Trade marketing events. Trade Marketing: His Tools and Strategies

Accounting and taxes 23.12.2019
Accounting and taxes

The thought stop working "to uncle" and starting their business does not give rest to millions of people. However, one desire to be called a little businessman: so that the business turned out to be successful, you need to consider a lot of moments at the stage of developing an idea. It is sometimes much more difficult to find its niche than to get funds for the project. And to organize a business in small town, It should be borne in mind that the specificity of entrepreneurship in small settlements and in metropolitans is very different. The fact that in the "millionnic" gripping, it will not always be in demand in the district center. As possible and the inverse situation is possible: in the provincial towns, many niches are empty not because there is no demand, but no one else has no reason to occupy. How to open a business in little city, And what do you need to take into account?

Business features in small towns

A small town is the settlement with a population of about 50 thousand people. The middle cities in which up to 100 thousand inhabitants live, in the context of business, too, can also be attributed to small, since their specificity from the situation in megalopolis is quite distant.

What are the features of the economic life of small cities?

  1. First of all, it is the low purchasing power of the population: the labor market is quite narrow, its earnings are low. You can organize any exclusive goods and services, maybe a great idea, but in the realities of your city, it is unlikely to "shoot" - simply because most of this is not a pocket, but you will not work at a loss. Little cities rarely open boutiques, vegetarian restaurants and car dealerships. The population is familiar to buy goods of mass demand, walking in an inexpensive cafe, and for large purchases to drive to regional centers or capital.
  2. On the other hand, even the basic goods and services are often observed in small cities. For example, there are no MIDL-Class network brands clothing, and people have to dress either on the market, or go to the "shop tours" in the shopping centers of the nearest cities. See if there is at least one supermarket within walking distance, or should you go to the other end of the city? Is there a children's cafe in the settlement where you can go with a child on weekends to eat ice cream and organize a holiday with an entertainment program? Think of what services in your city are not enough for you, your friends, neighbors - perhaps this information will help you decide on the direction profitable business in a small town.
  3. In small cities, it is difficult to achieve large revolutions due to limited client flow. If business orient the business exclusively on the population of a particular city, you quickly rested in the "ceiling": do not forget to cover residents of neighboring settlements and think over the expansion options in the future.
  4. The benefits of small cities can be attributed to a relatively low threshold entry into business. This is due to the fact that the basic costs of the entrepreneur - rental of the premises, the work of staff, advertising - in general will be lower than that of the company opened in a large settlement.
  5. The competitive environment for small cities businessmen is more favorable: it is easier for them to receive state support for the start of their business. It is enough to make a business plan and receive a subsidy at the employment center or to enter into a local business support program.
  6. The main method of promoting business in small towns - " sarafan radio" It is free, but works in both directions. Satisfied customers lightningly advertise your services to all colleagues and friends. But it is worth "to subscribe" a reputation, and the same people will discourage acquaintances to carry money into your store.

Business in small cities: with attachments and without

Traditionally, the most popular types of small businesses are trade and services. If you are interested in which business can be opened in a small town without investments, the store is not your option: the purchase of goods in any case will require significant funds. It's easier if you know how to do something with your hands and do it well. For example, hairdressers, manicure masters, Schwei, Plumbers are in demand everywhere and always. By registering as an IP, you can provide such services on professional basis And to make absolutely legally.

Of course, "Golden Hands" will be brought to you "Golden Mountains". But it is quite possible to count on a small but stable income, especially, if you have a constant clientele. When you stop cope with yourself, you can think about finding assistants. The main idea of \u200b\u200bsuch entrepreneurship is over time to transfer the case from the category of individual "semi-pedars" services to a full-fledged enterprise of public service: the availability of an office / premises, hired personnel, the transfer of most customers into the hands of other employees and the transition to the status of the business owner. Most often it looks like the path of many successful entrepreneurs Local scale - owners, repair and auto repair shops, etc.

Another thing is if you are ready to make serious financial injections to your project. Here the choice is richer: to purchase a ready-made business, buy a franchise of the famous network, come up with and implement your own original idea or open a simple, but a profitable case requiring initial costs.

For example, to organize a bakery, only for the minimum necessary equipment It is necessary to spend more than 1 million rubles. But if you feel there is a room in a well-passable place, your familiar grocery store owners and cafes are ready to take your future products to implement, these investments will quickly pay off. Fresh bread With a crispy crust and fragrant baking disagree "with a bang" in any settlement, and the products of local bakery from the gray flour and preservatives are not a competitor.

Traditionally profitable in small settlements business is, medicines, household goods, catering. If you have a starting capital for the opening of the case, it is possible to consider the option of such a landed, on a reliable business, and not to create a bicycle, trying to come up with a brilliant idea.

Business ideas for a small town

Consider for example several simple business ideas For a small town:

  1. The Agency "Husband / Wife for an hour" is suitable for the "handy" man, a homeless woman or marital couple. Paid household care: small repair, troubleshooting, repair and assembly of furniture, plumbing and electricwork, sawing firewood, one-time cleaning of rooms, etc. In addition to the cost of registration of IP (about 1 thousand rubles), you will need a good set of tools (from 10 thousand rubles) and inexpensive advertising: ads in the local press, flyers. If your services are in demand, you can think about expanding the range of services and personnel.
  2. . If in your city a lot of car enthusiasts or by the settlement passes a lively track, the tireage will never remain without work. It will be spent on renting a garage / box / plot of land and special equipment. Also necessary signs and pointers along the road with your address. Initial costs - 200-250 thousand rubles. Consider the seasonality of the business: in the period of universal "re-circulation", hide the assistants and think about what services you will "hold" to the no-season.
  3. Workshop on the manufacture of keys and fine repair. People lose keys regardless of whether they live in a small city or big. You need to buy a special machine that "stamps" keys, programmer for intercom keys, blanks and remove the "surprise" in some mall. Costs - from 70 thousand rubles.
  4. . Despite the "mini" console, the cost of opening this business cannot be called small. Premises under the bakes need not only to rent, but also bring in line with sanitary requirements. To buy furniture, trading equipment, manufacturing equipment (test-mixing machines, snastaking cabinets, bakery) - total at least 1.5 million rubles.
  5. Shop needlework and souvenirs. Suitable for those who love to do needlecorating or ready to engage in mediation on the sale of creations of masters and masters of their city. In small settlements, the production of original goods related to the symbolism of the city, local nature, attractions are often developed. All sorts of "Hand-Maid" is now in fashion: many want to have original exclusive things for sane money and pay for them. Sell \u200b\u200bhomemade products is better in a small shop - agree with the masters about the delivery of goods, remove small premises And make it "under the old old". But make a focus on trade via the Internet: create an online store and offer shipment to other cities. If the goods you will do yourself or take to implement, the costs will not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Many of the above ideas can be implemented without, but it must be remembered what entrepreneurship is illegal. The chance that your "underground" activities will be interested in tax and law enforcement agencies in a small town where everyone is in sight, much real than in the metropolis. If you really want to build a business, it is worthwhile from the company and choosing the optimal taxation regime.

BTL services in recent years have been developing in a very rapid pace. There are companies that create and themselves solve the problems of finite buyers, and those that organize and conduct countless standard promotions without evaluating real benefits and the economic efficiency of these events for retail chains and the company itself. Tools achievement goals are becoming a goal. Therefore, the correct setting of the goal is required for effective money investment: it is necessary to very accurately identify those tasks that should be solved during promotions, and identify such conditions when sales promotion is required, and such that are better to use other advertising technologies.

In the middle of the last century, one of the leaders of some large enterprise (They argue that it was Procter & Gamble) constituted the estimated marketing costs. Including standard elements in it - advertising in the press, on television and radio, PR, the development of new packaging, etc., he calculated the cost, led the line under them and suddenly remembered that he forgot to turn on the distribution of free samples of goods and expenses to Organization of the city holiday, where people had to try production produced by his company. Considering all the additional costs, it made the final estimate. So the term BTL (from the English. below The Line - What is under the line).

Below The Line (BTL) - This is a set of marketing communications, which includes sales stimulation, merchandising, POS materials, Direct Marketing, Public Relations. BTL allows you to convey a promotional message or a call for purchase directly to an individual consumer. In this case, the message is purely personality, the exposure place is as close as possible to the place of sale or to the place where the purchase decision is made. BTL action - This event aimed at stimulating the sales of products, which directly affects the consumer, as a rule, in places of purchase (shops, supermarkets, outlets, pavilions, etc.). Ordinary advertising informs the client about the product. PR-activities develops a loyal attitude to the brand, and BTL shares allow you to raise sales by direct impact on a particular buyer, providing it with the opportunity to personally make sure that the goods offered.

Let's dwell on such concepts as "buyers" and "users", which in the future for the convenience of presentation will be combined into one concept "Consumers (clients). "

What is the difference between buyers and consumers?

Buyers - People who buy or pay the goods supplied to your company's retail chain, while it is possible that they themselves do not use them. For example, men often buy washing powder, which enjoy their wives.

In turn users - These are those who use the goods, although they can not buy them. In our example, the wife acts as a user of a washing powder acquired for her.

The bulk of suppliers organizing and conducting promotions does not distinguish between buyers and users, assuming that their products must satisfy both sides. Manufacturers and feed suppliers for dogs should take care that this product is useful for dogs and liked them. At the same time, the dog itself does not buy feed, it makes her master. Therefore, it is necessary that the packaging of this product and advertising attracted the attention of animal owners and encouraged them to buy a specific, advertised type of feed. Such a difference in approaches is very significant. And B. this case We need to stimulate the buyer of feed, and not a dog as a consumer of the specified product. Even if the desires of the dog and her owner do not coincide. There are also more complex communications chains between the goods and the consumer. In accordance with the practice of a hiking of one of the family members in many families, it buys and pays for dogs for dogs one person, and another family member gives him an instruction that it is necessary to purchase. And for the supplier of goods to the retail network, the one who decides on the purchase or gives certain recommendations that ultimately lead to the purchase of purchases are also the consumer.

To effectively conduct various stocks, it is necessary to clearly define who is a consumer of a particular product in a wide sense. It is impossible to develop and promote products created "for all". Successful work Supposes to combine the supplier's efforts or product producer with the desires of a specific group of consumers. Try to identify the interests of all stakeholders. Ultimately, the survival of the organization and its competent work on the market will depend on the effectiveness of interest management broad Circle customers. By doing the main focus on customer satisfaction, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the value of this type of product. And this, in turn, requires the employees of your company involved in the program of BTL events, respectful attitude towards three things: product, company and to themselves. Then the effectiveness of their work in terms of promotions will be maximum. Promoters who are poorly related to products or companies know little about them know, can not be reduced to all efforts to achieve their goals. Moreover, the effect of their work may be simply negative.

Consumers are worried about the quality and availability of goods. Buying something, they want to use it themselves and transfer to others. Consumers in our time do not pay little attention to the non-knowledge products, as well as the goods whose sale is not stimulated by various events. Brands are a kind of indicators in the world of goods and services. On store shelves, such products occupies the best places and sold in large volumes, rather than the goods of unknown brands. Accordingly, all marketing technologies, including BTL, must be repelled from brand strategies.

Modern buyers have many alternatives in the selection of goods. If it seems that the direct replacement of this product on the market is simply no, the client can spend money on a completely different product, produce it independently or even refuse to buy. It is necessary to create a sense of maximum value from the consumer for it. Through the organization of promotional conservation, it is necessary to create such a chain of the relationship between the buyer and the supplier, in which the supplier, and the consumer is equally satisfied with the product, which is a significant role to play the successful negotiations inside stores and retail chains, using merchandisers, promoters, sales assistants and other technologies, and the achievement of mutually beneficial agreements.

Fig. 8.1. BTL organization scheme

The general structure of BTL is shown in Fig. 8.1.

Despite the fact that all sales promotion programs are strongly dependent on the brand and the situation, it is necessary to allocate several basic objectives that can be achieved during the sales promotion program. Sales Promoton is divided into Trade and Consumer Promotion. Accordingly, the goals of stimulating sales are divided into commercial and consumer. We will list the scenes within the Consumer Promotion.

1. Attract new buyers (Reach New Users). In this case, the real effect makes it possible to carry out the product sample with a new consumer.

2. Hold current consumers (Hold Current Users). Existing customers can be encouraged to continue to buy a product in a particular network and have not switched to competitors' goods.

3. "Load" existing consumers (Load Current Users), Motivate them to buy all large quantity goods. As a result, it warns the situation of switching to products of competitors.

4. Increase product consumption (increased usage) both existing clients and by attracting new ones.

5. "Distribute" Buyer (Trade Consumers Up). Encourage consumers to use the product better quality or more profitable for the manufacturer.

7. Remove, present new Product (INTRODUCE A NEW PRODUCT).

Help in the presentation of the new product - perhaps one of the most widely used goals. The trading network is a fairly specific goal with special needs and requests. Well-planned promotion can be used for:

Distribution Extensions (Gain New Distribution). One of the priority goals of many trade promotions or transactions is the use of new distribution channels of the product and an increase in the representation of the goods in the already existing;

Increase or decrease in the number of commercial equipment (Build or Reduce Trade Inventories). Often the goal is to change the number of commercial equipment;

Providing support in the trading network of the consumer promotion campaign (Obtain Trade Support for a Consumer Sales Promotion Program). Stimulating interest and work to maintain consumer demand, i.e. promoting the desire of networks to allocate the product, develop and place special displays in their stores or gain advantages when conducting special events in any other way;

Improve Trade Relations. Sometimes, as it turns out, it is enough to improve relationships with the trading network, and then it is worth considering it as a goal. The need for this may be caused by an increase in wholesale prices, or a decrease in profits or rivalry with competitors (improving relations with retail stores in this case becomes just one of the ways to combat them).

System of marketing communications when conducting promotions

The development of a system of interaction with potential consumers led to the creation of various "marketing mixtures" when working with products. The main concept used in the Western company market is the "4C" concept, which includes the following components:

Consumer needs and requests (Customer Needs and Wants);

Costs for the consumer (COST);

Convenience for consumer (convenience);

Communication with the consumer (Communication).

This concept as much as possible reflects the orientation to the client.

Consumer needs and requests. This means the development of all items of goods to satisfy the end user.

Costs for the consumer. The client will consider any product and compare the value of the product with its value. It will also take into account the time that it took to purchase this product, psychological and other costs. For example, in stores IKEA. You will be offered to purchase products, the price of which the price of goods delivery to the consumer and its assembly is not laid, these services will have to be paid separately. In other stores, you can purchase furniture, in the price of which, when buying, the costs of delivery immediately turn on, and sometimes the assembly. You do not need extra time to design data types of services and their coordination.

Convenience for the buyer. Includes such a thing as the distribution of goods and bringing them to consumers, taking into account the quality, the convenience of the acquisition, the presence, reliability and development of good relations between the consumer and the supplier of products.

Communication with the consumer. The supplier must ensure that buyers know and remember the advantages of goods and their acquisition places. The supplier must provide the opportunity to consumers to communicate with it.

Maintenance marketing goals, The achievement of which will bring substantial benefits to the supplier is an increase in turnover, effective management reserves, expansion of market share and profit growth. I will give examples of specific goals that the organization can put in front of them.

1. Enlarge in sales volumes of product A, both in the retail network and on the market as a whole, from 1 to 1.5% during the year.

2. Increase profits from the sales volume of the product and in the retail network from 10 to 10.5% over the next five months.

Advertising It is aimed at achieving a specific result using relevant activities. These goals, mainly include measures to inform the new product aimed at its subsequent recognition through promotional materials. For example, to ensure that 30% of the target audience learned about the new taste of Marshmale "Sharmel", produced by the strike "Shock", for a 6-month term.

Sales incentive objectives Aims to increase sales of a specific type of product, involvement in the consumer orbit of an additional number of buyers and reorienting customers from a single product to another. For example, to force 40% of Consumers of Business Lunch Products to try Big Lunch products during the first 6 months of its release, as well as increase consumption among 40% of the current consumers "Business Lunch" from 5 to 7 packages monthly and more comprehensive task - expand Distribution of Business Lunch inside a separate retail chain from 30 to 40% over the year.

Sales and promotion management based on trad-marketing

One of the ways of doing business is very popular now in the European and American markets, the development of individual trad marketing programs. Trade Marketing - This is the activities of all participants in trade aimed at organizing the promotion of goods from the manufacturer to end users that are most beneficial for all participants of the distribution manner. All Treed Marketing Tools are conventionally divided into two groups: material and intangible. Material, i.e., giving organizations direct financial benefits due to the supplier (no matter, manufacturer or distributor). The most common variant is a different kind of discount. The use of this tool allows companies without prejudice to reducing the retail price, expand the range due to the existing special discounts for the purchase of new types of goods. Thus, they can fully satisfy customer requests, and therefore increase their competitiveness. A slightly less well-known tool of this group is a bonus, a monetary or commodity discount, which are provided to achieve a certain result specified by the parties. Most often, the bonus is paid at the end of the quarter (year) or for a certain amount of procurement from the supplier, or for the volume of sales of a particular assortment of the supplier to end users. And one more tool related to sales promotion is trading contests. Its main difference from the first two is that he involves encouraging not an organization, but its employees or group of stores. Treed marketing tools include stimulating end-consumers, which has become very widely used lately. Everyone knows the schemes of the type "2 + 1", "3 + 1", etc. or the ability to win some kind of prize when buying a certain number of goods or types of goods.

There are options and simpler: when buying a different number of units of goods, the consumer receives prizes, gifts, invitations, etc. Many retail points refuse to participate in such events, considering that in addition to unnecessary trouble and inconvenience, they will not bring them anything. Material Treed Marketing Tools increase the competitiveness of organizations. First of all, this is due to work with the goods. On the one hand, this is an opportunity to offer its customers, without any other costs, more favorable prices. On the other hand, the way to expand the range of products offered. Plus, it allows participation in various contests of the supplier to save on the material stimulation of own personnel, which means to invest in something else. In addition, participation in promotions for end users gives a chance to expand the circle of their buyers. Thus, this Treed Marketing Tool Group allows you to increase competitiveness due to tangible resources in the short term. Permanent participation in various supplier programs leads to the formation of a good reputation of the Seller, which ultimately contributes to the attraction of new and retention of old consumers.

The second group of Trejd Marketing Tools is intangible. For a start a few words about merchandising. This term has not one embodiment. In a narrow sense, it is just a certain location of goods on the shelves of retail points. Wide - art trade. We disassembled enough in the previous sections of the book. The next component is an effective representation, or simply the placement of POS materials on the territory of the trading room. Reasonably used letters for end users can significantly ease the life of the trading room managers and sellers, provide easy navigation inside the store and increase sales. The last tool for trad-marketing, which also refer to the intangible, - training, consultation and services from the Supplier. In fact, modern training in the Treed Marketing Tools is represented by various forms.

What tangible benefits brings organizations to participate in modern training programs organized by the manufacturer?

First, it is an increase in staff qualifications without significant cash costs or by means of small investments.

Secondly, intangible stimulation of employees. The consequence of such cooperation is usually an increase in staff satisfaction with their work, and therefore a decrease in the "flower" frames. Ultimately, this is expressed in increasing customer satisfaction. Moreover, the effectiveness of this tool does not depend on the location of the trading enterprise, nor from the contingent of consumers. This is perhaps the only tool that allows you to create individual differences, and therefore competitive advantages For each client.

Tools Trade Marketing

Trade marketing considers the buyer of its products as a consumer, taking into account that the main goal of any shopping link is obtaining maximum profits. The main goal of trad-marketing is to ensure the lasting position of the trademark on the market, "pushing" the goods through the retail chain network to the consumer.

We list Treed Marketing Tools.

1. Discounts:

According to individual conditions;

For a lump-sum procurement;

For achieving planned indicators;

Seasonal / outcast;

As a promotion for selling a new product;

For comprehensive procurement.

2. Bonuses:

Per unit of goods;

For the implementation of an individual plan;

As a percentage of sales volume;

For increasing distribution;

As a coupon;

In the form of a lottery.

3. Special events:



Demonstration of goods and samples by trading personnel;


Seminars and conferences;

Presentation of certificates and letters.

4. Merchandising:

Using POS materials;

Standing for goods on the shelves;


Presentation of goods in stores and demonstration;

Bonuses of buyers;

Coupon delivery;

Holding games, competitions and lotteries for buyers;


The most effective events organized by the retailer - provision of customers free Product and gifts.

Lottery on the package - the least effective promotion.

The average degree of efficiency is characterized by sales and discounts, a demonstration of goods, lottery in the store, the use of special stands, the use of recommendations on the placement of goods on the shelves, as well as printed leaflets (posters, stickers) and discount magazines.

Even the most large-scale advertising budgets can be considered thrown into the wind, if the manufacturer does not take care of the stimulation of interest in the product from intermediate buyers - wholesale and retailers. Now large companies, reducing the costs of direct advertising, many times increase the budgets of trad marketing. The list of tasks that the company can solve resorting to trad marketing methods is large.

It is inexpedient and inefficient to offer all types of retail points one stimulation scheme.

Obviously, the supermarket is very different from the kiosk, and the pavilion is from the discounter.

Choosing a moment for conducting activities that stimulate the distribution links is usually due to the need to quickly change the situation. Therefore, trad-marketing actions are launched mainly to promote a new product or during a seasonal decline. The minimum duration of such events is usually 1 month, and this turns out to be quite enough to obtain the necessary effect. At the same time, trad marketing promotions may have a significantly greater temporary length. Such, let's say, programs to improve the level of distribution or loyalty with respect to the manufacturer. The use of product trad marketing methods in promoting the product is not cheap. Trade stimulation is usually much more expensive promotion for end users. Dependents on trade marketing for long-standing products can be from 0.2-0.5% to 3-5% of the annual turnover, and in the output of the new product, costs sometimes reach 30%.

However, with the right organization of investments in the promotion of the product allow the company to earn. In addition, the effect of the implementation of trad-marketing events, unlike companies that stimulate the end user, is measurable - by the increase in the number of orders, sales level, distribution, etc.

In retail networks for monitoring the conditions of the campaign, field personnel checks are carried out or the Mysterious Buyer method is used. The main condition for the success of any trad-marketing action is the human factor, and save on this article of consumption is unforgivable luxury. Without the participation of your own managers who will constantly monitor the situation, train sales of your product, such a trad marketing for definition cannot be effective.

What is included in the cost of organizing BTL events and basic types of BTL

The cost of promoting includes a number of key items.

1. Payment of promoters.

2. Payment of the work of the supervisor, driver and other personnel members serving the action.

3. Payment of the work of the Agency for the Development of Strategy and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe action. This amount is influenced by the nature of the event (duration, scale, material and technical components) and the peculiarities of the activity of this agency (the number of specialists involved in the project, and the amount of time spent).

5. Expenses for proposals (prizes) during promotion.

6. Communication costs during promotion.

We will analyze the main activities in the implementation of BTL.

Organization of exhibitions and presentations. At exhibitions and presentations, the company has the opportunity to show its potential and the best thing that has been accumulated in the entire history of its activities, including samples and advantages of new products. A primary role here also plays technical equipment, preparation of printed materials, souvenir products, samples for distribution and tasting, stand design, selection and competence of personnel.

Tasting. The organization of various types of tastings is one of the ways to attract new buyers. For retail chains, tasting has been successfully conducted - a serious argument to enable this product to its range.

Distribution of leaflets, sampling. The purpose of these events is obvious - to acquaint potential buyers with a product, brand or novelty. The main task here, of course, is to interest the consumer directly by the product, but the context of this demonstration is no less important. All nuances - from clothing promotion to the venue - must match the product. The consumer should not feel a feeling of inconvenience from the fact that, for example, a gourmet-oriented product is moving through stocks in economy-class stores, and industrial clothing does not correspond to the perception of the personal value of the brand. If, let's say, it is necessary to promote elite candies, and the promoter can not be applied to the appropriate outfit, then it is better to give up from sampling. Otherwise, this expensive set of candies can get an unexpected image of a cheap product. It seems that the distribution of leaflets is a very simple process. But here there are many hidden nuances. Remember how often you have to see poorly dressed and coarse distributors near the metro stations, in automotive traffic jams and in many other places. Here you extend some kind of gloomy leaf and a colorless voice asking to visit a particular store, buy one or another product. Now imagine another situation: a brisk girl or a clockwork young man tell you how it will be great if you go to new shopAnd on a bright leaflet is tempting the goods that are so asking for you as a purchase. And you, smiling, put the elegant flyer in the bag (and do not throw it into the nearest urn).

Sampling - This is an advertising campaign, which is based on the distribution of free samples of goods in places of mass accumulation of potential consumers. These activities are necessary when opening a store, firms, selling and so on.

Animator (Rostic doll). Maximum effect It is observed from shares accompanied by the work of animators (growth dolls). Non-standard promuls attracts attention and helps consolidate the information obtained visually.

Consultation on the product. It is necessary to tell the potential consumer about the value of the goods, its distinctive features and consumer properties, basic advantages that distinguish this product from similar products of competitors. Explained than dictated more expensive than other manufacturers, the price of goods. Promoters should be friendly, interested and qualified to present the product to the buyer. Their primary feature is to convince the potential client that only this product is worthy of attention.

Purchase gift, premiums. A similar type of promotion provides a wide field for fantasies - both buyers and employees of companies. These events pushing consumers to acquire this thing again, as it causes pleasant memories. Often, similar shares are organized in order to attach a new product to another (spike) to see the buyer with a novelty for free. Such events often hold the Bolshevik company. Sometimes it is necessary to somehow convey a new product to the end user, especially if he is expensive at a price, but it is necessary to promote it very quickly. In this case, the goods are produced in a very small packaging and is heard to potential buyers in the form of so-called probes. By such a way, the Ruzanna factory has been to withdraw the Komilfo candy on the market, which had a huge promotional effect and led to a sharp promotion of the product on the market.

POS -Materials. The essence of this approach consists in the original location of the goods, giving it a bright and extraordinary form. It may be, for example, a huge beer bank or a big "cheerful" cow, milk from which blooms in packages right in front of buyers. I think such interesting solutions attract the attention of the consumer, and the milk will cause even more confidence if the POS material will additionally contain the phrase that the milk goes on the table right from the farm.

Merchandising. Professional merchandising is capable of increasing sales by 15-300%. Thus, according to researchers, when the goods are permitted from the floor level to the eye level, sales indicator can reach 70%, and from the level of hand to the eye level - 50%.

Special color price tags. Yellow indicates a special price or sale, red marks novelties or the appearance of new product information. Such types of price tags are used by all Western stores and are characterized by a larger format, often performed in the form of stop lefts suspended to the ceiling, which are visible from different points of the store.

Show events. Organization of "accompanying" performances of pop artists. Conduct concerts and show programs involving stars of show business. They can pass as "separate" events or in a complex with other promotions.

Gaming promotions. Production promotion game methods (lotteries, contests, prize draws). It is carried out both in the outlets and on the streets, concerts, holidays, etc. With due preparation of personnel, the share of this type can be turned into a real holiday for a potential consumer: here and bright shows, and joy from an unexpected gift. For more extensive engagement of the target audience, the media is often used in the event. In addition, all this is an effective method of stimulating distributors.

Modern BTL is increasingly striving for theatricalization: enchanting parties in clubs, brightly decorated promotion of impressive sizes, promoters, whose clothing is more like theatrical costumes, and speech modules - on reprises. The global tendency of more active use of BTL events touched Russia.

Consumer loyalty systems

Growth of competition in consumer markets forces companies to actively apply a wide variety of ways to attract and hold the consumer. Discount cards were given to the impossibility: they do not use only lazy. Russian business leaders are increasingly resorting to third-generation marketing tools - bonus systems for promoting the loyalty of the buyer.

From the variety of schemes used by retail networks when developing and implementing loyalty programs, a significant place is occupied by the promotion of regular customers implemented, as a rule, based on plastic cards. By tradition, these programs refer to the Sales Promotion complex - marketing tools capable of providing a consumer for a short period of time to make a purchase, accelerate the adoption of such a decision.

Loyalty is supported by an extremely high standard of service. Personal circulation, simple phone call, mail newsletter with news or with news about the arrival of new items capable of interest this client- Those types of loyalty programs that are gaining momentum today.

Obviously, for a supermarket in a major city or a network of gas stations scattered on the square of several dozen or hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, the scale of activity does not allow to implement the same programs. The dismemberment of the loyalty program is required for components, formalization, standardization of these parts and the creation of a new one's own program, most effective for a particular business at the moment and in a given country.

Already the name itself - the program of promotion - indicates that their fundamental motive is to provide benefits to customers. The best way Encourage any person - to give him (or promise) any benefit (material, emotional or psychological). All known types of promotion programs make focus on some kind of benefit, the rest may also be present, but they play a subordinate role.

The main and most common type of promotion programs in Russia - discount programs and coupons for a one-time discount. Its meaning - in providing the customer benefits in the form of a return of the paid value of the goods directly at the time of purchase. Here directly present material benefits: some saved percentage of product cost, services.

Another, also a fairly common type of customer promotion programs - prizes drawings among those who have made certain purchases during a certain period of time. And here we are dealing with the material component of the benefit, but in this case the basis is the benefit of emotional: the perception of the product obtained due to a happy coincidence is always emotionally painted. And even if he does not really need a person, emotions that accompanied the receipt of the prize is usually positive.

Another kind of promotion programs, in recent years, gaining popularity among large retail chains - accumulative discount programs. In them, in contrast to the programs of the previous type, the benefit is not a certain fixed and unchanged value that does not depend on the consumer activity of the client and its purchasing history (from how often the previous purchases are made to them). Here, an element of psychological benefits appears here - participation in the game, the result of which, in counterweight participation in the prizes draw, depends on each particular person: the more often you buy, spending all the large amounts, the greater benefits you get. But the benefit itself does not change qualitatively: it can be a discount, reducing the purchase price of goods or savings.

And finally, the last type - bonus programs Promotions such as Zebra in the "Crossroads" or "Raspberry" network. Their essence is that by making purchases, the client receives some conditional points, accumulating a certain number of which he is entitled to exchange them on a product or service at its discretion. Once products and services received for virtual points are quite real, here, no doubt, there is a material benefit. But does it prevail in the motivation of the consumer actions? After all, the same or even much greater weight has other components: the game (the process of accumulation of points) and the emotional benefit associated with obtaining the prize, which, by the way (unlike the drawing), is most often needed to this person.

By implementing the program of encouraging buyers, it is necessary to distribute it for each type of them, because a specific consumer needs to offer certain additional benefits that are valid for this person. Pensioner, who considers each penny, is to offer a permanent discount. This is done by many retail chains, which at certain hours of the store, when the stream of buyers is small, offer some or all groups of goods at a discount up to 10%. The child is to his future client who rinsed on the instructions of parents for the package of milk - to hand the lollip chewing gum. A lady who missed many different perfumes, issue a bonus - in the form of other types of cosmetics. And a housewife, a certain amount of a certain amount at the checkout of the store, when paying the next account for the totality of past merit, throw off part of the price. In addition to the fact that the seller or tanker is not the owner of the store, which himself makes decisions and is responsible for them, it is also difficult to quickly navigate, realizing that the client before you, what benefits will be most valuable for him and is it worth offering them at all. Therefore, before the heads of firms and marketers, it is necessary to choose: what is the combination of benefits to stop? What version of the program of promotion will allow to keep existing customers, will make them make additional profits and attract new buyers? The choice of one or another promotion program is usually derived from two quantities: market situation and specific business. But even if the choice is faithful, there are two more critical parameters that determine the success or failure of each specific program: the qualifications of the service personnel and the ease of participation in the program for the user.

Only when the market ceases to grow at such a pace, as before, the time of buyers, which, as it turns out, is not enough for everyone. And first, for which American companies were grabbed in such a situation, there were the most obvious - discounts and coupons, that is, the rate was made on the same material benefit. A similar situation has developed in Russia by the mid-1990s., And it was especially brightly manifested after August 1998. Russian companies came out of the sleeve the same miraculous means - discounts, coupons, discount cards. It is since the autumn of the 1998, the announcement in advertisements for the provision of discounts on "foreign" discount cards was the usual phenomenon, even if it were cards of competitors. At that time, the most bizarre discount alliances, programs and systems originated. Among them was the prototum of the famous Pula "Six Seven", which lived after a number of transformations to the present day and acquired new participants and his own name.

In Moscow and large regional centers Russia is currently any large or secondary company, as well as a significant part of small firms working in the consumer market, have their own discount cards, produce their own discounted coupons, which without unnecessary clauses are written in advertising leaflets, calling buyers. Almost any consumer has at least one such card, which is happy to serve several more firms (sometimes to select a competitor's card and issuing their own instead).

Regular discounts reduced retail retail chains and weakened customer confidence in the suggested prices. Why? First, discounts adversely affect the reputation of goods, reducing its quality in the eyes of the consumer; secondly, on a short time You get better, but then the next portion of discounts is required; And thirdly, it is obvious that if the consumer is experiencing distrust of the numbers on the price tag and consciously or unconsciously feel that the quality of goods does not fully correspond to the declared in advertising, no matter what loyalty to the brand or retail network cannot be speech. Rather, it is loyalty to a discount, not a trademark. And if we take into account that the company involved in this campaign and received short-term benefits at first, it is necessary to go further and after competitors, more and more reduce prices and increase discounts, thereby reducing the margin and profit, it becomes clear that the continuation of the detour and It is meaningless to both market participants.

In France, for about a decade, the Carte Plus bonus system was successfully operating, managed by an independent provider and uniting several thousand shopping, restaurants, pharmacies, various agencies. In the UK, bonus programs received the greatest distribution among supermarket networks. The pioneer here was Tesco, in 1994 (the moment of launching a pilot project) in most indicators I gave way to competitors - SainSbury and Safeway networks. After three years later she was in the first place, raising the market share from 12 to 15.6%, raising sales by 44%, and profit - by 47% (at the same time increment occurred, mainly due to the main competitor - SainSbury) . The success of Tesco is largely due to its Clubcard project, which we talked at the beginning of the book. As for Russia, here are the promotion programs that offer customers syncretic benefits, you can count on your fingers. In our country, all this has yet to be implemented.

The "Consumer Tracking" system, which was transformed into the EPOS - Electronic Point of Sale technology (ELECTRONIC POINT OF SALE), made the possibility of large retail networks to enter the database of the buyer (first of all, during the design of various discount or club cards). As an example, here you can bring the system of filling out the questionnaires introduced by the Ramstor network when issuing its club card (the map is called the Ramstor Club). Such databases give enough information about the buyer and allow you to track the purchases perfect. Wal-Mart network creates special sites for young people, where in unobtrusive form advertises their goods.

Large Western Retail Networks use their available information about the behavior of buyers to determine the frequency, content and form of mailing in the desired information. The main goal of such mailing numbers is to create a sense of sustainable interconnection of the consumer and the seller, to show some kind of care for its additional informing about the buyer. However, customers can perceive all this rather negative: they usually consider such steps as certain benefits provided by the owners of various maps, this obliges sellers to constantly replenish the set of services offered in the service distribution, as the buyer awaits. And if the network does not find new, more interesting conditions, the client can be disappointed in it and will begin to refer to such a distribution as an ordinary advertisement aimed at the "lining" of money.

The basis for building a good dialogue with the buyer - the creation of full-fed-in-law sites, where the most interesting information would have been reflected, the new products, their features, and the shares held, were communicated with customers through the answers to the questions that arise from them were allowed to obtain a qualified consultation and, Finally, shopping, without leaving home. Complaints of many customers of the middle and above average wealth to the inability to order goods from the store on the Internet is a significant minus. One of the few firms that were engaged in this in recent years - "Delivery Service 777". However, the conditions and quality of its work left much to be desired. Prices are often overwhelmed. While the organization of shipping delivery made via the Internet provides a real opportunity to capture a huge reservoir of buyers and get a tremendous increase in turnover and loyalty.

Many people think that this is a very troublesome event, and are very mistaken. After all, stores of developed retail chains are located in many parts of the city, which allows you to pretend products from the nearest trading point to the final client for 10-15 minutes (take an example of the delivery of pizza). Thus, supplying a large number of buyers, it would be possible to deliver a few orders at once, thereby reducing the costs. And at the same time, it is precisely loyalty from consumers that will bring the effect much more significant than the increase in sales.

I think many of you would prefer to buy products via the Internet, and not to go to the store, albeit in the nearest, returning back with huge bags and spending a lot of time that employed people (in particular, those who earn quite a lot) Usually lacks. And the network misses more opportunities to sell their goods to buyers really need them.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM - Customer Relation Management) is used to create and designate a wide range of approaches and techniques to achieve a goal - long-term and constant relationship with the buyer.

Typical errors when conducting promotions

The question that often stands in front of advertising managers is how to choose a promogent and whether it is possible to trust him with the problem facing tasks. To do this, you need to know about the pitfalls, which broke a lot of promotions.

No planning. The absence of planning leads to insufficiently thorough preparation of the action itself. The disadvantages of planning, first of all, include the absence of promoters at the point, operational control of the store on the part of supervisors, lack of consumables, non-compliance with the procedure for preparing and passing reports. The consequences may be different, but often one - unsatisfactory activities. This is due to the lack of in the work of various standardized documentation, which determines the reporting form for one or another operations. Therefore, such promotions either laid a high rate of profit, or unilaterally change the course of the action, having having it with loss of quality. The result is: expensive service with ordinary quality or unacceptable quality of work and discouraged money. Causes of banal: non-professionalism and lack of experience with project managers, work with unverified contractors.

Poor training personnel. Under the quality of personnel should be understood appearance promoters (attractiveness), their behavior, the ability to respond to emergent situations, non-conflict. One of the most effective SALES Promotion methods is a seller smile in the store. So judge yourself, what a wonderful resource you lose when your promoters are sad looking into the floor and think only about whether it will end. " The staff is the main resource during promotions. Its incorrect use leads, at best, to the ineffectiveness of the event, and at worst - to a decrease in sales. The reason here lies sometimes and in the low wage of promoters, in the absence of high-quality work of the personnel manager, in an unlucky of their official duties and, as a result, the ignorance of the features of the products and the manufacturer's company. Thus, the "highlight" of the product that needs to be conveyed to the buyer, it turns out to be lost, and you simply offer something to try or see, not knowing the features of this product and those aspects on which it is necessary to focus. Remember, the promoter is given only a few seconds to interest the consumer. Sometimes the promoter turns so much that the essence of the said it is impossible to understand in a few minutes. Enlarge its attention to 2-3 main advantages and features of advertised products. Determine how it can be valuable for buyers and which consumers it is most likely to interest. Promoters should clearly imagine what category of buyers This product is oriented and to whom it must be offered in the first place. Of course, it is possible to talk about the efficiency of the washing powder to men or the advantages of shaving cream women, but the results of this work will be close to zero. It is necessary to clearly position the goods and send the work of promoters on those potential buyers who can interest this product. In American supermarkets, buyers very often meet at the entrance and offer to visit some department where it is sold, perhaps the goods you need. Moreover, the meeting instantly determines which department and the goods should be recommended to some kind of client, depending on the sexual, age, social affiliation of the latter and other characteristics.

Theft. This problem exists in all spheres of modern life. Not everywhere else accustomed to decent pay. Such a payment, upon receipt of which the employee, would not have the thoughts that the company should. Many campaigns turned out to be ineffective, because most of the products intended for tastings were sold in the markets or was simply carried with them. Among the problems generated by theft, you can call the fall of discipline among promoters, reducing the effectiveness of their labor, deterioration of relations with the administration shopping points. As a result, all of the above can lead to a breakdown of the action. You can avoid theft:

Introducing a clear reporting order;

Systems of "black lists";

Increasing salary.

Appearance promoters. In understanding the supplier, efficiency is associated more with money saving for stocks, rather than with real numbers reflecting sales dynamics. Hence the absence of a bright, attracting the attention of the clothing of a promoter. The promoter is lost in the crowd. The action is obtained by an absolutely colorless event that can not be able to influence the buyer under any circumstances. A person perceives 90% of the information visually, and that's why it would be a mistake not to use vision, abandoning beautiful and attractive clothes. The key to the consumer is complex advertising campaigns. Accordingly, in any advertising campaign you need a binding idea that would unite individual parts of the action into a single whole. As neither regrettable, but sometimes promoters are isolated from other advertising activity of the organization. It is necessary to fight with such a position of things, otherwise it will not be able to enhance the overall efficiency of advertising activities.

Errors when determining the target audience. In order to properly hold an advertising campaign, it is not enough to choose a good place, it is necessary to determine the style of the behavior of the promoter, i.e. it is type. In other words, it is followed by the target audience accordingly. If these are men, then, most likely, promoters should be girls with spectacular appearance. Although it is necessary to find out whether the purchases are made at this point with married couples. In this case, the emphasis must be done on an interesting, attracting the costume of promoters. Similarly, elegant, modest and tidy girls should work on promotions aimed at housewives (and this is a huge number of different products).

No clear reports. To carry out a lot of action, it is necessary to analyze its effectiveness. In a very unstable russian market Even experience is not always a sufficient evaluation criterion. In any case, that the waste of money for the promotional recognition is reasonable, it is necessary to perform sales measurements. Promotion, during the action and after it. Moreover, it is not enough to carry out the measurements of sales volumes only participating in the product shares, the same should be done in relation to the products of competitors. Studies show that, mainly, the increase in sales is caused by tugging consumers from competing trademarks. In addition, similar measurements make it possible to reduce the likelihood of repetition of errors in the future.

Motivation of trading company personnel

In any trading company, the personnel motivation has very great importancesince only interested in obtaining the result employees will be able to bring companies maximum benefit and show best results in the sale of products.

In the organization, which is only at the initial stage of its development, the level of constant (salary) and variable (motivational) component can reach the ratio of 50/50. In the future, as the sales structure increases and the development of the sales structure, the motivational component decreases to approximately 30%. Her fall below the specified limit ceases to significantly influence economic indicators The work of employees and does not stimulate the staff to achieve higher results.

For employees who do not participate in the process of direct sales (Accounting, managers at the reception of orders by phone, management team, heads of departments, employees of the IT department, etc.), it is necessary to establish a system of motivation in the form of the size of the premium part to the salary over the past month or quarter. For example: a monthly premium obtained by such a specialist as an increase in the salary can be up to 30-40% in case of a clear fulfillment of their official duties and achievement of planned sales plan. In the case, if the employee has complaints over the past month or quarter, the size of the premium part can decrease by a certain percentage of penalties.

All the dimensions of interest deductions should be strictly spelled out that the employee does not have any questions about that the size of its premium part has been reduced by whom the number and how much. To do this, for each employee there is a personal card that can be kept by the head of the unit and where any leader can make comments.

Thus, a conscientious specialist performing his official dutiesWhen the company's planned sales indicators reach a monthly or quarterly up to 30-40% of the wages in the form of a premium.

More complex motivation schemes exist in divisions directly involved in the sales process. In his work - and this is more than 15 years of practice - I rolled up a lot of staff motivation schemes and believe that none of them can be considered perfect. At various stages of the development of the company, completely different models of payroll calculations can be applied and stimulating the activities of employees.

First of all, it is necessary to decompose the structure of the salary of specialists involved in the direct sales process (merchandisers and managers working with networks) into two components. The first is a constant turning component that is paid regardless of sales indicators, from the size of which payment is calculated hospital sheet and holidays. It varies noticeably depending on the financial capabilities of the company. Network managers also pay for the fare and the cost of fuel luction (depending on routes and limits), including the depreciation of the vehicle, according to the reports provided. All managers and merchandisers are paid by mobile phone, based on a certain share or percentage of total amount Profit (differences between the sales and procurement price of sold products) on those retailers that were serviced by these employees last month, with a deduction of all stores and product return bonuses. That is, depending on the profit of retail chains, specialists are compensated for by the amount spent by them to pay a mobile phone, and the more they sell, and it is precisely the products that brings the company maximum earnings, the greater the amount of compensation. The equalization should not be here.

By the same principle, the second part of wages is calculated. That is, a table of accrual of the motivational part is drawn up, and, depending on the total profit, managers and merchandisers are additionally accrued as a certain amount. The better the manager works, the more it sells, and the more high-profile goods, the higher the second component of its wages, and, accordingly, higher wages and the merchandiser. Thus, the Merchandiser is also interested in selling its managers more, and it is precisely the products where the profit, earning more and yourself, and the company as a whole.

Further, depending on seasonality and the need to promote one or another product, the current schemes of motivational programs for network managers should be developed monthly. Moreover, they should be drawn up in such a way that the emphasis in them is made to those programs that finance the manufacturer of products, an interesting company itself, the promotion of which is carried out at its own expense.

Most optimally hold no more than three programs for network managers and merchandisers per month, otherwise the effect of organizing such shares is simply lost.

Motivational programs for sales representatives are drawn up according to the following scheme.

Expansion of numerical coverage of network stores in remote places and regions:

- ensuring the maximum coverage of new outlets by any kind of products;

- ensuring maximum coverage of new outlets with specific products, with new outlets in this case those who have not worked for the last two months with this type of product are considered;

- preservation of the number of outlets working with a specific type of product (preventing the output of goods from the range);

- Enter new types of products in the retail network.

Expansion of numerical representation of products in retail chains:

- Payment of premiums for the supply of new types of products to a trading network. This program, despite its high cost, allows you to promote products to outlets and ensure its representation along with the goods of competitors. And depending on the number of types of products shipped to the outlet, you can adjust the amount of remuneration;

- Encouraging a cash premium of the placement in the network stores of industries with a definite product species on them.

Increase sales of products of one producer or specific types of products:

- encouragement of increasing sales in percentage or places;

- Encouraging the achievement of maximum sales (a consequence of a good work of the Merchandiser, who brought his store to the company's leaders in terms of the volume of products implemented).

This is only a small list of motivational programs for managers and merchandisers. However, their implementation provides for the simultaneous conduct of various promotions in retail chains, since in this case the interest of the manufacturer and the seller will be mutual, and the events will bring the maximum effect.

Network store administrators are more likely to participate in such promotions, if they know that the store will receive a bonus supply that will cover the challenges in the trading room and compensates for damages. Moreover, products will be delivered in the form of a bonus, less advanced.

In parallel with these programs, it is necessary to stimulate operators that take orders from outlets engaged in processing received orders and design expenditure documents. The most simple and optimal schemes here are the overall plan for the sales department of this manufacturer in boxes and a cash bonus for each of the operators or managers for each decorated order in this type of product, for the implementation of the plan and for each executive box (package). Plans may refer to the department as a whole with the calculation for each employee to the department as a whole with a general calculation and proportional distribution of income between its employees or personally for each employee.

The network managers and merchandisers are often raised a simple task of increasing sales volumes in general or specifically by a particular manufacturer with the exhibition of planned indicators. In this case, the bonuses and punishment for failure to fulfill the plan occur at the rate defined percent From the amount of the inconspicuous or overfulfilled profit on a specific product.

Try all wages Bind to the company's profitable part, since sales is not a clear criterion for assessing the efficiency of the trade organization. For example, when selling products worth 5 million rubles. With an extraction of 7%, you will earn about 350,000 rubles, and the implementation of other products in the amount of 2 million rubles, but with an extraction of 20% will bring you about 400,000 rubles. arrived. Moreover, the cost of the warehousing and separation of the goods in the second case will be significantly less, therefore, not always indicators of sales volumes of the company indicate the sustainability of its market situation and the high level of profitability. Judge about any project only in terms of its economic feasibility, and not the desire to increase sales volumes, which, due to their low profitability, can lead to loss of profits and reduce the profitability of the enterprise in general. No need to think that at the cost level per unit of products, which makes up in your company, say, 10%, it is necessary to take for a product that will significantly increase sales, but will have an extra charge of 8%. It is necessary to calculate all costs - direct and indirect - and only then make a decision. Believe me, a rampant step will lead you further to difficult financial consequences, to fix that will be very difficult.


I hope that the material set forth in this book will help you in difficult work with retail chains. However, with the proper use of all methods described in it, you can avoid many errors and significantly secure yourself from ill-conceived actions. You can also familiarize yourself with the original documents that are confidential in many organizations and anywhere in the domestic literature are not presented in the form, as is done here.

Many aspects of the stated material are opened by the veil of secrets over such a concept as global retail networks. Everything that is presented in the book has been implemented in many companies, and documents are developed in the current year and are actually applied in practice, respectively, they can be considered the most relevant at the present stage. Carefully learn these documents, as many of them contain answers to questions that were not sufficiently covered in the main sections of the book.

Good luck!

Dmitry Sidorov

Questions and reviews You can send to the author by e-mail:

Trade marketing, or creating incentives for wholesale and retailers

Trade Marketing Even the most large-scale advertising budgets can be considered abandoned to the wind, if the manufacturer does not take care of the stimulation of interest in the product from intermediate buyers - wholesale and retailers. How to encourage Retailler to buy goods and effectively promote it by the links of the distribution network to the final consumer - the task that companies solve with the help of trad marketing.
Trade-marketing is an activity aimed at learning and meeting the needs of the trading link, a phenomenon in some kind of border. In some cases, trad-marketing as a complex of marketing activities designed to solve the tasks of the presence of products in retail outlets on the most best placesah and at the recommended price include marketing in the sphere. In other situations, considering it as a tool that stimulates sales relates to the field of sales.
Now large companies, reducing the costs of direct advertising, many times increase the budgets of trad marketing. The list of tasks that the company can solve resorting to trad marketing methods is very impressive. Competently organized stimulation of trading mediators makes it possible to increase sales and distribution, contributes to an increase in the stock of goods and the growth of trade in the "not season" activity, forms and increases the loyalty of trade to the company and its product. However, it is unlikely to correctly consider TM-activities by Panacea. In addition, the effect of the use of this tool can be obtained, systematically affecting the links of the distribution chain and all channel channels. "For each of the links, there is a specific set of techniques, even inside one unit can be up to a dozen subcategories and options," said Sergey Kalinin, National Director for Trade Marketing and Business He-Trade "San Interbrew". - It is inappropriate and inefficient to offer everyone Types of retail points one stimulation scheme. Obviously, the supermarket is very different from the kiosk, and the pavilion from the discounter. "

Discounts, Bonuses, Contests
The most popular ways to stimulate intermediaries and retailers, allowing to increase the volume of sales at the same time - various kinds of discounts and bonuses for the agreed volume of purchase, the complex purchase of a certain range, etc. "" simple schemeUsed by all companies in the juice market - the retail system, "says Boris Pozdnyakov, Head of Trade Marketing Department of Lebedyansky. - acquiring a certain amount, at the end of the month the company gets from us or a decrease accounts receivableor free product. "
When developing relations, the supplier usually provides the best service. The manufacturer can equip employee jobs. wholesale company, provide partner with transport and technical resources.
Another common sales promotion method is an organization among resellers of various types of contests and competitions. Last summer, the Barnaul Company Altan ( trademark "Granmulino") conducted an action "Organized Office". For a certain amount of sales, the distributor could choose from the list of prizes one or another subject for office: computers, telephones, microwaves, etc. Upon completion of the stock company sales growth amounted to 30%.
Events that bind not so much on the material as the emotional component are carried out much less frequently. But for competent organization And they can bring a tangible effect. At the heart of the "Beer Lovers Club" developed by Ace Target for San Interbrew, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a certain world for chosen. The program was held since October 2002 to April 2003 in a number of southern regions of Russia. "It's believed that commercial network - The system is complex, consisting of a variety of participants, and it is extremely difficult to consider all their psychological features, "says Natalia Nikitina, the Ace Target Marketing Coordinator. - Therefore, it is stimulated in the main gifts, bonuses, discounts, etc. And in this case, they played a favorite factor. "Members of the" Club ", that is, outlets that fulfill the conditions of the action, not only economic, but also emotional benefits: Club cards, the ability to participate in the competition, attend VIP events, etc. During the program, the program in the regions where it was carried out, the increase in quantitative distribution was 27%.

Primaka for the seller
The next "level", in whose stimulation is interested in the supplier - trading personnel of the distribution company. The conditions offered by the distributor manufacturer may be extremely attractive, but if the procurement and sales managers are not interested in promoting goods, the likelihood that the product will be beneficial presented (if presented at all) in the right retail point is very small. "The assortment with which the Distributor has a deal, may have several thousand commodity positions," explains Valery Pokornak, General Director of Altan. - But there is plenty of reasons why managers are more profitable to work with other names. " Solving this problem, in Altan, they went along the way of organizing the Institute of Exclusive Trade Representatives (ETP). The Altan EtP team in the Russian regions includes distributors' trade managers regularly receiving for the implementation of certain conditions (distribution, sales volumes, carrying out promotions, etc.) bonus from the manufacturer. "This kind of motivational schemes implemented with respect to the operators on the phone or staff of the direct sales department, for example, when starting the brand, are not too expensive and allow you to significantly increase the" return "of trading personnel," says Boris Pozdnyakov .- the opportunity to compete with colleagues will lead from routine . Programs are beneficial and distributors, since they develop its people, which ultimately ensures improvement of the efficiency of the entire company. "
Most likely it will not be possible to solve the tasks of the company, offering a significant additional incentive to the mediator's trade manager, if a person does not get a clear idea that it is selling it. This also applies to the personnel of retail points (sellers and consultants) capable of stimulating consumers to purchase, giving recommendations on this or that product. It is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of events aimed at acquaintance of sellers of representatives with the manufacturer's products, the standards of its work and the most effective sales technologies, experts are unlikely. Trainings, seminars and conferences are a great reason for the exchange of experience and building personal relations, the factor that in Russian conditions can be considered decisive business success.
Pavel Mironov, Director of Business Development of the BTL Agency EMG: "The effectiveness of such tactics can be illustrated by the following real example. Historically, it developed that despite the wide range of producer of food producer not all sold positions were equally known in the market. To change the situation for A number of conferences and procurers were organized a number of conferences on which they not only told about the range of the range, but also gave to try each of the products that were told. As a result, participants, first, found out that the active range of their supplier is significantly wider, secondly, they themselves were convinced of high quality The products with which they were offered to work. After a series of conferences spent in several Russian cities, a long time has passed, the growth of orders throughout the spectrum of products is still saved. "

Choosing a moment for conducting activities that stimulate the distribution links is usually due to the need to quickly change the situation. Therefore, TM-shares are mainly launched to promote a new product or during seasonal decline. The minimum duration of TM-campaigns is usually a month - and this turns out to be quite enough to obtain the necessary effect. Thanks to the campaign for one month, Lebedyansky managed to fundamentally change the situation in the channel "Wholesale markets". The share of the company's products on the shelves has grown from 26 to 40%. To organize showcases on the company's standards, merchants of metropolitan markets participating in the program shipped free products. Points, within two weeks provided the presence on the windows of the required number of positions and their correct calculation, three packs of juice were obtained for free. For a month - six packs.
"As practice shows, the effect of competition and excitement disappear if the action lasts longer than the month. No one remembers what you need to fight," says Andrei Filimonov, director of marketing of the Iceovo Group of Companies. - If the period exceeds the month, then the event is better To split into the stages and make at the end of each stage, summing up. When the company has aggressive seizures and it has only three or four months of this season, it is worth run such events at the same time on all sales channels with a difference of several weeks. "
At the same time, trad marketing promotions may have a significantly greater temporary length. Such, let's say, programs to increase the level of distribution or event to increase loyalty to the manufacturer. True, permanent activity, in addition to the necessary budgets, requires partnership relations with resellers, as well as a certain level of competence of the company's trading personnel. And in this case, TM activity is part of the common communicative plan.
Since March 2004, Lebedyansky has implemented a single integrated strategy for working with trading channels. It includes long-term portfolio programs for all channels (including the program covers wholesale markets, kiosks and retail stores) related to both goals, mechanics and time. The main task of the portfolio program is to ensure quantitative and high-quality distribution of all brands of the company. Boris Pozdnyakov: "With the help of this program, we teach a trading point to system work with the company. Shopping points clearly know what they need to do to obtain a bonus, and the integrated scheme gives them such an opportunity. That is, the owner of the point, coming to the market, can find Here the product is in the amount of program you need to fulfill the terms of the program. By the number of positions on the shelves, commodity stock etc. The second plus is that the system greatly simplifies the work of the sales representative - he knows that during the year for all brands of the company there is one common program. In addition, a single "portfolio" approach makes it possible to assess and compare the efficiency of the company's trading personnel in different regions and different trading channels. "

Expensive pleasure
The use of trad-marketing methods in promoting the product is not cheap. Of course, TM costs are not comparable to television advertising budget, but the trading stimulation is usually much more expensive to promote for end users. "Executions on trade marketing for long-standing foods can be from 0.2-0.5% to 3-5% of the annual turnover, and when the new product is derived, the costs sometimes reach 15%," says Andrei Filimonov.
However, with the right organization of investments in the promotion of the product allow the company to earn. In addition, the effect of the implementation of trad-marketing events, unlike campaigns, stimulating the end user, is measurable - by the increase in the number of orders, sales level, distribution, etc. In retail to control the execution of the shares, checking field staff are carried out or a method is used. "Mysterious buyer."
At the same time, experts approve, the effect of the event is sometimes practically independent of the costs of it. The main condition for the success of any TM-shares is a human factor, and save on this article flow - unforgivable luxury. Valery Pokornok: "Many companies believe that it is enough to give the mediator of money, and he organizes the process as needed. This approach is increasingly erroneous. Without the participation of its own managers who will constantly monitor the situation, train sales of your product, such" Trade -Marking "Just by definition cannot be effective."

Whether you are faced with the fact that sales plans grow monthly, and sales are not growing in the same proportion, stocks increase and turn into "frozen" money, total profitability Business falls?

Surely, came across and, for sure, heard about trad marketing, which was excreted in a separate direction due to the above reasons.

What is Trejd Marketing? This is a separate direction of marketing, aimed at stimulating and increasing sales in existing sales channels.

Basic Treed Marketing Tools

Stimulation of retail outlets

  • Stimulation of a single procurement increase
  • Stimulation of the increase in product representation
  • Stimulation of reducing receivables
  • Stimulation of the increase in gross sales for the period
  • Stimulation of the increase in secondary sales

Stimulating trade teams

  • Stimulating an increase in the active client base
  • Stimulating the increase in high-quality distribution indicators

Consider how with each of them you can increase sales several times and start with stimulating outlets.

Who we can stimulate:

  • Decisions
  • Consultants
  • Realizers

How can we stimulate:

  • Valuable expensive gifts
  • General gift for the company
  • Minor gifts for all employees
  • Money or gift certificates

Stimulating tasks:

  • Increase the secondary sales of its products in a specific trading point
  • An increase in the loyalty of the trading point to its products and the company (as a result, the launch of the "sarafan marketing").
  • Increased representation of its products and improvement of merchandising both in the short term and long term
  • Out of Competitor's products from the outlet
  • Reducing overdue receivables
  • An increase in unified procurement
  • Increase gross sales for the period

How to increase sales outlets?

# 1 - increase the implementation of the sales point, improvement of merchandising and raying loyalty to their products

First of all, those who are directly selling the final consumer play a key role: implementers or consultants - if we are talking about a linear retail, and merchandisers or staff staff - if about a key retail.

There are several types of programs that effectively stimulate customer employees:

1. Setting the sales plan for a month in pieces to each implementator

Note: Before starting the promotion, be sure to fix the remnants in the outlet

In this form of stimulating for the implementation of the Plan, each implementator is issued a gift worth not more than 10% of the plan (it is best to give a supermarket certificate).

The same share can be extended for a longer period (for example, a quarter) and break it on monthly plans, which will allow implementers or consultants to get a more valuable gift.

The most of this action is effective in a linear retail, but in the same way it can be broadcast on your promoters or merchandisers in a key retail.

Additional conditions for the promotion are:

  • Providing best places for your products
  • Increased range on the showcase
  • The presence of advertising materials
  • Narrowing the range of competitors and reduce their sales

As a rule, such an action gives a minimum increase in sales in the outlet by 30%.

2. purchase bonus

If we need to increase stocks in the trading point or "put" the product that has not previously managed to sell, Trade Marketing also becomes our helper. We can use tools to increase the uniform procurement.

This happens by action "Buy x units of products - get a gift from products".

This promotion is very effective to spend a month before the start of a seasonal downturn on your products or in the outlets that trade this category, but they have low turnover.

For example, small shop Sales a premium toilet paper: Sales on it are quite low, and, in connection with this, it is often presented in the outlet 1-2 manufacturer. Once the paper is over, the shopping point will make an order to the first supplier who trades a premium toilet paper. Conduct similar shares if you want this supplier you are.

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Also as a bonus, we can produce that products that were not previously represented in the outlet, thus introducing it to the regular range.

The minus of this type of stimulation is a similar campaign can easily copy and spend any of your competitor.

# 2 - gross turnover increase

The gross turnover increases for the period are usually aimed at key clients (remember the Pareto rule?).

With this promotion, we establish a procurement plan for the client for the period (usually a month or quarter with monthly plans) by 40-50% above its sales for the previous similar period. We prescribe a program to promote our products and give the client additional options: for example, an increase in the delay of payment. The plan for fulfilling the plan should also be tied to a timely return of money.

The advantages of this type of stimulation are to agree on such a program with your key clientsYou can more accurately predict your sales volume at the end of the period, and, accordingly, storage reserves.

Cons: If it does not hold a counter action, aimed at the buyer of your client, there is a huge chance of increasing the remnants of the client and a significant drop in sales in the next period.

# 3 - Stimulating timely payment

Stimulating timely payment occurs in the same way: you can install a bonus for each timely paid invoice or in the entire amount of receivables for the period. The most important thing is to determine how much bonus or its amount to motivate the buyer.

Product sales promotion is one of the key tasks of any trading organization, usually implemented using well-known direct advertising of goods and services. A worthy alternative to this method is a set of trade marketing events, the popularity of whose methods in the world is growing day by day. Let's try to figure out what trad marketing is and how it works.

Concept and essence of trade marketing

In general, Trejd Marketing is a specially organized set of activities to stimulate product sales used by wholesale and retailers. It functions through special impact tools on consumers of various levels.

At the same time, direct influence may be provided both on the final buyers and on the intermediate, the role of which the participants of the product promotion are carried out - trade representatives, distributors, dealers. As for the impact methods, it can be both material impact methods, such as remuneration, discounts, gifts, and any other motivation.

This method of stimulating is much more effective direct advertising - ATL, in which all manufacturers are so tend to invest. While she simply reminds people about the promotional product and trying to convince its purchase, trade marketing, which is an indirect or BTL advertising or BTL, directly or the hands of intermediaries inclines the buyer to give preference at the time of purchase it.

Objectives and Tasks of Trade Marketing

As the main goal of stimulating marketing, it is necessary to consider not a simple increase in profit or sales volumes in the short period or the future. Mainly, all actions are directed to the creation of a general positive image of the manufacturer, the formation of a loyal consumer attitude towards it and produced goods.

Trade marketing involves achieving key goals by performing the following list of tasks:

  • Sales management. Study psychological features Potential buyer, attracting his attention to the product, consolidate information about him in consciousness.
  • Strengthening the position of the supplier in the market in terms of competitive struggle. Conquesting the location of your consumer, the formation of a favorable image of a company, identifying the benefits of specific goods and their promotion.
  • Technological improvement of sales. Optimization of the space of trading halls.
  • Managing the actions of a potential consumer. Acceleration and increase its sum.

Organization of Trade Marketing in the Company

Speaking about trad marketing, it should be noted that this is just one of the many ways to stimulate product sales. In the enterprise he is an integral part of the total marketing planning and budgeting, and should be carried out in close connection with the brand positioning and development program.

Depending on the scale of the organization, a department can be created or a responsible specialist is a trad marketer. In any case, a new division or position will be part of the existing marketing department. It is also possible to transfer these functions to outsourcing.

The newly introduced structural unit or third-party performer should study and analyze the current state of the sales market, development and implementation on the basis of the data of the plan of trad-marketing measures to promote goods among mediation commercial organizations and end users.

Maintenance Tools Trade Marketing

Trade marketing tools are extremely wide. Among the key to its guns are distinguished:

  • Direct stimulation of sales.
    • Providing discounts, bonuses to the participants of the distribution chain.
    • Encouraging the final buyer in the form of gifts when buying, drawing prizes.
  • Merchandising. Includes sales and monitoring of product layouts in sales places, counseling, familiarization of buyers with new products in stores, shares, competitions and presentations.
  • Special Trade Marketing Events. This includes the organization of trade exhibitions and presentations, seminars, conferences and trainings for personnel of trading intermediaries.

The decision to use certain instruments is made by persons responsible for the implementation of the final result from the use of each of them are determined primarily with the peculiarities of a particular situation.

Work with trading intermediaries

Trade marketing is a knowledge system that reveals, how can one affect distributors, dealers, sales representatives, so that those engaged in the active promotion of the right goods among buyers. Among all impact tools, the material stimulation of the intermediary distribution chain can be distinguished. It is usually organized in the form of a shares conducted by a provider that can be directed to:

  • Expansion of procurement volume. Usually associated with a decrease in the purchase price, but the provision of discounts may be different, for example:
    • Bonus, relevant at the time of the contract, when purchasing a certain number of goods.
    • Periodic hot discount offers.
    • Providing a commercial bonus for purchasing a specified volume of goods.
  • Growing sales volume. Such events are aimed at obtaining Motivation by intermediaries to actively engage in a sales product. They can be implemented in different ways:
    • Establishing and promoting the implementation of scheduled sales volumes.
    • Organization of contests and prize drawers for staff with good indicators.
    • Conducting the campaign "Secret Customer" and awarding the best employees.
  • Increase the distribution of goods by market points. It is the remuneration of an intermediary for achieving one of the goals:
    • The product is presented in the desired number of sales places.
    • In the prescribed number of sales points, the required range is presented.
    • The specified conditions are made to display goods at the market locations.

Merchandising as part of a trad marketing campaign

Trade marketing is considering merchandising as a special set of events held on the territory of outlets and aimed at an increase in sales of the final buyer. All promotion actions are conducted by the personnel of the manufacturer in coordination with the intermediary or without it. Among the main areas of work, you can allocate:

  • Laying is the key moment of merchandising. The goods on the shelves should be represented in such a way that the buyer has a desire to buy it.
  • Regulation of the represented commodity range.
  • Preparation point of sales: determination of the favorable location of the pavilion in commercial complex, Implementing the right area of \u200b\u200bzoning and design design, setting up lighting and sounding.
  • Equipment of the trading hall: selection of showcases, mannequins, refrigeration and other equipment.
  • Providing the place of sale by POS materials to which advertising booklets and posters, price tags, shelves, and so on.
  • Implementation of audio information and video presentations in the trading room.
  • Conducting advertising actions - lotteries, draws, contests that have visitors to buy a specific product.

Special trade Marketing Events

These types of stimulating measures, as well as Merchandising, are assessed by the group of intangible, they are directed mainly to an increase in loyalty from intermediate consumers. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Conducting training seminars, trainings for personnel of trading intermediaries. These events are carried out to better familiarize with the current assortment and features of specific goods.
  • Business meetings and conferences. Represent the periodic meetings of representatives of the Supplier and the most important trading intermediaries, in which the outcome in the informal setting are summarized, discussed further prospects Cooperation, problems are revealed and ways to solve them are discussed. Such events are usually organized by major network companies.
  • Business presents. Are part of the generally accepted business etiquette. They should be made exclusively about, and choose so that they are as much as possible for the recipient.

Events aimed at the final buyer

Despite the diversity of working methods with intermediaries, do not forget that trad marketing is also a set of effective ways of influencing the consumer of the goods. Forming an additional motivation from the buyer, they are aimed at a short-term increase in demand for promotable goods. There are the following types of such impact:

  • Lottery games, contests, surprises. Inappropriate an unknown winnings when buying a product.
  • Club program organization. Create a community of buyers of a particular brand, whose members are endowed with some privileges.
  • Charitable shares, sponsorship and event marketing. Special events of various kinds are held to attract the target audience: concerts, festivals, parties, organized sports competitions, city holidays.
  • Participation in sectoral exhibitions and the use of mobile marcement in crowded places.
  • Spread advertising leaflets About the product indicating possible channels His acquisitions.
  • Prize for purchase. It can be organized in the form of a gift in each packaging of goods, providing more volume at the same price, carrying out shares of type "1 + 1".
  • Sampling - Add to free distribution of product samples.
  • Periodic decline in prices for goods and distribution of coupons for subsequent purchases Discounted through magazines, other goods or mail.


In addition to perfect ownership, it should be able to correctly assess the effectiveness of a set of events. This is a fairly important point, since the implementation of a trading strategy is a very cost and leadership will surely want to find out how profitable is such an investment of funds and whether to continue to do this.

The qualitative or communicative effectiveness of the trad-marketing campaign shows how successfully its behavior was reflected in the image of the manufacturer. Mainly, this is we talking about improving brand fame, loyalty to it, awareness of buyers about changes in the pricing policy and products of a particular brand.

Economic efficiency represents the calculated result from the application of a sales incentive tool complex. It is usually carried out on the basis of target indicators - sales, procurement, distribution of goods, the size of the Customer Base. When analyzing, their values \u200b\u200bare compared before and after carrying out trad-marketing events.

The main stages of efficient trade marketing

Having understood what trad marketing is, it should be understood how to organize his process successful application. A set of steps, as well as a complex of instruments used, will vary depending on the specifics of a particular case. However, the key steps of the trad marketing program can be distinguished:

  • Internal goaling, formulation of expected results.
  • The establishment of the necessary links in the distribution chain and the analysis of their capabilities.
  • Conduct training personnel of trading intermediaries.
  • Implementation of methods for increasing the loyalty of the participants of the distribution chain.
  • Material methods of impact on intermediaries.
  • Merchandising.
  • Work with the end user.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign.

The results should be compared with the expected. After making the appropriate amendments, the process needs to be repeated again. Cyclicity is associated not only with the inability to choose from the first attempt the perfect scheme of trad marketing, but also with non-permanent conditions of internal and external environmentwhich require an adequate change in the company itself.

Trade marketing is a joint activity of the link chain links to promote goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Competently, its organization will be able to guarantee exceptionally positive results for all its participants.

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