Head of Aho Service. AHO specialist - who is he? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

Other 09.05.2020

Almost every large enterprise with more than 100 employees has an ACS. The meaning of this abbreviation is administrative and economic department. This service Performs many functions in the company that are very important for ensuring the normal functioning of the company. The coordinated work of the employees of the Administration itself and its interaction with other departments are necessary for the prosperity of any organization.

The need for ACS

In small enterprises with a small number of employees and the volume of products produced or work performed, the functions of administrative management employees can be performed by secretaries and office managers. Medium-sized organizations also usually do not require the ACS service, the decoding of which is known to any student of the Faculty of Economics. At these enterprises, all issues related to ensuring the normal operation of the company are carried out by the supply manager. A full-fledged administrative and economic department exists only at large enterprises, where the number of employees is so high that one person simply cannot ensure the functioning of all departments in normal mode.

Functions of the unit

ACS performs many functions. The decoding of this abbreviation indicates the main issues that are within the competence of the department’s employees. They solve various economic problems, i.e., ensure the functioning of all other departments of the company. The employees of the administrative and economic department are in charge of:

1. Timely provision of the company with various material assets used for the work of the organization’s employees.

2. Organization of storage, issuance and accounting of various valuables acquired for the needs of the enterprise.

3. Organization of full maintenance of all company premises, control over the implementation of this maintenance, elimination of deficiencies.

4. Search for organizations and conclude agreements with them for the provision of utilities, service electrical networks, communication networks.

5. Timely repair of company premises and various property.

6. Monitoring compliance with fire safety rules.

7. Ensuring the necessary protection of company property.

8. Providing material and technical needs during meetings and meetings of delegations of other companies for negotiations.

9. Organization of favorable conditions for work and rest for employees provided for by law.

10. for received goods and materials.

Some of the listed functions may be assigned to other departments or performed jointly with them. For example, protecting property and order in an organization may be the responsibility of the security service.

Department structure

The department is headed by the head of the administration. As a rule, he has a deputy who takes control of the execution of part of the work and also replaces the boss during his absence. There are several more employees subordinate to them. An ordinary AO specialist may be responsible for a specific area of ​​the company’s activities, or he may simultaneously solve several problems together with his colleagues. The list of functions of both the head of the calving and his entire team is determined by the job description of the Administration for each of the employees.

Head of Administrative Operations

The head of the administrative office bears full responsibility for the performance of the functions of the department. The decoding of this abbreviation is found in many orders general director company, since the division is assigned an extensive list of responsibilities. The head of the administrative and economic department must not only organize its work, but also monitor the implementation of all instructions given to employees.

Manager's powers

The head of the administration usually reports to the general director of the organization and has big amount powers that allow him to carry out instructions from the head of the company. In many organizations, he can, acting on behalf of the general director, independently resolve the following issues:

1. Conclude contracts for the supply of material assets and the provision of necessary organization of work with various third-party companies. The choice of these companies and the terms of cooperation are entirely under the control of the head of the administrative office.

2. Distribute job responsibilities between employees within their department and in accordance with the rules labor regulations adopted in the organization, and job descriptions of employees.

3. Conduct personnel selection for the administrative and economic department, evaluate the quality of work of your employees.

Material liability

Employees of the AHO (this abbreviation means administrative and economic department), including the head of the department, bear financial liability for valuables transferred to them for temporary storage or cash. Despite the fact that most payments to suppliers are now carried out by bank transfer, specialists can receive quite large sums for the purchase various materials. If the enterprise has a warehouse in which items necessary for the organization’s activities are stored, then the administrative management employees who have access to it and are responsible for issuing valuables to other employees of the enterprise bear financial responsibility for it.

Collaboration with other departments

Almost all employees of various departments of a large organization have at least once encountered the abbreviation AHO, the decoding of which is familiar to everyone. Each structural unit of the company is associated with certain aspects of its activities:

1. Production Department. Supply of equipment and various materials for production finished products usually deals with enterprises. However, the administrative and economic department ensures the functioning of the purchased means of labor. Its specialists monitor uninterrupted supply for water and heat. AHO employees are also responsible for cleaning production areas.

2. Employees of these structures are in constant contact with each other. The legal department receives for review and approval the contracts that the head of the administrative management company plans to conclude. In turn, employees of the economic department provide normal working conditions for legal service specialists.

3. Accounting. AHO employees report to accounting employees for funds issued to them for the purchase of material assets or payment for contractors’ services.

1. General provisions

1.1. The deputy head of the administrative office belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Higher professional education, without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.

1.3. The Deputy Head of the Administration and Maintenance Department must know:
- resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to administrative and economic services;
- structure of the enterprise and prospects for its development;
- procedure for maintaining time sheets;
- means of communication, computing and organizational technology;
- procedure and deadlines for reporting;
- means of mechanization of manual labor;
- the procedure for purchasing equipment, furniture, inventory, office supplies and processing payments for services;
- basics of economics, labor organization, production and management;
- labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- labor protection rules and regulations.

1.4. Appointment to the position of deputy head of the administrative maintenance department and dismissal from office are made by order of the general director upon the recommendation of the head of the administrative maintenance department.

1.5. The Deputy Head of Administrative Operations Subordinates to the Head of Administrative Operations.

1.6. To ensure his activities, the deputy head of the administrative and administrative organization is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents of the Company on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

1.5. During the absence of the head of the administrative office (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed to in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

Deputy Head of Administrative Operations:

2.1. Provides housekeeping and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection buildings and premises in which the enterprise's divisions are located, as well as monitoring the serviceability of equipment (elevators, lighting, heating systems, ventilation, etc.).

2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets (buildings, water supply systems, air pipelines and other structures), and in the preparation of estimates of business expenses.

2.3. Participates in the repair of premises, together with the head of the administrative office, monitors the quality of repair work.

2.4. Participates in providing the enterprise with means of mechanization of engineering and management work, monitors their safety and timely repairs.

2.5. On behalf of the head of the Administrative Operations Department, draws up Required documents for concluding contracts for the provision of services.

2.6. Controls the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

2.7. On behalf of the head of the Administration and Maintenance Department, he manages the landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory, and the festive decoration of building facades and entrances.

2.8. Participates in the management of meetings, conferences, seminars and other events.

2.9. Ensures the implementation of fire prevention measures and maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.10. Takes measures to introduce communications, computing and organizational technology.

2.11. In the absence of the Administrative Operations Manager, he supervises the Administrative Operations Workers and performs other duties of the Administrative Operations Manager.

3. Rights

The Deputy Head of Administrative Operations has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural divisions information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for in this Job Description.

3.2. Take measures when discovering disciplinary violations of subordinate employees and report these violations to the head of the enterprise to bring the perpetrators to justice.

3.3. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, attract experts and specialists in the field of administrative and economic activities for consultations, preparation of opinions, recommendations and proposals.

3.4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these Instructions for consideration by management.

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The Deputy Head of the Administration and Maintenance Department is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Personnel Officer's Handbook (book + diskM)

This edition contains practical recommendations on organizing the work of the personnel service and personnel records management. The material is clearly systematized and contains a large number of specific examples and sample documents.
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The author explains in detail what it is Labour Inspectorate and what are the limits of its powers, how inspections of compliance with labor laws are carried out and how they can end, what violations can lead to the imposition of a fine, and which ones will entail the disqualification of the head of the organization. The book provides practical recommendations for organizational employers and individual entrepreneurs that will help avoid claims from labor inspectors. When preparing the book, everything was taken into account last changes legislation.
Author: Elena Karsetskaya
The book is addressed to heads of organizations of all forms of ownership, employees personnel services, accountants, individual entrepreneurs, as well as anyone interested in compliance with labor laws.

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with qualification characteristics, contained in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions for managers, specialists, technical performers, the second includes job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing activities, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, personnel and legal services workers.

Number of vacancies in Moscow in the specialty of AHO manager for 2 months

The current number of vacancies for AHO manager in the region is 0. Other popular specializations in the Moscow region:

Distribution schedule for “Aho manager” vacancies by salary
  • "Sister-hostess";
  • "WEB Project Manager";
  • "Electrician (administration assistant in the office)."
Median salary of AHO manager in Moscow for 2 months

Average indicator wages per month for the indicated vacancies is 47,600. A good place It is not difficult to find work in the Moscow region for the specialization “Aho manager”. Skilled specialists for the position of “Aho manager” most often receive a salary of 40,000 rubles. The specialty of head of aho involves the following branches:. At the same time, the minimum salary in the current month is 27,000 rubles. It is important that the data presented is relevant for the following region: Moscow region. There are currently 45 vacancies in this category posted on job search sites. The form of employment can be: “Full-time”, “full-time”. In this specialty, the most popular salary is 40,000 rubles. The Moscow region offers a large number of various vacancies. The number of specialists required for employers for the position of “Aho manager” is 146 vacancies. Over the past month, the site recorded 0 requests for vacancies for Aho manager. The Moscow region offers 42 vacancies. The most popular form of employment is Full-time, and the number of offers for this form is 13 vacancies. You can track the median salary of an Aho manager for a month by analyzing current user requests - today it is 40,000 rubles. The most popular employers in the region:

Median salary for the vacancy “Aho manager” in other cities
  • "V7SKLAD";
  • "Fitness and Bowling Scooter";
  • "Warehouse";

At the same time, the position of the request page in the overall ranking is at 0 place. While the maximum reaches 80,460 rubles. Another modern name for this specialization is aho leader. Oddly enough, even for the position of head of aho there is significant competition. Work in the specialization of the head of Aho in Russia. Other major cities in the region in question:

  • Petrovskoe
  • Reshotkino
  • Reshetnikovo
  • Pokrovka
  • Sloboda

Aho manager vacancies are included in a larger category of specialists -.

The mysterious abbreviation AHO, the decoding of which is incredibly simple, hides a very useful features. This division is present in many companies with more than 100 employees. It is called the administrative and economic department. His responsibilities involve building maintenance. This could include major repairs, the purchase of equipment, landscaping of the surrounding area, etc.

Decoding AHO

If the department works properly, everything in the building functions correctly, from the water supply to the elevators. The administrative and economic department, under the guidance of a competent specialist, always accurately fulfills its duties, avoiding downtime associated with sudden breakdowns.

An administration specialist in a small company can perform the duties of the entire department. The whole essence of the position comes down to providing employees with decent working conditions under minimum costs. However, fulfilling this task involves a whole range of activities, starting with the purchase of office supplies and ending with major repairs. The work of an administration specialist cannot be called simple. It is full of difficult tasks and stressful situations.

Why is AHO needed?

To ensure that the enterprise can function normally, and sudden breakdowns do not prevent employees from performing their duties, entire departments are created. It is their responsibility to control technical condition of all systems and carrying out repair or maintenance work if necessary.

To supervise the work of the department, the company hires a boss and several employees. A close-knit team can ensure the smooth and comfortable functioning of the enterprise. If the head of the administrative maintenance department performs his duties efficiently, you can be confident in the flawless operation of all systems: from water supply to electricity.

It is important to note that not every enterprise has such units. This is usually true when the volume of administrative and economic work is quite large and one specialist cannot cope with it. AMOs are usually created at large enterprises with at least a hundred employees.

With such a scale, it is important to ensure the normal functioning of the building and comfortable conditions for workers. Exactly to this global task all responsibilities of the head of the administrative maintenance department and his subordinates are reduced. The result of the work depends on each of them. IN small companies administrative and economic functions can be performed by an ordinary office manager or even a manager.

It must be said that this position existed before. However, its representatives were called supply managers.

Job responsibilities of the head of the administrative and maintenance department

Any job involves responsibility. This is especially true for those who occupy leadership positions. For example, the head of the administrative maintenance department, whose job responsibilities are specified in the instructions, bears financial responsibility. After all, he has to manage a lot of money that the organization can allocate for purchases. You will have to account for every penny. This is why the job of an administrative maintenance chief is considered stressful.

The list of responsibilities includes:

  • control over the use of the premises;
  • communication with the landlord, as well as public utilities;
  • monitoring the health of equipment;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • management of other AHO employees;
  • landscaping;
  • premises renovation activities.

What is EKS?

Not every employer has experience in writing job descriptions. Therefore, there is a possibility that the head of the administrative and maintenance department may be assigned extra responsibilities. You can check this by using the Unified qualification directory. This is exactly what EKS stands for. Here both the employee and the employer drawing up the instructions will be able to find General requirements, which must be performed by the head of the administrative maintenance department. Consulting the EKS directory will help you avoid controversial situations.

However, if a duty is not in the handbook, but is in the job description, this is not a reason not to perform it. The CSA contains only general provisions, which can be supplemented with new clauses at the discretion of the employer. Main criterion- they must not contradict the law.

What kind of education does an administrative maintenance manager need?

This position is for management. Therefore, certain requirements are put forward for the education of the head of the administration. There are two options.

In the first, this position can be filled by a specialist who has graduated from a university and worked for two years in this field.

In the second, a vacancy is also available to applicants with secondary specialized education, but with five years of experience.

Among the personal qualities that will be useful to the head of the administrative office are:

  • communication skills;
  • energy;
  • organizational skills;
  • makings of a leader.

An important skill that a future administration manager must possess is the ability to work with office programs.

Typically, men aged 35-40 years apply for the position of chief of administrative operations. Women occupy similar vacancies in small institutions, working as office managers or supply managers.

What is the basis for such demands?

You need to understand that the instructions of the head of the administrative maintenance department include many points. If the candidate has previously worked in the specified field, he is more likely to master new responsibilities. Typically, employers are not interested in spending time on training. That is why they prefer to recruit for the position of chief those specialists who have experience in administrative and economic activities.

How much does the head of the Administrative Operations Department earn?

Any candidate applying for this vacancy will inquire about the income level in advance. The information is unlikely to please you. The salary of the head of the administrative and maintenance department certainly cannot be called high. The average figure for Moscow is 58,400 rubles. However, the range of salaries is very wide - from 31 to 81 thousand rubles.

It must be said that in the regions, the heads of administrative maintenance departments earn less than their metropolitan colleagues. The average remuneration is 25-40 thousand rubles.

What do you need to know?

Unlike employment contract, job description does not at all regulate the relationship between the head of the administrative office and management or subordinates. Therefore, in regulatory documents no clear structure is established. There are no mandatory requirements for the instructions, which include the job responsibilities of the head of the administrative maintenance department.

However, over the years, a generally accepted structure has emerged, which consists of four main points.

  1. General provisions describe who the head of the administrative maintenance department is.
  2. Job responsibilities. From this point you can find out what functions management expects to be performed.
  3. Rights. To perform duties, the boss must be vested with authority. General provisions are listed in labor legislation. Therefore, this section includes the rights of the head of the administration, specific to a particular enterprise.
  4. Responsibility. It is usually described separately in regulations, therefore the job description may contain only some references to other documents. It is important to know that the employer cannot shift responsibility that is not provided for by law to the head of the administrative office. This will allow you to defend your rights.

How to become the head of an administrative office?

The candidate applying for this vacancy must have relevant experience and demonstrate some activity. Advertisements are usually posted on job search sites.

Be careful when viewing such offers. Pay special attention to the block that describes the requirements. Recruiters considering applicants for the position of chief of administrative operations receive dozens of resumes. Therefore, it is important to stand out from others.

The boss is leadership position. The coherence of the entire team and the successful functioning of the administration depend on him. Employers make demands not only on length of service, but also on personal qualities. These are the ones that should be emphasized in your resume. Resistance to stress, organizational skills and decency are important. After all, the company will trust the head of the administrative office with quite large sums of money.

After familiarizing yourself with the responsibilities of the head of the administration, you can decide how much you need this vacancy.

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