Mobile beauty salon. Mobile beauty salon: how much money, time and effort is needed for this business Reasons for consumer demand

Chercher 05.01.2021
Law and law

Mobile showrooms are no longer an innovation, at least in the regions. This is a rather interesting business idea that came to us from the West. But, let’s be realistic, it is now being implemented in our market by local entrepreneurs, and often not always successfully. If by the beginning of 2013 it was a regular “manicure on call”, now mobile salons are slowly but surely approaching hair removal, massage, and light cosmetic procedures.

Yes, mobile services are rapidly gaining popularity, and owners of stationary salons can already feel the breath of competitors behind their backs. But are they really like that?

If in Lately If you constantly ask yourself this question, I advise you to read this article to the end.

How does a mobile beauty salon work?

The so-called “beauty on wheels” is actually a website with a list of services and a simple call center with an administrator who collects orders and distributes them among craftsmen from the existing database. This is an autonomous type of business individual entrepreneur with the services of private craftsmen who work under a freelance contract. This is the end of the fairy tale...

Of course, some projects have their own philosophy and mission of the company, I have even seen mobile beauty services that dress their specialists in branded uniforms and develop their own staff motivation system, which is already good in any industry.

Reasons for consumer demand

Firstly, there is nothing more expensive for a client than his own time. Agree, getting the same service, but in a shorter time without loss of quality, is a wildly tempting alternative! And the specifics of living in a metropolis dictate rather strict conditions for the distribution of time resources. The consumer is sometimes ready to give up visiting a beauty salon due to lack of time, hours of traffic jams and long distances.

Secondly, personal comfort in terms of location. There are a lot of advantages here. I will list just a few. The arrival of specialists at your home or office allows you to go to an important event from more convenient place. Again, there is no need to wait for the polish to dry after a pedicure before putting on your shoes. After cosmetic procedures that involve a short rehabilitation period, you can avoid going out on the street, which is psychologically uncomfortable and also increases the risk of infection.

Thirdly, I know representatives of show business who shared their experience of working with mobile salons. They are very convenient to order for events. It's getting everyone necessary services quickly, and most importantly mobile, even if you have a closed event far outside the city. Without any problems, 30 specialists will come to you and curl curls for your entire party. But if you want the quality of the styling to match your expectations, don’t expect low prices; here they are not at all inferior to the price list of a classic beauty salon.

Well, the most famous type of audience, which every mobile salon is proud of, is brides and everyone associated with them.

If desired, you can do several procedures at once. The client does not need to adjust to the masters’ schedule, as is the case with a standard professional salon. All specialists will arrive at a convenient day and time for you. In addition, mobile salons often work around the clock, which is quite in the spirit of the times and meets customer requirements.

Advantages of mobile salons from the point of view of business processes

However, before you decide that having a mobile beauty salon is much more profitable than a regular one, I suggest looking at this venture from the point of view of building business process. There is an opinion that the main advantage of this type of activity is the low level of investment at the initial stage. This is true. Barriers to entry into the market are quite low. Little investment is required, resulting in significant cost savings.

The winning points are also the absence of the need to organize places for staff, the minimum cost of operating the salon due to a number of other options. For example, operators can work from home, which allows them to avoid renting premises altogether. What follows from important point that the purchase of materials and disinfection of instruments can be entrusted to the craftsmen. And hire an accountant on a freelance basis. In addition, you will not need personnel such as a cleaner, administrator and security guard. Expenses for decorating the premises, outdoor advertising, as well as tea, coffee and water for clients can also be crossed off the list. What does this give us? That's right, highly competitive price. Low pricing, which is so attractive to consumers in the current conditions economic situation. This is another advantage that professional beauty studios give in to, forced to choose a pricing policy that is beneficial not only to clients, but also to the salon.

Disadvantages of beauty salons on wheels

On the other hand, a huge disadvantage of mobile salons is the lack of control over the craftsmen. No matter how hard you try, no matter how you establish human relations with your employee, no matter what motivation programs you come up with for staff, no matter how you play “mystery shopper” and so on, there is always a risk that the client will take mobile phone master and will collaborate with him directly without you. In a classic salon there is also such a risk, but it is simply microscopic compared to when the whole situation simply pushes him to do it.

As a rule, the masters of mobile salons are selected along the metro lines, and if the client lives next to the master, consider that you have given him this client. You will be forced to admit the fact that your income graph is unstable and irregular.

Since the specifics of this business excludes random clients who “just passed by” the salon, you will have to trust your instincts and send to clients masters whose work and behavior you cannot personally check. Be prepared for significant attrition and customer dissatisfaction at the beginning of your journey.

In addition, there are only a small number of services that a mobile salon can successfully sell at a low price. Most often this is styling, haircut, nail service and makeup. They are not inferior to the standard salon in quality. But most cosmetic procedures will not be ordered in a mobile salon.

A mobile salon will never reach that target audience who needs quality service, is accustomed to professional hardware cosmetology, high-quality care, and values ​​safety and personal comfort.

If suddenly the client does not like the manicure or is harmed by the master’s tools, in what case will he feel safe from the point of view of consumer protection and returns? Money? Imagine: you have 30 craftsmen who work as freelancers. How will you control the flow of money from each of them? No illusions. The issue is delicate and requires attention from the point of view of legislation and taxation. Only a few mobile stores have managed to competently understand this issue.

Financial component

Let's take a look at the financial component. Opening a mobile salon can cost you from 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. This variation is determined solely by your ambitions and desired scale. This amount mainly includes the creation of a website and advertising - from leaflets and publications to promotion on social networks. Let’s imagine that everything is fine with you, and the salon serves about 5 people a day with an average bill of 1500-2000 rubles. It turns out that you can count on an average turnover of about 200,000 rubles per month, half of which is the payment of the craftsmen and the salary of the call center administrator. If you have at least 30 craftsmen with an active client base, then the payback for such a project is on average from 2 to 6 months.

Don't forget that it is important to choose the right marketing tools since your “office” is essentially on the Internet. The cost of a mobile beauty salon franchise can be from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. It is worth resorting to if you need support and lack experience, or if you have questions that should be asked to professionals who have been on the market for a long time. Although our realities are such that many owners of mobile salons, having bought a franchise, almost immediately terminated the contract and acted independently. However, this is entirely your choice.

After calculating all the pros and cons, try to answer the question: what could prompt a client to abandon your stationary beauty salon in favor of a mobile one? And in general, is he a competitor or not? Don't want to lose yours regular customers? Then my advice to you: use the service of your competitor in strategic goals. Analyze all the points where you can play in your favor. Formulate realistic, accessible goals for the near future and achieve them. Many salons are now forced to be in trend, so they are launching a “mobile salon” as an additional option from the main one, but with different prices. The salon simply uses a ready-made team of specialists who are proven, experienced and able to work together. Typically this is just additional service for consumers who are particularly interested in it. At the same time, it plays the role of a secondary source of income, as well as effective way attracting new clients.

Today is a very important period when beauty business owners must quickly respond to all changes in the beauty market. In truth, they should have learned all the pros and cons of mobile salons “yesterday” and draw conclusions for themselves. Don't be surprised that old forms of doing business often don't work. It’s just time for innovation, it’s time to surprise your clients with a non-standard approach.

The trend is gaining momentum

When we first entered the market a few years ago, our clients were dominated by traditional stationary beauty salons. Over the past couple of years, the trend has changed. Due to the demand for mobile salons, there has been a natural increase in clients such as private hairdressers and owners of “on-site beauty salons.” We pay great attention affiliate programs for our clients, thanks to whom we conduct various kinds of events and joint promotions with bloggers. Our company supports owners of beautiful businesses with the help of modern working trends in the beauty industry and correct positioning in the market, and therefore we have studied in detail the growing trend in demand for the services of mobile salons. I can’t call the growth in mobile showrooms significant, but this trend is clearly gaining momentum. Predict further development this market is difficult, but given the certain economic crisis in the country, I assume that we will see some progress towards progress.”

beauty industry analyst:

Mobile salons violate SanPiN requirements

"IN Russian Federation The legislation is such that home services one way or another fall outside the legal sphere.

According to the services of a hairdresser, manicurist and pedicurist, cosmetics, that is, household aesthetic services, must be provided in a room that meets certain requirements for ventilation, lighting, and hygienic standards.

And it turns out that a person can cut his own nails at home, but a professional who comes to him cannot! It will violate the placement, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services.

Medical services require compliance with even stricter regulations. sanitary regime premises. The consumer himself can ignore these requirements at home, but the doctor or nurse is obliged to comply.

The second problem is payment for the service. If the craftsmen take money in cash and do not issue a receipt, then this is a violation. If every beauty salon specialist carries a cash register, then who will they be registered to? To an LLC that provides services? Is the owner of the enterprise ready to then bear responsibility for operations that are difficult to control remotely?

The third problem appeared at the end of January 2015. So, it is now prohibited to sell outside stationary conditions and at home. That is, a cosmetologist cannot use a filler or biorevitalizant at the patient’s home, since in this case he sells these medical products along with the service.

I doubt that the owners of clinics and beauty salons are generally ready to let their specialists go home; there is no certainty that they will not then go into free trade, having in their hands the addresses of clients and entering into informal relationships with them. But what about - he gave me slippers, gave me tea... consider them friends already!

What about the clients themselves? If in small towns While residents are still ready to let a stranger into their home, this is out of the question in megacities. And the craftsmen themselves take serious risks when visiting other people’s apartments. Muscovites remember, for example, the murder of a pregnant hairdresser who came to her client for hair extensions. As a result of a quarrel, the motives of which remained unclear to the court, the master was beaten and thrown out the window.

Is there a future for home services?

Without a doubt! But it will not be connected in any way with legal enterprises that provide services legally (at least under the current legislation).

They will develop in a private space, when the master moves from one client to another on personal recommendation.

Home services will be in demand in religiously isolated diasporas, where, for example, a woman cannot receive services in a beauty salon when a stranger’s man can see her, bare-haired.

And most importantly, these services will always be in demand in difficult economic times, when the population switches to subsistence farming and the exchange of products and services without intermediaries.”

Business ideas related to the provision of mobile, on-site services for the population have gained great popularity. Examples of such types of businesses include organizing a “laundry on wheels,” a “mobile dance studio,” and a “gym on wheels.” To organize this type of mobile business starting investments minimal requirements are required, such ideas are original and easy to implement, and the most important thing is maximum convenience for consumers. Another variation of this type outbound business is an organization of a “mobile nail salon” - Nail Taxi.

Entrepreneur Cynamon Bowser from Washington is the author of this idea. His company offers manicure and pedicure services at clients' homes, hospitals, offices, hotels and other places. In general, wherever the client is, he can receive quality services, so to speak, with delivery. Nail Taxi's services are most popular among pregnant women and mothers with very small children: they are sorely lacking time to visit beauty salons. The company is also used for wedding ceremonies, where everyone without exception wants to look good.

The idea of ​​organizing a business providing on-site manicure services was born to Sinamon when his friend, who was nine months pregnant, needed a pedicure to be ready for the birth of her baby, and there was no opportunity to go to the salon. Having tried to find on-call manicure services, he was surprised to find that no one provided such services in Washington. Having assessed the existing potential of this type of business, Sinamon hastened to organize his own mobile services company.

The company’s website reports that all masters who come to provide manicure and pedicure services have the most highly qualified and first-class equipment. Thus, by organizing mobile business you can not only find the source stable income for yourself, but also to provide enough work a large number of of people.

Clients can use Nail Taxi services 6 days a week, with the exception of Sunday: on this day the company’s employees work to service outdoor events. Reservations must be made in advance using the form on the website or by calling. The company stipulates a possible increase in price due to transportation costs in cases where work is expected to take place at a considerable distance from the office. In addition, the Nail Taxi company guarantees the receipt of services only if there is an advance payment made to the company’s account, thus eliminating cash transactions, which further facilitates doing business. In case of refusal of services, which the client did not inform about at least 24 hours before the appointed time, the company reserves the right to a commission in the amount of 50% of the prepayment.

Having started in only one city, Washington, Nail Taxi has already opened its representative offices in the cities of Chicago, Baltimore and Richmond. And in the near future, the company plans to begin work in other American cities.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Hairdressing services today (as always) are needed by almost everyone. But they are not as accessible as they seem.

I divide all current masters into 2 categories:

- work in a stationary beauty salon (hair salon) - usually these are premises on the first floors of residential buildings or in municipal consumer service plants (in shopping centers hairdressers are rare because rents are high there);

— they come to your home (usually the most unpromoted, home-grown craftswomen).

I tasted both the first and the second.

The first ones are inconvenient because you usually need to sign up for them in advance, usually 2-3 weeks in advance. At the same time, we still need to agree on a time - so that I don’t have any events at this time, and the hairdresser’s shift is approaching.

If the beauty salon you are interested in is located far from your home, then you need to get to it (but this is not the biggest problem).

The biggest problem for me is that good technicians usually believe that their service should be not just good, but top notch. In other words, they impose their service: they wash my hair (why, if I can wash it at home in advance? Moreover, it’s more convenient and safer for me to do it at home.), do my hair (why, if I’m about to put on a hat and your whole hairstyle will turn into 3D -Crap); God forbid, they spray you with hairspray. (After visiting the salon, I usually go home and immediately wash off everything unnecessary from my head, all the service imposed on me, especially the accumulated dirt from someone else’s comb from a common use comb)

Hairdressers who come to your home have a different problem - most of them are masters without a name and most often without qualifications. After all, it’s no secret that people don’t go to apartments to cut their hair because they have a good life.

Their second drawback is that it is difficult to get them out of the house later (not all of them, of course, but there are such instances). If in the salon I got up from my chair and went, then here I need to choose polite words, saying that I don’t offer tea, and there is no time without you.

Another disadvantage of servicing clients at home is that not every person has a hairdresser’s workplace prepared at home. Not everyone has a large mirror in the middle of the wall. Not everyone has the right lighting. If you get a haircut in a room, there is usually a carpet there and you don’t really want to drop hair clippings on it (then you can’t pick them out of the carpet). Having a haircut in the hallway - in addition to poor lighting, this means preventing all other family members from going to the kitchen or toilet. In addition, not everyone has an outlet in the hallway for a hair dryer or other hairdressing equipment.

Where is the golden mean of this service?

So that it would be a high-class salon without queues, close to home, but not at home.

In the West, many hairdressers began to master mobile methods of work, turning the inside of a bus or trailer into a beauty salon.

I don't know how expensive and difficult it is to do, but many people can do it.

For example, look at how one young entrepreneur turned an old trailer found in a landfill into a fashionable beauty salon.

She decided to turn this trailer into her beauty salon:

This is what it originally looked like from the inside:

The businesswoman took the trailer to a car service:

There it was first polished from the outside:

Workers then began transforming the insides of the trailer:

We started installing new furniture:

We installed stylish lighting under the ceiling:

But this can already be called a beauty salon:

This is what the beauty salon on wheels looks like from the outside:

In total, it took 4 months to transform the old trailer into a fashionable beauty salon.

And today it is not empty:

This photo was taken from Facebook pages of this salon (, Preparations for the wedding are underway here.

A wedding is such a troublesome event when you don’t have time to go to the hairdresser in his salon (by the time you get back, a complex hairstyle may fade). Most the best option- invite the master to your place. Moreover, not only the bride, but her entire retinue will need a hairstyle.

Similarly, such mobile beauty salons can be in demand at corporate events, public city events, and private parties.

And what else is good about the beauty salon on the bus - it is a walking advertisement. He is still traveling from one client to another - he is advertising himself.

There are several businesses in Russia that also call themselves “mobile beauty salons.” In fact, these are not salons on wheels, but independent craftswomen who come to your home, united by one sign.

I read several stories of formation and promotion similar business(it exists in several Russian cities).

These home-based beauty salons have two big problems:

1. One craftswoman can serve on average only 3 clients per day (try traveling from one end of the city to the other during the working day). A lot of time is spent on the road. And a lot of time is spent “unpacking and getting ready” at the client’s home.

2. Unscrupulousness of some craftswomen. When they come to a client’s home, they can easily lure him into direct service. The beauty salon itself loses repeat clients and, accordingly, profit.

Stationary beauty salons also have problems.

1. The main problem is stationarity. If the salon is not located at the intersection of human flows, attracting new clients is quite problematic. I see a lot of these salons in my city, usually converted from apartments on the first floors of residential buildings. The front door rarely opens in them.

2. The second problem is high rent if the premises are not owned. Our city authorities regularly raise rents every year, regardless of the situation in the country (a crisis is not a crisis, but rents always increase).

A real mobile beauty salon on wheels does not have these disadvantages.

1. It is owned by the business owner and he does not face high rent (unless, of course, he has to pay for parking).

2. It is placed near a large crowd of people (based on the principle of its operation).

4. All masters in the salon are under supervision.

5. Workplace equipped with everything necessary, no need to waste time “folding and unfolding”.

Of course, such a beauty salon has to spend money on gasoline. But this is just to get there.

In winter, of course, you will have to think about heating the interior from the inside. But if in our city stationary food stalls somehow survive without centralized heating (I saw some separately connected adjustable heaters in them), then such a salon can survive in the same way during the cold season.

In general, you don’t need to think that mobile business is impossible in Russia. We have offices on wheels, and bathhouses on wheels, we even have mobile mail and mobile branches of Sberbank. I even used similar services myself (read Russian mobile office).

As for me, I would love to visit such a salon. You walk around the city like that, in a hurry (as always). Then - bam, you come across a beauty salon where you can immediately go and get a haircut (and here I haven’t been able to call my usual hairdresser for 2 months, although I have nowhere else to grow - simply because life is so busy that it’s hard to find time, and even coordinate it with the always busy hairdresser).

A guarantee of the quality of a haircut can be provided by the salon itself on wheels and its stylish design (some home-grown, inexperienced craftswoman is unlikely to undertake the expense of repairing and equipping a trailer).

So for me, such mobile salons have a lot of advantages: saving time and quality of service.

Mobile beauty salon is a trend that has recently declared itself in the beauty business. This way of providing care services quickly won the sympathy of clients. Today, more than one company on the market uses a similar business model, offering, among other things, the purchase of mobile beauty salon franchises. The income from such a business can be more than 200 thousand rubles per month

What is a mobile beauty salon?

Now you don’t need to wait for a window in your favorite hairdresser’s schedule to open, make an appointment a week in advance, or waste precious time waiting in line at a beauty salon. All that is required from the client is to go to the website of the mobile beauty salon, select the service of interest, set a time and place. And then it's up to you by professional craftsmen who, at your request, will come to your home, work, or dacha and provide the ordered service, hair styling, manicure, massage, etc. By the way, here, on the website of the mobile beauty salon, the client has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the price list and customer reviews both about the work of the company in general and specific specialists in particular.

The British were the first to develop the concept of a mobile beauty salon. Quite quickly it took root in Russia and Ukraine. However, until now the number of such salons in our country does not number even a dozen, and in Ukraine – even less. Meanwhile, the need for this kind of services is growing more and more, which undoubtedly attracts budding businessmen.

It is a fairly widespread practice for a specialist working alone to travel to individual customer orders at home. However, the provision of personal care services organized in this way cannot be called a mobile beauty salon. A profitable mobile salon employs at least ten people, each serving about ten clients a month.

In most cases, businessmen equip a mobile beauty salon “on wheels”, turning the car interior into an impromptu office for a hairdresser, manicurist, massage therapist, etc. The outside of the car is decorated with the company logo, thereby providing additional advertising. Inside, it is usually divided into several compartments (driver’s cabin, workplaces, sanitary and hygienic compartment) and is equipped with everything necessary for the work of specialists.

What are the different types of mobile beauty salons?

There are mobile beauty salons with a narrow and broad profile. The former provide a “traditional” set of salon services that has become familiar to most - haircuts, coloring, styling, pedicures and manicures. The latter have a broader profile and are ready to offer their clients such procedures as massage, hair removal, makeup, a variety of spa treatments, etc.

Also, mobile beauty salons can be divided according to such criteria as service class - economy, middle or luxury class. At the same time, by choosing the services of an economy category salon, the client does not have to worry about himself, his hair, nails, etc. Often low prices in the price list of a mobile beauty salon are determined by the fact that the procedure will take more time than usual, or, for example, the master does not use the most expensive materials and modern technologies.

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Who is the target audience of a mobile beauty salon?

Most often, clients of a mobile beauty salon are:

  1. Young mothers, most of whose time is spent caring for the child.
  2. Businesswomen devoting themselves to their work.
  3. Brides who, on such an important day, are busy with all sorts of preparations and cannot waste time traveling to the salon.

In approximately 10% of cases, a mobile beauty salon deals with group orders, which is beneficial both for clients receiving a discount and for the salon itself, which serves a large number of customers localized in one location.

Average customer base mobile beauty salons are 60% women and 40% men. However, these are rather relative indicators, fluctuating for each individual salon depending on the price level, range of services provided, etc.

A mobile beauty salon can become an indispensable assistant modern man with very little free time at his disposal. Wherever the client is, the master will arrive almost anywhere in the city within 30 minutes and provide the necessary services.

Advice to entrepreneurs starting to engage in this type of business - do not let your salon turn into a call center accepting and distributing orders. For clients resorting to the services of a mobile beauty salon, the speed of service delivery is certainly important, but quality should still remain in the first place.

Pros and cons of a mobile beauty salon

There is no need to spend on renting and equipping a salon premises

The client does not waste time traveling to the salon, receiving quality service in the comfort of your own home.

The costs of opening a mobile beauty salon are relatively small: creating and promoting a website will cost about $1,000, and that’s all necessary equipment, as a rule, is available from the masters themselves, who will give approximately 20% of the proceeds.

To open a mobile beauty salon, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station is not required, which is a definite advantage.

A mobile beauty salon can become a kind of “branch on wheels” of your existing salon. With its help, you can offer customers new procedures and products. After conducting observations and drawing conclusions about whether new ideas are in demand, you can decide to include them in the list of services in the main salon.

There is a high probability that the craftsmen will work directly, and not through the salon. To prevent such situations, it is recommended to carry out various promotions and introduce bonus systems for clients. For example, for a call in which he confirms the provision of a service by a mobile salon technician, the client receives 50% of the money paid back.

Opening costs

Opening a mobile beauty salon will cost you 100 thousand rubles. For discovery own salon of this kind you will have to pay about 800 thousand rubles.

Here is a list of what you need to open your own mobile beauty salon:

  • car – approximately 600 thousand rubles, including interior refurbishment;
  • directly the equipment of the craftsmen - 100-150 thousand rubles;
  • consumables – 30-50 thousand rubles;
  • website creation - 80 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and promotion - about 50 thousand rubles per month.

How to open a mobile beauty salon

Having decided to open a business providing beauty services at home, first of all decide on the area in which the mobile beauty salon will operate. This factor is one of the main and almost the main thing for the successful functioning of this kind of company. Make sure this service is relevant right here and now. To open a mobile beauty salon, it is recommended to first choose residential areas or resort areas, of course, during periods of high tourist activity.

Study the laws carefully and legal acts regulating this area of ​​activity. Obtain relevant documents and permits from administrative authorities. Please consult which form of ownership is preferable in your case.

Study in detail the safety requirements, organization fire safety, as well as relevant sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Prepare detailed business plan, taking into account the company’s costs and profits, as well as estimates for the purchase of necessary equipment and further re-equipment.

If your business plan involves creating a mobile beauty salon on wheels, choose a suitable car. Criteria for selection vehicle What you need is, firstly, a spacious interior that can accommodate all the necessary equipment, and secondly, the presence of a good shock-absorbing system, thanks to which the movement of the car will be as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Approach the interior equipment with all responsibility. There are two ways here - use the tools and consumables of craftsmen, since most have them, or purchase everything on our own. Which option to choose - decide for yourself, based on initial capital, selected staff, etc.

Start developing a website. Contact the specialists. Depending on the complexity and design, the site will cost you on average from 200 to 1000 US dollars.

Pick up necessary personnel. Recruiting staff is one of the key points in opening any business, including a mobile beauty salon. Make sure that the driver of the vehicle has a license of the appropriate category, and the craftsmen have educational documents, necessary certificates, licenses, a medical record, etc. Calculate payment costs in advance wages and social benefits. Search and selection necessary employees You can do it yourself, using specialized Internet sites, bulletin boards, local press, etc., or you can contact recruitment agencies. In the second case, do not forget to include in the estimate payment for the services of professional recruiters.

A website for a mobile beauty salon must not only be launched, but also actively promoted. Well-chosen, professional personnel composition This is undoubtedly an important component of success, but competent advertising also plays a huge role. IN modern conditions It is quite obvious that we can call the most effective promotion of a company on the Internet, which includes advertising on specialized sites, search engines, message boards, etc. in most cases, the client simply enters something like “beauty salon at home” into the search engine, so It is important that your salon’s website is in the top of the links offered in response to a request.

6 tips to make your mobile beauty salon popular

Buy a cash register. This will protect you and help prevent possible fraud by unscrupulous craftsmen. Clients will pay through it, and thus you will receive a full report on the services provided to them. Help choosing the right one cash register You will be able to receive assistance directly from the company that sells them. On modern market There is a large selection of models that can work up to 30 hours straight from the battery without additional recharging.

Reviews can be the best advertising real clients who have already visited your mobile beauty salon. Organize a forum on your company’s website where they could share their impressions of certain salon services or the work of a particular specialist. Reviews real people can force potential clients contact you specifically.

Try to describe the services offered on the website in as much detail as possible and indicate real prices. The client must understand what exactly he can receive and what sum of money he'll have to pay for it. You shouldn’t put a “pig in a poke” by hiding the final cost of services. Such a situation is unlikely to evoke positive emotions in the client and next time he will prefer to go to another salon.

Try not to inflate your list prices in an effort to maximize your income. High prices may turn off potential customers.

You can supplement the website of your mobile beauty salon with information about the masters and their qualifications, publish their own photographs and photographs of the work they have performed (hairstyles, manicures, etc.).

When organizing the work of a salon “on wheels”, give preference to spacious and comfortable cars. A suitable model can be found at car brands"Ford", "Renault", "Peugeot".

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Cost of services in a mobile beauty salon

Typically, the cost of services is slightly lower than in conventional hospital ones. As a rule, the client does not pay for the master’s travel, be it a taxi or his own car.

The list of basic services provided by the salon includes hair care procedures (haircuts, coloring of various levels of complexity), depilation, manicure and pedicure. On average, services will cost the client 5,000 rubles. The cost of a women's haircut will be about 1,400 rubles, and a wedding hairstyle and makeup will cost 7,500 rubles.

As practice shows, each person serves approximately 3-4 clients every day. The master’s earnings consist of 50-70% of the proceeds.

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The mobile special complex “Mobile Hairdressing Salon - Beauty Salon” is designed to provide the full range of hairdressing services on-site.
The equipment of the special complex “Mobile Hairdresser” allows you to perform various haircuts, practical styling, hair coloring, evening or wedding hairstyles of any complexity, hair extensions, eyelashes and nails; Mani Pedi; wedding, evening, formal, everyday, permanent makeup and much more.
A special place in the work of a mobile hairdressing salon is occupied by service at corporate and home events: concerts, anniversaries, birthdays, and, of course, at wedding celebrations directly at the venue of the celebrations

List of mobile hairdressing salon services

Haircuts for ladies
. Holiday and wedding hairstyles
. Hair Styling
. Hair coloring using new technologies in one tone
. Hair coloring using complex technologies in two or more colors
. Color highlighting
. Blonding hair
. Perm
. Haircuts for men
. Haircuts for children
. Eyelash tinting
. Eyebrow tinting
. Wedding stylist

Short description

The mobile special complex “Mobile Hairdressing Salon” was created on the basis of the PAZ-3205, PAZ-3206 (all-terrain) and PAZ-4234 buses. The bus interior consists of 5 compartments:
- driver's cabin:
-passenger cabin equipped with 2-4 individual comfortable passenger seats,
- hairdressing salon for one or two workplaces;
- manicure salon,
- sanitary and hygienic compartment.

Complex equipment

Equipment for a hairdressing salon (option)

Sink with chair
- chair for the client
- mirror
- hair salon trolley
- susuar
- climazone,
- instrument sterilizer,
- professional hair clippers,
- set of tools for a hairdresser:
hair dryers, professional hair clippers, curling irons, curling irons;
combs, scissors, brushes, clips, curlers, machines, overalls, razors, towels,
consumables, etc.

Equipment for manicure salon (option):

Master's chair
- chair for client
- sterilizer
- manicure lamp
- stand for varnishes
- manicure pillow

Auxiliary and additional equipment:

Electric generator (3kW, 220V),
- fan heaters (heat curtains),
- electric heaters (wall convectors),
- independent liquid heater,
- liquid heaters,
- roof fans,
- floor or roof air conditioner,
- clean water tank (250 l),
- drain tank,
- water pump,
- sink with mixer,
- electric storage water heater (30 l),
- water fittings, pipes for water supply and drainage,
- dry closet,
- refrigerator, household appliances (at the Customer’s request)

Features of the complex

Hinged doors with additional sealing,
- Double glazed side windows,
- Additional insulation of the floor and sides of the bus,
- Fluorescent lamps 220 V,
- Emergency interior lighting 12 V.
- Additional lighting

Electrical supply:

Electric generator up to 5 kW, 220V
- Device for connecting to an external power supply network 220V (electric cable 50m),
- Additional battery,
- Battery charger,
- Electrical sockets for connecting equipment.

The color graphic design of the mobile medical complex is carried out according to the Customer’s sketches.

The specialists of our company are ready to offer you one or more layout diagrams interior layout, placement of main equipment, furniture, etc. Please use the services

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