The courier did not arrive, time wasted. The courier didn’t arrive, time wasted The courier didn’t arrive

Other 31.05.2020

The courier ordering stage went well. At first they told me that the courier would arrive today, I specifically clarified it. At the end of the conversation it turned out that the courier would arrive tomorrow. Then I asked to rewrite the address because...

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It would be dishonest if I didn't write another review. This time it's not so rosy.

The courier ordering stage went well. At first they told me that the courier would arrive today, I specifically clarified it. At the end of the conversation it turned out that the courier would arrive tomorrow. Then I asked to rewrite the address, because tomorrow I would have to spend in another apartment. My order was cancelled! And they asked to make a new one. OK. I dictated all the data again, entered a new address - and they told me that the courier would arrive today! Well, what kind of insanity?

In the end, she still asked to send the courier to a new address, but tomorrow.

He had to arrive before seven. And call ahead. At about five o'clock I decided to take a walk nearby to run errands. At seven six I decided to find out if the courier was going to arrive at all. The girl on the phone notified me that he would arrive. Fine.

At seven I called the office again. She said that even if the courier arrives before seven, he will not call in advance. Because it's already seven. The girl didn't care at all.

As a result, five minutes later the courier calls me. I'm at your door.

Great, and I'm a 20 minute walk from these doors.

The courier rather impolitely informed me that he did not intend to wait.

I was so confused that I even told him I’ll try to run in 10 minutes.

What a twist! Probably, I should have stopped freaking out and hung up, but for some reason I began to explain to him that I was on Mayakovskaya, and I needed to get to Belorusskaya, it wouldn’t take long, but he interrupted me and said: in short, let’s do it tomorrow.

This is an urgent order, by the way. Which ideally should have been in St. Petersburg tomorrow.

In general, we agreed on tomorrow, but what should we do? I asked the courier to come in the morning. And call ahead.

He said: I will write this on the order, but it’s none of my business.

As a result, at about 12 the next day the courier called me and asked if he should come in the evening? I almost shouted at the phone: no, in the morning! The courier, apparently, sensed a note of panic in my voice and was with us half an hour after the conversation.

In short, we got on each other’s nerves with EMS.

In the crazy rhythm of Moscow life, you can only find time to go shopping for “clothes” on weekends. And, judging by the crowd in stores and the crazy queues in fitting rooms, it’s not just me. After several hours of such shopping, disgust for him for six months in advance is guaranteed.

It was still under New Year— I had to buy a dress for the holidays. I was already mentally preparing to choose an outfit in the pre-holiday crowd when I was advised to look into the online store I took the advice cautiously: I had no experience of buying clothes online before, and moreover, before I was absolutely sure that you should only go to traditional stores for clothes. shopping centers. After all, you want to touch the thing, try it on, turn around in front of the mirror...

But, as it turned out, at all our women’s requests are provided for: the courier delivers the order to your home and waits patiently in the corridor while the client tries on the delivered clothes. It is clear that it is better to order clothes in several sizes at once and choose yours from them on the spot. Items that don't fit or that you simply don't like can be returned to the courier. Moreover, delivery is free. The only caveat is that if you don’t like anything and give everything back, you still have to pay 200 rubles for leaving. In my opinion, the condition is reasonable.

So, having found out these important details for me, I started looking for a dress on This stage fascinated me very much: the site presents 20 dresses on 57 pages! I simply “drowned” in them, and I must admit, not without pleasure. I ordered several options from those that were listed in the store as “in stock” - this means that such an order will be delivered in literally 1-2 days. Everything was delivered at the promised time. After trying on, I bought a couple of dresses and returned the rest to the courier.

Among the minuses, I can note the following: the once possible delivery of an order on Saturday is now canceled, which is not very convenient for working women - the time interval for the arrival of the courier in is defined very widely (from 10 to 17 o'clock), there is no evening delivery, which means accept it without leaving “the machine,” i.e., the workplace. It is clear that not all offices have the necessary conditions for this (large mirror and all that).

Despite such little things, after a couple of orders from I remained favorably disposed towards them and have already signed myself up for regular customers online store.

For the May holidays, a sister from another city came to visit us. When planning an entertainment program for three days, we really didn’t want to squeeze a trip to the shops into it. Therefore, ordering from seemed like the best solution to me.

After placing the order, they immediately called me and promised delivery on May 3rd. The courier's arrival time was determined to be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I really didn’t want to be “tied” to the house all day, so I asked if it was possible to shorten the interval. They met me halfway and assured me that we would receive our order from 10 to 15 o'clock. I was glad that I managed to “knock out” a couple of free hours and even secretly hoped that the courier would arrive in the first half of the day.

The 3rd of May arrived. In order to receive the order, we planned to spend up to 15 hours at home. When it was already 14:55, I couldn’t stand it, I called and asked the delivery service if they would have time to bring us the order in the remaining 5 minutes before the promised time expired. The polite girl assured me that she would immediately call “our” courier and call back. After waiting about 20 minutes for the call back, I couldn’t stand it again and dialed I was connected to the same manager. She was very surprised by my call: “Oh, what, the courier didn’t call you back?” According to her, this courier was with another client and it was inconvenient for him to talk, but he promised that when he was free, he would immediately call me back. He also managed to say that “he will definitely deliver the order before 5 p.m.” I didn’t like that the stated delivery time “until 15” smoothly turned into a promise “until 17 exactly”.

I would like to note that the girl from the delivery service verbally empathized with me very much, agreed with me and scolded the careless courier in every possible way. Although, of course, this did little to reassure me.

About half an hour passed, no one called back again, and I once again called myself. This time the manager I knew was busy, another girl from the delivery service answered. The conversation was funny:

- What, are you also waiting for this courier?

- Probably yes, but what, is there already a queue there?

You know, we haven’t been able to reach him since the morning... But as soon as we get through to him, we’ll call you right back!

This was becoming completely unfunny. I began to insist on some kind of compensation and asked that, as an apology, they would not charge me for delivery (let me remind you: if you don’t like or fit any of the clothes brought, you can refuse them by paying 200 rubles for the courier ). The answer was:

- This is impossible, our delivery is already free, but if you still do not accept the order, you can mark in the documents that you refused to pay for delivery. And we will deal with this ourselves.

This option seemed a little risky, because the story with the courier could be forgotten or lost, and I could easily end up on the list of “non-paying” clients. But still they convinced me that I was in no danger and persuaded me to wait until 17:00 for my order.

As you can guess, at 17:00 we still didn’t have the courier, and again no one thought to call back to warn, apologize, ask to reschedule the order to another day, or do at least something to reassure our dear client.

At 5:20 p.m., when we, having had a light slurp, went for a walk, the long-awaited bell rang! The courier called! He deigned to inform us that he was coming to us! When I asked why he was only leaving now, and not at 3 p.m., as promised, he stated that he “only received the register half an hour ago” and didn’t know anything. This completely pissed me off, I told him in harsh terms everything I thought about him and sent him to sort out this situation with his managers.

At 17:40 the phone rang again! The first thing that occurred to me was that they were calling from with an apology, but no - it was again the courier, who kindly said: “We will come to you in 10 minutes.”

With such a statement, he greatly shocked us - why is he coming, if during the conversation I sent him to hell and in general - why “we? Who is he coming to us with? With an assistant? Indeed, 3 bags of summer trousers are such a burden that one cannot cope.

I was confused and said that if they were going, let them go. It's his job to visit clients.

Next is an oil painting. We were just leaving the store near our house when we saw two young men in hoods who approached our entrance and began calling on the intercom. Without waiting for an answer, they dialed my phone number. Our dialogue:

- We are calling you, open the door.

— And you were supposed to deliver the order before 15 o’clock? Now we are no longer at home.

“You said you’d be home!”

- No, I didn’t say that.

- No, they said.

It remains a mystery where the courier has been all day? Judging by his spectacular appearance in the company of a second young man, probably a friend, and arrogant behavior, bad suspicions creep in that they were walking somewhere and drinking beer, at the same time fooling their employees and clients. Considering holidays, this seems to be a very likely scenario.

For now, I’m wondering whether to forgive this negative experience? On the one hand, in any herd there is a black sheep (I’m talking about the courier, of course). But on the other hand, the managers did not try to rectify the situation in any way - at least it was not noticeable to me. They themselves never called me back, did not warn me about the delivery delay (which is good form in online stores), and did not even apologize - which is especially offensive.

In general, if you can advise good online store clothes - write, I will be glad to go to competitors if they turn out to be more worthy!

P.S. I wrote about my disappointment in on Twitter. A few days later, I received a response from an employee of the online store: he asked me for my order number and promised to transfer all the information to the delivery service and deal with the couriers. It's funny: the delivery service knew about everything. And she didn't do anything. But I’ll wait, maybe there will be a continuation? Then I will definitely write a continuation of the story.

In general, judging by the reaction to my post on Twitter, monitors customer reviews and tries to neutralize the negativity about their brand on the Internet. This makes us happy and gives us some hope that such situations will not happen again.

Have a nice evening everyone!

My review today, however, is not at all associated with pleasant memories, however, I consider myself not to have the right to remain silent, and I will put the full force of my indignation into words.

So, as a gift for our daughter’s sixth birthday, we decided to give her a bicycle. I picked up the copy I liked in the online store" Child's world" and ordered on May 9, 2016, choosing courier delivery as delivery.

When placing an order, I didn’t notice anywhere any information about the carrier company providing order delivery services. I only found out when I received an SMS notification after completing the registration, and it turned out to be SPSR-Express, which I had never dealt with before.

I must say that my order is not cheap and fully prepaid(including cost courier services). I indicated my full name as the recipient. The scheduled delivery was scheduled on the eve of the holiday, on 05/13/2016.
In the morning, at 09:12 am, I received an SMS notification reminding me of the expected delivery from 9:00 to 21:00. There were no signs of problems.

While waiting for a call from the courier, at 11.50 I went out with the children for a walk in the neighboring yard, holding the phone at hand. And imagine my surprise (and indignation!) when, instead of a call to my number at 12.26, I received an SMS message that the SPSR-Express courier service had attempted to deliver the order, but they did not find me at home!
I periodically use delivery services and have dealt with many courier services city, but NEVER (!!!) has the courier arrived without first calling me, be it for the delivery of pre-paid orders or with payment on the spot. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation as today and I am extremely upset: is it really beneficial for a courier to stand under a closed door and leave??? My phone number is known (after all, SMS messages from the delivery service arrived regularly) - but was it really so difficult for the courier to call me an hour, forty minutes, half an hour, five minutes before arrival and notify me of his visit?

While I was walking with the children, my grandparents, very elderly people, were at home - they could simply not have time to open the door when the intercom rang! In addition, they still would not have given my order, since it was paid for, and I indicated my full name as the recipient. I don’t know how it actually ended up there (I didn’t get anything intelligible from either my relatives or the courier), but my delivery failed because SPSR couriers don’t consider it necessary to bother calling the client in advance, not an hour, not half an hour, not even how much time before his arrival... The client must sit and wait for them for 12 hours in a row, even if an earthquake begins.

Okay, the courier didn’t call in advance, but at least after the fact, when the door wasn’t opened for him, he could have called the recipient back and asked where he was and why he didn’t open the door??? I paid for the order and delivery in advance - isn’t this proof that I need my order and that I trusted both the seller and the carrier (SPSR-Express)?.. I consider myself right to conclude that this company does not respect its customers and does not value their trust.

So, having received an SMS about a failed delivery attempt, the only thing I could do right away was to call " hotline"as indicated in the message toll free phone. I dialed, but after a long wait I was unable to get through, because “all operators are busy at the moment.” While I was on the phone and returned home, I gave up hope of communicating with a living person and, not being able to call for hours, quickly typed out a claim on the SPSR website - in the section feedback and in the section on complaints about the quality of services, outlining the situation in as much detail as possible, with a request to consider it as soon as possible and take possible measures.

Less than half an hour passed when I received a call from the quality control service. Here I would like to note that the service works well, they respond promptly, communicate very politely, and treat you with understanding. I was apologized to, and also informed that they (the quality control service), having contacted my would-be courier, received a promise from him to “try to come to me today.” Thanking him for his participation in this situation, I said that I would be looking forward to it.

Then, after no more than half an hour, the courier calls me - finally! For the first time in a day - I, of course, see this by phone number. He says that regarding my complaint that he did not deliver my order. Peacefully, politely. I listen and agree. And then the tone of his speech changes: he almost defiantly declares to me on the phone, “I won’t come to you today. I’ve already unloaded your order.”

In response to my words about how it happened that he didn’t call me, he said without hesitation that no, he called, but I was unavailable, and why is this I I didn’t call him back.

At this point I’m starting to feel as if they started pouring something foul-smelling on me. I’m trying to refute his words, but with my head I understand that it’s no use. I say that I have no missed calls, not a single one, and I have no one to call back. Also, I say, there are no notifications that someone called me when I - hypothetically - could be unavailable. But the courier stands his ground: he called - I was unavailable - I I didn’t call back - and it’s all my fault. And in general, “I called the intercom - they sent me there.” I still don’t know where he called, and even if he called... I conclude that either he’s lying, or he’s an idiot (he tried to call me, but the call didn’t even go through: it happens that the outgoing the call will be immediately dropped due to communication problems with the caller, and the called subscriber will never know about this supposed call). But - in any case - impudent and boorish.

Not wanting to argue any further, I ask when I can receive my order. The courier answers with a question: “When is it convenient for you?” Today, I say. “No, no way today. So when?” I’m asking about the possibility of picking it up from the office today. He happily agrees: yes, they say, of course it’s possible! I find out his address and opening hours, and finally he tells me that he will then mark me for pickup and warns me that He won't come to me anymore. Oh, I'm so glad I don't have to meet you in person after all this, I think to myself.

And that's where our conversation ended.

When I arrived at the office, the operator asked in bewilderment why I had come myself, since I had a delivery and the courier would have delivered it anyway. I'll tell you briefly about what happened. She asks not at all in a friendly manner: “Well, they called you in advance, warned you about delivery, agreed on the time?” No, I say, no one called me or coordinated anything with me. I just received a notification that delivery-from-nine-a-morning-to-nine-evening-wait, and that’s all, but the courier arrived, didn’t call, and left. And then she tells me that " our couriers should not call". I held my jaw with my hand, which had fallen from discouragement, silently signed and took the order. A very interesting position in relation to clients, however. If the order was not delivered - oh well. I stood at the closed door - and you can move on. The client paid for all the money - further his problems.

She left as if she had been spat on. And only through an effort of will did I get rid of this feeling. In the end, the main thing is that we still received our daughter’s gift on time. But in the future, contacting this company is a no-no! And I don’t advise you! And I give three stars only for the prompt work of the quality control department - if I had not written to them, it is generally unknown when my daughter would have seen her bike.

P.S. So, I waited until the next morning, suddenly a notification would arrive on my cell phone that the courier called me, but I was unavailable. In vain waited)

See you again!

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