What medicines were in demand among Russians this year? Classification and types of demand for drugs What is the demand for irritating drugs in pharmacies

Labor Relations 12.01.2020
Labor Relations

Seasonal goods in the pharmacy Seasonality is defined as a calendar-dependent cyclical change in demand. The term is also used in more in a broad sense to indicate features of market behavior tied to the time of year or to specific dates.

The reason for seasonal fluctuations is changes in consumer activity. According to experts, to take into account seasonal fluctuations, it is necessary to analyze sales data for at least three years. If fluctuations are constant during certain periods of the year and amount to at least 20% of the sales volume of a product, this indicates the presence of seasonality in demand for this product. Thus, the demand for cold and vitamin preparations increases in the autumn-winter-spring period, while tanning cosmetics or anti-diarrhea products are mainly sold in the summer. Although all seasonal manifestations are cyclical, not all cycles are seasonal.

Taking into account the seasonal characteristics of the trade in medicines allows us to significantly adjust the assortment throughout the year and contribute to maximum turnover. It is important not only to prevent shortages certain goods, but also, if possible, avoid the appearance of unsold stock. Both of these mean losses for the pharmacy, and a shortage reduces customer loyalty. Not finding the necessary medications, the client will find them in another pharmacy, where he will turn first next time.

An accurate forecast of future demand for a product is necessary for effective management Inventory: the right amount of the right product in the right place at the right time. Knowing the temporary patterns of sales declines, you can use to increase them a variety of loyalty programs with attractive price offers for buyers, as well as a number of marketing solutions: advertising, promotion of goods at points of sale through POS materials (brochures, stickers, catalogs, banners, etc.), attracting consultants to help patients decide on the choice of product.

Each pharmacy manager chooses specific tools for increasing trade efficiency independently. One of the effective tools for improving seasonal sales figures is the analysis of statistical data on sales for previous years and the use of seasonal adjustment factors when purchasing medicines.

In 1987, Gordon Graham in his book "Distribution Inventory Management for the 1990s" (" Distribution Inventory Management for the 1990s" described what he believed was the best method for forecasting future demand for seasonal and non-seasonal products. Calculation of demand for the next month for non-seasonal products is made taking into account the average sales level in the previous six months. For seasonal products, demand calculation is based on studying seasonal sales last year.

To identify a general pattern, a sales change curve is drawn. Based on the identified direction (trend), a forecast is made for the coming period. If special computer programs This simple calculation method allows you to forecast seasonal demand and successfully manage inventory.

Currently, pharmacy inventory calculations are carried out using dozens of demand forecasting formulas and time series analysis for forecasting. The calculation is based on next position: Factors influencing sales volume have operated to date and are expected to operate similarly in the near future. The main purpose of time series analysis is to identify and evaluate factors affecting sales for the purpose of forecasting. The simplest way to calculate the seasonality index is to determine the ratio of the average sales level in a particular month over a number of years to the average monthly indicator for the entire period (as a percentage). All other methods for calculating seasonality differ in the way they calculate the adjusted average. Most often, either a moving average or an analytical model for the manifestation of seasonal fluctuations are used. For such calculations, a computer with special programs for statistical analysis is required.

During a seasonal downturn, two classic survival techniques should be used: minimizing costs and stimulating demand. Aggressive advertising during this period is inappropriate. Targeted, supportive advertising in the media is needed.

With the help of albeit significantly less advertising activity, it is possible to ensure sales growth and market share in a given period (of course, provided effective advertising and planning). It's not enough to get active advertising campaign shortly before the start of the recession period, as is usually done 2 weeks - a month in order to get ahead of competitors, but it should be carried out throughout the year.

An example of optimal positioning and its impact on leveling the negative impact of seasonal factors is the vitamin market. In accordance with prevailing ideas about the need to take them mainly in the autumn-winter and spring periods, in the summer the demand for vitamin-mineral complexes decreases. To maintain demand in the summer season, it is necessary, first of all, to determine target audience, that is, the main buyers and consumers of vitamins. Despite the fact that potential consumers of vitamins are people of all ages (from infants to the elderly), their main buyers are women from 25 to 55 years old, purchasing vitamins for themselves and their loved ones. Accordingly, the advertising campaign should be directed at them first.

Advertising of vitamin complexes recommended for children should explain their importance in meeting the needs of the child’s body for vitamins, macro- and microelements, and the role of these nutrients in the development of the child’s physical, mental and intellectual functions. It should be explained that vitamins can help men in reducing the negative impact of various stress factors, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. on their body. They are also necessary for the older generation: the body of older people chronically lacks vitamins and minerals. It has been shown that 20-30% of older people have intakes of, for example, vitamin B6 below the recommended level. Vitamin E deficiency was found in 80% of elderly patients, vitamin C in 60%, and vitamin A in up to 40%.

On the other hand, older people who regularly take vitamin supplements lead a more active lifestyle, and vitamin D and calcium reduce the risk of fractures in older people.

An advertising campaign aimed at positioning vitamin-mineral complexes as drugs recommended during pregnancy will also help level out indicators during a period of sales decline. You should calculate the cost in advance advertising company so that the costs of its implementation do not exceed economic effect, which is expected to be obtained from increased sales.

It is more difficult to predict the sales volume of drugs for the autumn-winter range than for the summer range. At best, one can only imagine the features of their implementation. So, if the number of patients with seasonal allergic reactions is approximately the same every year, then the number of patients with influenza or ARVI is difficult to predict. In this regard, competent placement of accents in the assortment in winter time takes on special significance.

From December to February, sales in pharmacies reach their annual maximum. In autumn and winter, there is an increase in sales of nebulizers (in particular mesh nebulizers), electronic thermometers, and children's nasal aspirators. Most in demand(by number of packages) in the autumn-winter period they use the following means prevention of viral infections: immunostimulants (containing echinacea extract, dibazol), specific antiviral agents (arbidol, remantadine) and nonspecific (amixin).

In May, pharmacies try to get rid of their “winter” assortment (medicines for flu, colds) and organize sales.

Therefore, the average cost of one pharmacy purchase in the spring summer period decreases by 5-10% of the average purchase price in the autumn-winter period.

The easiest way to predict the demand for summer medications. In general, pharmacy sales volumes in the summer decrease by up to 20%. This drop is compensated by an increase in sales of parapharmaceutical “summer” products during this period.

Basically, in the summer, anti-allergy medications, as well as stomach medications, analgin, and aspirin are in high demand. In the summer, the number of food poisonings increases, and accordingly, the demand for drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, antimicrobial, antiemetic, antacids, as well as adsorbents that protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines increases.

About half of the sales of antihistamines in value terms are provided by widely advertised branded second-generation drugs and their generics with a wholesale price of about $2-5.

Their share in the number of packages sold does not exceed 15%. In terms of the number of packages sold, the leading drugs are those with a distributor selling price of less than $2: diphenhydramine, diazolin, fenkarol, ketotifen, suprastin, pipolfen. Drugs from the high price category (distributor selling price from $5 and above) account for 2% of sales in packages and 10% in value terms. This ratio should be taken into account when selecting an assortment of antiallergic drugs for the summer season.

Competent consultation with first-generation clients when choosing “summer” parapharmaceuticals can increase summer sales. It is often difficult for a buyer to understand skin care products, and reading the instructions is not enough to make a final choice.

As a result, in the absence of professional advice, the client often refuses to purchase the funds he needs.

You can also offset the summer decline in sales by creating first aid kits for tourists and summer residents and actively offering them to customers. It is quite difficult for customers to create such a first aid kit on their own. They are rarely aware of the availability of targeted first-aid kits on sale and, if professional advice is provided to them, they willingly purchase them.

Great importance has a seasonal design of display cases, that is, the display of goods in display cases should be done with an emphasis on the seasonal assortment. The main attention of buyers in the summer should be drawn to antihistamines, painkillers, dressings, medications for burns, insect bites, sunscreens, laxatives, etc. Seasonal window displays will save customers time and increase their loyalty to the pharmacy.

Customer-oriented programs help increase summer sales.

For example, selling a set of summer medications with an additional gift.

This not only satisfies demand, but also stimulates further purchases.

Promotions with a time-limited purchase serve the same purpose. That is, in certain period you need to purchase a certain drug (drugs) and receive a prize. Cumulative discounts are no less effective when the buyer is given a card with the pharmacy details, on which the number of purchases is noted. When a certain amount is reached, the buyer receives a prize.

Thus, sales depend mainly on the activity and professionalism of the leader. In order for him to be interested in the results of his work, additional incentives are necessary (for example, periodic bonuses based on sales results or based on visitors’ records about the quality of consultations received in the book of reviews and suggestions).

For successful work Pharmacies must take into account fluctuations in demand when planning their assortment. The main resource for maintaining sales during periods of seasonal decline is a well-thought-out price policy and a client-oriented approach. During periods of seasonal downturns, pharmacies should select the optimal set of tools to increase sales, taking into account the specifics of the business (location and characteristics of the clientele).


Tablets and mixtures that “save” Russians from a whole bunch of different diseases are either not sold all over the world or are completely unknown.

Here are 10 examples...

It is no longer produced in the same composition as it was during the USSR, but tablets with that name can still be bought in Russian pharmacies. A combination of aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine as a remedy for headaches in different countries It is called differently: in the USA, for example, Excedrin. In Europe, a number of drugs with this composition are sold.

The drug is widely known and sold not only in Russia, but also in countries of Eastern Europe. In the world, metamizole sodium is produced under the brands Novalgin, Baralgin, Optalgin, etc. etc. In developed countries, this analgesic will be sold to you strictly according to a prescription, or you will not find it at all in pharmacies, because it causes the risk of toxic reactions in the body and dangerous disorders of the immune system.

3. Validol, Corvalol

Validol (a solution of menthol in the menthyl ester of isovaleric acid), which Russians “treat” the heart, nerves, and nausea, is sometimes used abroad... as an aromatic food additive. In the Russian Federation, they also wanted to remove it from the list of medicines as an outdated drug with unproven effectiveness, but in the end they left it so as not to irritate people who were accustomed to such a “sedative.”

As for Corvalol, it is not on sale in the West and, for example, its import into the USA is prohibited. Phenobarbital in its composition is a psychotropic substance, the circulation of which is limited.

Brilliant green is used throughout the world as a technical dye for wool and silk. And only in Russia is it considered a medicine and is widely used to “color” children (and sometimes adults) as an antiseptic. In the West, there are effective colorless preparations for this.

You are also unlikely to buy valerian tablets in a foreign pharmacy. Their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, and secondly, because for each of the many disorders that Russians are accustomed to suppress with valerian, there are separate medical remedies in the West.

“A remedy for anxiety and depression,” loved by thousands of women in the USSR and Czechoslovakia, is still in demand in our country today. In the rest of the world, such a medicine is practically unknown, because there is no certification of this liquid anywhere.

They belong to alternative medicine, to which the West is mostly indifferent, unlike Russians or Chinese, who trust “grandmother’s” recipes more than doctors.

Mumiyo is a natural organo-mineral product. In the USSR and India, since the 1950s, Scientific research this substance. There is no clinical evidence of its beneficial effect on the human body, but mumiyo is still in demand in Russia today, and in India it is included in traditional system Ayurveda medicine.

The health benefits of cupping have never been scientifically proven. However, it is still one of the well-known traditional medicines for treating colds and relieving muscle spasms.

Mustard plasters disappeared from foreign pharmacies at the beginning of the 20th century, when less irritating methods of warming the body appeared there. But due to the poverty and backwardness of medicine in the USSR, this (and almost all of the above) outdated, ineffective means have been used for many years and are still used today.

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Main components market mechanism is the demand, price and supply of goods on the market. The interaction of these elements will be discussed in detail in the section on pricing in the marketing system. IN this section Methods for studying the demand and supply of medicines are presented as important areas for studying economic conditions directly related to meeting the needs of consumers.

Demand is considered as a set of demands for goods from consumers, supported by purchasing power. There are several types of demand: negative, absent, hidden, declining, irregular, full, excessive, irrational.

Negative demand. The market is in a state of negative demand if the majority of it does not like the product (service) and even agrees to certain expenses just to avoid it (vaccinations, dental procedures, some operations, for example, to remove the gallbladder).

In fact, there is negative demand for the vast majority of medicines, and consumer reluctance to use these products. Most often, consumers prefer not to purchase medications, but have a need for it during illness. A consequence of this attitude towards medicines is that their prices are always considered high or too high.

Marketing's task is to analyze why the market feels hostility toward a product and whether a marketing program can change the market's negative attitude by redesigning the product, lowering prices, and increasing incentives.

Lack of demand. Target consumers may be uninterested in the product or indifferent to it. The task of marketing is to find ways to combine the inherent advantages of a product with the natural needs or interests of a person.

Hidden demand. Consumer desires that cannot be satisfied by products or services available on the market. The task of marketing is to determine the size of the potential market and create effective products and services that can satisfy latent demand.

In the presence of declining demand, the task of marketing is to return the trend of declining demand through a creative rethinking of the approach to the proposed product.

Irregular demand. In many organizations, sales fluctuate seasonally, daily and even hourly, which causes problems of underutilization and overload. The task of marketing is to find means of smoothing fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time using flexible prices, incentives and other means of pushing.

Full demand. It is talked about when an organization is satisfied with its trading movement. The task of marketing is to maintain the existing level of demand, despite changes in consumer benefits and increasing competition.

Excessive demand. For a number of organizations, the level of demand is higher than they can or want to meet. IN in this case The task of “demarketing” is to find means of temporarily or permanently reducing demand.

Irrational demand. Countering the demand for products harmful to health requires targeted

Chapter 4. Study pharmaceutical market

For example, narcotic drugs, alcoholic drinks. The task of marketing is to persuade adherents to abandon their tastes. At the same time, threatening information is disseminated, prices rise sharply and the availability of goods is limited.

When studying the demand for medicines, it is customary to distinguish between realized (satisfied), unsatisfied and emerging demand.

Realized demand is the actual sale of medicines with sufficient and constant availability in the pharmacy network.

Unmet demand is the demand for medicines that are supplied to the pharmacy chain in insufficient quantities or unevenly.

Emerging demand is the demand for new and little-known medicines.

Analyzing the formation of demand for medicines and forecasting the prospects for its development is one of the main stages marketing research pharmaceutical market. The demand for medicines depends on many factors, including demographic, social, economic, public health, etc.

To study the demand for medicines, sociological studies are most widely used, in particular, surveys of the population and medical personnel in the form of questionnaires or interviews and the study of expert opinions. According to the results of sociological research:

The actual and unsatisfied demand of the population for medicines is determined, a system for calculating standard indicators of demand is developed and its short-term forecast is carried out to justify planned decisions;

An analysis is carried out of the activities of pharmacy institutions (enterprises) regarding the provision of the population with certain pharmacotherapeutic groups of medicines, and the share in the sale of medical goods is identified; the volume of replacement of medications with their analogues is calculated;

The demographic and social structure of outpatient and inpatient patients who seek pharmaceutical care is studied.

Processing of the results of a survey of the population, pharmacists and pharmacists is carried out in this way. First, the number of calls to pharmacies from the studied pharmacological groups per year is determined (D):

Dia x M x 320" 3 x T

where Дв is the number of visits to pharmacies for drugs, established by a random survey;

M is the number of pharmacies in a given region;

320 - the average number of days the pharmacy is open per year;

3 - number of days of sampling;

Tt - the number of pharmacies on the basis of which the survey is carried out (Tv = 0.1M).

Then the intensity of demand for medicines is determined (the number of applications per resident in the region)

where K is the demand intensity reduction coefficient; y - age group code (from 1 to l); R. - the number of requests per resident in the y"-th age group;

P" is the number of calls per resident in the group of maximum demand.

The amount of demand for medicines is calculated taking into account demographic and social structure population of this region according to this formula:

s P° x D° x O x n x K x y.

O. =_ I_ -I_ ±1________ "

where R is the demand for the i-th drug, which is determined by the number of conditional standards;

D? - the number of persons with the highest demand in the region;

(). - the number of conditional standards /" of the drug that is purchased when going to the pharmacy;

n is the proportion of calls to different departments of the pharmacy;

sі. - the share of requests for the /th drug in one of the pharmacy departments.

In this case, the calculated quantity of demand (£.) is divided by the number of inhabitants in the region and is used as standard indicator to predict it. In order to determine the short-term forecast of demand for medicines (taking into account population growth), the standard demand indicator is multiplied by the expected number of inhabitants.

The influence of socio-demographic factors on the amount of demand can be clarified using the demand elasticity coefficient (є). This coefficient shows by what percentage the demand for medicines changes when the factor attribute changes by 1%, and is calculated by the formula:

Ау Ах £~ ~у~ +

where є is the coefficient of elasticity of demand “y” from the factor “x”;

Ah, Au - increase in factor “x” and increase in demand

As a rule, the elasticity of demand for medicines (as well as for other goods) is calculated depending on changes in prices for them and on changes in the income of the population. Nevertheless, other factors that influence the demand for medicines can also play a role, for example, the level of morbidity of the population with various diseases, changes in the demographic composition (in particular, an increase in the elderly population, which leads to an increase in the demand for medicines),

In addition to the above methodology, modeling methods, expert assessments, extrapolation methods, mathematical grouping and data processing, etc. are used to forecast demand.

In the case of the influence of several factors on demand, it is proposed to use economic and mathematical models, which are expressed, for example, by a multiple regression equation of the following type:

y =■ a..x.. + a,.x.. + a^x.L. + a x.,

1у 1/ 2/ 2) 3/ шп?

where y is the population’s demand for medicines of a given pharmacotherapeutic group (or medicine);

xx, x2, xy..., xn - factors that are included in the model;

] = 1,2,3 ..., n - the number of factors that are taken into account in the demand model and affect the demand for medicine;

ag ay ag..., an are model parameters that can be interpreted as indicators of the degree of influence of the corresponding factor on demand.

Having information about changes in factors that are included in the above model, in the future period it is possible to predict the demand for this group medicines. The set of factors for each pharmacotherapeutic group may be different, however, it is desirable to involve two main factors - the average price of the drugs in the group and the monetary income of the population being served.

The drug supply survey includes:

a) study of existing production capacities, conditions for their expansion and improvement;

b) collection of data on supplies and sources of supply of medicines.

Research may also concern the reasons for changes in supply, the prerequisites that make it possible to provide

these changes, activities affecting proposals, as well as ways of their implementation in the enterprise management system.

Research into the supply of medicines by wholesale and retail companies and pharmacies (institutions) allows us to justify decisions regarding cooperation with individual suppliers.

"Pharmaceutical Gazette", 2004, N 7-8


The assortment of a modern pharmacy includes more than 6 thousand types of medications. The share of prescription drugs in different pharmacies ranges from 30 to 70%. A significant part of the products sold are vitamins, dietary supplements, and related medical products. There is a new trend of selling modern cosmetics and hygiene products in pharmacies.

We ask the heads of pharmacy enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region about how a pharmacy’s assortment is formed today and what indicators are taken into account.

Which groups of drugs are in high demand among buyers today?

What percentage of your portfolio is prescription drugs?

Is the sale of cosmetics and related medical products profitable business for a pharmacy company?

Why, in your opinion, is the sale of cosmetics actively expanding in pharmacies?

What factors do you take into account when creating your assortment for the near future?

G.A. Zhukova, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Panacea", Ramenskoye, head of the pharmacy point "Children's Pharmacy":

Now in our pharmacy there is an increased demand for anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamins and dietary supplements. In the summer, insect repellents are actively sold out. But often the balance in the assortment changes. This is due to a number of reasons related to the consumer and external factors at the pharmaceutical market.

The percentage of drugs dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription is always much higher, since it is not profitable for the organization to limit its sales. In our pharmacy this figure is approximately 60%.

Cosmetics today have become an integral part of the pharmacy range. The sale of non-medicinal products significantly expands the circle of pharmacies' consumers. It is possible that the fact that cosmetics and hygiene products have become pharmaceutical products will help reduce the number of counterfeits of this group. Many buyers think so.

We formulate our offer in accordance with the demand for certain goods. IN different time Our assortment changes throughout the year, but this only applies to some seasonal products. Otherwise, our range contains all the necessary groups of drugs.

M.G. Kaleganova, director of the municipal unitary enterprise "Troitsk City Pharmacy":

Today, drugs of all groups are in great demand among buyers. However, there are drugs that are sold out faster due to their necessity. Drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and skin diseases are in high demand. There is also a high demand for a group of antibiotics. This is primarily due to the fact that antibiotics are available without a prescription. In my opinion, this is a big problem.

In our pharmacy, prescription drugs make up no more than 30% of the total assortment.

Sales of cosmetics and related products in pharmacies - good business. But in Russia it is not yet as widespread as in the West. However, this area of ​​pharmacy trade is actively expanding. This is due to the fact that the level of trust in pharmacies among the population is high. Accordingly, the product that is presented in pharmacies enjoys the trust of customers.

In addition, some cosmetics manufacturing companies have proven themselves in the production of pharmaceutical products directly.

When forming the assortment for our pharmacy, we primarily take into account the demand of visitors. Advertising also deserves attention. But we are not always confident in the products that are widely advertised in the media. Sometimes advertising interferes with pharmacy work. When compiling our assortment, we try to study the consumer market, work closely with doctors, work with distributors, medical representatives and draw appropriate conclusions.

S.S. Mineeva, MP "Pharmacia", Serpukhov, head of the pharmacy point "Phytobar":

Our pharmacy specializes in herbal products, which make up 25-30% of our assortment. Depending on the time of year, medications are in different demand. In winter, antihistamines and cardiovascular medications are often asked for. In spring and summer there is an increased demand for vitamins, antibiotics and plasters. In general, all medicines have stable consumer demand.

The ratio of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in our pharmacy is approximately 1:1.

For a pharmacy, selling cosmetics and related products is a good business. For example, in the West there has long been a trend: 80% of a pharmacy’s assortment is cosmetics and only 20% is medicine itself. Buying shampoos, creams and other personal hygiene items at the pharmacy is popular, apparently because the consumer wants to buy a quality product. In other places, products do not always satisfy the buyer's needs.

When forming an assortment, we primarily take into account demand and seasonal factors.

L.P. Izhnina, director of the municipal unitary enterprise "Pharmacy N 224", Podolsk:

Non-narcotic analytics, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are in high demand among buyers. The list of the most popular drugs also includes cardiovascular drugs and antihistamines. High demand for vitamins and biologically active additives to food.

Prescription drugs in our pharmacy make up 40% of the assortment.

Selling cosmetic products is unprofitable for our pharmacy because we cannot maintain the range and prices that exist in commercial enterprises. But there is a trend where consumers increasingly prefer to buy cosmetics and related products at the pharmacy. The level of trust in pharmacy companies today is higher than in any other company.

When forming an assortment for the near future, we take into account the demand of the population and the seasonal factor. Vitamins, for example, are better sold in the spring.

I.Yu. Pakhomenkova, MGA N 62, Lytkarino:

In our pharmacy, analgesics, antiallergic drugs, cardiovascular, dermatological drugs, as well as immunomodulators are in good demand.

Prescription drugs make up 70% of our pharmacy's inventory.

The sale of cosmetics is in great demand. Children's cosmetics, gels, shampoos, balms, as well as toothpaste, brushes, rinses, etc. Today, this group of products is widely advertised on television and other media, so the product is in demand. Consumers still trust pharmacies more.

When forming an assortment, we pay attention first of all to which products are in high demand. Also important has advertising for us.

Z.A.Voronkova, LLC "MedioZAVR", Moscow, head of the pharmacy:

Antibiotics, products for the treatment of skin diseases, hygiene products, and contraceptives are always in demand. It should be noted that the assortment is a very flexible and impermanent thing. It depends on many factors, including market demand, time of year, media advertising, etc.

Products sold in our pharmacy without a prescription account for 60-70%, depending on the demand for certain groups of drugs.

Sales of cosmetics today bring considerable income to pharmacies. Therefore, pharmacy companies include in their assortment a significant share of products that are not related to medicines. The main factor causing the expansion of the cosmetic assortment in pharmacies is the public’s trust in pharmacies.


The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

To correctly place goods on display windows and attract customers, you need to know what is sold in the pharmacy and what specific types of goods are in demand among the population.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of goods:

Everyday or essential goods

Products that pharmacy visitors purchase quite often, without hesitation, with minimal costs energy and time. This category includes the bulk of medicines and medical preparations, therapeutic mineral water, basic children's assortment (pacifiers, pacifiers, diapers), condoms, pads;

Periodic goods

Items that are purchased approximately once a month or season. For example, allergy medications in the spring season, weight loss products, oral hygiene products, etc.

Pre-selection items

Products that are purchased rarely, after careful preliminary consideration, comparison of prices in other pharmacies, consultation with specialists. Often these are durable and expensive goods, for example, medical equipment (blood pressure monitors, glucometers, scales, massagers, breast pumps, electronic thermometers), new expensive drugs, dietary supplements, medicinal cosmetics;

Specialty Products

Goods and drugs (oncological, special children's, dietary and sports nutrition, diabetic products) that are not widely available. They are sold in specialized pharmacies or pharmacies with specially organized departments (displays) and designed for specific customers.

Impulse products

Products purchased under the influence of impulses. Such goods are usually characterized low prices, and therefore their acquisition is not associated with large financial losses. The decision to purchase them is made very quickly: according to the principle “saw - wanted - bought”. Very often these are inexpensive “pocket-sized” products, which in most cases are placed near the cash registers.

The most popular goods impulse demand - hematogen, lollipops, chewing gum, condoms, “Antipolitsay”, “Antipohmelin”, adhesive plasters (in the summer season), hygienic lipstick, napkins, ascorbic acid, disposable handkerchiefs.

Impulse demand goods can also be seasonal goods, for example, suntan or tanning oil in early summer, mosquito repellents in summer, weight loss products in spring or mineral water. If the pharmacy does not have a drug or product of impulse or periodic demand, this is a loss of sale, but if there are no goods of constant, preliminary or specialized demand, this is already a loss of a client.

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