Administrative and economic work specialist. AHO specialist: who is this? Main tasks of the department

Documentation 09.05.2020

Every person who has had work experience understands how important it is when a company properly maintains its operations and ensures the safety of its employees. Let's find out which employees should be included in the company's staff in order to make their stay in it comfortable.

Why is AHO created?

First, let us explain that the Administration and Management Department is an administrative and economic department. Typically, such structural units are created at large enterprises with a branched structure of economic activity. In small companies, the functions of an entire department can be performed by one person. The main function of the employees of this department is to competently organize administrative and economic activities, minimizing the company’s costs of ensuring its livelihoods and creating comfortable conditions for staying in the workplace.

Department structure

As mentioned above, an administrative maintenance officer is a position that is more typical for a large organization, where an independent structural unit is formed and a regulation on administrative maintenance is created.

In multi-thousand holdings, areas and groups can be allocated within the framework of the administrative management organization.

So, within the department we can distinguish sectors:

1. Planning and accounting, the main task of which is to plan expenses and determine their feasibility.

2. Material and resource - carries out consumables.

3. Social security - creates conditions for a comfortable existence of company employees.

Main tasks of the department

This department is faced with quite a lot of tasks; in a large organization you can rarely hear the question: “ AHO specialist - who is this?”

It is clear to all team members that the department’s employees deal with important issues, the solution of which contributes to the effective operation of the enterprise:

Administrative and economic department. Functions

Due to the fact that the tasks facing this structural unit can be very diverse, but are somehow related to providing economic services at the appropriate level, the following functions can be outlined:

  • ensuring appropriate maintenance of enterprise premises;
  • monitoring the proper operation of equipment;
  • reconstruction planning, ;
  • carrying out planned repairs, their control and acceptance;
  • improvement of the building and its facade, landscaping;
  • expenses;
  • preparation of all necessary documentation;
  • security office employees everything necessary for effective work.

Based on this, we can conclude that work in the Administrative Operations requires compliance with large quantity rules and regulations and is inextricably linked with a high degree of responsibility for the execution of work.

About rights

Now let's talk about what rights he has AHO specialist (who is this - we have already decided). This paragraph will also indicate who is responsible for the performance of duties by department employees.

As one might expect, this clause includes everything related to monitoring compliance with various standards and requirements for preserving the company’s property, which is in operational use.

The department can also monitor the proper storage of property in the warehouse and require reports on the use of office supplies.

Of course, the right of this structural unit is to represent the interests of the company in interaction with various institutions (repair, construction organizations) if necessary to resolve issues within his area of ​​responsibility.

Based on the results of inspections, the head of the administrative maintenance department can initiate, through management, the issuance of an order to impose disciplinary action for damage to property.

About interaction

AHO specialist (who is this?manager or ordinary employee, it does not matter) when performing their work in mandatory builds professional relationships with colleagues from other departments. This is necessary for high-quality performance of functions.

From other employees structural divisions administrative worker economic department receives requests for the purchase of things necessary for work (office equipment, office supplies, etc.), as well as reports of damage to property, written explanations of the causes of breakdowns.

The AO not only controls other departments regarding the execution of the range of issues entrusted to it, but also draws up plans for carrying out repairs on the premises based on the standards provided by the financial and accounting services.

In addition, the structural unit interacts with the personnel administration department (requesting staffing tables, obtaining information about employee business trips) and the legal department (requesting consulting assistance in drawing up contracts).

About responsibility

Now it is necessary to touch upon the area of ​​responsibility that AHO specialist. Whoever decides to control it is the one must know that the head of the administrative and economic department is fully responsible for the performance of functions.

His responsibilities include, among other things, organizing the work of employees of the structural unit entrusted to him. The manager ensures high-quality and timely preparation of documentation and document management. It is the head of the administrative and maintenance department who is responsible for the execution of production discipline by employees. The area of ​​responsibility of other employees of the economic department is determined by job descriptions, which will be briefly discussed in this article.

Job description of the head of the administrative and maintenance department

Employees who are not involved in maintaining personnel document flow are unlikely to think that the designated instructions must meet certain requirements.

Nevertheless, it is so. The document must necessarily contain an indication of the qualifications of the head of the department and work experience requirements. As a rule, specialists with higher education(in our case, education can be technical or economic), work experience (at least three years as a specialist, 1-2 years as a manager).

The head of the department needs to know all local regulations, orders for the organization that regulate its activities, and also be a guide to the corporate culture adopted in the company.

Any job description, whether for a manager, an administrative maintenance engineer or another employee, must include requirements for knowledge of safety and health standards and regulations, fire safety.

The document must also contain information about who is the employee’s immediate superior and who replaces him during illness.

The responsibilities of the position “Chief of Administrative Operations” largely overlap with the functions of the department, which is not surprising. Nevertheless, let's designate them:

  • security quality service and compliance with the norms and regulations of SNiP for the condition of the building and internal premises;
  • drawing up estimates, planning repair work;
  • provision of company employees necessary furniture, equipment, inventory, keeping records of them throughout the enterprise, organizing the rational use of materials;
  • management of territory improvement works;
  • organizing services at the appropriate level for meetings, conferences and other events;
  • management of employees of the department entrusted to him.

Information about rights is also required in the job description. Here we should talk about submitting service improvement projects to management for consideration, familiarizing themselves with the documents regulating the company’s activities, and informing management about shortcomings in business activities. As part of employee management, an official can make proposals for rewarding/punishing his specialists.

The responsibility section includes information about the need to properly perform your duties and take care of the employer's property.

Other positions in the department

The structure of the ACS presupposes the existence of a fairly large number of employees: these can be engineers, specialists, and assistants.

Depending on how complex the organization is, there may be leading, senior, junior specialists, and assistants. The job description is, of course, in in this case is prescribed directly for a specific position and organization, and implies a clear division of areas of responsibility.

Separately, it should be said about the responsibilities of such employees as a janitor, a cleaning lady, who are involved in bringing the territory and premises into proper condition. Their work is not particularly difficult, but also comes with a certain degree of responsibility.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the work of ACS employees consists of competent planning and providing employees with resources. At the same time, specialists should not allow overspending and the occurrence of emergency situations.

Thus, working in an administrative office involves no less responsibility than in other positions.

Any organization must work as a single harmonious organism in order to achieve maximum results from its activities. In large and medium-sized companies, staff should be provided with safety in the workplace, comfort, and all necessary consumables. AXO.

This division is created to monitor and ensure high performance of the entire enterprise. Therefore, it is very important to have qualified specialists from the administrative and economic department who are able to organically collaborate with all other departments.

What it is

AXO – administrative department. Created in all companies with more than 100 employees. Large companies (corporations) have internal divisions in the department.

They are responsible for effective work of each employee of the organization: calculate quantities and purchase consumables, are responsible for order, cleanliness of premises and on-site, ensure safety and comfort of workplaces.

There are the following divisions of the ACS:

  • social and household;
  • material and resource;
  • planned and calculated.

When applying for a job at ACS, the following are welcome: quality, such as efficiency, stress resistance, leadership skills, organizational experience, the ability to quickly find several alternative ways solutions to one issue, decency, honesty.

Pass through the economic department large sums of money. That is why it is so important that candidates for any of the positions in the department meet all the requirements.

Why is the department created?

IN small businesses all economic functions are assigned to the director or chief. He can also entrust the solution of emerging issues to a secretary or office manager.

A full-fledged administrative management organization is already organized in larger companies. He is able to create all favorable conditions for work. But one person cannot cope with all the issues, so the head of the administrative and economic department is subordinate to the whole team: maintenance engineers, economists, security guards, cleaners, cloakroom attendants, couriers, forwarders, drivers and others.

AO specialists depend on the specifics of the company, type of activity, territorial location, size.

The department is created to solve next tasks:

  • purchase, storage, issuance of various items and valuables necessary for the work of all company employees;
  • repair of premises, property damage;
  • compliance with standards, fire safety rules, monitoring the implementation of all recommendations;
  • material responsibility for the company's values;
  • search for companies that provide everything public utilities;
  • concluding contracts for the provision of wired telephone communications, cellular communication, Internet, utilities;
  • providing company employees with all the necessary values ​​for effective work;
  • monitoring the condition of the premises, eliminating all problems - timely repairs, engineering works, cleaning offices;
  • organization of comfortable conditions for employees’ rest, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • control over the security of the building, premises, employees

General provisions

Any enterprise has regulations on the administrative department. In part, it may vary slightly depending on the type of activity of the company and its size. But many provisions are standard, the same in all companies. Here are some of them.

  1. The Regulations determine the basis for the structuring of the Administration, functions, rights, tasks, responsibilities, purpose, goals, instructions.
  2. AO carries out and organizes the administrative and economic support of the company, and also resolves all material and technical issues.
  3. The department is an independent division. Reports to the director or his deputy.
  4. All work must be fully guided by laws and government regulations Russian Federation/ President of the Russian Federation / Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  5. The department is obliged to comply with acts, rules for economic maintenance, know the standards for the maintenance and operation of the premises, the entire building, carry out repairs on time, monitor the condition technical equipment, follow fire safety techniques, monitor compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemic regimes.
  6. The qualification requirements for the head of the administration and other employees, their rights, functions, and responsibilities are specified in the job descriptions, which are approved by the head of the enterprise.
  7. The AO, within its competence, interacts with all departments and divisions of the company/company/enterprise. Also, if necessary, carries out its work by collaborating with third-party organizations and their divisions.
  8. For failure to comply with job descriptions, absence labor discipline any employee may be fined by his immediate supervisor, or measures may be taken against him as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  9. The administrative and economic department must have a boss with a high degree of professionalism and organizational skills. Experience, education, and other requirements are determined by the head of the organization.

Details on the head of the ACS are presented in the video.

Job responsibilities

Responsible for the economic support of the organization huge team of specialists. The staffing level depends on the type of activity. On average, a company with 1,000 employees or more requires at least 15 AO specialists. According to professional level they are divided into three levels:

  1. Technician, carpenter, electrician, plumber, cleaner, wardrobe attendant, driver, power engineer, secretary, specialist, engineer.
  2. Leading Specialist, Chief Engineer, Head of Administrative Operations, Administrator.
  3. Head of the enterprise, deputy director, head of chemical reaction, technical director.

The main person of the department is boss(depending on the activity of the enterprise, its size, this may be the chief engineer, administrator or leading specialist). The leadership position is occupied by a person with experience.

Experience - at least 5 years. He obeys to CEO or his deputy. The boss must have special knowledge and solve the most important issues. He has the right to sign documents and represents the interests of the immediate director of the company.

The head of the administrative office should always be aware of:

  • The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the exact internal regulations of the organization;
  • all structural divisions, features of their mutual cooperation;
  • labor safety standards and regulations;
  • all acts, orders, instructions, resolutions of senior management relating to the conduct of administrative and economic services;
  • rules of team management, work organization;
  • the boss must have at least minimal knowledge of economics, management, and financial reporting;
  • know the procedure and deadlines for preparing reports and maintaining time sheets;
  • operation and maintenance of organizational and computer equipment;
  • skills business communication, drawing up contractual documentation;
  • procurement procedure, place and quantity of purchased inventory and equipment for the company;
  • have knowledge about the history of the organization and development prospects.

The head of the administration himself has the right to determine the penalties for his employees, distribute vacations, and give permission to leave the workplace in the event of unforeseen circumstances. He also fully controls the execution of all assigned tasks, attracts contractors, controls the purchase of equipment, develops repair plans and much more.

Job responsibilities Head of the Administrative Operations Department:

  1. Monitors the work of employees, distributes responsibilities between them, and monitors the implementation of all job descriptions.
  2. Conducts recruitment of personnel for the administrative and economic department.
  3. Monitors the operation of technical equipment - elevators, ventilation systems, lighting fixtures.
  4. Organizes plans and work for the renovation of interior spaces and the entire building. Supervises territory improvement activities. This applies to both constant maintenance of the yard and corridors, as well as decoration during holidays and important events.
  5. Controls the design necessary documents to provide services from third party service organizations. The boss signs contracts, maintains financial records, and monitors their preparation.
  6. Responsible for the distribution, purchase, storage, integrity of work equipment and technical equipment.
  7. Ensures rational distribution of the allocated budget and planning of expenses for the technical needs of the organization.
  8. Updating, implementation, distribution of new means of communication, items fire protection, organizational equipment, work equipment.

On the shoulders of the boss responsibility for the complex mechanism of operation of a huge building (or several). It ensures the comfort of all employees. This concerns the provision of the workplace itself, quick access to it, all the little things for effective result, cleanliness and order in all areas of the building, aesthetic renovation around, bright lighting, warmth in the cold season. Any malfunctions of the equipment must be dealt with by AO staff.

A specialist – engineer/administrator/boss has the right:

  • request information from other departments regarding issues of an administrative and economic nature;
  • punish employees for violations and report this to senior management;
  • take initiative in improving the organization’s performance in the field of technical and administrative services;
  • to comply with all rules and regulations, require management to provide the necessary conditions;
  • evaluate the quality of work of your subordinates.

Rights, functions and responsibilities

AXO provides vital activity of all other departments. Every company has its own characteristics. But the functions of specialists in the administrative and economic department are almost the same everywhere. Namely:

  • ensuring large purchases of any equipment;
  • purchase, distribution of stationery;
  • supplying all employees with office equipment, household items, furniture;
  • prompt action to repair equipment, prevent breakdowns;
  • maintaining document flow, databases, technical files;
  • cleaning, repair, decoration of premises;
  • landscaping of street areas;
  • company catering;
  • organization of timely transport movement;
  • organization of recreation areas, smoking breaks, corporate events;
  • interaction with landlords, suppliers, and other third-party companies;
  • organization of electrical supply, control over the heating system;
  • compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards;
  • recruitment of employees, evaluation of their work;
  • internal informing of personnel about new acts, introductions, and events.

In many organizations it is customary to conduct planning meetings. They can be daily, weekly or monthly. The boss reports them new information to his employees, distributes instructions, sets tasks. The latter can be both global and small, arising spontaneously.

All employees, and first of all the head of the administration, have a number of obligations:

  • fulfill the goals and objectives set by senior management;
  • conduct all necessary documentation, fill out time sheets, forms, estimates, calculations;
  • be prepared to quickly resolve any situation;
  • use as intended and rationally material goods, human resources;
  • comply with all job responsibilities, sanitary and fire safety rules of the entire organization;
  • provide reports and statistical information to superiors on time;
  • perform your work professionally, efficiently, on time.

AO has the right at any time to request background information from any of the departments, offer ideas for improving work, and participate in meetings and planning sessions on all administrative and economic issues.

Collaboration with other departments

High-quality implementation of all tasks and functions is impossible without interaction with all departments and divisions of the organization. Each ACS employee is required to build working relationships with colleagues.

The most common thing in the work of the department is receiving applications from other structures. For example, if a light bulb burns out in any of the offices, the boss will immediately assign the task to an electrician. If the phone is not working, he will send a free technician to call.

There can be hundreds of examples. Everything is connected to each other in one way or another. AXO often refers to the following divisions:

  1. Accounting– the closest cooperation with this department is due to the fact that the Administrative Office is required to report on all expenses for the acquisition of material assets and equipment. Copies of contracts with lessors, suppliers, and contractors are provided.
  2. Production Department– provides equipment for the organization, and the administration already exercises control over the equipment.
  3. Legal– helps provide the necessary conditions to conclude contracts, monitor compliance with all norms and rules of the Legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. Purchasing department– conducts tenders if necessary, analyzes the supplier market, helps to choose the most favorable conditions.
  5. Planning and economic– distributes wages, award bonuses and vacation pay. The head of the administrative office, together with them, regulates the salaries of his subordinates depending on the work performed and the degree of workload.
  6. Human Resources Department– sets staffing table, notifies about business trips.

AHO is responsible for the provision, delivery, and safety of material assets necessary for work. In addition, the department monitors the order and repair of the premises of the building and courtyard area, and creates comfortable conditions for each employee of the organization.

The implementation of hundreds of tasks and functions assigned to a business unit is impossible without coherence not only within the unit itself, but also without a close relationship between all structures of the company.

Must monitor compliance with instructions, rules, orders of the administrative and economic department boss/administrator/lead engineer. This person must have leadership qualities, high professionalism, management skills, knowledge of economics, be honest, responsible, and attentive.

Video conference on automation of AHO activities is below.

The key to the success of any large company is coordinated work: it must function as a single organism. And, of course, it must have that “organ”, that system that guarantees comfortable work for all employees and provides them all with what they need. This is a special department - AHO. Not everyone has a concrete idea of ​​what is hidden behind the abbreviation. And who is this - an AHO specialist? Let's find out further by presenting the employee's job description along the way.

What is AHO?

To figure out who this is - an administrative maintenance specialist, we will first explain to the reader the characteristics and main functions of this official’s place of work. The abbreviation AHO is the administrative and economic department. It is created in almost all companies where the number of employees exceeds 100 people. The department purchases consumables for the company’s activities, calculates their need, is responsible for the order and comfort of workplaces, ensures the cleanliness of public and production premises companies.

If the corporation is large-scale, then ACS is further divided within itself into a number of divisions:

  • planning and calculation;
  • material and resource;
  • social and everyday life.

Main tasks of the department

Who is this AHO specialist? An official who performs all (or part, depending on the size of the organization) of the functions of the administrative and economic department. And the tasks of the ACS are as follows:

  • Purchasing, storing, issuing to employees various items and material assets necessary for their work.
  • Repair of breakdowns of the company's material property, restoration of premises.
  • Compliance with fire safety regulations and rules, monitoring employees' compliance with them.
  • Material liability for company property used by employees.
  • Search for companies providing cleaning and utility services.
  • Concluding relevant contracts and agreements - for Internet, telephone communications, garbage removal, etc.
  • Timely and complete provision of the organization’s employees with material assets necessary for their work.
  • Monitoring the condition of work premises, timely elimination of emerging problems.
  • Organizing comfortable conditions for employees to rest during the working day.
  • Monitoring the security of work premises.

Department employees

The administrative and economic department is not only the leading specialist of the administration. The division employs a whole team of employees - room cleaners, technical equipment engineers, security guards, economists, drivers, forwarders, cloakroom attendants, couriers, etc.

The staffing level of the department depends on the size of the company. On average, there are 15 ACS specialists per 100 employees (according to instructions). These workers are divided into three professional levels:

  1. Technicians, plumbers, carpenters, drivers, electricians, wardrobe attendants, power engineers, engineers, secretaries.
  2. Chief engineers, administrators, leading specialists, chiefs of administrative and maintenance departments.
  3. Deputy Directors for Administration, technical managers, chiefs of ACh.

The job description of an administration specialist is a document dictating the responsibilities of a leading specialist, administrator or other employee holding a leadership position. Let's get straight to it.

Requirements for a specialist

The job description (of a leading AHO specialist) implies a number of requirements for the employee. The employee must know:

  • Directives, orders, resolutions, other regulatory and regulations, directly related to his (the specialist’s) activities.
  • The structure of the employing organization, the rights and obligations of its employees.
  • Rules and recommendations for serving visitors and consumers.
  • Types of work and services provided.
  • Fundamentals of economics, personnel management, labor organization.
  • Basics of marketing and promotion.
  • Layout, aesthetic design of premises.
  • Basics social psychology.
  • Labor legislation.
  • Labor protection rules and regulations.

Minimum requirements for specialist training:

  • Average professional education.
  • Primary vocational education with at least 2 years of experience in the specialty.

For class leadership positions At least 5 years of experience in the administrative department is required.

Personal qualities of the employee

Who is this AHO specialist? An employee with the following personal qualities:

  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Leadership and organizational skills.
  • Honesty.
  • Integrity.
  • Ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations.

Main job functions of the employee

According to the professional standard, an AO specialist performs the following main tasks at his workplace:

  • Ensures the economic activities of the employing company.
  • Controls the rational use of consumables and other material assets.
  • Within the scope of his competence, he maintains accounting documentation and also provides reports on the activities of the department to his immediate supervisor.

Job responsibilities of a specialist

The range of responsibilities of an administrative maintenance specialist is unusually wide:

  • Controls the safety of material assets.
  • Takes effective measures to prevent and resolve conflict situations in the department.
  • Considers complaints from employees and clients of the organization regarding poor quality service provided by his subordinates. Carries out the necessary organizational and technical measures to eradicate the recurrence of such cases.
  • Controls the proper design of work premises, and also monitors the internal and outdoor advertising- ensures its renewal, takes care of its aesthetically attractive condition.
  • Ensures cleanliness and order both in the organization itself and in areas adjacent to the company premises.
  • Monitors compliance by repaired employees with labor protection, sanitation, and fire safety standards.
  • Informs management regarding shortcomings in the department’s activities and suggests ways to eliminate them.
  • Monitors cleanliness and order in offices, organizes timely repairs of furniture, equipment and premises.
  • Organizes the purchase of office furniture, stationery and technical equipment.
  • Organizes and controls the activities of cleaning services.
  • Organizes congratulations for both the organization’s employees and its clients on the occasion of public holidays, birthdays, and memorable dates.
  • If the employer leases premises, then the AO specialist resolves all economic issues regarding the lease.
  • Organizes timely restoration and reconstruction of work premises.
  • Responsible for storing office supplies, equipment, household materials, and inventory. Provides all of the above to the organization's employees as needed.
  • Organizes meals for employees.
  • Prepares necessary accounting and reporting documents.

Interaction with other departments

The job responsibilities of an administration specialist include interaction with other departments and officials within the organization.

Head of AHO. On issues requiring approval from a senior manager.

All other structural divisions of the organization. Here is a list of questions to ask:

  • Applications for the provision of household supplies, furniture, equipment, technical devices, stationery, etc.
  • Reports on the use of the provided material resources.
  • Applications for management services for conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.
  • Applications for repair work of various sizes.
  • Applications for organizing meals for employees.

AHO, in turn, provides all structural divisions of the organization with the requested material resources - stationery, furniture, equipment, etc.

Reporting and Accounting Department. Questions regarding receipt from AHO:

The following is provided by the Reporting and Accounting Department:

  • Documents with limits on the supply of material resources and their consumption by structural divisions.
  • Proposals for the sale of unused material assets.
  • Cost estimates for the maintenance of work premises, buildings of the organization, including related equipment.
  • Cost estimates for the purchase of furniture, stationery, technical equipment, etc.

Legal Department. Questions regarding receipt by the administrative and economic department:

  • Lawyer consulting on questions of interest.
  • Documents for legal examination.
  • Answers to legal inquiries.

Secretary-referent. Transfer of documents for sending and/or reproduction. The department receives correspondence addressed to itself from the secretary.

Specialist rights

An AO specialist has the right:

  • Request information from the company’s structural divisions about the condition of premises and equipment, and the use of consumables.
  • Submit proposals to improve your work for the manager's consideration.
  • Require the employer to provide normal conditions labor activity.
  • Make responsible decisions within the boundaries of your competence.

Responsibility of the specialist

The worker carries full responsibility behind:

  • Timely provision of the organization necessary materials, equipment, furniture, etc.
  • Security of documentation.
  • Timeliness and accuracy of personally compiled reports to management.
  • Disclosure of information that is a trade secret of the employer.
  • Safety of material assets provided by the company for work activities.
  • Failure to comply with job description requirements.

Administration specialist is a responsible position. After all, the administrative and economic department maintains the comfortable working atmosphere of the organization and the full-fledged work of its employees. Sometimes the possibility of non-stop operation of the company even depends on the administration.

(professional standard "Specialist in administrative and economic activities")

1. General Provisions

1.1. To work as an administrative support specialist, a person is accepted who has:
1) secondary vocational education - training program for mid-level specialists, additional vocational education - programs professional retraining by activity profile;
2) additional professional education - advanced training programs in the field of activity (at least once every 3 years).
1.2. An administrative support specialist should know:
1) local regulatory acts of the organization of a general nature and in the functional area of ​​activity;
2) the market for suppliers of goods and services that ensure the creation of optimal working conditions;
3) rules of business correspondence;
4) rules of business etiquette;
5) the main conditions of concluded contracts for the supply of goods and provision of services regarding the procedure for placing an order for their receipt;
6) methods of processing information using software and computer facilities;
7) structure of the organization;
8) the market for suppliers of goods and services as part of the implementation of tasks to create optimal working conditions;
9) principle, algorithm and stages of procurement;
10) basics of contractual work;
11) procedure for concluding contracts;
12) basic principles of computer science, construction information systems and features of working with them;
13) terms of concluded contracts for the supply of goods and provision of services;
14) the procedure for concluding contracts;
15) legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of logistics, procurement activities, consumer protection, record keeping and archiving within the framework of the performed labor functions, as well as civil legislation of the Russian Federation regarding regulation contractual relations and transactions between market participants;
16) sanitary standards and rules relating to determining the quality of purchased goods and services;
17) standards and technical specifications relating to determining the quality of purchased goods and services;
18) basic principles of computer science, building information systems and features of working with them;
19) rules warehouse accounting;
20) rules for drawing up material reports on the movement of inventory items and primary documents;
21) the structure and principles of organizing document flow with the divisions of the organization that maintain accounting records;
22) rules for storing initial and current documentation for the supply, accounting and issuance of inventory items;
23) the procedure for accounting, acceptance, issuance and write-off of inventory items;
24) standards and technical conditions for storage of inventory items;
25) rules for conducting inventory;
26) procedure for action in case of emergency situations;
27) the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation in matters of preparing primary accounting documents, maintaining warehouse records, conducting inventories, on issues of fire safety, labor protection, environmental safety;
28) basic principles of computer science, building information systems and features of working with them;
29) standards and technical conditions for storage, use and operation of inventory items;
30) pricing policy market for certain categories of goods and services to provide technical and service maintenance of office equipment (except office equipment);
31) the procedure for placing orders with suppliers of goods and services to provide technical and service maintenance of office equipment (except for office equipment);
32) the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation in matters of logistics, registration of primary accounting documents, warranty and service, consumer protection;
33) basic principles of computer science;
34) ..............
1.3. An administrative support specialist must be able to:
1) determine the most effective and qualitative indicators necessary goods and services;
2) formulate the needs for certain goods and services, as well as present their description in writing;
3) draw up consolidated accounting and reporting documents in order to monitor and analyze data on the facts of the organization’s economic activities, the state of the market for goods and services;
4) use means of communication;
5) negotiate and business correspondence, observing the norms of business etiquette;
6) organize the procedure for purchasing goods or services;
7) draw up and execute contracts for the purchase of goods and services to create optimal working conditions;
8) classify primary reporting documents, assess their compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of the contract;
9) negotiate to eliminate violations of contract terms;
10) conduct business correspondence, observing the norms of business etiquette;
11) use computer programs for record keeping, systematization and analysis of data, compilation of databases, document management, reference and legal systems, resources of the information and telecommunications network Internet, office equipment;
12) assess the condition of inventory items;
13) use methods of comprehensive verification of primary accounting documents;
14) arrange source documents accounting;
15) create and update a system of accounting and reporting documentation for the movement (receipt, expense) of inventory items;
16) apply the rules for conducting inventory;
17) work with applications, form a single order based on several applications, create orders to provide technical and service maintenance of office equipment (except for office equipment);
18) determine the volume of necessary needs in logistics, financial resources in accordance with local regulations and the organization's budget;
19) use methods of comprehensive verification of primary accounting documents;
20) draw up and execute documents for supplier selection procedures and procurement procedures to ensure technical and service maintenance of office equipment (except for office equipment);
21) work with concluded contracts for the supply of goods and provision of services, as well as accompanying and technical documentation for furniture and equipment;
22) compile, systematize and update the database of suppliers of goods and services to provide technical and service maintenance of office equipment (except for office equipment);
23) .............. (other requirements for necessary skills)
1.4. Administrative support specialist in his areaactivities are guided by:
1) .............. (name of the constituent document)
2) Regulations on.............(name of structural unit)
3) this job description;
4).............. (names of local regulations governing labor
functions of the position)
1.5. Administrative Support Specialistreports directly...............(name of manager's position)
1.6. .............. (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Providing workers with consumables, goods, equipment and services to create optimal working conditions:
2.1.1. Determining the needs for goods and services to create optimal working conditions.
2.1.2. Organization of the procurement process and acquisition of goods and services to create optimal working conditions.
2.1.3. Monitoring the fulfillment of the terms of contracts for the supply of goods and services to create optimal working conditions.
2.1.4. Work organization warehousing organization and accounting of inventory items (TMV) used to create optimal working conditions.
2.1.5. Providing technical and service maintenance for purchased office equipment (except office equipment) and monitoring its condition.
2.2. ............... (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The administrative and economic support specialist performs the following duties:
3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.1 of this job description:
1) accepts applications for goods and services to create optimal working conditions;
2) determines the qualitative and quantitative needs of employees for office, household and related goods and services, office equipment;
3) conducts an analysis of the compliance of received applications with local regulations organization, as well as the planned budget;
4) prepares data for selecting a supplier of goods and services;
5) prepares a delivery plan for applications for goods and services;
6) forms an order to the supplier of goods and services;
7) sends the application to the supplier of goods and services;
8) draws up consolidated accounting and reporting documents to determine the needs for goods and services to create optimal working conditions.
3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.2 of this job description:
1) conducts a market analysis of goods and services that meet the needs of the organization;
2) organizes the selection of suppliers using competitive procurement methods;
3) prepares documentation for conducting supplier selection and procurement procedures;
4) accompanies the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of goods and provision of services;
5) carries out systematization and generalization of information on concluded contracts;
6) maintains a register of contracts for the supply of goods and provision of services;
7) maintains a database of suppliers of goods and services;
8) monitors prices for purchased goods and services;
9) works with suppliers of goods and services in order to improve quality and reduce costs;
10) draws up consolidated accounting and reporting documents on the facts of the organization’s economic activities in terms of ordering the supply and use of goods and services, the state of the market for goods and services.
3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.3 of this job description:
1) monitors the timing of payment in accordance with concluded agreements, including offers;
2) controls compliance and execution of the terms of contracts for the supply of goods or provision of services;
3) monitors compliance with the terms of provision primary documentation;
4) accepts the supplied goods and services in accordance with current agreements, norms and rules;
5) checks the compliance of the supplied goods with the declared markings and characteristics, as well as their quantitative and qualitative compliance;
6) assesses the quality of services provided;
7) formalizes accepted goods and services in accordance with current agreements, norms and rules of primary reporting documentation;
8) prepares reporting documents in accordance with the requirements for counterparties and accounting departments;
9) works with suppliers to eliminate violations of contract terms;
10) interacts with the organization’s divisions for claims work in case of violation of contract terms by counterparties;
11) updates the database of suppliers of goods and services from the point of view of their reliability.
3.1.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.4 of this job description:
1) organizes the unloading and delivery of goods to storage areas;
2) organizes storage of inventory items;
3) creates conditions for the safe storage and safety of stored goods and materials;
4) compiles a warehouse accounting database;
5) enters data into the warehouse accounting database on the basis of the procedure established in the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the organization and executed primary, reporting and accounting documents;
6) determines the quality condition of goods and materials arriving at the warehouse and stored in the warehouse, their suitability or unsuitability for use;
7) keeps records of the balances of inventory items stored in the warehouse;
8) keeps records of the movement of inventory items;
9) checks the actual availability of inventory items;
10) writes off stored resources that have become unusable in accordance with the standards;
11) prepares for disposal of inventory items that have become unusable or do not require further use;
12) organizes the issuance of inventory materials in accordance with the norms and regulations, making relevant entries into the accounting system;
13) controls the expenditure and use of inventory items;
14) draws up material reports reflecting the movement of inventory items;
15) submits material reports to the organization’s accounting department reflecting the movement of inventory items;
16) conducts an inventory of goods and materials;
17) draws up consolidated accounting and reporting documents on inventory items, their movement, use and condition.
3.1.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.5 of this job description:
1) conducts an assessment technical condition furniture, office (except office equipment) and household equipment;
2) receives requests from employees for service maintenance or troubleshooting of furniture, office (except office equipment) and household equipment;
3) determines the qualitative and quantitative costs required as part of service or to eliminate malfunctions of furniture, office and household equipment;
4) determines the feasibility of servicing or repairing furniture, office and household equipment;
5) draws up a technical report on the condition of furniture or equipment to determine their further use or make a decision on writing off the organization’s balance sheet;
6) controls the terms of warranty and service of furniture and equipment;
7) organizes maintenance or repair of furniture, office and household equipment;
8) accepts completed repair work or service furniture, office and household equipment.
3.1.6. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.
3.1.7. .............. (other duties)
3.2. .............. (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

4.1. An administrative and economic support specialist has the right to:
4.1.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions of the organization’s management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.
4.1.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
4.1.3. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.
4.1.4. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment.
4.1.5. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.
4.1.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.) compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.
4.1.7. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.
4.1.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.
4.2. ............... (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The administrative and economic support specialist is held accountable for:
- for improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation, legislation on accounting;
- offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. .............. (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction has been developed on the basis of Professionalstandard "Specialist of administrative and economic activities",approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02/02/2018 N 49n, taking into account..............(details of local regulations of the organization)
6.2. The employee is familiarized with this instruction whenhiring (before signing an employment contract).
The fact that the employee has read these instructions is confirmed.............. (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of thisinstructions (in the instructions log); in copyinstructions kept by the employer; in another way)
6.3. ..............

March 12, 2020 - Responsibilities: Development of standards for spending inventory and materials in areas of administrative and economic activities; Budgeting expenses (according to standards) for administrative and economic activities; Purchase of goods and materials (office, furniture, etc., in total, about 13 areas); ...

March 12, 2020 - Responsibilities: Interaction with administrative department staff; Compilation technical assignments contractors, support of work; Coordination of contracts, participation in the conclusion and extension of lease agreements for premises and monitoring...

March 11, 2020 - Do you want to become part of our friendly and professional team? Do you want to build a career in international company that cares about its employees? Then come to us! We have an open vacancy for an Administration and Maintenance Specialist. You will have a very important role: Monitoring the serviceability...

March 16, 2020 - Responsibilities: Full provision of administrative services in the cinema Preparation and transfer of primary documentation Control of the cleaning process of premises and territory Accounting for fixed assets, inventory items Collecting requests for consumables (paper, office supplies...

March 1, 2020 - Citymobil - big company with a startup culture. There is no tedious bureaucracy and painful approvals. We communicate with each other on a first-name basis, but do not lose mutual respect. For more than 12 years, Citymobil has been developing, supporting and improving...

March 12, 2020 - The KIT Stroy company INVITES a Leading Specialist of the Administrative and Economic Department to join its TEAM. Your responsibilities will include the implementation next works: Analysis and primary reporting of movement and storage of inventory items; Serviceability control...

March 12, 2020 - Responsibilities: Organizing and conducting procurement of goods, works, services. Organizing the purchase of air and railway tickets, purchasing and ordering the production of seals and stamps and keeping a log of their records. maintaining regulatory reference and reporting documentation...

March 12, 2020 - Responsibilities: Provides economic maintenance and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of buildings and premises in which divisions of the enterprise, institution, organization, ...

March 6, 2020 - "" - online pharmacy No. 1 invites an Administrator to AHO. More than 300,000 users use the site and application every day, and our the main objective- make the purchasing process as comfortable and transparent as possible. Our principles: affordable prices,...

March 13, 2020 - Responsibilities: 1. Purchasing (furniture, office equipment, Appliances, workwear). 2. Inventory accounting of property, conducting an inventory, monitoring the movement of material assets, writing off property, drawing up an established...

March 5, 2020 - Our team is looking for a new employee! Tasks: Purchasing in terms of ensuring the supply of furniture, inventory, equipment, consumables; Conclusion and support of contracts with contractors (purchase, rental, cleaning, internet, technical...

March 10, 2020 - Responsibilities: Carrying out the life of the Company in terms of conducting business activities, interaction with service companies; Organization and control of the proper sanitary condition of premises, cleaning; Control of technical...

March 4, 2020 - Responsibilities: Providing employees with stationery, office equipment and consumables, household goods. Maintenance office equipment, furniture in working order (repair and maintenance), inventory taking. Purchasing...

March 3, 2020 - Responsibilities: Providing centralized administrative and economic support to the company. Formation of applications for the purchase of goods and materials Planning and monitoring of compliance with the budget of the administrative maintenance organization, provision of a monthly report on the expenditure of funds; Full support...

March 3, 2020 - Responsibilities: Economic support for the life of the company; Minor repairs“with your own” hands, as well as calling the necessary specialists; Ordering office supplies, monitoring prices for necessary products, choosing a supplier. Reception, storage...

March 2, 2020 - Responsibilities: - Full provision of administrative and maintenance services in the office and on site - Organization and control of local routine repairs - Quality control of area cleaning and maintenance of premises - Preparation of necessary technical documentation for concluding contracts...

February 27, 2020 - ATOL - an IT leader in the field of automation of retail and service industries is looking for a Document Management Specialist to join its team. 18 years of expertise in the cash register software and equipment market 1,000,000 clients use our cash solutions Constant development of innovative...

March 2, 2020 - Responsibilities: Organizing the appropriate maintenance of the company premises; Monitoring the proper operation of equipment; Planning of reconstructions and repairs of buildings; Carrying out scheduled repairs, their control and acceptance; Maintenance and control...

March 13, 2020 - Legis Group invites you to permanent job! We are looking for a person with golden hands! Responsibilities: Repair and construction skills necessary to maintain public utilities in the office and on-site; Carrying out various administrative and economic...

March 13, 2020 - Responsibilities: 1) Timely provision of the company with various material assets used for the work of the organization's employees. 2) Organization of storage, issuance and accounting of various assets acquired for the needs of the enterprise. 3) Full service...

March 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Ensuring business maintenance and proper condition of the office and retail outlets (95 copy centers); Personnel management (3 people); Setting tasks, maintaining reports; Carrying out renovation work, finishing new...

February 25, 2020 - Goal: First line of information systems (IS) support for the processes: Request management (Service Desk) Master data management Personnel accounting Access management IT asset accounting Accounting AO Treasury Accounting Management financial...

February 21, 2020 - The Moscow Government is implementing a new ambitious economic project Moscow innovation cluster. The goal of the project is to introduce a new approach to administrative support for the business environment in the capital, establish inter-industry connections, stimulate startups...

March 4, 2020 - Responsibilities: Work for a young, active employee in the Sales Department of the Developer (new responsibilities, new colleagues, new knowledge!!!): Resolving administrative and economic issues of the Department; Paperwork for all business, accounting...

March 4, 2020 - Responsibilities: Carrying out minor repairs on our own(replacement of light bulbs, minor repairs of furniture, door fittings, etc.) both in your own office and at tenants’; keeping records of household and consumable materials; equipment inventory; ...

March 3, 2020 - Responsibilities: Issuing special. clothes; Registration of issued special clothes; Control of residuals of one-time specials. clothes (robes, hats, shoe covers, etc.); Timesheets for cleaners and cloakroom attendants; Drawing up shift schedules for your unit; Ordering and issuing detergents...

February 21, 2020 - Responsibilities: Monitoring the technical condition of retail outlets and premises by conducting systematic scheduled inspections; Ensuring the proper operation of engineering equipment and networks: electricians, hot water supply, cold water supply, plumbing, low-current networks, ...

February 27, 2020 - Responsibilities: Organization of a temporary residential camp (TRC), construction headquarters, food intake point, office premises, as well as related buildings and other premises at the company’s new facilities. Monitoring the work of specialized departments of the company...

February 19, 2020 - Responsibilities: Organization and control of administrative and economic work; Security comprehensive service and maintenance of administrative territory; Purchase of consumables; Organization Maintenance; Implementation of small...

February 19, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining the office in working order, purchasing goods and materials, office supplies, water; Monitoring the repair work of the office and utilities; Exploitation engineering systems office - electricity, water supply, sewerage, ...

February 7, 2020 - Company 585 GOLDEN invites a specialist from the Technical and Economic Department to join its team. Responsibilities: Maintaining assigned objects in technically sound condition - directly responding to requests for faults (plumbing, electrical, minor...

February 18, 2020 - MANGO TELECOM is a leader in Russian market cloud business communications. We help businesses organize telephone communication, save on equipment and calls, increase the productivity of employees working on the phone, increase sales and quality...

February 18, 2020 - Responsibilities: 1. You will be responsible for two objects (office building), they are located 5 minutes. walking. 2. Walk around the site every morning to identify faults and monitor cleaning. 3. Carrying out minor repairs yourself. 4. Follow all instructions...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: Assembling/disassembling furniture, shelving, etc. at pick-up points Purchasing consumables for pick-up points and the office Minor furniture repairs Travel on behalf of management Requirements: category B license punctuality diligence...

February 17, 2020 - Job responsibilities: Minor repairs commercial equipment And lighting fixtures Participation in the opening of new stores (negotiations with the administration of the shopping center) Coordination of projects, control at all stages of renovation work, assistance in arranging and moving...

March 16, 2020 - Ingrad Group of Companies is a large investment and development company that has been operating since 2012. The Ingrad group of companies specializes in the construction of residential complexes and microdistricts of comfort and business class in Moscow and the near Moscow region, ...

March 16, 2020 - A position is open in an industry partner company (relocation to Bangladesh) Responsibilities: Active interaction with the heads of structural divisions on the issue of submitting applications for personnel selection and conducting interviews, conducting initial...

March 13, 2020 - 28 years old successful work, 4,000 employees, 19 regions of presence, more than 200 divisions throughout the country, the Bank's ratings are confirmed by international and Russian agencies. The bank successfully navigated the period of instability that began at the end of 2016, maintaining...

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