Compensation and Benefits Specialist courses. Compensation and Benefits Specialist

Opening  11.05.2020

Position held:
Senior Compensation Specialist

Job responsibilities:
1. Support of organizational design, staffing, changes to the staffing in 1C ZUP. Automation of changes to the staffing table (specifications and testing). 2. Support of changes in the variable part of wages. Development regulatory documents. Automation of calculations in 1C ZUP (specifications and testing). 3. Support of the personnel standardization project. Number standards and controllability standards. The ratio of productive and unproductive personnel. The ratio of salaried and piece-rate personnel. 4. Project support for mass positions. Changes in wages for mass positions. 5. Reviews wages(internal and foreign market). 6. Automation of personnel administration processes in 1C ZUP (specifications and testing). 7. Automation of reporting on the number and turnover of personnel in 1C ZUP (specifications and testing). 8. Training and support for Managers on closing the variable part of wages and changing staffing tables. Processing payroll claims.

Position held:
Chief Specialist of Business Processes and KPIs Department

Job responsibilities:
1. System implementation key indicators efficiency in project management. 2. Development of motivational schemes for structural units (technologists, designers, constructors, sales managers, project managers, etc.) 3. Development of regulations and standardization of business processes. 4. Protection of KPIs passports at the Expert Council. 5. Budgeting labor costs according to structural divisions and external projects. Plan fact. 6. Participation in personnel assessment (360 assessment method). 7. Organizational structures. Personnel management. 8. Standardization of working hours. Resource balancing. Reporting on labor costs. 9. Refinement of the Company’s information systems for project management. MS Project. Internal document flow. CRM. Implementation of 1C Management by goals and KPIs. Automation of collection and processing of information on HR indicators. 10. Calculation of the variable part of remuneration. 11. Incoming staff training on motivational schemes.

Position held:
Motivation Manager

Job responsibilities:
1. Leading and coordinating the payroll budgeting process for all structural divisions. Control of execution and changes/redistributions. 2. Organizational structures. Changes to organizational structures. Personnel planning. 3. Management of remuneration and bonus processes, administration of the reward system. Grading. KPIs and goal setting. 4. Development, adaptation and updating of policies and procedures, local regulations. 5. Automation of the processes of collecting and processing information on HR indicators. 6. Implementation of corporate social programs and VHI. 7. Monitoring of salaries.

Position held:

Job responsibilities:
Multi-profile holding. Company group. 1. Organizational structure. Personnel planning. Functional responsibilities. Job descriptions. Staffing schedules. Changes to staffing schedules. 2. Assessing the effectiveness of business processes, developing and implementing KPIs. 3. Description of the criteria for assessing categories of employees (novice, professional, expert) when transferring to the next level of remuneration. 3. Timing observations. Photos of the working day. 4. Budgeting personnel costs. Plan/actual analysis. 5. Updating and development of regulatory documents regarding remuneration (regulations, salary schedules, motivational programs, etc.). 6. Protecting restaurant wages. Application control tariff rates, allowances, indexations based on provisions and regulations. Control of deductions based on regulations and regulations. 7. Payroll for the Management Company. Calculation of the variable part of remuneration (KPI). Defense before the management of the Company. 8. Training of Company employees in the field of remuneration: creating work schedules, recording working hours, accruals/deductions based on regulatory documents, etc. 9. Automation of all areas related to remuneration: data uploads, recording working hours, work schedules, reporting . 1C ZUP, 1C Bukh, R-Keeper. 10. Labor market monitoring. 11. Reporting on the effectiveness of working remuneration schemes (Labor Cost, productivity/output, staff turnover, etc.) 12. Acceptance of claims based on calculations.

Position held:
Compensation and Benefits Manager

Job responsibilities:
Company group. Wholesale soft drinks. 1. Budgeting personnel costs. Plan/actual analysis. 2. Maintaining staffing. Making changes to the staffing table. 3. Calculation of bonus remuneration (KPI). Preparation of materials for monthly approval of the bonus fund. 4. Creation of provisions on remuneration. Making changes to the position. Creation of instructions for calculating the bonus fund. 5. Preparation job descriptions. 6. Analysis of personnel numbers. Preparation of reports. 7. Participation in other HR projects.

Position held:
Compensation and Benefits Manager

Job responsibilities:
Company group. Production. Sales. Construction. Management Company(trust management and mutual funds). 1. Budgeting personnel costs. Plan/actual analysis. 2. Maintaining staffing. Making changes to the staffing table. 3. Calculation of bonus remuneration (KPI). Preparation of materials for monthly approval of the bonus fund. 4. Creation of provisions on remuneration. Making changes to the position. Creation of instructions for calculating the bonus fund. 5. Support of the grading system, development of the remuneration structure. 6. Comparative analytics of wages and compensation by industry. 7. Analysis of personnel numbers. Preparation of reports. 8. Dealing with employee objections regarding payroll. 9. Participation in other HR projects.

Position held:
Compensation and Benefits Manager

Job responsibilities:
Chain of grocery stores. 1. Payroll budgeting. Monitoring plan/actual execution. 2. Payroll calculation. Accrual sick leave and vacations. 3. Calculation of the variable part of wages. 4. Documentary support of bonus payments. 5. Submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service, extra-budgetary funds.

We always present on our website a large number of fresh current vacancies. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in your chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies based on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most important skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a compensation and benefits manager in Moscow:

Top 7 key skills you need to have to get hired

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: grading, 1C: Salaries and personnel management and labor market research.

As you prepare for your interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only please the recruiter, but also get the job you want!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the results of an analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 96,900. The average maximum income level (indicated “salary up to”) is 116,828. It should be borne in mind that the figures given are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary level depending on the applicant’s work experience

Compensation and Benefits Specialist

Sample job description for compensation and benefits specialist

The sample job description is compiled taking into account the professional standard

1. General Provisions

1.1. The following person is hired for the position of Compensation and Benefits Specialist:

1) having a higher education;

2) having additional professional education by program professional retraining in the field of economics, regulation and remuneration, advanced training programs.

1.2. The compensation and benefits specialist must know:

1) methods of accounting and analysis of labor and wage indicators;

2) methods for determining, assessing and comparing production intensity and labor intensity;

3) methods of labor standardization;

4) inter-industry and sectoral labor cost standards;

5) modern forms, systems of payment and accounting of personnel productivity;

6) systems, methods and forms of material and non-material financial incentives personnel labor;

7) technologies and methods of formation and control of budgets;

8) technologies, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information;

9) basics of document flow and documentation support;

10) procedure for tariffication of works and workers, establishment official salaries, additional payments, allowances and wage coefficients, calculation of incentive payments;

11) tariff and qualification directories of works and professions of workers and qualification characteristics employee positions;

12) basics of production technology and activities of the organization;

13) structure of the organization and vacant positions(professions, specialties);

14) personnel policy and strategy of the organization;

15) labor economics;

16) basics of general and social psychology, sociology and psychology of work;

17) labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms;

18) fundamentals of archival legislation and regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in terms of maintaining personnel documentation;

19) basics of tax legislation of the Russian Federation;

20) legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;

21) local regulations of the organization regulating the procedure for organizing labor and rationing personnel;

22) local regulations of the organization regulating the procedure for payment, organization and standardization of labor;

23) the procedure for concluding agreements (contracts);

24) ethical standards for business communication;

25) basic principles of computer science, structural construction of information systems and features of working with them;

26) forms and systems of wages, the procedure for drawing up budgets;

27) the procedure for tariffication of work and workers, establishment of official salaries, additional payments, bonuses and wage coefficients, calculation of incentive payments;

28) methods for determining the number of employees;

29) the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation on systems of payment and organization of personnel labor;

30) regulatory legal acts regulating the rights and obligations of government bodies and organizations for the provision of accounting documentation;

31) the procedure for creating, maintaining a data bank and providing reporting on systems of payment and organization of personnel labor;

32) the procedure for conducting procurement procedures and preparing related documentation;

33) Internal labor regulations;

34) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

35) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.3. The Compensation and Benefits Specialist must be able to:

1) introduce methods of rational organization of labor;

2) develop plans for organizational and technical measures to increase labor productivity;

3) analyze the state of labor regulation, the quality of standards, labor indicators;

4) analyze the effectiveness of the system for organizing personnel labor and rationing work in the workplace;

5) draw up and control cost items for personnel remuneration for planning budgets and funds;

6) work with information systems and databases:

On compensation and benefits of personnel;

On remuneration of personnel;

On systems of remuneration and organization of personnel labor;

7) develop and execute documents in the area of ​​activity;

8) apply technologies of material motivation in personnel management;

9) develop a concept for building motivational programs for employees in accordance with the goals of the organization;

10) analyze modern systems payment and material (monetary) motivation of work for the purposes of the organization;

11) analyze the level of remuneration of personnel according to relevant professional qualifications;

12) monitor wages in the labor market;

13) analyze forms of material incentives, compensation and benefits in remuneration of personnel;

14) make forecasts for the development of personnel remuneration;

15) provide documentary support for measures for remuneration and organization of personnel labor;

16) draw up documents on issues of payment and organization of personnel labor, submitted to government bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of workers;

17) analyze regulatory and methodological documents on issues of remuneration and organization of personnel labor;

18) organize the storage of documents in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts organizations;

19) keep records and register documents in information systems and on tangible media;

20) carry out preliminary procurement procedures and draw up related documentation for concluding contracts;

21) conduct business correspondence;

22) comply with the ethical standards of business communication;

23) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.4. A specialist in standardization and remuneration in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position)

1.5. The labor standardization and remuneration specialist reports directly to ……… (name of the manager’s position)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Activities for organizing labor and remuneration of personnel:

1) organization of personnel work;

2) organization of personnel remuneration;

3) administration of processes and document flow on issues of labor organization and personnel remuneration.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The Compensation and Benefits Specialist performs the following duties:

3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out an analysis of successful corporate practices in organizing labor standards for various categories personnel, features of production and activities of the organization;

2) develops a system for organizing personnel labor and a procedure for rationing labor at workplaces with an assessment of personnel costs;

3) implements a system for organizing personnel labor and exercises control over standardization with the determination of labor intensity, standard numbers, work schedules and conditions of payment for personnel;

4) identifies reserves for increasing labor productivity and the quality of labor standards;

5) prepares proposals for changes in conditions and remuneration of personnel;

6) prepares proposals for the formation of a budget for the organization of personnel labor;

7) determines the effectiveness of the labor organization system and labor regulation in the workplace.

3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) analyzes successful corporate practices in organizing the personnel remuneration system;

2) develops a personnel remuneration system;

3) carries out the formation of the planned budget of the wage fund, incentive and compensation payments;

4) implements a personnel remuneration system;

5) prepares proposals for improving the personnel remuneration system.

3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out analysis of document flow processes, local documents on issues of organizing remuneration and labor of personnel;

2) draws up documents on issues of payment and labor of personnel;

3) prepares proposals on issues of remuneration and labor of personnel;

4) prepares proposals for improving the system of remuneration and labor organization of personnel;

5) provides documentation and organizational support for the system of organization and remuneration of personnel;

6) prepares and processes requests and notifications about employees to government bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees, on systems of payment and organization of personnel labor;

7) accompanies contracts for the provision of consulting and information services on systems of payment and organization of personnel labor, including preliminary procedures for their conclusion.

3.1.4. As part of fulfilling its labor functions carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

The compensation and benefits specialist has the right to:

4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with draft decisions of management relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to executable job responsibilities.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The compensation and benefits specialist is held accountable for:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and accounting legislation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed based on Professional standard" ", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 6, 2015 N 691n, taking into account ……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with these instructions upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with these instructions is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of these instructions (in the log of familiarization with the instructions); in a copy of the instructions stored by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

The research center of the recruiting portal website ( in June 2010 studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of “Benefits and Compensation Specialist” in 12 cities of Russia.

Job responsibilities of benefits and compensation specialists include administration and optimization of the wage and motivation system, planning and analysis of the wage fund, drawing up, coordination and control of the budget for personnel costs. Their competence includes the development and optimization organizational structure enterprises, incl. drawing up staffing schedules, job descriptions, projects employment contracts. Benefits and compensation specialists participate in the development of a job grading system, the construction and implementation of a motivation system, and the formation of a compensation package. Representatives of this profession monitor labor market trends in the field of compensation and benefits, develop regulatory documents on the remuneration system, and recommendations for indexation of wages and bonuses. Benefits and compensation specialists take part in HR management projects and conduct analytical and statistical reporting.

The average salary offered by employers to benefits and compensation specialists in the capital is 52,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, representatives of this profession can count on a salary of about 42,000 rubles. per month, in Rostov-on-Don and Ufa – 25,000 rubles. Data for other cities participating in the study are presented below (see tables).

Applicants with higher education having seniority at least 1 year in the field of payroll, labor economics or work experience in the field of C&B. Candidates must know the basics labor legislation and labor economics, principles of wage formation, methods of material and non-material incentives, have skills in working with budgeting and bonus systems, confident computer skills (MS Office, 1C). Benefits and compensation specialists taking their first steps in the profession can expect a salary in the capital from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - from 30,000 to 37,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. , in Ufa - from 18,000 to 22,000 rubles.

Entry into the next pay range is open to benefits and compensation specialists with more than 2 years of work experience and holding qualification certificates indicating additional education in the field of personnel management. According to the requirements, it is also necessary to have experience in developing and adapting regulatory documents on wages and social benefits, skills in developing and implementing a wage system, material and non-material motivational programs. Salary offers for C&B specialists with the above characteristics, in Moscow they reach 65,000 rubles, in the northern capital - 53,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 33,000 rubles, in Ufa - 32,000 rubles.

Benefits and compensation specialists with work experience in large companies more than 3 years of experience in personnel management and skills in implementing a grading system. Enterprises with foreign capital and organizations with foreign partners are interested in specialists who have previously worked in international companies and are fluent in English. Benefits and Compensation Managers highly qualified earn up to 120,000 rubles in Moscow, up to 100,000 rubles in St. Petersburg, up to 60,000 rubles in Rostov-on-Don and Ufa.

The profession of a benefits and compensation specialist is relatively new for Russia, so the majority of its representatives are young people under the age of 30 (53%). There are only 11% of men employed in the C&B sector. Every fifth applicant for the position of benefits and compensation specialist is fluent in English. 89% have higher education.

Regions of study: gg. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Samara, Ufa, Chelyabinsk.
Study time: June 2010
Unit of measurement: Russian ruble.
Object of study: employer proposals and expectations of applicants for the position of “Benefits and Compensation Specialist”.

Typical functionality:
- administration and optimization of the remuneration and motivation system, calculation of bonus payments;
- analysis of trends in the field of compensation and benefits, development of recommendations for indexation of wages and bonuses;
- participation in the development of a job grading system;
- participation in the development and implementation of a motivation system based on KPI (key performance indicators);
- development of a compensation package, a system of bonuses, benefits and bonuses;
- planning and analysis of the wage fund;
- drawing up, coordinating, monitoring the execution of the budget for personnel costs;
- participation in the development / development and optimization of the organizational structure: drawing up staffing schedules, job descriptions, draft employment contracts;
- development of regulatory documents on the remuneration system;
- participation in personnel management projects;
- generation of analytical and statistical reports.

Position requirements: type of employment - full time.

The level of remuneration for a specialist is determined by the welfare of the company, the list of job responsibilities, work experience in the specialty, and the level of development of professional skills.

Analysis of information on specialist remuneration levels:
(excluding bonuses, additional benefits and compensation)

Region Min. Max. Fashion Median Lower quartile Upper quartile Average
Moscow 35 000 120 000 50 000 52 000 45 000 65 000 56 065
Saint Petersburg 30 000 100 000 40 000 42 000 37 000 53 000 45 973
Volgograd 15 000 50 000 20 000 22 000 20 000
27 000 23 547
Ekaterinburg 25 000 75 000 30 000 33 000 30 000
42 000 36 442
Kazan 17 000 55 000 20 000 24 000 22 000 32 000 26 911
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000 60 000 25 000 27 000 24 000 34 000 29 714
Novosibirsk 22 000 70 000 30 000 30 000 27 000 40 000 33 639
Omsk 17 000 55 000 20 000 23 000 20 000 30 000 25 229
Rostov-on-Don 20 000 60 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 33 000 28 032
Samara 18 000 55 000 25 000 25 000 23 000 33 000 27 306
Ufa 18 000 60 000 20 000 25 000 22 000 32 000 26 430
Chelyabinsk 20 000 65 000 25 000 28 000 25 000 36 000 31 396

Explanations for the table »
Region Band I Range II
Range III
Moscow up to 45,00045 000 - 65 000 over 65,000
Saint Petersburg up to 37,00037 000 - 53 000 over 53,000
Volgograd up to 20,00020 000 - 27 000 over 27,000
Ekaterinburg up to 30,00030 000 - 42 000 over 42,000
Kazan up to 22,00022 000 - 32 000 over 32,000
Nizhny Novgorod up to 24,00024 000 - 34 000 over 34,000
Novosibirsk up to 27,00027 000 - 40 000 over 40,000
Omsk up to 20,00020 000 - 30 000 over 30,000
Rostov-on-Don up to 25,00025 000 - 33 000 over 33,000
Samara up to 23,00023 000 - 33 000 over 33,000
Ufa up to 22,00022 000 - 32 000 over 32,000
Chelyabinsk up to 25,00025 000 - 36 000 over 36,000

Explanations for the table »

A study of the array of data on salaries in the regions under study allows us to identify several main salary ranges, each of which is characterized by a certain typical set of requirements and wishes for the candidate. Each subsequent salary range includes the requirements formulated for the previous ones.

Salary range Requirements and wishes for professional skills
1 I - higher education;
- confident PC user (MS Office, 1C);
- knowledge of the basics of labor legislation and labor economics;
- knowledge of the principles of wage formation, methods of material and non-material incentives;
- skills in working with the budgeting system;
- skills in working with bonus systems;
- experience in the field of C&B / payroll or as a labor economist for at least 1 year;
2 II - availability of qualification certificates, additional education in the field of personnel management;
- experience in developing and adapting regulatory documents on wages and social benefits;
- experience in developing and implementing a remuneration system, material and non-material motivational programs;
- experience as a benefits and compensation manager for at least 2 years;
3 III - experience as a benefits and compensation manager in large companies with a staff of 500 or more people;
- experience in personnel management;
- experience in implementing a grading system;
- 3 years of experience as a benefits and compensation manager.

Possible wishes:
- experience in international company;
- knowledge in English at a conversational or free level.

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Benefits and Compensation Specialist

The research center of the recruiting portal ( in June 2010 studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of “Benefits and Compensation Specialist” in 12 cities of Russia. ");

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