Who reports to the CFO. Responsibilities of the Financial Director

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Chercher is one of the company's senior executives - he manages the financial system, cash flows, is in charge financial statements. The position of financial director is one of the key ones in any company. The position of the enterprise in the market and its financial stability depend on his actions. The financial director reports directly to the general director.

Meng Wanzhou is the CFO of Huawei and also the daughter of the founder of this company.

Places of work

Specialists of this level are in demand in commercial and government organizations at any level: in banks, insurance and investment companies, trading corporations, on industrial enterprises and stock exchanges.

History of the profession

This is a fairly young profession, because just 20 years ago the functions of a financial director at enterprises were performed by a staff of several accountants. However, the first financial directors can be called royal treasurers, who managed all the cash flows of the state and were in charge of all fees, taxes, taxes and payments from the state treasury.

Responsibilities of the Financial Director

Here are the main job responsibilities of a CFO:

  • Control financial flows enterprises;
    • Controlling costs and ensuring efficient use of resources;
    • Control of income and provision of the company with finances (including credit);
    • Tax planning;
  • Formation and strategic planning financial policy of the company;
  • Ensuring economic security
    • Analysis and reduction of possible financial risks;
    • Monitoring the conduct of the enterprise’s activities in accordance with current legislation;
  • Conducting financial and economic analysis of company transactions;
  • Preparation of financial statements;
  • Management of a team of financial and accounting services.

Depending on the specifics and scale of the company, the list of what the financial director does can be supplemented by the employer.

Requirements for a financial director

Here sample list basic requirements for a financial director:

  • Higher specialized education;
  • Confident PC skills, knowledge of 1C;
  • Knowledge of the basics of tax, audit and accounting;
  • Knowledge of regulatory and legislative documents;
  • Negotiation skills, preparation of presentations and reports;
  • Work experience of 3 years;

The requirements may be supplemented by the employer if required by the company's field of activity.

CFO sample resume

How to become a financial director

A higher economic education will be required in one of the specialties: “Finance and Credit”, “Enterprise Economics”, “Accounting and Audit”, “ Financial management" or "Banking". It is worth saying that before becoming a financial director, you will need to gain experience and work as an accountant, economist or some related specialty, and later - as an assistant to the financial director in some company.

CFO salary

Depending on the region and the size of the company, the salary of a financial director ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles, with the average amount being 50 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

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The question posed in the table of contents of the article seems banal. Today even a schoolchild knows that Finance is the circulatory system of an enterprise; Every minute we are accompanied by amounts, rates, rates, etc., and it seems that everyone can answer this question first.

Is it so? Well, I think if everyone knows, I’ll ask the Internet. And suddenly I discover that the great and powerful “collector of knowledge” does not have a direct answer to this question! Okay, let's try to figure it out ourselves.

What is a CFO? Head, financial manager of the enterprise. But Chief Accountant also manages finances. Without his signature, not a single payment is made, not a single contract works. Why not a financial director? And in fact, many enterprises practice combining the positions of “chief accountant” and “financial director”. It seems to me that these are two different positions, which can be combined, but not necessary.

Chief Accountant- the “defender” of the enterprise, he creates external reporting, is responsible for its reliability and controls that every penny is taken into account in one way or another and documented. The activities of accounting are mainly strictly regulated by laws: a number of PBUs, the Tax Code, etc. Accounting takes today's information and turns it into yesterday's information: you will never see a balance sheet for the year ahead. A modern accountant is more of a lawyer than an economist; he must know and be able to use a lot of legislation that regulates not only the activities of accounting, but also the enterprise as a whole. An accountant must promptly answer the question: how to correctly account for a particular transaction carried out by a company, how to optimize the activities of an enterprise so that both the wolves (government bodies, primarily the Federal Tax Service) are fed and the sheep are safe.

What about the CFO? His professional activity, as a rule, is not regulated. The financial director is not the executive body of the enterprise, you can do without his signature... But why does the financial director usually stand above the chief accountant? The answer is simple: the most important task of the financial director is to constantly implement the policy of increasing the profitability of the enterprise and the return on share capital.

To solve this problem, the financial director must play several roles in the team, managing processes related to the past, present, and future of the company.

Let's take a closer look at the functions of an ordinary CFO of an ordinary average company. Analytical functions.

Without knowing the past, we deprive ourselves of the future. In order to manage finances competently, it is necessary to constantly analyze the results of past periods. How to find out whether an enterprise (direction) is developing, at what pace it is developing, what is the quality of development, what is hindering development, etc.? How to determine the “cost price” of an enterprise (direction)? How to evaluate achievements or failures? You can ask a lot of questions, and analysis will give you the answers. Control functions. Where will the analyst get the data? How can a financial director quickly respond to certain changes in the company's condition? This cannot be done without control systems. A competent financial director is at the head accounting, using it for current monitoring (for example, using balanced scorecards), and for analyzing statistical data, and for forecasting the future.

Functions of a risk manager. The financial director, by virtue of his position and to solve his problems, must know the weak and strengths company and be able to manage its inherent risks. It is the CFO who is the first official to make decisions regarding risks. One of the responsibilities of the financial director is to prevent unnecessary losses for the company; in order to fulfill this responsibility, the financial director must also be a risk manager.

Strategic functions. Of course, the chief strategist is the boss, the general. But can the boss prove the effectiveness and feasibility of his strategy without a CFO? Without evidence of future profitability of development activities, this strategy is worthless. But in order to efficiently fulfill the relevant requirements of the general manager, the financial director must understand investment management and be a professional in budgeting and activity planning.

Treasury functions. Well, this is the simplest thing, anyone will say. What's so hard about spending money? Of course, nothing complicated. It is much more difficult to spend them on time and with maximum efficiency. A professional financial director organizes the work of his treasury in such a way as to prevent cash failures (expenditure of funds over a period greater than Money in stock) and, conversely, surplus free funds.

Evaluation functions. To determine the effectiveness of activities and investments, the financial director very often has to resort to evaluating both various types of assets (equipment, real estate, etc.) and enterprises. There is an opportunity to buy a company or open a new direction, who will be the first to assess the level of investment? How to determine the dynamics of development own company? One of the qualitative methods is through the economic added value of the enterprise. Again, who will evaluate it? Of course, CFO.

About obligatory for any leader management functions I won’t write much, it’s already clear: the financial director strives to increase efficiency labor activity company employees.

In addition to the above functions, the financial director must have an excellent understanding of in accounting(often management and accounting of a company are closely related) and tax legislation, be ready to resolve tax planning issues together with the chief accountant.

If we take into account the high level of the company’s real capabilities in managing its finances, then it is worth adding to the above list innovative features: the CFO must know and understand modern technologies in terms of financial management, be able to use various tools that can increase the profitability of the company: from simple “outsourcing” to activities in the stock and foreign exchange markets.

The CFO regularly speaks and face of the company. Who, if not him, will quickly find a common language with bank employees and colleagues from counterparty companies? Of course, according to personal qualities financial leader, outsiders will draw conclusions about the quality of the company as a whole.

It may seem that the resulting functionality of our CFO is too bloated. Not surprising. You should pay attention to the scale of the company. It is clear that if a company is small and its capabilities are limited, then a number of functional responsibilities There will be no need for a financial director. But you shouldn’t forget about them, because any company strives for growth, right?

In small businesses, the functions of the financial director are often performed by the general manager. Is this possible? Perhaps, yes, especially if the company is not ready to pay the salary of a professional financial director. Meanwhile, it is no secret that combining a number of positions has a negative impact on the quality of performance. General Director – sole executive agency company - bears personal responsibility for the enterprise as a whole and in particular. If, in addition to his official concerns (product promotion, maintaining the company’s image, personnel, structure, economic and administrative functions, etc.), he takes on the concerns of financial management, then it is very likely that he will not cope. However, again, everything depends on the scale of the company’s activities and the manager’s efficiency.

I'll draw the line. If you, my reader, are a business owner or the head of a company that does not have a financial service, then think about it. Maybe your company has reached a decent level, and it’s time to attract a professional financier? Look at your company from the outside: are all financial management issues resolved effectively? Over the past three or four months, have you had the feeling that the company’s money is leaking somewhere? Have there been days when there simply wasn’t enough money? Or vice versa: there is a lot of money, but it lies like a dead weight in current accounts, and you can’t really figure out where to put it? If at least one answer to any of the questions is positive - it's time!

The financial director can easily be called the second person in the company in terms of the scope of functions performed. He manages not only the financial service, but also other departments of the organization. For a company to function effectively, all services must work smoothly, in harmony and without overload. What responsibilities should only be performed by the CFO, and what can be entrusted to related departments? Let's look into this material.

The Financial Director performs the following functions according to the job description:

  1. general administrative:
    • coordination of large-scale transactions and basic instructions
    • approval of documents on financial and legal issues
    • improving the use of current resources and optimizing costs
    • selection of specialists for vacant positions in financial departments and/or approval of applicants for them
  2. management and control over:
    • operations of accounting, tax and management accounting
    • treasury operations
    • maintaining enterprise budgets
    • investment investments
  3. management of non-financial departments:
    • IT (Information Technology): department information technologies
    • HR (Human Resource): human resources department
    • PSD (Purchasing and Stores Department): supply department
    • LD (Legal Department): legal department
    • IAD (Internal Audit Department): department internal audit
  4. public

Interaction with IT

The IT department is subordinate to the financial director if its specialists serve exclusively their own branches. This organizational structure is most often found in companies that are engaged in trade and production. If IT is a core business based on the provision of information technology services, then it is irrational to transfer control over this department to the financial director.

Due to the specific nature of the work, the financial department periodically orders information systems for efficient work personnel and the functioning of the company as a whole. Accounting, budgeting, control, document flow and other operations carried out by the financial department are based on the technical capabilities of special programs. In accordance with this, the head of the financial service makes a decision to automate work processes or improve the quality of their implementation, coordinating his decision with the IT department. The CFO takes on the role of assessing the profitability of own development before purchase new system. He also makes certain requirements for the functions, interface and usability of the system, and also keeps under control the timing of its development and/or installation.

The head of the IT department deals with highly specialized issues and coordinates the work of his subordinates. IN in this case it is under the administrative control of the findir.

Separation of IT department and financial service

Along with the development of the company, new important areas appear: production, warehouse, trade, employee management, supply. In accordance with this, the percentage of participation of the financial department in the information system of the entire company is significantly reduced. The financial director should not be responsible for the results of the work of those departments over which he is not responsible.

A guarantee of the effective functioning of the company is the maintenance of harmony and balance in the relationships between departments. Often when automating processes, departments have differing opinions on how to achieve goals. The issue of communication and interaction arises quite acutely when solving problems that relate to the business processes of several services.

In a situation where the IT service is part of the finance department, automation priorities may be distorted. If the current automation project is large and affects most areas, then the head of the IT service does not have to report to functional managers. It is in this case that he remains as objective as possible, analyzing controversial situations, finding solutions that satisfy the interests of all automated units. This method is the most effective in solving the problem of automating a company’s business processes.

Communication with the HR department

If the company's staff is homogeneous, without a large turnover of employees, and the personnel department mostly maintains only personnel records, then this service may be under the leadership of a finder.

But if the organization has a carefully developed motivational system, the composition of the staff varies in competencies and level of professionalism, there is a corporate university for training employees, and the selection of new personnel occurs at the expense of its own resources, it would be advisable to separately isolate this structural department. In this case, the financial director must coordinate decisions on which the company’s expenses directly depend: the total size of the payroll and motivational measures, costs of training, retraining, selection of new employees, etc.

When a company has a vertical organizational management structure, and budget process works smoothly from top to bottom, then the financial director is obliged to notify the head of the HR department about the amount of employee expense items for the future period. And the personnel department must decide in what ways to invest in this budget, how many employees to hire, what kind of wages appoint them and whom to cut.

The financial director should not influence:

  • methods of conducting interviews with applicants for vacant position, methods of selection and financial motivation of employees, except for those employees who are selected for the financial department;
  • formation corporate culture and team spirit, as the HR manager applies psychological skills and knowledge of people's behavioral factors and their values.

However, the financial director must effectively organize communication between the financial service and the personnel department:

  • economic planning department: must promptly take into account current requests from the personnel department regarding the actual payroll, the amount of deductions from salaries in order to plan them correctly, be responsible for the purchase of tools for recruiting personnel for the financial service (CRM systems, online competency testing, corporate personnel training etc.);
  • accounting: it is necessary to consolidate the results of work for the period and calculate the amount of bonuses, allowances and others additional types income of employees, as well as inform everyone about the procedure for accrual and payment of such income.

The CFO can participate in various internal projects

In addition to automating the performance of work duties by company personnel, the competence of the financial director may also include other projects. To perform this function, it is advisable to create a separate division, which should be responsible for the development and support of projects to improve and increase the efficiency of personnel:

  • internal control system;
  • approval of a new accounting policy or its individual points;
  • the infusion of a new company (branch/division) into the business process of the corporation.

Logistics and financial functions

When the purchasing department is engaged exclusively in the purchase of office supplies and supplies, control over it can easily be ensured by the financial director. With a stable product range, minor price fluctuations and regular deliveries, it will not be difficult for the financial director to take control of the activities of this department. To make things simpler and more efficient, the finder will need:

  • approved procurement regulations with the conditions for the purchase of each item of the product, indicating the main suppliers and the maximum price for each item. If some products are not in the general list or have different purchasing conditions, they should be noted separately;
  • monitor compliance with the requirements of this document.

A supply department should be created in large production and trading companies. After all, the turnover of goods purchases contains hundreds of items and a large number of suppliers. At such an enterprise, it is necessary to monitor the quality of goods, their turnover and the size of the warehouse.

In this situation, the financial director can control:

  • accounting of raw materials and materials;
  • compliance with inventory turnover standards;
  • optimal size warehouse and inventory volume;
  • inventory management efficiency;
  • procurement planning.

CFO and legal nuances

When the legal department is solely involved in preparing contracts and issuing powers of attorney, it can be completely under the control of the financial director. In this case, the financial director, together with his subordinates, needs to develop and agree on a procedure for preparing and approving standard and non-standard contracts.

When legal department is responsible for working with claims, contracts and claims, prepares documents for tenders, it is recommended to separate it from the financial department. Findir can join if he accepts a contract with banking organization or business reorganization is planned.

What role can a finder perform in the internal audit process?

Officially, only shareholders should manage the internal audit process and monitor its results. But when shareholders are geographically distant from each other, control over the department can be entrusted to the financial director. But functional subordination must be left to the shareholders.

The financial service, together with the audit commission, can assign local audit tasks to subordinates subsidiaries, branches, etc.

CFO = marketer?

New products and projects conceived by enterprise departments are evaluated by the new product development department or the marketing department.

The financial director, in turn, can:

  • calculate financial and economic indicators (development and implementation costs, marketing events, production planning, etc.);
  • select evaluation criteria and regulations for the approval of new products;
  • participate in protecting the idea of ​​a new product in front of general director or founders.

Summary. The CFO may have many duties and responsibilities. This depends on the field of activity of the company in which he heads the financial service, the size of the staff and the organization of work.

In relatively small-sized enterprises, the finder can control the activities of:

  • accounting;
  • IT department;
  • personnel department;
  • supply department;
  • legal department;
  • internal audit department;
  • marketing and other departments.

IN large companies It is worth separating the financial service and other departments. In a functional sense, the financial director should not influence employees of related departments. However, they may be under administrative subordination in cases where the results of their activities directly affect the “life” of the financial service.

2018-09-04 20

Job description of the financial director: what are his rights and responsibilities

The job description of the financial director is a brief excursion into his future work at the enterprise. In the future, it is used to evaluate the employee’s performance, acceptance personnel decisions and in the development of remuneration systems. It can be called a direct guide to action, a guideline for professional growth within the framework of a new position. The CFO can participate in the preparation of instructions to influence the conditions, organization and criteria for evaluating his work. Let's take a closer look at why a job description is drawn up and what it includes?

Who does the CFO report to and who reports to him?

The management model of an enterprise is determined by its organizational structure. The choice of a specific model depends on the specifics of the company’s activities, its size, as well as the vision of the business owners.

There are models in which the financial director is at the same or different levels with the chief accountant. In small companies, the financial director most often single-handedly manages both the financial service and the chief accountant.

Options for the company's management model

Often the chief accountant and finder are subordinate to the General and executive director. And it happens that the immediate supervisor for the CFO is the General Director, and for the Chief Accountant - the Executive Director.

There are many different models, but in any case, the financial director acts as the deputy CEO for economic and financial matters. He manages all services that are included in the financial management process.

The following reports to the Financial Director:

  • Financial department
  • Accounting service
  • Traffic control service DS
  • Management accounting service
  • Planning and Economic Department
  • Internal Audit Service

Sometimes the CFO is also given leadership of the IT department. This is typical for companies engaged in trade or production. In such organizations, the information technology department primarily serves the financial function. Read more about how they can effectively interact in the material CFO as an IT business integrator.

What is included in the job description of a financial director

The content of the job description of the financial director depends on the specifics of the enterprise, its size and organizational structure. If it is formulated clearly and in accordance with the company's goals, continuity of work of financial departments and continuity of responsibilities is ensured.

Job description of CFO in mandatory includes 4 blocks:

  1. General provisions
  2. Job responsibilities
  3. Rights
  4. Responsibility

The main feature of the CFO job description is the extensive list of his powers.

The working conditions of the CFO must be spelled out in as much detail as possible, because he is responsible for the financial well-being of the entire company. If he is not fully aware of his functions and responsibilities, the functioning of many departments involved in financial activities may be disrupted. A job description allows you to bring a new finder up to speed and help him quickly understand his new responsibilities.

To learn more about the structure and approximate content of the document, download a free sample job description for a financial director.

General provisions of the job description

IN general provisions the procedure for occupying the post of financial director, his place in the organization and qualification requirements to the candidate.

Important! An applicant for the position of CFO must have the appropriate higher education and at least 5 years of experience in financial management.

The list of knowledge required for a CFO is compiled taking into account the specifics and organizational structure of the enterprise. It will be useful to applicants for the position of financial director who strive for new knowledge and professional growth, but don’t know in which direction to develop.

A separate paragraph also specifies according to which official documents the financial director must act:

  • state legislative acts;
  • charter and other regulations of the enterprise;
  • instructions and instructions from senior management;
  • in fact, the job description itself.

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Key responsibilities of the CFO

When starting work, the new financial director should take a closer look at the job description, especially the “Responsibilities” block. From it you can learn more about the current state of affairs in the company and management’s requirements for the CFO.

Items on the list of job responsibilities of a finder may vary depending on the size of the company and the accepted methods of doing business. The more detailed they are, the easier it will be for him to take office, effectively build a work plan and begin to act.

Among the responsibilities that are found in almost every job description are:

  • determining the strategy and policy for using company resources
  • maintaining financial and management reporting
  • cost optimization and fundraising
  • setting up management accounting and internal audit systems
  • optimization of operating activities
  • financial risk management

In a functional sense, the CFO should not influence or be responsible for the consequences of the activities of employees in related departments. But if the results of their work directly affect the financial performance of the company, then they may be administratively subordinate to the finder and are obliged to follow his instructions.

Rights of the financial director

The CFO is a significant figure in the company, responsible for attracting and effectively using finances and complying with the general business efficiency policy. The modern CFO must be a therapist who can conduct a full diagnosis and suggest ways to improve the company. Ideally, no important investment, marketing, technology or personnel decision should be made without it.

Therefore, the powers of the financial director in the company are limited to a minimum. Like any other employee, a finder has the right to normal working conditions, social guarantees and other items provided for labor legislation.

What shouldn't a CFO do?

The CFO should not become too immersed in the work of other departments. Most of its functions should be carried out on strategic level. What does this mean? Let's look at the example of the risk management function.

If there is a risk of losing the company's image, the financial director does not independently strengthen it. He should entrust the task of improving reputation to PR managers

The financial director is not responsible for the performance of departments that he does not manage.

When it comes to HR management, it's easy to overstep the mark and get caught up in taking on someone else's responsibilities. If a finder feels a lack of effective employees, he should not be involved in selecting them on his own. The CFO can set the HR department the task of finding new employees and developing a system for increasing staff motivation, and then monitor its implementation.

To have enough time to make effective business decisions, CFOs should not immerse themselves in operational work. For this purpose, employees of the financial and related departments are subordinate to him. They can be delegated a number of responsibilities. The main thing is to regularly coordinate, monitor and evaluate work.


They help only those who are ready to accept this help. A financial director whose activities are subject to strict restrictions will not be able to become a full-fledged engine of progress and promote the adoption of effective strategic decisions and coordinate the joint work of departments.

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We bring to your attention typical example job description of the financial director, sample 2019. On this position a person may be appointed who has a higher professional (economic) education and experience in financial and accounting work, including leadership positions, at least 5 years. Do not forget, each instruction of the financial director is issued in hand against a receipt.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that a financial director should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. The financial director belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has:

— education higher professional (economic) education and

— experience in financial and accounting work, including in management positions, at least 5 years.

3. The financial director is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The financial director must know:

— legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the financial, economic and production activities of the organization;

- regulatory and methodological documents on issues of organizing accounting and financial management;

— basics of civil law;

- financial, tax and economic legislation;

— codes of ethics for professional accountants and corporate governance;

— profile, specialization and structure of the organization, prospects for its development;

— methods for analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of an organization’s financial activities, analyzing financial markets, calculating and minimizing financial risks;

— the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;

- organization financial work, budgeting;

— planning methods and procedures financial indicators;

— the procedure for financing from the state budget, long-term and short-term lending, attracting investments and borrowed money, use of own funds, issue and acquisition of securities, distribution financial resources, tax calculations, conducting audits; accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting;

— basics of production technology;

— economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— modern reference and information systems in the field of accounting and financial management; rules for storing financial documents and protecting information;

- advanced domestic and Foreign experience organization of accounting and financial management;

— legislation on labor and labor protection Russian Federation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection

5. In his activities, the Financial Director is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions director of the organization,

- real job description,

— Internal rules labor regulations organizations.

6. The financial director reports directly to the director of the organization, as well as _______ (specify position)

7. During the absence of the financial director (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in in the prescribed manner, which acquires the corresponding rights, obligations and is responsible for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to it.

2. Job responsibilities of the financial director

Financial Director:

1. Defines financial policy organization, develops and implements measures to ensure its financial stability.

2. Manages financial management work based on the strategic goals and development prospects of the organization, identifying sources of financing taking into account market conditions.

3. Analyzes and assesses financial risks, develops measures to minimize them, ensures control over compliance with financial discipline, timely and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations and receipt of income, the procedure for processing financial and business transactions with suppliers, customers, credit organizations, as well as foreign economic activity operations.

4. Heads the work on developing the organization’s tax policy, tax planning and tax optimization, improving accounting policies, preparing and conducting the issue of securities, analyzing and assessing the investment attractiveness of projects and the feasibility of investing funds, regulating the ratio of equity and borrowed capital.

5. Interacts with credit institutions on issues of placing temporarily free funds, conducting transactions with securities, obtaining loans.

6. Manages the compilation of promising and current financial plans and cash budgets, communicates the indicators of the approved budget system and the tasks, limits and standards arising from it to the organization’s divisions, and ensures control over their implementation.

7. Participates in the development of draft plans for sales of products (works, services), costs of production and sale of products (works, services), prepares proposals to increase the profitability of production, reduce production and distribution costs.

8. Monitors condition, movement and intended use financial resources, results of financial and economic activities, fulfillment of tax obligations.

9. Takes measures to ensure solvency and increase the organization’s profits, the efficiency of financial and investment projects, rational asset structure.

10. Organizes development information system on financial management in accordance with the requirements of accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting, control over the reliability and maintenance of confidentiality of information.

11. Ensures that necessary financial information is provided to internal and external users.

12. Organizes work on analysis and assessment financial results activities of the organization and the development of measures to improve the efficiency of financial management, as well as conducting an internal audit, to consider mutual claims arising in the process of carrying out financial and economic activities, takes measures to resolve them in accordance with current legislation.

13. Manages the activities of the financial departments of the organization, organizes work to improve the qualifications of employees, provides methodological assistance to employees of the organization on financial issues.

14. Complies with internal labor regulations and other local regulations organizations, internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

15. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

16. Performs within limits employment contract orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Rights of the financial director

The financial director has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- about attraction to material and disciplinary liability employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the CFO

The financial director is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for financial director - sample 2019. Job responsibilities of the financial director, rights of the financial director, responsibility of the financial director.

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