Rooster and hen skit for adults. Chickens celebrate the New Year material (younger group) on the topic

Documentation 25.07.2020

The site offers to play a musical fairy tale-remake for the Year of the Rooster or any holiday (anniversary, birthday, wedding, New Year). The tale is accompanied by 15 music. tracks.

Fairy tale: Chicken Ryaba

Participants for the characters of the fairy tale are selected in advance:

– Grandfather;
– Grandma;
- Chicken;
– Cockerel;
– Mouse;
- Mouse tail.

Who can tell me what words the fairy tale begins with?

Guests:"Lived once.."

So, once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Our grandfather was old and frail. He loved to sit on a bench near the stove.

1 (Music track “Grandfather’s Exit”)

But the grandmother is young, mischievous, cheerful!

(2 music tracks by Dolce Gabana)

She did not offend her grandfather. She loved him, kissed him. First on one cheek, then on the other.

Then to one sore knee, then to the other. If grandfather’s head hurts, he’ll massage it; if his back hurts, he’ll massage it too. And if my grandfather develops tetanus, he will massage it everywhere.

(3 Music track Kiss my stomach.)

And my grandfather and grandmother had Ryaba the Hen.

(4 music tracks For striptease)

And who will tell me what our chicken should do? Laying an egg correctly. But who do we need for this? Of course, a cockerel.

(5 music track “Crow of the Rooster”)

Nice Petya! How does he flap his wings? What are Petya's breasts like? This is what it is... And how does Petya scream?... And how does he scream when he sees a chicken?... And after that he begins to run after her diligently...

(6 music tracks I boom boom boom you, you boom boom boom me)

And then he caught up with her. And trampled a little...

(7 music track Clucking)

(8 music track It hurts me...)

Well, finally, let's see what came of it. This is what an egg is.

Applause to the chicken, it was not in vain that she suffered..

(9 music track “Chicken Coop”)

The grandmother was happy, the grandfather was happy. Everyone was happy. And they decided to cook eggs. Grandfather beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandma beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandfather is crying.

(10 music track Vitas howls...)

Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then a mouse appears.

(11 music track I am baby tsunai...)

Who can tell me what our Mouse needs now? Well, of course, a ponytail.

This is our tail...

(a thin tall man comes out)

Where should the tail be? Right behind. Take the mouse's tail by the waist.

(12 music track “Lambada”)

And now the mouse is spinning around the testicle... Running... Sniffing... And wagging its tail... The testicle just broke...

(13 music track “The Egg Breaks”)

Grandfather is crying. (music track Vitas whines...) Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then the chicken tells them:

“Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I will lay you not an ordinary egg, but a golden one.”

Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. Grandfather is dancing...

(14 music track “Bird of Happiness”)


(15 music track “Kiss”)


End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version fairy tales with music tracks 15 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via the link on the website and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 R ub.

municipal budget preschool educational institution
« Kindergarten No. 47 "Green light" of a compensating type"
Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region.
Musical director: Rogozina Irina Alekseevna.
New Year's scenario « New Year in chickens"
For children 3-5 years old with musculoskeletal disorders.
Children, dressed as chickens, run into the hall together with the “chicken mother” and hide behind egg shells. The Christmas tree is lit with lights.

“The Song of the Chickens” sounds, music by Y. Chichkov, words by S. Runge from the cartoon “I Don’t Want and I Won’t.”
Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.
1 verse. Goodbye, tight shell, - they look out from different sides
You have become too small for us. shells.
So interesting
Things await us now.
Get up - according to the sun - stand up, spread your arms to the sides
Peck - one grain at a time - “peck” - they nod their heads.
And drink from a puddle - they “drink” from their palms
And listen to your mother,
And to the mother hen
No need to frown: - “they threaten their finger at the mother hen”
She is always kind and cheerful.
Verse 2: Down the street, down the street - the mother hen beckons the chickens,
Jumping and running - chickens come out from behind the shells
Let's follow the mother hen - they follow the mother hen.
A cheerful crowd.
Chorus. (repeat the movements).
Chicken: Co-co-co, co-co-co calls mother - kvochka
Everyone comes to me, everyone comes to me, sons and daughters.
Hello, guests! My name is Corydalis, and here are my chickens.
The rooster told us yesterday that there would be a New Year's ball.
We dressed up beautifully and were in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree!
Music calls us all to have fun and dance.
Just don't imagine. - “threatening the chickens with his finger.”
Come closer to the tree, look higher and lower.
There are so many toys on it: cones, balls, toys.
(they walk around the tree, looking at it).
(The Snow Maiden stands motionless by the Christmas tree).
Chicken: These are truly miracles, look at everyone here!
The Snow Maiden is standing here, how can we revive her? (children's answers)
Let's take some magic bells under the tree, maybe they will help us revive the Snow Maiden.
Whoever rings to the music will revive the Snow Maiden.

Musical and didactic game “Quiet and loud bells”
R. Rustamova

Chicken: Oh, look, it's come to life.
Snow Maiden: Magic sounds revived me
We were invited here to the New Year's ball
It's time to start the holiday, dancing around the Christmas tree.
They boldly gave their hands to a friend and stood in a circle in a round dance.

“Round dance at the Christmas tree” lyrics and music by E.Yu. Matvienko

Snow Maiden: This forest Christmas tree is elegant and bright,
But in the forest she was different - she was inconspicuous.
Let's play with her: move the needles and twigs,
Let's revive it with a cheerful breeze (children blow, the lights on the Christmas tree go out).
Chicken: Well, the Christmas tree has gone out, it’s still dark.
Bright lights do not amuse us.
Let's clap for her more cheerfully, let her light the lights quickly - (clap)
Snow Maiden: Now let’s blow again to make her feel cooler -
(they blow - the Christmas tree goes out).
Chicken: Let's light the Christmas tree, clap more friendly, it will become more fun.
(they clap and the lights on the tree come on).
So the Christmas tree is lit, all sparkling with ice flakes and white snowflakes
The New Year is coming, we begin a round dance.

Round dance “We came to visit the Christmas tree” lyrics and music by T. V. Bokach
(or round dance of your choice music director)

Chicken: Let's sit down, relax, and start a new game.
Snow Maiden: I have a magic scarf.
Guess who I hid under it?

Game "Guess who's missing?" (2 times hide children, 3rd time - guests,
for the 4th time - Santa Claus).
(Santa Claus can stick out his felt boots so that he can be recognized quickly).

Santa Claus: Hello, chickens, Snow Maiden and guests!
Santa Claus: Happy New Year, friends! I congratulate you all!
So that your eyes sparkle and no one hangs their nose,
Start dancing quickly, Santa Claus ordered you!

Round dance “Song about Santa Claus” words and music by N. Ya. Solomykina
(or round dance at the choice of the music director)

Santa Claus: Your holiday is good here, you won’t find better chickens.
Aren't you afraid of frost?
Chicken: We are not afraid of the frost, we stretch our legs. Let's clap our hands.
Music - Dance of the little chickens:
Verse 1: everyone wants to be like little chickens yes-yes-yes-yes
Let's flap our wings together and shake our tail yes-yes-yes-yes.
Let's squat together, let's warm our legs, jump-jump-jump.
Oh, prankster, Santa Claus, don’t freeze the chickens’ noses - no, no, no, no.
(movements are performed according to the lyrics of the song)
Santa Claus: Oh, isn't it frosty? Come on, Snow Maiden, help us, let’s freeze our arms and legs... These chickens have.

Game "I'll freeze"

Santa Claus: Here I will blow on you, run away at the same hour (children run under the mother hen’s wing).
Chicken: We are not afraid of you, Santa Claus!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, let’s go to the Christmas tree and rest a little.
Where can we find a chair here? (Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are looking for a chair, and the children stand like a “train” behind Santa Claus)

A game of catch-up with Santa Claus “Oh, what kind of people are following Santa Claus, stomp-clop-clop, clap-clap-clap, you won’t find us Santa Claus)

Santa Claus (looks around): You don’t let grandpa rest, so I’ll catch up with everyone.
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, the chickens sang songs to us. They danced, but they didn’t read poetry to us.
Santa Claus: Of the chickens, who will go read a poem to grandfather?
Chicken: You know, Grandfather Frost, I will also tell you a poem.
-Winter is already silvering the ice on the lake
(lay out blue hoops - “Lake” in the center of the hall)
What a nice ride, thought the cockerel.
Petya went out onto the ice and fluffed his comb.

Dance of the cockerels (near the “Lake”) by T. Suvorova
Chicken (at the end of the dance): As soon as he rolled around and sang:
Boys-cocks: Ku-ka-re-ku!
Chicken: Like the ice suddenly broke. Oh, woe to the cockerel! (the cockerels sat down).
Hey chick girls, come run over. Put the cockerels in the sleigh!

Dramatization of the song “Winter” music by V. Karaseva, lyrics by N. Frenkel.
Verse 1: it’s winter, there’s a lot of snow all around
Together we took the sleigh and gave the chickens a ride.
(to lose, they pet the cockerels, they shout: ku-ka-re-ku!)

Snow Maiden and Father Frost: Well done, they cured and saved the cockerels!
(fox runs out)
Fox: I ran and ran, the cockerel suddenly heard it!
There are so many chickens here, I can eat any of them.
(the fox sneaks up to the chickens and says)
Lisa: But this one is good, and this one is simply delicious, this one is just a miracle...
How lucky am I?
(approaches one chicken): But I’ll chicken drag you home!
(“the hen” comes between the chicken and the fox)
Chicken: Ko-ko-ko. This is not good!
Santa Claus: Come on, little fox, wait. Go home quickly!
Today is a holiday for the chickens, all dressed up.
Fox: I won’t go anywhere and I’ll steal the chicken! (sneaks towards the chickens)
Snow Maiden: Let's scare the fox, chickens, so that it doesn't spoil the holiday for us. Let's meow with kittens: meow-meow (children repeat the words)
Fox (surprised): I'm not afraid of kittens!
Chicken: Do you hear the cows mooing, they want to help us: moo-moo-moo!
(children repeat).
Fox: (spreads his hands): I’m not afraid of cows either!
Snow Maiden: Well, let's call the dogs, we'll find helpers, woof-woof-woof. (children repeat, guests help).
Fox (darted about, ran in front of the chickens): Oh, I hear a menacing bark!
Chicken: You fox, run away! Save the red fur coat!
(the fox runs behind the tree)
Snow Maiden: You chickens go out and shine your flashlights - is there a fox somewhere?
Dance of chicken girls with lanterns music by I. Gurtova,
words by N. Veresokina (or at the choice of the music director)

Santa Claus: Why can't you see the foxes? Everyone can go play.
General dance “This is how we dance” music by N. Lukonina,
words by L. Chadova or “Dance with me, my friend” English folk melody (or at the choice of the music director)
(at the end of the dance the fox comes out from behind the tree and sits down in front of it)

Fox: If you would come closer, I won’t touch you, I won’t offend you.
(The children come up, the Fox catches up with them) Chasing with the fox.

Santa Claus: Oh, you sly fox, you almost caught up with the chickens?
Lisa: Okay, okay, so be it. I will be friends with them.
Santa Claus: For the sake of our friendship, let's all dance together.
Pair dance “Quadrille” by T. Suvorova or general dance “Do as I do” by T. Suvorova; (or dance of the music director's choice)
Chicken: We had a lot of fun. Let's play. We were joking.
For the sake of holiday I saved the eggs (brings out a large egg)

(in him kinder surprises- treat)
Santa Claus: Oh, I'm old Santa Claus forgot about the gifts and didn't treat the chickens.
You, fox, help me find the bag with gifts.
(the fox sniffs, runs around the hall, looks for the bag, finds it).
Fox: Here is your bag, Santa Claus. How heavy is it?
(Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Chicken, Fox hand out gifts and kinder surprises to children)
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:
It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye. It's time for us to go home.
Goodbye chickens! See you again in winter!
Chicken: Goodbye, goodbye dear, Grandfather Frost,
you kept your promise. Brought a lot of joy!
(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave)
Chicken: It turned out to be a wonderful ball, but it’s time to leave the hall.
Let's walk around the Christmas tree and follow me home.

(The chickens follow their mother, the hen.)


Performance for children

/nest hens with chicks, strutting important rooster ./

A fairy-tale melody, the painted window of the house opens, and a storyteller appears in the window.


In the spring, the crested hen gave birth to baby chicks.

Delicate yellow lumps, her daughters, sons

Everyone cuddles up to mom. She will cover them with her wings.

Chicken / affectionately /

Sleep, daughters, sons, grow up my family.

Chick-chick-chick, I’ll play you on the violin,

/plays the violin, humming, /

Sleep, you little chicks, bye-bye-bye-bye

Let the children pass grief, the father rooster is on the fence

He will watch all night, he is not averse to crowing

/ threatens the cockerel / you, Petrusha, don’t scream!

The cockerel is offended / grumbling again, be silent again,

Ku-ka-riku! cuckoo! I'll sit in the corner

alone without a corydalis, and I’m also a family man,

Can I show my temper or will you say I’m wrong?

I can peck you! Ku-ka-riku! cuckoo!!! /stomps angrily/

The chicken shakes her head apologetically

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko, how it’s not easy for me with you,

You are always the head of the family! I had a headache,

Peter - Petrusha, it's time to sleep. We'll decide everything tomorrow morning.

See magical dreams. Don't oversleep the sunrise!


The day will pass, night will come, the hours will run and the day will pass.

/recording of a cuckoo clock striking/

The chickens are growing before our eyes, rising with the sun,

Without worries, here and there the grass is pecked at the grains.

Musical moment.


One spring day, a chicken left the house,

There were urgent matters in shopping mall she went.

/A hen in a flirty hat, with a fashionable handbag, saying goodbye to the chicks, calls them something, threatens the cockerel sternly, he shows with all his appearance not to worry, the hen quickly leaves/


And the rooster, the father of the family, folded his wings,

He stood guard with dignity, hung his head and fell asleep.

Without their parents, it's a fun time for the chickens!

chickens jump out and play pranks to cheerful music

1st chicken - I'm the most vocal one here!

/ tries to crow, but doesn’t work /

2nd - and I’m yellow and fluffy!

3rd - My beak is long, sharpest of all! /pecks another/

4th - Oh, are you like that? And I'm stronger! / also bites /

5th - Don’t offend your brother!

That's it - We don't mind fighting!

Dance of the Perky Cockerels

1st - Oh, what a wonderful frolic we had!

2nd - have fun, rooster, pinch everyone’s sides!

/ wants to crow triumphantly, but to no avail, spreads his wings in embarrassment /

It’s not working yet!

/The chickens laugh at him, tease him, and unsuccessfully try to crow themselves/

5 chicken - well, enough, enough mocking, it’s time for us to get down to business.

1 chick /mysteriously/I saw near the alder where there were big burdocks,

There are a lot of worms, who is ready to run after me?

2 chicks - And I saw by the river, there TA-KI-E /shows/ worms!!!

3 chick - Well. then go on a hike! Who wants to come with us?

4 chicks. - What if it comes from mom? Why did everyone leave without asking?

5 chicks. - Well, stay, and we’ll go, you, brother, are just a coward!

4 chicks - I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid to leave home, where everything is unfamiliar to me!

1 chick - /cheerfully/ Well, then you probably won’t get a worm!

/ Everyone is happily jumping around him, saying /

For sure. You probably don't like the worm!!

4 chicks /thoughtfully / I like to eat delicious food

I won’t be alone here, I, chickens, are also with you.

2 chicks -We’ll lie to mom about something.

3 chicks. Pressing his wings to his chest. Gently/ - We have only one Mommy, . no need to worry!

5 chicks - dad is sleeping, let him rest, and freedom awaits us, friends!

  1. chick - whoever is brave will go! For victories, go ahead!

/Tiptoeing past the rooster/


A magical dream surrounded the cockerel on all sides.

The most wonderful dream in the world, his children ran away,

He didn’t even notice, but the chicken was on guard

She left him, entrusted him, to protect her family!

Musical moment

The chickens have broken free, and they are walking across the field,

They walk together in a crowd with a cheerful, daring song!

The chickens, marching bravely, leave.

/ A chicken appears with shopping, the rooster immediately perked up,

He looked around like a proprietor and rushed to the chicken./

Rooster / affectionately, with a bow / Hello, corydalis wife!

The chicken is suspicious / Peter, did you sleep sweetly under the sun again?

Rooster angrily:

You're wrong, I didn't sleep. I was thinking about life!!!

Chicken, smiling, I know these thoughts. Where are the chickens?

where are the children?!

Rooster with dignity - I took care of my family, sent them for a walk to the river, I can gather everyone in an instant!

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! /voice breaks, embarrassed/

Chicken, with a smile:

Not a bad excuse, ha ha ha! Ha-ha-ha! / .takes out a mobile phone, calls / an ambulance for the rooster!

/ the rooster turned away offended. The hen looks around worriedly, looking for chickens, spreading her wings /

So you say they left? /angrily/ Without you, all alone?

The hen wailed:

Ko-ko-ko!-ko-ko-ko! why did you go so far? Where-where? Where-where? Having left me forever, where, where? Where?

Rooster angrily:

Well.enough.stop whining. We need to look for chickens

Why did you leave home? Chicken business again?

The chicken makes excuses:

Of course, I have something to do, but I brought you some grains.

Rooster joyfully - Oh! I love grains!

Chicken with annoyance - Then I will feed you.

The rooster is demanding - But I’m weak, I’m all cold. What will you cook for me for dinner? I've worked up an appetite! /strokes belly/

The hen interrupts him: what if the kite swoops in? Then our children will disappear. And you sit quietly here.

The rooster jumps up to her and threatens:

Don't forget, chicken!!! Well, why frown?

Now I’ll close the house and let’s go look together

The chicken ingratiatingly:

Oh, Petrusha, you are so good! / the rooster lifts his head importantly / I believe you will find chickens! You are the support of the family in everything!

Rooster condescendingly:

That's better! Dry your tears and let's go.

But for now, I need to be praised, I still have to wait! / aside

/they leave, the rooster with his head held high, the hen mincing after him.

Musical moment


Meanwhile, the chickens wandered off the path somewhere.

And then suddenly, in a hurry, we got lost in the burdocks,

The burdocks are big, the beetles buzz there terribly.

The chickens were scared here. They all felt scared

1 chick -/complaining/ I want to go back to my mother. What will happen to us now?

2 chicks -/sobs/ She would come to help, but how to find her way home?

3 chicks. -They wanted to find a worm. Now the river will destroy us!

4 chicks / strictly / There’s no need for sobs now. We deserved punishment, we left without asking and secretly. We abandoned the family home.

1 chick /wiping away tears/ Do you remember, dad said, when you’re tired and have no strength, don’t ever get angry, but calmly look around,

To make the right decision!

3 chicks -You can’t be discouraged, we’re together.

All - we are Family!!! /hugs/

An alarming musical chord

  1. chick/wary/ Quiet! Someone is making noise there. The leaves rustle terribly.

4 chicks -I've been afraid of mice since I was a cradle, Oh, look at our chicken

Where are you from little brother?

5 chicks Scared you? Guilty.

Sorry for leaving you behind, I was collecting pebbles.

1chick - / affectionately / Well, brother, forgive us. You were abandoned along the way.

2chick. - And you are small, small and weak.

3 chicks / with a smile / but very, very nice!

  1. chick - we love you dearly. /hug/
  2. chick - and I will say, loving you all,

It doesn’t matter that you’re short, I came running to save you.

We'll find the path now, waste time warming up

No need now, chickens, remember the fairy tale once

Mom told us?

1 chick - I remember there the hero managed to stubbornly

He will find the way to the house, but not to go astray

2chick. He also threw stones

3chick. - I remembered all the signs

5chick. I did that too, I think it will help.

4 chicks Hurray! Let's find the way ourselves, let's go to mom quickly

1 chick / with delight / How smart you are!

3 chicks/fun/ -Everyone is just like daddy!/everyone laughs/


Satisfied chickens hugging their brother

With bouquets of flowers, they hurried home to their mother,

Far from home they became friends again,

Their parents' advice was very useful to them.

And he ran towards them, losing feathers, fluff,

Flapping its wings, their father is a rooster.

He joyfully and loudly shouted: Kukareku!

I promise everyone a worm for dinner!

The crested hen, hugging the children, wipes away tears,

There will be a family holiday near the birch tree,

And again all together and cannot be forgotten.

What is the most beautiful thing everywhere, always


Musical moment

Family is the greatest happiness in the world.

Under the sun of LOVE let

Children are always growing.

Family is joy and light.

Family advice will always help,

If something is wrong, the family will not judge.

Because she loves confidentially!

How good it is when we live alone as a friendly FAMILY!


Chickens celebrate New Year

Second junior group

Music is playing

Children follow their mother chicken into the hall and dance.

Dance of the hen and chicks


Hello, guests!

My name is Corydalis, and here are my chickens.
We dressed up beautifully and were in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree!

How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads sparkle on the chest.

Christmas tree, put your gold ones in your pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she extended thick branches towards us,
It's like a hostess greeting guests.

Lisa's music sounds


A strange noise is heard,

Quiet, children, everything is silent!

chickens sit on chairs

Fox Appears


I ran and ran, and suddenly I heard something!
There are so many chickens here, I can eat any of them
(the fox sneaks up to the chickens and says)

But this one is good, and this one is simply delicious, this one is simply a miracle...
How lucky am I?
(approaches one chicken): But I’ll chicken drag you home!
(“the hen” comes between the chicken and the fox)

Come on, little fox, wait. Go home quickly!
Today is a holiday for the chickens, all dressed up.

I won’t go anywhere and steal the chicken! (sneaks towards the chickens)


Let's, chickens, scare the fox so that it doesn't spoil the holiday for us.

Let's meow kittens: meow-meow(children repeat words)
Fox (surprised): I'm not afraid of kittens!


Do you hear the cows mooing, they want to help us: moo-moo-moo!
(children repeat).
Fox: (spreads his hands): I’m not afraid of cows either!

Well, let's call the dogs, we'll find helpers, woof-woof-woof. (children repeat, guests help).
Fox ( rushed around, ran in front of the chickens):

Oh, I hear a menacing bark!

You fox, run away! Save the red fur coat!
(fox runs away)
Why can't you see the foxes?

We can continue the celebration.

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day,
We'll start a round dance.

Round dance


Christmas tree - beauty
The kids really like it.
This is what she is like -
Slender, big!

The Christmas tree dozed off,

does not sparkle with lights,

The sound of bells

We'll wake her up with you!

Oh! Where are our bells? They were lying near the Christmas tree, but now they are gone.

Maybe someone took it? (children guess that the fox)

What a cheat! Who will help us light the lights on the Christmas tree now?

Father Frost!

Let's call him

Name is Frost

The sound of a snowstorm sounds

The hen invites the chicks to sit on the chairs

Snowflake comes out dancing


The wind sings a song
On the edge of the forest,
Calls me to dance
In a round dance with friends.
Wind, wind, blow harder
To make dancing more fun
Ice mug -
Little snowflake.

I fly! I'm sparkling!
And I'm spinning, spinning, spinning!

I make wishes come true
To those whose nose I sit on!


Snowflake - the fluff of winter, make our wish come true,

help me find the cheating fox. She took the bells. And without bells we can’t wake up the Christmas tree. If the Christmas tree doesn’t wake up, it won’t shine with colorful lights.


I know where the fox lives. The path is not close.

Aren't the chickens afraid of the long journey?


My children, chickens, won't you be scared?

Chickens: No


Run after me along the path, don’t lag behind, don’t turn off the path, a wolf is prowling in the forest

Musical composition “Meetings in the forest”

(hares, bear cubs, birds)

At the end of the composition a fox appears from the central entrance

Lisa: Yeah, gotcha!

And catches up with the chickens, the chickens hide behind their mother hen

Music is playing. Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost:

Wow! I'm coming! I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!

Hello my friends!

I'm not late? Got it right?

Fox is hiding


Hello Dedushka Moroz.

You're not late, you got it right.

Father Frost:

Hello my dear,

Small and big!

Happy holiday to everyone,

I wish you happiness and health.

Is everything ready for the holiday?


Round dance of snowflakes
Falls from the sky.
The kids are waiting
Holiday miracles.

And the fox is a cheat

I decided to do harm

And he wants chickens

Deprive the holiday

Father Frost:

Oh, you red-haired cheat,
don't wag your tail
I know your tricks
And don't hide behind a bush.

Fox: walks around and says, (in his hands is a basket with bells)

Only it's not my fault
Which is a little roguish

Take the bells

And forgive me friends


Okay, we forgive you

and we invite you to the holiday.

Dear Grandfather Frost,

Wave your staff!

The hall is elegant, New Year's

Move us!

Magical music, Santa Claus makes magic.

The chickens are at the tree again.

The characters begin giving music to the children. tools

Father Frost: Oh, how beautiful the tree is! Look, and your soul sings!

The shaggy branches bend,
Down to the children's heads;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;

Ball hides behind ball,
And star after star,
Light threads roll
Like golden rain...

It will ring with overflows

Bells ringing

And the lights will light up
The Christmas tree is a magnificent decoration.


Lighting up the Christmas tree

Characters collecting musical instruments

Father Frost:

Magic happened

And the tree sparkled!
Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
You sparkle with lights.
So that the legs of the chickens,
They danced themselves.

Dance game

Father Frost:

You, fox, help me, find the bag with gifts
(the fox sniffs, runs around the hall, looks for the bag, finds it).
Fox: Here is your bag, Santa Claus.
(Santa Claus, Chicken, Fox distribute gifts to children)

Father Frost:
It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye. It's time for me to go home.
Goodbye chickens! See you again in winter!

Goodbye, goodbye dear, Grandfather Frost,
It's a pity to part with you. See you again in winter!

New Year's toys

On the tree to the top
Toys are hung up
Garlands and lanterns,
Silver balls.

Show off on a branch
Icicles and sweets.
And the snowflakes are spinning,
Like ballerinas.

Snow Maiden beauty,
Smiles at the kids.
At the small house
Two cute gnomes.

A cockerel sits on a branch,
Next to him is a shepherd boy.
And if you go around the tree,
Then you can find a goat.

Still on my Christmas tree
There are two silver horses
Wizard with wand in hand
And a clown in a bright cap.

Here the snowman is a carrot nose,
And next to you is Grandfather Frost.
There is no way to separate them,
They're old friends.

Here near the tangerine
A ballerina dances.
A chimney sweep from a fairy tale
He can't take his eyes off her.

There are so many different lights
Green, blue, red.
I look at the tree, barely breathing:
Oh, how good she is!
(T. Koval )

Friends! We all know the fairy tale about Aladdin's magic lamp. Each of us would like to have such a lamp. And someone dreams of just rubbing it once and making their wish. But, alas, this is just a fairy tale. But don’t forget that today is the New Year and New Year's Eve a lot of things are coming true! And so, meet the rooster and the magic chicken egg!

A rooster comes out (a man dressed as a rooster)
He has an egg in his hands (the egg can be made of wood or fabric, it doesn’t have to be a large egg, 20-30 centimeters in height is enough)

Well, are you surprised? Why be surprised - 2017 is the year of the rooster. So everything is logical and correct. Well. Let's not be shy, who wants to be the first to rub the magic egg and make a wish?

The action goes like this:
The guest rubs the egg, the host comments at this moment. For example, he says: rub faster, otherwise your wish will come true just as slowly! Or like this: you rub the egg so hard that it heats up and cooks! Make a wish already.
In general, comments from the presenter are required. Then, when the guest has rubbed the egg, the host invites him to pull out a card with a wish from the bag. The guest takes out a card and reads what he wishes.
Examples of cards:

1. I rub, rub, rub the egg,
Do you know what I want?
I want to get completely drunk
May my soul sing!

2. My wish is simple,
I want everything to be original.
There was a dacha, a car and an apartment,
And the tax office just passed by.

3. For the New Year I will make a wish,
Just one wish.
But I beg you
Treat him with understanding.
I want to work all year round
And for a car, or an apartment, or maybe for a vacation... in general, it’s simple - make money!

4. In the year of the cockerel, I want friends,

Fall in love once and for all.
And so that my love is
Well, very, very good!

5. I want to get rid of a bad habit
And that's why I ask the rooster:
I want to forget my passport at home,
So that they stop selling me alcohol.

6. I want to work a lot,
Not to make money.
So that my ambitions
We were completely satisfied!

7. My desire is simple,
And this is what it is:
May each of us be lucky
And happiness will come to everyone’s home.

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