Utilities, which is included in the payment according to the legislation. What is included in housing and communal services

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Housing and communal services provide residents with 2 types of services– utility and housing, which are designed to increase comfort in multi-apartment and private premises where appropriate communications are provided. In turn, these services are obliged to uninterruptedly provide amenities for the comfort of clients, and users are obliged to pay for the benefit received.


The range of energy resources provided to the consumer depends on the degree of improvement of the living space and the installed engineering and communication systems.

What does this include:

  1. Water supply: cold and hot water, as well as drainage.
  2. Heating- is provided during the cold season and has heat supply period standards that depend on weather conditions in a particular area.
  3. Electricity supply- meets the requirements of standards in the Russian Federation (220V).
  4. Gas supply- can serve as both a fuel for heating a room and a source of fire for the operation of gas stoves.

Note: According to the Rosstat system, utilities also include maintenance of meters and operational networks for the uninterrupted supply of resources to the client.


As a rule, residents do not separate the concepts of utility and housing (maintenance of common property) services, classifying them as one type, which is understandable - the consumer has to pay for everything using receipts that do not distinguish between suppliers.

What is included in this service:

  1. Identification of non-conformity maintenance of common property to the standards of the Russian Federation, threats to the health and safety of residents.
  2. Providing lighting in public places.
  3. Compliance temperature and humidity conditions in common areas.
  4. Observation for maintaining the norms fire safety both indoors and during renovation work.
  5. Waste removal, like liquid ( Wastewater), and solid (garbage). Cleaning the garbage chute, premises and surrounding areas from waste and observing sanitary standards in common areas.
  6. Improvement adjacent areas, landscaping, cleaning.
  7. Preparation residential premises for the heating season, repair of communications.
  8. Major renovation premises, cleaning of entrances and courtyards, repair of elevators.

All owners apartment buildings are obliged to bear financial liability for the maintenance of common areas, regularly pay bills provided and demand appropriate performance of housing and communal services duties.

Brief information: In terms of inefficiency and quality of service, housing and communal services occupy one of the first places in the world. Transportation losses, according to international agencies, are:

  • energy resources - about 2 trillion kW/hour annually;
  • drinking water - 45 million m 3;

Payment for comm. rental services

When renting out residential premises, an agreement is drawn up between the owner and the tenant of the apartment. It must indicate how and who will pay utility bills.

If this procedure is not included in the agreement, then all bills from housing and communal services will be sent to the person who rents the premises, i.e. to the legal owner.

Therefore, no matter how you agree among yourself on the method of paying bills, record everything in detail in the contract. By doing this, the landlord will protect himself from an unscrupulous tenant.

There are several payment methods:

  1. Option 1. The landlord includes the cost of utility bills in the rent amount. The tenant pays only the apartment owner a fixed rate for accommodation, and he, in turn, pays the bills. Note: This method is rather trusting, since it presupposes the decency of both the owner and the tenant.
  2. Option 2. The tenant independently enters into contracts with suppliers and pays only the amounts that the housing and communal services bill him. This method is good for the tenant because there is no overpayment, which is possible in the first case. For the owner, this method the better, that there is no need to deal with payment issues yourself and relieve yourself of responsibility in case of non-payment by the employer. Note: For long rental periods, this method is the most convenient for both parties.
  3. Option 3. The tenant pays for utilities, but does not enter into an agreement, but pays bills on behalf of the landlord. This method It is necessary to describe in detail in the agreement - who pays for what. Which resources does the employer use and which ones does not. Note: The owner will be faced with the task of monitoring timely payment, which nowadays is easy to do online without disturbing the tenants.

What to do if one of the services is disconnected for a long period of time?

Tightening rules for the use of energy resources and rising prices are becoming a problem for many citizens. The worst thing is when the apartment is cut off from any type of supply. required resource or almost everyone. What to do in such a case?

To understand, let's consider situations when a supplier may stop providing a service. Let's skip emergency and repair work of supply services and move on to those caused by the homeowner.

Legitimate reasons for disconnection:

  1. When the user did not pay for at least one service within 2 months (housing maintenance is not included here). The contractor is obliged to notify the tenant in writing about the disconnection and indicate which resource he may lose after 30 days. They have no right to block cold water, drainage and heating.
  2. If the owner of the apartment connected to supply systems without permission, without permission to conduct such an operation. This is especially dangerous when installing new gas equipment. In addition, such amateur activity may pose a threat of damage to the property of other residents in an apartment building.
  3. If the owner of the apartment violates established standards for the use of energy resources and uses the connection of devices whose power exceeds specifications engineering systems in the house.
  4. If supply systems are in poor condition located in the apartment, violating operating standards and being a source of threat to citizens living in neighboring premises.

Note: providers can only disable the service you don't pay for. Debt is calculated according to standard rates for resource consumption. For example, if you have used less water in 2 months, you will not receive a notification yet (provided you have a meter).

The supply of services should be stopped not “suddenly”, but by warning you writing. If after this there is no settlement, then within 3 days you may be periodically disconnected and switched on, and at the end of the period, the supply may be stopped completely.

What to do?

The supplier, despite the termination of the service, does not terminate the previously concluded contract and you are still its full client. The opportunity to restore the resource supply remains.

What can you do for this:

  1. Contact the supplier and agree on payment in installments. Based on your request and based on the current situation, draw up an agreement. After which, the supply of services will be resumed, and you will have to pay the current bill and part of the debt.
  2. When a difficult problem arises financial problem , then you can contact budget organization at your place of residence, where, if there are justified reasons for insolvency, you can receive a subsidy to pay off utility debts.
  3. If you find yourself in a similar situation due to the absence of registration at the place of residence, it is necessary to submit documents confirming this fact. Ask to recalculate for this period and resume the supply of all services.

Brief information: losses of heat supply are catastrophic; the closer to the source, the lower the efficiency of energy conservation. So, efficiency:

  • CHP- on average 50%;
  • standalone source(boiler room) - 85%;
  • in apartments - 93%;

What quality should the services provided be?

To defend consumer rights, you need to know the acceptable standards for the supply of energy resources in order to judge the quality of work of suppliers.

The general rule for all utilities is:

  1. Uninterrupted supply.
  2. In full(pressure of water, gas).
  3. According with the standards of the Russian Federation.

Water- hot, it should be ‒ 60 °C, if it is below ‒ 40 °C, then you have to pay as for a cold one. In turn, cold water must meet sanitary standards and meet the standards of the Russian Federation, that is, it must be potable.

Gas- without impurities, meeting quality standards and pressure standards in the system (which usually meets the standards, since it is an explosive component of the fuel).

Electricity- except uninterrupted supply, must be supplied in accordance with voltage standards - 220 V, without surges and drops.

Temperature in the premises should be as follows:

  1. In living rooms- from 18 °C; in corners - 22 °C.
  2. The bathroom needs to be warmed up- up to 25 °C heat.
  3. On the staircase- 16 °C.

Exceptions are possible when carrying out scheduled repair work (obligation to warn), when eliminating an accident, or to prevent the threat of damage to or damage to property of citizens.

In case of inadequate performance of service delivery services, citizens have the right to apply for recalculation and not pay for services that are provided in violation of the standards.

Brief information: There is no need to expect a high level of work in the housing and communal services sector, since the depreciation of its fixed assets is 60%, and a quarter of them have long served their purpose. To restore the infrastructure, 3.5 trillion rubles are required, and according to other sources, from 9 to 10 trillion rubles.

The following need modernization and investment:

  1. Electric networks - 720 billion
  2. Transformer substations - 300 billion rubles.
  3. Boiler houses - 400 billion rubles.
  4. Heating networks - 500 billion rubles.
  5. Treatment facilities - 200 billion rubles.
  6. Sewage networks - 350 billion rubles.
  7. Water supply - 650 billion rubles.

Government investments in housing and communal services in 2013 amounted to a trillion rubles.

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What is included in utilities? Utilities are the activities of individuals aimed at providing residents of apartment buildings with the necessary living conditions and comfort. As a rule, such activities are carried out by any housing organization, represented in the form of an HOA (homeowners' association) or a management company. Having an understanding of housing and communal services (housing and communal services), you can stop attempts by a housing organization to attribute debts or payments that accidentally entered there.

So, what is included in the rent? Homeowners associations or management companies may, at their discretion and in agreement with residents, provide services of various types. However, only those services that are designated as such directly in the legislation are recognized as utility services.

Today, the legislation defines the following as the services of housing organizations provided to residents of apartment buildings:
  1. Supply of residents with cold water. The only requirement for which this public service can be provided is a continuous supply of high-quality water in the quantity necessary to meet the needs of residents. Water supply can be provided through centralized systems, individual water supply systems of a separate house or through a column that is installed outside an apartment building.
  2. Hot water supply. The requirements for providing residents with hot water are the same as the requirements for cold water supply.
  3. Disposal of used water. Disposal of such water is carried out exclusively through centralized sewer systems. This utility service must be provided continuously. At the same time, access to sewerage must be in every residential building of an apartment building.
  4. Electricity supply. To be considered suitable for human habitation, each apartment building must have a connection to power lines. Electricity transmission is carried out continuously in the amount necessary to satisfy the household needs of residents.
  5. Supply of gas to residents. Gas supply must be available around the clock. If it is not possible to connect the house to gas supply lines, gas may be provided through gas cylinders, certified and suitable for use.
  6. Providing residents with heating. Heating is supplied to apartment buildings mainly in winter. However, depending on temperature changes, heating may be supplied at other times of the year. The main requirement for heating is the supply of heat in a volume that is sufficient to maintain room temperature in the apartment.

The issue of the list of services provided to residents is resolved through negotiations between the meeting of residents and the relevant housing organization. The agreements reached during negotiations are formalized in the form of an agreement for the maintenance of an apartment building.

The availability of a utility service depends on its availability in a particular apartment building. So, if an apartment building is not equipped with a sewer system, then, accordingly, this service will not be provided to residents. At the same time, the presence of certain utilities seems mandatory for the admission of a particular house to operation.

Utilities are what are included in the list established by law. In addition to housing and communal services services, which are designated as such in the law and without which permission to operate a house will not be granted, housing organizations, in agreement with residents, have the right to provide another list of services, in addition to utilities. Such services are called housing and are also mandatory for apartment buildings.

So, what is included in the list of housing services?

The list of such services that are included in the maintenance of housing and are not recognized as utilities is presented as follows:
  1. Lighting of non-residential premises in the house, which are recognized as common premises, as well as maintenance in such premises normal temperature.
  2. Maintenance of local areas and common areas in accordance with sanitary standards, carrying out activities aimed at this.
  3. Collection of household waste from residents and removal of it outside settlement. This service was previously provided by housing organizations themselves. Today, the provision of this service by housing and communal services has been centralized, and housing organizations now serve as intermediaries.
  4. Ensuring fire safety. This service consists of providing residents and the residential building itself with a fire alarm system and fire-fighting tools. According to the law of the Russian Federation, any action or equipment that serves fire safety purposes can be included in this service.
  5. Activities included in the housing and communal services to create an environmentally friendly climate in the adjacent areas. Mainly represented by actions aimed at landscaping and improving the designated areas.
  6. Residential repairs of current and major nature. Funds are collected for this on a monthly basis, and the service itself is provided as needed and at intervals established by law.
  7. Preparing your home for a certain season. For example, in winter period it can be insulated. In the spring season, it may be necessary to update the gutters and check the roofs and other objects that are part of the house, and so on.
  8. Maintenance of property in the house belonging to all apartment owners on the basis of common ownership rights.
  9. Inspection of the condition of the house to determine the need for certain measures.

A similar list of rent maintenance services is, as a rule, provided only to residents living in apartment buildings. They are not provided to owners of private houses; therefore, they do not pay for such services.

On the other hand, they have to provide themselves with the appropriate services, which should be included as mandatory in the legislation. For example, the presence of fire safety systems is prerequisite admission of any residential premises to human habitation.

So what's included in the rent receipt? Residents are primarily interested in the question of the content of the receipts, the concepts included in it, which comes to them from the housing and communal organization in Russia and contains the amount for payment. Many people are interested in why certain items are included in the receipt and inflate the amount payable, as well as what makes up the final amount. However, many of them have no idea how to read it.

According to the rules of the law, a utility payment receipt must consist of the following information:
  • information about housing and utility services that were provided in the corresponding month, indicating the volume of consumption;
  • information about general services provided in the interests of all residents of an apartment building;
  • information about the tenant who must pay the utility bill;
  • information about the housing institution;
  • residential account;
  • bank account details in the utilities sector;
  • amount to be paid, advance amount and date of last payment;
  • table of tariffs for the cost of housing and communal services;
  • other information for reference;
  • information about the availability of recounts;
  • Reminders for consumers.
Information about housing and communal services in the receipt includes information in accordance with the following list:
  • cost of consumed cold and hot water;
  • cost of consumed electricity;
  • cost of gas consumed;
  • cost of provided thermal energy;
  • cost of house maintenance services;
  • amount of payments for repairs.

In addition, residents pay subsidies for services aimed at maintaining common house premises. The list of such services may include:

  • cleaning of staircases;
  • sanitary maintenance of local areas;
  • removal of household waste;
  • regular maintenance of engineering and technical equipment.

In addition to its informative function, the receipt serves as the basis for the residents’ obligation to pay for utilities.

For this reason, the receipt contains the following details:
  • total amount to pay;
  • the date by which payment must be made;
  • consequences of failure to pay utilities on time.

The large amount of information on the receipt makes it confusing.

However, if you wish, spending just a few minutes, you can thoroughly understand it. Of course, it's better to know what you're paying for.

However, the receipt must show Additional Information.

The list of such information may include:
  • decoding of the amount to be paid;
  • reference Information;
  • description of the equipment used to calculate consumed utilities;
  • payment methods for utilities.

In turn, in terms of deciphering the amount to be paid, the following data must be included, which constitutes the final amount of the rent:

  • amount to be paid for the consumption of a separate apartment for communal services;
  • expenses for provision of common building facilities;
  • rates;
  • total payment amount;
  • recalculation;
  • benefits at the cost of living;
  • result.

Expenses for the maintenance of common premises are considered separately from the subsistence level of services consumed by a separate apartment. Thus, the consumption volumes of an individual apartment are calculated based on the indicators of special accounting equipment, and in the absence of such equipment, based on consumption standards established by regional authorities.

Expenses for common building facilities are calculated based on the result of subtracting the indicators of the accounting equipment of all apartments from the indicators of the common building equipment. This result is divided among all apartments in an apartment building according to the number of persons living in them.

In addition, the utility company has the right to indicate some background information, which can be represented by the following data:
  • regulations, agreements, norms of law;
  • readings of accounting equipment taken in the corresponding month;
  • total consumption rate for the entire house.

The household reference information serves the purpose of verifying that residents have calculated the correctness of the utility bill. For this reason, most unscrupulous housing organizations do not provide such information.

Each consumer of utility services is assigned his own personal account, according to which, using special software, individuals will be able to check their debts and so on.

In addition, this software serves the following purposes:
  • individual determination of payment;
  • checking the settlement data of each personal account;
  • issuing a statement indicating the presence of an advance or debt;
  • availability of rights to benefits according to the rules of the subsistence minimum.

Typically, the receipt does not indicate the methods by which you can pay for the services of the housing organization. They include such information for the convenience of the consumer.

To date, the services of the housing organization are paid in the following ways:
  • through payment terminals and ATMs;
  • through payment systems on the Internet;
  • specially developed mobile applications.

Of course, each consumer has the right to independently choose how to pay utility bills. However, they must be paid on time.

Activities to create comfortable living conditions for the population of apartment buildings and other buildings (water supply, wastewater disposal, supply of electricity, gas and heating) are housing and communal services. What is included in their list and what requirements they must meet is vital information for consumers.

New rules

In 2012, new rules related to the provision of services in the public utilities sector were introduced. The Decree on the procedure for their provision provides a precise definition of public utilities (CS). The executors of the CU are legal entities or IP. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications. Residents of apartment buildings and other residential buildings are faced with a number of conditions spelled out in Section 2 of the new rules. You have the right to use CU:

  • owners of residential premises together with their families;
  • persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;
  • tenants of premises;
  • persons who have rented an apartment or room.

What is included in the concept of “utilities”? These are the following benefits: electricity, drainage, access to hot and cold water and others. According to the rules, they are supplied continuously, and heating is provided around the clock during the season. In residential complexes, accidents and irregular supply of heat or water are possible, but within the framework of strictly regulated standards related to the quality of the heating system.

What is included in the list of utilities?

Services included in the list of utilities are presented in the table below.

  • Drinking cold water
Supply is carried out to supply residents around the clock via a central or intra-house network. Proper quality, the volume required for vital needs is the main requirement for water. In the absence of a water supply system, the supply is carried out to the street water pump.
  • Hot water
It is supplied around the clock through centralized networks to all areas of the house in order to provide consumers.
  • Water disposal
What is included in municipal wastewater disposal services? Wastewater disposal is carried out around the clock through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be present in most living areas of the house.
  • Electricity supply
Electricity is uninterrupted, supplied to houses and apartments around the clock through the power supply network in the required volume.
  • Gas supply
Gas is supplied to houses and apartments through gas supply networks around the clock. Supply also includes the sale of gas cylinders.
  • Heating
Centralized networks and heat supply systems supply thermal energy to houses, apartments, and non-residential premises to maintain the proper temperature.

The list of what is included in utilities depends on the level of comfort of the house. If a sewerage system is not installed in a residential premises, then it should not be counted as a utility service.

Housing services

Any consumer, studying receipts for accommodation, pays attention to consumable items related to general household needs. These are housing services. What is included in the utility costs for this area? What does the consumer pay for? Residents of apartments, unlike residents of private houses, pay the following expenses arising from the maintenance of property that is public:

  1. Lighting, maintaining optimal temperature according to legal rules.
  2. Cleaning, cleaning, creating sanitation for public areas and areas within the house.
  3. Costs of waste discharge and transportation (solid, liquid). Organizations and entrepreneurs located in a residential building are also required to pay these expenses.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Maintenance with landscaping and landscaping land plot, which is part of the property of the house.
  6. Repair costs (capital and current).
  7. Activities to prepare for seasonal use of the house.
  8. Costs of maintaining public property.
  9. Inspection activities for common areas.

About the provision of utility serviceson power supply

According to the rules that came into force back in 2012, the changes affected the order of power supply. In some cases, enterprises that supply electricity to homes may be executors of utility services. What is included in electricity utilities?

Firstly, resource supplying organizations are not obliged to maintain the internal electrical system and are not responsible for the level of its quality inside the house. Secondly, they are responsible only for the proper provision of services up to the boundaries separating the elements of the system.

The new requirements include the right of the consumer to take readings every month from the 23rd to the 25th and transfer them to the energy sales organization by the 26th of the same month. If the data has not been received, Energosbyt has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards. The consumer must give Energosbyt representatives the opportunity to check the condition of the devices and the accuracy of the data.

Everyone knows that touching seals, removing meters, interfering with their operation so that the meter does not “wind” is prohibited. Such actions will lead to the fact that the payment will increase significantly: they will charge “kulibin” taking into account the power of the devices for their round-the-clock operation for all residents.

The changes also affected the procedure for calculating the volume of provided household electricity. It is paid separately as part of the CU, monthly. So, if you are on vacation, do not live in an apartment, or are absent for other reasons, then you are still required to pay for the general household electricity consumption during this time. The volume of common house utilities is calculated and divided among residents, taking into account the space occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made on the basis of standards. They are different for each region, but are developed according to general methodology. In addition, the organization that supplies light has the right to turn it off for a tenant who is in debt for three months of consumption. The absence of a counter will not play any role in this case.

New standards

In 2013, changes were approved regarding the rules for the provision of corporate governance. What is included in the concept of "utility fees"? How is it calculated under the new rules? Payment for utilities (except for heating) is divided into personal and general house and is signed separately on the receipt.

The innovations also affected standard coefficients. They should “encourage” the population of apartment buildings to install individual meters. For those who have the technical ability to supply devices that keep house-wide and individual records, but have not done so, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. For example, after the new year, payment increased by 10%, six months later - by another 10%, and so on until the excess reaches 60%! As a result, those who do not install meters will have to pay in two years 60% more than those who did.

The advantage in this situation is that this overpayment for utilities must be spent managing organization on energy saving and increasing the efficiency of energy systems. A question arises regarding the president’s demand not to allow the cost of corporate capital to increase above 6% per year. How will this instruction be implemented for those living in apartments and houses without meters?

Payment procedure for communal housing utilities

The new Rules for the provision of utility services contain a modified formula for calculating heating standards. In the old version, the total consumption of thermal energy was divided into the total squares of premises (residential + non-residential + public). In the new version, they are divided into total squares of residential and non-residential premises without common areas. Thus, the standard has increased.

I am glad that residents have been waived from paying for common heating costs. Now residents will not have to pay for heating the entrance where there are no radiators. Water management and drainage systems have also been excluded from general house standards: you will not have to pay for the drainage of water that was used to water the lawns. The new rules for the provision of utility services propose to calculate the general house metering of hot and cold water taking into account the norms: 90 liters per person per month.

Organizations managing utility companies are now motivated to reduce general house losses. The volume of services provided must be within the standard; if it is still exceeded, then the difference is paid by the management company itself, and not by consumers. The exception is houses where at a meeting of owners it was decided to divide the excess between residents. If the CG performer is not a company, but a resource supplier, then the difference is divided between consumers, taking into account the space they own.

How to establish the fact of improper provision of CG?

What to do if there are no light bulbs in the entrance for several days or the window panes are broken? If the CG is provided of poor quality, and there is no way to call the contractor or he does not respond, then the consumer can establish the fact of a violation of his rights. The tenant draws up an act with the participation of two neighbors and the chairman of the HOA (house council). The period of improper provision of corporate governance will be counted from the moment the act is signed (an example is given below).


about improper provision of public services


city ​​Vereshchagino, st. Pochtovaya, building 34, apt. 2

start of compilation "10-30"

end of compilation “11-00”

Prepared by a commission consisting of:

Chairman of the HOA Petrov S.S., apt. No. 25.

Members of the commission: Maslyakov A.D., apt. No. 36.

Starkova T.I., apt. No. 40.

This act has been drawn up in connection with improper provision Heating services, leaking heating pipes. Compiled on September 3, 2014. The report states that the system is in working order. During a visual inspection, a leak in pipes and a radiator was discovered in the second entrance on the third floor.

Conclusion: the violation is due to wear on the radiator. The commission decided on the need to offset the amounts contributed for the repair of the heating system.

What to do if utility services They don’t organize cleaning of the local area for months or don’t carry out repair work in the entrances? After all, these are also utilities. What is included in measures to protect the rights of tenants?

  1. Preparation of a collective claim with the full name, address and signature of all residents addressed to the management company. The main requirement is to eliminate service deficiencies within a reasonable period.
  2. Personal and written appeal to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the city or district. List in writing the shortcomings in the provision of utility services and ask to take measures to eliminate them, and to bring those responsible to justice.
  3. If the first and second steps do not produce results, submit statement of claim to court.

Contract for the provision of utilities

CG are provided under a paid written agreement with provisions on the procedure for their provision according to the new rules. It must take into account the provisions of the Rules and contain the necessary conditions regulating public services. What is included in the contract, what is the procedure for its conclusion?

The organization providing CG has the right to conclude a written agreement if the tenant is already using CG or intends to consume them. An agreement with provisions for the provision of services when these actions are performed by the consumer is considered concluded. The rules establish a period within which the contractor must provide services and demand payment.

For any form of ownership, the management organization must provide the necessary utilities and cannot refuse residents to include in their contractual obligations the provision of services that the level of home improvement allows.

For employers and tenants, a rental or lease agreement is drawn up. If a written contract does not comply with these innovations, then it is still considered that it was concluded in accordance with the new requirements and taking into account all their conditions. If the consumer does not have a contract on paper, the management organization or supplier does not have the right to refuse to provide services to him.

Six ways to reduce your rent

How to find out what is included in public services and where to go to protect your rights? With a few steps you can reduce utility costs and influence utility companies:

  1. Formally requesting your rates by line item will help you see what your utilities include, what you have to pay for, and what services you're not receiving in full.
  2. To draw up an act for services not provided within a month, you need to invite an employee of the housing cooperative of your management company to visit you. The act must be prepared by the 20th of the current month.
  3. Together with a housing cooperative employee (or without him), draw up a claim act. Collect signatures from residents (the more, the better).
  4. In the first days of the month, submit an application to the housing cooperative for recalculation of payment for the utility bill; the acts must be attached.
  5. If utility companies refuse to recalculate, file a complaint with the consumer protection department of the region, region, or the city housing and communal services department.
  6. In addition, the consumer has the right to refuse such services as cleaning staircases.


Innovations in the procedure for providing CG were made to make their receipt simple and transparent. In general, they streamline the relationship between the population and housing and communal services. But there are a number of ambiguities in the new rules. Whether this reform will be effective will become known over time.

Housing and communal services are a combination of different types of activities, common goal which is the resource supply of residential buildings, ensuring the functionality and serviceability of their technical components and resolving other issues related to comfortable living.

What services are provided and how are they regulated by law?

Utility services are those services that cannot be provided without the participation of monopoly organizations that provide housing with energy and natural resources.

At the same time, residents also pay for energy spent in common areas (attics, basements, elevators, corridors, etc.).

At the same time, payment for total energy consumed occurs in accordance with established standards.

According to current laws, when supplying electricity to the end consumer, the permitted interruption cannot last more than two hours per month in the presence of two independent energy sources and no more than a day - in the presence of one source.

In addition, voltage fluctuations during the supply of electricity are unacceptable.

Hot and cold water

Cold water supply services assume that the end user will receive cold water purified from pathogenic bacteria (hepatitis, dysentery, cholera).

Also, water should not contain harmful chemical compounds (salts heavy metals, arsenic and other things).

There may be a break in the supply of cold water for one month. not exceeding a total of 8 hours or 24 hours if a major accident occurs.

For the supply of hot water, the law provides for similar possible interruptions.

At the same time, the water temperature is also specified. If it is below +40 degrees, then payment for it should be charged as for cold water. Maximum water temperature should not exceed +75 degrees.

Water supply services are paid according to regionally established per capita water consumption standards, that is, the number of residents registered in the apartment is taken into account and the total amount of resource used is displayed.

Each region is different, depending on the current situation.


In accordance with established standards, the air temperature in a living space can be not less than +18. An acceptable interval in heat supply is up to 24 hours per month in general.

One-time interruptions in heat supply can last:

Payment for heating services is calculated based on the total area of ​​the premises based on regional standards. At the same time, the cost of heating a residential premises also includes payment for heating common areas.

Garbage removal

Disposal of solid household waste (MSW), colloquially garbage removal, also refers to housing and communal services and is provided as part of repair work and home maintenance.

In accordance with the law, payment for garbage removal is carried out based on living area. This causes a lot of controversy.

According to many consumers of the service, garbage removal should be paid based on the number of residents, that is, according to consumption standards like utilities.


In relation to a residential building, sewerage service is water drainage. Sewage is an integral part of the water supply system and is designed to remove waste and domestic water.

The proper condition of sewer systems largely determines the sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region.

Payment for sewerage services is made according to the established regional tariff. In this case, the total amount of hot and cold water used is taken as the volume of water disposal.

ODPU fee

The main disadvantage of the current order can be called payment according to standards, and not for the actual volume received.

In this regard, measures are being taken to provide all residential premises with metering devices.

In accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the provided utility services is calculated based on specific meter readings.

If there is none, then the amount of payment is calculated based on the standards for resource consumption per person, and when paying for heat supply, based on the rate of heat consumption per square meter.

Law No. 261 “On Housing and Communal Services” adopted in 2009 obliges to install common house metering devices() all residents of apartment buildings. This contributes to a more accurate calculation of the amount of water, heat and electricity consumed.

When paying according to the general admission payment method, the following calculation algorithm is used:

  • according to the readings of the individual meter, payments for utilities are calculated in each individual apartment;
  • a part of the amount spent on general house needs is added to the individual amount, which is calculated according to the testimony of the administrative budget.

Thus, when paying according to the ODPU, payment is made for all resources spent.

Is it possible to refuse certain types of services?

Constantly growing tariffs for utility services have added urgency to the issue of the possibility of abandoning some utility services. How realistic is this in principle?

You can refuse utilities by submitting an application V management company(UK, housing office, housing complex, etc.). Another thing is that it is impossible to refuse all services at once.

Some utilities cannot be excluded purely for technical reasons. For example, it will not be possible to refuse heating, since heat is supplied through a common system.

You can refuse such services as:

Avoiding certain types of utilities can be controversial. So every tenant is required to pay for the elevator and garbage chute, since they belong to public areas.

But it's another matter if they are faulty. In this case, it is necessary to file a complaint with the management company, and if this does not help, then go to court with photographs of the non-functioning elevator and garbage chute and other evidence.

You can even demand that, in theory, were not provided.

In order to pay for utilities according to the quantity consumed, and not based on accepted standards, it is desirable to install an individual meter. This will allow you to control the process of resource consumption and not overpay for services not received.

In some cases, the process of abandoning utility services can be quite complicated, which is understandable, because no resource supplying organization is interested in losing customers.

But you need to keep in mind that in the matter of refusing unnecessary housing and communal services, the end user is on the side Law on Consumer Protection". And if there is a conflict with the management organization, you can safely go to court, provided you substantiate your claims.

Video: What does a receipt for housing and communal services consist of?

The video talks about what utilities are provided to citizens and what they must pay for monthly.

The calculation procedure is explained individual species utility bills and gives advice on what to do in case of disagreement with the amount in the payment receipt.

House management

Housing Code Russia obliges citizens to pay for housing and utilities. In this case, the providers of public services can be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications.

The following have the right to use public services:

Owners of residential premises with their families;

Persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;

Tenants of premises; persons who have rented an apartment (room).

Public utilities:

Drinking cold water. The supply must be around the clock. Carried out via a central or intra-house network. The volume and quality of water must be at the appropriate level.

Hot water. Must be supplied around the clock through centralized networks for all areas of the house.

Drainage. Sewage disposal should also be carried out around the clock - through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be present in most living areas of the home. If a residential premises does not have a centralized sewerage system, then it should not be taken into account in the list of utilities.

Electricity supply. Electricity in the required volume must also be supplied around the clock, without interruption. However, power outages are recorded on metering devices. Please note that resource supply organizations are not required to maintain networks inside the home. The consumer is obliged to provide the meter data before the date indicated on the receipt. If the data has not been received, then the RSO has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards in the event that a system has not been installed in which data from metering devices is automatically sent to the organization’s control room.

You will have to pay for general house expenses even if you have not lived in the apartment for some time. The volume of general house services is calculated taking into account the space occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made according to the standards. Experts assure that it is very beneficial to have both common and entrance meters at the same time. They allow you to calculate the “left” connections to the general house electrical network. They also make it clear which entrances know how to save money and which ones don’t.

Gas supply. Gas must be supplied around the clock. Gas meters provide real savings and pay for themselves fairly quickly in apartments with big amount residents.

Heating. Thermal energy should be supplied to houses, apartments and non-residential premises centrally. Residents were deducted from paying for common heating costs. There is no need to pay for heating an entrance where there are no radiators. In 2013, new changes were made that relate to the rules for the provision of utility services. Regulatory coefficients were introduced for those who are in no hurry to install individual metering devices. For such owners, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. Every six months the payment increases. As a result, the excess will reach 60%.

Housing services:

Provision of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock;

Removal of solid and liquid household waste from apartment buildings.

Housing and utility payments

For employers:

For the use of residential premises (rental fee);

For owners:

For the maintenance and repair of residential premises. Consists of service fees and management work apartment building. The owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining not only the premises he owns, but also the common property in the house: house structures, corridors, staircases, attics and basements, utility networks, elevators and garbage chutes, etc. Article 39 of the RF Housing Code. Moreover, the amount of the amount is determined by the residents themselves at a meeting of the owners of the apartment buildings. This is declared by parts 2 and 4 of Art. 158 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The management organization has the right to propose taking into account certain works and costs. Sometimes management companies offer a shortened list of services and work for the maintenance and current repairs of a house for a maximum cost, which is set annually by the local administration. “Missing” services are offered to be paid additionally. This shouldn't happen, of course. The list of house maintenance services and routine repair work is in Rosstroi Decree 170 of September 23, 2003.
Do not confuse the fee for the maintenance and current repairs of COMMON PROPERTY of owners of apartment buildings, which is included in the payment, and paid work for minor repairs in your apartment, which are executed according to your order.

Extra lines

In payment bills, columns with antennas, cable television or Internet, radio, locking device, concierge, parking lot security, and so on periodically appear next to legitimate utilities and housing services. All these services are neither utilities nor housing. It is illegal to include them in a payment order. Such payments should be excluded from the single payment document. Do not allow the management company to include a vague clause in the management agreement about its right to conclude any other agreements. Otherwise, unnecessary services may be imposed on you. All additional decisions are made at the meeting.

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