Typical and unusual designs for summer cottages - an overview with photos of greenhouses and hotbeds. Do-it-yourself greenhouse under a film made of galvanized steel profile

Chercher 05.07.2021

I can dream about them all day long - greenhouses and greenhouses! I searched and chose for a long time for the production of unusual greenhouses, from tiny to huge.
They put soul and work into each of them. You will find unusual and original ideas, from passive heating elements made from painted bottles, using straw blocks for tool-free construction, to using branches, old bottles, windows and even a trampoline!

1. Mini-greenhouse from a cut bottle.

The simplest greenhouse, which only takes one minute to make, is surprisingly effective.

2. Arched greenhouse made of cedar or juniper branches.

I love this pattern! A cedar arch can withstand more than 30 years of use! If the area where you live has cedar or other trees that are not susceptible to rot, then using them can be a natural and beautiful replacement for PVC pipes.

3. Cold greenhouse made of straw blocks.

Simple and so original! Straw bale walls retain heat and do not require tools to build them. Just add windows or plastic and frame. Most of all I like the first option, where the frame is tilted to the South and tiered beds are used!

4. Greenhouse made from CD cases.

The lids can be lifted or closed, very resourceful! Check out Meg's instructions for all the details!Meg | Mega Crafty

5. A simple unheated greenhouse.

In Rob's garden, plants such as lettuce, cabbage, and broccoli were able to withstand frost in these cozy cold greenhouses. You can download a diagram with dimensions from this link.Rob | Bepa's Garden

6. Cold greenhouse along a stone wall.

This greenhouse is located along a stone wall facing south. This is an ideal place for an unheated greenhouse; during the day, the stone (as well as concrete) absorbs solar energy and releases it back at night.Jacqueline | Deep Roots At Home

7. Arched greenhouse with metal supports.

Great idea to combine straw bale and arched greenhouse! To make this greenhouse, a coarse mesh of galvanized wire is used; welding is required for fastening. If the film is removable, then in the summer you can grow beans, pumpkins, etc.Dave's Garden , AndPeak Prosperity

Pumpkin tunnel

8. A very simple arched greenhouse.

I love this simple cross arch that's perfect for small raised beds. The size of this is 1.2 x 1.8 m, the length of each arc is 3.6 m. Wood that has been pressure treated with preservatives can be replaced with non-toxic redwood or softwood.

9. Arched greenhouse for high beds.

Two options for arched PVC greenhouses: for the first there is an excellent video that shows how to secure pipes using fittings; in another they are inserted directly into the ground.

10. A trampoline greenhouse with passive heating.

A brilliant use for an old trampoline. There is no need to cut the steel, you just need to disassemble the base into pieces and you will get two halves of the frame of the future greenhouse.

I was also inspired by the idea of ​​painting spray bottles black. Water is poured into them, it heats up during the day, and at night it gives off additional heat inside the greenhouse!Heather | How does she

11. Mini-greenhouse.

A simple and beautiful greenhouse made from old windows, and the box shape makes it easy to create!Design Dreams By Anne

12. Portable unheated greenhouses made from windows.

Old windows and scraps of softwood boards make excellent portable greenhouses!For the Love of Lillian

13. Sliding arched greenhouse.

The clever design of this structure makes it easy to access the garden bed! The basis of the greenhouse is PVC pipes with a diameter of 1.3 cm, they are inserted into a T-shaped element 2.5 cm in diameter, which, in turn, slides on rails made of aluminum pipe 8.6 cm in diameter. The beds are made of untreated coniferous boards (5x15x250 cm).Harris | Grit

14. A greenhouse in the form of a barn.

You can't miss this idea! I could live in this incredibly cute greenhouse! In addition, the author always has detailed and clear plans and instructions!Ana White

15. 16. and 17. Greenhouses from old windows.

These are three large greenhouses for ambitious gardeners! Each option has its ownatunique ideas that you can use!

This greenhouse was created by Andy (Andy at The Green Lever ) of 24 windows and 16 pallets and is designed to collect rainwater!

This greenhouse has ventilation and other useful details, plus detailed instructions.Cheft at Instructables

Stunning blue greenhouse fromFine Home Building clearly demonstrates what miracles simple paint can do!

18. Greenhouse made of pallets.

Moreeone structure by Andy, who built a beautiful greenhouse from old windows (#15). Isn’t it true that it’s much better to have two greenhouses!Andy at The Green Lever

19. Greenhouse made of bottles.

This greenhouse from the old ones plastic bottles built by students on the territorygardenWilmington College in Ohio. As a foundation (4x4m) for non-eold tires were used, two rain barrels are part of the north wall.Master Gardening Blog, IzzyM

20. Straw bale greenhouse.

This version of such greenhouses is located along the southern wall of the barn and is made of transparent wavy sheet material for the roof. The size of the structure is 3 x 4 m.Tracey | Simplify and Save

21. Domed greenhouse.

Impressive, isn't it? Such a structure is not only beautiful and elegant, but alsoestable, has a modular structure and ensures optimal light absorption.Jacob | Northern Homestead

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Everyone knows what a greenhouse is. Such structures are used almost everywhere: both in the north, where it is necessary to grow crops in the shortest possible time, and in the south, where thanks to greenhouses it is possible to grow plants almost all year round. But the conventional greenhouses that are so familiar to us have a number of disadvantages.

Everyone knows what a greenhouse is. Such structures are used almost everywhere: both in the north, where it is necessary to grow crops in the shortest possible time, and in the south, where thanks to greenhouses it is possible to grow plants almost all year round. But the conventional greenhouses that are so familiar to us have a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, in spring, winter and autumn they absorb sunlight poorly: in the morning and evening hours the sun is low, and only 25-30% of all energy is used. Secondly, the greenhouse loses a lot of heat through its covering, and as a result there are large jumps between day and night temperatures, and this harms the plants. And thirdly, traditional system ventilation of greenhouses through doors or windows has a negative impact, as moisture escapes into the street, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which are so necessary for plants, so you have to water and fertilize them more.

But some unusual greenhouses can overcome all these disadvantages.

Vegetarian Ivanova

This design allows you to solve all the problems that accompany conventional greenhouses. Required condition– this is located on a slope of 15-20 degrees. In this case, three walls and a flat roof are made of polycarbonate, and one wall must be solid and covered with a mirror surface to reflect rays. This type of construction increases penetration sun rays, and the lower the sun, the more efficiently energy is absorbed.

The air and heat exchange system in the greenhouse is quite interesting. So, thanks to the presence of a pipe system under the greenhouse, a fan and a pair of dampers, during the day, even in winter, the air temperature can reach 33 degrees, and through the pipes it is pumped into the ground, warming it up to optimal levels, and at night the soil, like a heat accumulator, heats the air. Moreover, even in winter you can do without a heater, but for the coldest days, a regular heater can sometimes be used.

The heat exchange system works in the same way in summer time, only here the coolness is already transmitted, as a result the soil and plants do not overheat. This principle is also good because it preserves moisture and carbon dioxide. In the process, the soil is also moistened by condensate obtained by cooling the air. Such a system can be called ideal, it allows you to save 60-80 times more energy than a conventional one, and if the temperature is above -10 degrees, then you can do without a heater altogether.

Trench greenhouses of Vladimir Antropov

From the name itself it is easy to guess that we will be dealing with something slightly pressed into the ground. So, these greenhouses are built at a depth of 1.5 m or more, depending on the level at which the groundwater lies. The walls are laid out with bricks, and the beds themselves are formed at a sufficient height and also made of bricks. All this is done so that heat accumulates during the day and is released to the plants at night.

The top of the greenhouse is quite standard - these are plastic pipes bent into an arc and covered with plastic film on top. And the role of vents here are the doors, which are located on the sides of the greenhouse, actually under its very roof. Wherein cold air flows smoothly down and does not have a negative effect on the plants, since they are located under the ridge of the greenhouse, where warm air accumulates.

The design features here make it possible to minimize heat loss, and save the resulting heat for a longer period, because brick walls and beds heat up very quickly and actively accumulate heat. Warming up is also facilitated by the fact that in winter the deep balls of soil are already capable of giving off heat, and due to the fact that the area of ​​the above-ground part is small, the influence of winds, which are not able to “blow out” the heat, is also reduced. As a result, we get an excellent result: in winter in a greenhouse of this type it is as much as 12 degrees warmer than in a regular one. Please note that we were not talking about heating at all - it is not required here, but if some nights are especially cold, then the beds can be covered with non-woven material.

In addition, temperature changes in such a greenhouse will not affect the harvest, since the design features allow the heat not to escape for a long time, which creates optimal conditions in winter, but in summer the air practically does not overheat.


The eco-greenhouse is based on the principle of interaction between all organisms in the ecosystem; it is then that it will be in a state of harmony. The design itself is as follows: the greenhouse is stretched from east to west, its northern wall is covered with white plastic to reflect rays, the roof is made flat, slightly inclined to the south and as airtight as possible, and the walls are made of fiberglass. In general, maximum attention is paid to tightness here.

The main feature is that on the sides of the greenhouse there are areas for breeding animals, for example, rabbits and chickens. Pipes with holes pass from the menageries into the greenhouse, through which nitrogen, carbon dioxide, as well as moisture and heat enter the room in small quantities. As a result, plants receive the elements they need, and animals' air is purified.

The composition of the soil also has some features: it includes turf soil, sand and compost, which is prepared from animal droppings. Proper drip irrigation is also organized, and all plant residues are used as animal feed. The cycle is completed. At the same time, the emphasis is placed on the fact that animals are an excellent source of heat, because, for example, a rabbit can provide as much energy in one year as is obtained from burning 10 liters of oil.

Another heat carrier is water - the greenhouses have several large tanks, and their contents are heated using solar energy. So, under the roof itself there is a fan that is powered by solar panels, and when it is warm outside it turns on and heats containers with water, which are fenced off from the plants during the day. At night, the so-called radiators release the accumulated heat.

Containers of water also help balance the temperature on hot summer days. In general, ventilation is rarely used in such a greenhouse, since the design allows hot air to quickly leave the premises.

Solar greenhouses

The design of this greenhouse is very similar to Ivanov’s vegetarian garden: there is also one main wall with a reflective coating, and the remaining walls are made of polycarbonate or use double glazing. What is of interest here is a rather unique heat accumulator: for example, a hole is dug in the middle of the greenhouse, the dimensions of which depend on the dimensions of the room, and it is filled with granite or broken brick. It is also necessary to provide brick channels in the pit, which will go outside using plastic pipes into which the fan is mounted. As a result, heated air is blown into the greenhouse at night.

Thus, it is clear that with fairly simple designs, significant energy savings can be achieved, which will affect the cost of production. As a result, you can open your own fairly profitable business. published

Antropov's trench greenhouses, Ivanov's vegetarian garden, eco-greenhouse, solar greenhouses with heat accumulators. In this article we will look at the features of the device and the advantages of these unique structures.

Greenhouses are structures that significantly extend the growing time of various crops. They are needed everywhere. In the northern regions, it is important not to miss a single warm day, and every degree of heat saved is of great importance - after all, when growing vegetables, you need to meet it in a very short time. In the southern regions, a greenhouse will help to cultivate plants almost all year round.

Unfortunately, traditional structures that can be found on almost every personal plot, have three main disadvantages:

  1. When the sun is low, which happens in the morning and evening in spring, autumn and winter, its rays are reflected very strongly at sharp angles, as a result of which only 25-30 percent of solar energy can penetrate into the greenhouse.
  2. In the cold season, it is quite difficult to store and save heat due to large losses through the greenhouse covering, which leads to huge jumps in day and night temperatures - and this has an extremely negative impact on the development and fruiting of crops.
  3. Traditional greenhouses have direct ventilation in the form of all kinds of vents, doors, and the like. And it is through it that all carbon dioxide, nitrogen and almost all the moisture evaporated by crops, so necessary for plants for normal growth, escapes. This is why greenhouse beds need constant watering and fertilizer.

The unique principles of greenhouse construction discussed below help solve all these problems.

Trench greenhouses of Vladimir Antropov

The name speaks for itself. The basis of such a heifer is a trench with a depth of one and a half meters or more (it all depends on how deep the groundwater is in the area), the length is arbitrary, the width is from two meters. Brick retaining walls are installed on the sides of the trench, which serve as an excellent heat accumulator. To grow plants, high beds made of brick are used here - detailed description Read their designs in the article “Organic farming. How to plant smart beds." Their main advantage is in this case is that they actively accumulate heat during the day and gradually release it at night.

The top of the trench greenhouse is covered with a simple arched structure made of plastic pipes bent in an arc. The pipes are located at intervals of 1.2 meters and are fastened together by crossbars. The polyethylene film is stretched as follows: one edge of the strip is attached to the rail and dragged using two ropes to the other side. After this, the edges of the film are pressed to the base of the greenhouse with wooden slats using dowels. In order for the film to hold better, it is pressed to the structure with ropes thrown and well stretched between the pipes of the frame.

The vents in Antropov's trench greenhouses are doors located almost under the ceiling at both ends. Brick beds are made of such a height that their surface is located under the ridge of the greenhouse - this is the place that is the zone of stable accumulation of warm air. With this arrangement, there is no negative effect of cold air on the plants - it smoothly flows down to the floor.

The advantages of a trench greenhouse of this design are obvious. Firstly, heat loss is significantly reduced in Antropov’s greenhouses, heat It stays here for a long time. This is explained by the fact that brick supports and high beds quickly warm up and accumulate a large number of heat. In addition, in winter, the deep soil horizon gives off heat on its own. The relatively small volume and minimal area of ​​wind blowing contribute to instant warming of the air. As a result, the night air temperature in such a greenhouse in winter is 8-12 degrees higher than in a regular one. I would like to note that heating is not used here at all. And on the coldest nights, to protect plants from frost, simply cover the beds with non-woven covering material.

Another important advantage of Antropov’s trench greenhouses is that the air temperature here changes smoothly. The heat transfer surface through the walls of the beds is three times greater than through the soil. Considering that brick retains heat perfectly, it turns out to be a kind of thermal flywheel, that is, excess heat is absorbed for a long time, and its deficiency is compensated for a long time. The air in such structures does not overheat until mid-June.


The author of the idea is American farmer Anna Edei. When organizing the eco-greenhouse, Anna used the ideas of the founders of the permaculture movement, based on the mutual adaptability of all members of a certain ecosystem to each other. We talked in detail about permaculture in the article “Organic farming. Permaculture - living in harmony with nature."

The area of ​​the eco-greenhouse built by Anna Edei is 300 square meters. m. The structure is stretched in the direction from east to west. The vertical north wall is covered with white plastic and acts as a solar reflector. The roof is flat and slopes to the south. The side walls are made of fiberglass, and the roof is covered with sangein (a reliable transparent heat insulator), special attention is paid to tightness - all this ensures minimal heat loss.

But the main highlight of the eco-greenhouse is the symbiosis with animals. At both ends of the structure there are premises for their maintenance - on one side there is a rabbitry in which 30-40 rabbits live, on the other there is a chicken coop for 60-70 chickens. These rooms are also very bright and airtight. Constructed in an eco-greenhouse special system from perforated pipes laid underground, through which warm air from the menagerie is pumped into the greenhouse using a fan. And along with this air comes heat, ammonia, carbon dioxide and moisture. As a result, it’s good for everyone - the air in the chicken coop and rabbitry is cleaned, thereby feeding and heating the plants in the greenhouse.

The composition of the soil in the eco-greenhouse is as follows: turf soil, sand, compost made from chicken and rabbit droppings, ash. A clearly organized system of drip subsoil irrigation creates ideal conditions for plants, all waste, after collection, goes to the animals living nearby.

Anna Edei calculated that each “beast” produces as much heat per year as can be obtained from 10 liters of oil - saving on heating reaches 7 thousand dollars a year.

Among other things, a large amount of heat in an eco-greenhouse is accumulated in water. The total volume of installed water tanks is about 16 tons, and special fans are mounted under the ceiling, powered by solar panels and automatically turning on in sunny weather. They drive hot air down onto containers of water, fenced off during the day from the beds with plants by a curtain. During the day, these so-called radiators absorb a huge amount of heat, which they release at night. All water tanks are connected to each other by pipes so that with the help of a pump warm water it was distilled down from above - thus the entire volume is heated evenly.

In the summer heat, specially designed ventilation saves plants from overheating in an eco-greenhouse. On the south side the transoms are located close to the ground, and on the north side they are located almost under the ceiling. This allows hot air to slide up the slope and quickly escape. Containers with water effectively smooth out temperature differences; at night they give off daytime heat, and during the day they give off nighttime coolness, so ventilation is used only on very hot days.

Vegetarian Ivanova

This unique principle of constructing a greenhouse was developed and patented by the Kyiv physics teacher Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov back in the 50s of the last century. The design of the greenhouse is thought out to the smallest detail and eliminates all three main problems of traditional greenhouses, which we talked about at the very beginning - lack of sunlight, heat loss through the covering, loss of carbon dioxide, moisture and nitrogen as a result of direct ventilation. Let's talk about everything in order.

It is necessary to build a vegetarian garden on a slope (15-20 degrees). The slope can be natural or artificial, but it must slope towards the south-east or south. Approximate size of the building: length 5 m, width 4 m, height 1.7-2 m. The flat roof and three walls are made of glass or cellular polycarbonate, the latter being almost ideal for this design.

The back wall is solid. This can be a suitable wall of the house or any utility room, whitewashed with lime, painted with white paint, and ideally covered with a mirror film. It plays the role of a reflector, doubling the incidence of sunlight on the soil.

Thus, a slope of 15-20 degrees, a flat roof and a reflective wall in winter significantly increase the penetration of solar rays, and the lower the sun, the more powerful the effect.

The problems of heat loss, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are solved thanks to an interesting invention, which is a closed cycle of heat and air exchange. Plastic pipes are buried into the ground to a depth of 35-40 cm, located at a distance of 60-65 cm from each other throughout the entire area of ​​the greenhouse. Their lower (southern) ends are removed from the soil and covered with a fine mesh (to prevent debris from getting in). The upper (northern) ones are connected into a transverse collector, from which a riser (vertical pipe) is laid in the main wall. The riser does not go outside directly, but through a special control chamber, which opens into the vegetarian area at a height of about one and a half meters. Both above and below this chamber is limited by dampers, and at the exit to the greenhouse an ordinary household fan with a power of 15-20 W is mounted. This power is enough for 3-4 pipes, the diameter of which is 7-10 cm. If there are more pipes, then it is necessary to install another riser with a fan.

During the day, in sunny weather, the temperature inside the greenhouse is 30-35 degrees (even in winter). The upper damper of the control chamber closes, the fan turns on and sucks in warm air, driving it through the pipes into the soil. At the same time, the soil warms up, and the cooled air is blown back and heated again. As a result, over the course of a whole day, the earth warms up to a temperature of 30 degrees and becomes a natural heat accumulator, which lasts throughout the night. At night, a fan drives heat from the soil into the air.

A similar system is widely used in many European countries, especially in Scandinavia; heat accumulators here are not only the soil, but also stone walls, collectors inside pools, and stone floors.

Practice shows that if everything is in order with the tightness, such a closed heat exchange cycle gives excellent performance in winter without any heating. If in winter the temperature is minus 10 during the day, in the vegetarian garden it is plus 18, at night the temperature is minus 15 in the vegetarian garden it is plus 12. In the case of very severe frosts, an ordinary, not very powerful heater (1-1.2 kW) is inserted into the control chamber, with the help of which warm air is drawn in.

In spring and cool summers, a closed cycle in the same mode protects the greenhouse from overheating - at night, it is no longer heat that accumulates in the soil, but coolness, which cools the air during the day.

In the hot summer, this heat exchange system perfectly removes excess heat outside. The lower damper of the chamber closes, and the upper one opens - the fan simply expels the hot air from the vegetarian space to the outside, but carbon dioxide is also lost, so it is recommended to use such ventilation only in case of emergency. It is the closed heat and air exchange system that accumulates inside the greenhouse the amount of CO 2 and nitrogen necessary for normal growth and development.

A system of perforated pipes buried in the soil of the vegetation, in a closed cycle, allows us to solve the problem of loss of air and soil moisture. Such a system itself is an effective condensate collector.

When warm air passes through cool pipes, it gives off a lot of water, which falls as condensation on the walls. The pipes are perforated (holes the diameter of a pencil are punched every 20 centimeters along their entire bottom), laid on a thin layer of crushed stone or expanded clay, which allows water to freely pass into the soil.

So, with the closed heat and air exchange system turned on, the water that evaporates from the plants and soil is forcibly returned back to the roots. Warm soil is moistened with warm water - nothing better can be imagined for plants. In the hot season, when there is a need to use open ventilation and there is a lack of moisture, a drip irrigation system is used in the vegetarian garden.

Another very important point— the fan mounted in the control chamber is equipped with simple temperature sensors. The entire system turns off automatically when the air temperature in the underground pipes and in the general greenhouse mass is equalized.

Ivanov’s vegetarian garden is not just a greenhouse. This capital, unique structure is considered an example of technology for the rational use of solar energy. If the temperature outside does not drop below 10 degrees below zero, no heating other than sunlight will be required. Agronomists who have learned the effectiveness of such a greenhouse in practice say that the cost of maintaining the necessary microclimate in a vegetarian garden is 60-80 times less than in an ordinary traditional greenhouse. The vegetarian plant pays for itself in the first year, despite the need for capital construction.

You can save on heating by using the design of a so-called solar greenhouse (solar greenhouse), equipped with reliable heat accumulators. The design of such greenhouses resembles Ivanov’s vegetarian garden described above. That is, one solid wall, covered with reflective material, the roof and walls are made of reliable material (best suited cellular polycarbonate or double glazing), effectively reducing heat loss.

The main highlight of solar greenhouses is the subsoil heat accumulator, organized as follows. Based on the greenhouse area of ​​100 sq. m, a hole is dug in the middle 1 meter wide, 15 meters long and 1.2-1.4 meters deep, which is filled with pieces of granite or broken brick with a fraction of 150-200 mm. Brick channels are made along the entire length, leading out through plastic pipes with a diameter of 350 mm. On one side, a 0.1 kW fan is installed in the brick channel. During the day, the battery is charged with heat, which serves as heating at night.

So, we looked at the unique principles of greenhouse design, which help maintain an optimal microclimate for growing plants without extra costs. By building such structures, you will be able to grow vegetable crops almost all year round, which will provide your family not only with fresh vegetables and herbs, but also get the opportunity to organize an additional or main business that is very profitable, especially in winter.

Turischeva Olga, rmnt.ru

Having become the happy owner of a country plot, many people think about the rational use of every piece of land. This is how the idea comes to grow fresh vegetables, herbs and other whimsical garden plants on your territory in order to delight your family with environmentally friendly products rich in vitamins. A useful structure comes to the rescue - a greenhouse.

Inside this structure, you can create the microclimate necessary for a particular crop (humidity, temperature, amount of sunlight). It is often used at a certain stage of plant growth and formation, but it happens that a representative of the flora requires special conditions throughout the entire development cycle. In addition to technical and operational characteristics, site owners care about the compatibility of the greenhouse with the main concept landscape design territories. This task is quite doable, just follow simple rules and instructions.

Choosing a greenhouse

There are several types of structures for creating a microclimate. Conventionally, they are distinguished:

  1. To size.
  2. By form:


  1. According to the coating material used:

Film coated

Polyethylene is easy to work with; a wide price range allows you to choose the type that is financially affordable.


IN Lately It is used quite rarely due to its high cost and installation difficulties. Due to the fragility of the material, it is not resistant to mechanical damage.

Coated with cellular polycarbonate

This practical type of raw material replaced glass. It has good light transmission and sound insulation properties, and retains heat well. Installation is easy and quick.

  1. According to the material used for the frame:

With a frame made of profile pipes

Affordable and reliable material. Requires some care: winter period From time to time it is necessary to remove snow from it so that the frame does not deform.

Made of plastic

A rarely used material due to its relatively high cost. It has good performance characteristics: durable, stable, resistant to moisture and chemicals.

Very popular material. You can make a frame from it yourself, and the structure will be reliable and stable. Natural raw materials retain much-needed heat well. Of the nuances, it is worth noting that the tree requires special care. It needs to be processed by special means, tint. Installing a frame of this type is labor-intensive. The appearance does not have sufficient aesthetics and can spoil the overall design of the site.

The material has excellent technical characteristics and is resistant to external influences. Belongs to the middle price segment. It is used extremely rarely by summer residents, due to the danger of becoming profit for hunters for non-ferrous metals.

The appearance of the property depends only on the preferences and purposes of use of the owners of the suburban area. If desired, you can buy it already in specialized stores. ready-made option greenhouses To do right choice It is worth taking into account the difficulties during transportation, the exact dimensions of the area allocated for installation of the structure and other technical nuances.

Choosing a location for installation

The site for the greenhouse plays an important role in creating the microclimate inside it. The territory should be open to sunlight, located away from bodies of water and accumulation of storm and melt water. If the site has already been formed, then finding the ideal place will be more difficult than at the beginning of its planning. If the relief surface has a hill, then it is preferable to install the structure there. If there is no natural hillock and it is possible to create it artificially, the greenhouse is installed where the slope is minimal. Such an area is artificially drained using a drainage system.

Experts advise positioning the greenhouse so that the entrance to it is on the leeward side.

It should be protected from drafts as much as possible. The structure may have a foundation. Such a structure cannot be moved to another place.

Role in landscape design

When building a structure for growing crops, it is important to take care of its organic integration into the overall picture of the site. The greenhouse should become a full-fledged element of landscape design. Individual design will allow you to create a real masterpiece. There is room for all ideas and creativity. The frame of the structure can be openwork or made in an unusual style, repeating the architecture of the house and other structures. Unusual combination of materials used, creative lighting and decorating the greenhouse will allow it to become a real pearl of the garden. With sufficient financial resources, you can build a transforming greenhouse. WITH early spring Until the beginning of summer, the structure will serve for planting and growing vegetables and flowers. And in summer it becomes a gazebo or recreation area.

Fitting an ordinary annual greenhouse into an existing style concept of a site is not so easy. Considering that the greenhouse should be located in a well-lit and visible area. No special aesthetics appearance it can disrupt the entire harmony of the garden. It is better to place it in a specially designated working area of ​​the site, which will be separated by a hedge or other element of small architecture from prying eyes. The structure should not be larger than average in size, otherwise it will begin to cast a shadow that can block the greenhouse’s access to sunlight.

Unusual greenhouses

Wanting to create beauty and harmony on their site, the owners of the territory pay attention to every element. When creating a greenhouse, it is designed as a full-fledged architectural object, repeating architectural style surrounding buildings. This is where the idea of ​​creating an adjacent lean-to greenhouse came from. It is located, most often, on the south side of the main building. In such a greenhouse you can organize a real winter flower garden; it will not be afraid of frost and wind. To cover the frame, glass or cellular polycarbonate is selected.

The dome greenhouse is an elegant and extraordinary design. The hemispherical type of shell looks very beautiful and may well be a decorative structure that adorns the garden design. With reliable technical characteristics The greenhouse represents modernity and aesthetics. Unlike traditional designs, they have greater functionality and cost-effectiveness. This type of greenhouse has recently become increasingly popular.

For creative individuals, building a greenhouse is an excellent chance to bring their ideas to life using available materials. From old unnecessary ones window frames you can create a greenhouse-house. This charming structure resembles a house from a fairy tale. The greenhouse will become not only reliable protection for plants, but also a real decoration of the surrounding landscape. Having painted the frames in White color the house will attract birds; several birdhouses and feeders can be built on its facade. You can add carvings to the design of window frames. By growing flowers in such a greenhouse you will create an incredibly beautiful structure.

Video - Making a greenhouse with your own hands

As a rule, planting is done in the spring, but you need to take care of the conditions, in particular we are talking about protection from low temperatures. Especially when it comes to vegetables.

Greenhouses and greenhouses do an excellent job with this task. Let's see how to make it from almost improvised materials below.

How is a greenhouse different from a greenhouse?

Before delving into the question of how to make a greenhouse, let's determine the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse:

  • A greenhouse is used for growing seedlings and further planting them in open beds; plants can be kept in a greenhouse all year round;
  • The required level of temperature in the greenhouse is maintained due to the presence of compost or manure in the soil; in the greenhouse there is an additional, third-party source of heating;
  • It is possible to grow trees in a greenhouse, but this cannot be done in a greenhouse.

What types of greenhouses are there?

The greenhouse can be stationary or portable (a photo of a greenhouse at the dacha is shown below).

A stationary greenhouse can have all sorts of shapes; the most common model is the butterfly (it got its name due to the doors that open on both sides).

Portable, often in the form of a tunnel. The main material in both cases is polymer film.

From all this it follows that it is quite possible to make a greenhouse with your own hands; this is the same creative process as growing cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Material selection

Before we look at how to make a greenhouse with our own hands, let’s look at the issue of choosing the material.

When choosing a material, it must be taken into account that it must meet the following requirements:

  • Good light transmission;
  • Resistance to various types of deformation, such as strong gusts of wind;
  • Easy to install and assemble the entire structure;
  • Durability.

As for the materials used, the cheapest, and most importantly practical, is film, and here are its types:

  • polyethylene;
  • stabilized film;
  • polyvinyl chloride

Covering materials include:

  • agril;
  • lutrasil.

In order to finally decide and understand which material is preferable, it is necessary to compare them and consider the pros and cons of each.


The advantages of glass include: it transmits approximately 94% of light, lasts a long time, and retains heat.

Disadvantages: gets very hot in summer period, heavy load on the main frame.


The advantages of this material include: low cost, low weight, no foundation required.


Disadvantages: fragility, difficult to wash.


Pros: transmits light well, high level of thermal insulation, lightweight and durable.

What to use to make a greenhouse frame

The frame is a kind of base for a greenhouse; most often it is made of wood or plastic, less often of metal pipes.

Wooden frame

The main advantage is its environmental friendliness. It is also worth noting that it is very simple in terms of installation.

For installation you will need the following tools: hammer, screwdriver, saw, nails, rubber as a sealing element, wooden beams, ruler.


It is advisable to cover the wooden elements of the future structure with drying oil before the installation process.

Execution Sequence

First of all, a beam is attached to the mortgage fastening; it will then become the base. Then the main beam is placed around the perimeter of the foundation, and everything is temporarily secured with nails.

Side and corner beams are fastened diagonally with timber. The door frame is installed to the side posts. The cornice is attached to the top of the side and corner beams.


In the area of ​​​​the points where the vertical beams are fixed, it is necessary to remove a beam, the length of which is 2 m. The roofing beams must be fastened at an angle of 30 degrees, they are connected to each other by a beam. In the area of ​​the end points they must be supported by vertical guides.

The final fastening of the roof frame is done using corners and strips on self-tapping screws.



First the door frame is attached. Do not forget that in the middle and upper parts the opening is secured with special stiffeners.

Application of metal pipes

A greenhouse, as mentioned above, can be made from metal pipes, and also with your own hands. This design is more wear-resistant.

You will need: a welding machine, a hammer, a grinder, a special attachment for working with metal (disc).

The pipe is divided into two equal parts. Tees are welded to the edges of the base pipe, and crosspieces are welded every half meter. The cut elements must be welded to the crosspieces.

Special tees are attached to the arch to secure the door pillar.

Covering the greenhouse

Once the frame is ready, you can start covering.


The easiest material to use is film. It is necessary to cover the entire structure, leaving a margin of 15 cm, and then cut it off.


The front side of the polycarbonate is the one where the drawing is depicted. First you need to cut the sheets. Seal the sections with sealing tape on top and perforated tape on the bottom.

First, the polycarbonate is attached to the top, then to the sides. It is attached to the frame with a special profile, as well as rubber gaskets.

Finally, the seal and door hardware are installed.


In greenhouses, in order to create ventilation (ventilation), you just need to open the doors, but it is advisable to do this in warm weather.

A greenhouse is an indispensable thing for a gardener who is going to harvest a large harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables in the future. By approaching the design wisely and following all the instructions, everything will definitely work out.

DIY greenhouse photo

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