What does the body temperature of animals depend on? How to measure the body temperature of cows: what is normal, how to bring it down or raise it

Chercher 08.06.2020
Accounting and taxes

One of the most important indicators of the well-being of a large cattle is body temperature. Like most warm-blooded animals, cows are characterized by a certain temperature norm, deviation from which in one direction or another may indicate possible problems with health. The cause of such conditions must be determined by a veterinarian, but the owner’s task is regular monitoring. What are the standards and how to correctly measure cattle temperature will be discussed further.

What is the normal body temperature of cattle?

The body temperature of mammals depends on the speed of metabolic processes occurring in the body, and is normally within certain limits, exceeding which may indicate any violations.

Important! It should be taken into account that in some individuals the normal variant may differ from the generally accepted one in one direction or another due to the individual characteristics of the organism, but this fact must be confirmed by a veterinarian.

Cattle are characterized by an average temperature of 37.5–39.5 ° C, but there are differences depending on the sex and age of individuals:

  • In cows, 2 months before calving, the thermometer readings can reach 38.5–40 °C - this is the norm. Bulls typically have a temperature of 38–39 °C;
  • calves usually have a higher temperature than adults - 38.5–40.5 °C, while as they grow, the indicators can change: up to 6 weeks - 38.5–40.5 °C, from 6 weeks to 2 months - 38.5–40.2 °C, from 2 to 12 months - 38.5–39.8 °C.

How to measure a cow's temperature

Measuring the temperature of cows is associated with certain difficulties, so it is worth following general recommendations for carrying out this procedure.
Many people mistakenly assume that fever in livestock can be detected by hot skin on the body or nose, but cows regulate heat by slowing blood flow, and the skin can remain cool even when the thermometer is high.

Did you know?A cow's nose print has a unique pattern, similar to human fingerprints. In the USA, this feature is used when searching for stolen or missing animals.

A regular medical mercury or electronic thermometer can be used for measurement. If mercury is used, the measurement time should be at least 10 minutes; electronic gives a faster answer: from 10–15 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the model.

The measurement is taken rectally. Some farmers practice vaginal measurements in cows, but the reliability of the results can be significantly distorted if the female is in heat or is expecting offspring.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands and put on medical gloves, secure the animal so that it does not buck during the measurement.

Before this, the thermometer is thoroughly washed and treated with a disinfectant, then the tip of the device is lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the rectum for a set time, and when used electronic device- until the sound signal appears.
Once the measurement is completed, the thermometer is washed and disinfected again to avoid contaminating other animals in the herd.

Important! If you have no experience working with livestock or if the cow is highly aggressive and restless, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant.

Deviations from the norm

Any significant (more than 1–2 degrees) deviation of the cow’s body temperature from the norm should alert the owner and become a reason to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause.

Fever can be caused by a number of situations:

  • violation of the diet and the use of low-quality feed can cause the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines of livestock, which in turn can cause hyperthermia. The solution to the problem is to select good food and strictly adhere to the regime;
  • postpartum complications, such as retained placenta, general gynecological diseases in females;
  • mastitis, in which it is important to provide udder massage and milking every 2 hours as soon as possible in order to eliminate stagnation. The veterinarian will then prescribe an antibiotic ointment;
  • diseases of an infectious or viral nature (endometritis, plague, pneumonia and others).

In all the described cases, self-medication is dangerous for the animal and the entire herd. It is necessary to isolate the sick cow and ensure that it is examined by a specialist.
It happens that in adult cattle or calves the body temperature drops below normal. This condition is difficult not to notice: behavior changes, the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, may show anxiety, and moan pitifully.

Low temperature is not a very common occurrence, but the reasons that cause such a deviation can be dangerous to the life of the animal:

  • poisoning with toxic substances, oddly enough, is accompanied by a decrease in temperature, unlike food poisoning, and this is a very alarming symptom. If there is a suspicion that the cattle may have consumed toxic substances, mushrooms or plants, you should seek veterinary help as soon as possible. Intensive care measures may be required;
  • Vitamin deficiency in young animals is also characterized by hypothermia, which can be eliminated by correcting nutrition, introducing vitamins into the diet, and ensuring that calves have sufficient exposure to sunlight;
  • hypothermia in calves. Occurs when calves for a long time located in a cold room or outdoors during the cold season. Prevention consists of providing young individuals with a warm room and bedding, eliminating drafts;
  • the most dangerous cause of hypothermia is maternity paresis: a condition associated with paralysis of the pharynx, tongue, and legs of a cow. If left untreated, the animal dies within a few days, so it is dangerous to rehabilitate the cow on your own. Qualified veterinary care is required in the first hours of illness.

How to shoot down

In case of hyperthermia, it is important to show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible for diagnosis. As a rule, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the fever: the sick individual may be prescribed antibiotics, vitamins, and a drinking regimen.

Heat- a sign of an inflammatory process

Many diseases in animals are characterized by such a symptom as elevated body temperature, however, how do you know when an animal’s body temperature is above normal, and when - in situations within the acceptable range?

In order not to be confused with whether your pet is sick or not, whether he has a temperature or whether his body temperature is within the normal range, we decided today to talk about the temperature of animals.

In our publication we will tell you how to measure this temperature for cats and dogs, we will provide data on temperature standards for individual species pets and share the symptoms of elevated body temperature in our animals.

And, although it is better that this knowledge is not useful to you in the future, and your pet does not get sick, it is still better to be warned about such temperature indicators...

How to take a pet's temperature

Schematic illustration of temperature measurement

As a rule, the temperature of pets is measured rectally - the thermometer is inserted into the anus, and not placed under the paw or pressed against the animal's nose. And, although such a procedure cannot be called pleasant - it is necessary and cannot be done without it, therefore, you need to accustom your pets to measuring temperature - then they will not react so violently to this procedure in a veterinary clinic if something suddenly happens, and you You will always be aware of their body temperature.

Body temperature is measured with an ordinary “human” thermometer. First, you wash and disinfect such a thermometer (the animal must have its own thermometer), then shake it so that the mercury column drops to the lowest level, then lubricate the tip of such a thermometer with Vaseline or baby cream (this must be done so that the animal does not get hurt and you didn’t inadvertently injure him when you insert the thermometer).

Now you need to place the animal on a flat horizontal surface in front of you - this can be a table or chair. With one hand, lift your tailed patient's tail, and with the other, carefully, but firmly and quickly, insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus. The thermometer should enter the rectum 1.5 centimeters (depending on the size of your pet). The animal's abdomen must be supported at this time in order to prevent any unnecessary movements of your patient. Under no circumstances should you allow a cat or dog to sit on its hind legs. In this position, the thermometer may crack or go too deep and cause internal ruptures.

What to do if you insert a thermometer, but the animal is pinched and the anal muscle is contracted - talk gently to your pet, pat him on the head, try to divert his attention from the situation, but do not hesitate - as soon as the animal relaxes - you must carefully insert thermometer.

How long to keep a thermometer for an animal

As a rule, 4-5 minutes are enough to measure the body temperature of your four-legged patient. It is not worth taking out a thermometer earlier, since the temperature reading may not be accurate, and the animal is unlikely to voluntarily agree to undergo such a procedure again. Therefore, to be sure, hold the thermometer for 5 minutes and then carefully remove it.

After you have taken the temperature reading, the thermometer must be cleaned, washed with a soapy solution under warm water and wipe with alcohol to disinfect.

You can also use an electronic thermometer to measure the body temperature of an animal; it is more convenient in the sense that when the temperature indicator is set, the thermometer notifies you with a sound signal; however, washing this electronic thermometer stand very carefully so as not to damage it and so that moisture does not get under the case.

Temperature standards for pets

Temperature norm for a cat

If so, the normal temperature of her body ranges from 37.5 0C to 39.0 0C. If the temperature is above the upper limit of the norm, the dog has a fever; if the thermometer shows a number of degrees less than the lower limit of the norm, check its serviceability, and if it is in order, then your pet has a low body temperature, which, in principle, is also not very good for animal health.

In cats, the temperature limits range from 38.00C to 39.20C, and in decorative rabbits– in the range from 38.5 0С to 39.5 0С.

An indicator of the thermal state of the body. Reflects the relationship between the body’s heat production processes and its heat exchange with the environment. The body temperature of warm-blooded (homeothermic) animals (mammals, birds) is stable and does not depend on temperature environment. In cold-blooded (poikilothermic) animals (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles), the body temperature exceeds the external temperature by 1-2 °C. environment or equal to it, changes according to the change in external temperature. environment. T. t. depends on the type of animal, its age (higher in young animals), sex, breed, time of day, etc. For body temperature norms in farm animals, see Table.

Deviation T. t. from normal - important indicator clinical trial.

Animal species

Body temperature, °C

Sheep, goat

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Maintaining a constant body temperature by the body is an important criterion for the health of an animal and is called thermoregulation.

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the animal’s body.

Animals that are able to independently maintain the temperature of their body within certain limits, regardless of the ambient temperature, are called warm-blooded(homeothermic), these include mammals and birds.

Animals that are unable to maintain their own body temperature are called cold-blooded(poikilothermic), these include reptiles, amphibians, and fish, whose body temperature practically does not differ from the ambient temperature.

Body temperature is an important criterion for assessing the state of the body of a warm-blooded animal. Increased (hyperthermia) or decrease (hypothermia) temperature by a few degrees leads to metabolic disorders and can cause death.

In the work of a veterinary specialist, thermometry (measuring body temperature) is a routine, everyday, repeated, but extremely necessary procedure that allows one to quickly obtain data on the general condition of the patient’s body.

What animal owners should know about this procedure:

  1. From the point of view of modern veterinary medicine, the temperature and condition (humidity/dryness) of the nasal planum are NOT reliable criteria reflecting the real internal body temperature (although both the nose and ears can be cold/hot during hypo/hyperthermia, such observations are subjective and do not always correlate with rectal temperature).
  2. In cases where body temperature exceeds the norm significantly, hyperthermia can be assumed simply by touching the animal.
  3. Measuring temperature “as in humans” in the axillary region is not considered reliable in animals.
  4. The only one reliable method determining body temperature is its rectal measurement.
  5. In many situations, the general “poor” condition of the animal (lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat) is caused precisely/only by hyperthermia. Timely use of antipyretic drugs (in cases where emergency assistance is required or it is not possible to conduct additional examination) can significantly alleviate the condition.
  6. Significant hypothermia is also the basis for emergency assistance, primarily the creation of artificial heating (heating pad, wrapping) during the period when the owners get to the veterinary clinic.
  7. Measuring body temperature is a simple procedure. Pet owners can do it themselves at home.
  8. Temperature measurement can be carried out either with mercury or electronic - medical thermometers (which can be purchased at any medical (“human”) pharmacy).
  9. The measurement is carried out by inserting the tip of the thermometer, pre-lubricated with ointment, into the anus and holding it there until the end of the measurement (the sensor of the electronic thermometer is triggered or the scale on the mercury thermometer ends).
  10. In small animals with a rapid metabolism (rodents, small birds), determining body temperature is most often impractical. It also makes no sense to measure body temperature in cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians.
  11. Normal body temperature varies significantly among animals of different species. Most species of domestic animals have a body temperature higher than that of humans (from 35.5 to 37.4 ° C). Temperature standards are presented in table No. 1. For many animal species (especially exotic ones), temperature standards are not defined or vary significantly from one source to another.
  12. Thus, thermometry is a simple but extremely informative procedure. It is important for owners to have an understanding of the measurement technique, to know the normal temperature for their pet and to have a separate thermometer for the animal in their home medicine cabinet.

    *Table No. 1: animal body temperature is normal

    Kind of animalBody temperature, °C
    Dog37,5 — 39
    Cat38 — 39,5
    Rabbit38,5 — 39,5
    Ferret38,7 — 39,4
    Mink39,5 — 40,5
    Pig38,0 — 40,0
    Raccoon37,1 — 39,1
    Fox38,7 — 40,7
    Hamadryas baboon38,0 — 39,0
    Budgerigar41,0 — 42,0
    Chicken 40,5 — 42,0
    Duck 41,0 — 43,0
    Goose 40,0 — 41,0
    Guinea pig37,0 — 39,0
    Rat37,0 — 38,0
    Mouse38,5 — 39,3
    Hamster37,5 — 38,5
    Chipmunk38,0 – 39,5
    Squirrel38,0 — 39,5
    Chinchilla36,0 — 37,5
    Horse37,5 — 38,5
    Donkey37,5 — 38,5
    Sheep, goat38,5 — 40,0

    Veterinarian Kazakov A.A.

Maintaining a constant body temperature by the body is an important criterion for the health of an animal and is called thermoregulation.

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the animal’s body.

Animals that are able to independently maintain the temperature of their body within certain limits, regardless of the ambient temperature, are called warm-blooded(homeothermic), these include mammals and birds.

Animals that are unable to maintain their own body temperature are called cold-blooded(poikilothermic), these include reptiles, amphibians, and fish, whose body temperature practically does not differ from the ambient temperature.

Body temperature is an important criterion for assessing the state of the body of a warm-blooded animal. Increased (hyperthermia) or decrease (hypothermia) temperature by a few degrees leads to metabolic disorders and can cause death.

In the work of a veterinary specialist, thermometry (measuring body temperature) is a routine, everyday, repeated, but extremely necessary procedure that allows one to quickly obtain data on the general condition of the patient’s body.

What animal owners should know about this procedure:

  1. From the point of view of modern veterinary medicine, the temperature and condition (humidity/dryness) of the nasal planum are NOT reliable criteria reflecting the real internal body temperature (although both the nose and ears can be cold/hot during hypo/hyperthermia, such observations are subjective and do not always correlate with rectal temperature).
  2. In cases where body temperature exceeds the norm significantly, hyperthermia can be assumed simply by touching the animal.
  3. Measuring temperature “as in humans” in the axillary region is not considered reliable in animals.
  4. The only reliable method for determining body temperature is its rectal measurement.
  5. In many situations, the general “poor” condition of the animal (lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat) is caused precisely/only by hyperthermia. Timely use of antipyretic drugs (in cases where emergency assistance is required or it is not possible to conduct additional examination) can significantly alleviate the condition.
  6. Significant hypothermia is also the basis for emergency assistance, primarily the creation of artificial heating (heating pad, wrapping) during the period when the owners get to the veterinary clinic.
  7. Measuring body temperature is a simple procedure. Pet owners can do it themselves at home.
  8. Temperature measurement can be carried out either with mercury or electronic - medical thermometers (which can be purchased at any medical (“human”) pharmacy).
  9. The measurement is carried out by inserting the tip of the thermometer, pre-lubricated with ointment, into the anus and holding it there until the end of the measurement (the sensor of the electronic thermometer is triggered or the scale on the mercury thermometer ends).
  10. In small animals with a rapid metabolism (rodents, small birds), determining body temperature is most often impractical. It also makes no sense to measure body temperature in cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians.
  11. Normal body temperature varies significantly among animals of different species. Most species of domestic animals have a body temperature higher than that of humans (from 35.5 to 37.4 ° C). Temperature standards are presented in table No. 1. For many animal species (especially exotic ones), temperature standards are not defined or vary significantly from one source to another.
  12. Thus, thermometry is a simple but extremely informative procedure. It is important for owners to have an understanding of the measurement technique, to know the normal temperature for their pet and to have a separate thermometer for the animal in their home medicine cabinet.

    *Table No. 1: animal body temperature is normal

    Kind of animalBody temperature, °C
    Dog37,5 — 39
    Cat38 — 39,5
    Rabbit38,5 — 39,5
    Ferret38,7 — 39,4
    Mink39,5 — 40,5
    Pig38,0 — 40,0
    Raccoon37,1 — 39,1
    Fox38,7 — 40,7
    Hamadryas baboon38,0 — 39,0
    Budgerigar41,0 — 42,0
    Chicken 40,5 — 42,0
    Duck 41,0 — 43,0
    Goose 40,0 — 41,0
    Guinea pig37,0 — 39,0
    Rat37,0 — 38,0
    Mouse38,5 — 39,3
    Hamster37,5 — 38,5
    Chipmunk38,0 – 39,5
    Squirrel38,0 — 39,5
    Chinchilla36,0 — 37,5
    Horse37,5 — 38,5
    Donkey37,5 — 38,5
    Sheep, goat38,5 — 40,0

    Veterinarian Kazakov A.A.

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