How to engage in joint procurement. How to organize joint purchases to earn money

Chercher 27.10.2020
Labor Relations

Joint purchases (SP) are earnings that involve the wholesale purchase of a certain group of necessary goods. The purchase being carried out is very profitable for participants, who can purchase goods at a cost much lower than the market price. This is also beneficial for the organizers, who receive a percentage of the wholesale price of the product for the work performed.

A correctly selected product line will lead to a large net profit. But in this case, it is not possible to limit yourself to only one group of goods and a single supplier, so over time, the organization of a joint venture becomes a home business.

What types of goods for joint ventures are in greatest demand?

The novice organizer of upcoming joint ventures must choose the product group with which he decided to work. Today, the following products are in high demand on the market:

  • Children's fashionable clothes for the youngest children.
  • Various toys.
  • Accessories for men and women.
  • bijouterie.
  • Cosmetics from popular brands.
  • Fashionable clothes for adults from famous world manufacturers.

When choosing a group of certain goods, it is recommended to focus on things of interest, because it will be easier to organize a joint venture in a well-known area. In this case, the organizer will be well aware of the features of choosing a suitable supplier of the product line.

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Platform for joint purchases

Before organizing a joint venture, it is necessary to decide on the platform where purchase participants will interact. You can choose the following options:

  • Websites for organizers of joint purchases in Russia.
  • Groups in popular social networks.
  • Own website.

Today, conducting joint ventures has become the main activity of many sites. You can find them using a query in the search bar, which also indicates the city of residence of the direct organizer. There you can also see the list of organizers of joint purchases. Today, residents of large settlements prefer to use this method.

Organizer of joint purchases: where to start?

Competition in joint ventures is increasing, so the organizer can stand out by creating his own website. This option provides a large number of possibilities, for example, process automation or payment via an electronic wallet.
Initially, the site is designed:

  • competent submission of interesting proposals to the forum of organizers of joint purchases;
  • posting photographs of the offered product;
  • minimum order amount;
  • table indicating the sizes of the offered goods;
  • the end date of the possible purchase and suitable conditions for future delivery.

Who will be a successful JV organizer?

  • Women on maternity leave who are looking for permanent suppliers for their child's daytime rest.
  • Mothers of elementary school children who cannot work in the office all day.
  • People with certain health problems.
  • Students with entrepreneurial talent.
  • People with big amount free time, looking for a source of income.

How can you become an organizer of a joint venture?

  • Determining the group of goods for the joint venture.
  • Searching for a supplier offering the lowest prices, as well as studying the terms of upcoming cooperation.
  • Opening a current account in a selected bank that has Internet banking, which allows you to make quick financial payments.
  • Registration on forums and Internet resources that are dedicated to joint ventures, joining groups of popular social networks and posting conditions for joint purchases.
  • Accepting applications.
  • Processing applications and making payments for goods to the direct supplier.
  • Receipt of the ordered goods, packaging and delivery to participants by the selected transport company.

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Determining the right product for joint procurement

Choosing the right product becomes a serious task. Today the most popular are clothing, shoes and brightly colored children's products.

Any purchased product may turn out to be defective, so it is recommended that you first agree on the rules for its replacement with the supplier. It is desirable to be able to navigate in a pre-selected direction, because in the future you will need to answer questions from participants about the product being offered.

Suitable products are often selected by surfing. To do this, add to the site big number goods purchased in bulk from different suppliers. For example, another available method for SP is to look through relevant groups on social networks to select products that have been ordered at least 15 times. Such products are added to themselves.

Cooperation with the supplier

After selecting a suitable product, the minimum size of the purchased lot is determined along with its cost. After this, the organizer contacts the supplier using the contact information posted on the website. This is an email inviting you to collaborate or phone call. If a suitable product is posted on a website with an ongoing retail trade, then you can get information with the contacts of the necessary wholesale supplier. If there is no agreement to disclose such information, you can use popular search engines. Contacts of the organizers of joint purchases can be found on the Internet.

When planning the purchase of goods on foreign sites, information about their delivery to our country is first studied. Some well-known companies prefer to cooperate with our country only through intermediary firms. Then you will need to study reviews about the intermediary, the period of his activity, and the amount of payment. When drawing up an agreement, some require opening an individual entrepreneur or obtaining a status legal entity. In this case, scanned documents must be provided to the manager.

In the absence of an individual entrepreneur, suppliers may suddenly increase the price of a batch of goods or increase its minimum sold size.

Search for buyers

The most important task of the joint venture organizer is to gain the trust of buyers. In the absence of a positive reputation, building a customer base will require significant effort. The main thing is action, so the following options exist:

  • thematic forums;
  • topics created in SP communities;
  • advertising electronic boards;
  • various types of printed publications;
  • advertising placed on websites in the form of banners;
  • newsletters by email.

Most often, popular forums are chosen to create relevant topics. It is recommended to coordinate this with the administration. A sufficiently high rating of the direct organizer will increase the trust of visitors in him.

  • settlement or city;
  • name of the product and the created company;
  • the exact amount of the commission charged;
  • date of redemption.

The search for necessary buyers is carried out among residents of the nearest settlement or city, because people most often pick up goods in joint purchases themselves. But when large order and the buyer's willingness to pay the shipping in full, the option is quite suitable.

Secrets of success: how much do organizers of joint purchases earn?

  1. A free amount is required to purchase the selected product. For example, if the size of the necessary sports suits for children is not assembled in fully equipped and one size seems to be “stuck”, then the purchase of the goods will be carried out using the missing amount. The unclaimed unit will be sold after a separate advertisement is created.
  2. Dispatch of goods after the buyer transfers the entire amount of money to an open bank account, since work without making an advance payment is dangerous.
  3. All participants in ongoing joint ventures are interested in the reputation of the organizer of the upcoming transaction. Therefore, in some controversial issues that arise, a search for compromise will be required.
  4. The monthly income of the organizer of a joint venture depends on its efficiency. Timely responses to questions asked when communicating in a group, answering phone calls, as well as quickly sending out goods ensure good turnover.
  5. On various online resources, novice organizers are not allowed to receive advance payment from direct participants due to compliance with security conditions. Therefore, it is first recommended to purchase inexpensive selected goods for their quick sale. The resulting residues can be posted on electronic bulletin boards. bed linen wholesale

The following conditions have been prepared for novice organizers:

  • 100% guarantee of presence of the required product in the warehouse
  • We reserve ordered goods, which guarantees the client their prompt receipt
  • Instant check of product availability in warehouse
  • We instantly check the availability of the required product
    We recommend that you contact our specialists; managers will provide all the necessary information on the balances available in the warehouse.
  • Booking a product group without depositing money. You don’t have to wait for the purchase to be completed and, if necessary, reserve selected goods without making an advance payment while collecting other orders coming from customers
  • Providing data on available balances. If the item you require is out of stock, you will be offered a replacement. Our specialists will prepare data on the available balances of the group of goods.
  • Sending the completed order within 24 hours. Well-running work professional specialists allows you to collect orders quickly and without re-grading.

Wholesale order of various goods from China

On this site, the minimum order starts from 3,000 rubles. The company is the largest popular operator on modern market for the sale of toys, various goods and one-page websites supplied wholesale from China. Wholesale and small-scale wholesale deliveries of goods are carried out throughout all Russian regions and the CIS. Work is carried out directly with well-known manufacturers without intermediary companies. This allows us to set favorable prices for clients.

Website “”

An online store of high-quality home textiles from the city of Ivanovo is pleased to offer its customers a wide range of different products from the manufacturer. The purchased goods will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

Conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation:

  • No minimum order and accepting additional orders.
  • Individual prepared offer and bonus for each organizer.
  • Shipment of the required order without replacement or re-grading.
  • Formation of an order for goods within three working days.
  • Fast delivery by any chosen transport company.

Clothing market "Gardener"

The advantages of working with the company are:

  • Assistance in choosing the most suitable method of delivering goods.
  • Taking into account the client’s wishes when choosing the necessary transport company.
  • Providing customers with additional beneficial bonuses and discounts throughout the year and special conditions when placing a large order.
  • Cooperation with clients on favorable terms according to " affiliate program", discussing all conditions with our employees.

The Sadovod clothing market has become even more convenient for customers. Now you can choose things right at home!

Clothing at low wholesale prices allows customers to make very bargain purchases and save your time when searching for the required model.

Wholesale online store "MNOGO BRENDOV"

Wholesale of optics, sunglasses and frames from the most popular brands. Our catalog contains budget and expensive accessories, glasses for any age, as well as for every taste and budget.

Wholesale online store of branded clothing

“You can never have too many new things” - this is the main women’s postulate. We invite representatives of the fair sex to our metropolitan online store of branded clothing. The company operates spacious warehouses in Moscow for wholesale and small wholesale sales.

The minimum amount of an available order starts from 5,000 rubles, and its preparation is completed within 13 days.

Online store

We have affordable prices, Just huge selection goods, very fast delivery of prepared orders to all Russian regions, including CIS countries.

Our catalog contains:

  • goods from a popular TV store;
  • various products for kitchen equipment;
  • sporting and household goods;
  • bright children's toys;
  • fashionable clothes wholesale at very affordable prices.

Online store

The popular company "Optomus" specializes in the wholesale sale of goods for one-page websites, numerous online stores and beginning joint venture organizers. Moreover, we are also focused on selling goods to those many clients who are not involved in online trading. For example, these are retail pavilions in Russian regions and all CIS countries. After payment has been received, our employees collect the order within 24 hours and then promptly ship it using the chosen method. The prepared order is delivered to the region in four days.

Online store "Prospekt"

Our store is pleased to offer customers shoes of various models and excellent accessories at small wholesale prices. The minimum order selected may be one unit of available product, with a minimum shipment of ten pairs of fashion shoes. Today we cooperate mutually beneficially with individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and organizations, and anyone can become the organizer of a joint venture.

International hypermarket

The popular hypermarket "CHINA123.RU" has become a major project international company under the name "KMD-Group". Today, he has more than five hundred direct contracts with well-known global manufacturers, spacious own warehouse facilities and permanent staff who have excellent knowledge Chinese, as well as operating branches in 4 major Russian cities.

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money on joint purchases.

  • How much can you earn: from 18 thousand rubles per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: self-organization, a small amount of money at the beginning.
  • Is it worth it?: if you approach it seriously, like a full-fledged business .

General information on earning money on joint purchases

Joint shopping is quite a popular thing among women. They negotiate, buy wholesale quantities of goods, which cost much less than in stores, and the responsible person delivers all the goods to their addresses.

The person who oversees the entire procurement chain is called an organizer. On his shoulders:

  • supplier search;
  • ordering goods;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • distribution of goods between customers.

He also works with the audience: answers questions, advises, decides various problems. That is, the organizer does a colossal amount of work, for which, naturally, he should receive money. And it turns out that on joint purchases you can not only save, but also earn money.

So, some girls first try to purchase goods together, and then decide to become organizers, seeing how much they can earn in this area. The income is not huge, but it exactly corresponds to the full salary in the regions.

The following categories of goods are in demand:

  • women's clothing and shoes;
  • children's clothing and shoes (from birth to eight to ten years);
  • toys;
  • knitwear for the whole family;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • household chemicals and hygiene products;
  • men's clothing and shoes;
  • outerwear for the whole family;
  • costume jewelry and accessories;
  • leather goods.

These are the most hot goods on which you can. You can also make a profit from other categories of goods, but you should understand that it will be much more difficult to recruit an audience for them, and even more so regular customers.

Now let's move on to step-by-step instructions: how to make money on purchases.

How to organize earnings on purchases: step-by-step instructions

This business is mainly carried out by girls. This is primarily due to the fact that the bulk of joint purchases are girls, and it is easier for them to communicate with each other. Let's figure out how to organize your business.

Decide on a trading platform

There are two options: special websites or social networks. Websites are often created in the form of forums, where in each separate thread it is proposed to organize joint purchases, product categories, deadlines and all related information are displayed. Simple, functional, but it is much more difficult for a beginner to advance on the forums: very high, which is concentrated in one place.

Social networks - more interesting option for newbies. There are two options: Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte. On Odnoklassniki the audience is more mature and therefore pays more; on VKontakte it is more lively and prone to spending money. Judging by the reviews, VKontakte brings more opportunities than Odnoklassniki.

Competitor analysis

In fact, it's very important stage. Here you can find reliable suppliers, design and design options, and also analyze the work of the group itself. If you are a beginner, this analysis will help you start making money. You do everything like your competitor does, watch, ask your friends to watch, improve and achieve greater results.

Create a group

After you have seen the strong and weak sides competitors, you can safely create a group, choose a name, design it and make your first posts. Describe what kind of group it is, what it was made for, etc.

We select products, suppliers, upload photos and descriptions

You may work with companies that are partnered with more established competitors. This reliable option, stable, with a minimum of pitfalls. Or you can choose companies yourself at your own peril and risk. An unreliable supplier is a guarantee of losing money. Product quality is also very important here. If they bring it defective goods- the responsibility will fall on your shoulders.

At first, try to work with suppliers who have small restrictions on wholesale, around 5 - 10 thousand rubles. So, with a minimum of people you will work at the most favorable prices.

Attracting potential audience

Here you will have to work very hard at first: communicate with friends, on forums, in social networking groups and use all opportunities to gather as many people as possible for the first 1 - 3 purchases.

With due diligence, you can find people to order the first batch in literally a week. You can make it free (that is, all temporary expenses fall on your shoulders): this will allow you to get the first reviews, several regular customers and make a name for yourself. Remember that in such a business, reputation comes first. If you do something wrong once and don’t compensate for the expenses, they will stop working with you and talk you out of it potential clients.

Reception, processing of applications and full functioning of the group

This is also a rather difficult stage. Get ready for your personal account to be full, and if you leave your phone behind, it will also be bursting with calls. It will take you a relatively long time to get used to this rhythm, so try to clearly differentiate work time and rest.

You won’t be able to make your first purchase without investment. Most likely, you will have to order with your own money, and then send it by cash on delivery. It is unlikely that anyone will trust their money to a stranger without reputation and reviews.

Profit calculation

Typically, organizers of joint purchases receive a profit of 10 - 30% of the total order amount. In the first stages, many write that they received 5-6 thousand a month if they had the opportunity to attract friends from their city. The first period, as always, is the most non-monetary.

But after suppliers are found, regular customers collected, you can earn an income of 18 - 30 thousand rubles per month in normal months and up to 60 thousand rubles on holidays. Quite a good increase in salary in the regions.

As you can see, becoming an organizer of joint purchases and getting money from it is not as easy as it seems. You need to find a supplier, take on all the costs of raising funds, concluding an agreement with the supplier, paying and distributing the goods. You will have to work 5 - 8 hours a day, answer messages, calls, contact suppliers, look for goods, etc.

This is a full-fledged business that not everyone can handle. Let's look at the minimum skills that will be required in order to organize earnings on joint purchases.

Minimum requirements for earnings from purchases

Your reputation is everything. If people trust you, there will be clients and stable income. If people don’t trust you, they will very quickly spread bad information about you, and you will be left without orders. And creating a new page, doing everything all over again is not very easy work.

Another very important skill is responsibility. You must take responsibility for your mistakes. We ordered the wrong product - we kept it and returned the money. We made a mistake in the calculations - the money was returned. For any minor inaccuracy you will have to shell out money from your pocket. Yes, the ability to double-check and make fewer mistakes comes with experience, but first be prepared for it.

And the last point follows from the previous one - willingness to take risks. As with any business, you work with real people. You may well receive a low-quality product, and color discrepancies occur in every second batch from small suppliers. Supplier mistakes are very difficult to correct, especially at first.

If you know what you are buying well, this is your big plus. The organizer, who can give advice, suggest quality and choose a product, uses in great demand. That is why at first, work only with products that you have used or know a lot about.

In general, this is a rather interesting earning option for those who want to try themselves in mediation, sales and working with people. For many, this is nothing more than entertainment during maternity leave, but for some people this income remains their main income. Therefore, if you want to try, go ahead, make your first trial purchase, see if it’s for you or not, and then decide whether it’s worth doing.


As already mentioned in the announcement of the article, you can really organize income from joint purchases only if you treat this activity as a full-fledged business. You will develop a supplier base, help customers choose goods, carefully monitor your operations and make minimal mistakes - then you will be able to earn normal amounts and achieve a good monthly income.

Odnoklassniki is a Russian social network that was launched in March 2006. At the beginning of June 2017, it ranks sixth in the ranking of social networks among RuNet users. Despite the fact that the site is not one of the three most popular, its daily traffic is about 70 million people!

61% of visitors are female audience! Of these, 40% are women from 25 to 35 years old and 29% are women from 36 to 44 years old - the most solvent contingent. The most popular platforms are groups with women's themes.

What do you think, dear organizers, is it worth opening a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki or are 29.5 million potential customers not worthy of your attention?!

If you do not yet have your own account (your own page) in this social network, then be sure to create it. Without this, you will not be able to open a joint purchase on the site.

You can open a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki in three ways: create product catalogs on your own page, join an existing joint venture group, or create your own group.

All three options work well! But let's look at each case separately.

We organize a joint venture on our page

To organize a joint venture on your own page, you need to make an announcement on the page that you are the organizer of the joint venture, write down the offer and terms of purchase, upload product catalogs to albums and invite purchasing participants to become your “friends”.

We become an organizer in an existing joint venture group

It is quite convenient to join a ready-made group of joint ventures in your city. There are many advantages: the most important thing is that there are already buyers there who have already been trained in all purchasing rules, you will have someone to learn from - you can always turn to more experienced JV organizers for advice. But there are also disadvantages! It is not always possible to find an already promoted group of joint ventures in your city, which has several different organizers who are ready to take on more people who want to join.

Firstly, there are not many such groups, and secondly, if you don’t have experience yet, then most likely they won’t take you. In addition, there may already be an organizer in this group who works with your supplier.

Own group of joint ventures

Therefore, it is better to create your own group and conduct procurement in it. "In every kitchen there should be one mistress..." Your group - your rules!

As the only organizer in the group, you can make your own design, create your own purchasing conditions, assign your own organizational percentage, publish your own content, figure out how to attract a buyer, and so on. But, of course, be prepared to work hard too. The group, like your own page, will have to be promoted independently.

The most the best option will use all three methods at the same time, or at least two, if it is not possible to find an option with an already existing group in which new organizers are being recruited. But first, let's create our own group and prepare it for promotion (searching for potential participants in your purchase). In the following articles we will discuss the technical aspects of creating and design features of the Joint Purchases group on the Odnoklassniki social network.

Joint purchases (SP) are an opportunity to purchase goods at a wholesale price. For this purpose, buyers are united into one group. It is collected by the organizer, who receives a certain percentage for joint purchases. Many active women are trying to learn how to become an organizer, especially during maternity leave.

Joint purchases - scheme

Although it is also beneficial for participants to purchase things through a joint venture, the greatest profit organizers receive. They mark up the product by 5-25%. The cheaper the product, the higher the markup.

The general scheme of interaction between the organizer and participants looks like this:

  • opening a purchase and providing complete information about it;
  • the participant selects a product and informs the organizer about this, who adds the order to the general list;
  • after collecting the required number of applications, the organizer announces “STOP” and sends those who ordered information about the product and the amount to pay;
  • participants confirm the correctness of the order;
  • the organizer checks the availability of goods with the supplier and, if necessary, offers the participant alternative options;
  • the date and place of collecting money is announced;
  • the collected amount is used to pay the invoice from the supplier;
  • after sending the order, the organizer regularly reports information about the movement of goods on the forum;
  • after receiving the goods from the transport company, the products are sorted;
  • the organizer sets the time and place of the meeting, where the order is delivered to the joint venture participants.

How they work Joint purchases

Before reaching this stage of the joint purchasing group, the organizer will have to solve many problems. But this process is not at all difficult, and once you gain experience, everything will take a minimum of time. Enterprising organizers are able to manage more than 10 joint ventures at the same time.

Platform for joint purchase

The first thing you have to decide on is the platform for the relationship between the participant and the organizer. There are several options to choose from:

  1. Special website for joint ventures.
  2. Groups on social networks.
  3. Creating your own website.

Today there are many sites for which joint purchases are the main activity. They can be easily found by entering the appropriate query into the search bar and indicating the city of residence of the organizer. This method is more suitable for residents of large settlements.

How to organize joint purchases among contacts or classmates is to open your own group. It will have to be actively promoted and promoted. Communities with at least 5,000 members bring decent earnings.

Online platform for joint purchases

Competition in joint ventures is becoming more and more every year, so creating your own website will be a tool that can make the organizer stand out from others. This option gives you many options. These include complete automation of the process, payment for orders using electronic money, etc.

For successful work it is necessary to properly design the site. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • beautiful and convenient form for submitting a proposal for a joint venture;
  • Availability detailed description and product photographs;
  • indication of information about the minimum order amount;
  • Availability of purchase end date and delivery conditions;
  • compiling a table with product sizes.

How to decide on the type of product?

Product selection is an important task. Not all product categories will be equally in demand. The most popular are:

  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • Products for children.

Here, as in any category of goods, defects can occur. You must contact your supplier in advance about the rules for replacing it. It is advisable to be able to navigate the chosen direction, as participants will ask questions about the goods.

You can try searching for a suitable product by surfing. Need to be added to the site as soon as possible more products, which can be purchased in bulk from various suppliers. Another way to do joint shopping online and find a product is to look through joint venture groups on social networks and select products that have at least 15 orders, and then add them to yours.

Cooperation with the supplier

After choosing a specific product, you need to find out the size of the minimum lot and its cost. The organizer must contact the supplier using contact information indicated on the website. This could be a letter with a proposal for cooperation on email or a phone call.

It happens that the product you need is on a retail website. Then you can call the company and try to find out the contacts of the wholesale supplier. If they do not agree to disclose information, they use the help of a search engine.

If you plan to purchase goods from foreign sites, then first you need to find out from them about delivery to Russia. Some companies work with our country through an intermediary. Then you will have to study all the information about it - reviews, duration of activity, amount of payment, etc.

When concluding an agreement with some companies, the presence of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity may be required. Then all documents are scanned and provided to the manager. If there is no individual entrepreneur, then some suppliers may slightly increase the cost of the batch or increase its minimum size.

How to find buyers

The main task of a new organizer is to earn the trust of customers. There is no positive reputation yet, over the formation client base you'll have to work hard. The main thing is not to wait, but to act, since there are many options to search for:

  • forums;
  • topics in SP groups;
  • electronic bulletin boards;
  • printed publications;
  • banner advertising on websites;
  • pillars on the streets;
  • email newsletters, etc.

Most often, relevant topics are created on popular forums. It is advisable to coordinate this with the administration. It’s good if the organizer has a high rating and already formed trust among visitors.

You should not try to lure buyers with spam, as it will only push them away. You need to do regular advertising. The topic text should briefly indicate all important information about the joint venture:

  • city;
  • name of product and company;
  • commission size;
  • redemption date.

It is recommended to look for buyers among residents of your city or nearby settlements. Usually the goods are picked up at the joint venture independently. But if the buyer is willing to pay for delivery to the address, then this option is also suitable, especially if it is a large order.

Joint purchasing: how to become an organizer - features

Usually, before making money on joint purchases, a novice joint venture organizer makes the first transactions using personal funds without prepayment. In this case, payment messages are sent after receiving the order. Money is received in cash upon transfer of the product or to the card before or after distribution. If anyone refuses the goods or payment after the “STOP” command, the organizer has the right to blacklist him.

The specific amount of the organizational fee is calculated by the organizer in individually. In doing so, he takes into account the following points:

  • the amount of time devoted to procurement;
  • the number of orders;
  • possible risks;
  • financial expenses for telephone conversations, fuels and lubricants, internet.

The fee increases if you have to use an intermediary for delivery. In the future, participants will be required to make an advance payment of 100 or 50%. In the latter case, 50% of the organizational fee is taken into account, and the remaining half is from total amount is paid upon receipt of the goods.

What is needed for legal activities?

How to organize joint purchases for regular legal activities - register an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes according to the chosen taxation system. If the purchase was carried out once, then the income is declared and paid with personal income tax.

If in the case of rare small purchases, the chances of attracting the tax office are small, then large volumes may interest it. The joint venture can be easily traced on the Internet. The bank may also be suspicious if transactions are made on cards that are actively used to collect money.

The organizer is engaged in trade or provides intermediary services. OKVED codes selected based on the characteristics of the type of activity. The taxation system is chosen by the simplified tax system or OSNO.

Possible risks

The organizer may have problems due to the fault of the supplier. If, for example, he sends a product of the wrong color or size, then you will need to negotiate a return with him or arrange an extension in the joint venture group. The organizer will place unsuitable goods for sale at the purchase price. After the purchase, the money is returned to the participant.

The product may be rejected even after receiving a package that fully corresponds to the order. On closer inspection, it is sometimes a little different than the participant imagined. According to the consumer protection law, this action is legal. Interest in purchasing may be reduced by long delivery times. Optimal time– 7 – 14 days. Otherwise, a disappointed participant may also refuse the product.

It is recommended to increase the minimum lot size. This will protect the organizer from a situation where at the very last moment one or more participants change their mind about the purchase. As a result, this will push back the date of receipt of the order, and those who have already paid for it will be outraged.

Helpful Tips:

But, as in any business, a lot depends on your skills, acumen, commercial acumen and ability to search profitable offer and convince people. Well, luck will not be superfluous!

IN Lately Joint purchases (JP) are gaining increasing momentum in the trade of various goods. Their benefit is that participants in such purchases save about 15-55% on the cost of purchases. And the organizer receives his 15-18% for the delivery of goods purchased at a wholesale price.

Thus, for those organizing joint purchases, they turn into a small home business, capable of bringing in from 10 to 60 thousand rubles per month. Due to the great competition, it is no longer possible to get by with just a few items; organizers who want to make money on joint purchases need to expand their product line.

Products in demand in the joint venture

When planning to become an organizer of joint purchases, first of all, you need to decide which products are most profitable to work with.

According to statistics, clothing for children and goods for newborns are the most popular. Toys and educational materials are also no less popular. Women's, men's clothing and underwear from well-known and little-known brands. Leather goods - wallets, bags. And both female and male. And finally, perfume products from famous brands.

It is worth choosing the product group that you like. Indeed, in the future, when the turnover of the joint venture begins to grow, it will be necessary to understand the proposed group of products in order to expand the customer base by advising this or that position.

Who is suitable for the role of joint shopping organizer?

First of all, they can be young and active mothers on maternity leave. While the baby is sleeping soundly, you can find an excellent supplier of goods on the Internet with minimal prices for them. People with disabilities also cope with this task. And also parents of primary schoolchildren who do not have the opportunity to work full time, since the child is just adapting to the educational process. Among the organizers of the joint venture there are students who, due to their overflowing activity, manage to study and earn excellent money.

How to organize a joint purchase: instructions for organizers

As mentioned above, first of all you need to decide on the product group for which the purchase will be collected. Next, you need to find a reliable supplier online with competitive prices. To facilitate the process, you can immediately buy the base; as a rule, its price does not exceed 1000 rubles. Then you can go directly to work:

Open a current account to accept payments from customers. Most often this is a plastic card or electronic wallet. But there must be Internet banking so that all payments are in front of your eyes.

Collect applications (it is best to work on prepayment);

Pay for and pick up the ordered goods;

Distribute or send purchases to customers.

Secrets of a successful organizer

A successful organizer must remember the following:

1. There should always be an “airbag” in financially. That is, you will definitely need a certain amount of money in order to make an additional payment to the supplier. For example, when dealing with shoes, you discover that one size from the entire range remains unclaimed. To prevent the purchase of goods from being disrupted, this amount is paid by the organizer, and then can be sold through an additional advertisement.

2. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, the goods ordered by the buyer are transferred only after full payment.

Why are manufacturers doing this? Again the same issue of cash flow. Often, for suppliers, the regularity of orders is much more important than their cost. Therefore, you should not stop at the first option you come across. In the process of work, you can look for more and more new partners, choosing the most suitable one for yourself. profitable terms work.

So, to summarize, I would like to note that main basis joint purchases are the honesty of their organizers. All these obligations must be fulfilled responsibly. Having earned a positive image, you can very quickly achieve a stable and significant income.

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