Why are you so lazy to learn something? How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? Independent study of a foreign language

Chercher 20.05.2020
Accounting and taxes

We all learn a little - something, somehow. Everyone has heard this common phrase. Indeed, even if school years left far behind, many go to college, improve their qualifications, learn foreign languages, etc. Not everyone has a smooth learning process - from time to time a reluctance to do anything appears. How to force yourself to study if you are still lazy will be discussed in this article.

Understand why this is needed

First of all, you need to realize that this is your own choice, not imposed by someone, but made independently. Only by feeling the freedom of choice can you correctly determine the guidelines. If this is your own choice, then it should lead to something? When you are too lazy to study, you should mentally say to yourself something like: this will improve my qualifications and open up new horizons for self-realization. Having studied a foreign language, you will be able to find a more interesting and highly paid job, etc.

Don't waste time on trifles and don't be afraid

Surely many have noticed that constantly postponing current affairs until later, they tend to accumulate and then a whole heap of tasks leads to horror and confusion. Even if this happened, you shouldn’t think about the accumulated tails, but focus on one specific task, putting a strict commitment to its completion certain period. You need to start with the most important ones, gradually getting to the less important ones, and then always draw up a work schedule for yourself. Strictly follow the established regime and do not deviate from it. If you are tempted to first rest, sleep or be distracted by something else, you need to promise yourself to do this, but only after completing the mandatory part of the training.

Develop your willpower

For those who are interested in how to overcome laziness and start learning, you can act in the most radical way, without discussing the topic of why I need this, but go to gain knowledge simply because it is necessary, period. Grit your teeth, gather your will into a fist and tell yourself that it’s okay, we’ll break through, and we’ve seen nothing like this. It is not forbidden to reward yourself later for such obedience to yourself. For example, spend an evening with friends at a bowling club, buy a CD with a long-awaited movie, or invite your girlfriend to a restaurant.

When thinking about what to do if you are too lazy to study, you need to remember that the first step is always not easy, but in the future everything will go like clockwork if you act, look and act like an ideal student who wants to become something more than he is now .


Revisit your unfinished to-do list in your mind. Surely everyone has one of these. And there are almost certainly a number of reasons lined up against each one, which is why it ended up on this list. Choose one thing every day and see it through to completion. Bring it on by all means. Sweeping away all your excuses. Using willpower. Every completed task will be your personal victory over. Practice shows that those who have set out on this path cannot stop and continue to complete any work they have started. Laziness capitulates under such pressure.

Set realistic and specific goals and objectives for yourself. If the goal is obviously impossible (“I want to fly into space as a tourist”) or non-specific (“I want to lose a few kilograms”), then it is unlikely to be achieved. These items will remain on your unfinished to-do list. But if you set the goal more clearly - “Lose 2 kg in 1 month by following a fractional diet,” then it has a better chance of achieving. Follow your guidelines day after day and you will succeed. And your reward will be not only your reduced waistline, but also a feeling of satisfaction with yourself, because you have won another victory over laziness.

Do one thing at a time. In a rush to prove to yourself that you can cope with laziness, don’t try to embrace the immensity and redo a bunch of things in one sitting. Most likely, you will fail and, in addition, you risk falling into trouble, after which you will briefly give up and “give up” on everything in general. That is, you will allow laziness to ruin your life again. It is better to act step by step, defining specific boundaries of your actions.

Pamper yourself for every victory, no matter how small. It is very difficult to overcome laziness if only hard labor, hopeless everyday life, and the routine of endless tasks loom before you. Motivate yourself. Come up with rewards for stages of work or for completing the task as a whole - whichever is more convenient and enjoyable for you. Try to focus on the rewards, and not on what's in between. At the same time, enthusiasm increases significantly, and it does not seem so boring and dull.

Play out in your mind the situation of what could happen if you don’t do this or that thing. This move is called reverse motivation. That is, you stimulate yourself not with rewards, not with encouragement, but with troubles. Think about what negative consequences, setbacks, failures and inconveniences your inaction could result in. The worst thing is if your loved ones (family, friends, colleagues) suffer. And all because of your laziness. Usually this technique works flawlessly.

Laziness begins to overcome us in those moments when we do meaningless things not of our own free will. Don't hold back your grin, we're really talking about studying. And no, it is not useless at all. It’s just that many people perceive it that way, and therefore are lazy.

Laziness is created by our feelings, not by rational thinking, that’s the problem. We can put off writing until the end thesis, realizing only at the end.

Thinking logically, a diploma will allow us to successfully graduate from university. But thinking with feelings, we understand that a diploma will not make us happy right now.

How to overcome laziness and start learning if this is a rather complex and long-term task? You need to change your view, your attitude. This article will help you in such a difficult matter.

The pointlessness of studying

Let's start with why our mind generally perceives studying as something unnecessary and irrelevant. Isn't this what makes us smarter, more experienced? Doesn't studying improve your chances of success? Everything is true, but we did not take into account one thing - the relevance of study.

Imagine that you fell and scraped your knee. Two men sit next to you and offer their help. The first is a doctor, the second a teacher. The doctor says he will teach you how to bandage your leg correctly, which will definitely relieve the pain. Teacher offers free lesson in English to comfort you.

Potentially, an English lesson is much more useful than learning how to bandage a leg. You can expand your social circle, ask for a promotion. In a word, English is opportunities! But why then do we accept the help of a doctor?

How to get rid of laziness and start learning? It's all about relevance. You have a problem - your knee hurts. You do not have a problem that urgently requires improving your English language skills. Moreover, bandaging a knee sounds much easier than learning foreign words. From the point of view of the body, the Doctor’s lesson is more beneficial for you, which is why you take it.

Relevance of studies

Now think about your studies, remember your school years. You have often thought about how to overcome laziness and start studying, but the answer never came on your own. To find it now, remember yourself at your school desk and think about how you benefited from each lesson?

It feels like nothing, in fact it’s huge. What you thought was a stupid and painful process of memorizing a poem was actually a comprehensive approach to developing your memory and mental abilities. How to get rid of laziness and start learning, if not by first realizing the real role of learning?

It is because of this view of education that schoolchildren and students are too lazy to study, they consider studying to be real torture. It's a pity, but after graduation nothing changes. At work, it is also necessary to gain knowledge and experience, but no one wants to do this. Everyone just wants to get a lot of money right away and for nothing.

If the problem is the view of education, it needs to change. Why don't we consider learning relevant? Because its results will be useful to us somewhere out there, in the vague future. It is necessary to clear away this fog and bring clarity to what you are doing.

Imagine yourself in 10 years. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Maybe you want to become a famous bestselling author? What needs to be done to achieve this goal? This chain of questions triggers thought processes in your head, which independently lead you to understand the relevance of your studies.

Studying should be meaningful. Every time you yawn and want to give up, remember why you are doing this and what you will achieve. Look for the closest prospects. Don't think about how you will become the best author in the country. Think about how loud your first book will be, how your friends will admire the first chapter you write.

The relevance of study is hidden in quick goals and a clear view of the future. These two things will allow you to avoid falling asleep while reading boring textbooks and not yawning during a complex story from your mentor. What you need to understand how to overcome laziness and start learning.

Interest in studying

Another factor that influences our activity is interest. Sometimes it is even stronger than relevance. If you are too lazy to study even when there is almost no time left, it’s a matter of interest.

Imagine that you are hungry and you have all the ingredients for an apple pie. It will completely satisfy your hunger and even leave a couple of pieces for breakfast. But making a pie is a complicated process. It’s much easier to snack on apples, although it won’t be entirely wise.

Now imagine that you watched a video on the Internet about how to quickly and easily make apple pie. You have a lot of food in the refrigerator, the pie is not at all relevant, but you are just interested in making it! And so, without an ounce of laziness, you begin to knead the dough and cut apples.

Why is studying not interesting? The most popular answers are: it’s boring, it’s difficult, it’s long. Let's solve each of the problems and avoid growing apathy.

Studying is boring

What's not boring for you? The same actions can be learned in different ways. Can be studied boring theory skydiving, or you can hire an instructor and, after a full-time theory lesson, try everything in practice. It is unlikely that with the first approach you will not be too lazy to study, which cannot be said about the second.

Search various ways study in a format that is not boring for you. Believe me, there really are a lot of them. Add a couple of illustrations and comics to a dull English textbook - it will be more interesting. What if we transfer the textbook to virtual reality and make it interactive? A completely new world is opening up before us!

Studying is difficult

Any complex action consists of many simple ones. That's all you need to never say, "It's too hard for me." And if you add experience and skills to this, you get a universal recipe for completing any difficult task.

Can't re-draw the Mona Lisa or re-sing Rihanna? Break down this complex task into many simple ones, and make sure that your experience and skills will allow you to carry out your plans. So, starting with sketches of the Mona Lisa, or choosing the key of Rihanna and studying the lyrics, you will eventually achieve the desired result.
Studying is long

If you set yourself only one big goal, then studying is undoubtedly a long process. Then how to overcome laziness and start studying under such conditions? Just apply the mentioned method of seeing a complex task as many simple ones. A big goal for you will become a chain of small achievements.

Every time you manage to accomplish what you planned, your body releases dopamine, a hormone that motivates and encourages you. It’s as if he’s saying “well done, you’re on the right track!”, which makes you become more active and productive.

By setting yourself only one goal, you will receive only one dopamine hit - at the very end of a long process. Why not then turn one goal into a chain of achievements by increasing the production of the motivation hormone?

If you are writing a book, then rejoice and celebrate writing each chapter. You can reward yourself with something tasty and tell your friends about the work you have done. Pleasant emotions and praise will inspire you to further work, because there are still many chapters ahead, many dopamine releases. Too lazy to study? Apply everything the same.

Bottom line

How to get rid of laziness and start learning? Replace laziness with interest and motivation! Studying may seem incredibly boring and difficult, but the problem is only in the approach. Find your own personal way to make studying interesting.

Now this may seem incredible to you, but after a while you will not think about how to overcome laziness in your studies. Education will become an interesting pastime for you or even a second hobby.

As you know, there are hardworking people and lazy people. Where does laziness come from? Of course, from childhood. It especially manifests itself when the child goes to school. Study laziness is the most common phenomenon. Before determining how to overcome laziness to study, you need to know a little about it.

How does laziness manifest itself in studying?

  1. The child does not want to go to school because he has to sit in class and complete the teacher’s assignments.
  2. The child does not want to perform homework or does it “just to get left behind.”
  3. Students play truant: they consider listening to lectures a tedious task and a boring pastime.

Oddly enough, there is “good” laziness and “bad” laziness.

How to overcome laziness in studying. "Good" laziness

“Good” laziness drives progress, since a person tries to complete work quickly in order to be free and rest as quickly as possible, and for this he puts forward ideas, comes up with new solutions, and tries to eliminate unnecessary movements. “Progressive” laziness simplifies our lives.

How to overcome laziness in studying. "Bad" laziness

“Bad” laziness gives rise to many shortcomings: lack of commitment, lack of performance, unreliability, apathy, etc.
Since every person has signs of laziness, sometimes it is useful to analyze and determine what kind of laziness predominates in him.

If a student is a carrier of “good” laziness, then you need to think about whether it’s worth getting rid of it.
“Bad” laziness should be destroyed. What to do?

How to overcome laziness?

  1. The most important thing is the goal. The child must be taught that he is studying for a reason, but in order to become successful in life. A student chooses a university to gain a profession and a job with decent pay. Everyone must find ways of self-realization.
  2. Live according to the regime. Parents strictly monitor the children's routine, and students exercise self-control. It is difficult and requires enormous willpower, but it is possible.
  3. Set a timer. Schedule the most important tasks during the day according to time. This is how punctuality and the ability to stay on time are fostered.
  4. To plan. It’s good in the evening to make a plan for tomorrow and mark with a plus what was done during the day and with a minus what was not accomplished. If there are a lot of tasks and among them there are urgent and non-urgent ones, then you need to distribute them according to the degree of complexity and deadlines. It's good to write down an action plan on paper. Students have a schedule, so they can complete some of the work on the weekends, unloading their workdays.
  5. Destroy "later". The proverb teaches not to put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Therefore, we must try to do everything planned at the designated time.
  6. Take healthy breaks. Routine work contributes to the development of even greater laziness, so you should alternate types of activities or tasks in different academic subjects.
  7. Those who remember how to overcome laziness to study, will become successful people, because their laziness will turn from “bad” to “good”.

The fact that you are lazy to go to school, do homework, or sit in class is a completely normal phenomenon. After all, it’s no secret to anyone that although studying is a necessary thing, for most it is a rather boring activity. Moreover, laziness turns you off from interesting things in your studies, which you cannot refuse. So all you have to do is find out how to overcome laziness and start learning? How to force yourself to study at school or university if you don’t want to do it because you’re too lazy?

Today, this struggle to overcome laziness in studies unites both students and ordinary schoolchildren. There are tons of things waiting for you during your studies. school work, but there is no desire to fulfill them. And if this continues, it will become a habit that will negatively affect not only grades, but will also have negative consequences for future endeavors. Then, unfortunately, laziness can become a real killer for you.

Because it deprives you of the opportunity to enjoy studying, and on the contrary, forces you to work overtime (extra lessons, retaking exams). This causes unnecessary stress and in some cases even leads to strained relationships with others. Laziness, going hand in hand with procrastination (how procrastination differs from laziness, read below) provokes any task or homework to be met with fear. Sounds awful?

Then, like any other unnecessary things, laziness also needs to be gotten rid of. From the article you will learn some tips that will help you emerge victorious in the fight against own laziness and start learning. But first, let's look at why this happens and what is the secret to overcoming this difficulty?

Why are you lazy to study?

What exactly provokes you to be lazy about studying and give priority to leisure? Why is it that you get better at playing video games or watching movies, but the mere thought of any form of studying brings on self-pity and feelings of despair? Research shows that several factors are to blame.

Lack of motivation, lack of urgency and fear of stepping outside of your comfort zones are some of these factors that can encourage laziness and stifle your learning potential.

But what is the secret to unlocking said potential? What is the ultimate secret to combating laziness in studying? You need to step out of your comfort zone, put in significant effort and make changes in your lifestyle to overcome lazy habits.

Numerous studies confirm that the habits of successful students who overcome laziness include the right motivation, planning learning and completing assignments, avoiding procrastination and eliminating distractions. This is exactly what needs to be done to cut off the hydra of laziness from its head. Now let's look at all this in more detail.

To do this, unleash your hidden energy, enjoying future opportunities. Visualize your goals and write them down. Focus on what you want to be after graduation. Stop whining about what “should have been” and focus on what “could have been.” To start your engine, watch motivational videos, engage in self-development by reading educational books about historical events or stories about the habits of successful people.

Think about the fact that today the beginning of limitless possibilities opens up before you thanks to your youth. And if you do not use this correctly, then this means acting criminally towards yourself.

Find motivation or inspiration.
One of the following reasons why many students do not know how to start studying if they are lazy is due to lack of motivation. Because completing assignments or attending classes seems boring, unmotivating, and uninspiring to you. This means you need to develop a positive attitude towards all this and find a motivating role by thinking about the benefits of spending time on study: passed exams, high grades or recognition from teachers.

Visualize yourself after studying, thinking about its positive outcome. This way, you will be able to study more effectively because you are no longer lazy and have the will to succeed.

After all, the younger you are, the more changeable your emotions are. Since laziness and emotions are correlated, you should make sure that your emotions are not the main driver of your actions. So don’t put off doing your homework or studying until later just because you “don’t feel like doing it.” Would you say that harshly? But this is the only way to overcome your laziness and use your own mind.

Consult with successful students, students who achieve good grades, asking how they do it. Once you receive valuable advice, try it instead of dismissing it. Be sure that by doing this, you will receive much more than just the power to cope with your laziness.

What to do if you are too lazy to do homework

Choose the method that suits you best to complete your lessons.
The first option is to do homework according to the principle: “the worst thing is for breakfast.” That is, the most difficult, least favorite task should always be completed first.

Another winning tactic is to make the lighter items first. After all, it is always more difficult to start learning than to continue studying. Start a difficult task and then finish it on time. Because of this, there is a feeling when you want to give up on it without even starting it.

You can overcome this feeling by starting with simpler tasks. For example, by starting to study topics in the subject that comes easiest to you. After completing a task, there will be more incentive to move on to other difficult tasks.

Find alternative study methods.
If you don't know how to force yourself to study, if you're too lazy, try using alternative method studying. For example, you were asked to read some book, story or story, then try to find it in audiobook format and listen to it. If you're studying a famous historical event, there's probably a documentary about it that you can watch and learn a lot about.

Absent-mindedness discourages any motivation to learn. Therefore, it is important for yourself to learn how to plan by starting a “diary”, where you should write down a list of all extracurricular activities planned for today, as well as completing assignments and lessons.

Availability curriculum will help make tasks easier. Establish a sequence for completing a specific subject and other tasks. List your homework and keep it in front of you like a calendar. Thus, it will help you prioritize and complete tasks on time

Also remember that tasks require a specific time scale and measurable results. Start with baby steps. After all, Moscow was also not built in one day, so you should avoid haste and not treat your studies anyhow. The next step, how to force yourself to study, will help with this.

Take a break from time to time.
Sometimes the key to improving your academic performance is to do the opposite—get distracted. It has been proven that it is impossible to concentrate full attention on one specific thing for more than 20-40 minutes. This means that extending this concentration time will be counterproductive. Therefore, it is worth being distracted while performing educational assignments at home: take a shower, do exercises, devote some time to your favorite hobby, etc.

You can use the 20/10 method, where 20 minutes are devoted to maximum concentration on completing the task, and 10 minutes to rest. A possible option is the 45/15 method. You can also start with 10/5 if the initial options seem too difficult for you to maintain attention. Even if it seems " a waste time,” but in reality you will be more productive. Because this will allow you to keep your attention on the tasks at hand throughout the entire planned time.

How to overcome laziness and start studying

Give yourself time to relax.
Don't confuse laziness with fatigue. If your body is overloaded due to studying, then you need to give it a rest. But not in front of a laptop and, of course, not on social networks. Such a rest will give you absolutely no strength. It's best to give yourself a day a week when you go to bed early rather than playing games past midnight.

Think about the schedule
It is important to write and maintain a consistent schedule as the body gets used to it, whereas inconsistency can generate laziness. First of all, it is helpful to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and get up at the same hours, even if you don't have to go to school. Get up early and have a healthy breakfast. Set your schedule and stick to it to the minute.

Also set a schedule for other daily routines that you want to implement, for example, exercise, sports. A stable schedule, after a few days, will force your body to get used to it. Thus depriving laziness of the opportunity to settle in your life.

Discipline yourself to develop a desire to learn

Putting things in order.
The next thing that can contribute to your laziness in studying is the chaos and disorder that reigns around, especially in your room. So what to do if you are too lazy to study? There is an immediate need to eliminate chaos and disorder. After all, order in the room equals order in the head. With this in mind, create a safe space for yourself to grow and achieve your goals.

Then move on to clearing the clutter in all aspects of your life. Be it your own habits, your computer or, most importantly, your mind. Get rid of clutter that may be hindering your learning progress.

Fight distractions.
Once the mess is cleared up, it's time to hit full throttle. Time to take charge of yourself! This important step, since it is interconnected with discipline.

Start by saying NO to temporary pleasures: social media, video games, watching movies when you should be studying or doing homework, term papers or prepare for exams. By the way, don't forget about phone calls. After all, you will still be distracted by them, even if you promised yourself to do differently.

Therefore, it would be right to turn off all gadgets while completing tasks or switch them to airplane mode in order to “fly off to science.” Ban yourself from instant gratification for future success. As you say no to temporary pleasures, also strive to instill good habits in yourself.

Warning: Applying this advice is sometimes inconvenient, tiring, and sometimes painful. But ultimately discipline is what will bring you success.

What will help you develop a thirst for learning?

Reward yourself for studying.
So, what to do if you are too lazy to study? To increase your energy and mood for studying, you need to periodically reward yourself. For example, every time you complete a task. Rewards don't have to be complicated. Something as simple as allowing yourself your favorite chocolate or your favorite ice cream. This will help you develop a mindset that the effort you put in results in something positive and tasty.

Keep your emotions under control.
After all, the younger you are, the more changeable your emotions are. Since laziness and emotions are correlated, you should make sure that your emotions are not the main driver of your actions. So don’t put off doing your homework or studying until later just because you “don’t feel like doing it.” Would you say that harshly? But this is the only way to overcome your laziness and use your own mind.

By the way, consult with the teacher or successful pupils, students, who manage to study well, and even excellently, by asking what helps them with this. Once you receive valuable advice, try it instead of dismissing it. Be sure that by doing this, you will receive much more than just the power to cope with your laziness.

Don't forget to look back sometimes.
Moving forward, it's always good to look at the past. With every small step you take in the fight against laziness to start learning, look back and see how far you have already come. Look at all that you have achieved because you overcame your laziness and be really proud of yourself. After all, you need to form a positive image in your own brain about your successes. This will not only boost your confidence but will also help you become a successful student. There will be a desire to continue in the same spirit.

By the way, don’t forget to reward yourself for your successes.

The difference between laziness and procrastination

Laziness is usually found as a very passive behavior, whereas procrastination is not passive, rather it is due to a lack of determination. Procrastination is a reluctant behavior used by a person to avoid doing something. It is a defense mechanism against obstacles, difficulties, potential failure and criticism. At the same time, due to procrastination, a person experiences a feeling of guilt. Since he wants to do what he has planned, but hesitates because of which he feels guilty and unhappy.

On the other hand, laziness is not associated with guilt. Rather, it is a carefree behavior in which the lazy person finds comfort in idleness. He is not bothered by the thought that he has to perform a difficult task that exhausts his mental energy. For him, momentary pleasures are better than straining for something possible.


By the way, do you know any other tips on how to overcome laziness and start studying? We'd love to hear them in your comments below.

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