Top ten lost technologies. Completely undeservedly forgotten inventions of the past

Chercher 16.03.2022
Codes of the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that the modern world is at one of the peaks of technological development, scientists note that not all knowledge of the past has survived to this day. In fact, it seems as if some inventions have been lost, and some old technologies are incomprehensible to contemporaries. Below are five lost technologies that still attract the attention of scientists.

Roman cement
Modern concrete, a mixture of cement, water and aggregates such as sand or gravel, was invented in the early 18th century and is the most common building material V modern world. However, the composition developed in the 18th century is far from the first type of concrete. In fact, concrete was used by the Persians, Egyptians, Assyrians and Romans. The latter added quicklime, crushed stone and water to the building mixture - it was this composition that gave Rome the Pantheon, Colosseum, aqueducts and baths.

Like much of the knowledge of antiquity, this technology was lost with the advent of the Middle Ages - not surprisingly, this historical era is also known as the Dark Ages. According to the popular version explaining the fact of the disappearance of the recipe, it was something of a trade secret and with the death of those few people who were initiated into it, it was forgotten.

It is noteworthy that the components that distinguish Roman cement from modern cement still remain unknown. Structures built using Roman cement lasted for millennia, despite exposure to the elements - cement used in our time cannot boast of such durability. Some historians believe that the Romans added milk and blood to the mortar - it is assumed that the pores formed through this process allowed the composition to expand and contract under the influence of temperature changes without collapsing. However, other substances added to the strength of cement, but no one can say exactly which ones.

Damascus steel
Damascus steel, an incredibly strong type of metal, was widely used in the Middle East around 1100-1700 AD. Basically, this type of steel became known thanks to the swords and knives that were made from it. Blades forged from Damascus steel, were famous for their strength and sharpness: it was believed that a Damascus sword could easily cut through stones and other metals, including armor and weapons made from weaker alloys. Damascus steel is associated with patterned crucible steel from India and Sri Lanka. The high strength of blades made from this steel was due to the production process, during which hard cementite was mixed with slightly softer iron, resulting in products that were both strong and flexible.

The technology for forging Damascus steel was lost around 1750. The exact reasons why this happened are unknown, but there are several versions that explain these reasons one way or another. The most popular theory is that the ore needed to produce Damascus steel began to run out and gunsmiths were forced to turn to alternative blade production technologies.

According to another version, the blacksmiths themselves did not know the technology - they simply forged many blades and tested them for strength. It is assumed that by chance, some of them received properties characteristic of Damascus. Be that as it may, even at the current stage of technology development it is impossible to accurately reconstruct the process of creating Damascus steel. Despite the fact that blades with a similar pattern exist today, modern craftsmen are still unable to achieve the strength of Damascus steel.

Antikythera Mechanism
One of the most mysterious archaeological finds, the Antikythera Mechanism, was found by divers on a sunken ancient ship near the Greek island of Antikythera in the early 20th century. Having studied the traces of the shipwreck, scientists came to the conclusion that the ship dates back to the 1st or 2nd century BC. At the same time, the mechanism found was incredibly complex in its structure: it consisted of more than 30 gears, levers and other components.

Moreover, it used differential transmission, which, as previously assumed, was invented no earlier than the 16th century. Obviously, the device was intended to measure the position of the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies. Describing this mechanism, some experts call it the original form of a mechanical watch, while others consider it the first known analog computer.

The precision with which the components of the mechanism were made indicates that this device was not the only one of its kind. On the other hand, historical records of mechanisms whose structure resembles the find go back to the 14th century, which means that the technology was lost for more than 1,400 years.

Greek fire
Greek fire, a flammable mixture used for military purposes by the Byzantine Empire and other states, is one of the most famous lost technologies. Being something like the original form of napalm, Greek fire continued to burn even in water. The most famous case of the use of this formidable weapon took place in the 11th century, when Byzantium used fire against the Arabs and put them to flight.

At first, Greek fire was poured into small vessels, which were set on fire and thrown at the enemy, like a modern Molotov cocktail. Later, installations were invented consisting of copper pipes with a siphon - these war machines were used to set fire to enemy ships. In addition, there is information about hand-held installations that vaguely resembled modern flamethrowers.

Of course, the armed forces of our time use flammable mixtures, which means it cannot be said that the technology remains completely unknown. On the other hand, napalm was only developed in the 1940s, and the original composition of Greek fire was lost after the fall of the Byzantine Empire - so the effective technology remained lost for several centuries. It is still difficult to say exactly how the composition of the substance was lost. In addition, scientists do not know what could have been used to prepare the mixture.

According to the earliest version, Greek fire may have included a large dose of saltpeter. However, this version was soon rejected, because saltpeter does not burn in water, and it was this property that was attributed to Greek fire. If you believe more new theory, then the flammable substance was a kind of cocktail of petroleum products or crude oil, as well as quicklime, potassium nitrate and, possibly, sulfur.

Technologies of the Apollo and Gemini programs
It turns out that not all lost technologies originated in antiquity - even relatively recent achievements of science and technology may remain incomprehensible to contemporaries. In the 50s, 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, the Gemini and Apollo space programs led to some of humanity's most notable achievements in space flight. In particular, we are talking about the most major success NASA, namely the Apollo 11 program and the landing of man on the moon. In turn, the earlier Gemini program of 1965-66. gave scientists valuable knowledge about the mechanics of space flight.

Of course, the achievements of the Gemini and Apollo programs cannot be considered lost in the traditional sense of the word, because scientists still have the Saturn 5 launch vehicles, as well as fragments of other spacecraft, at their disposal. On the other hand, possession of mechanisms does not yet imply knowledge of technology. The fact is that, as a result of the high pace of the “space race,” documentation was not carried out as well as modern NASA employees would like. In addition to the rush, the situation was aggravated by the fact that private contractors were hired to prepare the programs to work on individual components of the ships and equipment.

After the programs were brought to completion, the private engineers left, taking their drawings and diagrams with them. As a result, now that NASA is planning a new mission to the Moon, large amounts of necessary information remain unavailable or are in a completely chaotic state. In essence, all that remains for NASA in the current circumstances is to turn to reverse engineering, that is, to the analysis of existing ships.

Despite the fact that the modern world is at one of the peaks of technological development, scientists note that not all knowledge of the past has survived to this day. In fact, it seems as if some inventions have been lost, and some old technologies are incomprehensible to contemporaries. Below are five lost technologies that still attract the attention of scientists.

Roman cement
Modern concrete, a mixture of cement, water and aggregates such as sand or gravel, was invented in the early 18th century and is the most common building material in the modern world. However, the composition developed in the 18th century is far from the first type of concrete. In fact, concrete was used by the Persians, Egyptians, Assyrians and Romans. The latter added quicklime, crushed stone and water to the building mixture - it was this composition that gave Rome the Pantheon, Colosseum, aqueducts and baths.

Like much of the knowledge of antiquity, this technology was lost with the advent of the Middle Ages - not surprisingly, this historical era is also known as the Dark Ages. According to the popular version explaining the fact of the disappearance of the recipe, it was something of a trade secret and with the death of those few people who were initiated into it, it was forgotten.

It is noteworthy that the components that distinguish Roman cement from modern cement still remain unknown. Structures built using Roman cement lasted for millennia, despite exposure to the elements - cement used in our time cannot boast of such durability. Some historians believe that the Romans added milk and blood to the mortar - it is assumed that the pores formed through this process allowed the composition to expand and contract under the influence of temperature changes without collapsing. However, other substances added to the strength of cement, but no one can say exactly which ones.

Damascus steel
Damascus steel, an incredibly strong type of metal, was widely used in the Middle East around 1100-1700 AD. Basically, this type became known thanks to the swords and knives that were made from it. Blades forged from Damascus steel were famous for their strength and sharpness: it was believed that a Damascus sword could easily cut through stones and other metals, including armor and weapons made from weaker alloys. Damascus steel is associated with patterned crucible steel from India and Sri Lanka. The high strength of blades made from this steel was due to the production process, during which hard cementite was mixed with slightly softer iron, resulting in products that were both strong and flexible.

The technology for forging Damascus steel was lost around 1750. The exact reasons why this happened are unknown, but there are several versions that explain these reasons one way or another. The most popular theory is that the ore needed to produce Damascus steel began to run out and gunsmiths were forced to turn to alternative blade production technologies.

According to another version, the blacksmiths themselves did not know the technology - they simply forged many blades and tested them for strength. It is assumed that by chance, some of them received properties characteristic of Damascus. Be that as it may, even at the current stage of technology development it is impossible to accurately reconstruct the process of creating Damascus steel. Despite the fact that blades with a similar pattern exist today, modern craftsmen are still unable to achieve the strength of Damascus steel.

Antikythera Mechanism
One of the most mysterious archaeological finds, the Antikythera Mechanism, was found by divers on a sunken ancient ship near the Greek island of Antikythera in the early 20th century. Having studied the traces of the shipwreck, scientists came to the conclusion that the ship dates back to the 1st or 2nd century BC. At the same time, the mechanism found was incredibly complex in its structure: it consisted of more than 30 gears, levers and other components.

Moreover, it used differential transmission, which, as previously assumed, was invented no earlier than the 16th century. Obviously, the device was intended to measure the position of the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies. Describing this mechanism, some experts call it the original form of a mechanical watch, while others consider it the first known analog computer.

The precision with which the components of the mechanism were made indicates that this device was not the only one of its kind. On the other hand, historical records of mechanisms whose structure resembles the find go back to the 14th century, which means that the technology was lost for more than 1,400 years.

Greek fire
Greek fire, a flammable mixture used for military purposes by the Byzantine Empire and other states, is one of the most famous lost technologies. Being something like the original form of napalm, Greek fire continued to burn even in water. The most famous case of the use of this formidable weapon took place in the 11th century, when Byzantium used fire against the Arabs and put them to flight.

At first, Greek fire was poured into small vessels, which were set on fire and thrown at the enemy, like a modern Molotov cocktail. Later, installations consisting of copper pipes with a siphon were invented - these combat vehicles were used to set fire to enemy ships. In addition, there is information about hand-held installations that vaguely resembled modern flamethrowers.

Of course, the armed forces of our time use flammable mixtures, which means it cannot be said that the technology remains completely unknown. On the other hand, napalm was only developed in the 1940s, and the original composition of Greek fire was lost after the fall of the Byzantine Empire - so the effective technology remained lost for several centuries. It is still difficult to say exactly how the composition of the substance was lost. In addition, scientists do not know what could have been used to prepare the mixture.

According to the earliest version, Greek fire may have included a large dose of saltpeter. However, this version was soon rejected, because saltpeter does not burn in water, and it was this property that was attributed to Greek fire. If you believe the newer theory, the flammable substance was a kind of cocktail of petroleum products or crude oil, as well as quicklime, potassium nitrate and, possibly, sulfur.

Technologies of the Apollo and Gemini programs
It turns out that not all lost technologies originated in antiquity - even relatively recent achievements of science and technology may remain incomprehensible to contemporaries. In the 50s, 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, the Gemini and Apollo space programs led to some of humanity's most notable achievements in space flight. In particular, we are talking about NASA's greatest success, namely the Apollo 11 program and the landing of man on the moon. In turn, the earlier Gemini program of 1965-66. gave scientists valuable knowledge about the mechanics of space flight.

Of course, the achievements of the Gemini and Apollo programs cannot be considered lost in the traditional sense of the word, because scientists still have the Saturn 5 launch vehicles, as well as fragments of other spacecraft, at their disposal. On the other hand, possession of mechanisms does not yet imply knowledge of technology. The fact is that, as a result of the high pace of the “space race,” documentation was not carried out as well as modern NASA employees would like. In addition to the rush, the situation was aggravated by the fact that private contractors were hired to prepare the programs to work on individual components of the ships and equipment.

After the programs were brought to completion, the private engineers left, taking their drawings and diagrams with them. As a result, now that NASA is planning a new mission to the Moon, large amounts of necessary information remain unavailable or are in a completely chaotic state. In essence, all that remains for NASA in the current circumstances is to turn to reverse engineering, that is, to the analysis of existing ships.

Nowadays the Internet is a great thing. Andrei “Kolymchanin” had an idea about cannons as a former super-weapon, but there was only one detail left - to combine what we now know about progressive weapons and apply to what was used in not so distant “antiquity” .

Part 1

And so what do we have, comrade kadykchanskiy ?

1. Old bronze or containing a large number of copper guns are made of quite, I dare say, a relatively viscous material.

2. The cannon is collapsible - with a large thread, a super-heavy cannon, and even with an incomprehensible recess in the rear part. We can say that such colossuses were collected and dismantled somewhere in specialized places. It’s not on the battlefield to dismantle this hulk.

The question arises: why does a relatively simple design have so many incomprehensible elements? Everything falls into place after viewing this material:

We simply have a huge and cumbersome prototype of this “new and progressive” weapon. The question is that a relatively soft barrel directly provides the necessary density in the formation of charges. The principle of the “Roman candle” is essentially:

A Roman candle is a long cardboard tube. The wick is placed at the top of the tube. Inside the tube is filled with alternating layers of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition, stars and gunpowder. The candle burns from top to bottom and successively shoots up burning stars. The number of stars in a Roman candle can be from 4 to several dozen pieces.

A tubular magazine, most likely with a multi-charge, was densely thrombosed into such a gun, as a filler for that very incomprehensible narrow hole in the rear part of the collapsible structure, and the charges themselves were possibly supplied separately, as the shot was needed. This, by the way, explains some differences in the diameter of the stone core and the diameter of the gun barrel - with a dense arrangement of several charges, most likely, a compactor was used.

But, I will drive away a stingy tear of melancholy that I will not find confirmation of my “hypothesis” in the next hundred years, and I will reflect on the stone processing technology of our Architects.

Nowadays there is a popular opinion that in order to saw and cut out super-large stone pillars from a mountain, super-huge granite saws are needed and it is unlikely that in the next millennium we will use the very technology of the “gods” that our Forerunners used to process the walls of the sarcophagus at low speeds entered the stone with a thick drill:

But nothing like that! It turns out that if you have direct brains and hands, it is possible, using a vibrating tool, to create equally complex work with a small working area. Grinding? Cut the stone inside at a right angle so that the marks from the circular saw are not visible? It’s as simple as shelling pears, the main thing is to know the principle, well, and some money to buy a multi-tool:

And if you pay attention to the artifacts that ambiguously say that in Egypt there was still a concept of electricity, batteries and lamps, then the existence of such a “renovator” is quite acceptable.

Yes, and by the way, the ultrasound generator connected to the scalpel makes it super-easy for the surgeon to use. Why not admit that our Ancestors knew much more about the generation of sound and the use of technologies based on vibration than we do today?

Remains open question- what kind of greedy mug confiscated all the progressive instruments from our eyes? Where is the technology of former Architects stored? Who is responsible for the fact that we began to consider people as “gods” who, simply in a technological solution, have long gone through everything that we have only just begun to touch? Moments of description of events fall out of mythology a little, if we consider them from a technocratic perspective. I will continue to compare the “moments” of previous technological solutions and move them into a direction that is familiar to us.

Part 2

I remember an excerpt from “The Argonauts” and their meeting with the Stymphalian birds:

For many days and many nights they sailed along the southern coast of the Euxine Pontus, passing various kingdoms of peoples hitherto unknown to them. Finally they began to approach the island of Aretia. As they swam to the shore, a huge bird rose from the island. Flying over the ship, she dropped her feathers on it - pointed, like arrows; one of them hit Oileus in the shoulder. From pain, Oiley dropped the oar from his hands; The Argonauts looked with amazement at the strange weapon that struck their associate. Oiley's neighbor took the feather from the wound, washed it and bandaged it.

The thing is that, in my opinion, there is a slightly “corrected” story about this incident on the Internet. At least I came across an old book in which this meeting of the Argonauts with the “birds” was different. There were two attacking birds, they rushed across the sky with a characteristic noise reminiscent of a continuous scream, before taking off these birds screamed wildly, scaring the Argonauts half to death, and the Argonauts themselves did not engage in battle with them, and, moreover, they could not shoot any one of the “birds”, simply covering themselves with shields and sailing to a safe distance from the island on which they lived. It is also interesting that these birds were described as solid metal.

And so what we have:

1. The Argonauts’ ship approached the protected object, in this case this is an island;
2. The warning system has triggered (alarm signal);
3. Two fighters took off into the air and fired at the ship until it left the protected area;
4. The weapons used by the defending side matched those described in the Mahabharatha.

It seems that it is more believable to depict these same birds something like this:

Moreover, they knew about supersonic aircraft (the most stable form in the air at this speed) in, for example, Peru (I wonder if Peru is called Peru only because the Peruvians themselves called themselves that, or the letter was simply lost over time " N"? Perun sounds more plausible):

And more than enough has been said about all kinds of gadgets in fairy tales, for example, the description of the “fairy tale about a poured apple on a silver saucer”:

There lived a man and his wife, and they had three daughters: two were dressy girls, entertainers, and the third was simple-minded, and her sisters, and after them both father and mother, called her a fool. The fool is pushed everywhere, pushed around in everything, forced to work; She doesn’t say a word, she’s ready for anything: flying grass, splitting splinters, milking cows, feeding ducks. Whoever asks anything, the fool always says: “Fool, go ahead!” Look behind everything, you fool!” A man is going to the fair with hay and promises to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks: “Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress”; another daughter asks: “Buy me a scarlet Chinese shirt”; and the fool remains silent and watches. Even though she’s a fool, she’s a daughter; I feel sorry for my father - and he asked her: “What should you buy, fool?” The fool grinned and said: “Buy me, dear father, a silver saucer and a pouring apple.” - “What do you need?” - the sisters asked. “I will roll an apple on a saucer and say the words that the old woman taught me - because I served her a roll.” The man promised and went.

How close, how far, how long, how long was he at the fair, sold the hay, bought some gifts: for one daughter a scarlet Chinese dress, another for a sundress, and for the fool a silver saucer and a juicy apple; returned home and shows. The sisters were happy, they sewed sundresses, but they laughed at the fool and waited to see what she would do with the silver saucer and the pouring apple. The fool does not eat the apple, but sat down in the corner and says: “Roll, roll, apple, on a silver saucer, show me cities and fields, forests and seas, and the heights of the mountains and the beauty of the skies!” An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields, and the height of the mountains and the beauty of the skies; the sun rolls after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance - everything is so beautiful, it’s amazing - no matter what you say in a fairy tale or write with a pen.

How artists have imagined this device:

But what do we have in this case?

1. Flat screen surface (saucer);
2. A kind of “stylus” in the shape of an “apple”, possibly a prototype of some kind of external “mouse”;
3. Activator words, which, like Apple’s patented device unlocking technology, respond only to specific commands (in Apple’s case, this is simply a unique symbol that a person writes on the touch screen);
4. The ability to view current events in real time without spatial restrictions and bypassing physical barriers. That is, “without surveillance cameras.” So to speak - spatial technology, which we may still get to.

In general, this “saucer with an apple” looked more like this:

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when some misfortune befalls you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune.

But in fact, if you dig into this “fairy tale”, many moments become not just interesting, but super-technological and fascinating:

1. A robot doll is described, which in dialogue mode gave specific decisions in specific situations. In fact, it is a “super-Wikipedia” in one device;
2. The “doll’s” knowledge base went beyond a simple statement of the situation; it involved forecasting and understanding the situation;
3. The doll ran on organic matter, and when activated, its eyes glowed. Why describe in such detail the fact that the doll’s eyes glowed “like two candles”? Probably we have a direct clue about the principle on which this doll worked;
4. The pupa performed a fairly wide range of work, such as simple cleaning of the territory or painstaking sorting of small seeds;
5. The fairy tale mentions that “from the pins” and “from the knitting needles” there was light. At least it’s enough to see what you’re doing. These are something like biochemical lamps or gadgets that were powered by the energy of the action itself (which, in principle, is not so fantastic if we have long ago developed watches powered by human thermal energy);
6. At Yaga’s hut, the principle of using a “frightening hologram” is painted, guarding the territory in the form of a black, red and white horseman;

7. The skulls on the Yagi fence are exactly similar in principle to our modern lighting of the object. But in addition to the simple lighting function, they also had their own logic (which, for a second, still had to be built into this device, and someone else was doing this too), and this logic was based on evaluative actions and made independent decisions. How else can we explain that the “skull” was “following” with a fiery “gaze” those who essentially “framed” Vasilisa? And such a “fire” was probably of a wave nature;
8. The “smart home” principle implemented in Yagi’s hut directly recognized voice commands and carried them out. A simple order to “grind the wheat” was enough to call three manipulators at once and process the grain in some kind of built-in multi-harvester;
9. Yaga herself was in no hurry to spread all the devices she had at her disposal to people. That is, in fact, she was engaged in a sort of “accumulation” of unique technologies like a “flying stupa” and so on.

What is also noteworthy is that in this “fairy tale” household chores are called “lessons”. That is, a craft, in essence, is comparable to what a person acquires throughout his life, that is, “lessons.”

Levashov describes Finist Yasny Sokol very well (we must give him credit for this - he raised such a layer that many simply cannot do): az/19.html

But this, in theory, is not the limit for the technologies of the previous civilization. The question remains open - where are all these super-gadgets now and for what reason did the super-civilization experience a total collapse, not only technological, but also spiritual. I don’t believe that the fragmentation shot from Lelya or Fata caused such damage - people who, like Yaga, would have used everything they could find, would still have survived. In any case, the survivors would have included techies who would have restored the techno-complex faster than people multiplied again on the planet.

It seems that the reason for such a “total shutdown” on the scale of an entire civilization was indeed provoked in a targeted and selective manner. Essentially we are talking about biological warfare. But more on that later.

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In ancient times, many knowledge and discoveries were passed strictly from teacher to student. And if this chain was broken, then the principle of operation of the invention could be lost forever.

Delving into history, website I have collected for you 6 technologies from the past, the secret of which has not survived to this day.

Lycurgus Cup

This ancient Roman goblet, which depicts the death of King Lycurgus, has interesting feature. He changes its color depending on the lighting and the liquid that is poured into it. For example, in the shade it is green, in the light it is red. If you pour water into it, it glows blue. If there is oil, the color changes to yellow-red.

Scientists believe that the cup was used to determine impurities in drinks. The bowl is made of tiny nanoparticles of gold and silver. This means that the ancient craftsmen were familiar with what we today call nanotechnology. However, no one has been able to repeat this until today.

Free energy

Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor and designed many fantastic things. In 1901, he built the Wardenclyffe Tower, which was capable of transmitting electricity anywhere in the world and providing people with free energy.

Unfortunately, Tesla's laboratory was no longer funded, and the tower was soon destroyed. After his death, part of the invention drawings was captured, and the other part disappeared mysteriously.

Spirit Sound

The hypogeum of Khal-Saflieni is the oldest underground sanctuary. The most interesting part of it is the “Oracle Room”. The sounds uttered in this room by a low male voice are amplified many times over and spread throughout the entire structure, while all other sounds are inaudible.

Scientists are still trying to figure out how the ancient amplifier works. It is known that sounds resonate at such a frequency that people feel the vibration throughout their entire body. This effect causes a change in consciousness and the appearance of hallucinations.

Flexible glass

Between 14 and 37 AD. e. there lived a glassblower who discovered a substance called flexible glass. The master made a glass from this material for Emperor Tiberius. When Tiberius drank from the cup and threw it on the floor, it did not break.

The emperor decided that the amazing material could devalue silver and gold. He ordered the glassblower to be executed so that the secret of flexible glass would die with him.

Nowadays the Internet is a great thing. Andrei “Kolymchanin” had an idea about cannons as a former super-weapon, but there was only one detail left - to combine what we now know about progressive weapons and apply to what was used in not so distant “antiquity” .

Part 1

And so what do we have, comrade kadykchanskiy?

1. Old bronze or cannons containing a large amount of copper - made of quite, I dare say, a relatively viscous material.

2. The cannon is collapsible - with a large thread, a super-heavy cannon, and even with an incomprehensible recess in the rear part. We can say that such colossuses were collected and dismantled somewhere in specialized places. It’s not on the battlefield to dismantle this hulk.

The question arises: why does a relatively simple design have so many incomprehensible elements? Everything falls into place after viewing this material:

We simply have a huge and cumbersome prototype of this “new and progressive” weapon. The question is that a relatively soft barrel directly provides the necessary density in the formation of charges. The principle of the “Roman candle” is essentially:

A Roman candle is a long cardboard tube. The wick is placed at the top of the tube. Inside the tube is filled with alternating layers of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition, stars and gunpowder. The candle burns from top to bottom and successively shoots up burning stars. The number of stars in a Roman candle can be from 4 to several dozen pieces.

A tubular magazine, most likely with a multi-charge, was densely thrombosed into such a gun, as a filler for that very incomprehensible narrow hole in the rear part of the collapsible structure, and the charges themselves were possibly supplied separately, as the shot was needed. This, by the way, explains some differences in the diameter of the stone core and the diameter of the gun barrel - with a dense arrangement of several charges, most likely, a compactor was used.

But, I will drive away a stingy tear of melancholy that I will not find confirmation of my “hypothesis” in the next hundred years, and I will reflect on the stone processing technology of our Architects.

Nowadays there is a popular opinion that in order to saw and cut out super-large stone pillars from a mountain, super-huge granite saws are needed and it is unlikely that in the next millennium we will use the very technology of the “gods” that our Forerunners used to process the walls of the sarcophagus at low speeds entered the stone with a thick drill:

But nothing like that! It turns out that if you have direct brains and hands, it is possible, using a vibrating tool, to create equally complex work with a small working area. Grinding? Cut the stone inside at a right angle so that the marks from the circular saw are not visible? It’s as simple as shelling pears, the main thing is to know the principle, well, and some money to buy a multi-tool:

And if you pay attention to the artifacts that ambiguously say that in Egypt there was still a concept of electricity, batteries and lamps, then the existence of such a “renovator” is quite acceptable.

Yes, and by the way, the ultrasound generator connected to the scalpel makes it super-easy for the surgeon to use. Why not admit that our Ancestors knew much more about the generation of sound and the use of technologies based on vibration than we do today?

The question remains open - what kind of greedy mug confiscated all the progressive instruments from our eyes? Where is the technology of former Architects stored? Who is responsible for the fact that we began to consider people as “gods” who, simply in a technological solution, have long gone through everything that we have only just begun to touch? Moments of description of events fall out of mythology a little, if we consider them from a technocratic perspective. I will continue to compare the “moments” of previous technological solutions and move them into a direction that is familiar to us.

Part 2

I remember an excerpt from “The Argonauts” and their meeting with the Stymphalian birds:

For many days and many nights they sailed along the southern coast of the Euxine Pontus, passing various kingdoms of peoples hitherto unknown to them. Finally they began to approach the island of Aretia. As they swam to the shore, a huge bird rose from the island. Flying over the ship, she dropped her feathers on it - pointed, like arrows; one of them hit Oileus in the shoulder. From pain, Oiley dropped the oar from his hands; The Argonauts looked with amazement at the strange weapon that struck their associate. Oiley's neighbor took the feather from the wound, washed it and bandaged it.

The thing is that, in my opinion, there is a slightly “corrected” story about this incident on the Internet. At least I came across an old book in which this meeting of the Argonauts with the “birds” was different. There were two attacking birds, they rushed across the sky with a characteristic noise reminiscent of a continuous scream, before taking off these birds screamed wildly, scaring the Argonauts half to death, and the Argonauts themselves did not engage in battle with them, and, moreover, they could not shoot any one of the “birds”, simply covering themselves with shields and sailing to a safe distance from the island on which they lived. It is also interesting that these birds were described as solid metal.

And so what we have:

1. The Argonauts’ ship approached a protected object, in this case it is an island;
2. The warning system has triggered (alarm signal);
3. Two fighters took off into the air and fired at the ship until it left the protected area;
4. The weapons used by the defending side matched those described in the Mahabharatha.

It seems that it is more believable to depict these same birds something like this:

Moreover, they knew about supersonic aircraft (the most stable form in the air at this speed) in, for example, Peru (I wonder if Peru is called Peru only because the Peruvians themselves called themselves that, or the letter was simply lost over time " N"? Perun sounds more plausible):

And more than enough has been said about all kinds of gadgets in fairy tales, for example, the description of the “fairy tale about a poured apple on a silver saucer”:

There lived a man and his wife, and they had three daughters: two were dressy girls, entertainers, and the third was simple-minded, and her sisters, and after them both father and mother, called her a fool. The fool is pushed everywhere, pushed around in everything, forced to work; She doesn’t say a word, she’s ready for anything: flying grass, splitting splinters, milking cows, feeding ducks. Whoever asks anything, the fool always says: “Fool, go ahead!” Look behind everything, you fool!” A man is going to the fair with hay and promises to buy gifts for his daughters. One daughter asks: “Buy me, father, some kumac for a sundress”; another daughter asks: “Buy me a scarlet Chinese shirt”; and the fool remains silent and watches. Even though she’s a fool, she’s a daughter; I feel sorry for my father - and he asked her: “What should you buy, fool?” The fool grinned and said: “Buy me, dear father, a silver saucer and a pouring apple.” - “What do you need?” - the sisters asked. “I will roll an apple on a saucer and say the words that the old woman taught me - because I served her a roll.” The man promised and went.

How close, how far, how long, how long was he at the fair, sold the hay, bought some gifts: for one daughter a scarlet Chinese dress, another for a sundress, and for the fool a silver saucer and a juicy apple; returned home and shows. The sisters were happy, they sewed sundresses, but they laughed at the fool and waited to see what she would do with the silver saucer and the pouring apple. The fool does not eat the apple, but sat down in the corner and says: “Roll, roll, apple, on a silver saucer, show me cities and fields, forests and seas, and the heights of the mountains and the beauty of the skies!” An apple rolls on a saucer, poured on a silver one, and on the saucer all the cities are visible one after another, ships on the seas and shelves in the fields, and the height of the mountains and the beauty of the skies; the sun rolls after the sun, the stars gather in a round dance - everything is so beautiful, it’s amazing - nothing can be said in a fairy tale or written with a pen.

How artists have imagined this device:

But what do we have in this case?

1. Flat screen surface (saucer);
2. A kind of “stylus” in the shape of an “apple”, possibly a prototype of some kind of external “mouse”;
3. Activator words, which, like Apple’s patented device unlocking technology, respond only to specific commands (in Apple’s case, this is simply a unique symbol that a person writes on the touch screen);
4. The ability to view current events in real time without spatial restrictions and bypassing physical barriers. That is, “without surveillance cameras.” So to speak - spatial technology, which we may still get to.

In general, this “saucer with an apple” looked more like this:

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when some misfortune befalls you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune.

But in fact, if you dig into this “fairy tale”, many moments become not just interesting, but super-technological and fascinating:

1. A robot doll is described that, in dialogue mode, gave specific solutions in specific situations. In fact, it is a “super-Wikipedia” in one device;
2. The “doll’s” knowledge base went beyond a simple statement of the situation; it involved forecasting and understanding the situation;
3. The doll ran on organic matter, and when activated, its eyes glowed. Why describe in such detail the fact that the doll’s eyes glowed “like two candles”? Probably we have a direct clue about the principle on which this doll worked;
4. The pupa performed a fairly wide range of work, such as simple cleaning of the territory or painstaking sorting of small seeds;
5. The fairy tale mentions that “from the pins” and “from the knitting needles” there was light. At least it’s enough to see what you’re doing. These are something like biochemical lamps or gadgets that were powered by the energy of the action itself (which, in principle, is not so fantastic if we have long ago developed watches powered by human thermal energy);
6. At Yaga’s hut, the principle of using a “frightening hologram” is painted, guarding the territory in the form of a black, red and white horseman;

7. The skulls on the Yagi fence are exactly similar in principle to our modern lighting of the object. But in addition to the simple lighting function, they also had their own logic (which, for a second, still had to be built into this device, and someone else was doing this too), and this logic was based on evaluative actions and made independent decisions. How else can we explain that the “skull” was “following” with a fiery “gaze” those who essentially “framed” Vasilisa? And such a “fire” was probably of a wave nature;
8. The “smart home” principle implemented in Yagi’s hut directly recognized voice commands and carried them out. A simple order to “grind the wheat” was enough to call three manipulators at once and process the grain in some kind of built-in multi-harvester;
9. Yaga herself was in no hurry to spread all the devices she had at her disposal to people. That is, in fact, she was engaged in a sort of “accumulation” of unique technologies like a “flying stupa” and so on.

What is also noteworthy is that in this “fairy tale” household chores are called “lessons”. That is, a craft, in essence, is comparable to what a person acquires throughout his life, that is, “lessons.”

Levashov wrote very well about Finist Yasny Sokol (we must give him credit for this - he raised such a layer that many simply cannot do): ]]> ]]>

But this, in theory, is not the limit for the technologies of the previous civilization. The question remains open: where are all these super-gadgets now and for what reason did the super-civilization experience a total collapse, not only technological, but also spiritual. I don’t believe that the fragmentation shot from Lelya or Fata caused such damage - people who, like Yaga, would have used everything they could find, would still have survived. In any case, the survivors would have included techies who would have restored the techno-complex faster than people multiplied again on the planet.

It seems that the reason for such a “total shutdown” on the scale of an entire civilization was indeed provoked in a targeted and selective manner. Essentially we are talking about biological warfare. But more on that later.

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