Oil industry of Russia: history, problems and development prospects. Oil industry Oil and gas industry

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The oil industry is a branch of the economy that is responsible for the production, refining, transportation, storage and sale of oil and oil products.

The oil production process includes geological exploration, drilling of oil wells, as well as their repair, purification of the extracted oil from water impurities and various chemicals.

One of the industries fuel industry is gas. The main functions of the gas industry are: search for gas fields, natural gas production, gas supply and production of artificial gas using coal and shale. The main task of the gas industry is the transportation and metering of gas.

Development of the fuel industry

(The first oil rigs)

The fuel industry began in 1859. Then an oil well was accidentally drilled in Pennsylvania, after which the development of the entire region began.

In Russia, oil has been extracted since the 8th century using wells on the Absheron Peninsula. Later, oil began to be produced on the Ukhta River, on the Cheleken Peninsula, in the Kuban. At first, oil was extracted using cylindrical buckets. In 1865, the United States began to use a mechanical method of oil production - using deep-well pumping.

(Oil was really in full swing back then.)

In 1901, pre-revolutionary Russia ranked first in oil production. In 1913, oil in large quantities was mined in the Baku region, Grozny and Maikop. There were oil monopolies developing new oil deposits. However, this led to a rapid drop in reservoir pressure. Cooperation with foreign companies led the Russian oil industry into decline. Therefore, in 1918 V.I. Lenin signed decrees on the nationalization of the oil industry. From that moment on, the process of restoring this link began. Impact drilling was replaced by the rotational method of mineral extraction, and the period of using deep-well pumps and gas lift began.

By 1929, the reconstruction was completed. Thanks to innovations, by 1940 Russia had again reached the highest level of oil production.

Despite the fact that during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 many oil fields were put out of action, pre-revolutionary Russia continued to produce natural resources in fairly large quantities. The search for new fields continued, which made it possible to ensure an increase in oil production in each five-year period - more than 100 million tons.

(Discovery of oil deposits in Siberia 1953)

Discovery of origins in Western Siberia in 1953 brought even more positive results to the USSR. Both oil and gas were produced here. During this period, inclined drilling was widely used, which made it possible to extract minerals in a shorter period of time.

And by 1980, the USSR became a major oil power. The use of new industrial methods of oil production begins, and industrial automation is carried out.

The emergence of oil transport leads to the emergence of a network of main oil pipelines connecting oil refineries to each other.

In 1878, the first oil pipeline appeared at the Baku oil fields, and by 1917 the length of Soviet oil pipelines was more than 600 km.

(Oil rigs in Texas, USA, 20th century)

In European countries, the oil industry began to develop intensively in the 1950s. During this period, the richest oil countries were Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

Capitalist countries also had oil reserves, most of which were in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Mexico. The US, Venezuela, Libya, Iraq and Iran also had large oil reserves.

Fuel industry sectors

The fuel industry consists of three main branches - oil, coal and gas.

Coal industry

The coal industry is a fairly old and studied industry, especially for Russia. If before the 19th century people used firewood, then during Russian Empire mining began coal. It is used in transport and for heating residential premises. Coal is used to produce electricity and is used in ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry.

If we compare hard and brown coal, it should be noted that hard coal has a fairly high calorific value and the quality is much better. That is why it is easy to transport over long distances. Brown coal is used in mining areas.

Coal mining is carried out in two ways - open and closed. The latter method is effective when the coal deposit is located deep under the earth's surface. Then it is extracted from the mines. Open method is a career one.

Oil industry

The oil industry is the basis of the modern economy. The most striking example of the need for oil in modern world- this is gasoline. Without gasoline there would be no cars, planes, sea and river vessels.

Oil is produced using oil wells or mines. And the well fluid itself is also distributed according to the extraction method into: fountain, gas lift and pump-compressor production.

Although gas industry is a fairly young industry, it is developing very quickly. The first gas fields were discovered during the Great Patriotic War. When comparing gas and oil production, it is worth noting that gas production costs the state much less. When it is burned, fewer harmful substances are produced than from burning oil or coal. Natural gas can be used as a chemical raw material, as well as for the production of mineral fertilizers.

Oil and gas industry in Russia

Today Russia is not the leader in oil reserves. The reason for this is both the political situation and the process of development of the oil industry in various countries.

Today, the Russian Federation is also developing and expanding oil territories in many regions of the country. Zapadnya Siberia remains the largest subject for the extraction of oil resources, there are about 300 oil and gas fields, the main of which are: Samotlorskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Megionskoye, Fedorovskoye and Surgutskoye. In second place after the Siberian territories is the Volga-Ural basin. The oil here is not as pure as in Siberia - it contains about 3% sulfur, which is neutralized during the processing of raw materials. The main oil production areas also include: Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Samara, Perm, Saratov and Volgograd regions. In addition to the main oil regions, we can distinguish Far East, Northern Caucasus, Stavropol and Krasnodar region, on whose territory a considerable amount of “black resource” is also mined.

Today there is an obvious trend towards a decrease in exports and an increase in imports of petroleum products. 95% of all petroleum products are transported through oil pipelines, which are displayed on the map of the Russian oil industry and geographical atlases.

The Russian gas industry is one of the state's budget-forming sectors. It is responsible for the extraction, processing, storage and distribution of gas resources for their use. Most of Russia's energy consumption comes from the gas industry.

The gas industry is almost 3 times cheaper than the oil industry and 15 times cheaper than other industrial sectors related to hydrocarbon production.

More than a third of the world's gas reserves are located on the territory of the Russian state and they are located in Western Siberia.

Fuel industry of the world

(Oil production from shale fields in the USA)

The basis of the fuel industry is the extraction and processing of fuel - oil, gas and coal. Oil production abroad is controlled by TNCs in the USA and Western European countries. And only in some countries oil production is completely controlled by the state. The opponents of the US TNC system are countries engaged in exports. They created the OPEC system, which defends the interests of the state in favor of oil self-sufficiency and independence.

Second World War entailed changes in the country's oil positions. If before it the leading role was occupied by the USA and Venezuela, then the USSR, the Middle and North East entered the battle for oil supremacy.

(Oil production in Saudi Arabia)

The oil industry remains the leader in terms of global consumption today. But it is impossible to say for sure which country is currently leading in oil production. According to OPEC indicators in 2015, the top five were: Saudi Arabia, Russia, the USA, China and Iraq.

Natural gas production is growing every year. Today, gas sources are almost equal in quantity to oil fields. In 1990, the leader in the extraction of this resource was Eastern Europe and the USSR, later the countries of Western Europe and Asia began to engage in gas production. Today, Russia continues to lead the gas race and is the world's main gas exporter.

The coal industry is characteristic of many countries in the world - 60. But only a few countries are the main coal miners - China, USA, Russia, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Coal exports are carried out by the USA, Australia and South Africa. And imports come from Japan and Western Europe.

Oil(Greek nbcib, or through tour. oil, from Persian oil; goes back to acad. napatum- flare up, ignite) - a flammable oily liquid, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons, red-brown, sometimes almost black in color, although slightly yellow-green and even colorless oil is sometimes found, has a specific odor, is common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth ; Today it is one of the most important minerals for humanity.

General information

Oil is found together with gaseous hydrocarbons at depths from tens of meters to 5-6 km. However, at depths greater than 4.5 - 5 km, gas and gas condensate deposits with a small amount of light fractions predominate. The maximum number of oil deposits is located at a depth of 1 - 3 km. At shallow depths and at natural outcrops on the earth's surface, oil is converted into thick malta, semi-solid asphalt and other formations - for example, tar sands and bitumen.

Oil industry-- a branch of the economy engaged in the extraction, processing, transportation, storage and sale of natural minerals - oil and related petroleum products. Related industries include geophysics, drilling, and production of oil and gas equipment. The basis of the oil industry is made up of vertically integrated oil companies.

Oil production-- a complex production process that includes geological exploration, well drilling and repair, purification of extracted oil from water, sulfur, paraffin and much more. Oil production is carried out by the oil and gas production department - the enterprise (or structural subdivision enterprises) engaged in the extraction and pumping of “crude” oil and gas to a commercial metering station. The NGDU infrastructure usually includes BPS (booster pumping stations), CPS (cluster pumping stations), UPSV (preliminary water discharge unit), and in-field pipelines (Oil pipelines).

Oil pipelines are engineering and technical structures of pipeline transport designed for the transport of oil. There are main and field oil pipelines. The construction and maintenance of the pipeline is very expensive, but nevertheless it is the cheapest way to transport gas and oil. To transport oil through waterways, tankers and supertankers (extra-large ocean tankers, with a displacement of 320,000 metric tons (see deadweight) or more) are used to transport crude oil from the loading port to the transfer point or directly to the refinery.

The purpose of oil refining (oil refining) is the production of petroleum products, primarily various fuels (automotive, aviation, boiler, etc.) and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing. Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and technical oils are divided into various grades depending on chemical composition. The final stage of refinery production is the mixing of the resulting components to obtain finished products required composition. Between these stages of production and refining, petroleum products are stored in oil storage tanks. In the oil industry, Shukhov steel tanks are used. Samplers are used to monitor the contents of the tank. Periodically, during periods of decreased demand for international shipping oil, supertankers are used as giant floating oil storage facilities.

Oil industry is a branch of the national economy and consists of several production stages: exploration, drilling, oil production (offshore and onshore), its processing, storage, transportation and petrochemical production.

The oil industry includes the main stages:

  • oil production
  • transportation
  • oil refining

In the fuel and energy industry, this sector ranks first. Has a huge impact on world economy, and leaves a significant mark on world politics. Its difference is its high capital intensity.

Oil production on an industrial scale began in the mid-19th century in countries such as Russia, Romania, and the USA. And by the beginning of the 20th century, 20 countries of the world were already engaged in its extraction, but the leading positions remained with the USA, Russia, and Venezuela. By 1940 – 40 countries, by 1970 – already 60 countries, by 1990 and about 100. Naturally, oil production in general has also increased. In the 1980s, there was a crisis that significantly affected world oil prices. However, thanks to the policies of some oil refining countries, mainly members of OPEC (the main regulator of prices on the world oil market), by the 1990s the price level had stabilized. It should be said that 40% of the world's global production is controlled by 11 OPEC member countries.

The geography of this industry is determined by the countries of the “top ten”; for most of them, the oil industry ranks first in the economy, sometimes even the only main one. international industry specializations (Qatar, Iraq).

The geography of the oil industry has a significant distinctive feature - developing countries account for more than 4/5 of all reserves and ½ of total oil production.

The largest oil exporters are OPEC member countries. These include Saudi Arabia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Ecuador, Algeria, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, Norway, Mexico, Venezuela, Kuwait and Canada. Central and South America, Western and North America are regions whose economies are mainly based on the export of produced oil. 50% specific gravity The volume of all world oil exports comes from OPEC members.

About 40% of all world oil produced comes from international trade. The regions of production and consumption are not always located nearby; there is a significant territorial gap between them. Powerful ocean freight flows are a created measure to overcome the problem that has arisen.

Largest oil ports The Persian Gulf gives rise to the main ocean oil flows, and their path lies in Western Europe and Japan. Latin American countries (Mexico, Venezuela) give rise to somewhat smaller oil flows and lead to Western Europe and the USA. The Russian Druzhba oil pipeline plays a major role in the oil supply to Eastern European countries.

Most of the world's oil concentrated in the Near and Middle East, Asia, Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. North and South America, as well as the North Sea, have the largest oil deposits.

The Russian oil industry (photos below) is the largest source of financial revenue to the country's budget. This is not surprising, since “black gold” is considered one of the most expensive domestic natural resources. In terms of the volume of its production, our state occupies a leading position on the planet. Here its share, according to analytical data, is about 13%.

Discovery of the first deposits

Most researchers argue that the history of the Russian oil industry dates back to the fifteenth century. It was then that reserves of “black gold” were first discovered in Ukhta. The first production for its extraction was founded by a resident of Arkhangelsk F. S. Pryadunov in 1745. For a whole century, oil production was a very unprofitable activity, which was explained by the narrow scope of its application. Only after the invention of the kerosene lamp in 1853 did the demand for this mineral increase many times over.

Start of production

The Russian oil industry began to actively develop with the advent of the first exploration oil well, which was drilled on the Apshera Peninsula in 1847, and seventeen years later industrial production began on the Kudako River (Kuban). In 1879, the Nobel Brothers Oil Production Partnership began to function in the city of Baku, which specialized not only in the extraction of raw materials, but also in their processing. The company has created its own network for the transportation and sale of “black gold”, which included oil pipelines, wagons, oil depots with an approach railway tracks and tankers. The rapid development of the Russian oil industry led to the fact that already at the end of the nineteenth century the first foreign investors appeared in it, who became the Rothschilds and Rockefeller.

Revolutionary period

The revolutionary events that took place in the country at the beginning of the last century led to a crisis in all sectors of the economy. Hydrocarbon production was no exception. The coup d'état led to an outflow of foreign investment and a reduction in oil production by several times. The problems of the Russian oil industry at this time are also related to the fact that most of the industry’s workers were diverted to participate in revolutionary processes. Only after the stabilization of the state in the twenties political system The development of mining and processing of “black gold” began to gradually return to its previous course. During times Soviet power it was constantly evolving.

General state of the industry today

As noted above, as of today, the most profitable sector of the economy is the Russian oil industry. A map showing the largest deposits of this mineral is presented below.

Western Siberia has become the main center of the industry. Due to the implementation modern technologies here is the volume of raw material production in Lately has grown significantly and now amounts to about 117 million tons per year (61% of the entire country). At the same time, due to the constant development of other fields, its share in production is gradually decreasing. The most significant regions in the European part of the country, which accounts for a third of the industry, are the Volga region, the Urals and the North Caucasus.

Largest mining enterprises

As of today, approximately 320 companies are engaged in oil production in the state. It should be noted that about 180 of them are independent enterprises. At the same time, the remaining part of the operators is part of the vertically integrated structure of oil and gas companies. The Russian oil and gas industry is heavily dependent on companies such as Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Group, TNK-BP, Lukoil, Tatneft, Russ Neft and Bashneft. The fact is that these eight companies account for about 90% of hydrocarbon production. The largest producer oil not only in our country, but throughout the world is the Rosneft company, controlling more than 37% domestic market and annually producing approximately 195 million tons of “black gold”.

Oil refining

By volume of primary oil refining Russian Federation second only to the USA and China. Our country's total capacity in this industry averages 280 million tons per year. It is impossible not to focus on the fact that there is currently a tendency towards a slight reduction in this area of ​​activity. This can be explained by the fact that the entire Russian oil industry is now experiencing a period of active modernization of existing installations. Its result should be to bring fuel production to a level not lower than Euro-3. The need for improvement is caused by the constant growth in demand for aviation kerosene and motor gasoline, as well as increasing requirements for them in terms of quality. Be that as it may, in 2012 the maximum volume of primary processing of “black gold” was achieved in the entire history of the industry. At the same time, the installations involved in it operated at 95% capacity.

Structure of petroleum products output

Speaking about the structure of petroleum products production, it should be noted that the production of medium and heavy fractions now dominates among them. Heating oil accounts for approximately 37% of the market, petroleum fuels and oils - 35%, motor gasoline - 19%, other - 9%. Interesting feature is that the share of high-octane gasoline grades (A-92 and A-95) in the production of this type of fuel is almost 93%.


As noted above, the development of the Russian oil industry is the key to the rapid economic growth of the state, since it accounts for a significant share of financial revenues to the treasury. This is due to the large total volumes of exports of raw materials and finished products, which, according to statistics, amount to about 240 million tons per year. At the same time, about 12% of products are transported to neighboring countries, and 88% to non-CIS countries. An interesting feature in the structure of oil and petroleum products exports is that almost 80% of them go to the states of the Atlantic region, while the Pacific region receives only 20%. It is much more profitable to process diesel fuel and fuel oil in recipient countries than to constantly increase the rates of deep oil refining in our country. Since domestically produced gasoline is inferior in quality to European products, the bulk of it is supplied to its own market. At the same time, more than 78% of fuel oil and diesel fuel are sold abroad.

The main problems of the oil industry

According to various sources, the total reserve of “black gold” in the domestic subsoil ranges from 20 to 35 billion tons. In general, in recent years, the Russian oil industry has been characterized by a gradual deterioration of the raw material base. This is due not only to a reduction in reserves, but also to a deterioration in the quality of extracted raw materials. The fact is that the percentage of difficult-to-recover oil is growing all the time. And the volume of financial investments in the industry is not sufficient to cope with current and future challenges. If a similar trend continues, then in the next few decades the country may be left without ready-made sites for mining. This is the main problem of the Russian oil industry. Their presence is indicated by a number of signs. Among them, we can note a decrease in the volume of proven reserves (in absolute terms), a slowdown in the pace of commissioning of new wells, a reduction in the number of drilling operations, an increase in the stock of inactive wells, as well as severe wear and tear of fixed assets.

Development prospects

So, what are the prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry? First of all, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the extraction of raw materials in the next ten years, according to scientists’ calculations, will decrease by almost 20%. Even development on the shelf and in Eastern Siberia will not be able to significantly affect this situation. At the same time, the decrease in production occurs against the backdrop of a huge supply of resources to domestic processing companies. For example, the balance of reserves at TNK-BP will last for 50 years, and at Lukoil for 40 years. Some analysts are very optimistic about the prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry. According to the forecasts of the domestic Ministry of Energy, it is quite possible to reach the “black gold” production rate of 530 million tons by 2030. It should be achieved through new fields, which are currently being developed in Eastern Siberia, Yakutia and Yamal. Great hopes are also placed on projects that should be implemented on the shelf of the Pechora, Kara, Black, Okhotsk and Barents Seas.

Role in the economy

According to statistics, as of 2001, oil workers provided one tenth of the total production capacity our country. Due to the high competitiveness of products, even during the global economic crisis, the decline in production volumes of domestic companies operating in the industry was much smaller compared to other areas of the economy. The Russian oil industry still remains the main supplier of funds to the budget, where its share has reached 13%. According to the Ministry of Finance, according to the results of last year, oil and petroleum products were sold at total amount, exceeding 194 billion US dollars.


Based on scientists’ forecasts, reserves of “black gold” will dry up in the bowels of the Earth in about forty years. Not all experts agree with this. Many argue that a huge number of deposits with unknown reserves of this mineral still remain undiscovered. Whatever it was, Russian government has no plans to reduce oil exports in the near future. Moreover, the oil industry faces the goal of increasing production volumes. Thus, we can only hope that the actual reserves of raw materials will be sufficient at least until such time as other sources of energy and fuel come to the fore not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Mira is an international industrial sector that involves the exploration of oil and gas and oil fields, oil production, pipeline transport for fossil fuels. Production, in turn, includes mining and other work.

It should be said that the oil industry in Russia is a very developed industry. This is due to the geographical features of the country. Until 1992, Russia was in second position in the world in terms of proven reserves after Saudi Arabia. Russia's reserves today amount to about 20.2 billion tons. In 1991, they amounted to about 23.5 billion tons.

However, in recent years it has not been developing as rapidly as in previous years. According to experts, there are reserves in the country with too low a degree of confirmation of predicted reserves. They significantly reduce Russia's overall supply of natural reserves. In addition, there is a large share of fields with high development and development costs. Of all the reserves available to the Russian oil industry, about 55% are highly productive.

Specialists pay special attention to reserves presumably located in Western Siberia. It is due to them that the main increase in the country's reserves is predicted by forty percent. However, in this case, the oil industry will acquire mainly low-productive fields. The amount that was supposed to be mined in the region is the limit of profitability for it.

It should be noted that the economic crisis affected not only the fuel and energy sectors of individual countries, but also, as a consequence, oil in general.

It should be said that in Russia the decline began to be noted back in 1989. Oil production has decreased noticeably. The volume of oil produced even in the richest region - the Tyumen region - decreased from 394 million tons to 307 million. The oil industry in the country today is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the growth of highly productive reserves, a deterioration in the quality of raw materials and a slowdown in the pace of exploration work in the fields. At the same time, experts note a reduction in the volume of production drilling, an increase in the number of inactive wells, and a widespread transition to mechanized methods of field development against the backdrop of a sharp decrease in the number of flowing wells. Of no small importance is the absence of any significant reserve large deposits, and the need to involve in exploitation reserves that are located in hard-to-reach and undeveloped areas.

The first wells in Russia were drilled in 1864 in Kuban. At the same time, one of the wells produced a fountain of more than one hundred and ninety tons of flow per day. At that time, oil production was carried out largely by monopolies that depended on foreign capital. By the twentieth century, Russia began to occupy a leading position in the world's oil industry. At the beginning of the century, oil production already accounted for approximately eleven million tons. During the civil war there was a significant decline. Later, by the thirties, oil production increased again to 11.6 million tons.

In the first years of the formation of Soviet power, the main deposits were located in the regions of the North Caucasus (Maikop, Grozny). However, it should be said that the war caused significant damage to these territories, which, in turn, reduced production volumes significantly. In the post-war period, in parallel with the restoration of the North Caucasian fields, large basins of the Volga-Ural region were put into development. By 1960, the percentage of production in these territories increased to seventy-one.

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