Men's competitions on February 23. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you at the Holiday Center! Experts in women's fashion

Litigation 22.03.2023

February 23 is a men's holiday, which is celebrated by all representatives of the stronger sex. A well-thought-out program of competitions and entertainment will turn an ordinary feast into a bright holiday. Outdoor games will not let the defenders of the Fatherland get bored. Original competitions will give men the opportunity to compete, shake off the daily routine and feel like brave strong warriors.

    Game "Associations"

    Everyone can participate in the game. The first participant whispers any word into the ear of the second (for example, window). He says quietly to the third player the association to this word. The third participant whispers his association to the next one. This continues until the last player. He must say out loud the word to which he heard the association. After that, the first participant pronounces the word that he thought of. Often the result is completely unexpected and funny. The game must be dynamic. Participants should speak associations quickly, without hesitation.

    Game "I know better"

    Participants are divided into 2 teams: men and women. The facilitator takes turns asking questions for women from the "Master's Tools" section and for men from the "Kitchen Helpers" section. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The team with the most points wins. The losers fulfill the wishes of the winners.

    Sample questions for men
    With the help of what non-electrical device does the hostess:
    crushes potatoes (masher);
    washes berries and fruits (colander);
    beat eggs (whisk);
    decorates cakes with cream (confectionery syringe);
    grinds any spices (mortar).

    Sample questions for women
    What does the owner use when needed:
    pull out a nail (nail puller);
    remove rust from metal (file);
    cut high strength material (hacksaw);
    screw in a screw (screwdriver);
    connect small parts (soldering iron).

    Game "Cinderella"

    Two men are called for the role of Cinderella. In front of each on the table is a bowl filled with beans, peas and dry berries, a glass, a decanter of water, 2 brooms and 2 balls. A chair is placed at the same distance from each table. Participants are blindfolded. Their first task is to sort the mixture of grains and berries into different piles. If the grain falls into the wrong pile, the participant receives a penalty point. After the player has finished with the grains, he removes the bandage and drinks as many glasses of water as he received penalty points. Then he must complete one more task - to drive the ball under the chair with a broom. The winner is Cinderella, who completes all the tasks faster.

    Sumo wrestlers game

    The game is played by two men. To carry it out, you will need 2 suits of wrestlers. They can be made by sewing a thick foam to the inside of an oversized garment, or by putting the garment on the contestant and stuffing the pants and shirt with balloons. The bigger the costume, the better. For realism, you can wear sumo panties over your pants. There is a circle on the floor. The fighters enter it. When the gong sounds, the sumo wrestlers begin the fight. The goal of the game is to push the opponent out of the circle. Striking is prohibited. The player remaining in the circle wins. After the fight, other men can also try their hand at this competition.

    4 men participate in the competition: two hussars and two hussar horses. To carry it out, you will need 2 plastic or foam sabers and 4 patches of Velcro fabric. Hussars are issued saber and 2 pieces each. For realism, they can attach a mustache and epaulettes. At the signal of the trumpet, the hussars jump on their war horses and begin a deadly duel. The purpose of each of them is to attach Velcro flaps to the enemy. The first flap means injury, the second - death. You can cling patchwork not only to a hussar, but also to a horse. The winner is the one who first hits the enemy by attaching both flaps to him.

    There are two men in the competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare 2 plates of jelly or jelly, 2 toothpicks or Chinese sticks.

    The task of the participants is to eat jelly or jelly with the help of toothpicks. You need to do this with your left hand (left-handed - right). It is strictly forbidden to lift a plate with your hands, while helping to drink its contents. You need to eat only issued "cutlery".

    The participant who completes the task faster wins.

    5 men participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need 5 boxes with different things. For a laugh, you can put in them elements of women's clothing, nipples, baby hats or tights, glasses, a scarf made of feathers.

    A box of clothes is placed in front of each participant. After the “get up” command, the men need to quickly put on as many things from the box as possible. After 40 seconds, the command “Stop, at attention” will sound. Participants must stop and stand still for inspection. The host, like a real general, evaluates how the soldiers gathered. The most dressed and original private wins.

What's good about February? This is the last month of winter and this is the month in which there is a real men's holiday. Yes, we are talking about February 23, which is celebrated throughout the country and is a public holiday and a day off. We have interesting ideas on how to spend this festive day at work with men. Watch games and contests and make the holiday brighter and better.

And so, very soon the new holidays will come. Following the New Year, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday, which is celebrated everywhere: in kindergartens, schools and at work. And everywhere it passes cheerfully and brightly. After all, girls prepare surprises and gifts for guys. And we help girls in this. For example, in this article you will find out what military competitions for February 23 for men can be held at work and corporate parties. Funny, fighting and even a little humorous - all your men will remember such contests forever.

The competition is a military telegram.
For the competition you need newspapers, scissors and glue. Divide the men into teams as you see fit. Each team must find words in the newspapers that need to be cut out and pasted on a piece of paper so that a military telegram is obtained. So that men can have an idea of ​​what to look for, define a topic. For example, they must report in a telegram that they have knocked out enemies from the border and ask them to send them drinks as a sign of victory. Of course, it’s impossible to write all this verbatim, but you can use a variety of words to make similar sentences.
When the teams have done everything, they read out their telegrams, and the rest evaluate them and choose the winner.

Competition is classified information.
Two men each participate in the competition. The first host shows a picture or secret information. And with the help of gestures and facial expressions, he must show the second what was drawn or written there. The second participant must guess. For everything about everything, he is given three attempts. If he did not guess correctly, then the team is out of the game. With each next time, complicate the task so that teams are eliminated, otherwise the competition may be delayed.

Competition is teamwork.
For the competition, you need a pair of large pants. Pants should be large enough to fit one person in one leg. There are two men on the team. Each of them climbs into his pants. Then they have to go through an obstacle course. The obstacle course should be interesting: go around posts, crawl under a stretched rope, jump over a rope, and so on. Since men are in the same pants, they must act in a coordinated manner, otherwise they will fall or not be able to pass the obstacle course.

Competition - attention, only attention!
Each soldier must be attentive and think as quickly as he has a reaction. In this contest, we will test our combat soldiers.
Any object is placed on the table, for example, a matchbox. Men are standing near the table, and the leader reads a verse. As soon as the number THREE sounded, then the men should have time to take the boxes from the table. A verse with a catch, and you need to be careful to hear and understand where the number THREE is hidden.
To make it clearer how to play the contest, watch the video:

Competition - assembly, disassembly of the machine!
Each soldier must be able to disassemble and then assemble a machine gun. Since we do not have a real machine gun, we will collect a drawn machine gun. If you have a puzzle on this topic, then use it. If there is no puzzle, then print out the drawing of the machine and cut it into several parts, for example, into 23 parts. Each participant of the competition has pieces on the table. From which you need to collect a picture machine. Whoever does it faster wins.

Men who served in the army participate in this competition. The task of each participant is to draw the coat of arms of their troops, in which the participant served. The most talented and correct drawing is awarded a prize.

Rub to shine

A simple contest to remember the fun years of service. Each participant takes a pair of his shoes, each is given a shoe polish, and at the “start” command, everyone starts rubbing their shoes (boots). Whoever completes the task faster and polishes their shoes to a shine best of all will receive a prize.

Purely male game

For the competition, men are divided into 2-3 teams. In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is a goal, where there are glasses with vodka (juice). The first team members at the start run to the goal, take the “push-up” position and drink one glass, run back, passing the baton to the next participant. Whose team will complete the task faster and empty their glasses, they will receive a prize.

Table arm wrestling

In this competition, men need to show their strength, dexterity and endurance. Pairs of men take turns. Two participants sit down at the arm wrestling table, while each participant receives a plate with the same contents, for example, the same amount of olives, chips, crackers, as well as a “tickler” - another man who, on the “start” command, will tickle the participant. At the command of the leader, the participants grapple with their hands and start the fight, while quickly eating everything from their plate and courageously endure the tickling. The participant who will be the first to eat everything from his plate, bravo endure the tickling and overcome the opponent, goes to the next stage. And the next stage is a rivalry with a winning participant from another pair. After a phased rivalry, the only winner is revealed, who will take his prize.

skillful cook

Each contestant is given one potato, one onion and three boiled eggs. At the signal of the presenter, each of them is offered to peel vegetables and eggs, as well as finely chop the onion. The most skillful cook wins - the one who completed the task faster than the rest.

Three nails for a real man

Each participant receives a plank, a hammer and three nails. On the “start” command, the participants must drive all three of their nails into their plank, only this must be done with the left hand (the hammer will be in the left hand). Whichever of the men will be the first to cope with such a task, he will become the winner.


Epaulettes or shoulder straps are made in advance from thick paper. The participants are divided into teams. At the signal of the leader, the competition begins. The task of the participant is to run with epaulettes on his shoulders to the commander (leader), salute him and return back. After that, the next participant puts on the epaulettes, etc. The team wins, all the participants of which will quickly salute the commander.


Each participant is provided with shoes and laces. The competitor, blindfolded, must lace up the boot and tie the laces faster than the others. Whoever can do it efficiently and quickly wins a prize.

While the match is burning

Everyone knows that in the outfit in the army they often peel potatoes. So, while the match is burning, each of the participants must quickly peel a large potato. If no one managed to completely peel the vegetable, the winner is chosen according to the method of a larger area of ​​potatoes, freed from the peel.

Scenario "Alignment to ..!" is a cool way to congratulate the male half of the team on February 23rd.

The scenario is designed for an organization of up to 50 employees and is designed for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number of funny contests and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are met by several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by drawing lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, each man, upon entering the room where the corporate party will be held, receives an Alenka chocolate bar as a gift, but instead of the girl’s face, the employee’s face should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the celebration is planned must be arranged in the color of military and sea wave.

1. Paper planes and ships should be hung from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone, you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or explore the sea world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to set the buffet tables - this will help free up more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Necessary props

1. Stickers in the form of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the "To the touch" contest.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

7. Two glasses.

8. Musical blanks for competitions.


Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - our entire women's team congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep your eye on luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Women's group performance

Two girls perform a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Fortuneteller", with them a small group of girls on the dance floor.


First verse

Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is a white light
Without men there is no good weather
There is no people without men.
Even in the cards of the old gypsy
Through times the king, then the jack.
Yes, and we will tell you without trickery:
There is a white light on men.


What can I say, what can I say.
Happy holiday to you, men,
And we want to wish you
And courage and strength.
You miss the stars in the sky
Hold a tit in your hands
Don't forget to dream sometimes
Store heat particle.

Second verse

We wish you more happiness in life
Do not be sad for nothing.
Congratulations on this day
Although you were not in the army yourself.
We wish a fair wind
Your life ships.
We dedicate this song to you
Noble to their kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).
(The director gives a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper and a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is the most here.
(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You were divided not by chance. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the marines or the air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!
(Each team can be tied around the neck with a scarf; blue - marines, green - foremen).

Leading: Let's start testing for strength and endurance.

Competition "Women's Carrier"

For the competition, one participant from each team is invited.

Task: to collect as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place on your hands, on your shoulder and in any way, only so that they do not walk on foot.
The one who collects the largest number of girls receives an honorary medal - a sticker in the form of a star, which will be glued to each winner's clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?
(Looks at the girls). Girls, do you feel good, do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's say hello to the first winner again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose your team of 3 girls!

Contest "Guess the melody"

From the teams again leave one participant.
3 girls are invited to help each of them.
Task: guess the melody.
The first person to raise their hand gives the answer.
Songs should be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information in such a way that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to turn on all your ingenuity, because you will not explain with words, but with drawings.

Contest "Secret Line"

From each team, one person is selected to begin explaining the words first.
Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase the excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should display some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you don’t have to be a commander, but you always have to clean the roads from snow!

Competition "Dance Battle"

4 participants are invited.
Each is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.
Participants will have to demonstrate snow removal under 3-4 songs.
The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: And they wear it on their hands, and they know the songs, but how beautifully they know how to move! How lucky our women are with such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Competition "To the Touch"

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.
They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and the teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of him if the participant cannot determine the object for a long time.
But the hints should be suggestive - remotely describing the subject and not contain the same root words.

Leading: A real defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, courageous, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Competition "Exemplary Soldier"

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed so they don't know its contents.
The host offers to choose a captain and only then says the rules of the competition.
The task of the captains for a while, while the match is burning, is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase.
The one who puts on more things wins.
To be funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothes.

Leading: Aren't you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Contest "Repulsed the guy"

Competition for girls.
To the belt of 5-7 girls, one matchbox is tied to a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.
On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.
Girls must trample on the boxes of their rivals as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling on their own.
Those participants whose boxes were trampled on are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What, however, are your harsh conquerors of men's hearts. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled!
Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here today as a winner!

Competition "Quick reaction"

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.
The contents of the glasses can be anything.
On both sides of the table are a paratrooper and a sailor.
The competition is like a duel. At the command of the facilitator, the participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.
You can hold several of these "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant with the most stars. Let's count!
(Music turns on, everyone applauds.)

Host (announces the winner): You get a certificate to visit a real Russian bath! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, skill, quick wits, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! I was approached by the female half of our team with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

(At this moment, a slow song is turned on and the women invite the men to dance. It is important not to leave a single man unattended!)

Leading: Dear men, if you are not yet convinced that life in our office would be boring and monotonous without you, the ladies have prepared another surprise for you. Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Video greeting

(Preferably on a projector), a video on the theme "One day at work without men" is included.
The women's team plays up the situation of one day at work. They reluctantly do all the male work that their colleagues do on a daily basis. And in the end, congratulations on February 23 together.
The video must be copied to a USB flash drive or disk and handed to everyone as an addition to the main gift.

As a cool gift for your colleagues on February 23, you can prepare a bouquet of dried fish and a beer cake.

On this day, it is very important to pay attention to all men so that everyone receives a portion of congratulations and feels the atmosphere of the holiday, because such events bring the team together, and a friendly team is the main secret of the success of any company.

Tired of banal gatherings with colleagues on February 23? Then turn the day of the defender of the fatherland into the best holiday. At least in the office, at work, even in a cafe - wherever you celebrate this day, hold the contests that we have prepared for you and then this holiday will forever remain in your memory as the most fun.

What is a holiday without laughter and fun? Yes, this is a very bad holiday. And in order to have laughter and have fun, you need to prepare well and come up with new, never seen competitions for February 23 for a corporate party. Cool and funny competitions for colleagues will help turn a holiday in the office into an incredible show that you want to repeat and make it traditional. We have come up with interesting games and contests that will turn a corporate event into an unforgettable holiday. Watch and play.

The competition is a ticking time bomb!
And so, we begin the competitive program. We blindfold one man. Pour liquid into three or more glasses: water into all, and vodka into one! We pour about the same amount. Everyone else saw where the vodka was. Let's untie the man's eyes. A girl comes up to the glasses and drinks them all in turn. At the same time, she needs to make sure that the man does not guess where the vodka was. When all the glasses are drunk, the man makes his choice and shows where the vodka was.
So you can play in turn: men against women. And at the end, count the points and drink together for a friendly draw!
To make the competition successful, pour a little bit at a time. So it’s more fun, and the participants will not become drunk at the very beginning of the holiday.

Competition - fell, wrung out, got up!
Four men and four girls participate in this competition. They are divided into pairs. Near each girl there are five inflated balloons. At the command of the leader, the girls take one balloon at a time and put it under the man's shirt. After that, the man falls to the floor, as if doing a push-up. And at the same time, he should burst the ball under the shirt. As soon as the balloon has burst, the man stands up, and the girl puts the second balloon under his shirt. And he falls to the floor again to burst the balloon. Which of the men can burst all five balls ahead of all, he wins.

Competition - we check men for attentiveness.
In this contest, we will test men for attentiveness. To do this, we call 3-5 men to the scene. We put a chair near them, put some object on the chair. Men should have time to grab the object in their hand as soon as they hear the word THREE from the host. And the host reads the verse, the participants listen to it. As soon as the number THREE sounded, then who managed to take the item wins.
Watch the video with the contest on how to play and there is a verse in the same place.

Competition - men of romance.
Every soldier is a romantic. If anyone received a letter from a soldier from the army, then he knows this firsthand. But after the army, romance disappears somewhere. And let's see where the romance of our men has gone. Or did she stay with them?
For the competition, prepare cards on which write the following expressions:
- Your eyes are like two diamonds...
Your lips are like rose petals...
- Your voice is like a silver stream...
- Your hair is like silk threads ...
- Your face is as beautiful as a violet...
You are as beautiful as a star in the night...
- Your flexible camp is like a white birch ...
- Curving eyebrows like a seagull over water...

Each man in turn takes out one card and must come up with a beautiful or cool ending to his line. And after the girls will choose the most romantic and funniest participant.

The contest is a sobriety test!
And now it's time to test men for sobriety. After all, time goes by, everyone drinks, maybe it's time for someone to go home.
Again, prepare cards on which you write funny tongue twisters. For example, such.

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