Vologda products drinking milk carved palisade. "northern milk": natural products of excellent quality

Business 08.05.2020

“The launch of new lines will allow us to increase production volumes of cottage cheese, sour cream and whole milk products, significantly improve the quality of products, create new jobs and increase tax contributions to budgets of all levels,”- said Andrey Lutsenko.

Three modern new lines will produce products as part of the import substitution program. Production capacity: more than 3 thousand tons per month.

“For the consumer, this is convenient Tetra Top packaging and a quality product. And most importantly, all lines are high-performance. We plan to supply our products throughout Russia. I would like to thank the Regional Government and the Vologda Region Development Corporation for supporting all our projects,”- said Maxim Malygin, Vice President for Strategy and Investments of Neva Milk Group of Companies.

This project was implemented with the support of the Vologda Region Development Corporation.

“We provided methodological and advisory assistance throughout the implementation of the project, and helped remove administrative barriers. The project is not the first for us, it was clear to us. And the result is obvious,”- explained CEO Development Corporation of the Vologda Region Oksana Yakovleva.

OJSC "Northern Milk" is the city-forming enterprise of Gryazovets. At the end of 2014, the first line in the CIS for the production of brine feta cheese was opened at the enterprise. The launch of the new line coincided with the introduction of sanctions and a food embargo against Russia, so Northern Milk OJSC became the main supplier of feta cheese on the markets of Russia and the CIS countries. Feta cheese under the Sirtaki brand can be seen in almost all federal and regional chains.

During this time, the company’s revenue increased by 32% and amounted to 1.7 billion rubles, the volume of milk processing increased by 10 thousand tons, the production of whole milk products increased by almost 50%, in 2015 1.5 thousand tons of cheese were produced feta, 25 new jobs were created.

“This is an example of interaction between two regions: the Vologda and Leningrad regions, the Northern Milk company and the regional Government. We are confident that in the future those investment projects, which the Northern Milk company has today, will also be successfully implemented in the region,” - noted Andrey Lutsenko.

In 2015, dairy processing enterprises in the region processed 381 thousand tons of raw milk, which is 10 thousand tons higher than last year. Currently industrial processing 16 enterprises are engaged in milk production.

The total average daily milk processing capacity is 2 thousand tons, and regional enterprises are capable of processing 700 thousand tons of raw milk per year. The dairy product production index for 2015 was 108.2%.

- Anton Alekseevich, tell us with what results the company completed 2015?

Product turnover over the past year amounted to 1.7 billion rubles, with plans for 2016 to increase it to 2.5 billion rubles. At the end of the year, we devoted a lot of attention and time to developing new brands, preparing technological equipment. IN currently Everything has been installed and commissioning work is underway. The plant also installed a Tetra Top packaging machine, the official launch of which will take place at the end of May this year. Work is currently underway to install a bactofuge, which will allow bacterial purification of milk. In addition to technological innovations, the number of employees at the plant has increased. True, it is insignificant compared to the growth in the volume of milk processing and the number of products produced. In total, the company employs 270 people.

Currently, the plant is working with suppliers to attract raw materials, including Gryazovets. For this purpose, we have introduced a new variety of milk “Northern Milk” with more high requirements on the quality of raw materials and high purchase price. This interested suppliers - they began to purposefully work to improve the quality of raw materials, achieving compliance with a given grade, and in return receiving a decent price for milk. In turn, our company receives high-quality raw materials, which allows us to make high-quality products.

- You mentioned the development of new brands. Are you planning to expand your product range this year?

Yes, for 2016 we plan to release more than 25 new products, given that today our assortment is about 40 items. In addition to the product line, the company is expanding its sales geography. Last year, Northern Milk OJSC actively presented its products in St. Petersburg. It is worth noting that St. Petersburg buyers highly appreciated the quality of our products, in connection with this many retail chains contact us and offer us their cooperation. The only thing holding us back is capacity overload - we are now actively working in this direction. I think everything will come true and we will be represented much more widely.

- And with the Gryazovets retail outlets Do you have any partnerships?

In Gryazovets we work with retail outlets of different levels - we do not refuse anyone.

- How do you evaluate the feta cheese project? Did it live up to your hopes?

We are pleased with the result. To date, the workshop has reached the capacity that the company planned for the second year. Now we have reached the production capacity of this product up to 280 tons per month. We produce brine cheese under our Comella brand, and the buyer can find it in many stores in the Vologda region. We are gradually coming out with this product through federal networks to the market of St. Petersburg and Moscow. The project is successful, pays for itself and allows us to invest in plant equipment.

-Are you considering releasing a new type of cheese?

Work is currently underway in this direction, but is still at the level of laboratory tests. We are in search of technologies that can be combined with the plant equipment and our needs.

- Will Northern Milk OJSC please consumers with new products in the near future?

At the beginning of April, a curd line was launched in completely new packaging under the Carved Palisade brand. At the moment we produce two types of cottage cheese: 5% and 9% fat. A new low-fat cottage cheese will appear soon, which will be more tender. The buyer will also be pleasantly surprised by the presence of a recipe on the package; this is also one of the innovations in this line.

It is also important that the packaging for cottage cheese is made of a polymer multilayer film that protects the contents. There is an inert gas inside, which does not allow microorganisms to develop in the product, thereby increasing the shelf life. The technology is designed for the needs of consumers who want to receive fresh products constantly.

In addition to cottage cheese, the entire traditional product line of the plant will be released under the Carved Palisade brand. We have high hopes for this brand.

High-quality packaging is the face of the product

You really can’t argue with this statement, because the modern buyer pays more and more attention to the freshness and quality of the product. As they say, demand creates supply, and manufacturers try to offer goods that satisfy consumer requirements. The new Tetra Top packaging with the “Carved Palisade” trademark from OJSC “Northern Milk” is designed not only to increase the shelf life of the product, but also to preserve all the beneficial qualities of dairy products.

He told us in more detail about the innovations of the enterprise Artem Valerievich Filippov, head of the marketing department of Northern Milk OJSC:

It is worth noting that our plant is the only enterprise in the Vologda region where Tetra Top packaging equipment is installed. There are a total of five such installations in Russia. Operation of the equipment is carried out exclusively automatically, which makes the products environmentally friendly and protected from external factors.

- What products will be released in new packaging?

Traditionally, this line will produce milk, kefir, cream, milkshakes and other dairy products, including new ones - drinking yoghurts and smoothies.

- What is the reason for the transition to new packaging?

Many manufacturers have different brands and several lines of their products. This is necessary in order to reach the federal level, because high-quality packaging is the face of the product, on which its further promotion on the market will depend. But this does not mean that the Northern Milk brand will remain on the sidelines; it will soon be developed new logo, we will promote these products parallel to the Carved Palisade line.

- Tell us more about the product presented in the new packaging, its taste, and beneficial properties.

Let’s take, for example, pasteurized drinking milk “Reznoy Palisad” with a mass fraction of fat of 2.5%. The raw materials for this product meet the highest quality standards of the Northern Milk company and are selected from the best Vologda dairy farms that have passed special certification. By purchasing our milk, the buyer can be sure that this product is made from natural fresh milk. Pasteurization technology combined with convenient Tetra Top packaging, which protects the product from harmful microorganisms and carefully preserves beneficial features, fresh and pleasant taste of milk throughout its shelf life. “Carved Palisade” milk is rich in calcium, protein, essential amino acids and vitamins, and is guaranteed to be free of GMOs, antibiotics and preservatives.

Tetra Top packaging combines the properties of the best packaging materials, such as glass, and protects the product from direct sun rays and light, protects it from contact with external environment. In addition, it is environmentally friendly.

- Thank you for the interview. We look forward to the updated product line.

Oksana Kharchevnikova

In May 2016, in Gryazovets, on the basis of its Vologda dairy plant, the Northern Milk company launched three new production lines: two for the production of cottage cheese and sour cream and one for bottling whole milk products. The total capacity of the new lines was more than 3 thousand tons per month. This is how a large-scale regional project was born. However, the company’s ambitions went far beyond the region - the plans were not only to successfully launch a number of new eco-friendly product lines for Vologda stores, but also to establish further deliveries all around Russia.

Being experienced players in the dairy products market, where brands gain the trust and loyalty of the audience with great difficulty, Severnoe Moloko relied on professional and competent positioning.

Based on the conducted research of the consumer audience and the specifics of the market, Mildberry experts developed the “Window to Ecology” concept for the brand, which reflected the importance of the project on a regional scale and was associated with the main Vologda advantage - environmental friendliness. Within the framework of this concept, a positioning strategy was formed, visual image brand product lines. Elements of wildlife and symbols of environmentally friendly production have found their way into the brand’s visual identity and packaging design.

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Thus, with the support of Mildberry, the Northern Milk company successfully launched a number of new products on the market under the Carved Palisade brand. Several more lines are expected to be released soon.

The project was supported by the regional government and the Vologda Region Development Corporation.

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