How to paint a glass vase with acrylic paints. Painting a vase with a stained glass pattern as a decoration for glassware

Chercher 29.12.2019

Painting glass vases, as a rule, is much easier to do than painting, for example, glasses. Firstly, this cookware is not used for food, which means no special firing is required. Secondly, the surface of the vase is larger; accordingly, painting on glass in this case may be devoid of small details, the implementation of which requires professionally honed technique.

DIY vase painting with transparent paints

Painting a decorative vase at home can be done using masking tape, which protects surface areas from staining. In this case, transparent paints of two colors are used, which are gradually mixed with each other, which gives a lasting tonal effect. It is easy to find glass vases of various shapes in stores; you can also take an old water decanter, a wine storage vessel from which the cork has been lost, or an ordinary jar, as in the exercise

To paint a vase with your own hands you will need:

  • Glass vase
  • Masking tape
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Transparent paints for glass (red and yellow)
  • White spirit or water
  • Palette for mixing paints
  • Large brush.

Step-by-step master class on painting a vase:

Before washing the vase, carefully read the instructions for handling the paint with which it was painted. As a rule, such products can be wiped with a cloth - dry or slightly moistened with cold water. If you want the product to have a long service life, use crystalline gel: after firing in the oven, the objects covered with them can be washed.

Look at the photo on how to paint a vase:

Artistic painting of a vase in the style of Van Gogh's sunflowers

The great painter Van Gogh gave the world many magnificent paintings. They are priceless, they cannot be repeated, but motives can be gleaned. The painting “Sunflowers” ​​was created by a Dutch artist many years ago and was not in demand during his lifetime, but now it is worth millions and is widely copied around the world. Let's imagine ourselves for a moment as great artists and draw a mini-version. Don’t try to repeat to the smallest detail what has already been created once! Create your masterpieces, every speck is the highlight of the drawing.

To paint glass vase, you will need:

  • White Spirit
  • Cotton pads
  • Vase
  • Liquid stained glass outline in gold color
  • Mini brush set
  • Set of paints.

Carrying out the work of hand painting a vase:

Advice: If you're not so good at drawing, don't despair. You can buy an adhesive stencil that sticks to the ceramic or glass and paint is applied.

Caring for painted glass objects

Decorative glass objects, painted with paints, cannot be used in everyday life without following certain rules. Of course, you can coat the products with varnish, which will make them more durable and protect them from scratches (many paints are sold complete with a suitable varnish), but even in this case, adhere to the following care rules:

  • Do not place painted glass items in dishwasher and do not use detergent.
  • Do not soak for a long time, do not wipe with force.
  • The best way to clean a painted glass piece is to gently wipe it with a soft cloth dampened in warm water.
  • To improve the water and light resistance of the product, apply a thin layer of varnish to the painted surface with a wide brush immediately after the paint has dried.

Glass or ceramic vases, painted and decorated by yourself, can be an excellent gift, wedding decoration or decorative item for your home. Hand painting on glass/ceramics, depending on the desired design and technique, can be either complex, requiring skills, or very simple, accessible to beginners.

Master class No. 1: Stylish geometry for beginners

To create such a laconic and stylish vase decor with your own hands, you do not need to be able to draw - even and neat stripes, zigzags and intersecting lines can be created using masking tape.

You will need: spray paint, acrylic or stained glass paint for glass and ceramics, brush (a synthetic brush is suitable for acrylic paints, a natural one for stained glass), masking tape (preferably of different widths), as well as nail polish remover or alcohol to degrease the surface, cotton pads and sticks.

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease a ceramic or glass vase with a cotton pad and any degreaser;
  2. As soon as the surface is dry, we cover the vase with tape using the stencil principle, for example, as shown in these photos (scroll to the right).

Tip: a very beautiful effect can be achieved by covering the vase with narrow tape as shown below.

  1. We place the vase on the newspaper and begin to carefully paint over the untaped areas and the bottom, going over the tape so that the edges of the design on the vase are clear. This master class uses spray paint, but you can use acrylic or stained glass paints, and also add contours to the drawing.
  2. Now we just have to wait for the paints to dry completely. The drying time for all paints is different, so you need to focus on the manufacturer’s instructions. Spray paints dry very quickly and do not require baking, but acrylic and stained glass paints, as a rule, can be baked by placing the vase in the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees, or allowed to dry naturally for 2-4 hours.

For your inspiration, we have selected the most beautiful ideas for decorating vases with your own hands using tape. Take a look at the photo below - this simple decor can decorate even the most elegant wedding.

Floor vases are very large, and therefore hand painted using them is a long and labor-intensive task, but by using tape as a stencil you can decorate them as quickly as possible.

Be careful when choosing paint colors. Unusual shades, such as gold, silver, copper, pastel, as well as white and black, will immediately turn an ordinary glass or ceramic vase into a designer decorative item.

Master class No. 2: Dot painting of a vase

For those who are not looking for easy ways and want to decorate a vase with a more complex design, we suggest mastering the technique dot painting, which is also called pique or point-to-point.

You will need: alcohol or acetone, cotton pads and sticks for degreasing and correcting the drawing, and for drawing, prepare high-quality contour paints, for example, from Marabu or Decola. You can also use acrylic paints and a small synthetic brush, cotton swab or toothpick.

Drawing technique:

  1. First you need to degrease the vase and wait for it to dry.
  2. Masters of dot painting can apply a design to a vase without the help of sketches, masterfully improvising in the creative process. But for novice decorators, it is better to first outline the contours of the desired design.

  • You can transfer the picture to an opaque vase using a soft, simple pencil: print or draw the picture in a suitable size, cut it out, and place it on another sheet of paper face down, and then carefully use a pencil to paint over the underside of the piece of paper with the picture. Your task is to generously cover the entire area of ​​the picture with the stylus. Now you should attach and secure with tape the leaf with the painted reverse side to the vase, and then draw the contours of the drawing with the same pencil (preferably blunt) as shown in the photo on the right. This way, a barely noticeable sketch will remain on the surface, which will make your work easier;
  • To paint a glass vase, just print or draw an auxiliary sketch by hand, and then glue it on the back side.

Tip: when choosing a pattern for a transparent vase, remember that the patterns or images on its walls will intersect with each other. Therefore, it is better to place the main drawing on one side of the vase, and apply a background, that is, unobtrusive painting, to the rest of it.

  1. Before you start painting vases, practice placing dots of the same size on paper, maintaining an equal interval, which should be such that the dots are distinguishable, but at the same time form a single unbroken line.

Test all contours - they should not be liquid or thick. Also prepare a needle for cleaning the tube spout and a cotton swab for correcting a failed pattern.

If applying a dotted image straight from the tube seems difficult to you or you don’t have contour paints, no problem, use acrylic paints. Dots of different sizes can be placed using available tools - a pencil eraser, a toothpick, a needle, a cotton swab, a small brush and even its blunt end as shown in the photo.

  1. When the drawing is completed, place the vase in the oven to bake according to the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, paints dry completely after 24-72 hours naturally or by baking in the oven for 30 minutes at 170 degrees (if you used baked contours). Of course, large floor vases that do not fit in the oven should be dried naturally.

Ideas for decorating a ceramic vase can be gleaned from the following selection of photos.

Here are examples of dot painting on glass.

Master class No. 3: Stained glass painting of a glass vase

You can draw contours not only in point technique— in combination with stained glass paints, hand-painted vases can imitate stained glass.

You will need: degreaser, cotton pads and swabs, contours, stained glass paints, a natural brush, as well as an auxiliary sketch, printed or drawn with your own hands (if necessary).

Tip: stained glass paints come in different bases. To paint a vase, paints based on alcohol or water are suitable. Also keep in mind that non-bake paints need to be fixed with a special varnish for stained glass painting. This option is more suitable for decorating a large floor vase that will not fit in the oven; in other cases, it is better to buy baked paints.

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease the glass;
  2. Secure the sketch from inside the vase;
  3. Starting from the far side of the drawing, draw closed contours, adjusting the lines if necessary. Then let the contours dry for about 2 hours. A hairdryer or baking in the oven for 15 minutes (150 degrees) will help speed up the process;
  4. Now you need to fill the contours with paint, spreading it evenly with a brush. Stained glass paints are fluid and liquid - you need to get used to them. The main principles are that stained glass paint must be in contact with the outline, and you cannot leave “unpainted” marks.
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In this master class I will tell you how to paint a glass vase.
We will need: a vase (if you do not have experience in painting dishes, give preference to a vase with a simple shape, with straight edges); a piece of paper with a pattern (you can print a ready-made one, you can draw it by hand, you can draw it straight from your head - but this is already aerobatics); paints of the required colors (I have paints for glass and ceramics, you can take stained glass ones - they are more transparent); a brush of a convenient size if the paint tubes are not equipped with a special applicator; glass contour (I used gold) and degreaser (I used regular vodka).

So. First you need to degrease the surface on which the drawing will pass. Next, we attach the leaf with the pattern to the inside of the glass - it can hold on itself, or you can use paper tape. It is difficult to attach a pattern to the convex parts of the vase; I drew it straight from my head. If you don’t have enough experience or courage for this, just take a simpler vase :)
Now you can start drawing with a contour. To begin with, I recommend checking how the tube with the contour reacts to pressure on any rough surface in order to avoid accidental drops and defects. Afterwards you can move on to working with the “finisher”. We outline all the base lines of our pattern. There is no need to draw dots and decorative lines now - we will add them at the very end. If suddenly the line goes the wrong way, don’t be alarmed, as long as it’s “fresh” it can be easily erased with a cotton swab.

After the contour has completely dried (usually this takes 30-40 minutes), you can begin further work- paint each “window” in the color we need, without going beyond the contour. It’s convenient for me to work with each color separately - first I paint over all the yellow elements, then all the turquoise ones, and so on.

If necessary, the paint can be applied in several layers - this way the color becomes richer. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. But here you also need to be careful - I don’t recommend painting in more than two or three layers, some paints can behave unpredictably, and there is a risk of ruining the work.
After all the windows were painted over, I ended up with a vase like this.

As you can see, after applying the color our contour lines were “blurred”. It's not scary. Now we are starting the final stage of our work!
We take up the outline again and first repeat all the lines right on top of the old ones! The drawing becomes neater and brighter before your eyes. After this, you can apply decorative elements - dots, lines, ornaments.
Now we just have to wait for our vase to dry completely! I usually just keep the painted item out of reach of animals and curious people for a day or two, just to be sure :)
After drying, the vase can be safely used for its intended purpose!

How to decorate a vase.

Good afternoon

Almost all of us have something at home that we like, but seems a little boring. Why not decorate it?! For example, I had this vase.

I decided to paint it using the Double Stroke technique.

For work I needed:

  • synthetic flat brush (the brush should be smooth, without lint);

  • acrylic paints;

  • napkin or cloth.

  • and of course the vase itself.

Before decorating a vase, it must first be degreased, that is, washed with soap, wiped dry, or wiped with alcohol (vodka).

The consistency of the paint should be medium - not very thick, but not liquid either. The paint should come from a tube or jar; there is no need to dilute it with water.

The principle of the Double Stroke technique.

Dip one half of the brush in one color, and the other half of the same brush in another color. That is, we will apply two colors with one brush. Mine is brown and white.

When we move the entire plane of the brush over the surface of the vase, we will get a two-color stroke, with smooth transitions of colors.

So, we put paint on a brush and apply a test drawing on paper. The surface of the brush lies horizontally to the drawing, draw a straight line.

Then a few more lines and you get a pattern - weaving. We draw the lines in turn - one vertical, the other horizontal, under them we draw lines in a checkerboard pattern.

Having made test strokes, we will decide how thick the paint should be, how the brush should lay down and whether we are satisfied with the resulting design. If we are satisfied with everything, we can start.

We begin painting the vase.

We wash the brush, blot it with a napkin, put paint on the brush and begin to apply patterns over the entire surface of the vase.

When we make muralssyavases, be sure to remember the purity of color. More often, after one or two strokes, rinse the brush and blot with a napkin. Then the color transition will be clear and beautiful.

After finishing painting, you need to let the product stand for a couple of hours until it dries completely. If the vase is glass, then it must be placed in a cold oven and dried for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180° C. Let the vase cool in the oven, remove it and coat it with colorless varnish.

This is the vase we ended up with.

I think this is much more interesting than a simple, plain background.

If you want to decorate anything, try it. And you will definitely succeed!

Good luck!

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Every housewife dreams of having something unusual and suitable specifically for her interior. It’s especially nice when this thing is made with your own hands. Stained glass painting has always fascinated me. It turns out that decorating a vase with your own hands at home is possible. The main thing is to determine the degree of complexity of the work being performed and correlate it with your capabilities. If decorating vases is new to you, then I advise you to start with simple work. Let's start with a simple technique - applying geometric patterns.

Geometric patterns

For this job you will need:

  • acrylic or stained glass paint for glass surfaces. You can also use spray paint;
  • brush (we use synthetic for acrylic paints, natural for stained glass);
  • scotch;
  • alcohol;
  • cotton wool

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease the glass surface with alcohol or any degreaser;
  2. We paste strips of tape over the vase to create a pattern;
  3. We paint the parts without tape, going over it. This is necessary to ensure that the edges of the picture are neat.
  4. We are waiting for the paint to dry. At this time, it is better to remove the vase to avoid accidental touches and smudging of the paint. Each paint dries differently, read the directions on the paint package.

With this technique you can achieve a wide variety of patterns from parallel lines to various intersections. You can also cut out various geometric shapes and stick them on the surface of the object to be decorated. Do not apply a thick layer of acrylic and stained glass paint to the surface, as this may cause smudges.

For the first work, I do not recommend choosing rounded shapes; they are more difficult to work with. Faceted vases work better. We work with one edge, wait for it to dry completely and move on to the next. The easiest way to work will be with spray paint. It is applied in an even layer and the spray paint dries very quickly. As for stained glass paints, their drying time can be significantly reduced. To do this, just put the painted vase in the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees.

This technique came to us from antiquity. A distinctive feature of pique painting is the size of the dots, the spacing between them, the combination and color scheme.

Drawing technique:

  • Degrease the glass surface with alcohol.
  • Apply the outline with a dotted touch.

If you are a beginner artist, you can draw a sketch of your drawing on a piece of paper and attach it from the inside.

You can also use ready-made sketches by downloading your favorite picture from the Internet. Before applying the outline to the vase, test it on a piece of paper. This is done in order to feel its thickness. Only then proceed to drawing on the vase.

If you go beyond the line, you can quickly correct the defect before the contour dries out. Wipe off with cotton wool and alcohol and continue working. Consider the transparency of the vase; place the design on one side or at different levels.

This is necessary so that the image does not overlap. Try to maintain the same spacing between dots.

I used 2 types of fills in my work: Marabu and Decola. They are on different bases and behave differently in their work. Decola paint came in a water-based tube. And Marabu is alcohol-based in a jar and needs to be applied with a brush. It is more liquid and can be mixed to create different shades. Decola paint cannot be mixed, so shades and transitions in one contour are more difficult to create with this material. Color transitions can be accomplished by breaking one contour into smaller ones.

Painted floor rainbow vase

Do not leave voids in the contours when painting and make sure that the contours are closed. This is done so that the paint does not leak. I would recommend starting with faceted vases as they are the easiest to work with. If you do get to work with a round vase, then try to apply the fill in a thin layer to avoid paint leakage.

Vase decor with fabric and ribbons

You will need:

  • ribbons;
  • lace;
  • textile;
  • glue.

Decoration materials can be of all kinds. The only limitations may be the size of the bottle and your imagination.

Vase decor with beads

You will need:

  • glue or glue gun;
  • beads strung on a thread or individual beads.

You can replace the beads with more natural materials: cereals, watermelon seeds, coffee beans. You can also use pasta that can be spray painted.


The word decoupage literally translates from French as “cutting.” In other words, the essence of decoupage is to perform appliqué. In my opinion, this technique is quite simple and does not require special skills.

But you need to be patient and scrupulous. To perform decoupage work, you must adhere to the following tips.

Technique for performing the work:

Decorating a vase with natural materials

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