Shift work as a painter from direct employers.

Law and law 09.05.2020
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Work metal painter watch vacancies metal painter watch in Moscow. Job vacancy metal painter watch from direct employer in Moscow job advertisements metal painter watch Moscow, vacancies recruitment agencies in Moscow, looking for a job as a metal watch painter through recruitment agencies and from direct employers, vacancies for a metal watch painter with and without work experience. Website for advertisements about part-time work and work Avito Moscow job vacancies metal painter watch from direct employers.

Work in Moscow metal painter shift

Website work Avito Moscow work fresh vacancies metal painter watch. On our website you can find high paying job metal painter on watch. Look for a job as a metal painter on shift in Moscow, view vacancies on our job site - a job aggregator in Moscow.

Avito vacancies Moscow

Work as a metal painter on shift on the website in Moscow, vacancies for a metal painter on shift from direct employers in Moscow. Jobs in Moscow without work experience and highly paid ones with work experience. Job openings for metal painter, watch for women.

Number of vacancies in Moscow for the specialty metal painter shift for 2 months

TOP popular forms of employment are “rotational”, “full-time”, “full time”. The overall search rating of the requested page with the specified vacancy is 0 places in the list of jobs in the Moscow region. Among the popular employers by the number of vacancies in the Moscow region are such companies as:

Distribution schedule for vacancies “metal painter on shift” by salary
  • "Region StaffingGroup";
  • "Russian Labor Resources";
  • "Ural Industrial Service";
Median salary for a metal painter on shift in Moscow for 2 months

Average wage per month for the vacancy of a metal painter, the shift in Russia is 38,000. The maximum salary level for the indicated vacancies for the month is fixed at 50,000 rubles. The current number of vacancies for a metal painter on shift in the region is 0. There are 72 vacancies in the category. Job search - conquering Moscow. The median salary per month is 35,000 rubles. “Metal painter on shift” is a popular specialization not only in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. The Moscow region is replete with vacancies for “metal painter on shift”. In addition to the Moscow region, popular cities include:

Median salary for the vacancy “metal painter on shift” in other cities
  • Zagoryansky
  • Kablukovo
  • Star City
  • Losino-Petrovsky
  • Litvinovo

The most popular form of employment is rotational work; the number of vacancies for it includes 13 vacancies. Work specializing as a metal painter on shift in Russia. Alternative specializations in this job category include:. Specialists for this position most often receive a salary of 35,000 rubles. In total, there are currently 54 vacancies for this profession in the Moscow region. Oddly enough, even for the position of metal painter, there is significant competition. Interest in this profession is also indicated by the number of requests in the search engine per month: 0. The search for vacancies for metal painter on shift is carried out in the category. A synonym for this specialization is metal painter watch. Other popular vacancies in the Moscow region:

  • "Metal painter";
  • “Painter for MK in the Belgorod region”;
  • “Metal painter (shift in the Moscow region)”;
  • “Metal painter (in the Moscow region)”;
  • "Metal painter (shift)."

It is important that the data presented is relevant for the following region: Moscow region. If you look beyond the region, you can find about 451 more vacancies. The minimum payment for this vacancy per month is 33,000 rubles.

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Shift work as a Painter with accommodation from direct employers. Jobs for a painter on a job site. Fresh vacancies plasterer painter - shift in the North, to Moscow. Jobs with high wages, painters are required for a shift in the North, a painter for a shift in Moscow, St. Petersburg. If you prefer to do without intermediaries when looking for a job as a painter and want to deal only with direct employers, then this selection is for you. Only direct vacancies for painters are selected here.

Work as a painter on a rotational basis


65,000-70,000 rub.
Finishing work at a construction site.
Availability of a qualification certificate. Experience from 3 years.

Painter LLC Zapolyarpromgrazhdanstroy

High-quality painting of surfaces with various paints with varnishing, polishing, multi-color finishing. High-quality painting after priming using cold airless spray.
4-5 category. Education not lower than secondary vocational. Work experience of 3 years.

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Metal painter (work on a shift basis in St. Petersburg)

Responsibilities: Operating a spray gun at a container plant. Airless spray painting
Requirements: Experience in the specialty. 4th category Certificates: qualification, labor protection, electrical safety.

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Metal painter on shift in Moscow

Responsibilities: Painting surfaces after applying putty and primer layers, sanding and polishing them. Application of drawings and inscriptions using stencils. Surface treatment…
Requirements: 3-4 category. Experience working in a machine-building, carriage-building or automobile manufacturing enterprise is desirable.

Painter's shift to the north

from 70,000 to 80,000 R, SGK-4, Novy Urengoy
Responsibilities: Painting metal surfaces with brushes, rollers, hand-operated spray guns, and Graco-type airless paint sprayers. Painting various surfaces...
Requirements: Must know: – method of preparing primers, painting compositions, emulsions and pastes according to a given recipe; – methods of preparing surfaces for painting and gluing

Painters are required for production, for car painting factories, for heavy engineering, for the construction of houses and buildings in Moscow and for shift work. For applicants who are at the very beginning of their careers, as well as those who have decided to change professional activity

, we suggest considering vacancies for painters without work experience. Often, among advertisements without specified experience requirements, you come across profitable and interesting offers. Don't miss your chance to find a job as a painter and build a career. Job vacancies for painters with high salaries are collected here. If you have significant work experience behind you, you are a true professional in your field and believe that your services cannot be cheap, then this selection is for you. Look at vacancies from employers in Moscow and the Moscow region who are ready to offer job seekers a job as a painter with maximum financial benefits.

Working as a metal painter
Multi-layer painting of metal structures using an airless apparatus with multi-component polymer paints based on emulsions, fire-retardant paint. be able to measure the thickness of paint with a comb
5-6 category, certificate or entry in the Labor Code
Conditions: Employment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, full social benefits. package, travel compensation, housing provided (mainly apartments or comfortable dormitories), salary “white”, minus all taxes, work schedule: 6 days work week

11 hours a day, shift 2 months (rest between shifts 1 month).

Vacancy Car painter
— painting parts in set up drums, automatic machines, by dipping and with a brush without putty or primer;
— washing parts with alkalis, water and solvents;
— preparing surfaces for painting;
— degreasing of surfaces, coating with drying oil and priming;
— filtering of paints and varnishes;
— drying of painted products;
— washing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless hose sprayers.

Job vacancy for painter and plasterer

from 3rd category
Russian citizenship
5-6 category, certificate or entry in the Labor Code
work at a metallurgical plant in Tula.
shift 60 to 30, 6 days for 11 hours.
official registration, social package, advances.
hourly salary.
accommodation - free hostel (toilet, shower, kitchen), we provide daily allowance.
from the hostel to the factory and back, delivery by service bus (20 min.)
Working clothes are provided, travel compensation is provided.
direct employer.

Vacancy: metal painter on shift

Vacancy Car painter
Painting of metal structures
Work experience from 3 years
Rank 4-5
Availability of documents confirming qualifications
Ability to operate equipment: TAIVER painting unit, Wagner painting unit, HVLP paint sprayer, X70DH3 XTREME spraying unit.
Honey. Commission, certification according to T.B. by specialty.
No bad habits.
Working conditions
Shift work 60/30

Salary - 2 times a month.
Salary 67,000 rub.

Vacancy: Painter-sandblaster

Painters and sandblasters required. Shift in Novy Urengoy.
Work on the construction of an oil pipeline.
Functional responsibilities - The sandblaster performs the following labor functions: 1. Cleaning surfaces with a sandblaster building structures, apparatus and equipment. Fastening and extension of hoses. 2. Fastening the tip. 3. Rearranging and fastening cradles or stepladders when performing work on cleaning the surfaces of building structures. In case of official necessity, a sandblaster may be involved in performing duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.
The sandblaster must know:

device and rules technical operation sandblasting machine;
methods of fastening and extending hoses and attaching the tip;
rules for cleaning surfaces using a sandblaster;
sequence of the cleaning process;
rules for rearranging and securing stepladders and cradles when cleaning vertical surfaces;
installation of protective devices used when cleaning the surfaces of building structures with a sandblasting machine.

Painter-finisher in Moscow

Work for construction sites in the Moscow region.
The company is engaged in production finishing works V country houses from timber and logs.
Working hours: 6/1 from 9.00 to 19.00, with a lunch break,
The salary is piecework, depending on the speed of work and the volume of work performed: from 55,000 to 85,000 rubles. (and more depending on hard work and desire).
Sealing seams and cracks, working with sealants and mastics.
Preparing the surface for painting work,
Checking surfaces for readiness for painting,
Direct application of paint and varnish coating to the surfaces of walls, elements of the exterior and interior of the house.
Preparation of painting material and tools for implementation of work,
Cleaning tools upon completion of work. It is necessary to monitor the safety of painting materials and tools, avoid increased consumption, monitor consumption and timely purchases of materials and tools for processing and painting,
Possible to work at height /painting the facade of a house - 2nd and 3rd floors/,
Work in a team of 2-3 people.

Vacancy plasterer-painter (painter-plasterer, finisher)

Working as a metal painter
Prepare the surface for painting or applying plaster (this also includes the responsibility for applying putty, sealing, eliminating small chips, cracks and other surface defects);
o applying primer and paint on site in accordance with the instructions received from the manager;
o preparing paint or plaster before applying it to a wall, ceiling or other surface;
o use of appropriate tools (brushes, spray guns, etc.) to create protective and decorative coatings: keeping the workplace and tools used clean, tidy and in good working order.
Multi-layer painting of metal structures using an airless apparatus with multi-component polymer paints based on emulsions, fire-retardant paint. be able to measure the thickness of paint with a comb
o Discipline. Punctuality. Responsibility. Hard work.
5-6 category, certificate or entry in the Labor Code
Official employment, full time.

Vacancy: Painter - Sabetta village 72,000 rub.

Painter required, watch, Sabetta village
Preparing the surface of metal structures for applying anti-corrosion protection
Application of anti-corrosion protection to metal structures
Experience from 1 year
Working conditions
paid travel from your place of residence and back. Accommodation in a rotation camp on the station territory.

High-altitude painter vacancy

Working as a metal painter
— carrying out painting work on metal structures;
Multi-layer painting of metal structures using an airless apparatus with multi-component polymer paints based on emulsions, fire-retardant paint. be able to measure the thickness of paint with a comb
- experience in the field is desirable industrial mountaineering, skill in painting with high pressure apparatus;
5-6 category, certificate or entry in the Labor Code
shift method(business trips lasting 2 months);
— place of work Irkutsk region, Komi Republic;
official employment from the first day;
— “white” wages 2 times a month;
— payment of travel costs to and from work;
— payment for accommodation in the rotational camp;
— provision of special clothing and other personal protective equipment.

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