Pros and cons of a bodyguard in English. Is the security guard a slacker or a law enforcement officer? The whole truth about the profession

Codes of the Russian Federation 27.10.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

Once upon a time, children were frightened by saying that if you don’t study, you will go to work as a janitor. But, nevertheless, there was no shortage of people interested in this seemingly low position, because the state provided the main thing - housing, and the requirements for the candidate were not high. Today it is no longer very prestigious to wear a janitor's uniform, and many guys, and girls too, are attracted to the uniform of a security guard .

But how difficult is such work, what requirements are put forward, and what does such a position give to young people?

Is it difficult to get a job as a security guard?

It’s worth initially making a reservation that the position of a security guard is not such a low-level one. Of course, some companies or agencies actually hire everyone, but, as a rule, these are small companies with a high turnover. A serious security company may place high demands on a candidate for a vacancy. How and where can one apply for such a position?

  1. Small agencies. In most cases, such companies are engaged in the “security” of parking lots, parking lots or other small objects. Even a student can get a job here. The main requirement is to be present on site, periodically walk around the area, and if necessary, call a group of operatives or the police. That is, this is the same guard who is wearing a security guard uniform . Accordingly, the payment is not high.
  2. Security of supermarkets and shops. Today, many large supermarket chains have acquired their own “security services”. Most often, such guards monitor the employees themselves to ensure that nothing is taken away or stolen. Sometimes thieves are caught. The salary is higher than in the parking lot, and the work is indoors.
  3. Security shopping centers. The next step in the career of a security guard. Mostly these are neat guys or guys. The task is to maintain order inside the shopping center. Salaries can vary significantly depending on the center itself, as well as the security service.
  4. State security service. These are practically the same police, usually armed and seriously equipped. They have the right to use weapons. Their objects are jewelry stores, galleries, bank branches. Most often they are accepted with experience of service, especially in the internal troops.
  5. Private security. Today there are a lot of agencies that provide bodyguards. They don’t hire people from the street here, it’s important to have experience military service, appropriate state of health and mental abilities. They usually have weapons and body armor.

Most often, ordinary guys go to work for the first three positions, where they do not make serious demands on the candidate. But such work has a lot of positive and negative aspects.

Pros and cons of working in security

At first glance, the position of a security guard is “not dusty”, the stereotype is that you sit, read the newspaper or do crossword puzzles. In many low-paying jobs this is true. Almost a minimum of responsibility, having made a detour, you can continue reading, the main thing is not to sleep on the spot and not to miss the attacker. But there are often a lot of disadvantages:

  • Fasting in an unheated room or even outside;
  • The salary is very low, although you may have to work 2 days every 3;
  • There may be no security guard uniform at all, or it may be purchased at your own expense (calculated from your salary);
  • In case of shortages or disappearances, the security guard is primarily to blame;
  • There are no means of defense; if attacked, fight back yourself or call the police;
  • Firms and agencies are not officially happy with the fines, and as a result, they may underpay and fine you in every possible way.

What's the plus? There are virtually no employment requirements and no physical work required.

Typically, such positions are filled either by retirees who need an increase in their pension, or by students. But it’s quite difficult to get a job in a serious company, because there is a social package, and provision of equipment, and training, but there are much more requirements and responsibilities, and the risk of getting a bullet or a knife is always present.

Since the end of the tenties, with the increase in the number of shops, shopping centers and banks, the number of security guards has also grown indecently. According to some data, today more than a million people in the Russian Federation work in the security sector.

Many visitors are annoyed by the security. “Do they think I came here to steal something? Why so many guards? What do they even do other than stand around and be an eyesore? - these are the typical questions of the average person. About what a security guard actually does at his post, to the magazine Reconomica said an employee of a private security agency on condition of anonymity.

Security and safety as a profession and type of activity

Security is one of the most ancient professions that has survived to this day from time immemorial. In ancient times, it was mainly about the safety of property, escorting moving vehicles with goods, protecting premises and buildings, protecting and escorting people. I don't like buzzwords like “security” or “security officer.” I will talk about the work of a security guard in its various guises - from work at a post to the actions of a rapid response group of private security.

At the moment, we can say that security activities are carried out by law enforcement agencies, rescue services, customs control, army and intelligence services. But among other things, in our time there has been a rather strong leap in private security activities. This activity quite motley and huge, with various requirements, conditions and responsibilities.

For example, a security guard in a business center performs the functions of an administrator, as well as the basic requirements of the access control regime. What if we take a warehouse? tobacco products, then here, in addition to the checkpoint mode, there is a control mode Vehicle, protection of the perimeter of external and internal territories, video surveillance, and the main task is to prevent theft of products.

Who can be a security guard

The barrier to entry into the profession is quite low. Many people are interested in who can become a security guard. In fact, not everyone, but permission is not difficult to obtain.

Security guard license

In order to work in the field of security and safety activities, it is necessary to undergo special training to confirm qualifications, in Ukraine this is a certificate of advanced training, in Russia a diploma in security activities.

Requirements for candidates

The first job requirement is stress resistance, the applicant must be physically developed and strong, mentally healthy and calm, must be able to talk and, if necessary, localize the conflict through psychological influence on the troublemaker. In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of hand-to-hand combat so that, if necessary, you can apply them; there are different situations.

The profession of a security guard is currently included in the list of the most dangerous professions and depends on the level of crime in the region. To apply for training in this profession, you need at least a complete secondary education, an identity document of a citizen of the country, and sports ranks, if any (this increases the chances).

Job search in a security agency

When looking for a job in the security field, you must correctly compose your resume and post it on the appropriate Internet portal, or send it directly to the employer via e-mail, there are plenty of options on how to look for work these days. When choosing an employer, you should directly take into account the company’s experience in the security business; you should go to the company’s official website, and it should exist if the company is not in last place in this area, view a detailed list of facilities, documentation, uniforms and material resources, and employee equipment. In addition, it is worth looking for reviews on the Internet and articles in the press about this employer.


A company that has proven itself in the security business, which values ​​not only its clients, but also its employees - and in any case will respond to the applicant’s letter. During an interview, first of all, they pay attention to clothing, manner of speaking, punctuality, attentiveness, athletic physique, determination, literacy and politeness.

If your employer hires you, check the work schedule, conditions, bonuses, uniforms and equipment, food, wages for additional work.

What does a security guard do? Typical work situations

Don’t expect anything fun or interesting from the work process. Roughly speaking, this is a ticking time bomb. The most unexpected situation can happen at any moment.

Working with health risks

For example, I worked in a rapid response team. At 2.00 the alarm goes off in the cafe, alarm button, upon arrival there was a massive fight, cafe visitors rushed with their fists at the bartender and his friend, my partner and I rushed to the victims, protecting them, while I called for reinforcements from another group and the police. A minute later, the partner received a crushing blow to the back of the head from the victim.

Upon the arrival of the police, it turned out that the fight was provoked by the bartender himself and his friend, who was drunk. It turned out that the bartender was the son of the customer, and the customer subsequently filed claims that the rapid response team did not fulfill their duties.

Every security company or private security company strictly adheres to the law, and in this situation the company’s management, naturally, was on the side of its subordinates and judicial procedure presented its demands to the customer with payment to the injured security officer of the rapid response group.

Mass fights

A different situation teaches us all to be more attentive and decisive. I was on duty at one of the nightclubs in the city of Kharkov. A couple of hours later there was no security guard at the workplace; the post was located near the DJ’s workplace. Upon calling and subsequent search, it turned out to be a massive fight.

Radical, quick measures were necessary, since the health and life, dare I say it, of the employee was at stake. All security officers, as one, took measures of physical influence and freeing their partner from physical influence. All offenders were quickly taken out onto the street. It’s a pity that, as usual, the police arrived three hours later. Using this example, we can be convinced that literally everything can depend on security officers: from a trivial trifle to health and life. Security is hired not to contain an incident, but to prevent it.

Security guard salary in Russia and Ukraine

Unfortunately, in Ukraine you cannot earn a lot of money as a security guard, even despite the difficult crime situation. But based on the situation of a deep economic crisis, the most profitable job at the moment is working as a security guard. Previously, objects that occupied security agencies, belonged to non-departmental security ( Civil Service Security, now the Security Police Department), at the moment these objects are guarded by private security agencies, much cheaper. But who saves on security?

At the moment, the minimum salary for a security guard is, within the schedule within three days, 2700-3000 hryvnia (6-7 thousand rubles in Russian money). But unscrupulous security agencies offer the same salary with a regime of 24 hours every other day, thereby violating Labor Code states. Personally, my salary is 3,000 hryvnia with a schedule of every three days.

Note from the editor: the salary of a security guard in Russia depends on the region and can range from 15 to 60 thousand rubles for ordinary personnel (not including heads of security service units). Watchmen often get paid less.

For a long time in Ukraine, many security agencies, to be honest, almost all violated the labor code by not paying bonuses at all, and social package was absent as such. At the moment, all this has undergone changes, but not much. Wage depends on the level of the employer, his honesty, and his reputation will speak for itself. In fact, the security guard’s salary depends on night shifts, weekends, holidays, and whether there was an untimely return to work.

Pros and cons of the profession

Advantages of being a security guard: choice of a convenient work schedule, there is time for personal classes, some companies pay for their employees to go to the gym, when traveling on business there is a chance to visit quite interesting places - this is probably where the advantages end.

Disadvantages of the security guard profession: the work schedule may not be entirely successful, there are high chances of getting work injury, psychologically stressful work, increased fatigue, increased possibility of stress, nervous breakdown, greater opportunity to get violations of the rules of the Labor Code from the employer (meaning only the territory of Ukraine).

In fact, there are simply no steps on the career ladder in the security profession: the ranks, and there are several of them, are security guard, shift supervisor and security chief. Agree, not so hot! A promotion can only be influenced by work experience - nothing more.

High technologies in the security sector

I’ll tell you a little about the prospects of the industry. The high increase came from sales of security equipment and alarms, which is why there was a general jump in technological progress. Previously, the alarm went through the GPRS mobile network, but now this function has been replaced by the same mobile networks internet, but that's already high tech mobile communications 3-4 G.

In Ukraine, 4G is not as developed as in the CIS countries, for example Russia and Belarus, and there can be no talk of Europe; even greater progress is already pouring into it. Let’s also not ignore production special means for security activities and safety. It is worth noting here a net launcher, pneumatic weapons (they are banned in Russia and Belarus), passive protective equipment (body armor, shields, helmets), means for neutralizing offenders (analogues of handcuffs), and a gas spray. Video surveillance systems have also made significant strides forward, using the latest technologies of today.

If you want to work in security

A brief word of advice to those interested: if you have already chosen this path, demand the highest conditions from your employer, in accordance with the Labor Code. Dedicate as much time as possible to sports, psychology, PC knowledge and information technologies- employers and customers value this very highly.

Result: Against the background of the crime situation, the development of security activities has increased, but corrupt police officers who run security agencies violate the Labor Code (applies only to Ukraine). But still, some security agencies in the country have reached the global level, some of them even have their own branches in Russia and Belarus.

(3 Votes)
> Moscow and region> Moscow

Now, without exception, all establishments want to ensure the integrity of their property and the safety of their guests, especially at night and in the evening. Therefore, the demand for security guards does not fall, and the vacancy of a security guard overnight without experience is very relevant for both young job seekers and employers, because not everyone can afford a licensed employee.

Like any other, the security profession has its advantages and disadvantages. Which?


  1. Demand. No matter what city you live in, you will always find a job in this specialty. Everywhere - in the security service, in a bank, in a club or bar, a security guard is required. In addition, not every organization is looking for a security guard with a strong track record. There are enough vacancies where experience is not needed.
  2. The security guard is always in good physical shape and must constantly improve. He is trained in combat techniques and knows how to handle weapons, in addition, he has communication skills - preventing a conflict at the very beginning is much more important than pacifying a troublemaker with his fists.
  3. Career growth. It is possible to come to work as a simple security guard, but over time become the head of the security service. You will gain experience, you will be able, if you wish, to take special courses and work in personal security or on site. The earnings of a good, experienced security guard in Moscow reach up to 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Good income. At the initial stage of his career, a security guard earns about 20-25 thousand rubles in the regions, 35-40 thousand in the capital, but with the proper experience and track record, earnings are an order of magnitude higher.


  1. High risk - the work is quite dangerous. You may even have to deal with armed hooligans.
  2. A security guard often works at night or throughout the day, so this profession is not very suitable for early risers; it will take time to get used to such a schedule.

What you need to work as a security guard:

  • secondary education
  • military ID (however, this item is not required everywhere)
  • sports training
  • certificate of passing a medical examination
  • no criminal record
  • no bad habits
  • personal qualities: calmness, prudence, attentiveness, sociability

Job responsibilities:

  • implementation of face control
  • CCTV
  • ensuring the safety of enterprise property
  • ensuring the safety of people at the facility - employees and visitors
  • service documentation (optional)

The main task of a person in the post of a security guard is to ensure the safety of the property entrusted to him or the safety of the company’s employees. The specifics of a security guard's job are varied: a person in this position can be part of a rapid response team, or can combine two positions: driver-security guard, bodyguard, and many others.

The security guard constantly interacts with the employees of the enterprise and, if necessary, with law enforcement agencies. This employee can be part of the company’s staff and work permanently or be hired to carry out single orders, for example: provide security during negotiations and conclusion of important transactions or accompany cargo.

Also, the specifics of the work depend on the object - it could be a building under construction, an enterprise, an office, a store, a parking lot and others.

Like any profession, it also has advantages and disadvantages associated with various aspects of the work performed.

Positive aspects of choosing this profession

  • This quite a sought-after vacancy. Regardless of where you live, you can always find a job in this specialty. Almost every organization needs a security guard, be it a bank, a bar or a club; each of them requires an employee. And a significant advantage is that not all enterprises need workers with extensive work experience. There are many jobs where it is not required.
  • In order to adequately perform the assigned task, a person in such a position must be in good physical shape, and he should not stop striving for improvement. A qualified security guard is trained in close combat and has the skills to handle weapons, whether bladed, firearms, or a baton. In addition, communication skills will be very useful, because the ability to prevent conflict in the beginning is much better than resorting to brute force.
  • Low requirements to a person for this position, work in a comfortable place. In most cases, the profession of a security guard is not required high requirements, but still it depends on the specifics and complexity of the work and in some cases certain skills are vital. There are companies that hire security guards more for show and for no reason. important functions they, in fact, do not comply. But there are also companies that provide employees with the necessary training for the occasion and a presentable appearance, as accompanying important or high-ranking persons.
  • Opportunity career growth . Having gone to work at an enterprise as a simple security guard, having acquired the necessary experience, you can take special courses and become the head of the security service. With these skills, your opportunities in this specialty will expand significantly, and you will have the chance to work in personal security.
  • Well paid job. On initial stages Of course, it is impossible to earn “millions,” but by making efforts to improve yourself and gaining experience, your earnings become significant.
  • To work in this field no special education required. Many guys go into this profession after completing their military service.
  • The position of a security guard, depending on the specifics, involves flexible work schedule, which presupposes the availability of free time for rest, Additional income or self-improvement.
  • Working in the security sector, the possibility of simultaneously mastering another profession and significantly increasing income is not excluded.
  • It is an excellent start for starting independent work.
  • There are employment opportunities for women, but preference is still given to men.

Disadvantages of the profession

  • The most important disadvantage that comes to mind is high risk. It is not uncommon for security guards to have to deal with armed intruders and the possibility of physical injury arises.
  • The work schedule assumes the possibility of working at night time or for days, this routine is complex and it will take time to get used to it.
  • Employment as a security guard does not provide the opportunity for intellectual development, only in free time.
  • There is also an opinion that working in security activities boring and unpromising. Monotony – because the same actions are performed day after day.
  • Work is also stressful. An employee often experiences emotional stress, because his help may be needed at any time.
  • If a shortage or theft is discovered, the security guard is the first to be asked, since it is his duty to monitor this.
  • Small firms do not always provide protective equipment and it is not uncommon for work to be carried out unofficially. It follows from this that they may be underpaid and fined without reason.


To summarize, the security profession is suitable for people of all ages, whether it is a part-time job or a main income. For people of retirement age, positions as watchmen or night watchmen are suitable. If work in the security sector is chosen as the main one, then this will require certain skills or efforts to acquire them.

If you seriously decide to engage in security activities, you need to develop not only physically, but also emotionally. To work, you will need a good memory for external data, and the ability to notice features in appearance, observation especially in relation to people’s behavior and pay attention to changes in the environment.

Master hand-to-hand combat and self-defense techniques and be able to apply them. Ownership of a firearm may also be required.

It's not uncommon that successful career in personal or corporate security, people with a sports background or former employees security forces or police. To improve your skills or as the first steps on this path, you can take a training course at a security or bodyguard school.

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