How to make them not appear. How to make sure the right person appears in your life

Tax Code of the Russian Federation 18.05.2020
Tax Code of the Russian Federation

What questions will you find answers to in this article?

  • What are the two types of “irreplaceable” employees?
  • Is it worth getting rid of the “irreplaceable”
  • How to prevent the “irreplaceable” from appearing in your company
  • How, by manipulating the subordinates of top managers, to figure out whether their boss is “irreplaceable”

There are two types of “irreplaceable” employees: self-interested and hyper-responsible. Both of them do not immediately become “irreplaceable”. This requires quite a lot of time, during which employees enjoy a certain lack of control on the part of management (or are controlled superficially). And so, gradually, the “irreplaceable” ones tightly tie key issues to themselves, ensuring that solving these problems becomes impossible without their participation or would require a lot of time, effort and money. Self-serving “irreplaceable” The vast majority of “irreplaceables” fall into this category. Their motives are to increase their own importance in the company and thereby accelerate career advancement and increased prosperity. Here is a typical portrait of a selfish “irreplaceable”:

  • Does not record contacts in a common database, making its external business communications opaque;
  • Does not share experience with colleagues performing the same operations as him;
  • Offers its services to create a unique software environment or develop a procedure that no one else has access to;
  • Ensures that all his activities are as opaque as possible for the company and uncontrollable by management;
  • Plays hardware games to divert the attention of his bosses from problems that directly affect him to problems that affect other employees;
  • After another success, he immediately raises the question of increasing salaries, citing data on the level of salaries of competitors as an argument;
  • Slightly blackmails, hinting at violations committed by the company (see also: How to get rid of “irreplaceable” ones and not lose clients);
  • Maintains contacts with your company's competitors;
  • Obsessively interested in the personal lives of his colleagues.

Let me give you an example from the experience of business partners. At one meat processing plant, the system administrator convinced management not to buy a standard software platform for accounting, management and warehouse accounting, proposing to create a unique system. He motivated this by saying that he would write a program in his work time, and the company will save money. Having received approval, the system administrator tied the first knot on himself. Gradually, he began to allow himself to come to work for lunch, disrupting the prompt resolution of current issues related to failures in local network. The management gritted their teeth, but endured. Then he said that he prefers to work from home. Further more: the “irreplaceable” one demanded a threefold increase in salary. The directors' patience ran out. The company quickly signed a contract with standard software providers and asked the system administrator to resign. Unfortunately, for the installation and commissioning of a new software it took about a month and a half. Just a day after the dismissal of the “irreplaceable” person, the old system crashed, shipments stopped, and the plant’s management was forced to contact the fired person again and agree on operational support for the system he had created. Moreover, the former system administrator demanded an astronomical payment for eliminating each failure. It’s not hard to guess what happened next: the “craftsman” connected a software timer to his system, which accurately disabled it every three hours. A month and a half while it was being implemented new system, were a complete nightmare for the plant, but golden times for the “irreplaceable” system administrator. How to get rid of the “irreplaceable” and not lose clients Large American company invited consultant Bill Johonesson to the position of crisis manager. Members of the board of directors, among other things, informed him about one “irreplaceable” employee - the head of the service department - and advised him not to quarrel with him. “Irreplaceable” had an excellent memory: he remembered everything by heart technical nuances related to each customer. However, he also had another feature: he sabotaged the maintenance of the database. Taking advantage of the fact that the company did not have a current customer base, this employee terrorized the board of directors with demands to increase his salary, pay huge bonuses or fire employees he did not like, threatening to leave the company if they refused. Soon the “irreplaceable” one came to see Johonesson. Putting his feet on the table and smiling, he asked if he knew what a valuable employee was sitting in front of him. Having received an affirmative answer, the “irreplaceable” one said that he would help the new director in everything if he doubled his salary. Bill Johonesson (a former athlete, a large man weighing about 100 kg) got up from the table, walked up to his interlocutor and, taking him by the collar, dragged him out of the office. And he ordered the security to let the “irreplaceable” person into the building only once - to the HR department for dismissal - and then only accompanied by a security officer. Next, Johonesson, with the help of the HR department, hired several local college students, and they spent a month traveling around with a special questionnaire of clients whose technical information had been lost. The company quickly restored the database. Also, the staff service quickly found technical specialist for the position of a dismissed employee. Based on materialsVadim Malchikov, director of the Central Training Company. Hyper-responsible “irreplaceable” For employees in this category, the illusion of their own indispensability is based on an exaggerated sense of responsibility. Here is a portrait of a typical representative of this type:

  • Hard worker;
  • Professional, analyst;
  • Able to develop new processes and procedures, algorithmize their work;
  • Authoritarian, totally controls every step of his subordinates, who as a result completely lose the initiative;
  • The slightest offense by employees is declared unforgivable;
  • Does not know how and does not want to delegate authority, believing that it is easier and faster to do it yourself than to explain for the hundredth time, and that the uncontrolled work of others will lead to a drop in performance; literally fixated on fulfilling the duties of his subordinates;
  • Frequently changes employees, while the department’s performance indicators are stable;
  • He constantly works late and on weekends, forcing his subordinates to work in this mode.

Let me give you an example from my experience. The commercial director of a manufacturing company, better than anyone else, mastered the principles of calculating price lists for a branch network and did it himself - instead of branch directors. The results were not long in coming. Quite quickly, branch managers ceased to control the situation in local markets and conducted sales less flexibly; Having lost their sense of the market, they began to burden the commercial director of the enterprise with coordinating each transaction, shifting all responsibility onto him. And the commercial director, out of a sense of responsibility to the company, drowned in calculations and approvals, losing the opportunity to actively participate in solving strategic issues of business development. To correct the situation, the management of the enterprise demanded that the branch directors themselves make calculations and draw up price lists, passing them on to the commercial director only for verification. If the calculations were done carelessly, the director of the branch was given a warning; If there was a repeated violation, they were fired. How to deal with the “irreplaceable” The best way not to get an “irreplaceable” employee - ensuring interchangeability (during illness, vacation, business trips), knowledge transfer (through mentoring and the formation of temporary working groups), creating conditions for the growth of promising employees within the company. At the same time, the transfer of powers and responsibilities should occur systematically: use certifications, assessments, transparently formulate career prospects and, if possible, do not turn to the labor market to replace vacant positions(see also: How to prevent “irreplaceable” ones from appearing). Self-serving “irreplaceable” ones. Such “irreplaceable” people appear in a company solely due to the lack of proper control. Lack of control allows them to ensure that much of their work becomes opaque to management. Therefore, it is important that the company adopts standards and procedures that ensure transparency of employee activities and ease of monitoring their work. This may require the participation of an IT service. Hyper-responsible “irreplaceable” ones. It is enough for people in this category to clearly explain once that they are using their professional and managerial resources ineffectively.

This is very simple to do: together with the “irreplaceable” person, calculate what part of his normal working day he spends on direct duties, and what part on doing work for his subordinates. It usually turns out that 10% of the time is spent on the first, and 90% on the second. Then compare the cost of an hour of work of the “irreplaceable” and his subordinates. Hyper-responsible people think well, and therefore cannot help but admit that 90% of a highly paid employee’s time is spent shooting sparrows from a cannon. But these workers cannot change themselves.

Therefore, your next step is to issue an order to transfer part of the employee’s current powers to a lower level and set a deadline intermediate certification subordinates of your “irreplaceable”. This way you will defeat the “irreplaceable” with his own weapons: his instinct of hyper-responsibility will come into play, and powers will be transferred in full and on time. How to prevent “irreplaceable” ones from appearing Stimulate competition within the team. This, firstly, will allow you to identify new leaders, and secondly, to understand what processes are taking place in the team, assess the balance of power and identify opposing sides. Do not allow situations where your client deals with one employee of the company. It is necessary to periodically involve another employee in communication with clients and partners - let him, together with key specialist goes to meetings or negotiations.

Make sure that employees exchange data about contractors, enter a form for reporting meetings with potential clients. Clearly distribute responsibilities and do not skimp on personnel. If there is a person in the team who is ready to take on functions that are usually performed by several specialists, and at the same time copes well with them, management is in no hurry to hire new people. As a result, it turns out that none of the colleagues can replace such an employee even if he is ill. Describe clearly in job descriptions procedure for interchangeability of employees. To do this, you need to link business processes to functions, not people.

Entrust this work to managers structural divisions, appointing them as responsible executors, and involve the personnel service to help them. Encourage mentoring. Let the valuable specialist have assistants (students). Also organize internal training from time to time (exchange of experience, master classes, etc.). Use databases. This does not have to be an expensive CRM system - in some cases, well-thought-out and regularly filled out Microsoft Excel tables will be enough. The main thing is to create for sales, marketing, technical department unified information space so that all managers have the opportunity to receive a weekly analysis of the activities of their subordinates (correlating actual performance with the plan) and quickly monitor their results.

Prepared by the editors based on materials from articles in the magazine “ CEO» General Director speaks Sergey Shkarupa General Director of the Sanna group of companies, Moscow; Candidate of Technical Sciences Due to his busy schedule, the General Director does not have contact with subordinates in the hierarchy below the “irreplaceable” employee. Therefore, you simply do not know reality, but see only what your “illusionist” draws for you. If you want to understand the situation, “go downstairs.” This is how I do it. I give an order, and then I go (not to be confused with “I call”) and check when my top manager’s subordinates received it and how they understood their task (for example, I can casually ask a question when bumping into an employee in the corridor or cafeteria). By the way, it is important to present the case not as entrusted to you - then they will definitely tell you everything. After a week or two, in the same “random” way, I find out what the results are. Then I call the head of the department and listen with emotion to his report on how things are going. If it matches, it’s good; if it doesn’t match, I draw conclusions. Manipulation? Yes. But not for evil!

Let's assume that your tumor is benign. You can get rid of it in two ways: with the help of a doctor or using traditional medicine.

How to get rid of moles on the face without the participation of doctors?

If you prefer folk remedies, we offer you several effective recipes. However, it is worth considering that they can only be used in the fight against flat moles. They won't disappear completely, but they will become much lighter and won't be as noticeable.

Linseed oil

To prepare this product you will need:

  • Linseed oil

Mix them in a one to one ratio and apply with a cotton swab to the mole. The cotton wool with the product should be kept on it for about twenty minutes. Best result you will notice if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Garlic ointment

With regular use, this miracle remedy will get rid of your mole in just one month.

To prepare, take:

  • Garlic (a few cloves)
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter
  • Honey (50 gr.)

The garlic must be thoroughly chopped and mixed with oil and honey. As a result, you will get an ointment that should be applied to the mole. To prevent it from rubbing off, stick a patch on top, and after four hours, rinse with water. Do the procedure every day for a month.

Cherry pit infusion

To prepare it you will have to grind the cherry pits, so arm yourself with a mortar or blender.

You will need:

  • 100 g cherry pits
  • 500 g vegetable oil

Pour oil over the crushed seeds and place the mixture in a dark place. It must be infused for at least two weeks. Apply to the mole daily using a cotton swab and keep for 20 minutes. Don't forget to rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Each of these recipes is effective and can save you from unpleasant growths on the skin. The main thing is to do everything regularly and carefully.

Is it worth getting rid of moles?

It is important to understand that moles must be divided into benign and malignant. To determine it, you need to consult a doctor and only then proceed with removal. First of all, moles that are in the way must be removed: they are constantly in contact with clothing or are located in the folds of the skin. The fact is that they can come off, and this threatens human health.

Doctors advise not to do anything with moles on your own. The safest thing to do is seek advice and follow the instructions.

What can I do to prevent moles from appearing?

Most often, the appearance of moles is due to genetics. In some cases, the cause may be hormonal changes, infections, or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is so important to take good care of your skin and protect it from negative influences.

  1. Hello admin, I recently came to visit one of my friends and I had to do a little work on his computer, I got so carried away with the work that I logged in using my username and password to my email account and now I don’t remember the email password in the browser, whether I saved it or not, but the next day, when I came to him again, the browser automatically let me into my mailbox and without authorization automatically, imagine! My friend is normal and I’m sure that he didn’t log into my email without me, but I’m thinking, if I forget myself somewhere again, someone might take advantage of my forgetfulness and log into my email and read all my correspondence. How can I prevent my browser from automatically storing traces of my online activities?
  2. Hello site, I want to share with you one personal observation, if I type any query in a search engine, then right away contextual advertising Any site I go to displays what I was interested in! This means the search engine knows everything about me! It's a little annoying. Is there a way to get around this, for example, I type a query in a search engine and it will remain secret for the search engine itself?
  3. Hello, please answer this question. I often work on the Internet on other people’s computers and after that I always clear the browser history so that no one knows what I was doing there, but once I forgot to do this and the person working after me on this computer saw all my requests. How can I make the browser not automatically remember anything after I do?

It is justified for Internet Service Providers to track you for their own commercial purposes. the positive side of this process - information is filtered out for you, and you receive only what interests you. But there are also cases when you really don’t need all your actions on the Internet to be recorded. After each such web surfing, you can manually or using special programs clean your browser - delete cookies, cache, history. But if you need to use the Internet without leaving any trace of you, there are places better alternative, without unnecessary hassles - this is a private browsing mode supported by most browsers.

What is browser private browsing mode and what is its benefit?

The browser's private browsing mode, also known as incognito mode, also known as InPrivate mode, is a mechanism for operating a web browser without user identification. In this mode, the browser does not record any information about your stay on sites - it does not remember the pages you have viewed, does not keep a history of the files you have downloaded, stores passwords, caches and cookies only for the duration of one session, and immediately deletes everything after its completion. data. You log in and go, for example, to your page on a social network, have a good time, communicate, and after you close the browser, all your authorization data will be deleted. And the next time you open the browser in private browsing mode, you will need to log in again - enter your username and password. By closing the browser after surfing the web in private browsing mode, any sites where you are logged in during this session will not be accessed by you or anyone else without a new login.

In private browsing mode, the browser opens without any extensions installed and does not save the tabs you open.

Changes you make to your browser settings during a private browsing session will also not be saved.

The only thing that can give away your time on the Internet in private browser mode is the files you downloaded in the downloads folder and the bookmarks you personally saved. Thus, the browser's private browsing mode does not deprive it of its basic functionality. Therefore, in the case of downloaded files and bookmarks, all responsibility lies with you - do not save bookmarks in the browser, but download the files directly to removable media or immediately after viewing, delete them from the local downloads folder and then empty the recycle bin.

Private browsing mode does not limit your time on the Internet in any way when the browser is running normally. Browser windows in normal mode and in private browsing mode work in parallel, without interfering with each other. And you can easily switch between them.

At the same time, the private browsing mode will not remove restrictions from you, for example, on a territorial basis or if a particular site is blocked by your provider. Office workers will not be able to access their favorite social networks, no matter what browser mode they use, if the system administrator, by order of management, has disabled the ability to visit social Internet sites.

In what cases is the browser's private browsing mode typically used?

Of course, everyone has their own reasons for hiding what they do on the Internet from prying eyes. Let's consider in what cases, as a rule, people use the browser's private browsing mode.

Many people use web pages in private browsing mode on home computer devices so that loved ones do not find out anything “unnecessary”. Some people hide their presence on porn sites from their parents. Someone is hiding correspondence from their significant other in social networks or on dating sites. Some people hide their illness from loved ones and look for ways to heal on the Internet. And someone, perhaps, secretly does what he forbids his children, and is afraid of being discredited in their eyes.

Without leaving traces of online activity, many people prefer to use the Internet at work. Often employers track what they do office workers during working hours, namely by viewing the history (log) of browsers.

The private mode for visiting web resources is useful in the case of one-time use of a third-party computer - for example, in an Internet cafe, at a party, or in any other case when someone else’s computer device is used. The private mode is especially useful in the case of payment transactions - when authorization in an online banking account or payment system is required.

Private mode is useful for accessing web resources that limit the free provision of services. A striking example is file hosting services with a daily download limit. In order not to spend money on a paid subscription or not wait until the next day to download the files you need today, you can open such a file hosting service in the browser’s private browsing mode. In cases where such web resources keep statistics of user visits using cookies, for these web resources you will always be a newcomer and will be able to bypass download limits.

If you do not want the person you are interested in to see that you periodically view his page on a social network or dating site, use the private browsing mode. True, in many social networks and dating sites, without authorization you will receive a minimum of information about his page and will not be able to make transitions to other sections of the profile.

As mentioned above, your queries entered into search engine fields are tracked by Internet service providers. And if you are looking for one-time information that will not be useful to you in the future, you can work with search engines in private browsing mode. In this case, your one-time search queries will not be taken into account in further search results that correspond to your main interests within the topics that interest you.

Private browsing mode is convenient for testing the browser. In this mode, as already mentioned, extensions do not work and previously made settings changes are not saved. Any page in private browsing mode will launch exactly as it launches immediately after installing the browser, with the exception of pre-installed bookmark bars and themes.

How to use the browser's private browsing mode?

Well, we’ve sorted out the specifics of the browser’s private browsing mode, and now let’s get straight to the point – let’s look at how to use it in specific browsers.

Google Chrome

Let's start with perhaps the most popular browser - Google Chrome. Click the Google Chrome menu button in the upper right corner. The list of available commands includes “New window in incognito mode”.

This is the private browsing mode. Instead of the usual Google search bar in the center and previously viewed sites in normal mode, you will see background information about incognito mode, and in the upper right corner you will see an icon for this mode in the form of a secretive man with obvious signs of paranoid mental disorder.

If you are reading this, more likely, Did you understand, Why watch videos that no one needs? at the beginning of each video, close pop-up on the background window, which open on their own, and listen to sounds or human voices that come from nowhere, using the Internet, not at all necessary.

And what about these annoying windows that pop up in the background of the video you are watching, or, even worse, crash out of the browser when you are watching a movie, in the very middle of it..!? Sometimes it’s just annoying, isn’t it...!?

In fact, all this chaos can be stopped quite simply. And, even on those pages where there is a whole round dance of various annoying and intrusive pop-up advertisements. There is, however, such a moment that when using this method, All advertising will disappear from all browsers. Those. – advertising will not be displayed on any pages at all. Perhaps for 1-2 percent of users this will seem boring. Because - there are, however, people who like to put pressure on fat women, under which it is written that they lost 180 kg in a week, and now weigh nothing at all, or, follow a link that promises to show this or that well-known to everyone a person in a scandalous situation, look at an alien who was caught from the sea by the Papuans, etc. and so on. Well, okay - everyone enjoys surfing the Internet as they like. We are, let's start getting rid of all of our browsers from all types of advertising, including the one that pops up on the pages and in the background, flashes annoyingly before your eyes when watching a video, starts making sounds on pages from which there should be no sound, and so on:

  • First what we need is simple and convenient in use program from Performix LLC.
  • Let's download it.
  • IMPORTANT: To install the program correctly, a working computer connection to the Internet is required.
  • Further, click double click left mouse button, By booted label in the form of a green shield.

The program will begin unpacking the installer, we wait..

After this appears working window with the terms of the license agreement.

There is nothing you need to do or choose here, just agree to the terms by clicking the “I accept the terms” button.

We see the following a window in which the address where the application will be installed is indicated.

There is also no need to change/select anything here – press button "Further".

The installation window appears:

Here, in the vertical rectangle highlighted in the screenshot, you can refuse or accept, using the green switches, the additional Internet support offered by the installer. We adjust these four points as you please– this will not affect the result in any way. After, click the “Next” button

The screen displays the installation process, we wait

Upon completion, the program, already installed on your PC, which will once and for all rid us of any type of advertising in browsers, will offer to tell you in more detail about itself:

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