Skolkovo Information Technology Cluster. The Skolkovo IT cluster presented new friends, partners and opportunities

Tax Code of the Russian Federation 05.08.2021
Tax Code of the Russian Federation

04/27/2016, Wed, 19:04, Moscow time

In 2015, the revenue of companies operating in the Skolkovo IT cluster increased by almost one and a half times.

Skolkovo declassified the results of the IT cluster

CNews managed to find out the results of the Skolkovo IT cluster for 2015.

As the head of the Skolkovo IT cluster told the publication Igor Bogachev, in 2015, the total revenue of cluster residents amounted to i 28.2 billion, which is 1.41 times more than i 20 billion earned by them in 2014.

Along with revenue, other operational indicators traditionally announced by the Skolkovo IT cluster showed positive dynamics at the end of 2015.

Thus, in 2015, the number of jobs in Skolkovo IT companies increased almost one and a half times: they began to employ 12 thousand employees versus 8,563 in 2014. Companies submitted 237 applications for registration of intellectual property versus 227 in 2014.

At the same time, the number of residents of the IT cluster decreased in 2015: now there are 450 companies operating in it, while in 2014 there was one more.

The head of the Skolkovo IT cluster, Igor Bogachev, revealed its performance indicators in 2015

At the end of 2015, 450 residents of the cluster managed to attract half as much investment as a year earlier: i 2.2 billion versus i 4.2 billion in 2014. In a conversation with CNews, the head of the IT cluster Igor Bogachev explained this phenomenon by changes in economic situation in the country.

“Innovation Champions” and what they do

At the request of CNews, Igor Bogachev named the residents of the Skolkovo IT clusters - leaders in terms of revenue at the end of 2015.

It is noticeable that the names of most of the companies in the Skolkovo top 20 resemble the names of well-known players in the domestic IT market. Igor Bogachev emphasizes that the top 20 in terms of revenue is formed precisely from Skolkovo residents: “If the name of a company from the top is similar to the name of a well-known Russian integrator or developer, then we are talking about the revenue of its “daughter”, which has become a resident of the IT cluster “ Skolkovo."

Leaders in IT cluster revenue in 2015

(*) revenue data for 2010
(**) revenue data for 2013

The head of the IT cluster refused to name the revenue of the “innovation champions,” citing non-disclosure agreements signed with the companies. confidential information. Nevertheless, an idea of ​​it can be formed based on data about these companies available in open sources.

For example, Diasoft Systems, a subsidiary of the IT solutions provider for banks Diasoft, was able to earn 381 million in 2014 with a net profit of 15.2 million.

The revenue of Rock Flow Dynamics, which creates software for modeling the development of oil and gas fields, amounted to i 257.7 million (80% more than the previous year) with a net profit of i 139.4 million.

The creator of digital video content protection technology, Pladform, ended 2014 with revenue of 468.8 million (1000% more than in 2013) with a net profit of 48.7 million.

Finally, Softline Solution received revenue of 22.0 million in 2014 with a net profit of 1 thousand.

Data on the financial results of the leader of the Parallels Research list, the developer of the cloud computing platform Parallels Cloud Computing Platform, is not available in Kontur.Focus, although this legal entity has existed since the end of 2010, and its authorized capital is i 414 million.

There are one and a half times more sellers abroad

Despite changes in the economic situation, the number of IT cluster residents selling products abroad increased by almost one and a half times over the year. If in 2014 there were 62 of them, then in 2015 foreign economic activity 91 companies were involved in:

  • "Outpost";
  • "Agent Plus";
  • "ITV Group";
  • "Akumatics";
  • "Anti-Plagiarism";
  • "Anturis-2";
  • "ASD Technologies";
  • "Aurus";
  • Bazelevs Innovations;
  • "No contact";
  • "BigPrinter Digital Innovations";
  • "Web Control";
  • VisionLabs;
  • "Vizerra";
  • "Geophystechno";
  • "Get Worker";
  • "GlobalLab";
  • Globus Media;
  • "Damascus";
  • Data Performance Research;
  • "Datadvance";
  • Diasoft Systems;
  • "DiSiCon";
  • Dashboard Systems;
  • "Caring City";
  • "Zingaya";
  • "IGD";
  • "Inango-SV";
  • "Integrit Technologies";
  • "Internet Content";
  • "Iridium";
  • "ISS-Soft";
  • "Biai Camera";
  • "CargoOnline Lab";
  • Quantenna Communications;
  • "Cloudmac";
  • "COUDWEB";
  • "Blacksmith";
  • "Amendo Innovation Lab";
  • "Kintech Laboratory";
  • "Laboratory of Nanosemantics";
  • "Lingualeo";
  • "MediaInsight";
  • "Mobile video solutions";
  • "Mostkom"
  • "Multi-FormatAdvertising";
  • "Navigation solutions";
  • "Scientific and Technical Center "APM"";
  • "IBM Scientific and Technical Center";
  • Knowledge Lab;
  • "NFVer";
  • "ONSEC INC";
  • "Optimenga-777";
  • Parallels Research;
  • "Platform";
  • "Primegeo";
  • "Redhelper";
  • "RIVV";
  • "Retail Rocket";
  • "Robotronics";
  • "Rock Flow Dynamics";
  • "Raidix";
  • "S3D Labs";
  • "Satellite Innovation";
  • "SDN-video";
  • Sinarra Systems;
  • "Sinesis";
  • "Computer Vision Systems";
  • "Smart Technologies";
  • "Sonda Pro";
  • "SOTAL-Cloud";
  • "Softvelum";
  • "Stakhanovite";
  • "STREAM Labs";
  • "Titan information service";
  • Trading Physics;
  • Travel Line Systems;
  • TTG Labs;
  • "";
  • Flexby Solutions;
  • "FreeAtLast";
  • HamsterSoft;
  • "Natalia Kasperskaya Innovation Center";
  • "MDG - innovation";
  • "Evanti";
  • "Actionspace";
  • "Elecard Devices";
  • "Elbrus Technologies";
  • "Enginix" and "YaKlass".

Today our guest is Konstantin Parshin, Vice President and Executive Director cluster information technologies Skolkovo Foundation. Together we tried to figure out exactly how Skolkovo can help companies, and also learned about why Konstantin Parshin considers Skolkovo a unique project that has no analogues. In addition, we talked with representatives of a number of Skolkovo resident companies and asked them to talk about their personal experiences.

We have all heard about Skolkovo. Let's imagine that young Russian guys came up with some cool technology. Why should they come to you?

Complex issue. I myself am always looking for the right answer to this. First of all, we are looking for companies with ambitions. A company's ambitions can be at either an early or mature stage. In our opinion, Skolkovo is suitable for both. We will help a small company with financial instruments and grants. As for mature companies, how does a good consultant help? We want to be that good consultant. That is, help with connections, the ability to make or look for non-standard solutions. Even the Skolkovo brand itself is already helping in a certain sense. Professionally, in the market of investors and large partners we are taken quite seriously. This is a big plus for companies that pass our examination and work seriously with us.

Today we work with more than 530 companies, and every week we receive another couple of dozen new applications, that is, there is a steady influx. Thanks to this, we have an advantage; we have a fairly broad view of the market and the growth points that exist in it.

It is important for ambitious companies to move quickly. Speed ​​is determined by the number of decisions that can be made per unit of time and the percentage of correct decisions out of the total number. This is exactly what we focus on and provide advice on. That is, we say: “Guys, don’t go to that area, everything has already been done there, there’s nothing there. But, you know, we have a company that can be a great partner for you, and you won’t have to develop this unit, you can save time.”

I can give a practical example from recent experience: technologies for labor protection. It would seem that there is nothing more boring than safety instructions, but today this market has huge potential in terms of modern technologies. This market is amazingly behind the times. It is located in the past, for example, in relation to the document management market or modern Internet technologies. Why did this happen? Because this market was greatly constrained by regulations. Before you implement electronic form any manager will think very seriously about obtaining permission to perform dangerous work at any plant, because he faces the prospect of criminal liability. Regulations in this area are designed in such a way that everything not explicitly permitted is considered prohibited. This is a huge burden that is pulling back entire industries.

In an ideal picture of the world, this is precisely what Skolkovo is needed for: to solve several problems at once, which, as it seems to us, no one but us is capable of solving.

First, you need to find companies that are developing new technologies. A lot of them. Of course they already exist recognized companies, both Western and Russian, but there are also smaller Russian companies that are also coming up with phenomenal things: from smart bracelets and glasses with augmented reality, which give instructions to a person, to systems that can track training, certification, and exams throughout the entire personnel base , personal identification. There are a lot interesting projects. Augmented reality, virtual reality, indoor navigation, so that even on a physical object you can track exactly where a person is going and whether he can be there. The list could go on for a very long time.

Secondly, you need to find a customer. The customers are big, but the companies are small, they don’t “see” each other. But when you gather many small, still growing startups in one place, representatives of large companies are happy to come and listen to them.

Thirdly, there is another very important component - the state. In our state, everything is in order with regulation - there is a lot of it. There are standards in the field of control and supervisory activities, in the field of labor protection, which have been in force since early Soviet times. But overall the state is ready to change. Officials perfectly grasp the general vector of development - this is the digital economy. But unfortunately, they do not always understand what type of decision they should make in order to later receive approval and not “punishment”, because this is a big responsibility.

Now at Skolkovo we are building a so-called laboratory, which is also called a sandbox or testing ground. In the person of specific officials, the state sees: the Skolkovo stamp is in place, the technologies are working, customer representatives approve everything. No additional effort or monetary investment is required on the part of the authorities. Therefore, the state willingly follows the path of changing the relevant norms and requirements.

I have described a synthesis of the interests of three parties, but there may be more. Business itself is often complex; each participant in the chain individually does not have sufficient horizons or resources to solve various cross-platform problems. Therefore, in my opinion, the role of Skolkovo is to aggregate the interests of the state, startups, investors and industrial partners (our large customers). This is what people come to us for.

I can also describe an example from my personal experience. Now I am trying to “bring” to us a company that is a leader in the field of video analytics. They are already in leading positions, but I really want to see these leaders in Skolkovo. I’ve been in excellent communication with these guys for over six months now, but they literally can’t find the time to write an application for us. A few months after the start of our communication, they began to interact with their new customers (who had not previously existed) on our site.
The fact is that it is in Skolkovo that Rostelecom is launching its fifth-generation network testing site. The fifth generation is the Internet of Things, which means fundamentally different applications and opportunities for solutions in the field of video analytics. That is, these people found for themselves the answer to the question of why they need Skolkovo.

And what is this answer?

Business growth. I may be describing the operating mechanism of Skolkovo in too much detail, but there can only be one answer: people see an opportunity for themselves to grow faster. Due to the customers who can be met here, due to the search for partners, because of which the development of the product is accelerated, due to the acceleration of the development itself, because the company received a grant from Skolkovo.

You yourself started talking about grants, let’s look at them in more detail. What are the grant amounts?

We have three types of grants: small, medium and large. Small ones are grants starting from one and a half million rubles; they are the easiest to get, because they are issued for specific items. For example, you can get a license for some super development. Medium grants are grants with provided co-investment: up to five million from Skolkovo and up to 50% co-investment. As a rule, this amount of funds for an IT company is enough to create a prototype, a minimal version of the product, or even a pilot alpha version of the program.

But these are “ward average” indicators. This structure exists with the participation of the state, it is associated with subsidies and budget funds. That is, we are forced to operate within fairly strict limits. We try, as far as possible, to adapt these frameworks to each specific project and find a suitable solution. The third range of grants are large grants, the amounts of which range from ten million (this could be 60, 70, 80 million).

So there is no maximum limit?

The theoretical maximum is 300 million, but in practice up to 80 million. A grant is not just an estimate, it is a justification. It is important to indicate certain period, for which the project must be implemented, and unspent or misused money must be returned.

Tell us about the tax benefits at Skolkovo, who might benefit from them?

I would like to warn people who are planning to come to Skolkovo specifically for tax benefits. If a company is only interested in tax benefits and admits this to itself, such a project will most likely not pass our examination and will not be able to develop here.

When Skolkovo was created, initially all our statutory documents stated that we give preference to companies that keep up with the times and new technologies. For those who want to come to us, as on trading platform, we explain that we have other priorities. We are interested in products and technologies that have a chance to become potential leaders in the Russian market.

Here we return again to the question of what Skolkovo is. Foreign visitors and guests often come to get acquainted with our project and ask: “Is this an accelerator?” No, this is not an accelerator. People also often ask: “Is this a technology park?” No, this is not a technology park. Ultimately, we realized that there was no similar project anywhere else. We have not found any analogues to Skolkovo. Now I will explain why.

Imagine that Skolkovo is a city-state. It has all the relevant features: its own territory, its own federal legislation, its own governance structure. A kind of metropolis of ancient times.

If we continue this analogy, it turns out that you are a citizen of this state. This role may not be suitable for everyone. At Skolkovo you need to be able to benefit from it. “Skolkovo” is a story about a comfortable territory (of course, it’s winter now, and not everything has been built yet, but if I give you a tour now, you’ll understand what I mean). People live here, our employees, and they enjoy it. Skolkovo is a different lifestyle.

And of course, Skolkovo is a community. This is also something new, because in general this is not accepted among us. Previously, there were local closed towns, but now there is no such thing. From this point of view, Skolkovo returns us to such closed towns, but at the same time takes the best from the foreign community. The people here are like-minded people who share our value system. Of course, for some people none of this matters. Someone wants to live alone on their fifteen hundred square meters, someone needs this city only for testing (I already gave an example about fifth-generation networks), but many want to be part of this city and this community.

Very interesting view, thank you. Give an example of one specific company that began to cooperate with Skolkovo, after which it grew powerfully, and now you are proud of it. If there is one.

Yes, I have such an example - this is Group-IB. The company had a very difficult period, which Ilya Sachkov often talks about in interviews. It was Skolkovo that helped Group-IB receive the first grant, with the help of which the company was able to develop a solution and win a tender with Sberbank. Before this, the company was almost on the verge of closure.

Fine. Have you had any bad experiences?

You know, this is a difficult question. We communicate with the state and with large customers, everyone talks to us. In Russia we act as some kind of ambassadors. But on the other hand, our participants are businesses. You can tell a lot of “good” things about business in general, because businesses, as you know, are “hungry, greedy and evil.” When you personally tell someone about your life, you don’t remember kindergarten and how did the nanny clean up after you?

Do you want to say that Skolkovo is a kind of kindergarten for companies?

I hope not [laughs]. I hope we are leading an older group. Many of our members grow up and enjoy coming back here. But when someone asks such companies if they are cool, they answer: “Yes, we are cool,” but Skolkovo does not appear in their answers at all.

So you have already managed to raise “ungrateful students”?

You don’t need to be offended by them, you know? They have become successful, which is wonderful. It's a shame if they don't pass it on.

Let's talk about entering the Western market. Are there any “life hacks” that generally need to be done for this?

You cannot “enter the Western market halfway.” Very often there is a situation where the company has not rented an office, has not hired a salesperson, has not printed business cards and has not created a website, that is, there is nothing, and people expect to conduct business “on the fly.” When they don’t succeed, they cannot understand why it didn’t work out: because they did business “on the fly” or because this market, in principle, does not suit them. The fact is that even to simply test the market you need to “sit down” on it. It might be a mistake, but you'll never know until you try. Unfortunately, a large number of companies are generally not ready to make such decisions; as a result, they remain in a closed loop of the Russian market, which is practically not growing.

Therefore, we at Skolkovo strive to reduce barriers to entry into other markets and reduce the associated risks. After all, when you enter a foreign market, interest in your company often increases sharply. Suddenly it turns out that everyone is ready to support you, in particular investors are looking with great interest at companies that have prospects of this kind. This is where the self-replicating system comes into play, but it is very important to find the right configurations in it, select the desired partnerships, and so on. All this needs to be seriously “carried on” further. We really want companies to understand: Skolkovo helps them scale in a global sense.

About Skolkovo first hand

When talking about Skolkovo, one cannot do without reviews from companies that have already worked there, because an opinion received “first-hand” can be very useful and informative. We give the floor to industry representatives who will personally talk about their impressions and successes.

Denis Kalemberg, General Director

Our company is developing new technologies for confirming electronic transactions in remote banking and remote document management systems. We have little experience working with the Skolkovo Foundation yet - only a year and a half, but we have already been able to evaluate the effect achieved. It can be roughly divided into three parts.

    “Automatic” tax benefits that all Skolkovo residents receive. They can significantly reduce company costs not related to operating activities and product development.

    Grant support. The fund allocates targeted money for the development and promotion of products. An extremely useful option, but it requires quite scrupulous spending reports, but it’s definitely worth it.

    Skolkovo’s ability to directly offer the developments of its residents to the largest Russian companies and corporations. Not every startup has such good access to leaders in various industries.

In addition, Skolkovo provides its residents with many services free of charge or with big discounts. Participation in international forums, patent protection, personnel search and much more. We have already used several services from this list and have always been satisfied with the level of professionalism of our colleagues.

Svetlana Efimova, executive director and co-owner

Oz Forensics is a software platform for determining the authenticity of digital documents and photographs, biometric identification and protection against digital fraud. The company is the winner of Innotribe Swift Challenge 2017, SLUSH Singapore 2017, Finopolis 2016, Skolkovo Cybersecurity Challenge 2016, GenerationS FinTech 2017.

What are the most common problems young companies face? With a lack of resources for further development. In this regard, Skolkovo provides companies with comprehensive support: this includes financing under the grant program, legal and investment support, assistance in market promotion, and tax benefits. All this creates the right climate for the development of the company.

In particular, all this allowed Oz Forensics to reach key customers, present the product in a number of foreign countries and receive PR support. Having such a strong partner with additional resources is always valuable for a company at any level of its development.

Oleg Mikhalsky, co-founder, mentor, business angel

The SiteSecure company develops solutions in the field of web security and has been a resident of Skolkovo since 2015. Over these few years, SiteSecure has managed to test a variety of capabilities of the Foundation.

The easiest way to benefit from minimal costs resources is to take part in Skolkovo events. SiteSecure actively participates in events such as Cyber ​​Security Day, and also acts as a co-organizer of the School of Cyber ​​Security, conducted by the Skolkovo Open University together with the Moscow Polytechnic University. Participation in industry events provides access to target audience and helps develop the brand. This is how recognition is formed, because your logo is seen in a group of respected colleagues. Participating in such events is easy, the effect is obvious, but that’s not all.

We have also been observing how Skolkovo is actively developing for three years and took advantage of various opportunities. For example, a microgrant program that covers the costs of participation in events held by other organizers. If you tinker with the paperwork, you can recover costs of hundreds of thousands of rubles (it pays off even if you hire paperwork assistant). But these are minor things. Much more important is the fact that you get access to quality networking with industry experts and potential investors. This works very effectively because Skolkovo hires people who have been working in the industry for many years; these are real “level 99 networkers.”

Nowadays, activities such as assistance in business development - organizing access to key customers in certain industries - are gaining momentum at Skolkovo. In essence, the project is “taken by the hand” and leads to a major potential client so that the company can talk about itself. It is possible to get to such a meeting “from the street” only with great luck or at the cost of much effort.

Security is a high-tech and expensive product, and creating a successful company in this field is not easy. SiteSecure grew several times in revenue last year, and this was due to the team, market conditions and the support of partners and investors.

Many people ask us about development grants from Skolkovo. This is a very good help for information security projects, but SiteSecure does not have such experience yet, we are going to study this issue in the future.

Also in Skolkovo there are various tax incentives and Additional services, like inexpensive patenting. But it seems to me that everyone already knows about them, and many even use them successfully.
Of the obvious disadvantages: Skolkovo is not located in the center of Moscow, but, for example, I myself live in that direction and therefore I’m not complaining. 🙂

Denis Gamayunov, co-founder and CEO

SolidSoft develops products to protect web applications and their users from cyber attacks. SolidSoft was spun off from SolidLab in 2014. Skolkovo resident since 2015.

Skolkovo has many different opportunities, many of which we have already taken advantage of (for example, they have excellent networking). I will list the main ones.
Dating: They introduce your company to investment funds and other large companies. It was through Skolkovo that we met the Almaz Capital Partners fund, Rostelecom and their fund, as well as other similar structures. We were also recommended to representatives of Rutech Ventures (these are the guys from London who help startups enter the UK markets). Thanks to this contact, I personally had a rather productive trip to the UK, which ended up being very useful.

Mentoring: Skolkovo even helps companies with drawing up business plans, if necessary. We at SolidSoft used this and were satisfied.

Tax benefits: also a very convenient tool that we also use.
Working with IP: SolidSoft has already filed several patent applications through Skolkovo, and our experience in this area is extremely positive.

Ruslan Rakhmetov, General Director

GC "Intellectual Security" (Security Vision brand) is a pioneer in the Russian segment of IT systems of the Security Operation Center (SOC), Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) class, as well as Security Intelligence. For many years, the company has been conducting scientific research together with leading universities in the country (in the field of automation of information security processes and its practical application in the government and corporate segments).

The main value of Skolkovo and the main contribution of the Foundation, in my opinion, lies in the opportunities it provides for startups. The portfolio is expanding every year, and since our Security Vision solution is focused on corporate customers, the following features were especially valuable to us:

    Promoting the solution big business. Skolkovo curators provide the opportunity to meet with directors of IT and information security companies, with representatives of the areas of investment and development and convey their ideas to them. For specialists who do not have administrative resources and work on the product, this is extremely important.

    Micro-grants for patents, exhibitions and events, and certification of funds can also be very useful.

    Also, we must not forget about international promotion (information and meetings with potential entry into the international market).

More common, but no less important, tax benefits and promotion in the media can also be mentioned.

Alexander Lyamin, founder and CEO

Qrator Labs is one of the leaders in the field of countering DDoS attacks. Qrator's innovative filtering network allows medium and large organizations to proactively, reliably and inexpensively protect their sites from even the most sophisticated and complex DDoS attacks.

Skolkovo helped us a lot and introduced us to many large customers (for example, Rostelecom and Technoserv), as well as to our current partners (Rostelecom, Group-IB, Wallarm).

There are also many internal and very useful services, such as consultations on patenting or in the field of intellectual law.
Another very useful feature- these are exhibitions to which Skolkovo takes your company. In terms of cost, attending such events is very effective, although geopolitics should always be taken into account in these matters.

In essence, Skolkovo is a really working and very “living” ecosystem. Of course, this is not Silicon Valley at all, but for Russia this is certainly a unique project. A kind of “flowerbed” where your partners (and sometimes competitors :)) grow next to you. Now we are waiting for the transport hub to be completed - then it will be really great.

Ilya Sachkov, CEO

Our company has been a resident of the IT cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation for almost seven years. We put this time and resources to good use to develop breakthrough technologies that became the basis for the Secure Bank and Secure Portal products.

Now the time has come when money “lies” not in a wallet, but in an online bank. Remote management of your account through client-banking systems and online payments open up broad prospects not only for users, but also for fraudsters working online. Secure Bank and Secure Portal enable banks and Internet businesses to control the risks that arise on the side of the weakest link in ensuring the security of online payments and Internet businesses - customers.

Skolkovo appreciated our ideas, and we received two grants for the development of Secure Bank, a product for protecting payment systems. Its creation began as an R&D project and resulted in a separate commercial product that already protects clients of Russian banks (for example, 50 million clients of Sberbank) and retailers.

Since the beginning of this year, another Group-IB office has been based in Skolkovo: a team dedicated to the information security of blockchain projects and, in particular, the protection of ICO (initial cryptocurrency offering) will work here. In four months, this team has already helped secure ICO on total amount about 300 million dollars. I think they will find new opportunities for development at Skolkovo.

Why Skolkovo? There is a great ecosystem for business, many potential partners, interesting events and a great atmosphere. Colleagues from Skolkovo actively help us with contacts - networking, holding conferences, and jointly promoting cyber innovations. Group-IB is a regular participant in Startup Village and Skolkovo Cyberday.

A resident of the information technology cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, announced the successful completion of a pilot project for the Terkon-KTT company. Its implementation made it possible to optimize the design of a plate radiator located in the air flow created by the exhaust fan. Specialists of the Terkon-KTT company highly appreciated the results of the pilot project and the benefits of using the pSeven software package to solve their everyday problems.

Sergey Morozov, general director of the companyDATADVANCE:“We are very pleased to meet such a professional team of the Terkon-KTT company, which approaches all its tasks so seriously and responsibly. We are confident that our cooperation will continue to develop dynamically in the future.”

Mikhail Maidanik, General Director of Terkon-KTT:“Working with the DATADVANCE team was a real pleasure for us. Modeling with software DATADVANCE allowed us to obtain results that are as close as possible to real ones. We will certainly continue our cooperation."

Dmitry Khodkov, head of the “Engineering Software” direction of the information technology cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation: “This is not the first time that the company has shown itself to be a reference in the field of modeling. The new technological level they have reached only confirms their ability to move forward without slowing down the pace of development. We hope that in the near future DATADVANCE will become undisputed leader Russian IT market in its segment.”

Let us remind you that the DATADVANCE team has developed an innovative software for engineering companies. It allows you to automate the search for the optimal appearance of products, significantly reducing design time and improving consumer characteristics. The company was created in collaboration with the Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IPPI RAS) and Airbus Group. The DATADVANCE solution has already been implemented by several Russian companies - Kamaz, AvtoVAZ, Ural Turbine Plant, SPC Sapsan - and foreign companies: Airbus, Michelin, Toyota, Mitsubishi. In particular, it was used to create the Airbus A350 XWB aircraft, which reduced the design time and cost. Datadvance products can be used in aerospace, automotive, electronics and electronic devices, the creation of turbines, as well as in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

reference Information

"Terkon-KTT"- a leader in the development and production of loop heat pipes (CHPs) - highly efficient means of heat transfer. The company's team includes specialists with unique experience in the development of heat transfer devices and thermal control systems. The scientific director of "Terkon-KTT" is the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Yuri Folievich Maidanik. In 2014, the company launched mass production of loop heat pipes in response to the growing demand for these unique devices. CHPs significantly expand the functionality of cooling and thermal control systems in various fields of technology. Website:

Skolkovo Foundation - a non-profit organization created on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation in September 2010. The goal of the Foundation is to mobilize Russia's resources in the field of modern applied research through the creation of a favorable environment for R&D in five priority areas of technological development: energy efficiency, space, biomedicine, nuclear and computer technologies. The Foundation is entrusted with the functions of managing the project for the creation of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, the activities of which are regulated special law, providing participating companies (at the end of 2015 their number reached 1,432) special economic conditions. The total revenue of participating companies as of December 2015 amounted to 80.5 billion rubles. They attracted 17.5 billion rubles of investment, created 18 thousand jobs, and received 864 patents. An important part of the Skolkovo ecosystem is the research university - Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), created and operating with the support of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. By 2020, more than 2 million square meters of industrial, office and residential premises will be built in Skolkovo, and 35,000 people will work in the innovation center. Website.


  • Robot center: The center supports more than 30 projects in the following areas of robotics: industrial, service, educational, personal, medical and rehabilitation, space, as well as components for robotics.
  • Blockchain Technologies Development Center: created in May 2016 following the Ethereum Russia conference with the participation of founder Vitalik Buterin. We support blockchain startups at all stages: on November 11, Skoltech will host a 5-hour hardcore training on creating programmable corporations
  • Center mobile technologies supports more than 50 projects in the following areas of mobile technologies: wearable electronics, Internet of Things technologies, human-machine interfaces, operating systems, platforms and applications for mobile, embedded and wearable electronics, augmented and virtual reality technologies. The center has created a coworking and hackspace, and also has several acceleration programs.
  • Russian Association of Internet of Things: association of more than 20 companies in the areas of “Smart Home”, “Smart City”, “Healthcare”, “Industrial Internet”, “Agro and Bio Technologies”, “Smart Car”

IT companies are obviously more dynamic, Bogachev explains, since the time to market for IT solutions is several times shorter than in other clusters. For example, in the cluster of biomedical technologies it is necessary to conduct long-term clinical trials, although, according to him, in Russia this is still much easier than, say, in the USA, and some foreign medical startups come to our country to quickly launch their innovative solutions.

Total number of jobs (programmers, engineers, marketers, etc.): as of December 2014, 8.5 thousand work in the IT cluster (out of 14 thousand in total for all clusters).

The volume of private investment in IT cluster companies amounted to 1.3 billion rubles in 2014. This is quite a lot, considering that the total volume of private investment in all Skolkovo residents was approximately 2.5 billion rubles.

According to Igor Bogachev, if at the initial stage the share of private investment in the IT cluster was about 40%, then in 2015 it should reach 70%. In the IT sector, there are no particular problems with private investment, he believes, unlike other clusters, such as biomedical technologies or nuclear technologies, where the situation is much more acute. In total, over the entire period of existence of the IT cluster (since 2010), grants worth 2.2 billion rubles were issued, while private co-investments amounted to about 5 billion rubles.

But in terms of the number of applications for registration of intellectual property (patents), the IT cluster is not the leader - there were about 150 of them, in general for Skolkovo - about 550. In the IT sector it is very difficult to protect intellectual property, especially in software solutions, explains Bogachev, and many IT companies live in know-how mode - they know what to do and do it, without even trying to defend their decisions.

Priority areas for technology development

Forsyth 2011

The priorities of the cluster’s work were determined in the so-called foresight - a list of 15 focus areas of development, including:

  • data protection,
  • semantic search,
  • IT for healthcare and education.

Forsyth 2014

At the end of 2014, the IT cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation updated its foresight (list and justification of priority areas of activity), which is formed on the basis of the opinions of independent (external) experts, including representatives of science, business, and the venture community.

“We regularly update our foresight because IT is dynamic growing industry. Some technologies become mature, and their use no longer carries serious scientific and technical risks; they can further develop as business projects that do not require Skolkovo support. At the same time, new technologies appear that did not exist before or that existed only at the stage scientific research, and now can become the basis for the emergence of new market segments,” says Nikolai Suetin, director of science and technology of the IT cluster.

According to Igor Bogachev, executive director of the Skolkovo IT cluster, on average there are about 40 projects for each direction, although there are areas with a lower entry threshold, for example cloud computing and, accordingly, more “massive” ones, and there are areas with a very high concentration of intellectual knowledge and technologies, for example microelectronics, where there are much fewer projects, about 20.

Three new areas have emerged in the current foresight.

The first of these in importance is intelligent robotics and autonomously moving devices. Of course, it was relevant before, and the potential market here is huge: unmanned aerial vehicles, production automation, industrial robots, etc. But after Google demonstrated its Google drone Car, and some states have legalized the use of cars with autopilot function, a real boom has begun.

At the end of 2014, there were more than 30 projects in the field of robotics. Every year Skolkovo hosts a representative international Conference on robotics Skolkovo Robotics. Recently, a robotics center was created as part of the IT cluster, headed by Albert Efimov, director of IT projects of the IT cluster. According to him, this is the first structure aimed at creating technological solutions, but most likely not the last.

The second direction - the Internet of Things - probably no longer needs recommendations.

The third direction - computer graphics and gamification - may not seem as knowledge-intensive as the previous two, but it is also promising, says Nikolai Suetin. Visual perception and interaction with devices is the fastest and most effective in terms of transmitting large amounts of information. Therefore, the effective creation of images, augmented reality, and the development of interfaces for interacting with a computer through visual images are very important.

At the same time, according to Suetin, a number of areas are excluded from the new foresight. For example, the direction associated with new programming languages ​​and software testing tools is not very commercially in demand and is not growing. The direction of cloud services has been excluded, since they have actually turned into commodities, but “cloud computing” remains, since everything related to mobility happens in the cloud. Even earlier, the direction “IT in banking sector“- such solutions already “live on their own” and are financed by banks.

Skolkovo also does not support projects that take a Western analogue as a basis and transfer it to Russian market, for example, various kinds of Internet services. This good business, but there are no scientific and technical innovations here.

IT cluster residents

Resident status and a grant are the two main forms of support that Skolkovo can provide. There are companies that come solely for the status of a participant providing tax benefits and inclusion in the ecosystem; they do not ask for funding.

Grants are intended for the most promising projects that mandatory must be residents of Skolkovo. By providing financial support to the company, Skolkovo does not claim ownership of the authorized capital, intellectual property, or a place in the management structure.

The IT cluster residents include:

  • MDG-Innovation
  • Workle
  • Titan information service
  • Proofreading laboratory
  • Regul +
  • "News360"
  • "Metabar"

As of April 2011, about 20 IT companies received Skolkovo resident status, and a decision was made to provide financial support for seven to eight IT projects, Alexander Turkot, executive director of the information technology cluster of the Skolkovo innovation center, said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

In 2011, the Skolkovo Foundation was going to finance 30 IT projects; the cluster plans to submit three to four projects a month to the grant committee. According to the director of the Skolkovo IT cluster, its financing will be divided into three areas, within the first it is planned to support numerous startups, the second - projects at the stage of entering the market, as well as two or three large companies.

IT Partners

In 2011, the Skolkovo Foundation plans to sign agreements with 15 large international companies. This number is expected to include Novartis, Honeywell, EADS/Airbus, Alstom, DuPont, Google, Kodak, Schlumberger, Johnson & Johnson, IMTECH, DOW Chemicals, John Deer. The fund has already signed cooperation agreements with Cisco, Boeing, Siemens, Nokia, Intel, Tata, Nokia Siemens Networks. Negotiations also began with 20 Russian companies with government participation.

Microsoft Rus (Microsoft Rus)

  • In November 2010, Viktor Vekselberg, President of the Skolkovo Foundation and the head of Microsoft Corporation Steve Ballmer signed an agreement of intent.
  • On March 24, 2011, the vice-president of the Skolkovo Foundation, who is also the chief manager of this foundation for education and research, Oleg Alekseev, signed an agreement with the president of Microsoft Russia, Nikolai Pryanishnikov, on strategic cooperation in the field of education development in the future innovation city. One of the areas of this cooperation is the creation of the Skolkovo school, an innovative comprehensive educational institution.
  • On November 6, 2012, two years after Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Skolkovo President Viktor Vekselberg signed a memorandum of understanding, Microsoft expanded the previous agreements. This time, in the presence of Ballmer, a document about this was signed by Skolkovo Senior Vice President Igor Drozdov and the president of the vendor in Russia Nikolay Pryanishnikov.

Cisco Systems

Chambers John and Vekselberg Victor signed a memorandum of understanding providing for multilateral cooperation between Cisco and the Skolkovo project. On behalf of Cisco, John Chambers expressed his intention to invest one billion dollars in stimulating the innovation industry in the Russian Federation and announced five areas of relevant activity, emphasizing that work in all these five areas will be carried out in parallel.

Cisco will allocate an additional $100 million for venture investments in the Russian innovative economy. In addition, the company promised to increase the number of Cisco Network Academies operating in Russia to 300, i.e. almost double their number. At 36 educational institutions Local Cisco Network Academies have been created in the south-eastern district of the Russian capital, where more than 300 schoolchildren study annually.

Cisco intends to ensure its physical presence in the Skolkovo Innovation Center. In September 2011, the senior vice president of Cisco, general manager of the division for the development of advanced technologies, Martin De Beer, came to Moscow. He stated that as soon as the construction of the infrastructure in Skolkovo is completed, Cisco will begin work there on localizing Smart Grid solutions (smart power transmission networks) with a view to their implementation in the Russian energy complex. Three months later, a new memorandum of understanding was signed with the management of the Skolkovo Foundation, providing for the creation of a virtual Skolkovo Innovation Center. This will speed up the commissioning of this project without waiting for the creation of physical infrastructure.

It is expected that upon completion of infrastructure construction in Skolkovo, a second global headquarters for Cisco's advanced technologies department will be formed (the first was opened three years ago in the Indian city of Bangalore) and will house the leading specialists of its engineering team in Skolkovo.

Nokia Siemens Networks

Nokia Siemens Networks signed a memorandum of intent with the Skolkovo Foundation. Under the terms of the agreement, Nokia Siemens Networks will provide support for further development in Russia, technical education, research and development, venture activities, as well as in the international promotion of the Fund. Director of Customer Operations, Western Region, Nokia Siemens Networks Bosco Novak said that the company now annually invests about $3 billion in research and development work. Part of this amount will go to the creation of a development center in the Skolkovo Innograd.

The management of Nokia Siemens Networks plans to create in Skolkovo a competence center for wireless technologies with its own R&D laboratory, outsourcing R&D with universities, as well as a laboratory equipped with the necessary set of equipment and software, which can be used by companies starting an innovative business.

Nokia Siemens Networks places the main emphasis in its activities on creating software. The majority of the company's investments are spent on software development. Nokia Siemens Networks, according to Bosco Novak, receives cooperation offers from many European countries every day. Among them, the Skolkovo Foundation's proposal turned out to be the most attractive.

Bosco Novak emphasized that the company’s goal is to create a site where people will come to work creative people, that is, something similar to Silicon Valley. Nokia Siemens Networks plans to include Skolkovo in its global R&D platform, that is, to enable developers from numerous laboratories organized around the world to work together and communicate, including in personal meetings.


Ericsson in April 2011 announced the signing of an agreement cementing the company's intention to become a partner of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Under the terms of the agreement, Ericsson will become a partner of the Skolkovo Foundation and will support a number of its key initiatives in the formation of such an ecosystem. Ericsson's strategic decision to become a key partner of Skolkovo was announced in Stockholm during a meeting between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and leading representatives of Swedish business. Ericsson's main activities in the Skolkovo project:

  • Research and Development – ​​Ericsson plans to participate in research and development activities as part of the Skolkovo project and is creating its own project-oriented Development Center in Skolkovo. Supporting the formation of an R&D ecosystem in Skolkovo, the Center will work closely with Innograd-based startups and the Skolkovo Technological University;
  • Focus on research projects - Ericsson will support those research projects that most contribute to the implementation of its concept of the “Network Society” in Russia and the world, and are also aimed at technological developments in the following directions:
    • Promising developments based on future broadband Internet access technologies;
    • Applications and solutions in the field mobile communications for intelligent transport systems;
    • “Cloud” technologies and applications, including those intended for implementation on broadband access networks;
    • Technologies for smart power grids - for the utilities sector;
    • Information technologies and applications for M2M communications (interaction between “machines” - M2M);
  • Support for research and development infrastructure - to support the development of infrastructure for research and development activities in the ICT field, Ericsson is creating its Solutions Laboratory for the Networked Society in Skolkovo.
    • Access to the Ericsson Network Society Solutions Laboratory will be provided to participants of Skolkovo projects;
    • The Research Center and Solutions Laboratory for the Networked Society will support the commercialization of the results of research work carried out by startups included in the Skolkovo project.
  • Support for the development of the university program - Ericsson will actively cooperate with the Skolkovo Foundation in the development of the curriculum of the Skolkovo Technological University in the following areas:
    • development of plans for research and development activities;
    • participation of the teaching staff and students of the University in the activities of the Ericsson Development Center;
    • support for research activities in the field of cloud applications, broadband access, intelligent systems for transport management, M2M and other technologies.
  • Supporting the development of institutional frameworks for innovation - Ericsson will assist and support the Skolkovo Foundation in developing an effective and modern regulatory framework, institutional environment and governance mechanisms, based on its extensive experience in the field of corporate regulation and advanced technological expertise.
  • On August 3, 2011, Ericsson and the Skolkovo Foundation announced that a document (an agreement on the basic terms of interaction) had been signed, specifying the previously signed agreement of intent. Already in 2011, Ericsson plans to begin activities within the project. Assuming a gradual development of research activity, Ericsson has identified one of the most important areas as creating solutions for organizing smart energy supply networks (smart grids).

Until their move to Skolkovo, development engineers will be located in our Moscow Ericsson office. These projects are planned to be financed from Ericsson funds.

Ericsson's key commitments at Skolkovo include:

  • Establishment of the Ericsson Innovations Russia company to manage Ericsson research activities in Skolkovo;
  • Creation of a project-oriented research and development center;
  • Supporting Skolkovo projects, infrastructure development, research and development by organizing the Ericsson Networked Society Lab;
  • Support for the development of programs in priority areas: cloud technologies, broadband access, intelligent transport solutions, M2M technologies and others.


IBM and the Skolkovo Foundation announced the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding between the Skolkovo Foundation and IBM regarding the potential establishment of an IBM Research and Development Center and possible collaboration on innovative projects in areas such as information technology, biomedicine and “intelligent energy”. As part of the memorandum, IBM will consider the possibility of locating an IBM research and development center on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation city, intending to form a strong working relationship between the Skolkovo Foundation and IBM to accelerate the development of innovation in several strategic industries. The memorandum was signed by Viktor Vekselberg, President of the Skolkovo Foundation, Bruno Di Leo, IBM General Director for Growth Markets, and Kirill Korniliev, General Director of IBM in Russia and the CIS. The non-legally binding memorandum outlines a number of possible areas of cooperation, subject to additional agreements. Among them:

  • Development of a lithium-air battery capable of producing significantly large quantity energy compared to a conventional lithium-ion battery;
  • Use of supercomputer computing and software development for the development of drug production;
  • Development of a Russian NFC application. The project is aimed at creating secure and customized mobile transactions for use in industries such as communications, retail and banking;
  • Potential development of new technologies for medical data management that will improve the quality of management and analysis of medical data (for example, clinical records, medical images, laboratory results, genomic data, etc.).

The annual Skolkovo CyberDay event is dedicated to current issues of technology development in the field of cybersecurity. The purpose of the conference is to identify new technological approaches and solutions that can ensure information security in the context of the rapid integration of IT technologies into the business processes of companies, as well as to find market niches for the emergence of new companies.


The key speakers of past years were:

  • Arkady Dvorkovich, Chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation;
  • Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank;
  • Natalia Kasperskaya, General Director of InfoWatch Group, co-founder of Kaspersky Lab;
  • Artem Sychev, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Security and Information Protection of the Bank of Russia;
  • Alexey Kachalin, Deputy Head of the Cyber ​​Defense Center of Sberbank;
  • Igor Lyapunov, Vice President for Information Security at Rostelecom;
  • Ilya Sachkov, CEO of Group-IB;
  • Mikhail Kader, Distinguished Systems Engineer, Cisco Systems Ltd.;
  • Oleg Bakshinsky, Leading Information Security Advisor for IBM in Russia and the CIS;
  • Anatoly Smirnov, President of the National Institute for Global Security Studies, CEO of the National Association for International Information Security;
  • Kirill Ermakov, technical director of QIWI, etc.

Skolkovo CyberDay brings together 8 events of various formats:

  • conference;
  • Russian CTF Cup;
  • launch of the Cybersecurity Challenge project competition;
  • exhibition;
  • pitch session;
  • meeting of information security industry veterans;
  • meeting of the working group of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” in the direction of “Information Security”;
  • closed conference “Security of Information Technologies” (BIT Moscow).

In 2018, Skolkovo CyberDay was attended by more than 1 thousand participants. In 2019, it is planned to attract more than 2 thousand.

The III CTF Cup of Russia is a large-scale information security tournament that will allow the 20 best regional teams of higher, secondary and general educational institutions in Russia, who won the CTF series competitions during 2019, as well as the developers of CTF tournaments, to compete for the title of national champion. The challenges that participants will face will be as close as possible to real work information security specialist. In Russia, such competitions have been held for the 14th year and follow all international rules of Capture The Flag (CTF). Organizers of the tournament – ​​Interregional public organization"Association of Heads of Information Security Services" (MROO "ARSIB") and the Skolkovo Foundation.

As part of Skolkovo CyberDay, the international project competition Skolkovo Cybersecurity Challenge 2020 will be announced, which is dedicated to finding the best innovative solutions aimed at protecting businesses and individuals from cyber threats. Over three years, more than 250 companies took part in the competition. At the moment, applications are being accepted for the Skolkovo Cybersecurity Challenge 2019. The competition can allow a start-up team to receive funding to implement the technology, take advantage of the recommendations of leading industry experts, find partners, clients, and create a company that can become a future industry leader. Individual researchers, independent teams, technology companies, small and medium-sized enterprises are invited to participate in the competition. engineering companies, representatives of the scientific community. Wallarm, Group-IB, Secure Bank, SafeTech, Vulners, OZ PhotoExpert have already become winners of the annual Skolkovo Cybersecurity Challenge.

BIT Moscow is an interindustry conference dedicated exclusively to information security issues. The event will bring together directors and leading specialists in the field of information technology from the largest organizations and enterprises in the Central Federal District.

The organizers of Skolkovo CyberDay 2019 are the Information Technology Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation and the ARSIB MROO.

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