is she who helps you move forward, towards your dream and gives impetus even in those moments when strength and energy are running out. Only she is able to constantly say: “Act!”, leaving not a single chance for failure.

How to find and maintain motivation?

Motivation for life is hidden behind elementary things, and therefore it is very easy to find it - you just need to imagine your feelings about the result you want to achieve. Introduced? What do you feel? Joy, desire to sing, incredible warmth in the soul? Then the goal is truly worthy, and these very feelings are motivating. And the more vivid your vision of the result, the stronger your motivation will become. In your head you can draw a picture in the smallest detail: here is the achievement of the goal, and the attitude of those around you in connection with this, and changes in life. It is necessary to try to imagine as clearly as possible what the result of the work spent will be.

And when the motivation for a new life is found, it will not be difficult to maintain it even in those moments when strength is running out, when there is a great desire to give up everything and stop there. In such seconds, you just have to close your eyes and again imagine that bright, juicy and so desired result. And at that very moment the veil of despair will fall and, as if from nowhere, additional energy will appear for further movement. Motivation for a successful life is necessary everywhere, and without it there may not be a positive result.

What needs to be changed?

Desire to start new life often borders on a misunderstanding of the foundations of this very life. But here everything is quite simple - you need to learn to take responsibility for your actions, and most importantly, master the principles of self-control. In other words, give up bad habits and replace them with useful ones.

Motivation for a successful life is guaranteed to bring one hundred percent results if you can pull yourself together. For example, addiction to alcohol and smoking indicates weakness of spirit and lack of willpower. But you have to overcome these bad habits yourself. There is no need to look for any methods or means; The only thing that will do is a word given to yourself that you will never return to harmful addictions. In fact, this method is the most effective and fastest. Be the master of your word and do not betray your dream, your desires, your other life.

If your motivation is aimed at something new and better, then you cannot do without useful innovations. In particular, you need to reward yourself with health. This is, of course, sports. We are not talking about any serious loads or achievements here. It is enough to choose a sport for the soul that will bring joy and at the same time distract you from activities that do not make sense. What can you recommend? Anything:

  • start with banal morning exercises;
  • then you can choose any specific direction and develop in it;
  • some prefer to hire a trainer or visit a gym;
  • others will enjoy jogging, light exercise or yoga.

Choose! Take action! Regular exercise gives extremely positive results: from body condition to general well-being. This, you see, cannot be said about bad habits, the impact of which affects both health and appearance. It’s worth thinking about and remembering the motivation for a new life, isn’t it?

How to start a new life?

A successful person not only knows what he wants, but also does everything possible for it. And if you want your life to start changing for the better, then start this process yourself by raising own strength will and strengthening character. This will undoubtedly take some work. But you remember that there is motivation for life. From time to time, remember the sensations of the desired result and continue to move towards your goals.

How to pull yourself together and cultivate iron willpower? The path could be as follows:

  • Set a really big and meaningful goal for yourself, but be extremely careful and take this task with full responsibility.
  • Start gradually moving towards your goal. You will be surprised, but the path to it will be simpler than choosing it. This is due to the fact that a person will not spare any effort, time, energy, or money for a correctly set goal.
  • Try to exceed your plan every day. Let today the scope of work be 100%, and tomorrow, for example, 120 or 130%.

You should solve several problems for yourself by answering the questions:

  • Do I really want positive changes in my life?
  • Do I want to be in a good mood every day?
  • Do I need happiness and joy?

And when all these questions are answered in the affirmative, act! No reason to give up better life!

A sincere desire to achieve something that will constantly find nourishment in the form of action is doomed to success. You will definitely win in your endeavor if the goal is correct. How to find out? Just! Periodically, this task will disturb your sleep and put you in a teaching state. This will happen until you wake up and begin the path to achieving it. And you will definitely succeed, because you have a motivation in your life that will not allow you to deviate from your intended path, despite the difficulties and unforeseen circumstances that arise. You need to relax, then pull yourself together and believe in yourself.

The secret of making your plans come true

In order not to stray from the intended path, the goal should be somewhat materialized. Let some object or image become its symbol. Place this symbol in a prominent place where it will always be in front of your eyes. Such motivation will be the best excuse for creating a new and better life and will always be at hand.

A plan helps you realize your plans. Entrust to paper everything that you want to remove from your life, add to it, or change. Move from point to point, be scrupulous and responsible at this moment. And don’t forget to promise yourself that you will definitely reach the very end. And then re-read everything you have written down every day and cross out the completed chapters.

Sometimes it will be useful to find a like-minded person or even several people who can share your aspirations. After all, doing something together is not only faster and easier, but also more fun. Such cooperation is sure to be fruitful.

All of the above tips can help in any endeavor and, most importantly, they allow you to find your motivation for life. Choose a goal, strive for it and spare no effort! And don’t forget about motivation for life - it will definitely help you with this!

Human life is a series of various events and actions, the achievement of set goals. Every person strives to become successful, find happiness and harmony. However, in life everything is not so simple, and success does not fall from the sky. Therefore, you must be ready to work on yourself, not complain about fate, but change what you are not happy with. For this, desire alone is not enough. How many people want to quit smoking, but can’t! How many people dream of losing weight, playing sports or learning foreign language! Everyone wants, everyone dreams, but things are still there, as they say... But why? Because to realize your desires you need incredible willpower, determination and... motivation!

Motivation is what makes you wake up early in the morning and, despite bad weather, run cross-country. Motivation is what helps you get up and move forward when you want to give up and give up. This is a faithful assistant in all matters. The right motivation, capable of killing laziness and throwing away all excuses is half the success. Let's consider what it is like.

Firstly, it can be external and internal. Extrinsic motivation- this is an opportunity to receive encouragement from society: praise, prizes, money. Perhaps everyone wants to be a wealthy person, have a tall social status and public recognition. This is external motivation that forces one to act for certain benefits. Intrinsic motivation is characterized by the desire to satisfy the needs for self-development and the realization of abilities. IN in this case external factors do not play a key role, the main thing is the process of activity itself, which gives pleasure. Intrinsic motivation is more significant in terms of personal growth. Thus, a person can work without any external encouragement just for the sake of self-esteem and a sense of self-worth. He will take on difficult tasks to prove to himself that he can handle them. Force intrinsic motivation is great, since it depends only on the person himself and his worldview; it is a kind of internal core that does not allow him to lose heart.

Motivation can also be positive or negative. Let's say a girl goes in for sports to lose weight and fit into her favorite dress; or a travel lover learns a foreign language to visit different countries. These are examples of positive motivation. In other words, a person determines his own reward for achieving a goal. And when the same girl hangs a photograph of a cow, hippopotamus or other large, clumsy animal on the refrigerator, and even with a menacing inscription: “Don’t eat after six, otherwise you’ll become like that!” - then there will be negative motivation. At the same time, a person thinks about the negative consequences of his action (or inaction), trying to avoid them. Both types of motivation are equally effective, especially when combined. However, it is often negative motivation that is stronger. For example, a person gives up bad habits when faced with life-threatening diseases. The “stick method” turns out to be more effective than the “carrot method”, since in difficult moments a positive image seems to be something very distant and unattainable, while a negative one is very close, literally hanging over your head.

One cannot fail to mention the sustainability of motivation. For some people, it is enough to paint a bright life ahead for themselves once with rainbow colors and not deviate from the intended path; others need constant reinforcement and support. Unstable motivation can ultimately lead to the collapse of plans - laziness does not sleep and, at the slightest easing, drags a person down. Therefore, in any endeavor it is necessary to ensure sustainability of motivation. An ordinary dispute can become a powerful assistant in this case. As soon as you make a serious bet, an additional desire arises - the desire to win at all costs and prove your worth to your opponent. Moreover, the more people know about the dispute, the greater the effect, the higher the incentive for activity. How many times do people deceive themselves, promising to “start a new life” on Monday, in the summer, in the New Year... But you can deceive yourself with impunity: no one knows about this failure anyway, which means you can continue to live peacefully as if nothing had happened . It’s a completely different matter when a person publicly declares his readiness to change something in his life! In this case, along with personal motivation, there appears the desire to “not lose face” in front of others, to establish yourself in society as a person worthy of respect. No one wants to undermine their reputation, and therefore they will have to fulfill their obligations.

A special type of motivation is the desire to be like an authoritative person. Most often, teenagers who try to imitate their idols have this motivation. The main thing is that this imitation is useful and helps you subsequently find yourself. When we have an example successful person who has achieved something, the question involuntarily arises: “Why can he, but I can’t?” This is the first impetus to action. This is how fans of musicians learn to play the guitar and piano, fans of football or hockey players begin to seriously engage in sports, revealing their talents and reaching heights. Everyone needs a role model, first of all, for their own improvement, the realization that success does not come for free. In this sense, Nicholas Vujicic is a unique example. This amazing man, born without arms and legs, was able not only to find his happiness, but also to help thousands of people, proving that anything is possible! Nicholas's life story amazed the whole world, and his books, which became global bestsellers, inspired readers, made them believe in themselves and learn to overcome any difficulties and obstacles. Such motivation can even bring a person back to life, giving him hope for the best!

When it seems that it has arrived black line When you give up, it's important to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is important to clearly know why you need to overcome your laziness once again, for which you should get up right now and start acting. And then strength and energy will appear, and wings will grow behind your back. This is the greatest role of motivation - our driving force. That's why it's so important to motivate yourself to live a full life and become a real Person with a capital H.

Motivation for life! Take action!

What is motivation for life? Now many printed publications are trying to answer this question. Moreover, some of them even provide clear instructions that can help you find your own motivation. But such topics are popular not only among printed publications. There are many sites on the Internet dedicated to self-motivation. It is not surprising that many began to wonder: can motivation for life really help in achieving your goals?

What is motivation?

First, you need to understand what motivation is in a person’s life? It should be noted that there are a huge number of definitions of this word, but none of them can fully express its essence. After all, this is the same as trying to reveal the full depth of love, relying only on words. Still, it's worth a try.

Motivation is an unknown force that encourages a person to take certain actions. Moreover, its source can be both internal and external factors. Under the influence of motivation, people begin to act more actively, going straight towards their goal. It is not surprising that many are trying to learn how to stimulate their own psyche using means such as self-control and motivation. For a good life, these are extremely important skills that can strengthen

Types of motivation

Each author characterizes this phenomenon in his own way, dividing it into special groups. But still, among all the variety of versions, a clear pattern can be traced. Using it as a template, we can distinguish two main types of motivation:

1. External motivation. In this case, a person is prompted to certain actions by external factors. Let's say a speaker's speech calling for you to change your life for the better. Or the possibility of a salary increase if a person works more diligently over a certain period of time. Also included in this category are negative factors. Thus, a person, having learned about his own illness, will be motivated to manage it so as not to worsen his situation.

  1. Realize the importance of this idea. After all, if you don’t start looking after your health now, then it may be too late.
  2. Look for shortcomings in yourself that can be corrected with the help of a healthy lifestyle. For example, remove fat folds, cure gastritis, get rid of shortness of breath, and so on.
  3. Pick up interesting view training. So, some people like running, others like tennis, and others are crazy about swimming.
  4. Learn new recipes for delicious dishes based on healthy ingredients. Thus, interest in something new will help overcome attachment to the old diet.
  5. Watch a video about what nicotine and alcohol do to the human body. Nothing motivates better than contemplating the consequences of one's own vice.

Motivation for success

Own business, additional income, promotion at work - all these are components of a successful life. In order to achieve good results in this area, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors. Therefore, motivation to live a life not burdened by financial difficulties is extremely important in this matter.

What can become an incentive to achieve success?

  1. First of all, plunge into the world of dreams. Imagine what life will be like in which you can afford anything: a big house, a beautiful car, tours to the most picturesque places on the planet. And don’t just list all this in your head, but feel how real it is, and then the desire to succeed will appear on its own.
  2. Explore They Will Be good example how you can achieve what you want. In addition, they motivate for their own achievements.
  3. Learn to be jealous. Let them say that this is bad, but it is envy that gives rise to the desire to surpass another, standing head and shoulders above him.

How to stay motivated?

Probably the most difficult thing is to maintain motivation long enough. After all, over time, its strength begins to fade, and what made the heart tremble yesterday is no longer useful today. Therefore, you should not dwell on already mastered methods of self-motivation. You need to look for alternative ones. These could be new books, films, reports, or even fresh thoughts in your head. This is the only way to achieve harmony with yourself and retain the power that makes you move, despite all the obstacles.

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