Why do I like the profession of riot police. How to get a job in the riot police immediately after returning from the army

Codes of the Russian Federation 15.10.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

OMON - detachment special purpose. The one who is in the service must be mobile and ready to strictly act on the orders of the leader. For some reason, the soldiers who came from the army believe that they are ready to join the OMON right now, but for this it is necessary to undergo training, a competition, pass a high-level test and be distinguished by a special psycho-emotional mood.

For a better understanding of whether it is worth going to the OMON after the army, it does not interfere with understanding the main task of the special forces - not to solve crimes, but to ensure law and order on the streets of Russian cities, to stop mass uprisings and riots. For example, if there was a hurricane, an earthquake, or a fire broke out, the riot police will respond quickly and impartially.

If the police officers enter the battle, the riot police provide them with high-quality cover and protection, which can be seen during the delay of especially dangerous criminals or terrorist attacks, the suppression of prison riots, and the release of hostages. The conditions in which OMON is forced to work are always urgent and unpredictable. People working in the special squad must be aware of the importance of their activities and be good cogs in the whole well-functioning defense mechanism, important for the whole country.

Arbitrariness, unauthorized decision-making that does not comply with the order of the commander is unacceptable for employees. It is scary, dangerous, the understanding that death can overtake at any time - all this is there, but the fighter continues to move on, protecting his homeland and the Russians with his chest.

That is why, when soldiers die during a mission, he is awarded the Order of the Hero of Russia posthumously.

Qualities of an riot policeman

To understand whether a former soldier who served in the army can become an OMON officer in the future, you need to realistically assess your qualities and compare them with the requirements for the composition of a special squad:

  • An riot policeman cannot be physically weak, his work requires endurance, strength, endurance and impeccable physical fitness;
  • without courage anywhere;
  • loyalty to comrades is one of the important components;
  • among the skills, the ability to master the technique of hand-to-hand combat is distinguished, including the ability to easily wield a knife if necessary;
  • the employee must be able to shoot;
  • work together with other employees, together, adhering to the task.

Is it possible to get into the OMON after the army - the opinion of experts

OMON provides experience in military service. It is desirable that you are not just a reserve soldier, but become an officer or warrant officer. It will not be superfluous to have a military education and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the police behind them.

There are a lot of those who want to try their hand at OMON in Russia among young men and men. Therefore, the first advice is to choose a direction and follow it steadily. Step-by-step instruction for a soldier enrolled in the ranks of the OMON, it looks like this:

  1. Try to get into the intelligence service, the Airborne Forces or the FSB.
  2. To do this, you must have an education, preferably graduate from a military university.
  3. Some special forces accept cadets only with a maroon beret.
  4. During the service, you need to prove yourself with the most better side- the more achievements and positive recommendations, the more chances for success.
  5. Along with all the awards, knowledge will not be superfluous foreign language. The riot policeman is a highly educated and intellectually developed employee, some of them are even included in intelligence units.

Law enforcement activities, namely special forces, are available in Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, they also teach military destiny in special educational institutions.

How to pass physical training

Admission to the special forces provides for tests that will determine whether the applicant is suitable for work in the OMON or not:

  1. Running for a distance of 100 m.
  2. Cross, designed for 3 km.
  3. Push-ups in the supine position on the floor on outstretched arms or from the uneven bars.
  4. Pull-ups.
  5. Flexion and extension.
  6. Jumping up from the squat.

All these standards are surrendered immediately, the rest between the standards is clearly limited - no more than 5 minutes, or even 3 minutes. As soon as testing is given, the contestant is offered to try his hand at hand-to-hand combat with an experienced instructor, he has 3 rounds. Passive defense is not welcome by default, an active position is needed.

What achievements in sports can significantly affect the adoption of a positive decision on enrolling an applicant in the ranks of the OMON?

  1. Bit related to wrestling, boxing, martial arts.
  2. Achievements and busy top places in athletics.
  3. Merit in mountaineering.
  4. Experience in rowing, biathlon, parachuting, swimming.
  5. The riot police cannot do without shooting either.

OMON health

If SARS or acute respiratory infections flash at least occasionally in your outpatient card, you can forget about OMON, especially if you have chronic ailments. Selection for the army cannot be compared with selection for special forces, the requirements are completely different. Even an incorrect bite can be a reason for refusing to be included in the riot police.

Psychological testing occupies a separate position. Psychologists work with young guys, they also determine stress resistance, and then, based on the collected results, they come to a single conclusion.

An OMON officer, also known as an OMON fighter, is an employee of a special mobile detachment, a policeman trained to work in "hot spots".
Prior to the renaming of the militia into the police, OMON was a special police detachment. Today, this abbreviation is filled with new content: OMON has become a special-purpose mobile detachment. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same.
OMON is not engaged in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fires or a hurricane, OMON officers guard public safety in disaster areas. In particular, it stops looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, OMON takes part in the neutralization of armed criminals, the release of hostages, the suppression of prison riots, etc.
As the name implies, this unit is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, it requires serious training, devotion to their work and comrades. OMON soldiers often die while performing tasks. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

Those who have been to protest demonstrations or watched mass civil actions via the Internet may ask: “What are the riot police doing at protest actions? Are we talking about riots? The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We are keeping order." When a lot of people get together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.
A fighter of the mobile detachment can be recognized by the large yellow inscription "OMON" on a spotted uniform and a black beret. During mass actions, the fighters wear special protective helmets, which is why they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real astronauts." What real real astronauts think about it, we don't know.

OMON soldiers stand in a cordon, letting participants into the rally territory strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding batons, they force the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational detachment to carry out detentions.
According to participants in the events, it happens that a “conflict situation” arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.

Of course, in order to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot police work in shifts. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical training.
Since 2002, on October 3, OMON officers have been celebrating their professional holiday.

OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Features of the profession
An OMON officer, also known as an OMON fighter, is an employee of a special mobile detachment, a policeman trained to work in "hot spots". Prior to the renaming of the militia into the police, OMON was a special police detachment. Today, this abbreviation is filled with new content: OMON has become a special-purpose mobile detachment. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same.
OMON is not engaged in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fires or a hurricane, OMON officers guard public safety in disaster areas. In particular, it stops looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, OMON takes part in the neutralization of armed criminals, the release of hostages, the suppression of prison riots, etc.

As the name implies, this unit is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, it requires serious training, devotion to their work and comrades. OMON soldiers often die while performing tasks. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.
Those who have been to protest demonstrations or watched mass civil actions via the Internet may ask: “What is the riot police doing at protest actions? Are we talking about riots? The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We are keeping order." When a lot of people get together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.

A fighter of the mobile detachment can be recognized by the large yellow inscription "OMON" on a spotted uniform and a black beret. During mass actions, the fighters wear special protective helmets, which is why they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real astronauts." What real real astronauts think about it, we don't know.
OMON soldiers stand in a cordon, letting participants into the rally territory strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding batons, they force the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational detachment to carry out detentions.
According to participants in the events, it happens that a “conflict situation” arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.
Of course, in order to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot police work in shifts. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical training.
Since 2002, on October 3, OMON officers have been celebrating their professional holiday.

OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Important qualities
OMON profession implies good health, serious physical training, responsibility, courage, devotion to comrades.

Knowledge and skills
A riot police fighter must be proficient in hand-to-hand combat (in particular, with a knife), shooting, collective action skills, etc.

Where do they teach
Each region has its own Special Purpose Mobile Detachment.
To become a riot policeman, you need to enlist in this detachment. As a rule, they accept men under 35 who have served in the Army and have a secondary education.
Upon admission, a physical fitness test is carried out: cross-country, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. As well as hand-to-hand combat for endurance.
Those who pass the test pass a three-month study and a qualifying exam.

As you know, each work has its own value and is paid in proportion to the time and labor spent. But sometimes work is not only the cost of labor, time, but also a constant risk to life and health. There are few such areas, in particular, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or security services.

For example, the work of OMON officers is directly related to the risk to life, not everyone dares to join this power structure.

OMON was formed back in the USSR, at its very end, the organization had several names, including the “Special Purpose Police Detachment”, after changing the police to the police, the structure slightly changed its name. But the essence remains the same - to ensure security in a high-risk area, for example, during civil unrest, terrorist threats and other unrest, one way or another, threatening stability in the country. OMON is a developed power structure, currently includes more than one hundred and sixty detachments and more than forty thousand fighters.

Despite this, there is always a shortage of employees in the OMON units, even on Internet bulletin boards you can find official proposals to join the OMON.

The main functions of the riot police

  • Preservation of internal order in Russia.
  • Liquidation of criminal groups, terrorism.
  • Ensuring the safety of citizens in disaster areas.
  • Neutralization of criminal authorities.
  • Release of persons taken hostage.
  • Suppression of looting.
  • Stopping prison riots.
  • Participation in demonstration events (parades, reviews, etc.).

What data is needed to work in special forces

  • Good physical preparation.
  • Strong build and tall.
  • Stable psyche.
  • Good tactical preparation.
  • Age from 25 years.
  • Absence of administrative fines and criminal record.
  • Stress resistance, the ability to quickly navigate in space and circumstances.
  • The recommendation of an employee or current employee OMON.
  • Proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, knife defense, shooting, teamwork.

How much do riot policemen get paid for their service

I wonder how much people earn who almost every day risk their health, and sometimes their lives? This question is ambiguous, so a clear answer cannot be given. After all, today the salary of an riot police officer depends on many factors, such as:

  • rank (private, sergeant or officer);
  • allowances;
  • awards for special tasks.

Is it possible to get into the OMON after the army

OMON provides experience in military service. It is desirable that you are not just a reserve soldier, but become an officer or warrant officer. It will not be superfluous to have a military education and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the police behind them.

There are a lot of those who want to try their hand at OMON in Russia among young men and men. Therefore, the first advice is to choose a direction and follow it steadily. A step-by-step instruction for a soldier to enroll in the ranks of the OMON looks like this:

  1. Try to get into the intelligence service, the Airborne Forces or the FSB.
  2. To do this, you must have an education, preferably graduate from a military university.
  3. Some special forces accept cadets only with a maroon beret.
  4. During the service, you need to prove yourself from the very best side - the more achievements and positive recommendations, the more chances for success.
  5. Along with all the awards, knowledge of a foreign language will not be superfluous. The riot policeman is a highly educated and intellectually developed employee, some of them are even included in intelligence units.

Law enforcement activities, namely special forces, are available in Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, they also teach military destiny in special educational institutions.

Situation for 2019

Salaries, even for guardsmen of the same specialty and rank, can be different, which is associated with a complex scheme for calculating monetary allowance, which takes into account:

  • salary by rank and salary by military rank;
  • incentive payments;
  • bonuses for seniority, secrecy, the complexity of the tasks performed;
  • material aid.

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