Summarizing telephone conversations with examples of wording. General overview of counseling techniques and methods

Law and law 03.01.2020

Summarization is one of the tools, the essence of which comes down to repeating what your interlocutor said. The summarizing technique is actively used in sales and communication with clients, as well as in psychology. This tool, with all its prowess, can increase sales significantly, as well as improve the quality of customer service.

Summarization technique.

The summarization technique originally appeared in psychology, and later became widely used as one of the stages of communication with a client in restaurants (the waiter repeated the order made by the client so that there were no discrepancies). Subsequently, many Western companies, included summarizing in the sales stages and made it a mandatory point for sellers when communicating with a client.

The summary technique is as follows: after, the seller says the phrase - “if I understand you correctly, you need .....” then the seller lists what product, with what functionality, is needed by the client. At the end, the seller seeks confirmation from the client.

Getting confirmation from the client is very important stage summarizing needs. When summarizing, the seller does not repeat all the information, but only that which will help him when presenting the product to the buyer. Accordingly, part of the information is remade to suit the needs of the seller - this is called the formation of client needs.

Why do you need summaries in sales?

Correct summarization is, first of all, preparation for the presentation of the product. This is a kind of structuring of the information received from the client, highlighting the key points and main benefits. In addition, summarizing needs is a great opportunity to show the client that he was heard and understood correctly. Which is also very important for establishing trust relationships between seller and buyer.

As mentioned above, summarization is actively used in restaurant business. In the USA, waiters often encountered a customer who was unhappy because the waiter brought the wrong order. Order summary helped reduce such precedents. If you pay attention in most large networks, such as McDonald's, the cashier also repeats the customer's order.

Summarizing as a tool in dispute.

Summarizing techniques can be very helpful during an argument or. The fact is that often your dialogue opponent can put forward several arguments (objections) against you, in which case it makes no sense to respond to each individual objection. It is better to highlight the very first one and answer it; it is to highlight this objection that summarization is used. This helps shorten the stage of dealing with client objections and make it more effective.


Summary Wed

The result of such an action; a summary of an article, book, speech.

Ott. A brief conclusion from what was said, written or read; final result.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova.

T. F. Efremova.:


    Synonyms See what “Summary” is in other dictionaries: summarizing

    - I, Wed. resumer. Action by value Ch. summarize. Summary of the article. BAS 1. She decided to start with a brief summary of the conversation already known to us in front of the Telentyevs... socially wanting to introduce them to the general conversation. D. Gears Star. and new Russia... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Generalization, summary, summation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. summarizing noun, number of synonyms: 3 generalization (13) ... Synonym dictionary SUMMARY

    - summing up the conversation, combining its fragments into a single semantic whole. Used during and at the end of conversations, meetings, telephone conversations... Eurasian wisdom from A to Z. Explanatory dictionary Summarizing in communication

    - (in clinical psychology) summing up in the process of understanding listening, widely used in the context of humanistic psychotherapy (a clinical psychologist sums up the client’s main thoughts). Summarizing (R.) is useful when: a) you need... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Abstraction, synthesis, synthesizing; conclusion, summarization, stylization, universalization, summary, total, summation, generalization, summary Dictionary of Russian synonyms. generalization 1. summary, summary 2. synthesis Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language.... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Counting, summarizing, summing up, summarizing, summing up Dictionary of Russian synonyms. summing up noun, number of synonyms: 6 generalization (13) ... Addition, addition, increase, summing up; folding, summing up, summarizing, summarizing. Ant. taking away, subtraction Dictionary of Russian synonyms. summation noun, number of synonyms: 8 cumulation (5) ... information Technology in general Synonyms summation summation EN summation ... Technical Translator's Guide

    For a long time, the main methods of teaching outside the classroom were the preparation of lessons, other types specified and controlled by the teacher academic work, And independent work for special projects... ... Psychological Encyclopedia

    The method developed by V.D. Weed (1991, 1993) was the result of a generalization of the experience of many years of treatment and research of this group of patients in a psychiatric clinic. Types of intervention in R.R.p.b. m. sh. V. were developed and... Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia


There are special techniques for understanding listening that everyone can learn:


Would you say it again?

What do you have in mind?

Could you please explain this?

Sorry, I didn't quite understand you... etc.

Finding out- this is an appeal to the speaker for some clarification. The essence of this technique is that the listener, when misunderstanding or ambiguity arises,

phrases, ambiguities of some words, asks “clarifying” questions. This technique allows you to eliminate misunderstanding, as they say, “in the bud.”

Woman: My husband lost his temper again!

Doctor: Excuse me, how is it again?

Woman: He was treated, but then he still continued to drink. But recently I relapsed again - the third day of binge drinking!

Doctor: Could you explain in more detail?

Woman: He was treated in the hospital. He left, but soon returned to his old ways. We

They talked to him very seriously, and he didn’t drink for six months. And recently again

I snapped - the third day of binge drinking.

Instead of irritated exclamations, the doctor listened patiently, and with the help of “clarifying” questions, what at first seemed absurd became clear.

2. Replies should concern only what the person says, but not evaluate his behavior or ability to express his thoughts. Expressions like: “How stupid are you! Can't you speak more clearly? - have nothing to do with this technique. They push the other person away and force him to defend himself.

3. When using clarification, it is better to try not to ask questions that require a monosyllabic, yes-no, answer: this confuses a person, he begins to feel that he is being interrogated. Instead of asking: “Is this difficult to do?” it is more useful to ask: ォHow difficult is it to do this?サ In the first case, we involuntarily seize the initiative and, after answering, we must speak ourselves; in the second, we give the interlocutor the opportunity to continue and remain listeners.


To paraphrase means to say the same idea, but slightly differently. This technique helps us make sure how accurately we have “deciphered” the interlocutor’s words, and move on with the confidence that everything has still been understood correctly.


Paraphrasing can begin with the following phrases:

If I understand you correctly, then...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

In other words, do you think...and so on.

When paraphrasing, you need to focus specifically on the meaning, the content of the message, and not on the emotions that accompany it (for this there is a special technique - “reflection of feelings”). It helps to separate the “wheat” of meaning from the “chaff” of emotions: excitement, anxiety, depression.

It is important to choose the main thing and say it in your own words. By literally repeating, we will resemble our parrot, which is unlikely to make a favorable impression on the interlocutor. In this case, it is advisable to paraphrase all more or less important thoughts.

If you want to paraphrase your interlocutor, you should not interrupt him: paraphrasing is appropriate when the speaker has paused and is collecting his thoughts on what to talk about next. Our repetition of his words in such a situation will not only not confuse him, but, on the contrary, will serve as a foundation from which he can build on in order to move on.

Summary- this is a summary. The essence of this listening technique is that we summarize the main thoughts of the interlocutor in our own words. A summary phrase is the interlocutor’s speech in a “collapsed” form, its main idea. A good example of a unique summary would be scientific journals, in many of which it is customary to give at the end in the form of abstracts summary all articles published in the issue.

1. Summarizing is most often used at business meetings. The art of a leader leading a planning meeting at which various ways to solve a problem are proposed is to highlight the main thing in the statements of the disputing parties. Otherwise, very soon the meeting will be able to compete with the famous Odessa bazaar.

2. When a group of people discusses the same problem for a long time. In this case, it is necessary from time to time to summarize what has been said, as if completing one part of the conversation and throwing a bridge to the next. Without this kind of expression, the group can become stuck, discussing minor points and forgetting the point.

3. Summarizing is also useful at the end of a telephone conversation, especially if the listener needs to do something after the conversation: “So, the main thing you would like from me is ...”

4. This use of this technique is also interesting. Before expressing disagreement with someone’s point of view, you can first highlight the main thing in it, summarize what has been said - then you won’t have to waste your time giving counter-arguments, but answer the essence of your interlocutor’s objection. And it’s even more elegant to ask him to make a summary: he will have to rid his objection of everything unimportant, which makes our task much easier.

5. Using the summarizing technique, you can help your interlocutor clearly formulate

his thoughts, present them in a clear form and even develop ideas that he had at the level of guesses and vague phrases, but retaining the feeling that he came to this thought!



To summarize, the following introductory notes may be helpful.

Thus, the main thing...

So, you propose...

Your main idea, as I understand it, is that...

If we now summarize what you said...

Summarizing is fundamentally different from paraphrasing, the essence of which is

in repeating every thought of the interlocutor, but in your own words, which shows

him our attentiveness and understanding. When summarizing from the whole

part of the conversation, only the main idea is highlighted.


When reflecting feelings, the emphasis is not on the content of the message, as in elicitation, paraphrasing and summarizing, but on the emotional state of the interlocutor. This distinction is not always easy to grasp, but it is of fundamental importance. Let's compare two phrases: ォI feel offendedサ and ォI think I'm offendedサ. The first expression is completely natural, but the second seems somehow clumsy and artificial.

2By reflecting the feelings of the interlocutor, we show him that we understand his condition,

Therefore, answers should, as far as possible, be given in your own words. Nevertheless, you can use certain introductory phrases:

__ It seems to me that you feel...

I have a feeling that you are somehow...

Don't you feel a little...

At the same time, it is advisable to avoid categorical formulations like: “I am sure that you are upset,” - after all, someone else’s soul is in the dark, and it is especially easy to make a mistake in a person’s feelings. In addition, such categorical statements about his feelings even cause irritation in the interlocutor: “I myself can’t fully understand, but he, you see, is sure!”

H. In your answers, you should also take into account the intensity of the interlocutor’s feelings: ォYou are somewhat upset!サ (completely, very, scary, etc.)

4 You can understand the feelings of your interlocutor in various ways:

- you should pay attention to the words he uses that reflect

feelings:unpleasant, insidious, murderous, unexpectedAnd

- a lot can be understood by the facial expression, gestures, and intonation of the interlocutor.

For example, if he subconsciously diderasingmovement

palm in front of his forehead, which means he is upset about something and wants to ward off unpleasant

At the end of the negotiations, the parties usually summarize the progress of the discussion of the problem. At this stage of negotiations, the summarizing technique is usually used. Summarizing, i.e. a brief summary of what was said and a brief conclusion, the final outcome of the speech, is very important for negotiators; it is an indispensable element of a successful speech strategy:

Our positions on the problem under discussion, as I understand it, diverge quite significantly, so we agree to conduct a qualified examination of the object. Having the commission’s conclusion or the survey report in hand, you can continue the conversation.

By summarizing the main points and ideas of the speaker, the listener minimizes the information. In order to carry out this operation, it is necessary to analyze the initial positions of the parties, the negotiation process itself, and changes in positions, if any, as a result of discussing the problem.

A summary involves listing the subjects, topics, questions, ideas that were discussed (At the meeting there was talk about...). In negotiations, summarizing seems to continue paraphrasing and harmoniously combines with it:

Your main ideas, as I understand it, are...

To summarize what you said, we can...

We should not forget that the situation of summarizing allows the interpreter to reflect his vision of the information. If this vision does not coincide with yours, you must make the necessary adjustments to your opponent's resume. Most often, the tonality of a speech action is subjectively represented:

order, instruct, assign a duty, offer;

deny, reject, abandon an idea, do not believe in effectiveness;

object, contradict, express disagreement, have a different point of view.

The position of the summarizer consolidates communicative leadership in business dialogue. Usually the person summarizing makes his/her proposals for further interaction on the issue under discussion:

To finally resolve this problem, we will have to conduct a series of consultations with all interested parties...

If all issues are resolved, then we send you an agreement to sign and begin work.

The final stage of negotiations is as important as First stage. Negotiation specialists have developed for the final stage the following recommendations:

a) if you need to make an important decision, do not rush your partner. Contact him with the words: “Please, do not rush to make a decision. Consider my proposal again”;

b) if a decision has not been made, you can propose:

alternative solution

backup option (prepared in advance),

deferring consideration of the issue to the next meeting;

c) never end a conversation with a negative answer; it is better to get at least a formal “yes” to any procedural question:

Will you allow me to keep you informed of our future plans?

Perhaps, under other circumstances, we will find a mutually beneficial solution?

The resulting stage of negotiations is framed in genres writing. In accordance with the agreements, it can be presented in two types of documents:

a) agreements containing a program for the development of cooperative relations;

b) protocols.

These documents are signed by the heads of each party and have the status of legal sources. Most often, the result of successfully conducted commercial negotiations is a document formalizing the transaction from a legal point of view - a contract, an agreement.

It is customary to analyze the results of negotiations (rhetorical laws C + A). Analysis of the results can be presented orally and in writing. The main condition is frankness.

Such analysis is carried out primarily for self-report and, if necessary, for reporting to a supervisor. The ability to analyze and draw conclusions from successes and failures helps improve negotiation techniques in general and sharpens the skills of the participants.

Aspects to be considered are formulated in the Checklist for an oral report on the results of negotiations, given from the book "Business and Manager"

Surely everyone in childhood played the game - broken phone. At the input the player receives one information, and at the output it is completely different. In negotiations with a client, there will always be moments of misunderstanding, inaccuracies, and erroneous conclusions of the client, which can result in problems for the company that sells the product and for the client who buys it. You will learn from this article how not to miss important things in negotiations and how to capture nuances.

Successful negotiations are built on understanding Understanding the buyer correctly is not only a guarantee, but also an effective and easy process of communication with the client. In this we will always come to the aid of techniques for clarifying and summarizing the information received from the client.

In colloquial speech there are words that can be understood in two ways, for example: less, more, not bright, pale, not beautiful, rude, slow, long, fast, etc. The client always needs to be guided and rechecked. The article “” touched on the topic of emotions that a client experiences at the stage of choosing a product. In this state, the buyer is unable to closely monitor his statements. You, as the seller, must do this for him.

The clarification technique will help to accomplish this. Clarify every detail, ask the client what he compares with, how he imagines the desired product. It is important not only to hear the information, but also to decode it into a format understandable to both. will help you with this.

For example:

Client: “This color seems very bright to me”

Seller: “Show me what color would suit you in terms of brightness?”

What seems “very bright” to a client may be considered completely neutral to you, so clarifying the details is very important in sales. Specify the nuances as accurately as possible: to the centimeter, to the gram, to the shade. That is why many manufacturers resort to coding colors, materials, configurations, and products. The code has a precise definition, and if an order is accepted from a client, then it has a certain encoding that cannot be perceived in any other way - only as it was originally agreed upon. No matter how many production and delivery chains the order goes through, there will be no effect of a damaged phone.

If your product is complex (equipment, cars, real estate, furniture, tour packages, services, etc.) and contains a lot of subtleties, adopt the habit of not only clarifying everything but also writing it down for the client. No matter how trivial it may seem, by recording clarifications on paper, you will protect yourself and your deal from failure and scandals. Especially when it comes to designs, shapes, appearance product - visual sketches, diagrams, photographs - will be very useful. They will eliminate misunderstandings with the client that words give rise to.

Summarizing technique

You've probably heard more than once about summarizing in negotiations with a client. The summarization technique helps the seller to summarize into one conclusion all the information that he heard from the client during the consultation process. For example: “If I understand you correctly, you need a blue color, with red backlighting and metallic inserts? Right?"

Many people incorrectly use the technique of summarizing in negotiations, rather untimely, collecting incomplete information into one whole in the middle of a consultation in order to quickly make an offer. But you need to use the inference technique right at the end of the negotiations, when all doubts have been dispelled and objections have been overcome.

Recording the nuances on paper helps with this. First of all, you won’t forget anything – everything is before your eyes. Secondly, you can almost instantly outline the main details with a pencil and quickly formulate a summary. Clients often ask to make a copy of such records, since it is also convenient for them to see the negotiation map and recall in their memory all the information that was discussed with the seller.


To avoid misunderstandings with the client, you should use the technique of clarification and summary in your work and you will notice how the number of errors in your work has decreased. professional activity, and sales increased along with the satisfaction of your customers.

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