Greenhouse profitability in winter. Greenhouse business: what is more profitable to grow and what is the profitability? Sales of finished products

Banks 23.12.2019

Growing and selling vegetables and herbs in the winter season is an excellent business where you can make good money. In addition to the fact that the first vegetables are always 50-100% more expensive, in winter this figure almost doubles.

In order to implement such a task, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the quality of the shelter, where, in fact, the vegetation will be grown. A winter greenhouse as a business must be thought out to the smallest detail. And how to build this business so that in the first 2-3 seasons to go to the "plus" - in our article.

Disadvantages and advantages of the idea

Since growing vegetables in a greenhouse requires not only special endurance, but also the creation of suitable conditions, understanding the principles of agriculture, one should be prepared for the fact that a lot of effort and finance will have to be spent on the implementation of such a task in order to get the desired profit. Just like any business plan, growing vegetation and vegetables in a winter greenhouse has its own advantages and disadvantages. But first of all, you need to love and understand this matter so that the minuses turn into pluses.

The assortment can be anything. The main thing is to determine the sales market

The main benefits of greenhouse vegetables include:

  1. Minimum costs in the first stages. Starting such a business is possible even from scratch, with a very limited budget. Thanks to this, there is an opportunity to raise their business to almost everyone who wants to make money on the greenhouse business. This is provided that there is a plot and it is possible to build a greenhouse on it, even from scrap materials.

In order for this venture not to be covered with frost in winter, there must be a spacious room with heating, high-quality coating and the ability to ventilate without the risk of destroying the growth.

  1. Fast payback. It is enough to work well and wisely, and in less than a year all the costs of the construction of the structure will pay off.
  2. There is a constant demand for grown products. In the cold season, homemade vegetables are very popular not only among supermarkets and private outlets, but also among ordinary people - neighbors, friends, colleagues. Therefore, a year-round harvest is in any case a profitable business.

In addition to the fact that you have the opportunity to sell products that are grown in a greenhouse in winter, you can also use it yourself, being content with homemade and very cheap, compared to purchased, vegetables. Firstly, this is a quality that you have followed yourself, and secondly, it helps to save a lot of money on the purchase of expensive vegetables and herbs.

You can even grow grapes if it will generate income in your region.

Since we are talking about the advantages of such a business plan, in fairness it is worth noting the disadvantages of growing vegetables and herbs in a greenhouse in winter. These include:

  1. Financial costs that must be constantly invested to ensure high-quality lighting and heating of the greenhouse structure. In this case, the organization of a winter greenhouse and its maintenance will cost you a fairly substantial amount.

The operating costs of heating, lighting and fertilization should definitely be included in the business plan to assess the reality of this case specifically for you.

  1. Seasonality of sales. Since in the summer, everyone has the opportunity to grow vegetables on their own land, and supermarkets and outlets can buy products at larger enterprises, then this season the demand for vegetables and herbs grown in a closed garden will be extremely low. Although some companies prefer to cooperate with private farmers, so there is a chance to organize sales in the warmer months.
  2. Working alone. Due to the fact that a winter greenhouse as a business in our case is a private matter, then, accordingly, all organizational issues that arise will need to be resolved independently. These include:
  • search for a sales market;
  • delivery and delivery of products;
  • bookkeeping;
  • purchase of fertilizers and other necessary related consumables for growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

But, despite the fact that the entire cycle of growing and harvesting vegetables and greens in winter in a greenhouse shelter, as a business plan, is characterized by a number of disadvantages, this is a very profitable investment for both novice gardeners and more experienced farmers. To do this, you need to know how to grow vegetables and a greenhouse and have a small initial capital.

What to grow?

In order to realize the set task, first of all, you need to clearly define what exactly will be grown and sold in the future. Most often grown for sale:

  • flowers;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • thermophilic exotic crops (for example, citrus fruits).

The climatic conditions in the greenhouse shelter must correspond to the nature and characteristics of specific plants or species when it comes to assortment.

In order not to idle the territory, you can grow several crops at once or alternately

Also keep in mind that if vegetables, in principle, allow some interruptions in watering or temperature changes, then flowers or exotic fruits are unlikely to withstand such poor quality care. And this can significantly affect the return on investment just started.

Even before choosing crops, you need to understand exactly what the optimal conditions should be (temperature, lighting, watering), whether you are able to provide them without interruption, and what are the costs of connection and monthly current.

VIDEO: A visual experiment on the percentage of distillation of green feathers from a high-quality turnip

Where to grow?

This agricultural business should be started by building a greenhouse shelter. You can build such a structure from scratch as on their own, and resorting to the help of professionals.

Buildings for the development of green business are conventionally divided into several types:

  • extensions to the house or free-standing structures;
  • ground or buried;
  • on design features- arched, with a gable or sloping vault.

Structures in the form of an extension to the house are convenient to work with, since you can get into it directly through the house. Also, this option is convenient in that it is possible to organize heating in the greenhouse without any special difficulties, taking it out of the house. True, the presence of one closed part of the structure, which is adjacent to the house, reduces the level of illumination of the plants, which may not be the most the best way affect the grown products.

A free-standing greenhouse located on a plot of land, if, of course, is located in a well-lit place, will receive much more sunlight than in the previous version. But in this case, you need to take care of the heating and lighting in an independent building.

The advantages of a recessed greenhouse are that it sinks into the soil by at least 1 meter (it all depends on the climatic conditions in the region where the business plan will be implemented). In this case, heating will be cheaper, and interruptions in the operation of the heating system and irrigation will not lead to a complete loss of the crop.

Greenhouse material

When building a winter greenhouse as a business object, you need to carefully choose the material for such a structure. Most often, such consumables are used for such purposes:

  1. Glass

Long-lasting, but at the same time heavy material for the construction of a greenhouse shelter, which requires strengthening the frame part. Skips well Sun rays and creates the so-called greenhouse effect, but at the same time glass greenhouses are not able to retain heat for a long time at night, which requires additional heating.

  1. Polyethylene

Cheap material that will last about three years (we are talking about high-quality PET).

  1. Cellular polycarbonate

The highest quality material of all the samples, which is widely used by private farmers in the conduct of green business. It keeps heat well, lets in sunlight.

Due to the cellular structure of the covering material, the heat does not leave the room so rapidly, and the plants are not damaged in the midday sun.

The choice of material largely depends on the initial capital and the scale of the building. Since we are talking specifically about the winter variety of the greenhouse, it is best to build an arched structure with double polycarbonate. This will provide high-quality thermal insulation.

You will learn more about how to build an insulated winter structure in the article "".

Soil and growing conditions

After building or retrofitting a greenhouse structure, you need to prepare the soil. It all depends on how the vegetation will be grown:

  • in the beds;
  • on raised ridges;
  • in hanging pots.

The type of product also affects the soil preparation process. Therefore, be sure to check which soil is suitable for your chosen crop.

In order for the growth of vegetables in the greenhouse to be not only profitable, but also convenient, make high beds, raising them above ground level by 50-70 cm.And as an interlayer, you can install pipes with a heat source (water or air), an electric cable or make warm beds based on biofuel.

Horse manure has proven itself best as a biofuel. It keeps the temperature for a long time, but does not overheat the root system.


To get a good harvest, you need to provide the seedlings with adequate lighting and a suitable microclimate. In the winter season daylight hours not enough to grow most greenhouse crops, so you should take care of additional lighting, which can be fluorescent lamps.

For a covered garden, you need to drip LED lamp... They transmit up to 70% of the spectrum of sunlight, and are cheaper to operate.


As for heating, it can be organized by means of such devices:

  • bake;
  • heaters, fan heaters;
  • cable electric heating;
  • IF heaters;
  • boiler (gas or solid fuel).

Organization of sales

Sell ​​self-grown vegetables, flowers, etc. you can do it yourself by renting a retail space. You can also conclude an agreement with supermarkets. True, it is quite difficult to implement this task.

Estimated estimate

Important "building blocks" of the greenhouse business

So that you understand what amounts are in question, we bring to your attention an approximate estimate of such a business plan:

  1. Construction of the shelter and its complete arrangement - 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Additional labor resources in the face employees(for large volumes of plant cultivation) - 70 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of seedlings, fertilizers, fuel and other necessary consumables - 40 thousand rubles.

From the words of entrepreneurs for one month, the profit is about 400 thousand rubles. Now calculate how much you can earn on such a green business per season. I wish you success in all your endeavors!

VIDEO: Successful greenhouse business

The share of imported greenhouse vegetables in Russia is about 70% of the sales volume. Its quality is poor; Russian cucumbers and tomatoes are much tastier, cause less concern, and are in great demand among buyers. Sanctions, rising import prices forced retailers to turn their face to domestic producers. The absence of large greenhouse complexes gives a chance for the development of small businesses.


The consumption of greenhouse vegetables is about 11 kg per year for each resident of Russia. Of these, 4 kg are domestic products, and 7 kg are imported from abroad. In the last 10-15 years, more of them have been bought, which is facilitated by the fashion for "healthy eating" and the approach to Western living standards. Therefore, the Russian greenhouse business is experiencing a rebirth.

In 2012, it was adopted Government program for the development of crop production for 2013-2020. It included the allocation of large-scale subsidies for the greenhouse industry: up to 50% for equipment, and up to 30% compensation for electricity costs during the operation period until 2020. At the beginning of its introduction, there were only about 2,000 hectares of greenhouses in Russia, most of which required reconstruction (for comparison: in the Netherlands - 10,000 hectares).

This caused a boom in interest among large agricultural holdings, retailers and investors. Sberbank, Gazprombank, Vladimir Potanin, Abramovich Jr., Mikhail Fridman and many others have invested. Over the past two years, construction has begun on greenhouse complexes with an area of ​​about 600 hectares, and several large distribution centers. However, government money does not come in regularly, and the initial costs are very high. The payback period for projects is 7-10 years.

While business giants are “swinging” and dividing government money, small and medium-sized producers are slowly occupying a niche that is being freed from imports. Let's take a closer look at the components of successful production of vegetables in greenhouses. A greenhouse as a business is profitable if an entrepreneur:

  • studied local demand well and found a permanent distribution channel;
  • uses modern designs and agricultural techniques;
  • solved the problem of energy intensity, which makes the business profitable.

Vegetable demand and consumer preferences

Due to the harsh Russian climate, even residents of the southern regions receive vegetables "from the garden" for a maximum of 5 months, while for the rest they are available for 2 - 3 months a year. A customer survey by FDFgroup, conducted in Moscow in the summer of 2015, showed that residents of the capital buy fresh vegetables:

  • at least once a month - about 90%;
  • more often than once a week - about 60%;
  • buy occasionally - only 8% of respondents.

At the same time, cucumbers and onions are regularly purchased by about 60%, tomatoes - by about 56%, cabbage and greens - by 50%. And in winter, of course, these are only vegetables grown in greenhouses. According to the research, last year they were bought less than in 2014, which is certainly due to higher prices. The prevailing places of purchase are shown in Figure 1.

Interestingly, the quality of goods is assessed differently: 94% of satisfied customers in the market, in supermarkets - 81%, and in ordinary stores - 77%. At the same time, the lowest indicators for quality and assortment are in the large chain stores "Magnit" and "Pyaterochka". Cause: imported goods- tasteless hard vegetables and fruits pumped up with special solutions, mostly from Turkey. But now they too have come under sanctions. By the way, both of these retailers have begun to build their own greenhouses.

Cucumbers and greens are in constant demand, and these are the simplest crops for production, including for small businesses. The situation is more complicated with tomatoes. However, the demand for them is growing, and the lion's share of them was imported from abroad (Fig. 2). Therefore, the transition to growing tomatoes has good prospects.

How modern greenhouse production works

The main task of the greenhouse is to create an artificial microclimate for growing vegetables all year round. This is much more costly than outdoor production. Bulky glass-covered metal structures with obsolete traditional heating systems are no longer competitive. A modern greenhouse structure is determined by the following parameters.

Frame construction

Most greenhouses are a standard width gallery that can usually be extended in length. Roofs are gable, single-pitched or cylindrical. The frames are mounted from wooden arched structures impregnated with an antiseptic, with nail pressing; from a metal pipe, galvanized steel profile. Their service life is up to 25 years. They are installed on a foundation, piles, and sometimes just on the surface. Doors, transoms, vents, racks, and less often partitions are provided.

Coating material quality

Glass was replaced by film coatings and polycarbonate. Polyethylene film is an affordable material, but its service life is up to 3 years. It perfectly transmits sunlight, thanks to which the greenhouse in sunny days warms up well. But the nighttime temperature drop causes moisture condensation, which increases humidity, contributes to plant disease. Multilayer pimple-air films of the new generation are devoid of these shortcomings. Cellular polycarbonate is a lightweight, durable, plastic material that can withstand up to 100 kg / m2, resistant to wind and hail. The cost is significantly higher than that of the film. It withstands winter temperatures down to minus 50 °, has good thermal insulation properties. Today it is the leader among greenhouse coverings.

Heating system efficiency

This is the most expensive part. technological process... The share of expenses for heating air, soil, water is over 40% in the cost of production. And the total energy consumption, taking into account additional lighting in winter period, ventilation in summer - up to 60%. This is the main reason hindering the development of greenhouse production. The annual growth in gas and electricity prices is approaching 15%, and in just the last ten years, energy prices have more than doubled. For example, when growing the most profitable crop: cucumber, electricity costs when using conventional fluorescent tubes for winter lighting are 2 times higher than the cost of the lamps themselves, and are comparable to a major overhaul (replacement) of the entire lighting system.

Reduce energy consumption in all available ways, using energy-saving technologies; double wall cladding, material combinations, heat shields, active soil substrates that generate heat during decomposition (linseed fire). Many entrepreneurs build their own boiler houses with tanks, buy autonomous thermal power plants.

This is where small businesses outperform large greenhouses. It is one thing to heat 5-10 greenhouses on 20 acres, and completely different scales of energy consumption on areas of 2 hectares and more. So, Russian craftsmen to preserve heat, bury structures in the ground, sometimes to a meter depth; lowering the height, reducing the cost of covering walls, heating, use simple stoves, stoves, heating them with available local raw materials. To this must be added a variety of "know-how" in terms of creating heating systems of their own design and methods of connecting to household energy networks (especially in household plots).

Entrepreneurs Viktor and Valentina Stolyarovs from the village of Krasnoe, Tver Region, first grew vegetable seedlings in greenhouses, and now - roses. The flower business turned out to be more profitable. Despite the fact that a gas pipeline is connected to the site, the greenhouse is heated with firewood. It is more economical, albeit more labor intensive.

Climate control automation

The guaranteed yield depends on adherence to temperature and humidity conditions. This is provided by the systems of irrigation, humidification, evaporative cooling, curtain screens. In addition, the drainage system of internal drains, the supply of solutions of fertilizers and pesticides is being developed. Ventilation is often natural, through a system of vents. All this is monitored by an automatic control sensor system. Let us give, for example, the average set of equipment for one greenhouse (Table 1).

Modern agricultural technology

First of all, it includes the selection of crops, quality seeds, modern soil substrates. The use of the seedling method speeds up the process by 2-3 weeks, facilitates care, and increases efficiency. On one square meter of the greenhouse, 3-4 different vegetable crops can be grown throughout the year, depending on the season and demand. This requires constant fertilization and control over the composition of the soil, knowledge of agricultural technology, at the same time, allowing you to use the area to the maximum.

Most common crop: cucumbers. Their average yield is 22-35 kg / m2. They are followed by greens: onions, dill, parsley, lettuce and radishes. But tomatoes are grown much less often. Despite the high prices and good yields, they are more capricious and take longer to grow. Peppers, eggplants are practically not grown in small farms. It is believed that they are profitable only in industrial plants (from 20 hectares). However, below is an example that suggests otherwise.

Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Farmer Nikolai Kutukov organized a profitable greenhouse business, starting from scratch in 2010, building the first greenhouse on his own. At first he grew only green onions, gradually switched to other crops. Now he has five greenhouses, he grows cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants. Sells products through local shops and markets. The area is remote, there are no large competitors nearby, so the entrepreneur plans to expand the economy.

The most painful question for small businesses: finding a distribution channel. It all depends on local conditions. In the center and south of Russia, many small producers prefer to sell their crops to wholesalers. The latter process, pack it in their own distribution centers, and resell it to retailers. Sometimes it is more profitable to open own store(pavilion), if there is a demand and target audience.

Greenhouse production profitability

According to Aslan Devdariani, who has been developing the greenhouse business for more than 10 years, the greenhouse must provide a profitability of at least 20% for production to be profitable. He grows only cucumbers, supplying them to the nearby city of Orsk, the area of ​​greenhouses is 2 hectares. It is unprofitable to carry on. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Agroinvestproject has an average operating profitability of industrial greenhouse complexes in central Russia of 30-40%.

However, we will give an example of production on personal plot in a small industrial town. Ilya Odintsov grows all the same cucumbers. With an average yield of 10 - 15 kg per 1 sq. M. (and it can be increased to 25 kg), he receives about 1,000 rubles in two months, selling them to wholesalers at a price of 80 rubles per 1 kg. He has 10 greenhouses with an area of ​​40 sq. M. each one. In total, in a good season, revenue reaches 400 thousand, net income - 200 thousand rubles. By the way, in February-March, cucumbers are sold in stores for 180-200 rubles.


  1. More chances of greenhouse business success in areas where there are no industrial complexes, and the lack of vegetables is compensated by imports.
  2. More profitable is production near an urban settlement, especially an industrial one, where the subsidiary farm itself is underdeveloped.
  3. The main task is to minimize energy costs; agronomic knowledge and special skills are required.
  4. The longer the period of use of the greenhouse, the more profitable it is. For example, growing cucumbers, herbs in February - March; radishes, seedlings - in May; then - early tomatoes.

With the right approach, the greenhouse business will bring consistently high profits to its owner. However, to implement such a business idea, it is necessary to carefully understand each of the theoretical nuances, ignorance of which can lead to losses.

Business greenhouse at home - direction entrepreneurial activity more than attractive today, since the products are in high demand. According to statistics compiled by the Moscow Research Institute of Nutrition, the average Russian citizen consumes about 88 kilograms of vegetables per year, 13 of which grow in greenhouses.

Research by the research institute also indicates that the consumption of vegetables should be increased by another 30 percent. Foreign experience speaks of an increase in the number of opened greenhouse farms, since the directions are promising and profitable. The current situation in the Russian Federation is such that the share of products grown in domestic greenhouses is only four kilograms per person, while the remaining nine kilos are tomatoes from Turkey, strawberries from Holland, cucumbers from Iran, and so on. Therefore, immediately before agro-industrial complex is set - to fully provide the Russian population with vegetables of greenhouse production in Russia.

Greenhouse business: what to grow

Greenhouse earnings will be high if the entrepreneur can correctly determine the culture with which he will work in the future. According to modern analysts, the most profitable today is the cultivation of flowers. The second place goes to greens, and the third goes to vegetables.

However, the initial capital for starting a flower business is five times the investment required to start growing vegetables. One of the widespread and fashionable trends today is the cultivation of greens, for example, lettuce, onions, parsley, and so on. Everything is explained by the fact that greens are considered a non-capricious culture, they do not need to grow a large number light or heat. In addition, greenhouses can be opened in almost any region of Russia, which significantly reduces the costs associated with transporting the harvested crop. Greenhouse with greens in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is engaged in servicing one, possibly two, settlements that are nearby. On average, growing greenery will be 3-4 times more profitable than a vegetable greenhouse.

However, before making the final choice, you need to pay attention to the specific features of the region where you plan to open a business. An entrepreneur should conduct a thorough marketing research of the local market, identify product categories that are in high demand, and learn about the presence of competition.

In order to choose the right crop for further cultivation, you also need with the place and method of harvesting the finished crop. For example, among resellers who work on wholesale schemes, “light” products - tomato - are in demand. If a businessman plans to trade in retail, it is better for him to pay attention to green crops, radishes, strawberries, and so on. An entrepreneur who can negotiate the supply of his produce to local restaurants or cafes may consider more expensive, complex plants that require labor-intensive maintenance for his greenhouse. For example, a cyclic salad.

The remoteness of points of sale also has an impact. If an entrepreneur works with distant markets, he will have to grow extremely “light” products.

What should be the specialization of the greenhouse business

Novice businessmen should understand for themselves that it is considered impractical and unprofitable to start growing several crops at the same time. An entrepreneur will only get high profits if he grows one crop on a closed soil.

Specialization should be narrow, which confirms the colossal experience of the Dutch, who today are recognized leaders in the sale of products grown in the greenhouse. In their opinion, specializing a greenhouse on two crops at the same time is an impermissible excess.

That is, business greenhouse at home must be created on the basis of analytical calculation and common sense. An entrepreneur who is just entering this area of ​​business should not engage in self-activity. To begin with, a consumer market study should be carried out, through which the greenhouse culture that is most in demand is determined.

Business plan diagram

  1. The entrepreneur assesses the situation in the chosen area. This stage involves getting to know the products that are grown by local competitors, comparing the quality and quantity of crops from other suppliers.
  2. At the second stage, the businessman must decide what form his activity will be - whether it will be year-round or seasonal. Easier and cheaper to organize seasonal business suitable for farm greenhouses. If the greenhouse business will be year-round, industrial-type greenhouses will be required, equipped with special communications for lighting and heating.
  3. Further, the entrepreneur is looking for wholesale buyers and other points of sale.
  4. In a business plan, all possible costs and approximate profits must be calculated without fail.
  5. If the start-up capital is not enough, the businessman needs to think over the sources of financing.

Drawing up project documents requires a detailed calculation of all the necessary communications that are needed for the optimal operation of a greenhouse of a particular area. An entrepreneur at the stage of drawing up a business plan must know exactly the price of equipment, construction and installation.

Today, many growers are using hydroponics, which is suitable for cucumbers, greens and other vegetables. Its main advantage is its growing speed. The vegetative cycle in this case will not exceed three weeks, so two to three tons of crops can be harvested every day from one hectare of land. Under natural conditions, the selected crop will ripen much longer. However, palatability decreases with hydroponic cultivation.

Parameter planning and yield calculation

In order for the earnings on the greenhouse to be high and the payback period to be fast, the entrepreneur needs to take care of establishing contacts with buyers of the future harvest. A businessman should only look for reliable buyers who are ready to conclude a contract. It is best to focus on large networks supermarkets.

An entrepreneur must give preference to working with the wholesale sector, and only then consider the possibility retail... In any case, the greenhouse business should be built on the basis of guaranteed buyers, so the sales system should be thought out in advance.

In order for an entrepreneur to understand how much income is possible in a greenhouse, one can imagine simple calculations. To begin with, the businessman composes investment project, land is purchased or leased, a greenhouse is being set up, equipment and material for planting are purchased. The entire cycle from planting products to maturing and marketing must be combined with cash flows. The main reference point is maximum profit, which the entrepreneur can help out and to which he should strive, as well as the minimum profit sufficient to maintain and develop the business.


The entrepreneur also needs to think through the technical aspects of the organization, which will become details in the implementation of the business.

  1. It is necessary to take into account the remoteness of communications from greenhouses. Each pipe or wire will be carried out by the entrepreneur, therefore the costs must be indicated in the general estimate.
  2. The territory on which the greenhouse will be erected should not only be large, but also flat, in order to organize access roads to it without any problems.
  3. The land plot can be rented out for lack of sufficient capital to purchase capital.
  4. It is best to purchase a prefabricated greenhouse, especially if the land is leased. The greenhouse structure can be disassembled and reassembled countless times, so that over time, an entrepreneur can move with it to a new site.
  5. Most important point is the heating of the greenhouse. Modern innovations replace each other at a high speed, so you need to choose something from new and effective equipment.
  6. Prudent businessmen recommend leaving a certain amount of money for the purchase of innovative new products in the future, which will allow them to go on a par with competitors until the greenhouse business becomes self-sufficient.


If we consider the option when a businessman uses purchased greenhouses for his business, it should be noted that the initial costs will be higher than in the case of using a greenhouse of his own structure. However, with strict adherence modern technologies and a properly developed business plan, you can not worry and purchase ready-made greenhouses. Material investments in the arrangement of a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​one hectare are equal to 30 - 35 thousand dollars. In subsequent expenses, 90 percent will be spent on paying bills for electricity and gas.

With a year-round business, an entrepreneur will spend about $ 50,000 on a salary of seven workers and one agronomist. In this case, the efficiency of the greenhouse will be approximately 15 percent. Therefore, full payback greenhouse project will come in three to four years.

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* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

It's no secret that the industry Agriculture in our country these days is not going through better times... Nevertheless, a business in this area can be very profitable, especially if the entrepreneur has the necessary knowledge and experience to do this.

Among the most promising directions one can also name the so-called greenhouse business, which is most relevant for the central part of Russia, where there is a shortage of fresh vegetables in the pre-season and off-season.

Greenhouse business profitability

Competition in this area is assessed as relatively low. The most difficult thing is to accurately assess the profitability of such a business project. This indicator depends on many variables and, first of all, on the geographical location. greenhouse facilities... On the one hand, as mentioned above, growing fresh vegetables in a greenhouse is more in demand for the middle zone and northern regions of our country than for the south. In the south, the competition is much higher and the off-season is much shorter.

On the other hand, the central part of Russia is characterized by sharp temperature drops and even frosts. In addition, there is a lack of sunlight. Consequently, additional costs for lighting and heating of greenhouses will be required, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in production costs. Thus, growing greenhouse vegetables, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region may turn out to be unprofitable due to the high cost of local greenhouse products and taking into account the fact that large consignments of fruits and vegetables are imported to this region from the south at lower prices.

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Of course, profitability directly depends on what exactly is grown in the greenhouses. Most often these are greens, flowers and vegetables. In addition, experienced agronomists undertake to grow various exotic cultures for our country in greenhouses. The latter option is not suitable for a novice entrepreneur for two more reasons: its implementation requires considerable investments, and the business itself is distinguished by high risks, which are associated, firstly, with the whimsicality of such plants, and secondly, with the impossibility of accurately predicting the demand for such products for the Russian market.

Flowers are in the first place in terms of profitability in the greenhouse business, but also investments in flower business will be the most impressive, since you will need vast areas for the construction of greenhouses. But if you still do not have a large start-up capital or special experience in growing greenhouse plants, experts advise you to start with herbs (onions, parsley, dill, lettuce, etc.), which are much less whimsical to weather conditions, and are distinguished by good " yield ”and is in high demand.

Basic requirements for growing vegetables

If you still intend to start growing vegetables, then it is recommended to pay attention to the so-called eco-direction. V recent times residents of large cities of our country began to think about their health and prefer environmentally friendly products. However, in order to h In order for your product to be called “green”, you will need to issue an environmental certificate for it. An environmental certificate of conformity is a document that confirms the environmental safety of products, including their operation, storage and transportation.

It is issued only after the manufacturers have passed the environmental certification procedure, during which the compliance of the entire production process and the products themselves with the accepted environmental standards is established. Environmental certification is a voluntary procedure, but passing it significantly increases the competitiveness of your products.

For registration of an ecological certificate, you will need to submit the following documents: application in free form, technical specification of goods, full package technical documentation, certificate of conformity GOST R, if any, certificate of state registration the applicant enterprise. This list is subject to change, depending on the type of certified product. The procedure for passing environmental certification is rather complicated and time-consuming.

It consists of several stages. First, the applicant company provides the certification center with all Required documents, as well as an application for a certificate of conformity environmental safety... Then the certification center analyzes the provided product documentation, gets acquainted with the production process, makes a decision on the submitted application, signs a contract for the implementation of the application, analyzes the test reports, audits the production or technical process, selects samples for testing, conducts product testing and finally accepts decision to issue or refuse to issue an environmental safety certificate.

If a positive decision is made, a certificate of conformity is drawn up with its subsequent transfer to the applicant. The cost of passing the environmental certification procedure is from 55 thousand rubles.

So, let's summarize. Investments in the flower business turn out to be 4-5 times higher than investments in growing vegetables. A growing greenery is 4 times more profitable than growing vegetables. Nevertheless, the final decision about what exactly you will grow on your site should be made only after conducting a thorough marketing research the region where you live and the local market.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Please note which products are used most in demand what your competitors offer and at what prices, how they sell their products. Consider also the climatic features of the region and your opportunities for starting a business. For example, if at first you plan to work only with retail, then you should give preference to greens (dill, lettuce, parsley, onions), radishes, strawberries. In addition, you can increase your profits by growing and selling seedlings of various horticultural and horticultural crops in early spring.

If you are looking for big incomes and quick payback, then you need to bet on wholesale... In this case, experts advise paying attention to tomatoes and cucumbers. Finally, if you already have access to the owners of restaurants and cafes and an agreement with them on direct deliveries, then you can take the risk and start growing more whimsical plants, the cost of which, accordingly, will be higher than the cost of common crops.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Also consider the distance between your farm and potential buyers. The farther from the city your greenhouses are located, the more profitable it will be to grow "light" products (that is, one that will weigh less and will not be too demanding in terms of storage and transportation).

Finally, the profitability depends on the chosen technological process. But here, too, everything is not so simple. For example, the maximum yield at minimum costs when growing vegetables, it provides a hydroponic method. This technology can be used with equal success by both small greenhouses and large agricultural enterprises. However, its main disadvantage is the low taste of the finished product.

Often, vegetables grown in this way, although cheap, have little to no taste. Accordingly, they will not be in great demand either. For this reason, for growing vegetables, it is recommended to use, albeit more costly, but in in this case justifying itself traditional system with the use of fertilizers.

The industry average profitability is estimated at 15%. In some cases, with the right niche and production technologies, it can reach 25%!

How to draw up documents for growing vegetables

If the land plot for the construction of greenhouses is in your ownership and you do not plan to work on a large scale, hire additional workers and sell finished products to legal entities, then there are no special documents for organizing such subsidiary plots not required. To sell the harvest, it will be enough to take a certificate stating that the land on which the greenhouses are located belongs to you.

If you are going to attract additional labor force, organize a larger production and sell their products through stores, retail chains, as well as supply it to catering establishments, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur or organize a private agricultural enterprise. In the latter case, you will be eligible for certain tax credits, but keep in mind that many of them will not be easy to achieve in practice.

State registration of peasant farms (PFH) is carried out in the same procedure that was established for state registration individuals as individual entrepreneurs... In this case, only the head of the farm is registered. To do this, he must submit the following documents to the registration authority:

    application for registration (form established by law);

    an agreement on the creation of a peasant (farm) economy (if necessary);

    a copy of the main identity document of the head of the farm (passport);

    payment document state duty(original);

    copies of documents confirming the relationship / property of members of the peasant farm.

Please note: an application for the transition to a special tax regime (simplified tax system or tax for agricultural producers) is submitted simultaneously when submitting documents for registration of a farm. Then the selected mode can be applied from the moment of registration of the farm.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The farm is registered by the authorized body at the place of permanent registration (registration) of the head of the farm. Its terms are on average five working days from the date of submission of documents. As a result, you will receive a certificate of state registration of the head of a peasant farm, a certificate of registration with a territorial tax authority, an extract from the United state register individual entrepreneurs and information mail Goskomstat with OKVED codes.

If the farm is organized not by one person, but by several, then an agreement must be concluded between all participants, which provides the following information:

    about the members of the farm;

    on the recognition by the head of the farm of one of the members of this farm, the powers of the head of the farm and the management procedure farming;

    on the rights and obligations of members of the farm;

    on the procedure for the formation of the property of a farm, the procedure for possession, use, disposal of this property;

    on the procedure for accepting members of the farm and the procedure for leaving the members of the farm;

    on the procedure for the distribution of fruits, products and incomes received from the activities of the farm.

The list of this information can be expanded. The agreement is accompanied by copies of documents confirming the kinship of citizens who decided to create a joint farm. In addition, the agreement is signed by all members of the farm.

What equipment is needed for a greenhouse business

Regardless of what crops you have chosen for growing in greenhouses, whether you own or lease the land for their construction, whether you are going to get by with your savings or plan to take out loans, you need to start organizing this type of business by drawing up a detailed business -plan.

In it, you will be able to assess the situation on the regional market, determine the format of your future business (it can be either seasonal with the use of cheaper and simpler farm greenhouses, or permanent with the construction of industrial greenhouses with constant heating and lighting), assess sales and search opportunities buyers, calculate costs and profits, sources of financing for the project, etc. The costs of organizing such a business directly depend on the type of greenhouses that you will use. The most widespread in our country are two types of greenhouses - film and glass. Film or polyethylene greenhouses are cheaper.

By cons the low light transmittance of the film and its insufficient strength, as well as high humidity inside the greenhouse. On average, these greenhouses must be replaced once a season. "Productivity" with the use of film greenhouses will also be lower, because plants will have to be planted in them later, which, accordingly, increases the ripening time of the crop. Glass, or winter greenhouses have a more complex design and are more expensive than film.

To the pluses can be attributed to their durability, relative strength and good light transmittance. At certain conditions they can grow vegetables even in the winter season. Nevertheless, glass is a rather fragile material, and the cost of replacing broken glass will be higher than the cost of replacing torn polyethylene, which must also be taken into account when drawing up an estimate.

Recently, greenhouses of the third type, made of polycarbonate or acrylic, which are more durable than glass and film, have good transparency and light scattering, have become increasingly common. The light level in a polycarbonate greenhouse is twice as high as in a polyethylene greenhouse.

Its additional advantage- no need to make a foundation, as is the case with glass greenhouses. But still, unfortunately, polycarbonate greenhouses are also not perfect and have their drawbacks. First of all, this applies to arched structures, which are the most common. Their popularity is explained only by the fact that it is more profitable for greenhouse manufacturers to produce just such structures, since a standard polycarbonate sheet is 2.1 by 6 meters. There are also sheets up to 12 meters long, but they are difficult to transport and inconvenient to work with.

A standard polycarbonate sheet is bent into an arc in such a way that the height of the structure is, as a rule, 3.8 meters, and the length, respectively, is 6 meters, although these parameters can be increased or decreased if necessary. Such a greenhouse is considered small in size. With intensive cultivation, the soil in it is quickly depleted, so it must be fertilized regularly. The main disadvantage of a polycarbonate greenhouse the arched structure consists in uneven lighting and in a large reflection of light, as a result of which only part of the plants is well illuminated. It is possible to eliminate these disadvantages by increasing the flow of light by making the roof of the greenhouse not semicircular, but flat, but northern part greenhouses - opaque.

Plants in polycarbonate greenhouses can be planted directly into the ground, but in this case it will be difficult to maintain the recommended temperature regime. Experts advise nevertheless to use the so-called flooring, which is a metal mesh stretched over a wooden frame. Around the perimeter of such a greenhouse, there are several rows of decking, between which a small free space is left to provide access to them.

As in conventional greenhouses, in polycarbonate structures it is necessary to ensure constant air exchange, for which through fans are used. In summer, they can be turned off to save costs. One mechanical pass-through fan will cost 6.5-7 thousand rubles.

The above-mentioned hydroponics system, with all its disadvantages, can reduce the vegetable growing cycle to 2-3 weeks (which is 5-10 times faster than with traditional growing methods) with a yield of up to 2-3 tons of products per hectare. Maintenance of such a greenhouse will require 5-7 workers per hectare of usable area.

When calculating the cost of building one greenhouse, consider the following expenses: project documentation for the greenhouse itself and all its external networks (electricity, water supply, etc.), which must include a specification for all equipment used; purchase planting material plus funds for operating expenses up to the receipt of the first profit.

If you are just looking for a site to locate your greenhouse farm, then consider the location of the necessary communications. The further they are located from the site, the higher will be the summing up costs. Pay attention to the area around the proposed greenhouse location. It should be level and spacious enough to accommodate access roads. If you are renting land, go for prefabricated greenhouse structures. They are more expensive than non-collapsible ones, but these costs are fully justified, because in which case you can easily transfer them to a new location.

There is a lot of controversy among entrepreneurs working in the "greenhouse" sector, raising the question of the need to invest additional funds in heating greenhouses. Some believe that there is no need to invest a lot in modern expensive equipment. Others are convinced that higher costs in the first stage are later offset by higher production efficiency. Whatever opinion you hold, experts recommend that you still start saving money from the profit you make and gradually upgrade your equipment. Do not forget that it is heating and electricity that account for up to 90% of all current costs of maintaining and maintaining greenhouses.

How much will we spend and how much will we earn?

Among the main expenses for the organization of a greenhouse economy are the following: lease of a plot, construction of greenhouses and the purchase of the necessary equipment, working equipment, purchase of plants, fertilizers, wage farm workers. Rent land plot will cost from 80 thousand rubles per year. For one greenhouse with an area of ​​one hectare with everything necessary equipment it will take from 300 thousand rubles (the final amount depends on the type of greenhouse). Another 200 thousand rubles will be spent on inventory, seedlings / seeds, fertilizers.

A minimum of two to three workers will be required to maintain a large greenhouse. The functions of a farm manager can be performed independently at first. For medium-sized enterprises, about ten workers are taken into account per hectare of greenhouse land. Usage the latest technologies and modern equipment(with automatic irrigation and heating) will significantly reduce the number of maintenance personnel.

It is very difficult to determine with high accuracy the estimated income from the greenhouse economy, since, as in the case of profitability, it is directly influenced by several significant factors at once: the region (in some regions it is quite possible to get up to four harvests per year, and in others it is not more than two), the remoteness of the farm from the city (on which the fare), sales channels, etc. The most realistic are the payback periods within two to three years.

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In most regions of Russia, the season for growing vegetables, berries and herbs is rather short. You can lengthen it using greenhouses. Growing a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs all year round, you can provide yourself stable income... In order to minimize losses, it is important to choose the right crops for growing and establish uninterrupted marketing.

Growing vegetables, flowers and other products in greenhouses has many advantages that make this type of business attractive to newcomers. Among them:

  • relatively low cost of entry;
  • the ability to work with a wide variety of cultures;
  • short payback periods;
  • good demand for quality products.

When planning to start a greenhouse business, you need to take into account the difficulties. These include:

  • high costs for heating greenhouses;
  • difficulties with implementation;
  • handling a perishable product guarantees a high scrap rate.

Any crops can be grown in greenhouses, from banal lettuce to exotic indoor plants. Novice growers prefer tomatoes and cucumbers, these vegetables are the easiest to sell. However, experts assure that the most profitable option is flowers. The second place is occupied by a variety of greens, and vegetables are in the honorable third.

Greenhouse types: what should a beginner choose?

Greenhouses for growing plants can be built independently, but more often specialists are invited to build them. There are many modifications that differ in shape, size, materials and other features:

  1. The easiest option is an unheated greenhouse. It is suitable for growing early soil vegetables, seedlings. The greenhouse will protect plants from nighttime cold snaps and the first frosts, but it is not suitable for use in winter.
  2. Partially heated greenhouse guarantees a temperature of at least 5 degrees, which is suitable for growing seedlings of flower crops and heat-loving exotic plants.
  3. The most reliable all-season option is a heated winter greenhouse. This design is equipped with a heating system that does not allow the temperature to fall below 13 degrees. In such a greenhouse, you can grow any, even the most heat-loving vegetables and berries, greens, flowers, seedlings.

The type of greenhouse is also influenced by its shape. Experts distinguish three categories that are most common:

  1. Wall-mounted. The structure is attached to the house so that one wall is common. Such a device makes it possible to save on heating, but significantly limits the size of the greenhouse. Ideal for a conservatory, covered porch or greenhouse.
  2. Arched. A popular design in which it is convenient to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers. This form is more commonly used for greenhouses and partially heated greenhouses.
  3. Pitched. The house-shaped greenhouse is suitable for growing tall and climbing plants.

The glazed pitched roof provides good illumination and additional heating, snow does not linger on it in winter.

Depending on the internal device greenhouses can be:

  1. Shelving. Racks are mounted on the side walls, on which plants planted in pots and boxes are placed in tiers. Often used when grown hydroponically (in a liquid nutrient solution).
  2. Unpaved. In this case, ridges are organized in the greenhouse, the plants are planted in rows in the prepared soil. For such greenhouses, heating with a cable laid underground is desirable.

Sales of finished products

The owner of a greenhouse or greenhouse facility will have to carefully consider the issue of selling products. Grown vegetables, berries and herbs can be:

  • sell on the market by yourself or through a hired seller;
  • hand over for sale to a grocery store or supermarket;
  • sell to wholesale buyers;
  • offer to restaurants and cafes;
  • sell through an online store or an agricultural cooperative.

The most profitable option is independent retail sales... Wholesalers purchase products at the lowest price, and stores cannot guarantee the sale of the entire batch. The returned balances will have to be added to the losses.

The owners of several greenhouses, faced with the need to realize a large harvest, should buy a car for prompt delivery of products to customers, as well as hire a manager, who will be looking for new distribution channels.

How to open a flower shop from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations - read

Winter greenhouse business plan

Greenhouse business does not require excessive investment. You can start with the construction of one greenhouse, gradually expanding and improving the economy.

At the initial stage, you will have to spend:

  • for the construction and equipment of a greenhouse (about 120 sq. m.) - 200,000 rubles;
  • for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, fuel - from 30 00 rubles per month

Greenhouse as a business: profitability and payback period

When growing vegetables or herbs in such a greenhouse, it is possible to make a profit. from 100,000 rubles per month. Thus, a single construction will pay off in 2 seasons. Business profitability is about 70%.

A winter greenhouse as a business requires a careful approach and responsiveness to market fluctuations. Be prepared to change direction by opting for more popular crops. Mobility, entrepreneurial spirit and lack of stereotypes in matters of implementation will allow you to quickly achieve success.

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