Profession Librarian.

Accounting and taxes 28.11.2020
Accounting and taxes

If I am asked to name the most memorable place from my childhood, I will probably name not a candy store, not a circus, or even a toy store, but a library. I spent a lot of time there - not even because I was picky in choosing books (although that too), but also because the library was the only place where I could be in peace and quiet, alone with my thoughts and interesting pages, with great people from the past, with whom I fell in love the same way other girls fell in love with movie characters... and, of course, to communicate with wonderful people - librarians.

Librarians are quite remarkable people in many ways. Let's start with the fact that this profession is quite ancient - it is about four thousand years old. Books did not always have the appearance we are accustomed to - once they were papyrus scrolls, clay tablets - but there were always people who were responsible for their safety and were able to provide the right one at any time upon request.

For quite a long time, the duties of a librarian were limited to storing books (sometimes to rewriting). This is how it was in civilizations Ancient world, in medieval monasteries. The turning point can be considered the year 1672, when a French physician, who was also a librarian, published a book entitled “Advice on how to compile a library.” This book contained recommendations on how to organize and systematize the book collection - in a word, about what now forms the basis of librarianship. Why did this question arise? Yes, because it was in that era that what we now first of all remember when we hear the word “library” was born - public libraries. Before this, collections of books were the property of monasteries, as well as people who could afford such luxury - but since 1643, the library, owned by the notorious Mazarin, was opened to the “general public” twice a week.

Over time, librarianship has become more complex, and librarians have more responsibilities. They have long been no longer limited to storing books... although this is also important: paper is a delicate material, conditions must be created for its preservation... but there are also libraries where medieval books written on parchment are stored, all the more so they are treasured like the apple of the eye !

What else should a librarian be able to do? Systematize and arrange books, replenish the fund, compile catalogs and bibliographic reference books and navigate through them. There are many anecdotes and tales about librarians who place either A. Blok in the section of German literature, or T. More’s “Utopia” in the section of Latin American literature (based on the indication “translation from Latin”) - but all this can safely be classified as myths: librarians know almost everything about books and literature... and, of course, a librarian must be able to work with people. Try to guess what the reader who asks for “something about space” wants – Stephen Hawking or “The Andromeda Nebula”? What are they doing? school librarians, in order to tear modern children and teenagers away from computer games at least for a short time and remind them that books exist - there are literary and musical evenings, and meetings with modern writers, and literary quizzes... And in libraries for adults, if not events, then at least thematic ones are mandatory book exhibitions- either for a holiday, or for the writer’s anniversary, or for some other significant event.

It was like this for many years. Now it seems to many that the librarian profession is dying, like libraries in general - they have been pretty much replaced by the Internet. Yet this view seems exaggerated. Let's start with the fact that libraries have now become different - along with books, they now have audio and video recordings, materials in in electronic format. Modern librarians are able to compile collections of literature on any topic using an electronic catalogue, be it the psychology of music perception or the history of pottery. Let’s not forget about the irreconcilable struggle that is being waged on the Internet for every “illegally read” word - and in libraries books are still provided for free... And, of course, no visit to the Internet can replace a sincere conversation with the smartest people - librarians, and We can only regret that as we get older we have practically no time left for this.


Librarian - a very ancient profession, it is more than four and a half thousand years old! The first librarians were scribes who compiled collections clay tablets. Note that this was an exclusively male profession.

Such famous personalities as the fabulist Ivan Krylov, the mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, and the writer Vladimir Odoevsky once worked as librarians. In the 19th century, to get a job in the main library of Russia - the Imperial Public Library - it was not enough to have one higher education. Knowledge of French, German, Latin, and Greek was required. Even junior library staff were required to speak three foreign languages.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Librarian is considered not very in demand, since there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Librarians have lost their relevance among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity

Working in a library is not only about issuing and receiving books. A librarian is a keeper of books, literally and figuratively. He knows the secrets of classifying books, compiling bibliographic reference books and catalogues. Over time, most of the materials from which a book is made (paper, fabric, glue) age and wear out. The librarian knows perfectly the conditions under which books should be stored, especially ancient copies, audio and video recordings.

A modern librarian is well versed in modern information technologies: he owns a computer, all types office equipment, video equipment and other equipment.

But working with the library collection is only one area of ​​his activity. Another direction is working with readers. The librarian advises visitors, helps them search and select literature.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Librarian cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Librarian, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Librarian You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Librarian(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Librarian.

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Job responsibilities

A librarian has many different responsibilities. The main ones are: serving library visitors and filling out library cards. He takes part in the creation of the library fund: he places orders for the purchase of new literature, processes it, and compiles catalogues. Don’t forget about registration and filing periodicals. Also, the immediate responsibilities of library staff include monitoring compliance with the storage conditions of literature. In the rooms where books are stored, the air temperature is maintained from +15 to +18°C and the relative humidity is 50-60%.

Periodically, the library hosts public events, exhibitions, thematic meetings and discussions, and literary evenings. Scenarios and plans for these events are written by library staff.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Librarian- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Librarian the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The librarian profession is not a careerist one. There is an opportunity to become the head of a media library, coordinator of an educational project, website editor or organizer of remote support educational process. You can rise to the rank of head of a department or head of the entire library.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Librarians have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Librarian doesn't have a schematic career growth.

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Reflections on the profession
There are many professions in the world. They are all different, but each is necessary, each is needed by people.
Reflecting on the profession of a librarian, I want to delve a little deeper into the past. Now no one will deny how important the advent of writing became for humanity. And our people honor the memory of two enlighteners - the brothers Cyril and Methodius. They were very educated and wise people. Kirill, who spoke many languages, refused the high positions offered to him, took the modest position of a librarian, and years later compiled an alphabet for the Slavic peoples. We see how diverse the functions of a librarian were already in ancient times. The feat that the Solun brothers accomplished confirms the uniqueness of this profession.
Today, the library is a place of meeting and communication, and not just obtaining information. That is why the scope of the librarian’s activities is expanding. When compiling a bibliography, he is a painstaking scientist, conducting a mass event - a playwright, director, artist, as well as a writer, psychologist, teacher, designer and administrator in one person. In addition, the librarian needs to navigate library collections and catalogues, know other library disciplines, and also possess the professional skills and abilities necessary to serve readers. Not to mention the fact that a librarian must have a system of knowledge in various fields in order to be able to isolate the main thing in the information flow. In addition, every employee understands: we cannot stop developing, we need to educate ourselves, accept everything new that life gives us.
I think that people in this profession should be sensitive, responsive, polite, and attentive. Possessing these qualities, it is easy to create a psychologically favorable and creative atmosphere in the team. Such an environment, of course, will help in communicating with readers, because, in addition to reading, communication, organizing leisure time, people sometimes just need psychological support.
The library profession is interesting and exciting because every day is different, it brings acquaintance with something new: what will today’s reader be like, what will bring him here, what to offer him, what to interest him. When you work with readers every day, you help them choose books, study, professional activity, and also organize interesting and educational events, you feel the gratitude of people, the return on the efforts invested. Thanks to this, you understand that your work is useful and necessary. And this is the most important thing!

Brusnitsyna Yana

Reflections on the profession of librarian
Who is a librarian? Answering this question, I involuntarily remember my beloved Zoya Alekseevna, a librarian in rural library. For me, a librarian is not just a person who gives out, but also recommends a new interesting book. It was she who conducted the most interesting and memorable conversations; after all the conversations, we always participated in quizzes and competitions, as a result of which we received memorable prizes. We really liked the days of helping the library, which were held once a year. We came in groups of three and glued the torn books back together. The oldest children were allowed to design exhibition stands. I really enjoyed discussing the books we read; the librarian didn’t just listen to us, she asked questions that we couldn’t always answer. But after reading the book, after the conversation, we understood what it was about. Each new book was a discovery for me new world, be it an adventure or a detective story. I never lost interest in the book. When the librarian changed his interest in reading, unfortunately, subsided. I started going to the library when I needed a specific book to prepare a report or write an essay.
Why did I come to the library? Because I liked this work performed by Zoya Alekseevna. I decided to try it myself. Now that I myself have started working in the library, I have discovered another side of the work of a librarian. Very difficult, I'm new to this! After all, looking from the reader’s perspective, the work looks simple. What's so difficult about writing down the number and date of return of a book on the reader's form? Nothing. The difficulty for me is that I don’t know the reader, what he likes to read, what new things to offer him. There are many modern authors now. Of course, it’s easier when the reader says the author’s last name and asks for something from his latest works. But if a reader says he likes something from the Fantasy and Adventure series, he can get lost here. I'm closer to detective stories, but every person has their own taste, their own preferences. Here the librarian cannot force his favorite books on the reader. Can only suggest. Or when a reader comes and asks for books on philosophy or pedagogy. Even if we librarians look for information in catalogues, electronic databases data. All the same, you start to think about what kind of knowledge a librarian should have. It is necessary to understand not only fiction, but also all areas of science. A librarian must be a literary critic, historian, teacher, psychologist, philosopher and even an economist, because present paid services. The most difficult thing is, perhaps, carrying out mass event. The librarian needs to find not just useful and interesting information, but also information that would complement the teacher’s lesson. After all this, you also need to write reports and fill out statistics. Preparing a book exhibition is also not an easy task. Creating event plans for the year, this all takes a lot of time.
Now that there is Internet in almost every home, libraries are fading into the background. The main readers remain pensioners and housewives. I think that the librarian is faced with the task of attracting new and retaining old readers. I think it is equally important to maintain a love for books, an interest in reading a “living” book, and not a page on the Internet.

Vdovina Elena

"Book House"
“Book House” - this is how big and small reading lovers call the library with love and warmth. In the 20th century the library heard kind words, probably much more, then it was clear to everyone why they came to the library: students - for knowledge, children - for good adventure books, and in general they were looking for humanity in works, answers to questions about the meaning of life. In the 21st century, everything has changed, few parents take their children to the library, students gain knowledge on the Internet, popular books suffer from the lack of beauty of words, meaning, moral ideals. The question arises: what are a library and a librarian for?
I would like to answer this question with the words of L.A. Putina: “The library plays a unique role in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, in developing in students a culture of reading, literary tastes, moral ideas, and a true love for the process of learning about the world.” In order to attract a young reader to the library, librarians try to interest him in bright books, exciting events, and loud reading. Well, in adults you know how the soul rejoices when a book appears in the library in which the author examines public issues and writes about it in a good literary style. There are very few such books, one of them is A. Ivanov’s book “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away.” I consider it necessary to have high-quality stock in the library. This is one of the most important factors for the success of a library: without a high-quality moral book, a library cannot exist.
A modern librarian, when starting his work, like all people, should be guided by the main principle “Do no harm!” The child should be offered only that literature, in the process of reading which the child’s mind and heart sympathize with positive heroes and ideals of goodness. Also, one of the most important qualities of a librarian in our time is the possession of information literacy, here it is necessary to qualitatively find and evaluate information, be able to store and retrieve it, monitor its ethical use, and use it for publishing and sharing knowledge.
A person who is partial to books, inspired by the idea that books contain truth, always gets a job in a library.

Botova Natalya

Reflections on the profession
When I got a job at the library, I had no idea how interesting it would be to work here. Everything is interesting: communicating with readers, selecting literature for them, preparing exhibitions. In branch No. 15, I proposed the idea of ​​​​creating an exhibition “Tips from a Librarian” (for those readers who “don’t know what to read”). The team supported this idea, and all employees were involved in preparing the exhibition. As a result, this exhibition included the most, in our opinion, interesting books.
I like that the library can host different events on topics that interest me. In addition, I am interested in any questions related to librarianship. Now I work at the Okudzhava House LMC, and I am very happy to immerse myself in the era and lyrics of the famous poet.

Ershov Artem

Who is a librarian?
Who is a librarian? Librarian is a very ancient profession, it is more than four and a half thousand years old! As is known, the first librarians were scribes who compiled collections of clay tablets.
During this time, much has changed, clay tablets have been replaced by new information technologies, and the purpose of the profession has taken on new forms. The versatility and complexity of the profession now lies in the fact that a librarian must have fairly versatile skills and abilities. Communication skills, creativity, computer literacy, teaching talent - this is only a small part of what is necessary for our work.
My opinion is that this profession should also include people who are exceptionally intelligent, who are deprived of the habit of “falling into rudeness,” and, on the contrary, who are inclined to self-education and self-education. And this is not counting the main thing - the ability to cultivate interest in the book! So, a modern specialist librarian who has information on a wide range of issues and has good taste in terms of fiction, esthete, speaker, lecturer, organizer....

Lyubaeva Tatyana

Reflections on the profession
The librarian is one of the ancient professions, she is more than four and a half thousand years old. Such famous personalities as the fabulist Ivan Krylov, the mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, and the writer Vladimir Odoevsky once worked as librarians. So what is “being a librarian”? When asking such a question, as a rule, you hear the answer: “Issuing books.” This is why people believe that anyone can work in a library, without specific knowledge and skills. That’s what I thought when I got a new job.
From the very first minutes of my working day, I realized that a librarian is one of the most exciting professions in the whole world. A librarian must not only be fluent big amount information, which is the key to understanding all the processes occurring in modern life, but also to be able to draw it from various sources, as well as manage it, correctly offering it to the reader. A real librarian must be able to switch from one task to another, solve several issues at the same time, and show initiative. Serving readers requires the librarian to be extremely correct and sensitive in order to find a book in accordance with the tastes and interests of the reader, and quickly and efficiently select the necessary information for a particular visitor. To work with pupils and students - the main readers of the library - one needs pedagogical abilities, the ability to interest, attract attention, make communication mutually pleasant, and sometimes “set them on the right path.” Without love for books, love and respect for the reader, there is no place in the library profession.
The library profession also attracts me because every day brings me acquaintance with new people, new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, which contributes to constant self-improvement and self-development. Digital technologies that have penetrated into all areas human activity, they are also changing the librarian’s job. A modern librarian must possess new information technologies, skills and knowledge of searching for information on the network, a computer and various other equipment.
Thus, a librarian, in my opinion, is a universal specialist who not only knows a lot and uses his knowledge, but also a person who “does not stand still”, constantly improves, acquiring new skills, abilities, and experience. People of this profession are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, politeness, and attentiveness. The principle “Everything for the reader” is fundamental for a librarian. But if a librarian is an indifferent person, if in the process of communicating with a reader he experiences feelings of irritation, boredom, and apathy, then the profession was chosen incorrectly.
I am sure that the profession I chose by chance will remain mine forever. I will study, improve, gain experience from colleagues and eventually become a true professional in my field, and can proudly call myself a librarian.

Lagutkina Olga

My profession is librarian

“Libraries are treasure troves
all the riches of the human spirit." (Leibniz G.V.)

Librarian. Now for some this word evokes respect and reverence, for others it evokes ridicule and a slyly elongated grin on their face. I won’t tell you a secret if I say that librarians have long been one of the smartest and most educated people of their time. But now, when to the question “Who do you work?”, I answer: “A librarian,” then people experience facial paralysis, their eyes become very large, and then another question follows: “So what, do you like it?” And when they receive a positive answer to this question, it causes an even greater degree of bewilderment.
The library profession, despite its apparent accessibility and simplicity, remains one of the most closed. Ask any person what a librarian does, and you will hear the answer: “Issuing books.” Essentially, they are right, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, which is visible to the uninitiated. Meanwhile, today this is one of the most complex and multifaceted professions.
Who is a librarian now, whose profession evokes such a mixed palette of emotions in people? In our time of people always running and hurrying, the library remains an island of calm and silence, and it is generally accepted that the librarian is the keeper of this very silence, because the library should be very quiet. A funny story happened to me about this. One day I lost my voice and could only speak in a quiet whisper, and some readers, apparently deciding that the old library ways had returned, began to talk to me in the same way, and even told their children not to talk loudly. It’s strange, because this order of things was forgotten long ago. Nowadays in the library you can still make some noise and even laugh out loud. And the librarian will not “tut” and make comments, and will also take part in all this “disgrace.”
The role of the library and the librarian has certainly changed. But not everyone knows about this. I didn’t even suspect this until I came to work here. Now, constantly encountering people who talk stereotypically about the librarian’s profession, I, like a talking parrot, start telling the same thing: about how diverse the work of a librarian is, about the fact that I don’t drink tea and don’t read at work, about , as children who are so often called non-readers like in the library. But my attempts to prove something arouse distrust and suspicion, and in response I only receive polite nods of my head.
But there are also pleasant moments. Those people who just yesterday looked at me with disbelief are starting to ask for advice on what books to read.
A librarian today is not just a woman in a shawl handing out books, but a modern specialist, savvy in several directions, keeping up with the times. In addition, he must have the best human qualities and knowledge of psychology, must be able to quickly find the necessary information, and of course know what to recommend when choosing a book.
It’s hard for me to imagine an angry, rude librarian who “growls” at readers. Always before your eyes is the image of a good-natured, sweet and well-read woman with whom you can discuss many issues, from talking about a book you’ve read to discussing personal problems.
Our readers often note that it is pleasant to go to the library, because they are greeted here with a smile and are always ready to help (by the way, often contrasting us with different government agencies). I think that’s not the only reason they enjoy coming to the library. It seems to me that in the library everyone feels a little smarter, a little kinder, even a little more cultured. And the point is not that in everyday life people drown in lack of culture and stupidity, it’s just that the forgotten status of the library and the librarian still sleeps in the human subconscious (it’s a pity, of course, that he sleeps and is not awake). Here, like no other place, you can feel the presence of human thought and touch it.
The library remains a fantastic world where a person can make the most amazing discoveries in his life. Each book is essentially the author's fantasy. These fantasies are commensurate with pearls that are revealed only to the person who is able to fully appreciate their originality and beauty. The librarian, like a jeweler, strings all these pearls on thin threads. He must not omit any of them in order to fully demonstrate to the uninitiated their uniqueness.

Nikolova Natella

Mozhegova Snezhana

I am a Librarian
Librarian today - who is he? Long gone are the days when the librarian was solely engaged in recording and issuing printed publications. In an age of rapidly developing information technologies The librarian performs a lot of additional functions. Today, a librarian is a teacher, a mass entertainer, a psychologist, a designer, a marketer, and a PC operator.
It is no secret that currently interest in reading is rapidly declining; the younger generation prefers to spend time in in social networks. All kinds of modern gadgets are increasingly replacing the book. In order to maintain interest in reading, a modern library needs to keep up with the times and take into account the interests of today's youth. That is why the library today is becoming not only a place for issuing books and a reading room, but also a leisure center, a club of interests, a place for obtaining any information assistance. All kinds of events, exhibitions, meetings with authors, conferences, theme evenings and discussions help to attract and interest the reader. And the active introduction and use of information technology makes the library accessible to wide range users, makes the work of both the librarian and the reader easier, and also allows people with disabilities to also use the library’s services.
The role of a librarian in a reader's life can play a significant role. Often library visitors - lonely old people or children from single-parent and dysfunctional families - are in great need of communication. And if a librarian loves his job and strives to help people in difficult situations, then for such visitors the library will become a second home.
I am not a librarian by training, and I have little experience in this position. I cannot yet say that I am a librarian by vocation, but I like that my knowledge benefits both the library and visitors, that I contribute to what is, in my opinion, a very important cause - the popularization of reading. Reading provides unlimited opportunities for spiritual and creative development, and the work of a librarian will not allow you to degrade, because modern technologies They are forced to constantly improve in their profession.

Tolmacheva Olga

I am a librarian

« ...Memory of a wonderful book we read in childhood,
forever connected in our soul with memories of a person,
who took it down from the bookshelf for us and smiling promisingly,
said: “Read this, you won’t regret it!”

Many people have a stereotype about the work of a librarian: a person sits and issues and records books. It seems so simple! But this is far from true.
It’s good if a person comes to the library and asks for a certain book, let’s say “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. Here you just need to know where the book is. What if the reader doesn’t really know what he needs?
This is where it begins creative work librarian We need to help the reader choose the most interesting, most useful, and most useful book. And there is such joy in the soul if the reader leaves with the book that you picked for him. I love heart-to-heart conversations with readers; these conversations also help to identify the reader’s tastes and needs.
What about mass work in the library? It is so wonderful and responsible to share your knowledge with fragile children's souls. Give them new knowledge in a way that is understandable and interesting for children, to stimulate the need to pick up a book and read it. We need to work in such a way as not to extinguish the flame of Good, the desire to learn new things in children's souls.
I like to select and use playful moments in my work. Theatrical techniques. It’s gratifying when all this resonates in a child’s soul, when children begin to ask questions about the topic of the lesson and give examples from literature and life. How important it is not to lose all this.
Unfortunately, the culture of reading is being lost. And our concern is to attract Readers to the library. It’s a shame when they ask: “Well, does anyone else go to the library? When everything can be read on the Internet.” And it’s nice to see their surprise when you tell them about modern capabilities libraries.
The high mission of libraries is to preserve cultural heritage. Enlightening people, their spiritual enrichment.

Yansitova Elena

I am a librarian

"The Universe - some call it the Library..."
BorgesH. L. “Library of Babylon”

I never dreamed of becoming a librarian as a child. School library I don’t remember at all, moreover, having recently found myself at my school, I couldn’t remember at all where it was. In middle school during lessons extracurricular reading we were taken to the children's library. The elderly librarians talked to us about books, it was boring to the point of gnashing of teeth... Yes, I didn’t feel any pleasure from visiting libraries, although I really loved reading. I was lucky - my parents had (and still have) a good library. And it is them I want to thank for my love of books.
Later I visited a branch near my home. I liked it here: small rooms filled with shelving, an almost homely atmosphere, the opportunity to take a book from the shelf myself and leaf through (“There are letters on the spine of the book, but they do not determine or foreshadow what the pages will say. This discrepancy, I know, once seemed mysterious” (Borges H. L. “The Library of Babel”), touch the roots, find someone’s bookmarks... Only two things didn’t suit me - the selection of books was small and the most important thing that I didn’t like most was that the books had to be returned. And also return it on time!
Fifteen years ago I graduated from college and was looking for a job. Back in 1998, work was difficult. I was offered to become a librarian in the reading room of my native pedagogical institute. I agreed - temporarily. But there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Very soon I realized that the people behind the barrier, who during my studies were so annoying with their slowness and lack of understanding, became my friends, and the almost endless rows of shelves (“ The universe - some call it the Library - consists of a vast, perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries, with wide ventilation shafts enclosed by low railings. From each hexagon one can see two upper and two lower floors - ad infinitum" (Borges H. L. "The Library of Babel"), my second home, my work, communication, entertainment. Since then I have been a librarian.
In my opinion, the most important thing in a library is (“...The library exists abaeterno. In this truth, the direct consequence of which is the future eternity of the world, not a single sane mind can doubt” (Borges H. L. “The Library of Babel”) - these are still books, literature, information. In whatever form it may be presented - book, electronic, virtual, liquid, gaseous or plasma. I don’t know people who wouldn’t like to read, but it can be difficult to find “your book.” Therefore, the larger and more diverse the collection, the more diverse forms the information is in it, the more readers there will be, the more efficient the library will work. But a librarian can become... no, not anyone and not everyone, but there can be completely different people who just love books and want to work.

Nikolaeva Olga

I'm a librarian!
My whole life is closely connected with books. As a child, I read a lot. Perhaps books were my best friends. Every free minute was filled with reading.
Children used to work hours at school. Someone worked on the site: digging beds, planting flowers, watering, weeding, etc. Someone was picking up trash near the school. Someone helped the teachers paint their desks. And I went to the library. Not everyone was taken there, but only the best readers. I really enjoyed interacting with books, I liked repairing them and giving them a second life. It was especially joyful when completely new books appeared on the shelves; they attracted with their unknown, anticipation of new impressions and exciting stories.
At an older age, this connection with the book was not lost; on the contrary, it became even closer when I studied at a pedagogical school, and then at a pedagogical institute. My professional working life began. I worked as a teacher for many years primary classes, teacher at kindergarten. I wanted to pass on my love for books and reading to children. Preparing for reading lessons took a lot of time, but it was done with pleasure and interest.
No matter how my life developed, I was always a reader of one library or another. Now my daughter has taken up the baton. She was awarded a certificate in branch No. 13 as the best young reader.
And so I became a librarian! I feel very comfortable in the library, I like working here. Like live communication with readers both young and old. And, of course, I like the fact that I am surrounded by a huge number of familiar and unfamiliar books.

Briefly about the profession


Librarian is the most wonderful profession on earth. And if you put your soul into your work, you can achieve a lot. The library profession is located at that point in human existence in which stinginess and generosity, the past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people, come into contact every day, where one passes into the other, requiring great efforts to maintain proportion and balance.

Conducting reading conferences and literary evenings require the librarian to have high speech and ethical culture and mastery of public speaking skills.

Individual work with readers presupposes the librarian's knowledge of psychology and pedagogy. This is a librarian-teacher, a librarian-psychologist who conducts bibliotherapy sessions. It’s not for nothing that Lev Oshanin said in his poem: “Good healers of human souls.”

In recent years, librarians have had to conduct sociological, marketing research, in connection with this, such specialties as librarian-marketing, librarian-sociologist, librarian-researcher arose.

Information technology" href="/text/category/informatcionnie_tehnologii/" rel="bookmark">information technology: owns a computer, all types of office equipment, video equipment and other equipment.

Professionally important qualities : high communication skills, tact, emotional restraint, good memory.

Personal qualities : A librarian must be able to express his thoughts simply and convincingly. But the most important quality for a librarian is the love of books, without which the professional activity of a specialist is impossible.

Education: Higher or secondary specialized library education.

Place of work : Librarians mainly work in government and municipal libraries, in libraries of educational institutions and schools, media centers and libraries of individual enterprises.

Features of career growth : The librarian profession is not a careerist one. There is an opportunity to become the head of a media library, coordinator of an educational project, website editor, or organizer of remote support of the educational process. You can rise to the rank of head of a department or head of the entire library.

v Zimina, A. “Keeper of culture and goodness”: (profession - librarian) / A. Zimina // Education of schoolchildren. – 2006. – No. 9. – P. 40-45; 2007. – No. 1. – P. 31-39.

v Nikolaeva, T. Lord of Books: [for some reason, many profession librarian seems boring and gray, but in fact, working with literature is a very interesting activity, and the introduction of computer technologies in libraries allows us to expand the scope of this profession!] / T. Nikolaeva // Marusya. – 2010. – No. 2 . – pp. 38-39.

v Perepelitsa, from wisdom: is it easy to be a universal specialist: [ librarian- collector, preserver and conductor of human thought] / V. Perepelitsa // Librarianship. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 12-13. – (There is such a profession).

v Nishina, I. (Lala). One day in the life of a school student librarian I: essay / I. (Lala) Nishina // Neva. – 2011. – No. 9. – P. 148-157.

v Neshcheret, M. Professionalism as a way of life: [professional and personal qualities that must be possessed bibliographer] / M. Neshcheret // Independent library lawyer. – 2010. – No. 1. – S.

v Oleneva,: on the question of status: [features of the profession bibliographer a] // Bibliography. – 2002. – No. 6. – P. 3.

Library work –
Seemingly simple and quiet work.
Far from pompous honor
Librarians live.
But their quiet domain
There is no promise of a quiet life.
The reader's inquisitive gaze
I conveyed my excitement to them.
For different tastes, different opinions
You need a special string.
Speed ​​of movement is also required
And quickness of mind is needed.
Then we need a detailed conversation,
Then as a sign of agreement - a nod.
Then you are a modest adviser to people,
And he is a serious teacher.
The essence of knowledge is hidden in books.
Read it - the pages will come to life.
Library Vocation
Seemingly simple and quiet work.

Compiled by:

Is it easy to be a LIBRARY? : reminder about choosing a profession / comp. ; issued , . – Kem, 2012.

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Is it easy to be a LIBRARY?

“The library is something like a magic cabinet. The best souls of humanity are enchanted there, but they are waiting for our word to emerge from their silence. We must open the book, and then they will wake up.”

Jorge Luis Borges

For more than 4,500 years, libraries have been an indispensable part of the intellectual and social development humanity, and librarians have an impressive influence on the cultural development of both individual population groups and the country as a whole. However, despite his advanced age and active participation in the development of society, the librarian profession still remains one of the most “closed” and “misunderstood”.

For more than 4,500 years, libraries have been an indispensable part of the intellectual and social development of mankind, and librarians have an impressive influence on the cultural development of both individual population groups and the country as a whole. However, despite his advanced age and active participation in the development of society, the librarian profession still remains one of the most “closed” and “misunderstood”.

Ask any passerby “What is the job of a librarian?”, and you will most likely hear “Issuing books.” To some extent, this is the correct answer, but it reflects only the “external” aspect of the librarian’s professional activity. In fact, the profession of a librarian is much more multifaceted and complex than it might seem at first glance, and a librarian is not just a “keeper of books,” but a highly qualified and multifaceted specialist who must have a number of different qualities.

Who is a librarian?

A librarian is a specialist who is responsible for the preservation and systematization of the library collection, and also serves library visitors (including by providing information and consulting services).

The name of the profession was derived from the word library, which in turn comes from the Greek βιβλίον (book) and θήκη (place of storage). The first librarians appeared simultaneously with the emergence of writing and the first “books” in the form of clay tablets. Initially, the duties of librarians included only quick search the right book. However, as the library collection increased, the scope of librarians’ activities also expanded.

A modern librarian is a specialist who can not only quickly find the book a reader needs, but also knows all the features of storing printed publications (including ancient copies), organizes and manages the collection, provides information services to visitors and is fluent in modern information technologies .

The professional responsibilities of a librarian include: serving readers (filling out subscriptions, searching and issuing literature, recording issued and returned materials, etc.), analyzing reader requests, ensuring the collection and safety of the collection, processing received publications, compiling card files and catalogues, organizing thematic exhibitions, seminars, discussions, etc.

What personal qualities should a librarian have?

The profession of a librarian involves frequent and direct communication with a variety of people, therefore library worker, first of all, must be polite, tolerant and sociable. No less important in the work of a librarian is neatness. appearance and competent speech. In addition, the specifics of the work require the librarian to have such personal qualities, How:

  • good memory - helps you easily navigate the maze of racks and bookshelves;
  • attentiveness and meticulousness are indispensable when compiling catalogs and filing cabinets;
  • accuracy and responsibility are necessary when working with rare publications from library archives.

It should also be noted that since computer technologies are being actively introduced in modern libraries (including the digitization of library collections and catalogues), today a librarian must, in addition, have a penchant for self-development and mastering new skills and tools of librarianship.

Benefits of being a librarian

Main advantage librarian profession is the opportunity to communicate with many interesting people, as well as unlimited access to almost all sources of information, which allows library staff to develop not only in terms of professionalism, but also on a personal level.

It is also worth mentioning that despite the fact that this profession is not very popular among applicants, it is, as before, one of the most respected in society.

The advantages of this profession include the high erudition of library staff and their ability to work with a large amount of information, which allows them to be in demand both in their specialization and in other areas of activity.

Disadvantages of being a librarian

There is an opinion that library employee all day long he does nothing but sit and read books. In fact, sometimes a librarian cannot sit down even for a couple of minutes, especially if the library is located in a multi-story building and the library collection is “scattered” across different floors. Therefore, the first disadvantage of this profession can be called heavy physical exertion. The second disadvantage is book dust, which sooner or later becomes the cause of allergies.

As mentioned above, librarians have to communicate with a huge number of readers every day, and, unfortunately, not all of them behave appropriately. High emotional and nervous tension is the third drawback. The fourth disadvantage can be considered small opportunities for career growth.

And most importantly, in our country librarians receive such a meager salary that it is barely enough even for the most necessary things. And this is perhaps the most significant drawback, which has a major impact on the constant decline in the popularity of this noble profession among applicants.

Where can I get a librarian profession?

To become a librarian It is not necessary to go to university. Future librarians can master this profession both in a specialized college or technical school, and in higher education. educational institution, having the appropriate faculty. True, secondary specialized library education imposes certain restrictions on career advancement, since you can become the head of a department or an entire library only if you have a higher education.

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