General information about automatic control systems for aviation gas turbine engines. A manual on the design of gas turbine engine oil systems

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    gas turbine engine automatic control system- system automatic control GTE a set of devices that automatically ensure the execution of selected gas turbine engine control programs with the required accuracy aircraft on steady and transient... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

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    SAU GTE- automatic control system for gas turbine engine

“Clear your mind. It's healthier than emptying your stomach."
~Michelle de Montel

Today I will talk about chips GTD technologies that will allow you can accomplish more, get tired less, increase the efficiency of your own work, reduce stress and increase life satisfaction.

Do you know that your consciousness will constantly remind you of those things and tasks that you thought about doing, but left unattended?

Surely thousands of unfinished tasks, unprocessed processes that waste your time are already hanging in your brain like a dead weight. internal resources, strength, energy, and you don’t even know it. All this creates stress and deprives you of energy. You perform worse on new tasks because your head is full of old ones.

I talk about how to finally clear your head of all this information and improve your work and life in this article.

You've most likely heard the acronym "GTD", which stands for Getting-Things-Done. This philosophy or technology has become very popular due in part to media coverage. A journalist from the Guardian newspaper called David Allen, the author of the GTD philosophy, the man who is called upon to bring order to the universe.

GTD is not just a time management system necessary for busy top managers with no personal life. This is a system for optimizing and organizing not only work, but thinking, consciousness, giving instructions on how to “cleanse” the consciousness of unnecessary mental burden, open up space for creativity, new ideas and create psychological prerequisites for comfortable and organized work. This system is designed for both a businessman with a million projects and a housewife who needs to take care of children, leaving time for reading fiction, and for a student who is preparing to enter college.

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is well-known, not everyone knows what it is and how it can help you personally. Therefore, today I will literally tell you what it is. After reading this article, you will be able to bring order into your life and thinking today and almost immediately see positive results from these life innovations.

What prompted me to start organizing my affairs?

Feelings of anxiety and guilt do not arise from too much work. It appears automatically when you break agreements with yourself.
~David Allen

Not long ago I was faced with the need to organize my own work schedule, in which I discovered a lot bottlenecks. About 10 years ago, due to my problems with concentration, it was extremely difficult for me to do any work for a long time. Over time, I began to work on improving my focus and discipline. I began to learn to relax and... It bore fruit.

I was able to create my own project, promote it, quit my hired job and start working for myself, as I had dreamed of. I had a sense of progress in terms of working on myself, which was enhanced by the stark contrast between my present and my past. Some time ago I could not cope with studying at the institute and simple hired work, but now I worked in a disciplined manner for the benefit of my own project and the people it benefits, working day after day, independently, and not “under pressure” .

Only then did I notice that this was not the limit. The feeling of success temporarily hid from me the problems that had arisen in the organization of my work.

I have a wide variety of work: letters in the mail, articles on the website, comments, work with students of the “NO PANIC” course, etc. and so on. All this requires good organization. I realized about its absence from the fact that a lot of unread letters had accumulated in the mail, but marked as “important”. Word files with “plans for 2015” and “tasks for February 2016” were scattered all over the hard drive. In the drawers were notebooks with notes, ideas, and, again, descriptions of the tasks that I must complete. Needless to say, I very rarely opened these files and consulted these lists. And this happened not so much because of my lack of discipline, but because it all had some kind of awkward appearance, causing an internal feeling of the futility of all these planning exercises.

I realized that I still don’t have time to do a lot, although I could do more.

In general, attempts to make an organized list of tasks and, most importantly, follow it, failed time after time.

Of course, I completed urgent daily tasks, but at the same time I felt how many “tasks” and “ideas” were in limbo. All this resulted in me feeling less satisfaction from work. There were days when I allowed myself to finish early. I went outside, got on my bike, but instead of enjoying the free time that I wouldn’t have had if I worked in an office, I was haunted by the feeling that I hadn’t done something, that I hadn’t done something. managed. Perfectionist attitudes began to emerge in my thoughts: “I should be doing more”, “I’m not working hard enough”. But I understood that the problem was not in the amount of work, but in its organization.

So I decided to start organizing my entire workspace. I picked up David Allen's excellent book, Getting Things Done. I've heard about the GTD system for a long time, but only now I decided to take a closer look at it.

What is GTD?

“Unfinished business actually remains unfinished in two places: in reality and in your head. The unfinished business in your head absorbs the energy of your attention because it haunts your conscience.”
~Brahma Kumaris

When I first got this book, I expected to read in it some banal time management tips that I had seen in other sources, like “divide things into important and unimportant”, “delegate what can be delegated.”

“Say, ten years ago you promised yourself to clean out your closet, but today you haven’t done it... we can say that in in this case you’ve been cleaning your closet 24 hours a day for the last 10 years!”

But the author speaks of this standard “Time Management” approach as limited and, in many ways, ineffective. I liked that David Allen is no longer addressing considerations "effective work", and to possibilities and limitations of human consciousness. To organize our own affairs so that they do not conflict with the peculiarities of our thinking. The GTD approach is entirely based on insights into how our brain works, how it accumulates information, and how it processes unsolved problems.

The most basic psychological premise of this philosophy is the fact that any tasks in life, be it completion important project or a trip to a monastery for a meditation course, our brain perceives them as unresolved and keeps them in memory, causing mental stress, if we do not formalize these tasks in the form of specific next actions within the framework of the external information storage system.

Don't be alarmed and don't re-read this paragraph! Now I will explain what all this means. Good example is given in the book itself, “Getting Things in Order.” Let's say, ten years ago you promised yourself to clean out your closet, but today you haven't done it. How did your brain store and process information about this task all these ten years?

The fact is that psychologists are sure that our consciousness, in the context of setting tasks, has no ideas about the past and future. These ideas exist only conceptually, but they are not present in the information processing algorithms themselves within consciousness.

If you promise yourself to take your car to the service next week and at the same time try to keep this commitment in memory, then your mind will believe that you should do it right now, today, constantly reminding you of this. And tomorrow it will also count the same.

The task will be in the “immediate solution required” status every day until you go to the service center.

Going back to the cluttered closet example, in this case you have been cleaning your closet 24 hours a day for the last 10 years! Your consciousness regarded this task as unfinished, leaving a place for it in your memory space, creating tension and dissatisfaction due to unfinished work.

And in order to free your memory and free your mind from unfinished processes, reminders of which consume your mental resources (just as background processes on a computer consume processor and memory resources, making the machine slower), you need to take two key actions.

  1. Transfer a task from internal memory (your brain) to external memory (your computer, notebook, tablet, phone)
  2. Decide what the next specific action will be regarding the task at hand. For example, global task“fixing a car” can consist of many simple actions. The very first action may be: “find suitable spare parts on the Internet.”

In this case, your consciousness will free up your internal memory and stop constantly reminding you of what you haven’t done yet. After all, you have transferred all these tasks to an external system.

These are, in principle, the key points of GTD technology on which everything relies. If you understand this principle, then you already have a general understanding of what GTD is. This system effective management affairs, creating ideas, which relies both on the external organization of tasks within the framework of records, calendars, reminder systems, and on internal optimization work of consciousness.

Moreover, these two levels are interconnected. External order serves as a prerequisite and tool for an organized and “pure” consciousness. And a clear mind allows you to work more efficiently* and get less tired.

(*Although I use the word “work”, it does not refer exclusively to professional activities. In this context, work concerns any business at all. Planning a vacation is also work. Just like thinking about the problem of a relationship with your other half).

Tip 1 - Decide what the next action will be

“When you plan your activity (implementation intention) and decide what actions you will perform in what context, you almost automatically tune in to the desired behavior instead of mustering all your will into a fist and forcing yourself to do something.”
~D. Allen

If you read a book "How to get things in order", then you will understand that this is just the most Golden Rule. The author constantly returns to him. Moreover, he is obsessed with teaching the whole world to think about the next action!

Yes, the rule is important, but it takes time and discipline for it to become a habit.

The fact is that we, as a rule, talk about problems in a general and abstract way. “We need to make sure that the child learns better”, “I need to become calmer in order to participate less in conflicts”. Of course, you need to keep the big picture in mind, but in order to bring things to completion, you need to move to the next level of planning, namely, think about the next action.

In the examples we have considered, this could be:

  • “Find articles on the Internet about developing willpower, discipline and fighting laziness. Or find a book on this topic in a bookstore.”
  • “Read about what relaxation techniques there are.”
  • “Schedule a time to talk with your son about his academic problems.”

The next action does not have to be a physical action. “Think about whether I need to go to college at all” is also an action. You can just think about the task, you don’t have to start. But by taking just this step, you will already free up part of your brain.

We cannot solve all the problems in our lives. Therefore, it is important to understand that the decision to “do nothing” is also a decision.

This event allows you not only to relieve your mind, but also to recharge yourself with motivation. Many tasks, when we imagine them in our minds, seem impossible or very difficult. "Oh my God, I'm going to have to take all my country cottage area, this is work without end! But it will be much easier for us to start it if we outline a plan in the form of the following actions: "Find necessary tools in the Internet". This is easier, isn't it? And when we do this, we will feel the satisfaction of being one step closer to the final goal.

Tip 2 - Transfer to an external system

As you may remember from this article, relying on memory is not only unreliable, but also inefficient in terms of using your brain's resources. Therefore, David Allen strongly recommends moving all tasks to an external system to free up memory.

An external system can be a tablet, phone, notepad, computer, notebook. Any convenient medium you can work with.

By the way, this is what my task list looks like after pre-treatment. I removed a lot of unnecessary things from there, things that I had already done or decided not to do at all. That is, at the very first stage and before applying the “two-minute rule” (more about it below), it was much larger.

It wouldn’t hurt to say that the task list should be organized, convenient, and accessible from anywhere at any time. Need it keep up to date and modify as necessary. You need to contact him to check with him about the progress of your projects.

(That is, not like it was for me (and maybe for you too): piles of sheets and notebooks in different places in my workspace that I never touched.)

And of course!!! Every task should be written down as a next action!

Tip 3 - Organize tasks by context

“It doesn’t take much strength to do something. It takes a lot more effort to decide what to do.”
~ David Allen

I didn't notice that the book gave any direct advice on how to prioritize tasks. David Allen is confident that the importance of various tasks for our consciousness is not so critical, since both large and small worries take up space in our consciousness and we need to do them all (or decide not to do them). A trivial task not done, information about which is stored in the mind, can distract you from more “important” matters. However, it does provide an excellent method for organizing tasks by context or energy level.

I once partially came to this method myself intuitively, but then I forgot about it due to the fact that I did not formalize it and did not make it a habit. For example, there is a large list of tasks. Some tasks require a lot of energy to complete.

For me this is “Responses to comments and support for students”, “Articles”.

For some, it’s not enough, for example, “paying for hosting”, “working with electronic invoices”. I can easily do this when I don't have enough time for articles.

Decisions about “what should I do now” Firstly, they took a lot of energy from me, and, secondly, they negatively affected my motivation. I couldn't find an activity that best suited my energy level and as a result I quit work, ending the workday with the notorious feeling that I hadn't accomplished something. Now, if I have little strength and a lot of time, I can simply do the work that does not require a lot of energy. I can just look at the list with the title "low energy" and make something out of it. Everything ingenious is simple!

You can also organize the list of tasks by context, for example, “at the computer”, “in the store” etc. Many other ways to organize are presented in the book.

Chip 4 - “Two Minute Rule”

A rather simple, but extremely effective rule. If we organize our to-dos into a list of reminders, we may be overwhelmed by the size of the list. Luckily, there is a good and easy way to give it a thorough cleaning.

No need to write down: “reply to a friend’s letter, as will be free time» , if this answer takes you less than 2 minutes!

Just answer right now and free your mind and task list from this matter. When, after reading D. Allen's book, I began to clear out my mailbox, I discovered many unanswered letters there. Of course, once upon a time, I ticked them off as important tasks, but then I forgot about them.

As a result, after conducting the review, I answered a lot of old letters, and it didn’t take me that much time. Some of my readers received a response from me after a year! Please don't be offended by me, this is the result of an overcrowded mailbox and poor organization of affairs. Now I try to answer immediately if I understand that the process of reading and processing the letter will take at least 5 minutes. 2 minutes is not strict, let everyone determine the maximum time period for themselves.

In general, the “two minute rule” is formulated as follows. If, while processing your task list, you find something that will take less than 2 minutes to complete, just do it.

Tip 5 - Write down ideas

Surely you have noticed that the most best ideas they come to you about your work when you are not working! Therefore, D. Allen advises to always have something on hand that will help you save ideas: a notepad, an electronic tablet, etc. The point here is not only that it will help you not to forget valuable ideas and free your memory from information. Yes, this is also important.

Allen believes that “form determines principles.” According to him, a person “There may be a subconscious reluctance to think about anything because you don’t have a place to write down ideas.”

I tested this on myself. When I traveled in India, I always carried either a notepad or a phone with me so I could write down thoughts and ideas. And my consciousness was simply gushing with them. I wrote down my thoughts while shaking on the seats of Indian trains, on the tops of picturesque hills, in the ruins of ancient temples, lying under the Sun or under the fan in a hotel room.

I was calm, firstly, from the fact that I had where to record the ideas that arose, and, secondly, thanks to the fact that I did not need to keep the ideas in my memory with all my might, I knew that I could always return to them .

Of course, it is important not only to form the habit of writing down your ideas, but to review this list regularly.

By the way, I now also write down quotes and valuable rules from other people, rather than trying to keep them in my memory.

Tip 6 - Don't separate life and work

"Uncollected open questions equalized in terms of the stress they cause and the attention they require."
~David Allen

As I already wrote, for our brain there is not much difference between the tasks: “finish a work project”, “discuss a problem in a relationship with my wife”. Both tasks occupy our memory and consume mental resources, no matter where we are, in the office, at home or on vacation.

And the practical conclusion from this principle became a great discovery for me. Previously, when I got to work, I put off thinking about personal and life problems until later. “After all, I’m working now! I am busy!"- I thought.

But in fact, the fact that these tasks are “hanging” in my mind can prevent me from working focused and effective (here I mean work in the usual sense, like professional activity). And the worst thing we can do is leave them hanging. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to solve some urgent family matters, routine tasks, even think about “philosophical questions” that really bother you before you sit down to work.

It is clear that there are problems here. You can immerse yourself in this thinking for so long that you never start working. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this principle carefully and consciously. To others good decision will add to your to-do list: "think about the meaning of life" and free your head from reminders of this.

Tip 7 - Benefits for psychotherapy

“The fruitless and endless repetition of a thought in your head reduces the ability to analyze and act.”
~David Allen

I couldn’t help but think about applying this technology to the field of psychology and psychotherapy, the prevention of neuroses, obsessive states, and destructive attitudes.

Exist different methods getting rid of obsessive, negative thoughts. Some psychologists recommend subjecting such thoughts to careful logical analysis. Others use calming and realistic affirmations.

Although I use these approaches in my practice of helping people with panic attacks, I understand that the capabilities of our logic in a state of anxiety and panic are very limited, and there is always a chance that such an analysis will be turned against the one who uses it. So I basically recommend just patiently not reacting to intrusive thoughts.

But I also think that the principle of “identify the next action” and “focus on the goal” can be used very well in relation to intrusive thoughts and negative attitudes.

Let's say you suffer from hypochondria.

You think: “I have a terrible and fatal disease.”
Okay, now think: “What’s the next action?”
“We should probably go get checked. But I already went to the doctors this week, the tests didn’t show anything wrong!”
Everything fell into place, didn't it?

Or do you have social phobia:

“People don’t accept me, I’m a worthless person”

What's the next action?

“I will work to improve my social skills and I will start with...” or/and “I will learn to accept myself as I am and I will start with...”. Most often, both the first and second skills are required in combination to solve problems of self-doubt, social anxiety, etc. Formulating your next action will not only set you up for the goal, but also show that achieving the goal is possible!

And even if it is not possible, then the next action will be: “I will not do anything about this problem. Because it cannot be fixed. If so, why think about it?”

This approach will help you think not about the problem, but about its solution! Anxious, suspicious, restless people often very focused on problems. “I have few friends,” “fear never leaves me,” “everyone thinks badly of me,” etc. They ask more questions: “why” than “what to do about it,” which only creates new anxiety and a feeling of helplessness.

But the question is: “what’s the next action?” immediately sets you on the path to solving the problem (or deciding to do nothing), which can free your head from a whole heap of negative, meaningless thoughts about the problem. In general, try it!

What can you achieve with GTD?

“The problem is not a lack of creativity, but rather removing barriers to the natural flow of creative energy.”
~David Allen

The application of GTD methodology goes far beyond improving labor efficiency. Therefore, by putting at least some aspects of this approach into practice, you will experience not only increased productivity, but also greater clarity of consciousness. The purpose of this system is not only to make you work better, but to free your head from unnecessary thoughts about work and uncompleted tasks. So that you can easily let go of thoughts about what you cannot change or have a solution ready for what needs your action.


Over the sixty years of their development, gas turbine engines (GTEs) have become the main type of engines for modern civil aviation aircraft. Gas turbine engines are a classic example of a complex device, the parts of which operate for a long time under conditions high temperatures and mechanical loads. Highly efficient and reliable operation of aviation gas turbine power plants of modern aircraft is impossible without the use of special systems automatic control (ACS). It is extremely important to monitor and manage engine operating parameters to ensure high reliability and long service life. Therefore, the choice of automatic engine control system plays a huge role.

Currently widely used in the world aircraft, on which V generation engines are installed, equipped the latest systems automatic control type FADEC (Full Authority Digital Electronic Control). Hydromechanical self-propelled guns were installed on aircraft gas turbine engines of the first generations.

Hydromechanical systems have come a long way in development and improvement, ranging from the simplest, based on controlling the supply of fuel to the combustion chamber (CC) by opening/closing a shut-off valve (valve), to modern hydroelectronic ones, in which all the main control functions are performed using hydromechanical meters -decisive devices, and only to perform certain functions (limiting gas temperature, turbocharger rotor speed, etc.) electronic regulators are used. However, now this is not enough. In order to match high requirements safety and efficiency of flights, it is necessary to create completely electronic systems, in which all control functions are performed by means of electronic technology, and executive bodies can be hydromechanical or pneumatic. Such self-propelled guns are capable of not only controlling big number engine parameters, but also monitor their trends, manage them, thereby, according to established programs, set the engine the appropriate operating modes, interact with aircraft systems to achieve maximum efficiency. The FADEC self-propelled gun belongs to such systems.

A serious study of the design and operation of automatic control systems for aviation gas turbine engines is a necessary condition correctness of assessment technical condition(diagnostics) of control systems and their individual elements, as well as safe operation ACS of aviation gas turbine power plants in general.


Purpose of automatic control systems

gas turbine engine fuel management

The self-propelled gun is designed for (Fig. 1):

Controlling engine start and shutdown;

Engine operating mode control;

Ensuring stable operation of the compressor and combustion chamber (CC) of the engine in steady-state and transient modes;

Preventing engine parameters from exceeding the maximum permissible limits;

Ensuring information exchange with aircraft systems;

Integrated motor control included power plant aircraft according to commands from the aircraft control system;

Providing control over the serviceability of ACS elements;

Operational monitoring and diagnosing of the engine condition (with a combined automatic control system and control system);

Preparation and delivery of engine condition information to the registration system.

Providing control over engine starting and shutdown. At startup, the self-propelled gun performs the following functions:

Controls the fuel supply to the CS, the guide vane (VA), and air bypasses;

Controls the starting device and ignition units;

Protects the engine during surges, compressor breakdowns and turbine overheating;

Protects the starting device from exceeding the maximum speed.

Rice. 1.

The self-propelled control system ensures that the engine is turned off from any operating mode upon the pilot's command or automatically when limiting parameters are reached, and that the fuel supply to the main compressor is briefly interrupted in the event of loss of gas-dynamic stability of the compressor (GDU).

Engine operating mode control. Control is carried out according to the pilot's commands in accordance with specified control programs. The control action is the fuel consumption in the compressor station. During control, a given regulation parameter is maintained taking into account the air parameters at the engine inlet and intra-engine parameters. In multi-coupled control systems, the geometry of the flow part can also be controlled to implement optimal and adaptive control in order to ensure maximum efficiency of the “CS - aircraft” complex.

Ensuring stable operation of the compressor and engine compressor station in steady-state and transient modes. For stable operation of the compressor and compressor, automatic program control of the fuel supply to the combustion chamber in transient modes, control of air bypass valves from the compressor or behind the compressor, control of the angle of installation of the rotary blades BHA and HA of the compressor are carried out. The control ensures the flow of the line of operating modes with a sufficient margin of gas-dynamic stability of the compressor (fan, booster stages, pressure pump and pressure build-up). To prevent exceeding the parameters in the event of loss of the compressor GDU, anti-surge and anti-stall systems are used.

Preventing engine parameters from exceeding the maximum permissible limits. The maximum permissible parameters are understood as the maximum possible engine parameters, limited by the conditions for fulfilling the throttle and altitude-speed characteristics. Long-term operation in modes with maximum permissible parameters should not lead to the destruction of engine parts. Depending on the engine design, the following are automatically limited:

Maximum permissible speed of engine rotors;

Maximum permissible air pressure behind the compressor;

Maximum gas temperature behind the turbine;

Maximum temperature of turbine blade material;

Minimum and maximum fuel consumption in the compressor station;

Maximum permissible rotation speed of the starting device turbine.

If the turbine spins up when its shaft breaks, the engine is automatically switched off with the maximum possible speed of the fuel cut-off valve in the combustion chamber. An electronic sensor can be used that detects exceeding the threshold rotation speed, or a mechanical device that detects the mutual circumferential displacement of the compressor and turbine shafts and determines the moment the shaft breaks to turn off the fuel supply. In this case, control devices can be electronic, electromechanical or mechanical.

The design of the ACS must provide for above-system means of protecting the engine from destruction when limiting parameters are reached in the event of failure of the main control channels of the ACS. A separate unit may be provided, which, when the maximum value for the above-system limitation of any of the parameters is reached, with maximum speed issues a command to cut off the fuel in the CS.

Information exchange with aircraft systems. Information exchange is carried out through serial and parallel information exchange channels.

Providing information to control, testing and adjustment equipment. To determine the serviceable condition of the electronic part of the ACS, troubleshooting, and operational adjustment of electronic units, the engine accessory kit contains a special control, testing and adjustment panel. The remote control is used for ground operations, and in some systems it is installed on board the aircraft. Between the ACS and the console is carried out information exchange via coded communication lines through a specially connected cable.

Integrated engine control as part of the aircraft control system using commands from the aircraft control system. In order to obtain maximum efficiency of the engine and the aircraft as a whole, the control of the engine and other control systems is integrated. Control systems are integrated on the basis of on-board digital computer systems integrated into the on-board complex control system. Integrated control is carried out by adjusting engine control programs from the control system, issuing engine parameters to control the air intake (AI). Upon a signal from the VZ self-propelled control system, commands are issued to set the engine mechanization elements to the position of increasing the reserves of the compressor gas turbine unit. To prevent disruptions in a controlled airborne aircraft when the flight mode changes, the engine mode is adjusted or fixed accordingly.

Monitoring the serviceability of ACS elements. In the electronic part of the engine ACS, the serviceability of the ACS elements is automatically monitored. If the ACS elements fail, information about the malfunctions is provided to the aircraft control system. The control programs and the structure of the electronic part of the ACS are being reconfigured to maintain its functionality.

Operational monitoring and diagnostics of engine condition. The ACS integrated with the control system additionally performs the following functions:

Reception of signals from engine and aircraft sensors and alarms, their filtering, processing and output to on-board systems indications, registration and other aircraft systems, conversion of analog and discrete parameters;

Tolerance control of measured parameters;

Monitoring the engine thrust parameter during takeoff;

Monitoring the operation of compressor mechanization;

Monitoring the position of the elements of the reversing device on forward and reverse thrust;

Calculation and storage of information about engine operating hours;

Monitoring hourly consumption and oil level when refueling;

Monitoring the engine start time and run-down of the LPC and HPC rotors during shutdown;

Monitoring air intake systems and turbine cooling systems;

Vibration control of engine components;

Analysis of trends in changes in the main parameters of the engine at steady state.

In Fig. Figure 2 schematically shows the composition of the units of the automatic control system of the turbofan engine.

Given the currently achieved level of operational process parameters of aviation gas turbine engines, further improvement of the characteristics of power plants is associated with the search for new control methods, with the integration of self-propelled control systems into unified system control of the aircraft and engine and their joint control depending on the mode and stage of flight. This approach becomes possible with the transition to electronic digital engine control systems such as FADEC (Full Authority Digital Electronic Control), i.e. to systems in which electronics control the engine at all stages and modes of flight (systems with full responsibility) .

The advantages of a digital control system with full responsibility over a hydromechanical control system are obvious:

The FADEC system has two independent control channels, which significantly increases its reliability and eliminates the need for multiple redundancies and reduces its weight;

Rice. 2.

The FADEC system provides automatic start-up, operation in steady-state conditions, limitation of gas temperature and rotation speed, start-up after the combustion chamber goes out, anti-surge protection due to a short-term reduction in fuel supply, it operates on the basis of various types of data coming from sensors;

The FADEC system is more flexible because... the number and essence of the functions it performs can be increased and changed by introducing new ones or adjusting them existing programs management;

The FADEC system significantly reduces crew workloads and enables the use of widely used fly-by-wire aircraft control technology;

FADEC functions include engine health monitoring, fault diagnosis and maintenance information for the entire powertrain. Vibration, performance, temperature, fuel and oil system behavior are among the many operational aspects that can be monitored to ensure safety, effective life control and reduced maintenance costs;

The FADEC system provides registration of engine operating hours and damageability of its main components, ground and travel self-monitoring with storage of results in non-volatile memory;

For the FADEC system, there is no need for adjustments and checks of the engine after replacing any of its components.

The FADEC system also:

Controls traction in two modes: manual and automatic;

Controls fuel consumption;

Provides optimal operating conditions by controlling the air flow along the engine path and adjusting the gap behind the turbine engine blades;

Controls the oil temperature of the integrated drive-generator;

Ensures compliance with restrictions on the operation of the thrust reverser system on the ground.

In Fig. 3 clearly demonstrates the wide range of functions performed by the FADEC self-propelled guns.

In Russia, self-propelled guns of this type are being developed for modifications of AL-31F, PS-90A engines and a number of other products.

Rice. 3. Purpose of a digital engine control system with full responsibility

Our reader Oleg Bondarenko shares his proven GTD system for organizing his affairs and his whole life. It's no secret that we know almost everything about GTD and similar mechanics, but we are rarely able to use them for a long time. We are sure that the success story in this field will be interesting to you.

I divide incoming tasks, ideas, thoughts as follows:

  • Anything that can be shoved right away onto another performer, I immediately shove it off. I add a reminder task “Check execution”.
  • What can you do right now in 5-15 minutes? I sit down and do it.
  • What requires more time or cannot be done right now. This also includes reminder tasks like “Check the status of the XXX project.” I immediately enter it into the list of tasks on my phone or Google Tasks - everything is synchronized.
  • What is interesting and may be promising. I throw them in a bunch into Evernote. I review it about once a week and sort it into notebooks. Something grows into tasks.

More details on point 3.

To successfully maintain a list of tasks, strict formalization and minimization of costs for managing and obtaining data are necessary. This is achieved as follows.

Each task has a structured name like: Project | Object | Action

Project– this is a large grouping of tasks, an abbreviated code like HOME, OFFICE, CLIENT1, ... For each Project there should be an average of 1-10 tasks. If there are consistently more tasks for the Project, I allocate part of it to an additional Project. Thus, task grouping is always one-level. As practice has shown, a more visual grouping of tasks in the form of a multi-level tree is actually unnecessarily labor-intensive and reduces motivation to use the system effectively.

Searching for tasks within a Project is performed using basic functions: searching or sorting – my favorite method.

An object- this is an object or person on whom an action needs to be performed. Everything is simple here.

Actionelementary action, which must be performed on the Object.

Another the most important point: each task contains execution date. If you are not sure about the due date of a task, set the current one. If you set the current date and do nothing else, tomorrow the task will be on the overdue list and you will have to make a decision on it. For example, put it in notes about life.

Sometimes, for a certain Project, a list of tasks emerges, the timing and sequence of execution of which is not clear at the moment. In this case I'll start common task type: Project Tasks. In the comments I list the list of tasks. Over time, the situation becomes clearer, something is crossed out, something is completed, something grows into a separate task. In any case, even from such a group record, I determine the date when it is necessary to contact it and conduct an audit.

And one last thing. In my practice, approximately 50% of tasks are not completed(or cannot be executed) on the selected date. Much does not depend on me. Tasks like “Check project status” are generally lengthy and require periodic attention. Something is being clarified and supplemented. Such tasks are constantly postponed to later dates. This is normal (by the way, this is a huge plus of electronic organizers). Manual labor regarding rescheduling, it is also useful in the sense that it sometimes prompts important thoughts.

Hello, dear friends!

If you regularly read my blog, you probably remember that some time ago I published the results of my experiments on different ways to achieve goals - experiments with running. This story received an unexpected continuation. You know, like the proverb: one good initiative leads to another. This is what happened to me - my philosophy of “detachment” from goals and concentration on specific actions was confirmed in the form of a system GTD – Getting Things Done(bringing things to completion). The author of the technique, David Allen, described it in detail in his book “Getting Things in Order.” What kind of system this is, I will tell you below, but for now let’s discuss why a person often does not achieve his goals. All the problems in which we do not achieve what we want can be reduced to just two problems:

  • we don’t know what to do to achieve our goal
  • we know what to do, but we don't follow through.

How to solve the first problem? Need ideas. Where to get ideas and how to generate them? How to attract an idea? Well, first of all, in order to put something (in our case, an idea) somewhere (in our case, a head), there must be a place there. That is, “RAM” must be periodically cleared so that it can enter new idea. In order to clear “ RAM“It is necessary to upload information to external media. Then space is freed up for new ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to keep records of all the activities, ideas and thoughts that come to mind.

Secondly, it is very important that while working on some “action” in our head there are only thoughts about this “action”. And we wouldn’t think about the fact that we need to pick up our child from school, visit our parents in the evening, and two hours later our business partner should call us. But we cannot forget about these matters. This means that these matters should be in close proximity and we could turn to them at any time, but on the other hand, they should not be in our head, but should be placed on an external “information keeper”. In the classic GTD system, such storage is the recycle bin and folders. In my case, this is the Evernote notebook and the Doitim program. I will tell you in more detail about the organization of the entire system in one of my next posts, or even most likely in just a few posts.

So, the first problem can be solved by periodically emptying your “head” by “writing it out” on paper or in a doc. file of thoughts, ideas, deeds. By writing out, not in the sense of drawing out letters, but in the sense of “pouring out”, cleansing. 🙂 And then the subsequent processing of information. This way we create a constant flow. Thoughts come, we write them down, new ones come - we write them down again, organize them according to a system, and so on. Sooner or later from large quantity Random thoughts give birth to valuable ideas. Ideas are processed, transformed into concrete actions, and then, by performing specific actions, we achieve goals. Blogging in this matter, by the way, also plays an important role...

By the way, I remember earlier there was a joke like this:

A grandmother says to her grandson, a fighter pilot:

You, grandson, fly more quietly and lower.

The old lady didn’t know that pilots had the faster and higher flights, the more effective and safe they were.

It’s the same in life: the larger your thinking, the more global your projects, the greater the chances of failure.

Of course, it is difficult to fit the entire philosophy of the system into the size of a post, and this is not necessary. Anyone who wants to get to know it better and “taste it” can read David Allen’s book “Getting Things in Order.”

And in the next article, tools for GTD, I will talk about how to use it and what services allow you to implement GTD in life.

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