Participate in government procurement. How to make money on government procurement: step-by-step instructions

Real estate 03.10.2021
Real estate

One of the main questions that companies taking part in a government contract for the first time would like to answer is, of course, where to start participating in the tender?

For beginners, finding the answer to this question can take a lot of time, and extra time in business is often an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, we decided to help you save your resources.

Participation in tenders step by step instructions

Start of participation in electronic trading begins first of all with obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS).

This process is quite simple and does not take much time (provided that you promptly prepare everything Required documents).

To obtain an electronic signature, you must contact a licensed certification center. Here you will be advised and informed about what papers will be required. Electronic digital signature will be ready in 1-2 days from the moment of submission of all necessary documents.

The next stage is registration in the UIS and accreditation to ETP

Just like obtaining an electronic signature, this process cannot be called labor-intensive. You should attach all the necessary documents when registering with the EIS. This information will be sent to the sites automatically. After successful registration of ERUZ participants, accreditation on electronic trading platforms takes place within one working day.

Please note to the fact that at the first stage of registration in the Unified Information System, it is necessary to undergo authentication in the Unified Identification and Information System (Government Services Portal). Only after this will it be possible to proceed to the next stage of registration.

Getting started with tenders

Having successfully completed the previous two stages, you can begin selecting a tender. To do this, go to either the official website public procurement, or to an electronic trading platform.

If you have not yet received accreditation for any ETP, then perhaps it will be more convenient for you to choose a tender on the official website - the most full list bidding

If you are already accredited for a certain trading platform, then it is probably easier for you to find the most suitable government procurement on this ETP.

You can choose a tender according to various criteria: region, contract amount, type of product, etc. Today, large electronic trading platforms (and, of course, the official government procurement website) are equipped with convenient filters that make searching easier.

If you are interested in effective participation in tenders, you can use our tender support service. To search for trades, you can use ours.

Common Mistakes

The entire process of preparation for participation in public procurement It’s quite simple and takes about a week. Be sure to take this into account when choosing trades.

To First stage didn’t take too long, pay attention to the most common mistakes made by suppliers:

    attaching scanned copies (not originals) of documents;

    attempts to attach files weighing more than 12 MB (on the site of Sberbank-AST CJSC - more than 16 MB) during accreditation. In this case, the page either freezes or displays error information;

    the attached documents do not have the necessary stamps, signatures or are difficult to read;

    ignoring fields marked with an asterisk (that is, required fields).

Attentiveness and efficiency are the most important qualities in preparation for participation in public procurement and tenders in general. Strictly following all instructions can help you spend much less time and money.

You can learn more about some of the stages that must be completed to begin participating in government auctions in our articles under the “Question and Answer” section.

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Today, almost every active company encounters such concepts as “government procurement” and “tenders”. As a rule, many people associate the term government procurement with an excellent opportunity to get out of a crisis situation and improve their reputation. However, for others this concept remains distant due to incomplete study. To clarify this situation, in this article we will talk about what government procurement is and how to participate in such events.

For companies that have decided to participate in government procurement, it is important to understand not only the algorithm of actions itself in order to use the provided opportunity with maximum benefit, but also track their effectiveness in order to have a better chance of winning the competition. To understand the purpose of participating in competitions, auctions, tenders, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts, which we will talk about.

Government procurement is a form of placing orders on a competitive basis to meet needs government agencies or bodies of the municipal structure (supply of goods, provision of services, performance of work) under pre-agreed conditions and specified in the contract, as well as proper quality and within the strictly allotted time frame. Such relationships are built between the participant (future supplier), who became the winner of the auction, and the customer, which is a state or municipal body.

This form of placing government orders involves identifying a supplier on the principles of competition and fairness, which makes it possible to make the sphere of government procurement more transparent.

As a result of participation in tenders individual entrepreneur(IP), which meets all the requirements of government procurement and can satisfy all the conditions of the government customer, and also puts forward the most profitable proposition to fulfill the terms of the contract, becomes the winner of the auction.

Winning such tenders for placing government orders is a wonderful chance that those who want to enter the market can take advantage of. professional market with a lot of opportunities, as well as a chance to bring enormous benefits to your enterprise. And in order to become more successful, those planning to participate in a competition for placing a government order must first correctly assess their capabilities and compare all possible business risks to them.

In the future, you need to study the algorithm of actions for participating in tenders for government orders. For this purpose, everyone interested individual(IP) or legal entity must master the basic scheme and principle of operation contract system in general, which we will talk about in this article.

Where to start?

If we talk about where to start, it’s worth noting the very first steps. Having assessed their capabilities, an individual entrepreneur or other person interested in participating in the competition can take the first steps in relation to public procurement. To do this, it’s worth finding out how you can “access” placed orders and, accordingly, become one of the contenders for participation.

A government customer can place an order to meet its own needs in the following way:

  1. Conducting tenders (in the form of auctions, including electronic ones, competitions);
  2. Without organizing trading (purchase from a single supplier, request for quotation, on a commodity exchange).

Now we will tell you more about each of them:

  • On a competition basis

A competition is a form of determining a supplier at an auction, based on the results of which the winner will be the participant (IP) who offers the most best conditions to fulfill the terms of the contract. Depending on what is the subject of public procurement, the competition can be either open or closed (if we are talking about information related to state secrets). You can find out about the competition as a form of placing government orders from publications in printed publications or on the official government procurement portal. Companies applying for participation in tenders, in order to become one of the participants in the tender, must submit an application in a form that complies with the conditions of the tender documentation and within the specified period, which is notified by the customer when placing an order. As for envelopes with an application for participation (including electronic ones), the company should mark them according to the name of the competition, but you can leave your data in the application itself.

The terms of the competition provide for the determination of the supplier according to the following criteria:

  1. Proposal for the contract value;
  2. Compliance with customer requirements;
  3. Expenses related to servicing the goods received;
  4. The terms proposed for fulfilling the terms of the contract;
  5. Warranty period.
  • In the form of an auction

An auction is another way of conducting bidding, providing the opportunity for the customer to conclude a government contract with the person - the company that offered the most low price to fulfill government orders. As in the case of participation in auctions, the auction can be open or closed. The applicant can learn about the auction by posting notices about the start of the auction in printed publications. The principle of the auction is that the participant must offer a price lower than that stated by the customer. The price reduction is carried out in 5% increments and the winner at the auction will be the company that offers the lowest. With regard to the procedure for submitting applications for participation, their consideration by the customer’s commission and the selection of participants, all these procedures are similar to the scheme of participation in auctions in the form of a competition.

  • In the form of an electronic auction

Conducting auctions as electronic auctions is more modern form determining the supplier for government procurement, since communication between the parties (government customers and companies applying for participation in electronic auctions) is carried out via the Internet. This type of trading is carried out on special trading platforms, where relationships and compliance with requirements are regulated by the site administrator. To participate in electronic auctions, a company must be accredited on the government customer’s website within the deadlines established by it. Applications in this case are submitted as emails and consist of two parts: the first is considered by a commission to determine the supplier’s compliance; the second ensures direct participation, since it indicates the price offer. When conducting electronic auctions, companies place bids in increments of 0.5-1%. An individual entrepreneur or another participant cannot offer the same price twice. However, if an offer with the same contract value comes from two different bidders, this does not mean that they both won. In such situations, the individual (IP) or legal entity that put forward the proposal first is selected.

As for other methods of placing government orders, which we mentioned above (request for quotations, purchase from a single supplier), then in relation to them the corresponding regulatory legal act special conditions apply:

  • A request for quotations is carried out in situations where the contract value is no more than 500,000 rubles;
  • An order from a single supplier, as a method of conducting government procurement, is placed in situations provided for by legislative norms.

Requirements for participation in identifying suppliers on a competitive basis

In order to participate in bidding, electronic auctions, tenders for government contracts and other events that we described earlier, the company applicant for participation must familiarize itself with the requirements, which are a necessary condition for government procurement. IN modern conditions these conditions are as follows:

  • Purchasing, searching for orders, registering data and results is carried out through the official portal;
  • Customers enter their order into the system in accordance with the requirements and conditions contained in the relevant law;
  • A contract is concluded with legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who win the auction.

A person can become a bidder for the execution of a government order, subject to compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts:

  • a business entity that has been assigned the status of “legal entity”;
  • An individual entrepreneur is an individual whose status is considered the same as a legal entity.

For all companies applying for participation in the tenders, which we described above, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Familiarization with the Federal Law on Public Procurement;
  2. Acquisition electronic signature for accreditation;
  3. Use the services of the official website and find information of interest there;
  4. Familiarize yourself with the government order and its requirements before taking action;
  5. Having made a decision and assessed the risk (deposit security for the application);
  6. Prepare and submit an application;
  7. Track the results of participation in tenders;
  8. Sign a contract with the customer and fulfill the obligations assumed under the government contract.
  9. We hope that the information we offer in this article will be useful.

Below is an interesting video

Participation in public procurement is a stable and reliable way for companies and private entrepreneurs to obtain new contracts. Participation in government procurement is regulated by a number of legislative acts.

The key requirements for participants in procedures are specified in laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ. Some features of the application of these laws are enshrined in additional legislative acts, such as Government Decrees No. 99, No. 1005 and others.

The following points are regulated by law:

  • procedure for announcing tenders;
  • deadlines and procedure for submitting applications for participation in tenders;
  • the amount of security for applications and contracts;
  • procedure for changing / withdrawing applications for participation in tenders;
  • the procedure for providing clarifications on tender documentation;
  • procedure for selecting winners;
  • procedure for appealing the results of public procurement;
  • procedure for concluding contracts and much more.

Both private entrepreneurs and legal entities of all organizational and legal forms can participate in public procurement.

This function is not available only for those legal entities that are registered in offshore zones, the list of which is defined in Article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Basic requirements for participants in public procurement

The requirements for participants in procedures are divided into basic and additional.

The main requirements include:

  • the participant must not be declared bankrupt;
  • the activities of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity must be active (not suspended under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • the participant must not have debts on taxes and other obligatory payments for the past year (an exception may be debt in an amount not exceeding 25% of the value of assets);
  • Individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations must not have a criminal record for economic crimes (with the exception of an expunged or expunged criminal record);
  • if the subject of the auction is the result of intellectual activity, the procurement participant must have an exclusive right to it;
  • the participant must not have family ties with the auction organizers and must not create other conflicts of interest;
  • the participant must have documents permitting activities in the area corresponding to the subject of public procurement.

In addition, customers can demand that participants not be on lists of unscrupulous suppliers.

In addition to the basic requirements, the participant must:

  • have equipment, material and financial resources that will be needed for the execution of the contract;
  • have experience in the field of interest to the auction organizer and a good business reputation;
  • have the required number of specialists who can fulfill the terms of the contract.

All listed requirements must be documented.

At its discretion, the customer may put forward other requirements for participants - this is not prohibited by law. The introduction of additional requirements may be related to the need to certify the participants’ capabilities to fulfill the conditions of public procurement.

The participant must offer products that comply with the terms of purchase. Inconsistency of the proposal with the subject of public procurement leads to rejection of the participant’s application.

To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to carefully study the tender documentation. If the information contained in it is not enough for the participant, he can request additional clarification from the customer.

Documents for participation

In order for an organization or individual entrepreneur to take part in government procurement, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs it may differ slightly.

Documents required when applying for participation include:

  • directly the application signed by an authorized person;
  • a list of documentation attached to the application;
  • information about the participant (name, registration certificate, etc.);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copies constituent documents;
  • a document confirming the absence of tax debts;
  • a document confirming the authority of the person who signed the documentation (order of appointment to a position, protocol of fees, etc.);
  • a copy of the order appointing the chief accountant;
  • documents that confirm the compliance of the participant’s proposal with the conditions of public procurement;
  • documents that confirm the submission of security for the application for participation (payment document, bank guarantee).

The customer may require the provision of other documents, the specifics of which depend on the type of tender.

A complete list of documents that the participant must submit is posted in the terms and conditions published by the customer.

Nuances of participation in government procurement

Today a large number of tenders are held in in electronic format. Public procurement in this form is carried out on special trading platforms, where participants must be accredited.

In addition, to participate in electronic trading, participants must have electronic digital signatures.

Electronic trading requires participants to submit:

  • information about the individual entrepreneur/organization (name, address, TIN);
  • documents that confirm the compliance of the offered products (goods, services) with the customer’s requirements;
  • documents that confirm the right to provide benefits (declaration of membership in the SMP, etc.);
  • documents that confirm the participant’s compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established by the auction organizer.

Participation in government procurement, despite the apparent complexity, is an accessible procedure even for small organizations and IP. Before participating in tenders, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the provisions Federal Law No. 44 and with a unified information system (UIS), on which tender organizers post notices of public procurement.

Instructions for beginners

Private entrepreneurs and organizations taking part in government procurement for the first time must follow the instructions provided.

In particular:

  • view orders placed in a single information system and relevant areas of activity of the individual entrepreneur / legal entity;
  • read the requirements placed under the orders of interest and make a decision on participation or non-participation in the procurement;
  • register on the electronic trading platform, obtain an electronic digital signature;

  • provide security for the application (if necessary);
  • prepare documentation in accordance with the requirements of the auction organizer;
  • apply for participation in the tender;
  • track the results of the purchase, find out the name of the winner;
  • conclude an agreement (if you win the tender) and perform the necessary work.

Thus, almost any individual entrepreneur or any organization can take part in government procurement and offer their services to secure orders from government and municipal enterprises. When submitting applications, it is important to indicate realistic prices, terms and volumes of work.

If a company plans to participate in government procurement, then it must prepare for it in advance. We will analyze the application form for participation, the required information of the participant, and the deadlines.

The law prohibits the customer from establishing in the documentation mandatory requirements for the design and form of the application (Part 2 of Article 64 No. 44-FZ). Does this mean that each supplier can come up with their own application form?

The customer may include in the documentation a sample application form for participation or recommendations for its preparation. Advice: follow these recommendations and do not invent special design methods. This will simplify both your work and the work of the customer’s commission to review submitted applications, and will avoid annoying misunderstandings.

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The application form can be arbitrary

To participate in procurement procedures in electronic form the participant must submit an application only in the form electronic document. And to the application for electronic auction they have their own special requirements (Article 66 No. 44-FZ).

The customer specifies the wording of the participant’s consent to supply goods (performance of work, provision of services) and the method of formatting information about the specific characteristics of the product and the trademark. The customer can also recommend a method for processing information about the procurement participant (name, location, tax identification number, etc.).

The customer's documentation must include instructions for filling out an application for participation in the procurement procedure. This instruction, of course, does not have the force of law, but in practice it is better to adhere to it than to ignore it.

To reduce the likelihood of unreasonably rejecting an application, when filling it out you should:

  • use generally accepted designations and names;
  • avoid wording that is subject to ambiguous interpretation;
  • pay special attention to filling out all documents that are submitted as part of the application.

Six required information in the participant's application

When submitting an application, the participant must provide the following information:

  1. agreement to supply goods, perform work, provide services under the conditions provided for in the procurement documentation;
  2. name of the goods supplied (if goods are supplied or work is performed, services are provided, for the performance or provision of which the goods are used);
  3. trademark(in the presence of);
  4. quantity;
  5. specific indicators of the supplied goods, which correspond to the values ​​​​established in the customer’s documentation (in this case, the ordering participant can offer a product with improved characteristics);
  6. documents confirming compliance with additionally established customer requirements (for example, warranty, delivery conditions, novelty of the product, year of manufacture, description of the work performed, services provided, etc.).

Pay special attention to the description of the characteristics of the product if you are offering an equivalent. You must take into account all the equivalence parameters specified by the customer. And your product must fully comply with them. The “but it’s just a little different” option doesn’t work in government procurement.

It is also necessary to indicate other characteristics of the goods if the customer sets them in the documentation, because he will use them to determine the compliance of the participant’s application with the requirements.

Required participant documents

In the application for participation in the procurement procedure, the participant must indicate information about himself:

  • Name, brand name(in the presence of);
  • location, postal address;
  • contact phone number;

TIN of the participant, founders, members of the collegial executive body, a person performing the functions of the sole executive body. Make sure that the information in the application strictly corresponds to your constituent and registration documents.

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming compliance with legal requirements, for example, the competence of the procurement participant to enter into a contract. But we confirm compliance with the following requirements only with a declaration drawn up in free form:

  • failure to liquidate;
  • non-suspension of activities;
  • absence of arrears in taxes and fees;
  • absence of unscrupulous suppliers in the register;
  • absence of a criminal record for the manager, chief accountant, members of the executive body.

Just don’t think that the declaration is your essay on a free topic. Everything you write there must be true. The price to pay for fantasy is a lost contract, and in the worst case, RNP and financial losses.

Application for participation: meet the deadline!

When submitting an application to participate in the selected procurement procedure, it is important to comply with the established deadlines. Application deadlines may vary for different procurement methods. In addition, the deadlines may be changed in individual cases regulated by law.

If the customer has made changes to the documentation, you need to have time to check whether your application meets the new requirements. And if necessary, withdraw the application and submit a new one. The participant is given very little time for all these actions, even taking into account the changed deadline for submitting applications.
In addition to the immediate period allotted for submitting an application, the participant must also take into account the actual time spent on preparing documents for participation in the selected procurement procedure.

And if the purchase involves submitting a bid security, you need to make sure in advance that the required amount is transferred to the customer or to the electronic platform on time.

Security for an application for participation in a competition can now also be provided in the form of a bank guarantee.

Planning for participation in public procurement should begin long before the procurement procedure itself takes place. It is competent planning and a responsible approach to filling out documents that will allow you to receive profitable state and municipal contracts.

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Participation in public procurement tenders and receiving a contract paid from the state or municipal budget are regulated by law.

As for private companies, they establish their own rules for selecting performers and requirements for them.

It is necessary to determine how to participate in tenders in order to receive a contract.


The problems for beginners are that they do not know where to look for orders, what to focus on, and if they find a seemingly suitable order, then difficulties arise in completing it.

Assistance is provided by special firms engaged in tender practice. As a rule, they employ lawyers and economists who understand regulatory framework and other issues.

Some tenders are inaccessible to newcomers in principle - for example, there are restrictions on the period of activity of a company or individual entrepreneur on the market - this is how the state protects itself from fly-by-night companies.

It is better to try to apply for small orders that a novice entrepreneur or a newly opened company can do. After all, according to the law, a company or individual entrepreneur that has not fulfilled its obligations or turned out to be dishonest ends up on “black lists”; it is almost impossible to get out of them.

Participate in government procurement

Now let’s figure out how to participate in public procurement tenders. The participant needs to go to a single website, where there is information about all tenders organized by the state or municipality.

The system is organized electronically, and it is necessary to obtain an electronic signature. Without it, you cannot certify electronic copies of documents or leave a signature where it is needed.

  • registration on the site is carried out;
  • documents confirming the fulfillment of customer requirements are sent electronically;
  • confirmation of a bank guarantee or other security in accordance with contract documentation.

Formation of an application important point. If at least one requirement of the contract documentation is not met, the participant will not even be allowed to participate in the competition.

Therefore, you should not take a superficial approach to studying the tender documentation; all its requirements are important. The level of their implementation will influence what decision will be made on the package of documents, and what impression the tenderer will create about himself.

There is no point in distorting information about yourself in any way; immediately upon discovery, the contract should be rejected if such a participant passed the tender.

If an organization or individual entrepreneur operates within one region, then they should apply for tenders held in its area.

You can look for a general contractor who engages smaller firms or individual individual entrepreneurs to complete the order.

The contract may provide for the execution of the order directly by the contractor or permission to involve third parties to participate.

Requirements may be made for them.

What do you need to take part?

  • Participation in the tender is ensured by submitting a package of documents. Some papers are submitted regardless of the specifics of the future contract, others taking it into account.
  • application from the participant;
  • a copy of the document confirming the powers of the director, if it is not written about in the Charter;
  • copy of the order appointing an accountant copy of the charter,;
  • constituent agreement
  • TIN certificate - a copy certified by a notary;
  • registration certificate;
  • confirmation of the absence of debts on taxes and fees;

written guarantee from the bank. Some applications assume that there is already, prepared by the applicant so that the customer or tender commission has an idea of ​​who they are dealing with.


Individual entrepreneurs as participants

An individual entrepreneur goes through the same procedures as companies applying for an order. It is believed that it is more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to receive an order, however, if you use the support system for small and medium-sized businesses, it is possible to receive a contract without a competition. This is legal, however, their amounts are small (within 100 thousand), which is not so bad for one person. Such orders are placed either by municipalities or state organizations.

The individual entrepreneur does not have constituent documents, but must include his passport details in the application, attaching a copy of the passport, a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, and TIN.

The tender documentation describes all the requirements for the completed documents and what papers should be submitted.

Some tenders are designed for individual entrepreneurs, while others are exclusively for organizations that have the required number of personnel at their disposal.

It is somewhat easier with private companies. On the portals of electronic platforms or on their own websites, they can post offers addressed to individual entrepreneurs for the provision of services or performance of work. Sometimes it’s easier this way; an individual entrepreneur is a more mobile figure; there’s no need to wait for additional approvals and resolve a number of other issues, which is typical for large organizations.

Correct and free

Electronic platform To place orders, it takes some percentage for the services that are provided on it. In addition to guarantees from banks or other security deposits, participants pay a certain amount to the site owners.

WITH government orders the payment is minimal, but if we talk about commercial tenders, then everything depends on the policy of the site owners; the customer company also has a certain influence.

Some portals provide services without charging anything from applicants; their services are paid for by the customer company. Large organizations do this too.

The bulk of both government and commercial tenders paid, but government tenders, more accessible in this regard.

Free tenders, as a rule, offer a limited list of orders, and their budgets are symbolic, and as a result are designed for individual entrepreneurs or small firms.

The amount of costs is also determined by the way the auction is organized. Used or electronic system or the usual one, when documents are submitted in envelopes, at the appointed time in the agreed place, the packages with documents are opened. Such tenders will cost more.

Portals, in particular, the state one, are designed in such a way that it is easy to select the one you need based on the parameters in the array of orders.

Companies participating in tenders

Some tender portals offer information about competitors who have submitted bids for the same order. The tender participant who has submitted an application only needs to send a request, and he will receive a list of competing companies.

For each auction, a register of its participants is maintained. Art. 62 Federal Law - 44 determines the list of information that must be publicly available about each auction participant.

The list is wide and concerns, for example, the name of the company or the data of an individual, if it is an individual entrepreneur. Copies of constituent documents are hidden from public access. Enough information is given to verify the existence of the company through government services and avoid fraud.

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