Is it necessary to write letters? How to finish a business letter: examples in Russian and English

Chercher 24.11.2021

Remember Pushkin’s famous “I am writing to you...” What could be more pleasant than receiving letters, and receiving them from a loved one is doubly pleasant. A love letter... Now it sounds a little old-fashioned, but how romantic! I am sure that almost every woman dreams of having such a letter written to her at least once in her life. And you don’t have to wait until March 8 or Valentine’s Day comes, if you love, you can make a pleasant surprise just like that, without any reason. Although, what am I saying, because Love is already the reason, the biggest and most important.

A letter is a monologue; you speak without being interrupted. This is one of the best ways to talk about your feelings. And for this you don’t have to be Pushkin or Blok. The main thing is to express the sincerity and depth of your feelings. Writing a letter always requires a special mood, a special state of mind. After all, it is very difficult to express in words Love and Tenderness, Sadness or Loneliness. Write everything you think about. Don't hide your feelings. Don't be afraid to open your soul, let your loved one know how much he means to you. If you don’t find the right words, you can use a couple of poetic lines about love.

Someone will say that this is the 21st century - the century of technology and human laziness - it is much easier to call or just write an SMS. Of course it’s easier, but you can’t write much in an SMS, but over the phone “can you tell your soul?” And, then, a word is a sound (if it flies out, you can’t catch it), and a word written on paper is already something material. You can see it, stroke it, it even has its own smell. This is already something that belongs only to you. This is the “I Love” that you can look at every day, you can even kiss it, and put it under your pillow at night. This “I love” is different for everyone: for some it is smooth and graceful, for others it is dancing and disorderly, for others it is illegible and wavy. But it is addressed only to you, which is why it is so expensive. This is a piece of the soul enclosed in an envelope, a piece of paper filled with meaning for only two people.

It has long been known that with the help of letters alone you can form an opinion about a person, arouse self-respect and even fall in love. Remember the amazing relationship of P.I. Tchaikovsky with Nadezhda von Meck, captured in their correspondence, which lasted for thirteen years. They never met, but what love and tenderness for each other shines through in their letters.

For centuries, men and women have sought various ways express your feelings and convey them to your loved ones. Writing nice letter was considered a difficult task. So difficult that many wealthy people even hired special servant-secretaries for this. The rhythm of our modern life leaves us less and less time for romance. The epistolary genre is not in fashion now; most of us have already forgotten how to express our thoughts and feelings on paper. But if you Love, don’t be ashamed to write about it. Sit down right now and write a letter to your loved ones. And it doesn’t matter whether you write it on paper or send it by email, the main thing is that it is sincere.

Electronic correspondence has always been and remains the main method of communication in the business world. A correctly composed letter is already half the success. But not everyone can write such letters. Sometimes, when reading a letter with a business proposal, it becomes not entirely clear what exactly they want to offer you, what benefits you will get from it, and why you even spent your time reading and understanding this letter.

The ability to write correct, persuasive letters comes with practice. And it’s good when the accumulated experience is shared, thereby allowing other people not to step on the same rake. Jeffrey James, author of Business to Business Selling: Power Words and Strategies From the World's Top Sales Experts, offers his simple system writing persuasive letters, which consists of 6 steps.

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1. Always have a clear idea of ​​what you are going to write about.

The main purpose of the letter is to make the recipient make a certain decision. Therefore, before you start composing a letter, ask yourself again what exactly do you want from the recipient? What decision should he make after reading your letter?

IN in this case, uncertainty is your archenemy. The clearer your purpose, the more persuasive your letter will be.

2. Start your letter with your conclusion.

Your conclusion is a statement of the decision the recipient should make based on the content of your letter.

At school we were taught to always start with an introduction. In the case of writing persuasive letters, this statement is incorrect. In the business world, everyone is too busy to appreciate your literary abilities. Therefore, you must get straight to the point.

For example, you want to get permission from your boss to install a gym in one of your company's premises.


As you know, employee absenteeism is a major issue at the moment that is having quite a significant financial impact on both our company and other companies in our industry... blah blah blah... So we should consider allocating money to arrangement of a gym at the main office of our company.”


I want you to approve the installation of a gym in our office."

3. Divide your arguments into several easily digestible paragraphs.

To make the arguments supporting your idea easy to read and understand, divide them into several paragraphs.


“According to a recent government report, physical activity groups are extremely important even though few companies demonstrate a commitment to rewarding employees in this way. Many firms identify such groups as undervalued assets, but they do not have a plan to introduce such groups in this industry, even though fitness is closely linked to corporate and personal success. I believe that if we do not introduce such physical groups in our company, we will remain far behind our competitors."


“The gym in the office will allow you to:
- reduce absenteeism
- increase overall productivity"

4. Support each argument with evidence.

If you write a letter consisting of solid arguments, it may be perceived as a solid personal opinion and nothing more. Every argument needs proof. Otherwise, how can you understand that it really works?


“Having a gym in the office will be the right solution because people will prefer to go to work rather than stay at home. It will also help reduce overall illness in the office.”


“Reduced absenteeism. According to a survey conducted by the National Institute of Health of 1,000 companies that have on-site gyms, employee absenteeism in these companies is 20% lower than in those companies that do not have such equipment.

5. Repeat your conclusion as a call to action.

At the end of the letter, repeat again your conclusion stated at the very beginning. Only now as a call to specific action. In this way, you lead the recipient to a specific conclusion that he should draw after reading your letter. This call should be simple and specific.


“We will be very grateful if you support this project.”


“If you reply yes to this letter, I will initiate the process immediately.”

6. Indicate the benefit in the subject line of the email

The subject line in an email is almost the most important part. Since it should anticipate the main subject of the letter and set the recipient in the mood you need. And that is why you should fill it out last, after you have written all the arguments and evidence that support your main conclusion.

Ideally, the subject line of the letter should accomplish two important tasks: it should interest the recipient so much that he opens and reads the letter; and it should convey the message you want to convey to the recipient.

In most cases The best way To do both tasks at once is to write about the benefits that can be obtained as a result of making the decision you want.


“Impact on the health of employees of the equipment program gyms in offices"


“How can we reduce employee absenteeism?”

I'm interested in your opinion. How would you react to both options and what rules do you follow when composing such letters?

If you think that the epistolary genre has sunk into oblivion, you are deeply mistaken. In everyday life, you can’t argue, it has become commonplace to make phone calls or exchange instant ICQ messages - simply and quickly. However, letters still play an important role in business relationships: phone conversation, correspondence on ICQ will not fit the case: more serious documents are needed here.

You must be meticulous and responsible when writing business letters. For any business letter, including those sent by e-mail, it is recommended to use letterhead, where the details of the organization are indicated. This emphasizes that there is a reputable company behind the letter and you can do business with it. Be sure to indicate the date the letter was written. It is advisable to write the month in letters; abbreviations such as 01/20/02 are accepted only in Russia and are not used in international practice.

Business letter must contain title, revealing the content of the text. This makes it much easier for the recipient to process and sort letters. First of all, you need to ensure that your letter is singled out from the mass of similar ones and sent to the right employee. The subject of the letter is underlined or written in capital letters.

Address of the recipient written twice: on the envelope on the bottom right side and in the upper left corner of the letter. If the letter is placed in an envelope with a transparent window, then the address is written once - in the letter, and it is folded so that the recipient's address is in the window. The address is written in the following order: house number, street, name of the city, region, republic (state, county, canton, etc.), postal code, country.

After the address - the initials and surname of the addressee. The initials are preceded by the abbreviations “Mr,” “Ms,” or “G-dam.” If the addressee has a rank or title, it is better to indicate it instead of “Mr.” In all Western European countries and the United States, omitting titles is considered impolite. However, writing and saying “Mr. + title + surname” is accepted only in Germany. In France and England, the addressee's title of nobility is always indicated in the address, but it is not customary to mention it in the body of the letter.

The words “Mr.” and “Mrs.” are not usually used without a surname, and they are always abbreviated to “Mr.” or “Ms.,” while it is advisable to write titles in full. In England, the polite address “Esquire” (Esquire - Esq.) is often written after the addressee’s name, and it is never used in conjunction with the word “Mr.” If you want to send a letter personally, then after the last name indicate: “Personally” (Private - for England, Personal - for the USA).

If the letter is addressed to a company and must be read by a specific person, the expression “Attention of...” is used. You can send a letter to a company address to a person whose address is unknown, but the company he works for maintains contact with him business connection, indicating “Through” (Care of or C/O).

Opening Address traditionally consists of the words "Dear Mr. (Ms.) + last name" or "Dear Mr. (Ms.) + last name." In official letters it is not customary to address yourself as “you,” even if you are short in real life. Depending on the degree of closeness with your correspondent, the address may begin with the words “Dear + first name” or “Dear + last name.”

You should not write in your address: “Uv. Mr. Director! In this case, abbreviations are inappropriate. The words “dear”, “sir”, “madam”, “deputy director”, “head of department” and the like should be written in full. Otherwise, the recipient has the right to think that you don’t really respect him very much.

A good impression is made by business letters that contain something after the greeting. introduction-compliment. They usually say that they are glad to welcome such a well-known company, that it will be a great honor for you to provide services to such a reputable partner, etc. We can express hope for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Business letters containing verbal garbage (“We are, of course, confident that cooperation with us will definitely be beneficial to you", excessive politeness (" Kindly read this letter please"), meaningless adjectives ( outstanding, amazing, wonderful), extra pronouns (“ We are all happy to cooperate with you and your company »).

When writing business letters, you should not use directives. instruction phrasesyou should contact us by phone..."). With such a phrase you psychologically turn people against you. You should not arrogantly tell your partners how they should behave. It's better to write: " To discuss the details of our offer, you can contact us by phone..." The meaning is the same, but the tone of the letter encourages a more friendly attitude towards you.

When describing the activities of your company, to create the impression of specific achievements, pay attention to choice of verbs. Perfective verbs talk about real results: completed, developed, increased, created, made, etc.. Imperfective verbs create more indefinite ones in relation to the result of an activity: we produce, we work, we perform, we participate. They provide insight into the functions performed rather than the results achieved. The use of perfect verbs will create the impression of concrete success, and therefore will create the impression of solidity and respectability of your company.

IN letter of request If possible, briefly indicate the reason, formulate the request itself clearly, thank you in advance for fulfilling it. As a token of gratitude for the answer, as an expression of readiness for cooperation, or as an information message, we write notification letters. Under such a letter it is enough to put the signature of the referent.

Reminder letter sent in cases where telephone conversations or personal contact fail to achieve the desired result. The purpose of such a letter is to tactfully remind you of the need to fulfill your obligations.

Confirmation letter is a guarantee of previously made promises or already agreed upon conditions. Such a letter is an expression of politeness and respect for the partner. IN letter of complaint The claim itself, the basis for its presentation and specific requirements must be contained.

In response to a complaint they write refusal letters. It is better to start and end such a letter with positive information: for example, listing what you agree with, then explaining the reason for the refusal. The letter will help, despite the refusal, to maintain a normal relationship with a client or partner.

Letter of apology usually contains a statement of reasons why the preliminary agreement is suddenly violated. In some cases, such a letter is sent after notification by telephone. Letter of guarantee sent as an obligation to pay for something, indicating the type of operation to be performed. The letter ends with the phrase “We guarantee payment” and indicating your bank details and has two signatures - the manager and the chief accountant.

Congratulations, gratitude, condolences It is better to write by hand to emphasize a sincere and individual attitude towards your partner.

A business letter must include final politeness formula: “With respect”, “With respect.” In an official letter abroad, as a rule, Very truly yours (“Sincerely yours”) is used. Moreover, in the response letter it is advisable to use the same politeness formula as in the received one.

As you can see, everything is very simple, although there are more than enough conventions. Write letters!

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An employee in any field sooner or later faces the problem of writing a business letter. The main question is how to start and how to finish? Many sites offer basic rules and examples, paying little attention to the final part of the documents.

The letter must be perfect in every way. Even the slightest non-compliance with the rules can harm your authority or the prestige of the company.

In a brief form, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main rules of business letters and will dwell in more detail on the final part of an official letter.

You will need:

The main rules of business letters

  1. When writing a letter, remember that you are not expressing your own opinion, but speaking on behalf of legal entity(institutions, organizations or enterprises).
  2. It is your responsibility to be clear about the results you want to achieve with this letter and to make effective use of all the text's features.
  3. Clearly define the plan of presentation, highlighting the information in the introduction, main part or ending.
  4. In the introduction, after the address, we prepare the addressee for perception. This may be a summary of the events that led to the emergence of the document. The main part contains a statement of the essence of the problem with the necessary argumentation (explanation, digital calculations, links to legislative acts).

A more effective and easy-to-understand text, in which, first, the proposal, request or demand is stated, then the argumentation, and there is no introductory part at all.

Part of the ending - applications

Certain documents have appendices that complement, clarify, or detail specific issues. They must be noted at the end of the letter, departing a few lines from the last paragraph.

Application design methods:

1) Applications mentioned in the text, then a note about this is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: 5 pages, 3 copies.

2) Applications not listed in the text must be listed, making sure to indicate the title, number of pages in each application and number of copies.

Appendix: “Certificate of assessment of the cost of unfinished construction”, 2 pages, 3 copies.

3) Sometimes there are several applications. Then they are listed by name and numbered. At large quantities A list of applications is compiled separately, and in the letter after the text the following is noted:

Appendix: according to the list on ... page.

Attach copies of documents to the letter in the order in which they were numbered in the attachment.

The application is usually signed by managers structural divisions. In cases where applications are bound, there is no need to indicate the number of pages.

Politeness and correctness are the basis of the ending

There are different options for constructing the ending. It depends on what was said in the letter.

The most commonly used completion examples:

1) Repeat the gratitude given at the beginning or simply thank you for your help:

Thank you again...
Let me thank you again...
We would like to once again express our sincere gratitude...
Thanks for the help …

2) Express hopes:

We hope that the agreement will be mutually beneficial...
We hope that our offer will interest you...
We look forward to close and mutually beneficial cooperation...
I hope that soon I will be able to meet you in person...
I hope to receive your response soon...

3) Reassurance of the addressee (usually has a psychologically positive effect on the addressee):

We assure you that you can fully count on our support...
We will be glad to cooperate with you...
I would be glad to cooperate with you and look forward to your response...

4) Request:

Please read the materials carefully and respond...
We ask you to urgently inform...
We ask you to take immediate action to improve the situation...
Please call me at any time convenient for you...

5) Repeating the already expressed apology for the inconvenience:

Once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused...
We sincerely apologize for this forced delay in payment...


1) In official correspondence you can say goodbye in different ways:

Best regards and Best wishes
With sincere respect to you...
We wish you success.

2) If you know the addressee well or successfully cooperate with him, then you can end the letter with friendly phrases (not familiar):

Yours sincerely…
Best wishes…
With gratitude and best wishes.

You can finish the document without using these structures!

English features of ending letters

  1. Usually they end an official letter like this: Sincerely Yours (Sincerely yours) or simply Yours(Yours) and a signature, indicating your last name and position under it.
  2. To avoid putting your partner in a difficult position or forcing them to make assumptions about your gender, take the trouble to write your name in full, that is, not P.R. Dovzhenko, but Pavel Dovzhenko.


Officials sign documents within their competence.

The “signature” attribute consists of the job title, initials and surname of the person who signed the document.

Director of the Mramor plant (signature) A.B. Koval

Documents concluded in institutions operating on the principle of unity of command are signed by one official (manager, deputy or employee entrusted with this).

Documents of collegial bodies (protocols, decisions) are affixed with two signatures (the head and the secretary). The order is signed by the manager.

Two or more signatures are placed on documents for the contents of which several people are responsible:

  • Monetary and financial documents are signed by the head of the institution and the chief accountant;
  • agreements are signed by representatives of the contracting parties.

The signatures of several persons on documents are placed one below the other in a sequence corresponding to the service hierarchy.

Director (signature) S.P. Antonyuk
Chief accountant (signature) V.T.Dudko

If a document is signed by several persons occupying the same position, their signatures must be placed at the same level.

Director of the Luch plant Director of the Svet plant
(signature) V.R. Sakhno (signature) L.P. Kotov

The signature begins with the initials (placed before the surname), followed by the surname. There is no need to put the decryption of the signature in brackets!


To secure legal force, some documents are stamped with a seal: contracts, decrees, conclusions, etc. The stamp must include part of the job title and personal signature.


The date is placed below the signature on the left.

An official letter is dated on the day it was signed or approved by the head of the institution.

There is a generally accepted dating order:

  1. Date elements are written on one line using three pairs of Arabic numerals in the order of day, month, year;
  2. if the serial number of the day or month is the number of the first ten (from 1 to 9), then a zero is placed in front of it: 03.01.15 .
  3. Word year, reduction G. they don't put it.
  • When finished, check the letter for grammatical errors and make sure there is nothing superfluous.
  • Give the letter to a colleague or, if possible, a manager to read. An outside perspective will help identify shortcomings that might otherwise be overlooked.
  • Don't forget to include your phone/email address. This is often necessary to quickly resolve the problem specified in the letter.
  • In addition to the general universal requirements and design rules, it must be taken into account that each type of document has its own design features.

Remember that not all documents have a complete list of the details listed above, but only a certain set of those that provide the legal force and completeness of this particular type of document.

Good luck with your transactions and the desired answers!

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What's nice to write at the end business proposal?

    Do not use words and phrases at the final stage that can be considered manipulation (“we hope for mutually beneficial cooperation”, “thank you in advance for your answer”, “we will wait for your response letter”, etc.).

    Should you write “best wishes” or “with respect” at the end of the letter?

    Definitely, “with respect”, must be adhered to business style communication.

    What do they usually write at the end of a letter if they ask for a quick response?

    Nothing like this is written in a business letter.

    Should you write “respectfully” or “best wishes” in your email signature?


    How to replace the signature "with respect"?

    "With all due respect", "With respect."

    How to end a presentation letter?

    Thank you for your attention.

    How else can you write “I would like to notify”?

    “I would like to inform”, “notify”, “inform”, “announce”, “bring to the attention of”.

    Is the phrase: “I’ll end my report with words” correct?

Over the past decades, business correspondence via email has gained immense popularity and has become one of the main methods of business communication. Today it is difficult to find a person who would not use e-mail in the practice of interpersonal communications. Despite this, many today are asking the question: so that all the rules are followed? How to use a competent letter to form the addressee good impression about the sender?

This article describes the regulations business correspondence by email, and practical advice presented in the article will help you learn the correct business communication when composing emails.

Many people start their working day by checking their mailbox for new messages. But, unfortunately, despite the prevalence of this method of exchanging information, many do not know how to correctly use the language of business correspondence, mistaking emails for an informal way of communication.

Thanks to the speed of delivery, it simplifies the exchange of important official documents, forms, applications, but even here people make mistakes when sending letters. It very often happens that when composing an email when exchanging any files, recipients for some reason do not write accompanying essays and do not enter topics, which can complicate the work of recipients. The purpose of this article is to answer the question: how to send a letter by e-mail and comply with all the rules of business written communication via e-mail?

When composing emails, all fields provided must be filled in

The rules of business correspondence by email oblige the sender of the letter to fill out all the fields provided in the email, such as the address and name of the recipient and sender of the letter. A subject must be described that briefly describes the essence of the letter being sent. Very often, the fate of the sent letter and the speed of resolution of the problem stated in it depend on the correctly described topic. A business email should begin with a greeting - this simple show of respect for the recipient is very important when corresponding. After the greeting, there should be a text that is called the “body of the letter”, and at the end there should be a signature, for example, “With respect, Petr Ivanovich Brisov.”

Greetings in business correspondence

This point is worth further focusing on, since a gesture of respect is very important in any aspect of business communications. The optimal greeting phrase is “Good afternoon” or “Hello.” Conducting business correspondence via email limits the sender from using the phrases “Good evening” or “ Good morning”, since the recipient may read the letter long after receiving it. It is also not correct to use colloquial expressions used in greetings.

After a greeting word or phrase, you should address the recipient by name and patronymic, and if the name is unknown to the sender, this moment can be skipped. Then you can move on to stating the purpose of the letter.

Attached files in business emails

If main goal Since the letter is not only a written narrative and statement of the essence of the issue, but also the sending of a file, it is better to attach the sent object first. It often happens that many senders, due to inattention, having stated the essence of the issue in the body of the letter, forget to attach required investment. Such negligence can have a negative impact on business reputation sender of a business letter.

The email address should be recognizable and concise

The rules of business correspondence by e-mail require the sender to have a recognizable electronic name, which must contain truthful information about the name of the sender. Official letters and appeals look very unconcise and stupid when the email address contains informal expressions or words, for example, email address"limon_petya". This looks very undignified for an adult. To conduct business correspondence, it is better to create a separate email and observe business email etiquette.

Using the quick Reply (Response) function to respond to previously received emails

The Reply or Response function (abbreviated as Re:) helps the user in a fast way Reply to previously sent messages from the sender. This function also has the universal ability to read previous correspondence with an interlocutor on a given topic. But the rules of business correspondence by e-mail oblige the sender to rename the subject of the business letter if the essence of the discussion is changed during the correspondence.

Before sending a business letter, you should proofread for spelling errors and punctuation.

E-mail simplifies the exchange of information, but during business correspondence you should not neglect the rules of the Russian language, since a carelessly made mistake can affect the authority of the sender. Before sending a letter, you should review the text several times and carefully check it for spelling and punctuation errors. Many email clients have a spell check feature, so you should pay attention to the words underlined in red. If you have doubts about the correct spelling, you should seek help on the Internet or check the spelling using a spelling dictionary.

The addressee field should be filled in last.

To avoid sending unfinished or unedited letters, the address of the recipient of a business letter should be entered at the very last moment before sending. This rule is also included in the basics of business email correspondence. It happens that when filling out the addressee field, email may offer a list of previously used recipients; here you should also focus your attention so as not to mistakenly send a composed business letter to a third-party addressee.

Structuring a business letter

The rules for structuring text apply not only to paper media, but also to the rules of business correspondence via e-mail. It is not always convenient for the recipient to read large volumes of text of letters on the monitor screen. To simplify this point, you should break the text into logically formed small paragraphs and avoid complicated sentences when writing the text of business letters. Optimal length One sentence in a business letter should be no more than fifteen words.

The essence of a business letter should be stated in essence

In addition to the specified topic of the business letter, the recipient should also be interested in the clearly formulated first and second sentences of the main text. The sender’s task is to state at the beginning of the letter the essence of the problem or issue for which he is addressing the recipient. The first sentence should indicate the purpose for which the business letter is being sent. Sample: “We inform you that the terms of the obligation under contract No. 45 of 01/02/2017 “On the supply of bulk materials” are coming to an end. To renew the contract, you must submit a second package of documents.” Thanks to the designated purpose, the recipient has the opportunity to understand the main idea of ​​​​the business letter. If the text of the letter is too large, then it is better to use the function of attaching an object as an attachment in the form of a text document, but at the same time, in the text field, you should leave the accompanying essay that highlights the business letter. Sample: “We are sending you an electronic copy of the letter from the company Mak-Stroy LLC for your review.” We ask you to inform us of your decision on the issue of extending contract No. 45 of 01/02/2017 “On the supply of bulk materials” until the deadline specified in the letter.”

Every business email should have a response.

There are negative examples of business correspondence when the recipient ignores the business letter for some reason. Sometimes there may indeed be cases when an answer cannot be given due to certain situations, for example, the resolution of the problem may take several days or the recipient is in thought and cannot immediately answer the question posed. In this case, a brief comment on this matter should be given, for example, “Hello, Pyotr Ivanovich. I received your letter, but today I find it difficult to respond, since I must consult with senior management. I will report your problem to CEO our company and will give an official answer by the end of the week. Sincerely, Sales Department Manager Belov Ivan Gennadievich.”

It is worth remembering that if a response was not given within three working days, then the fact that the recipient of a business letter remains silent can be assessed as ignoring and refusing to communicate with the sender.

When writing response letters, you should answer all the questions asked.

If the letter sent to the recipient is of an interrogative nature, then when composing the letter you should give answers to the questions in the order that is present in the received text of the business letter. If questions have been asked, the sender hopes to receive specific answers to them. When composing a letter, you should not number your answers; you just need to state your thoughts in order. In order to answer all the questions posed, you first need to re-read the received business letter several times, and if there are too many questions, it is better to write them out separately to prevent them from being missed. If it is impossible to answer some of the questions posed, it is worth pointing out that at the moment for some reason the answer cannot be given.

Do not overuse abbreviations, emotional design and capital letters

There are negative examples of business correspondence when senders dilute it by using informal signs in the form of emoticons. Their use is popular when communicating in in social networks, however, the rules of business correspondence do not welcome such manifestations of emotions, since the recipient may not know their true meaning and take them for an incomprehensible set of punctuation errors.

You should also avoid writing text in capital letters. On the Internet, a set of words written in capital letters is called “flashy phrases” and more often than not such phrases carry a negative connotation. The recipient, when reading an electronic business letter, may evaluate such a font negatively, which will have a detrimental effect on the perception of meaning. If in a business letter you need to emphasize the importance of any point, it is better to use introductory phrases, for example, “Please note that you need to provide a package of documents to renew the contract no later than 02/10/2017” or “Please note that the documents the contract extension must be submitted by 02/10/2017.”

Do not transmit sensitive information via email

To transfer personal or confidential information It is better to refuse electronic mailboxes, as there is a threat of information being intercepted by attackers for use for their own selfish purposes. Such information may include: telephone numbers, passwords from bank cards, personal bank accounts, etc. It is important to remember that information is stored on the mail agent server and can be stolen if hacked.

The sender's signature must be at the end of the letter.

As mentioned earlier, every letter sent must contain a specific signature. Often, mailbox developers introduce a signature block function, in which you can enter your job title, name and contact phone number. Subsequently, this block will automatically appear at the end of each letter, which will make typing easier. It is important to write a signature correctly so that the recipient has the opportunity to correctly address the sender when replying to the letter. An example of a signature might look like this: “With respect, Nikolai Alexandrovich Petrov, +79810000000.”

Drawing conclusions, it can be noted that in order to understand how to conduct business correspondence by email, you do not need to master additional and complex basics. You just have to adhere to the basic rules of etiquette and observe the norms of the Russian language.

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