A scientific story about the profession of a cattleman. Catalog of professions (agriculture)

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This is a career guidance lesson for 7th grade students at a special (correctional) boarding school of type 8, which will help introduce children to the profession of a milkmaid. The lesson contains a variety of material suitable for children’s ages.
Target: Vocational guidance and preparation of students to choose a future profession.
1. Expand students’ knowledge about professions.
2. Create interest and a sense of responsibility in choosing a profession.
3. Talk about the qualities inherent in people of this profession.
Equipment: proverbs, story pictures

Progress of the lesson:
Today we are going on an unusual journey.
to the village of Slivki for a dairy farm.
-What professions do you think people can work there?
(Milkmaid, cattleman, shepherd, veterinarian)
That's right, the purpose of our trip is to get acquainted with such professions as milkmaid and cattleman. We will find out what a difficult path milk takes from the farm to the blue and white bag.
The sunrise is beautiful and very bright,
So beautiful that there are no words!
We appreciate the difficult work of milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes without noticing the sunrise,
They may not have had enough sleep, but they are coming!
They understand perfectly well
Without milk, everyone will be lost!
Milkmaid- a worker who milks and cares for cows. They milk and water the cows, distribute feed and remove manure. Now milkmaids are called masters of machine milking. There are farms where all labor processes are mechanized, but there are also those where some of the work is done manually. Most often, feed is distributed manually to animals, which is transported to the barns. On many farms, manure removal and milking are mechanized by livestock workers.
The milkmaid has a partner
He is always ready to help
He will bring cleanliness
he will bring food to the livestock.

Skotniki- worker livestock farm. He is responsible for the cleanliness and order of the farm premises, distributes feed to animals, and helps the veterinarian if necessary.

The main thing on the farm, as before, is people. Technology requires constant attention and care, and a cow is a living creature - even more so.
The main premises on the farm are cow sheds and calf sheds. Walking areas are set up near them. There are also facilities for long-term storage of feed: hay, straw.
The work is difficult. Constantly requires sensitivity and kindness. And physical strength... Technology is technology, but sometimes you have to pull up the bag of feed and feed the silage with a fork... It’s a bit hard... The cows are milked three times a day. And always exactly, at the same time. There is no other way. Milk yield will decrease. Before connecting the milking machine, you need to milk the first streams of milk into a special container. After all, in the nipples of the udder they seem to come into contact with air, and therefore they contain many harmful microorganisms. Then the milking machine is connected. If handled inattentively, the cow may not give milk completely. And it, the last one, is the most nutritious. Often you have to massage the animal's udder. If the cow is stubborn and does not give the last milk, the milkmaid turns off the milking machine and milks it manually. And he will caress her and say a kind word. So, even in the age of mechanization, one cannot do without the help of hands, and one still needs warmth of the heart, love for animals.
Every milking master loves all his 120 cows. And the animals feel it. They respond kindly to kindness towards them. The milkmaid needs to know a lot about animals, their habits and morals in order to do her job well.
This is not easy, but very valuable work.

-Guys, what dairy products do you know?
(cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese,
These products are very tasty and healthy foods.

Working with proverbs:
-You don’t drink milk, where will you get your strength from?
-The cow has milk on her tongue
-The hardworking milkmaid is doing well
-If you don’t give a cow something to drink, you won’t need milk.
-That’s why milk yields are different: one milkmaid’s stalls are clean, the other’s are dirty.
Explain how you understand the meaning of proverbs?
At all times, the main professions in the village were milkmaid and machine operator. Now all the activities of machine operators are generally aimed at preparing feed for livestock farming. Of course, their work is considered seasonal. This cannot be said about the work of milkmaids, who work year-round with equal intensity.
Select the qualities that are suitable for this profession:

The profession of a milkmaid is hard and painstaking work. Well-being depends on their work Agriculture, since milk today is one of the main sources of income. A cow is an intelligent and trusting animal, capable of feeding a large number of of people.
The collected milk, cooled in tanks, is sent to the dairy plant. Despite the fact that the milking process today is already quite mechanized, the work of milkmaids has not become easier. Most milkmaids are over forty years old. Not all people are able to withstand such a pace of life: waking up early every day, a peculiar smell, unlimited working hours.
What is the difficulty of being a milkmaid?
The responsibilities of milkmaids include: feeding and watering the cows, cleaning and washing the cows, milking them 3 times a day, as well as cleaning the stall and the entire barn as a whole. Milkmaids need to monitor the condition of cows and, if necessary, provide medical care, treat them. In addition, you need to have dexterity and observation, because each cow has its own disposition and appetite. What professions do people work on the farm?
What kind of work does a milkmaid do?
What kind of work does a cattleman do?
What dairy products are sold in our stores?

People of this profession deal with livestock on various enterprises. Cattlemen can be found on agricultural enterprises or farms. The main task of the cattleman is to supervise and regularly care for the animals. They are required to wash the animals regularly to keep them neat and clean. Before turning livestock out to pasture, it is necessary to conduct a veterinary examination. To ensure that animals do not get stressed when transferring their housing to pasture from a stable, cattle keepers need to carry out this process gradually. The herdsman calculates the distance that the animals need to travel to the pasture and back. It is also his responsibility to ensure that the animals have constant access to water.

Basic knowledge of the veterinarian profession will be useful to a person who has decided to become a cattle farmer. The main quality of such a person should be love for nature and animals, as well as humane treatment of the latter. Also, you need to know that you do not have allergies to animals, have developed acute vision, and do not have any physical or psychological abnormalities. After all, you will often have to rescue animals that find themselves in dangerous situations, or make sure that the herd does not scatter in critical situations.

Today, during the period of revival of agriculture and livestock farming, the profession of a cattleman has become very relevant and in demand. This is understandable, because the cattleman is the right hand of the manager on the farm, he knows everything and everyone. Not a single mouse will run past his keen eye. And he is responsible for almost everything: for order, cleanliness, for every cow. And besides, the entire farming enterprise rests on these versatile people.

Arthur Zolotarev is a bright representative of this difficult profession. Hot gypsy blood flows in his veins, and he comes from the village of Subbotino, Nikolsky district. He has been working as a cattleman at Svetly Put LLC recently, since 2014, and admits that he has loved tinkering with animals since childhood.

“I always helped my parents take care of the livestock,” says Arthur, “we had cows, pigs, ducks, and horses in our yard. I had to feed, water and herd livestock.

Arthur, starting from the age of eight, tended a flock, then worked as a shepherd, together with his father. Animals always surrounded him, so he learned to cope with them and understood them without words. But somehow things didn’t work out with my studies: I left school without completing my studies. As he himself says, studying is not the most important thing in life, he can count and write, but he doesn’t need anything more on the farm. And in his profession it is important not to add up numbers, but to be able to handle animals, of which there are many.

The farming enterprise "Svetly Put" LLC has over 500 animals cattle, including breeding cattle and young animals. There are over 200 heifers on the farm. There are horses, bulls and a guard dog Pirate. The farm premises are extensive and consist of three cowsheds and a bull barn. There are pastures for grazing livestock and fields intended for cutting hay for animal feed.

The summer period is especially busy for Arthur; at this time, the function of a shepherd is added to his main responsibilities. 500 head of cattle is a lot by the standards of an ordinary farm, and it is not easy to cope with livestock on pasture.

In winter there are fewer worries, but there are still enough. In the most severe winter cold, baby calves are born in the barn, whose lives directly depend on proper care and feeding. Cattlemen during these periods become a second mother for them.

Many calves are born so weak that their lives sometimes hang by a thread, says Arthur, and you have to bottle them with milk. Each calf is a future unit in the herd, so losses are not desirable. We try our best to stand up for everyone. And cows require care and attention no less than calves.

Constant monitoring of the condition of the cow is my responsibility,” explains A. Zolotarev. “The cow’s skin must be constantly cleaned with special brushes. The udder is washed before each milking warm water and wipe it with a cotton cloth so that the milk is tasty and without any smell or taste. It is imperative to monitor the condition of the udder to prevent milk stagnation.

Arthur knows many of the intricacies of proper animal care, which is why the cows at Svetly Put LLC are hand-picked, one more beautiful than the other.

Cows are our everything, our nurses,” says Arthur. “How we treat them is how much milk we get.” Sometimes, when I’m not in the mood, I approach an animal, and it seems to me that it understands and feels me. It happens that a cow is worried, I’ll come up, stroke her face and say: “everything is fine.” They are alive, they feel and understand everything, but they don’t talk to us.

Arthur spends almost all his time on the farm. An early rise does not frighten the young cattleman: Arthur wakes up before sunrise, and at half past five he is already at his workplace, packing feed for the cows. He goes home only after dark. And so every day. He likes the work, and there are always three other cattlemen nearby who are always ready to help and advise if necessary. And experience, as we know, comes with age. Of course, many will say: “Too young, maybe he’ll change his profession,” but, as they say, where you were born is where you come in handy. Arthur plans to stay on the farm, here he has everything: decent pay for his work, native home, animals that he loves and knows how to handle.

I don’t regret at all that I work not as a lawyer or an accountant, but as a simple cattleman,” Arthur smiles. “You have to be born into this profession, love your job, with us random people don’t stay, only loyal people remain.”

Yes, there is no arguing that rural life is not for everyone. Early rise and bedtime long after midnight - not many people can withstand such a regime. The city pampers us with comfort and convenience of life. And sometimes we don't pay attention to the truth important points that fill life with meaning. Real life is in full swing in the villages when, after a hard day of work, the whole family gathers at home over a cup of tea and, in the silence of the passing day, exchanges their impressions, having intimate conversations.

For those who love animals and want to devote their lives to caring for them, it is worth looking at such a specialty as a livestock breeder, who is this, what duties will he have to perform - we will consider further.

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What do you need to know about the profession?

Livestock farming refers to a type of activity associated with the breeding of agricultural and other crops.

Most often this will be necessary for:

  • obtaining food;
  • obtaining raw materials intended for the production of clothing or footwear;
  • applications as transport;
  • for use as guards.

These and many other challenges may be faced by livestock farmers.

In addition, the specialist will need to be able to:

  • create conditions that will be acceptable for keeping animals;
  • promote their reproduction;
  • increasing product quality and overall productivity;
  • it is necessary to monitor compliance with certain standards and promptly reject those with deviations;
  • contribute to the timely provision of veterinary care and treatment of various diseases, and delivery.

Where can he work?

A livestock specialist will be in demand in agricultural and fur farms, and in nurseries.

Livestock farmers can choose where they work. This could be the following industry:

  • fur farming, which involves breeding fur-bearing animals;
  • in poultry farming;
  • beekeeping;
  • fish farming;
  • dog breeding.

Wherever a livestock farmer works, he will have to perform certain duties.

The main task of all livestock breeders is to carefully care for the animals.

All other tasks will follow from here:

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  • preparation and distribution of feed;
  • feeding with vitamins and minerals;
  • Carrying out activities to clean cells and premises, washing and disinfection;
  • production and repair of cages and houses in which animals live;
  • can engage in walking or herding animals entrusted to him;
  • monitors animals, providing timely assistance to sick or weakened animals;
  • makes selections for breeding;
  • selects animals for mating;
  • engaged in breeding young animals;
  • promptly rejects animals for slaughter.

Job responsibilities will depend on the qualifications and experience of the specialist. In addition, he must be able to work with the animals he was hired to care for.

Important qualities of a specialist

In order to perform his duties, the specialist will need to have the following qualities:

  • to love animals;
  • must possess and be able to use knowledge related to zoology;
  • It’s good to know all the features and characteristics individual species animals to be cared for;
  • must know the main diseases that wards may suffer from;
  • be responsible in relation to the obligations undertaken;
  • be attentive and observant. These qualities can help him to promptly notice the slightest changes in the behavior of animals and take action;
  • have patience and kindness towards animals;
  • have physical and emotional endurance.

Now you know about such a profession as a livestock breeder, who it is, what duties he must perform.

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A specialist in breeding farm animals for food, raw materials for clothing and other purposes.


5,000–40,000 rub. (moeobrazovanie.ru)

Place of work

Agricultural, fur farming and other farms, nurseries.


The main responsibility is to care for the animals. The livestock breeder prepares and distributes feed to the animals, adding vitamins and minerals. The livestock breeder cleans, washes and disinfects the premises, cages and houses in which the animals are kept.

Every day he monitors the condition of his charges. Identifying sick people, provides them with first aid. The livestock breeder participates in the selection of animals for breeding and selects pairs for reproduction. He raises young animals and selects individuals for slaughter.

Important qualities

The main quality for a livestock breeder is a love for animals and nature in general. It is important to be persistent, patient, calm and observant, to have good health and not be allergic to animals.

Reviews about the profession

“I remember how during training, during classes we disassembled and assembled milking machines for a while, laughed, comparing the machines with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. In the future, all these activities allowed me to feel confident and competent in my work. Livestock breeders are always in demand on the labor market; today even the smallest farms understand how necessary specialists are.”

Review of the profession on the portal proffobzor.ru.

Stereotypes, humor

A noble cause is akin to the cause of ordinary farmers, vegetable growers, harvesters and everyone who feeds the country; stable nature of work, high demand for the profession in rural areas, life in nature, the opportunity to create your own exemplary livestock farm, the upward trend in wages in this industry.


To work as a livestock breeder, a secondary specialized education is required. You can get it at any livestock or agricultural college.

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